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A fibrous joint is a special category of synovial joint that lacks a synovial cavity and permits very little movement. a) True b) False


A greenstick fracture would only be seen in an elderly person with more fragile bones. a) True b) False


By age 20, nearly everyone has some evidence of osteoarthritis in their joints. a) True b) False


During the process of bone formation in a fetus, a primary ossification center develops in the epiphysis of a cartilage model of a long bone. a) True b) False


In muscles of the limbs, the origin of the muscle is usually distal and the insertion is proximal. a) True b) False


Most of the freely movable joints of the body could be classified both structurally and functionally as __________. a) cartilaginous and synarthroses b) synovial and diarthroses c) cartilaginous and amphiarthroses d) synovial and amphiarthroses e) fibrous and diarthroses


Muscle fascicles can be arranged in one of several patterns. Which of the following patterns is not an example of the arrangement of fascicles in a muscle? a) pennate b) elliptical c) fusiform d) triangular e) circular


The articular capsule of synovial joints, like articular cartilages, is avascular. a) True b) False


The longer the fibers in a muscle, the less range of motion it is able to produce. a) True b) False


To stimulate skeletal muscle contraction, acetylcholine must cross the _____ of the neuromuscular junction and bind to receptors on the motor endplate. a) node of Ranvier b) synaptic cleft c) sarcolemma d) synaptic end bulb e) transverse tubule


What are bone-dissolving cells called? a) osteogenic cells b) osteoclasts c) osteocytes d) osteoblasts e) all of these choices


Which is secreted by osteoblasts during bone deposition? a) calcium b) collagen fibers c) hydroxyapatite d) vitamin D e) calcium phosphate


Which of the following consists of a somatic motor neuron and all the skeletal muscle fibers it stimulates? a) sarcomere b) motor unit c) neuromuscular junction d) muscle unit e) multi-unit smooth muscle


Which of the following disorders is characterized by the wasting away of muscles due to the progressive loss of myofibrils? a) muscular hypertrophy b) muscular atrophy c) fibromyalgia d) myasthenia gravis e) tremors


Which of the following is an example of a uniaxial joint? a) the saddle joint between the thumb and trapezium of the wrist b) the hinge joint of the elbow c) the joint between a metacarpal and the proximal phalanx d) the ball-and-socket joint between the scapula and humerus e) the plane joints between the carpal bones (wrist)


Which region of a long bone articulates with other bones? a) diaphysis b) epiphysis c) metaphysis d) periosteum e) marrow


Which of the following types of muscle tissue contract when excited by their own autorhythmic muscle fibers? a) cardiac muscle b) slow twitch oxidative skeletal muscle c) multi-unit smooth muscle d) fast twitch glycolytic skeletal muscle e) All of these choices are correct.


Which of the following would be an example of a fibrous joint? a) interosseus membrane b) epiphyseal (growth) plate c) the joint between the manubrium and body of the sternum d) the joint between the first rib and the manubrium of the sternum e) the pubic symphysis


A fibrous joint could also be called a fibrous articulation, or a fibrous arthrosis. a) True b) False


Bone can be classified as a connective tissue because it contains an extracellular matrix that surrounds widely spaced cells. a) True b) False


During a needle biopsy of a person's bone marrow, maybe to test for the presence of cancer , pain is felt when the needle passes through the periosteum because it is richly supplied with nerves. a) True b) False


During pregnancy, the hormone relaxin will increase the flexibility of the pubic symphysis and of ligaments of the pelvic bones that will allow expansion of the pelvic outlet during delivery of the baby. a) True b) False


During which period of a twitch contraction does the muscle action potential move along the sarcolemma of the muscle cell and trigger calcium release into the sarcoplasm? a) latent period b) contraction period c) relaxation period d) absolute refractory period e) relative refractory period


Hypersecretion of human growth hormone during childhood results in a) giantism. b) acromegaly. c) dwarfism. d) rickets. e) no apparent effect.


If you are an endurance athlete, you especially rely on which type of skeletal muscle fiber to perform your sport? a) slow oxidative fibers b) fast oxidative-glycolytic fibers c) fast glycolytic fibers d) all of these choices are correct. e) none of these choices are correct.


In a newborn, all bone marrow is red, which means all of the infant's marrow can make blood cells. a) True b) False


Nearly all muscles of the body develop from an early embryonic layer of cells called the mesoderm. a) True b) False


Oxytocin_______. a)release is an example of a positive feedback control mechanism b)is an adenohypophyseal secretion c)exerts its most important effects during menstruation d)controls milk production


Some synovial joints contain special crescent-shaped pads that provide additional shock absorption, and provide for a better fit between the articulating surfaces of the bones. These special pads are called __________. a) menisci b) labra c) fat pads d) bursae e) tendon sheaths


The contractile organelles of a skeletal muscle fiber are thread-like structures called a) myofibrils. b) myoglobin. c) mitochondria. d) Z discs. e) M lines.


The gluteus medius is a common site for intramuscular injections. a) True b) False


The joint between the atlas and axis vertebrae is an example of a pivot joint. a) True b) False


The most important muscle that powers breathing is the diaphragm. a) True b) False


The only type of lever in the body that might not provide mechanical advantage is a first class lever (and these are rare). a) True b) False


The site where a somatic motor neuron releases acetylcholine to stimulate a skeletal muscle fiber is called the a) neuromuscular junction b) synaptic end bulbs c) motor end plate d) myofibril e) sarcolemma


This type of fascicle arrangement has the fascicles spread over a broad area and converges at athick central tendon. a) triangular b) pennate c) circular d) fusiform e) multipennate


Which of the following is an example of a first class lever in action? a) raising (extending) the head on the vertebral column b) raising the forearm by contracting the biceps brachii c) raising the heel of the foot off the floor to stand on the ball of the foot


Which of the following would not be a common occurrence at joints due to aging? a) ligaments become stretched and lengthen b) the amount of synovial fluid produced decreases c) osteoarthritis due to wear and tear on joints can occur d) articular cartilages become thinner e) exercise can help an older person maintain their range of motion


A ballerina who points her toes to stand literally on the tip of her toes for a dance movement is doing what type of special movement at the ankle joint? a) inversion b) eversion c) plantar flexion d) dorsiflexion e) pronation


A body builder is doing curls, a type of arm exercise, with hand weights. In a curl, the body builder bends his arm and brings the weight closer to his or her shoulder. What type of movement is this? a) rotation b) extension c) flexion d) abduction e) hyperextension


A child has learned how to draw circles in the air by moving the distal end of the index (pointing) finger while holding the rest of his hand still. What type of movement is this? a) abduction b) adduction c) circumduction d) rotation e) protraction


An elderly woman trips and falls. She puts out her hand to try to stop her fall, and ends up with a fracture of the lower arm. An x-ray shows that at the break, many pieces of bone have a splintered and fragmented appearance. Which type of fracture does this woman have? a) open (compound) fracture b) closed fracture c) comminuted fracture d) greenstick fracture e) stress fracture


Most of the bones of the skull are formed by this process. a) interstitial growth b) growth at the epiphyseal plate c) intramembranous ossification d) endochondral ossification e) appositional growth


What is the most common class of levers found in the body? a) first class lever b) second class lever c) third class lever


Which following types of bone is the occipital bone? a) Long bone b) Short bone c) Flat bone d) Irregular bone e) Sesamoid bone


Which of the following molecules found in skeletal muscle cells binds oxygen that can later be used during aerobic metabolism to help generate ATP? a) creatine b) creatine phosphate c) myoglobin d) titin e) glycogen


Which of the following is not a function of skeletal muscle tissue? a) moving your eyes from left to right as you read this question b) holding your head up c) shivering to generate body heat when you've become chilled d) moving food through the small intestine e) stabilizing joints and helping to maintain body positions


Myofibrils contain a) contractile proteins. b) regulatory proteins. c) structural proteins. d) all of these answers are correct. e) none of these answers are correct.


Skeletal muscle is covered, surrounded and protected by various layers of connective tissue. Which layer of connective tissue would surround a bundle of muscle fibers (muscle cells)? a) epimysium b) hypodermis c) fascia d) perimysium e) endomysium


The rectus femoris of the upper leg is an example of what type of fascicle arrangement? a) fusiform b) triangular c) pennate d) bipennate e) multipennate


Which of the following bones is NOT part of the axial skeleton? a) Hyoid b) Ribs c) Vertebrae d) Carpals e) Sternum


Which of the following correctly lists the sequence of structures that action potentials must move through to excite skeletal muscle contraction? a) sarcolemma, axon of neuron, T tubules b) T tubules, sarcolemma, myofilament c) muscle fiber, axon of neuron, myofibrils d) axon of neuron, sarcolemma, T tubules e) myofibrils, myofilaments, mitochondria


Which represents the correct sequence of development of bone cells? a) osteogenic cells → osteocytes → osteoblasts → osteoclasts b) osteoblasts → osteoclasts → osteogenic cells → osteocytes c) osteoclasts → osteoblasts → osteocytes → osteogenic cells d) osteogenic cells → osteoblasts → osteocytes e) osteogenic cells → osteoblasts → osteocytes → osteoclasts


Which term best applies to a muscle that acts to move a bone away from the midline of the body? a) oblique b) synergist c) flexor d) abductor e) adductor


Which type of joint confers the greatest range of motion? a) hinge joint b) plane joint c) saddle joint d) ball-and-socket joint e) condyloid joint


The different types of muscle tissue differ from each other by a) microscopic anatomy. b) location. c) type of Control. d) both microscopic anatomy and location. e) All of these choices are correct.


Which list of organs contains smooth muscle tissue? a) blood vessels, stomach, esophagus b) bladder, uterus, small intestine c) biceps brachii, triceps brachii (muscles of the arm) d) heart e) both blood vessels, stomach, esophagus and bladder, uterus, small intestine


Which of the following is a common effect of aging on skeletal muscle? a) loss of muscle mass b) decrease in maximal strength c) a slowing of muscle reflexes d) loss of flexibility e) all of these are correct


Which of the following is a function of calcium in the body? a) nerve cells require extracellular calcium ions (Ca2+) for proper functioning b) Ca2+ is a cofactor needed for many enzymes to function properly c) Ca2+ is required for the process of blood clotting d) Ca2+ is needed by muscle cells for contraction e) all of these are important roles of calcium in the body


Which of the following is a type of angular movement? a) flexion b) extension c) abduction d) adduction e) all of these are examples of angular movement


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