Exam 2 OB - CH.6-11

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14. Joe is a new employee at an organization. On his first day, the organization has him sit down and watch a training video. He then enters a room with other new employees and they engage in some ice breakers (conversations about who they are, their names, etc.). The organization then takes them all out to dinner with some of the new managers they will be working with. This is best described as an example of...

A formal orientation program

13. In this first stage of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS) of stress: The physical reaction one experiences when a stressor first presents itself. This could include an elevation of blood pressure, dilated pupils, tensing muscles.


11. The general adaptation syndrome (GAS) describes the three stages that individuals experience when they encounter stressors, respond and try to adapt. These are...

Alarm, resistance, exhaustion

16. _________ Consists of a series of standardized evaluations of behavior based on multiple inputs. Over a two or three day period (away from the job), trained observers make judgements in managers' behavior in response to specifically developed exercises. These exercises may consist of in basket exercises, role playing, and case analyses, as well as personal interviews and psychological tests.

An assessment centers

17. Bob and Joe are arguing over whether it's better to be spontaneous on their upcoming trip, or plan everything out. They decide they will each take 10 minutes to do research themselves. When they talk again, they realize that they each found evidence that supports their side of the argument. This would be an example of...

Anchoring bias

10. An organization decides that it wants its organizational members to interact more. To do this, they design open spaces, set up a pool table, have company picnics, and redesign the break room. These actions best represent a focus on changing which part of the organizational culture?


4. There are three levels to organizational culture. These three levels include...

Assumptions are taken for granted, and they reflect beliefs about human nature and reality. Values are shared principles, standards, and goals. Artifacts are visible, tangible aspects of organizational culture.

9. This bias suggests that decision makers use the information that is most readily available to them when making a decision.

Availability Bias

9. Bob is an employee in the banking industry. He has noticed that his organization is very stable and rule-oriented in terms of culture. Which of these would NOT be a reasonable explanation in culture for why his organization is this way?

Because aggressive culture often lead to stable cultures over time.

6. In a performance appraisal system, this technique begins by selecting a job that can be described in observable behaviors. Managers and personnel specialists then identify these behaviors as they relate to superior or inferior performance.

Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)

9. Bob is the manager. He has two subordinates, Lisa and Jamie. Bob is very close with Lisa. Bob gives Lisa great tasks to complete, they have a similar personality, and Lisa often compliments Bob. Bob is not very close with Jamie. Jamie and Bob have very different hobbies. Bob doesn't consider Jamie very competent and does little to hide that. Jamie doesn't think Bob is a good manager. In this situation, what would we say is true of their leader-member exchange relationships?

Bob and Lisa have high LMX; Bob and Jamie have low LMX

12. The ___ assumes numerous organizational and individual factors restrict rational decision making. This is the version of decision making that occurs most often in organizations, because the assumptions of this model are much closer to the truth

Bounded rationality model

17. Joe is a manager at an organization. He has to rate all of his employees this month for their performance appraisal on a 5 point scale, ranging from 1 ("did not meet expectations") to 5 ("far exceeded expectations"). When he is done, he realizes he gave almost everyone a "3". What error is Joe experiencing?

Central tendency error

5. In this bias, we seek out information that reaffirms our past choices and tend to put little weight on those things that challenge our views

Confirmation Bias

6. In the context of influencing, ____ refers to the influence agent's asking others for help in directly influencing or planning to influence another person or group


5. In this performance appraisal method, supervisors record incidents, or examples, of each subordinate's behavior that led to either unusual success or unusual failure on some aspect of the job. These incidents are recorded in a daily or weekly log under predesignated categories

Critical incident technique

12. Jan is a manager at an organization. She knows that they have a performance appraisal criteria that is called "Leadership". She is worried that personal biases may cause some managers to evaluate different identity groups differently on this dimension of the performance appraisal as it's up to the manager's discretion. To reduce this potential bias, which one of these would be a reasonable recommendation for Jan to make in regards to future performance appraisals?


15. Which one of these is NOT a reasonable argument of the attraction-selection-attrition argument/hypothesis?

Employees tend to randomly select the organizations that they apply to

1. Under management by objectives (MBO) it is the sole responsibility of the employee to come up with goals and objectives for the coming time period


1. as an attributional style that explains positive events in terms of personal, permanent, and pervasive causes and negative events in terms of external, temporary, and situation specific ones defines attentiveness in Positive Organizational Behavior


11. As discussed in your text, every manager is always a leader


12. Companies can only have one culture/subculture.


12. The model of leadership advanced by House and Evans is called the charismatic style of leadership because it suggests that an effective leader provides organizational members with a path to a valued goal. According to House, the motivational function of the leader consists of increasing personal payoffs to organizational members for work-goal attainment, and making the path to these payoffs easier to travel by clarifying it, reducing roadblocks and pitfalls, and increasing the opportunities for personal satisfaction en route.


14. In the context of change, evolutionary change can only be unplanned, rather than planned.


15. The follower's personality and locus of control has no effect on what kind of leadership will be most effective


17. Transformational leaders rely on the value of rewards that they can give followers to induce behavior


2. Charismatic leaders rely on the value of rewards that they can give to followers to induce behavior


2. Some of the problems with the Delphi Technique are that it doesn't assure anonymity and increases conformity pressure


4. Performance appraisal systems are almost never tied to the reward systems in an organization (e.g., bonuses, promotions)


4. Stress is always bad in an organizational context.


5. Organizational culture can NOT be affected by the type of rewards offered


8. When resources are plentiful/abundant, people are more likely to engage in political behavior in an organization


4. The ____ is not a passive player in the leadership process. Edwin Hollander, after many years of studying leadership, suggested that the _____ is the most critical factor in any leadership event. It is, after all, the ____ who perceives the situation and comes to define the needs that the leader must fulfill. In addition, it is the ____ who either rejects or accepts acts of leadership.


14. A ____ is that individual who is recognized by those outside the group as the official leader of the group. Often, they are appointed by the organization to serve in a formal capacity as an agent of the organization. _____ , by contrast, are not assigned by the organization. They are that individual whom members of the group acknowledge as their leader regardless of if they were appointed by the organization.

Formal; Informal

13. The ____ is one where managers use information about problems, participants, solutions and opportunities haphazardly to generate ideas and potential decisions. Unlike the other decision making models, this model does not always lead to satisfactory solutions, because the problem does not always precede alternatives and solutions

Garbage can model

15. Although this method appears in many formats, the supervisor or rater is typically presented with a printed or online form that contains both the employee's name and several evaluation dimensions (quantity of work, quality of work, knowledge of job, attendance). The rater is then asked to rate the employee by assigning a number or rating on each of the dimensions.

Graphic rating scale

18. Examples of intrinsic awards in an organization might include...

Greater autonomy given to the employee going forward

8. Joe is a manager of Susan. When it comes time for the performance appraisal, Joe thinks about how nice Susan is. She's always so friendly in the hallway! Therefore, Joe gives Susan high marks on her performance evaluation in categories like quality, quantity, teamwork, and leadership. What error is Joe experiencing?


8. Consequences of high leader-member exchange (LMX) can include all of these EXCEPT...

Higher Turnover

16. This bias is the tendency we have to believe that we'd have accurately predicted a particular event after the outcome of that event is known

Hindsight bias

11. _____ means actively shaping the way you are perceived by others. You can do this through your choice of clothing, the avatars or photos you use to represent yourself online, the descriptions of yourself on a résumé or in an online profile, and so forth

Impression Management

9. Organizational ____ is the tendency for an organization as a whole to resist change and want to maintain the status quo. Companies that suffer from this become inflexible and can't adapt to environmental or internal demands for change.


13. ____ power is similar to expert power but differs in its source. Experts tend to have a vast amount of knowledge or skill, whereas this power is distinguished by access to specific information


9. In the context of influencing, ______ refers to different forms of making others feel good about themselves. It includes any form of flattery done either before or during the influence attempt


7. According to the OCP framework, companies that have _____ cultures are flexible and adaptable, and experiment with new ideas. These companies are characterized by a flat hierarchy in which titles and other status distinctions tend to be downplayed


3. In the context of persuasion, _____ seek to tap into our values, emotions, and beliefs to gain support for a request or course of action.

Inspirational appeals

7. ____ is a model that assumes managers make decisions by relying on past experience and their personal assessment of a situation. This model of decision making is often used when there are high levels of uncertainty or complexity around a particular problem, or when the decision is novel and the managers don't have past experience with this kind of problem.

Intuitive decision making

5. Joe is a manager at an organization. His subordinate, Bob, has told Joe that he doesn't think Joe is fair, delegates tasks properly, or is likable. Bob and Joe have little in common. When considering Leadership, a reasonable outcome of these factors might be that...

Joe and Bob have low LMX with each other

13. ____ theory proposes that the type of relationship leaders have with their followers (members of the organization) is the key to understanding how leaders influence employees. Leaders form different types of relationships with their employees.

Leader Member Exchange (LMX)

1. Joe makes a pro and con list to decide on whether he should study or go out with his friends. For example, on the "pros" side of studying, he writes that he wants to impress his parents, and gives this a score of "+3". What kind of decision making would best explain what Joe is using?

Linear Model of Decision Making

7. In creating organizational change, examples of external forces are all of these, EXCEPT

Low employee satisfaction

1. A ____ is a trusted person who provides an employee with advice and support regarding career-related matters. Although they can be any employee or manager who has insights that are valuable to the new employee, mentors tend to be relatively more experienced than their protégés.


8. Research tends to indicate that the most common decision making model used in organizations is the...

Model of bounded rationally

10. The three steps of Lewin's model of change in an organization are unfreezing, ____, and ____

Movement, Refreezing

2. _____ refers to a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs that show employees what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior. These values have a strong influence on employee behavior as well as organizational performance.

Organizational Culture

8. The OCP framework describes ____ cultures as those that emphasize achievement, results, and action as important values.


4. A ____ contains both bars and a line graph, where individual values are represented in descending order by bars, and the cumulative total is represented by the line

Pareto chart

6. When considering stress, This is what moderates the individual's relationship to the stressor. For instance, one person might see a potential layoff as a stressful situation, while another person might see that same layoff as an opportunity for a nice severance package and the opportunity to start a new business. This situation best describes _________


19. When done well, _________ provide a means of systematically evaluating employees across various performance dimensions to ensure that organizations are getting what they pay for. They provide valuable feedback to employees and managers, and they assist in identifying promotable people as well as problems.

Performance appraisal systems

1. A company wants to reduce its customer service department by 10%. They know that people tend to turnover at a relatively steady rate. Therefore, rather than firing people, the organization just allows the attrition process to happen and then stabilizes the new customer service department at the lower employment rate. What kind of change is this an example of?

Planned and Evolutionary

5. ____ change is a change that occurs when managers or employees make a conscious effort to change in response to a specific problem. A(n) _____ change occurs randomly and spontaneously without any specific intention on the part of managers or employees of addressing a problem

Planned, Unplanned

5. ____ persuasion includes using facts, data, and logical arguments to try to convince others that your point of view is the best alternative. This is the most commonly applied influence tactic.


15. The _____ assumes decisions are based on an objective, orderly, structured information gathering and analysis. The model encourages the decision maker to understand the situation, organize and interpret the information, and then take action

Rational decision making model

2. Joe is a manager at an organization. He is doing a yearly performance appraisal of Susan. He knows that Susan had just finished a big project a few days ago and it was a huge success! He was so proud of Susan and had even given her an award. He therefore gives Susan all excellent ratings in her performance evaluation. What kind of error may Joe be demonstrating?

Recency error

3. Margaret is an employee at an organization. She is usually given a performance appraisal once every year in January. She tends to not work particularly hard February through November, but then tries really hard in December and January. She often makes sure that she is extra friendly to her boss in these months as well and shows up on time to work every day. Her boss tends to always remark that she has been so friendly recently and her performance appraisal always has the highest score. What error might Margaret's boss have that she has noticed and is capitalizing on?

Recency error

14. ____ power stems from the personal characteristics of the person such as the degree to which we like, respect, and want to be like them. This power is often called charisma—the ability to attract others, win their admiration, and hold them spellbound.


6. ____ is when a decision maker wrongly compares two situations because of a perceived similarity, or, conversely, when he or she evaluates an event without comparing it to similar situations. Either way, the problem is not put in the proper context.

Representative Bias

3. The organizational culture profile has seven distinct values. Which is NOT one of those values?


4. In regards to influence, ____ occurs when the influence target does not wish to comply with the request and either passively or actively repels the influence attempt. ____ occurs when the target does not necessarily want to obey, but they do. ____ occurs when the target not only agrees to the request but also actively supports it as well

Resistance, Compliance, Commitment

17. In an organizational culture, ____ refer to repetitive activities within an organization that have symbolic meaning. Usually they have their roots in the history of a company's culture. They create camaraderie and a sense of belonging among employees. They also serve to teach employees corporate values and create identification with the organization.


16. In the OCP framework, ____ cultures are predictable, rule-oriented, and bureaucratic. These organizations aim to coordinate and align individual effort for greatest levels of efficiency. These cultures prevent quick action, and as a result may be a misfit to a changing and dynamic environment.


6. Arthur Fry, a 3M scientist, was using slips of paper to mark the pages of hymns in his church choir, but they kept falling off. He remembered a super-weak adhesive that had been invented in 3M's labs, and he coated the markers with this adhesive. Thus, the Post-it notes were born. However, marketing surveys for the interest in such a product were weak, and the distributors were not convinced that it had a market. Instead of giving up, Fry distributed samples of the small yellow sticky notes to secretaries throughout his company. Once they tried them, people loved them and asked for more. If 3M was to describe this situation to employees, what aspect of culture creation would best describe this process?


10. A SWOT analysis helps an organization identify its objectives and determine which environmental and non environmental factors are favorable to that success. What does SWOT stand for?

Strengths; Weaknesses; Opportunities; Threats

2. _____ is a dynamic condition, and it exists when an individual is confronted with an opportunity, constraint or demand related to what he or she desires, and for which the outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important.


1. When it comes to discussion about Power, Dependency is the function of three pieces, which are scarcity, importance, and...


8. When considering organizational stressors, these are factors related to a person's role at work, including the design of a person's job or working conditions. A stressful ____ demand might be a detailed, weekly presentation to the company's senior team. A stressful ___ demand might be where a person is expected to achieve more in a set amount of time than is possible.

Task, Role

13. The major difference between a Behavioral Observation Scale (BOS) and a Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) is...

The BOS is less demanding on the evaluator

11. In the same organization, there are many departments. Two of them - sales and marketing - have different cultures. The sales team considers themselves to have a very aggressive culture. The marketing team considers themselves to have a very innovative culture. The organization as a whole considers itself a team-oriented culture. How can all of this be true?

The marketing and sales team have subcultures

6. In McGregor's leadership theory, The ____ leader assumes that the average individual dislikes work and is incapable of exercising adequate self-direction and self-control. As a consequence, they exert a highly controlling leadership style. In contrast, ____ leaders believe that people have creative capacities, as well as both the ability and desire to exercise self-direction and self-control. They typically allow organizational members significant amounts of discretion in their jobs and encourage them to participate in departmental and organizational decision-making

Theory X; Theory Y

16. Joe believes that a leader must be male, tall, skinny, between the ages of 30-45, smart, and come from a wealthy family. Joe's belief on leadership best describes the...

Trait approach of leadership

10. Joe has a job that needs to be done. He puts an ad out. In the ad he says that if someone does the job, he will pay them $15. Someone does the job. He pays them $15. What kind of leadership best describes Joe in this scenario?


1. Transformational leaders are sometimes referred to as visionary leaders


10. As documented in your text, pay secrecy may negatively affect performance


10. Democratic decision making in an organization increases the likelihood of political behavior in the organization


11. Unlike groupthink, norms, which have an impact on decision making as well, could either help or damage the process


11.. One of the key components of a successful incentive plan is that employees understand how the plan works and they understand what they must do to reach the objectives of the plan


13. Joe is a manager at an organization. He wants a team-oriented culture, however, his employees seem to be very individually motivated. A reasonable change that Joe could make to have his group be more team-oriented would be to change the reward structure to one that gives team bonuses or rewards for team performance, rather than individual sales performance rewards.


14. The positives of the Delphi Technique are that it assures anonymity, reducing conformity pressure, and reduces interpersonal conflict


14. When well done, performance appraisals should accomplish self development, as well as assist with Feedback to employees, reward systems, personnel decisions, and training and development


18. Research indicates that when it comes to leadership, on average, Men tend to be more autocratic or directive, while women are more likely to adopt a more democratic/participative leadership style.


2. Impression management has been shown to be related to higher performance ratings by increasing liking, perceived similarity, and network centrality


3. In general, being more intrinsically motivated rather than extrinsically motivated will lead to developing creativity easier


3. Transformational leaders move people to focus on higher-order needs (self-esteem and self-actualization).


7. A Scanlon Plan is a type of Gain Sharing Plan


7. A key concern in leader-member exchange (LMX) theory, is that managers may give preferential treatment (and develop higher LMX) with individuals based on protected categories, such as sex, race, or age


7. The main difference between upward and downward influence is who the influence is directed at


12. In Lewin's three step model to successful change, In the ____ process, the equilibrium state can be changed in one of three ways. The driving forces, which direct behavior away from the status quo, can be increase. The restraining forces, which hinder movement from the existing equilibrium, can be decreased. Or, managers can put a combination of the two to use.


12. _____, as its name implies, is the ability to influence your boss and others in positions higher than yours. It may include appealing to a higher authority or citing the firm's goals as an overarching reason for others to follow your cause. It can also take the form of an alliance with a higher status person (or with the perception that there is such an alliance)

Upward Influence

9. The main difference between central tendency error and strictness error is...

What the average rating of the individuals are in the appraisals or on the scale (central point or low point)

3. The primary difference between evolutionary and revolutionary change is that...

Whether the change is due to technology or demographics

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