Reddit Ads Fundamentals Exam Practice - Dec 2023

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True or False: Reddit's Home displays a feed of the top posts from a person's favorite communities that they've joined.


A subreddit is...

A Reddit community

In this course, we explored the value of building designing creative for redditors on mobile. Which of the following is an example of designing for mobile? (Select the best option)

Add closed captions for sound-off consumption

Ads on Reddit only appear next to posts from communities listed on which of the following tools?

Ads allow list

Reddit Takeover

Allows your brand to own prime real estate across Popular, Search, and the FrontPage

Front Page Takeover

Allows your brand to own the front page for 24 hours and be the first brand seen

Trending Takeover

Amplify your brand's message across Popular and Seach for 24 hours

Which of the following are Reddit creative best practices? (Select all that apply)

Be a brand Build for mobile Show & tell

Which of the following Campaign Controls could be potential solutions for advertisers on Reddit? (Select all that apply)

Comments On or Off Community Exclusion Inventory Types

Which of the following are the three C's of Brand Safety on Reddit?

Communities, Content, Campaign Controls

What controls whether or not a community makes it on to our Ads Allowlist?

Community Rating System

Allen would like to drive leads on his website for his real estate firm in the Dallas, TX metro area. Which of the following campaign objectives would be BEST for this goal?


Which of the following are examples of customer list custom audiences? (Select all that apply)

Email list subscribers Loyalty program subscribers Churned customers

Ads may appear next to gory and graphic content unless you properly implement Negative Keyword Exclusion or Limited Inventory based on the text that appears in posts in a particular community.


True or false: An ad targeting Food & Drink interest will only appear within allow-listed Food & Drink-related subreddits.


Complete this statement: Conversation Placements are ads placed between the original post and the...

First comment

Which statement best describes interest targeting?

Interest targeting enables advertisers to reach people based on the types of communities they join, visit, and engage with on Reddit

A moderator's role on Reddit is to...

Keep the posts and conversations on topic and relevant to the community.

Category Takeover

Reach top communities in a selected category for 24 hours

Kelly would like to review her ad copy to ensure it is authentic to Reddit. Which of the following techniques could she use?

Read the headline copy aloud to ensure it sounds conversational

Your brand is looking to launch a new line of food delivery services and wants the widest reach on Reddit. What do you recommend?

Reddit Takeover

This course explored why including a call-to-action (CTA) in your ad is essential. Which of the following is NOT a supported CTA button?

Send email

A leading outdoor gear brand aims to drive new customer sign-ups with a marketing message for health and wellness enthusiasts. What targeting would you recommend?

Target the Healthy Living interest group and exclude a list of emails from their existing customer list

'TIL' is a common Reddit acronym. What does it stand for?

Today I Learned

True or False: An Engagement Prompt is a Promoted Post with comments left on.


On Reddit, users can ___ a post when they feel something contributes to the conversation or ____ a post when it's irrelevant to the community.

Upvote; Downvote

A Reddit post's position in a feed is determined by...


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