exam 2 soc review

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Which statement is most accurate regarding the changes in income distribution in the United States since 1970?

The rich have grown richer and the poor have grown poorer.

Research methods

The scientific procedures that sociologists use to conduct research and develop knowledge about a particular topic.

Double consciousness

The sense that a person must keep a foot in two worlds, one in the majority group's world and one in the minority group's world.

W.E.B. Du Bois and Jane Addams would be most appropiately classified as applied sociologists, true or false?


Modularity Hypothesis

the idea that the human brain contains an innate, self-contained language module that is separate from other aspects of cognitive functioning

The looking-glass self

the phrase used by Charles Horton Cooley to emphasize that the self is the product of our social interactions

Which of the following is an example of cultural diffusion?

the presence of McDonald's restaurants in Thailand, Saudi Arabia, and Japan

one perspective on prejudice is that it is _____, in that it creates in-group solidarity


Functional prerequisites

tasks that a society or relatively permanent group must accomplish if it is to survive

A bureaucracy emphasizes personal attention and individualism


interrater reliability

The level of agreement there is in the observations of different raters who witness the same behavior

The later older years begin at about age


cell differentiation

The process through which cells start to specialize in structure and function


The ways in which people use their bodies to communicate with one another

Pragmatic cues

Aspects of the social context used for word learning

Sociological approaches to deviance:

Functionalism and Labeling Theory


informal type of norms


largest form of a human group

Real Culture

The norms and values that people actually follow

Dependent variables

The response to the manipulated variable.

popular culture

Cultural patterns that are wide-spread in a society are referred to as

Symbolic Culture

Another term for nonmaterial culture


A general statement of how some parts of the world fit together and how they work

Random sampling

A group of subjects arbitrarily chosen from a defined population; Increases the chance that the sample represents the population.


Freud called the life instinct __________ and the death instinct

rich societies extend childhood much longer than poor societies do

Looking at childhood in global perspective, we find that

15 thousand years ago

When did fishing cultures develop

independent variable

a factor that causes a change in another variable, called the dependent variable

dependent variable

a factor that is change by an independent variable

rouge/mark test

a mirror task testing self recognition

in many third world nations, the pace of social change is very rapid and there is significant hunger and strarvation, unemployment, and family disruption. Individuals who live in third world nations are likely to suffer A. dialecticism B. anomie C. verstehen D. dramatury


based on the histories of lottery winners, sudden wealth brings

a threat

C. Wright Mills describes sociological imagination as

an awareness of the relationship between an individual and the wider society, a key element is ability to view one's society as an outsider would

Carol communicates periodically with people on the Internet who are avid Pittsburgh Steeler fans. She has just spent several hours talking to Joann, Judy, Rhiannon, and Scott about "Big Ben's" motorcycle accident. Together, Carol and her Internet contacts comprise ________.

an electronic community

The term new technology refers to

an emerging technology that has a significant impact on social life.

when a group is absorbed into the mainstream culture, this is known as



an umbrella term describing people whose gender identity or expression differs from that associated with their birth sex

Which of the following is considered a cultural universal?

athletic sports

Which of the following is an ascribed status?

being a daughter

Sociobiologists believe that

biology is a basic cause of human behavior.

According to Charles Horton Cooley, we develop a self-concept:

by interpreting how others think about us

What type of society engages in large scale cultivation using plows harnessed to animals or machines? a. Hunter gatherer b. industrial c. agrarian d. post industrial

c. agrarian

What is the term for the beliefs, values, behavior, and material objects that, together, constitute a people's way of life? a. social structure b. social system c. culture d. society

c. culture

social capital

collective benefit of social networks

______ is the process by which one nation takes over another, usually in order to exploit its labor and natural resources


going without something in the present in the hope of achieving greater gains in the future is called

deferred gratification

Sociology is considered a science because sociologists

engage in organized and systematic study of phenomena to enhance understanding

An artificially created situation that allows the researcher to manipulate variables and to introduce control variables is known as a (an)


Ethnocentrism is the tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life represent the norm or are superior to all others. Therefore, ethnocentrism fosters cohesion in a group. This observation would best reflect which sociological perspective?

functionalist perspective

Julio had a string sense of ethnic identity. our ethnic identity is _______ by our group having smaller numbers in a society and being the object of discrimination.


In the "nature v. nurture" controversy, which of the following terms least applies to nurture?


Cultural patterns that distinguish a society's elite are referred to as:

high culture

Nonmaterial culture

is more resistant to change than material culture.

According to Robert Merton, the intended beneficial consequences of people's actions that help a social system to be more efficient are ________.

manifest functions

in endogamy, one

marries within one's group

Physical creations of a society are known as:

material culture.

A profile of their personal qualities would reveal that most U.S. presidents come from a group of _______.

millionaire white men from old money families

in a class system, what is the main basis of social stratification?


income and wealth are

often confused

A sociologist who is interested in examining racism in sports might determine what percentage of team owners, general managers, coaches, and managers are members of each racial group. This would be an example of developing a (an)

operational definition.

individuals of roughly the same age who are linked by common interests make up a

peer group

marx used the term class consciousness to refer to awareness of a common identity based on one's

position in the means of production

Observation research is the most common form of _____________ research, which relies on what is seen in the field and in naturalistic settings more than it does on statistical data.


Most Americans feel that the only proper basis for marriage is

romantic love.

Sociologist William Domhoff uses the term ________ to refer to what C. Wright Mills calls the power elite.

ruling class

The first of piaget's developmental stages is the

sensorimotor stage

Which of the social stratification systems is based off the ownership of people?


someone with an authoritarian personality tends to be

submissive to superiors


teaching children group-oriented strategies for gaining entry into a group of peers, making suggestions about what to say when entering the group

A group's nonmaterial culture is primarily shaped by ________, because, as this aspect of society changes, so do the ways people think and relate to one another.


Which of the following is the key concept in Gerhard and Jean Lenski's sociological approach?


What serious threat to global divisions created by the Group of Eight has required military action and other forms of diplomacy?

the resurgence of ethnic conflicts worldwide

Technology can be equated with



understanding, insight

value conflict

when two or more values are at odds

it promotes 100% that society is stable

which of the following is not true about the social conflict approach

Role expectations

The anticipated behaviors for a particular role.

Lower paleolithic

The earliest artifacts are found in the

When someone is walking on the right side of the sidewalk, and you are walking faster and overtake them to their left, this is _____ in the United States.

a folkway

Cultural diffusion is a

a group of people adopting things they find desirable from another culture.

Which of the following would be the best example of a total institution?

a mental hospital

Education, hard work, material comfort, and individualism can be said to be bound up in

a value cluster that surrounds success.

Prejudice describes ________ , while discrimination describes ________.

attitudes; actions

the united states government's relocation of native americans to reservations is an example of

direct population transfer


distinct identity that sets us apart from others. It is not a static phenomenon, but continues to develop and change throughout our lives.

usually negative, _____ is an attitude or prejudgment



sociological perspective would maintain that the laws of a society are created by the groups in power and help those groups maintain their superior status?

In the U.S., professional gamblers, Armenian Americans, teenagers, and nudists are all examples of


Dual representation

the idea that a symbolic artifact must be represented mentally in two ways at the same time - As a real object - as a symbol (for something other than itself)


the process by which a group, organization, or social movement becomes increasingly bureaucratic


the process by which the principles of the fast-food restaurant are coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society as well as the rest of the world.

Fast Mapping

the process of rapidly learning a new word simply from hearing the contrastive use of a familiar and the unfamiliar word


the process of using multiple approaches to study a phenomenon

What is the goal of environmental sociology?

to understand the interrelationship between societies and the environment

native americans today speak _____ different languages


philanthropist bill gates has given away

30 billion

Agricultural Societies

Allowed people to engage in more than farming, such as philosophy art, etc.

Theory of Mind (TOM)

An organized understanding of how mental processes such as intentions, desires, beliefs, perceptions, and emotions influence behavior


A child spends a lot of time putting objects into his mouth and touching everything in sight. This child is probably in which stage of development, according to Jean Piaget?


A group that shares similar cultures

Nonmaterial Culture / Symbolic Culture

A group's ways of thinking (and culture) and doing (it common patterns of behavior, including language and other forms of interaction)


A groups of people who share a culture and a territory

What is required for language?

- Critical or sensitive period - universal grammar - infant-directed speech

Telegraphic speech

- children's first sentences - generally two-word utterances - laconic and efficient ex: "drink juice"; "read me"

cultural relativism

A U.S. sociologist receives a grant to study racial and religious prejudice among the people of Southeast Asia. The sociologist makes a serious and unbiased effort to evaluate the norms, values, and customs of these groups in light of the distinctive cultures of which they are a part. This is an example of

Agents of socialization

The people and groups who shape our self-concept, beliefs, and behavior

Of the following, which is the primary factor affecting the growth rate of most countries today?

The rate of industrialization in a country.

A variety of influences

The research reported in Mary Pattillo-McCoy's book Black Picket Fences: Privilege and Peril Among the Black Middle Class demonstrates that children are socialized by


The study of how people use background assumptions to make sense of life


The study of physical objects left behind by a now extinct culture is the study of

reverse socialization

A child grows up in a dysfunctional family, where he observes abuse, constant fighting, character assassination, and humiliation. This represents an informal process of


A cluster within a group

patterned evasion of the norms

A widely accepted cultural pattern eventhough there is a rule against it would exemplify

Industrial society

An efficient society with greater surplus and inequality


Argot is the French term sociologists use to refer to an underground or "sub" culture. True or False?

What conclusion did Georg Simmel reach with respect to the size of a group?

As groups grow smaller, they become less stable

What conclusion did Georg Simmel reach with respect to the size of a group?

As groups grow smaller, they become less stable.


Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf formulated a hypothesis concerning the role of ______in shaping cultures.

_____ said that sociobiology will eventually absorb sociology.

Edward Wilson


Effective discipline that leads to a permanent change in child's behavior

Role conflict

Elena is a clinical sociologist who practices marriage and family therapy. She is also a college professor. One of her current students asks her if she can make an appointment for a therapy session. Elena tells the student that she will refer her to a colleague because she feels that holding therapy sessions with a student might create role

Micro-Level Analysis

Examining what people do when they are in one another's presence

formal operational stage

For Piaget, the mature stage of development is

Which theoretical perspective stresses that society is a whole unit, made up of interrelated parts that work together harmoniously?

Functional analysis

According to Freud, the ____ is the part of the personality that we are born with:


Front stage of Dramaturgy

Impression management, embarrassment, and face-saving. Embarrassment comes from failure of impression management while face-saving is used to help you go back to the image you're trying to portray.

in the phallic stage

In Freudian theory, the super ego develops

Which of the following statements is FALSE?

In all provinces, parents can freely choose French or English education for their children.

the experimental group

In an experiment, the independent variable is experienced by


In an individuals family of procreation, that individual might occupy the status of

when status differentials are pronounced.

In classroom settings, as in the workplace and other situations in which people interact, efforts at impression management are most intense when

being very well-off financially

In surveys of first-year college students over the last 40 years, which value was shown to be the strongest gain in popularity?


In the Albas's study of impression management, in which type of interaction did students often explain that they were not feeling well as a way of saving face?


Indigenous peoples' culture is often diminished as a result of land development plans. True or False?


Individuals who share the same physical space-on a temporary basis-but don't feel a connection


Involves a suggestion about how variables relate.


Involves making known or sharing the existence of an aspect of reality

According to functionalists, why is social placement or tracking of students beneficial to society?

It ensures that the more capable people fill positions requiring higher intellectual levels.

Which of the following conclusions would sociologists most likely agree upon when discussing the importance of the sociological perspective?

It opens a window to unfamiliar worlds and offers a fresh look at familiar worlds.


Judging other cultures according to our own values and beliefs

how social experience is needed for though and human action

K. Davis's case of Anna, an isolated girl, shows

A writer

Maya Angelou is a writer, a daughter, and an African American woman. Which of these statuses is an achieved status?

Which of the following is NOT one of the arguments put forward by proponents of multiculturalism?

Multiculturalism encourages unity.


Nonmaterial culture is (more)/(less) resistant to change than material culture

Hawthorne Effect

Occurs when people behave differently because they know they are a part of an experiment.

Cultural Lag

Ogburn's term for human behavior lagging behind technological innovations

people in leadership roles have skills, knowledge, or charismatic appeal.

Oligarchies emerge because


Opinion polls most typically exemplify

What is the average net difference in the world population each hour?

The world population increases by over 9,000 people.

Electronic Community

People who meet online and discuss/coexist on there


Since Europeans first came to Brazil, Brazil's indigenous population has (declined)/(increased) in number.


The "do's and don'ts" of a culture, or the socially defined rules of behavior

The linguistic Relativism Thesis

The Sapir Whorf thesis is also called

A morpheme

A sound with meaning in a language is called

The degree to which a measure or scale truly reflects the phenomenon under study is termed A) reliability. B) validity. C) sampling representativeness. D) predictability.

B) validity.


The conscience

Anthony is conducting experimental research on the effects of an educational therapy programand the conflict-resolution skills of inmates. He has established two groups. Group A will receive a special conflict-resolution therapy program. Group B will go about their routine without receiving the therapy or a therapy substitute. What is Group B in experimental research such as this?

The control group

Social Location

The corners in life that people occupy because of where they are located in a society


The customs and manners of a society

From a sociological perspective, which of the following statements best summarizes the meaning of race?

The definition of race varies, depending upon the society in which its meaning is constructed.

Primary Groups

The family, which gives basic orientations to life

Which perspective is most aligned with the belief in family-controlled economic production, socialization of children, care of the sick and aged, and reproduction?

The functionalist perspective

Which system of descent is followed in the United States?



Cell division resulting in two identical cells


Groups towards which we feel loyalty

______ is a technology based on using hand tools to raise crops.



In forming a sense of ourselves, we imagine how we appear to others and how others perceive us, and finally we develop a feeling about ourselves as a result of these impressions. This sociological approach to the development of a self represents the views of which sociological perspective?


Repeating a study in order to compare a new study with the original findings

Instrumental Leader

Task oriented leader, tries to keep group moving towards a goal

Social statuses have built-in norms that guide our behavior, true or false?


prosocial behavior

Voluntary behavior intended to benefit another, such as helping, sharing, and comforting of others


Which of the following doesn't belong

theological stage

Which stage of society is said to have occured earliest

Which sociological perspective is most closely aligned with a theorist that sees the law as an instrument of repression and a tool designed to maintain the powerful in their privileged positions?

conflict perspective

The personal disorientation that accompanies exposure to an unfamiliar way of life is termed:

culture shock.

__________ factors influence our life course


You have adopted the theoretical framework of the Lenskis. As a result, you believe that technological advance:

spurs population growth.


stresses study of small groups, often through experimental means


term used when gender identity and/or expression aligns with the sex assigned at birth

Reliable research

Able to be trusted; When you measure things the same way every time.

What term applies to the gap between childhood and adulthood that was first addressed during the Industrial Revolution?


W.E.B. Du Bois

African American, fought againt racisms, published a book on black white relations, founded National Association fro the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

_____ mortgage applicants are most frequently offered subprime loans, which charge the highest interest

African american

What term describes people who share the same physical space but do not see themselves as belonging together?


Sociologically, which of the following least qualifies as a group?

All African American women attending colleges and universities in the United States.

What term applies to a social movement that seeks only to change some specific behavior of individuals, such as the Women's Christian Temperance Union's effort to ban the consumption of alcoholic beverages?

Alterative social movement

His or her own efforts

An achieved status is a social position attained by a person largely through

New Technology

An emerging technology that has a significant impact on social life


An emotional bond with a special person that is enduring across space and time.


An investigation of the opinions or experiences of a group of people by asking them questions.

Horticultural societies

Ancestor worship and thinking of God as a creator is most common in

That the human body is ugly and that its natural tendency is to debility and disease and mans only hope is to avert these characteristics through use of influences of ritual and ceremony.

Anthropologist Horace Miner's description of the body ritual among the Nacirema is used to show

____ was the first person to propose that the scientific method could be applied to the study of social life and came to be known as the Father of Sociology.

Auguste Comte

most students were involved in a free-flowing network of relationships.

Bearman, Moody, and Stovel's study of romantic relationships and social networks of high school students showed

What conclusion can be drawn from Solomon Asch's experiment on group conformity?

Because of group pressure, most people are willing to say things they know are not true.

Bob's football coach is a very important influence in his life. Many of Bob's actions are attempts to win the approval of his coach. Based on Mead's theory on development, which concept applies most to the relationship between Bob and his coach?

Bob's coach is one of his significant others

The Supreme Court decision that established the foundation for the civil rights struggles of the 1950s through the 1970s was:

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas

Bruce, a US Senator, owns about 3,000 acres of prime farmland, is one of the wealthiest men in the county, and enjoys a great deal of prestige in his community. In view of this, how would sociologists describe Bruce as it pertains to social class?

Bruce is status consistent because of his high ranking in the three dimensions.

Division of Labor

By working at a specific task, people are more likely to become highly skilled and carry out a job with maximum efficiency. This is the rationale for the bureaucratic characteristic of

_________ is most closely associated with the concept of the sociological imagination A. Emile Durkheim B. Max Weber C. Karl Marx D. C. Wright Mills

C. Wright Mills


Child psychologist Jean Piaget identified ____ stages in the development of a child's thought processes?

Parents, siblings, the mass media, religion, and educational institutions

Children shape and form their attitudes, beliefs, and behavior based on cultural messages they receive from

Information based

Compared to an industrial society, a post-industrial economy is

Choose between functionalism, conflict theory and symbolic interaction and explain how these would explain the rise in divorce?

Conflict theory states that groups of people are in competition for scarce natural resources. During war times, men often went off to battle leaving the women to have to provide for their families by assuming the role of the man and working. When the men returned from battle, the role of the man vs women was in conflict, women began to discover that they didn't need a man to be the provider if they were in bad relationships, or needs were being met.

Role Strain

Conflicts that someone feels within a role

B. conflict

Critics of television often suggest that executives of major television networks and movie corporations are wealthy White males who decide which programs or movies will be produced and which directors and actors will obtain jobs in the industry. This analysis reflects the _______ perspective. A. functionalist B. conflict C. interactionist D. global

language does not determine reality

Critics of the Sapier Whorf Thesis" point out that:

Which sociological perspective emphasizes the way in which the parts of a society are structured to maintain its stability? A) conflict perspective B) interactionist perspective C) microsociology D) functionalist perspective

D) functionalist perspective

Functionalist perspective

Daniel Bell views postindustrial societies as consensual, because he believes that postindustrial societies are characterized by interest groups concerned with such national issues as health, education, and the environment working for the common good. Bell's view represents which sociological perspective?

Qualitative data

Data that includes words, pictures, photos, or any other type of information that comes to the researcher in a non-numerical way.

The sociologist who conducted extensive research on varying rates of suicide within a specific country

Emile Durkheim

Social Learning Theory

Emphasizes observation and imitation, rather than reinforcement, as the primary mechanisms of development

What is the primary reason many employers rely on diplomas and degrees as sorting devices to choose employees?

Employers do not know potential employees.

the earliest known artifacts

Eoliths are

Because of the freedom of speech and ability to express individual views, culture wards are almost nonexistent in the United States, true or false?


Common sense is the most important aspect of designing sociological research, true or false?


Macrosociology focuses on social interaction, what people do when they come together face-to-face i and in small groups, true or false?


Pure, basic, and applied sociology are all terms that refer to the application of the scientific method to the social world, true or false?


Symbolic interactionism and structural functionalism are both theoretical perspectives that rely on macro-level analysis, true or false?


The changing statuses and roles of players and coaches on a college football team illustrate the theory that social behavior and attitude are a matter of biology and genetic factors and a "survival of the fittest" complese, true or false?


The motorcycle gang "Hells Angels" is a good example of a subculture because their values and norms blend in with mainstream society, true or false?


Within a culture values never change, true or false?


Secondary groups

Groups that are formal, superficial, and temporary. (Ex: relationship to classmates)

damaging affect on the monkeys

Harry Harlow's research with rhesus monkeys indicated that social isolation had a

G. H. Mead

He is referred to as the father of Symbolic Interaction-ism

Which of the following is NOT a function of humour?

Humour limits racism and sexism.

What conclusion did Murray Strauss come to based on his research on battering in marital relationships?

Husbands and wives are about equally likely to attack one another.

REM sleep

Infants spend significantly more time in this type of sleep than the average adult

The social reformer who founded Hull House and later won a Nobel Prize was ________.

Jane Addams

___________ studied the natural process that children go through to develop their ability to reason

Jean Piaget

Which set of concepts best illustrates material culture?

Jewelry, art, and hairstyles

Of the following, which status least qualifies as a master status?

Licensed driver

secular trend

Marked changes in physical development that have occurred over generations

How do members of a society acquire the ability to use and understand gestures?

Most gestures are learned through interaction with others

What term best describes the emerging technologies that have a significant impact on social life, such as the emergence of computers, satellites, and the electronic media?

New technology


Penalties and rewards for conduct relating to a social norm are known as

The military

Prior to the 2003 overthrow of Saddam Hussein, sixth-grade textbooks in Iraqi schools concentrated almost entirely on

Visually based retrieval

Processing a words' meaning directly from the visual form

Primary Group

Provide intimate face to face interaction and give us an identity, or sense of who we are


Psychoanalyst _____ believed that people are in constant conflict between their natural impulsive instincts and societal constraints?


Rules developed for appropriate behavior based on specific values that are conditional; they can vary from place to place.

According to Rosabeth Moss Kanter, what is an aspect of "hidden" corporate culture?

Self-fulfilling stereotypes lead managers to promote workers who are like themselves

When sociologists use the phrase, "the culture within us," what do they mean?

Shared and learned ways of believing and doing become taken-for-granted assumptions

What term refers to the social ties that link people together?

Social network

social interaction

The analysis of Isabelle and Genie is important because it emphasizes the relevance of


The balancing force between the id and the demands of society that suppress it


The behaviors, obligations, and privileges attached to a status

below the national average

The elderly population in the U.S has a poverty rate

Class Conflict

The engine of human history, the idea that society is made up of two classes and that they are natural enemies (Burgeoise v. Proletariat)


The expectations, or rules of behavior, that develop to reflect and enforce values


The genetic material an individual inherits

Reference Group

The groups we use as standards for evaluating ourselves

Structural Functional Paradigm

The organic analogy is most closely related to the

In the opening passage, the author discusses how trying to be polite while purchasing a ticket didn't work, and how he had to resort to forceful and aggressive tactics in order to receive service. In this case, the author's behavior can best be described by which statement?

The situation illustrates the differences in nonmaterial culture by Americans and Moroccans.

Syntactic Bootstrapping

The strategy of using the grammatical structure of whole sentences to figure out meaning

How do we know what is normal and what is deviant?

They are context dependent-- depend on the definition of the situation and the audience.

Leo, Matthews, Ryan, Liz, Isabelle, and Francis grew up together, attended the same schools, and share many of the same interests. Sociologically, which concept best describe their relationship?

They comprise a peer group

auditory cortex

This cortex is more developed at birth as a result of "eavesdropping"

How many subcultures does U.S. society contain?


According to George Herbert Mead, how does a child learn to take the role of others?

Through play and imitation

Culture is the broadest framework that determines the kind of people we become, true or false?


George Herbert Mead concluded that both the self and the human mind are social products, true or false?


United States society contains thousands of subcultures, true or false?


Value conflict

Two or more values are at odds.

Value cluster

Two or more values that support each other.

The first African American to earn a doctorate degree from Harvard University was ________.

W.E.B. DuBois

Job security

What does Marx and conflict theorists believe is weakened by restricting workers to very small tasks?

Corporate Culture

When bosses promote based on selff0fulfillin stereotypes

.What is the major difference between white-collar crime and street crime?

White-collar crime is an act committed in the course of a legitimate occupation, but street crime is not

C. Darwin

Who would challenge the ideas of nurture

Why are women classified as a minority group?

Women are discriminated against based on physical or cultural characteristics.

His marital status

You walk into a women's studies class, and you look at the person sitting to your left. He is the only male in the class; he is about 20 years old, wears a wedding ring, and carries a bag with a tennis racquet. Which of his characteristics is most likely his master status in the context of this class?


a part of a society's nonmaterial culture that represent cultural standards by which we determine what is good,bad, right,or wrong

the heritage of neocolonialism

affects people in the west today, in the wars fought and terrorism coming from the affected areas

sociology: A. is the scientific study of social behavior and human B. focuses primarily on how social relationships influence people's behavior C. focuses on how societies develop and change D. all of these

all of these

gender-typed behavior

behaviors associated with a given person's gender

what is the difference between bonded labor and slavery?

bonded labor is entered into voluntarily (or arranged by parents)

an example of a total institution is a

boot camp prison concentration camp convent & some military schools

Surveys and interviews that focus on macrosociological analyses would be likely to follow which theoretical perspective?

both functionalist and conflict perspectives

What term do sociologists use to refer to a place that people identify as their residence and that also conveys a sense of belonging and that others care what happens to them?


to ____ is to separate acts from feelings or attitudes



component of formal organization that uses rules and hierarchical ranking to achieve efficiency.

In general, an important foundation of humor is:

contradiction or ambiguity found in differing definitions of the same situation.

______ is wright's term for a position in the class structure that generates contradictory interests

contradictory class locations

to maintain their power, elites attempt to _____ information.


The harlows took baby monkeys away from their mothers to live alone, frightened them and observed that the babies clung to terrycloth fake mothers rather then wire fake mothers. the experiment intended to prove what might already have been obvious--that infants need to be...


During the Cuban Missile Crisis, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy brokered options on how to address the problem with selected national leaders. After this group reached a consensus, the President made the final decision for a naval quarantine of Cuba. This scenario is an example of ________ leadership.


What term do we use to describe the experience of being Black in White America; a division of an individual's identity into two or more social realities

double consciousness

in mexico, Javier was a physicians. Javier emigrated to the united states and ended up working as a carpenter ( which had been his hobby in mexico). Javier experienced _____ mobility.

downward social

The study of social interaction in terms of theatrical performance is referred to as:

dramaturgical analysis.

ages 30 to 49 in the life course are known as the ___________ years

early middle

Which of the following is an aspect of culture?

eating in fast-food restaurants using American Sign Language watching the Super Bowl game

Which of the following is the least important variable in determining one's place in the social stratification system?


the research of david and moore (1945-1953) found that stratification of society is inevitable because

for society to function, its positions must be filled

Little Jo got Dolls & jewelry for presents. her brother Joe got action figures and toy guns. such a division in toys and play give children ___________ lessons


Learning the gender map is known as

gender socialization

The majority of students graduating with a degree in library science are women. Research has shown that this sex-typing of majors is primarily due to ________.

gender socialization

Shaking one's head left and right to mean "no" and up and down to mean "yes" are examples of ________.


the divine right of kings asserts that the king's or queen's authority comes from


The Aborigines of Australia are an example of which societal type?

hunting and gathering

The ______ society uses simple tools to hunt animals and gather vegetation.

hunting and gathering

in Qatar, a poet who criticized the ruling family in a poem was

imprisoned for life

______ is person-to-person or face-to-face discrimination

individual discrimination

The ______ society uses large machinery powered by advanced sources of energy to produce material goods.


most of the countries of the former soviet union and its former satellites in eastern Europe fall into the category of the

industrialized nations

______ exploits minority groups for economic gain

internal colonialism

Ethnocentrism is:

judging another culture by the standards of one's own culture.

unintended consequences of schools, or ________ functions, help the social system


there is ______ prejudice and discrimination in race-ethnic relations today than there was in the past


most of the poor

live on welfare

Levels of norms

local/group, subcultural, societal

Jennie is studying how the President's new economic policies are affecting employment and unemployment rates, homelessness, and the amount of money people save. In view of this, Jennie is primarily utilizing which sociological approach?


is the level of analysis that sociologists use to focus on the broad features of society


When there is culture change, a group's _____ usually changes first.

material culture

Paul loved to party at Mardi Gras, even if he was not involved in making a float or anything else. The atmosphere on the street was just so different, so easy. He had a great time. At such a(n) _____, the rules were loosened. a. culture-free event

moral holiday

in the United States religion is important to


When people break norms, they receive

negative sanctions

which if the following statements about new technology and the elite is true?

new technology makes it harder for the elite to control information

cultural capital

noneconomic good reflected in knowledge of language and arts

Religion is an example of:

nonmaterial culture.

A term for rules of behavior is


Expressive Leader

not recognized as leader but is, controls by handling emotional situations

1.When a sociologist actually joins a group for a period to get an accurate sense of how it operates, the approach is called

participant observation.

A society made up of many different groups is called

pluralistic society.

Which of the following conditions would conflict theorists suggest as being the result of a declining standard of living in a given society?

political instability

Cultural patterns that are widespread among a society's population are referred to as:

popular culture.

______ is respect or regard


status consistency refers to

ranking high or low on all three dimensions of social class

The fact that almost 22% of married men and 14% of married women are sexually unfaithful to their spouses is an example of the ______ culture, while the fact that most adults acknowledge the importance of sexual fidelity, is an example of the ______ culture.

real; ideal


refers to speaking (or signing or writing)


research factors that vary or change from one person or situation to another, a measurabel trait or characteristic that is subject to change under different characteristics

in conflict theory, a _____ is exploited by owners in order to weaken the bargaining power of workers

reserve labor force

What is the term for behaviour expected of someone who holds a particular status?


Difficulty managing the demands of being a parent and being a student illustrates

role conflict

a person or group unfairly blamed for someone's troubles is a


dominant ideology

set of cultural beliefs and practices that helps to maintain powerful social, economic, and political interests

______, according to weber, is a large group of people who rank close to one another in property, power, and prestige

social class

there is a disagreement among sociologists on whether_____ or race is more important in determining the life chances of African American

social class

Which of the following variables has the strongest influence on the variations found in American family life?

social class and culture

What is the process by which people creatively shape reality through social interaction?

social construction of reality

What is considered to be the major theme of analysis in sociology today

social inequality

adolescence is a

social invention

Ethnicities are socially constructed which means that they can also be:

socially deconstructed

Cordell Walker is a Texas Ranger, a husband, a father, a good friend to many, and a martial artist. Together, these titles comprise what sociologists would call Walker's ________.

status set

natural science

study of physical features of nature and the ways they interact and change

What is the term for cultural patterns that set apart some segment of a society's population?


According to sociologist William Julius Wilson, what is the single most influential event in the transformation of inner cities into ghettos?


George Herbert Mead was a

symbolic interactionist

Mead stressed that we cannot think without _______, and that ________ gives us our symbols

symbols society


systems of representing our thoughts, feelings, and knowledge, and for communicating them to other people

Reference group

term used by sociologists when speaking of any group that individuals use as a standard for evaluating themselves and their own behavior.

Describe the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.

the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis holds that people see and understand the world through the cultural lens of language.

Eurocentrism refers to:

the dominance of European cultural patterns.


the extent to which a measure produces consistent results

structural functional paradigm

the theoretical paradigm in sociology that assumes society is a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability is the

One thing that can be said about material culture is that

there is nothing "natural" about it.

homeless people are part of the


Culturally defined standards that people use to assess desirability, goodness, and beauty are referred to as:


Plato and Spencer

which two likened society to the human body

multifactorial traits

This refers to a trait which is affected by a host of environmental factors as well as genetic ones


Turning abstract ideas into something measurable. (Ex: "playing an instrument" --> "hours spent playing the instrument" or "a better grade" --> "grade of an A")


When some members of a group align themselves against others

Physical Anthropology

Which of the following is not a social science


concentrates on large-scale phenomena or entire civilization

which of the following is most effective in maintaining society's stratification?

controlling people's ideas

and Manhattan are examples of ________.

cultural leveling

Describe how cultural norms are promoted and maintained in society.

cultural norms are promoted and maintained in society by

To try to understand a culture on its own terms is called

cultural relativism

Which of the following concepts employs the kind of value neutrality in scientific study that Max Weber saw as being so important?

cultural relativism

the difference between ethnicity and race is that ethnicity refers to ____ characteristics, and race to _____ characteristics, distinguishing one group of people from another

cultural; inherited physical

Language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and material objects combine together to make up ________.


What is the term for the beliefs, values, behaviour, and material objects that, together, form a people's way of life?


A research design is a (an)

detailed plan or method for scientifically obtaining data.

The ____, as viewed by freud, is the balancing force in our personality


An airline flight attendant that offers passengers a beverage and a smile illustrates

emotion management.

psychoanalysis was developed by


Which sociological perspective would view society as a living organism in which each part of the organism contributes to its survival and stability

functionalist perspective

major theoretical perspectives

functionalist perspective, conflict perspective, interactionist perspective

the annihilation or attempted annihilation of a people because of their presumed race or ethnicity is known as



in which of the following countries did sociology develop first


in which people learn the attitudes, values, and behaviors appropriate for members of a particular culture

_______ create self-fulfilling stereotypes


which of the following is a system of symbols that allows people to communicate with one another?


which category of nations has the most land?

least industrialized

in his modification of marx's model social classes, wright added


the tools, factories, land, and investment capital used to produce wealth make up the

means of production

what proportion of all African American adults works at white collar jobs today?

more than one-half

The enactment of a role, or ______, varies according to an individual's unique personality.

role performance

At any given time, you occupy a number of statuses. These are your:

status set.

A horticultural society is one

that uses hand tools to raise crops.


Émile Durkheim suggested that as a society becomes more complex, the nature of solidarity becomes more

The major difference between white collar crime and street crime is that: 1. white collar crime is an act committed in the course of a legitimate occupation 2. street crime is synonymous with victimless crime 3. white collar crime and street crime and mutually exclusive meaning no one ever commits both 4. white collar crime is always a corporate act and street crime an individual act

1. white collar crime is an act committed in the course of a legitimate occupation 2. street crime is synonymous with victimless crime 3. white collar crime and street crime and mutually exclusive meaning no one ever commits both $

pierre bourdieu

1930-2002 capital sustains individuals and families from one generation to the next,

Which of the following theories are NOT micro level? 1.Control Theory 2.Functional analysis 3.Symbolic interactionism 4.Differential Association Theory$

2.Functional analysis 3.Symbolic interactionism 4.Differential Association Theory$

in 2013, the highest paid U.S. CEO received

77 million

what percentage of the nation's wealth is owned by the wealthiest 10% of Americans?


the ____ richest people in the world own as much of the world's wealth as the bottom half of the whole world' population


formal positive sanction

A Girl Scout works hard on a difficult project, and when she has completed her work, she is given a badge that she can wear on her uniform. This is an example of


A basketball arena, an airliner, a slice of pizza, and a television set would all be considered examples of ________ culture

What is the major characteristic of the class system?

A class system has fluid boundaries that permit movement up and down the class ladder.

Naïve psychology

A commonsense level of understanding of other people and oneself based on 3 key concepts


A group from which we are disconnected. We often hold negative biases towards them and may even feel very competitive. (Ex: sports rivalries)

Social networking

A group of businesswomen meet on a monthly basis to assist one another in advancing their careers. They give each other job leads and advice, and they invite business leaders to attend their sessions to provide further assistance. This group is an example of


A group to which we feel an affinity or closeness.


A norm so strongly ingrained that even the thought of its violation is greeted with revulsion. Those who break taboos are at risk of being judged as unfit to live in the same society as others. FOR EXAMPLE: cannibalism


A norm thought essential for society's welfare, one so strong that it brings revulsion if violated


A primitive tribe that cultivates the soil by hand as much more culture than a modern, computerized society. True or False?

Symbolic interactionism

A theoretical framework that focuses on how individual interactions between people influence them and how these interactions can impact society. The use of "symbols", such as words, gestures, body language, and facial expressions, influence how people communicate.

an institution

A unit or agency of society that fulfills a vital function is called

Goal displacement

A woman and her two children walk into a homeless shelter. They are obviously starving, dirty, and the children are crying. The shelter attendant refuses them admittance, although there is ample room in the shelter, because the mother does not have the proper identification card. This is an example of

Which of the following terms is used to refer to subjects of observational research who deviate from their typical behavior because they realize that they are under observation? A) Hawthorne effect B) causal logic C) secondary analysis D) value neutrality

A) Hawthorne effect

In the 1990s, the workings of juries became a subject of public scrutiny. A sociologist would be most likely to use which perspective to gain a better understanding of the small-group setting of a jury deliberation room? A) interactionist perspective B) conflict perspective C) functionalist perspective D) macrosociology

A) interactionist perspective


People who think of themselves as belonging together and who interact with one another

Concrete operational

What is the third stage of Jean Piaget's cognitive theory of development?

Viewing society as being composed of groups that engage in fierce competition for scarce resources is the underlying premise in ________.

conflict theory

Which of the following groups is MOST likely to be considered a subculture?

high school dropouts

Leo is a college graduate, cello teacher, and a member of Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. This would be an example of ________.

his achieved statuses

Sociologist Robert Park used the term ________ to describe the ways in which people adapt to the environment.

human ecology

As a part of human culture, religion would be an example of: a. material culture. b. nonmaterial culture. c. culture shock. d. human nature

b. nonmaterial culture.

Cultural patterns that are widespread among a society's population are referred to as: a. high culture. b. popular culture. c. subculture. d. counterculture.

b. popular culture.

Quantitative data

Data based on numbers.

C. the process of making known or sharing the existence of an aspect of reality

Discovery is A. the combination of existing cultural items into a form that did not previously exist. B. the process of introducing new elements into a culture. C. the process of making know or sharing the existence of an aspect of reality D. the process by which cultural items spread to different groups

Play stage

During which of Mead's stages of the self does a child begin to "become" a doctor, a parent, a superhero, or a ship captain?

Mechanical Solidarity

Durkheim's term for the unity (a shared consciousness) that people feel as a result of performing the same or similar tasks

Describe and compare ethnocentrism and cultural relativism.

Ethnocentrism: the practice of judging another culture by the standards of one's own culture. Cultural relativism: the practice of judging a culture by its own standards

Who is ethnocentric?


Most gestures are universal and serve as an international method of communication, true or false?



In some parts of the U.S., horse breeding and/or racing is commonplace. People involved in these activities have developed different words to distinguish between breeds, sizes, and sexes of horses, and these words are unfamiliar to people outside the "horse world." This is an example of

developing a meaningful philosophy of life

In surveys of first-year college students, which value was shown to have the most decline over the past 40 years?

It is the interaction between environmental factors and biological inheritance that is important in human development.

In the nature versus nurture debate, which position do most social scientists take?


In the nature-nurture debate, behaviorism would favor

the dependent variable

In the statement, TV violence causes aggressive behavior, aggressive behavior would be

degradation ceremony

In total institutions, people are subjected to humiliating rituals known as


In which country did Wal-Mart have to pull out in 2006 due in part to the company's failure to adjust to the national culture?

C. Germany

In which country did Wal-Mart have to pull out in 2006 due in part to the company's failure to adjust to the national culture? A. Canada B. Brazil C. Germany D. France

Wayne always wears a lapel pin on his suit signifying that he was the recipient of the Medal of Honor when he was in the service. Usually, only veterans recognize what the pin actually means. In view of this, which of the following terms best describes Wayne's lapel pin?

It is a symbol to which people attach meaning

Which statement is least true of role-taking behavior as developed by George Herbert Mead?

Mead used the term "significant other" to indicate the self as subject.


People who share a culture and a territory


A theory of interaction developed by Erving Goffman in which all life is like acting. Not to say that people are "faking it", but rather that people are concerned about what the rest of the world will think of them, and they adjust their social interactions accordingly.

Latent Dysfunctions

Usually unintended human actions that hurt a system

The __________ perspective generalizes about everyday forms of social interaction in order to understand society as a whole. A) conflict B) functionalist C) interactionist D) feminist

C) interactionist

Which of the following media least qualifies as being a form of mass media?

academic journals

What is the term for a social position a person takes on voluntarily that reflects personal ability and effort?

achieved status

The status of "drug dealer" is a/an:

achieved status.

The advent of cities, greater specialization and money as the standard of exchange appear in the ______ stage of sociocultural evolution, according to the Lenskis.


In kohlberg's theory, children in the ________ stage focus on personal needs to be satisfied and recognize no right and wrong


A basketball arena, an airliner, a slice of pizza, and a television set would all be considered examples of

material culture.

You have violated norms that have great moral significance. You have, therefore, violated a set of society's:


Cultural change is caused in three general ways, which are:

invention, discovery, and diffusion.

Which of the following is included in the code of ethics for sociology?

maintaining confidentiality; objectivity and integrity in research; protection of research subjects from personal harm

which statement is true about people toward the bottom of the class structure?

they are less likely to be politically active

Deciding to "leave the job at work" before heading home to the family can be an effective strategy for minimizing:

role conflict.


society is like an organism of inter related parts

A. culture shock

A man goes to a urologist who has been recommended by his family physician. When the urologist greets him in the examining room, the man discovers that the urologist is a female, and he is startled that a woman will examine him. He is experiencing A. culture shock B. cultural relativism C. cultural universals D. cultural integration.

C. culture shock

A member of a rural Indian tribe in Central America who is suddenly taken to a large city, such as Mexico City, will probably experience A. cultural relativity. B. cultural diffusion. C. culture shock. D. cultural integration


A part of a society's nonmaterial culture that represents cultural standards by which we determine what is good, bad, right, or wrong.

Transitional Adulthood

A period of extended youth to the life course, also known as adultolescence

False consciousness

A person's lack of understanding of his or her position in society.

total institutions

Any activities within the institution are conducted in the company of others in the same circumstances

of organizational life according to which even democratic organizations will become bureaucracies ruled by a few individuals

According to the German sociologist Robert Michels, the "iron law of oligarchy" is


According to the United States Census, about how many different languages are spoken in the United States?

instrumental socialization

Acquiring the skills of reading and writing is primarily part of

George Ritzer's concept "The McDonaldization of society" refers to

the domination of numerous sectors of societies throughout the world by principles initially used by fast-food restaurants.


the extent to which research produces consistent results

Sometimes people become even more deviant in response to being labeled as deviant. This occurs because:

the label becomes a part of the person's self-concept

Two men and two women, all of equal size, are sitting on a park bench. Personal space patterns in Canada would typically show:

the two men use more space than the two women.

Conflict Theory

A conclusion by Marx that the key to human history in class conflict

Sociometric status

A measurement that reflects the degree to which children are liked or disliked by their peers as a group

Agrarian society

In the most technologically advanced form of preindustrial society, members are engaged primarily in food production. They increase their crop yields through such innovations as the plow. According to Lenski, this type of society is called

How a country's dominant group exploits minority groups for its economic advantage is referred to as ________.

Internal colonization

Meagan always paints her fingernails purple and always wears a pin representing the Minnesota Vikings. What term describes what Meagan's purple fingernails and pin represent?

It is Meagan's personal identity kit


People who regularly interact with each other and share some common trait


Perceiving other groups or societies as superior to your own.


Reproductive cells, egg and sperm, that contain only half the genetic material of all the other cell in the body

Field research

Research conducted in a natural setting. 1. Participant observation 2. Case studies 3. Ethnography

Conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would argue that the most powerful groups and institutions control wealth, property, and the means of producing beliefs about reality through religion, education, and the media?

A. functionalist perspective

Which sociological perspective would be most likely to argue that the existence of big-city political machines suggests that these political organizations satisfy certain basic social needs? A. functionalist perspective B. conflict perspective C. interactionist perspective D. Global perspective

anomie refers to: A. a model that serves as a measuring rod against which actual cases can be evaluated B. a loss of direction that is felt in a society when social control of individual behavior has become ineffective C. a classification scheme containg two or more categories D a type of suicide that is based on depression

a loss of direction that is felt in a society when social control of individual behavior has become ineffective

Which of the following is an example of a society?

a small tribe on a remote South Pacific island

During cultural lag, what is the most likely course of events?

Technology will change first but nonmaterial culture will lag behind the technology.

Word Segmentation

The process of discovering where words begin and end in fluent speech.


The process of learning new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors

Role Taking

The process of mentally assuming the perspective of another, thereby enabling one to respond from that imagined viewpoint, is known as


The use of one's own culture as a yardstick for judging the ways of other individuals or societies, generally leading to a negative evaluation of the other societies' values, norms, and behaviors


What is the term sociologists give to a category of people with a common characteristic, usually their age?

Social Role

What term is used by sociologists to refer to a set of expectations for people who occupy a given social position or status?

Sociologists define a symbol as:

anything that carries a particular meaning recognized by people who share a culture.

A symbol is:

anything that carries a particular meaning which is recognized by people who share a culture.

a life long process

E.Erikson described socialization as

Group Dynamics

How groups influence us and how we affect groups

______ distinguish between right and wrong; ______ distinguish between polite and rude.

Mores; folkways

Ascribed Statuses

Positions an individual either inherits at birth or receives involuntarily later in life

In democracies, what are the two methods that are used by the ruling elite to control information?

Technology and the selective release of information

Social Structure

The framework that surrounds us, consisting of the relationship of people and groups to one another, which give direction to and set limits on behavior

Functionalist perspective

Which sociological perspective would be most likely to emphasize that "we" and "they" feelings promote in-group solidarity and a sense of belonging?

the idea of racial superiority is

a myth

A study, generally in the form of an interview or a questionnaire that provides sociologists with information concerning how people think or act is known as

a survey.

functional analysis

a theoretical framework in society is viewed as composed of various, each with a function that, when fulfilled contributes to society's equilibrium; also known as functionalism and structural functionalism

The text states that cultural change is set in motion in three general ways: a. invention, discovery, and diffusion. b. invasion, invention, and experiment. c. immigration, imagination, and innovation. d. adaptation, integration, and immigration.

a. invention, discovery, and diffusion.

Wrong-doing such as an adult forcing a child to engage in sexual activity is an example of violating cultural: a. mores. b. symbols. c. folkways. d. beliefs.

a. mores.

In many Third World nations, the pace of social change is very rapid and there is significant hunger and starvation, unemployment, and family disruption. Individuals who live in Third World nations are likely to suffer


Someone who feels alienated from society and has lost a purpose for living is experiencing ______.


The type of leadership style that will most likely result in a high degree of internal solidarity among employees is the ________ style.


Which of the following most closely conveys the point of the Sapir-Whorf thesis? a. Language involves attaching labels to the real world. b. People perceive the world through the cultural lens of language. c. Most ideas "feel" the same even if they are expressed in different languages. d. Each word in English has its counterpart in all other languages.

b. People perceive the world through the cultural lens of language.

The practice of judging any other culture using its own standards is called: a. ethnocentrism. b. cultural relativism. c. cultural diffusion. d. cultural integration.

b. cultural relativism.

An advantage of knowing a culture's gestures is

being able to communicate with simplicity.

Nonverbal communication refers to:

body movements, gestures, and facial expressions.

In the three world model, First World nations usually have a ________ economy while Second World nations have a ________ economy.

capitalist; socialist

the bourgeoisie are


A theorist who sees the law as an instrument of repression and a tool designed to maintain the powerful in their privileged positions would be considered a[n] ________ theorist.

conflict theorist

The two sociological perspectives that focus on the broader picture, or the macrosociological approach, are ________.

conflict theory and functionalism

Disruption in a cultural system can result from the unequal rates at which different cultural elements change. William Ogburn referred to this as:

cultural lag.

If you were interested in studying the relationship between date and acquaintance rape victims and the characteristics of the rapist, your first step would be to

define the problem

Émile Durkheim's explanation of suicide was scientific because he

developed conclusions based on systematic examination of data

______ is an act of unfair treatment directed against an individual or a group


forcible expulsion and genocide are types of

ethnic cleansing

Race is to biology as _____ is to cultural heritage.


Saying that Great Britain's drive on the "wrong side" of the road, would be an example of?


Which of the following are the three major goals of science?

explanation, generalization and prediction

which of the following statements about video games is true?

females are more underrepresented in video games then on television

Mild penalties follow the violation of which of the following?


Given that cultural diffusion could upset the stability of a society, which perspective is most likely to argue that most cultures resist new cultural components that do not fit comfortably into their social system?

functionalist perspective

apparently, having a reasonable level of __________ depends on early, close relations with other people

high intelligence


how biology affects human social behavior and stresses the universal aspects of culture

in tracking income in the united states from 1935 to 2013,

income inequality has decreased since 1970


is the process of discarding former behavior patterns and accepting new ones as part of a transition in one's life.


one's overall feeling of adequacy and worth and the feelings that he/she has about that evaluation

The term generalized other refers to

our perception of how people in general think of us


people who respond to a survey, either in interviews of by self administered questionaires

A research measure that provides consistent results is considered


"In God We Trust" appears on American money. This reflects the core value of



represents, suggests, or stands for something else

field research

research conducted in a natural setting


scientific study of social behavior in human groups

______ is a policy of keeping racial-ethnic groups apart


seeing certain features of an object or situation, but remaining blind to others, is

selective perception

The human potential movement reflects the emerging _____ value.


the region of the united states that has the most poverty is the


Although there is a market for a variety of products including explosives, strong pesticides, and poisons, they cannot be sold to the general public. Such restrictions on what can be manufactured and sold is a feature of ________ capitalism.


What term do sociologists use to describe the phenomenon whereby subjects deviate from their typical behavior because they realize they are under observation?

the Hawthorne effect


the application of the scientifc world to the social world; the use of scientific method to test & create scientific theory, created by August Compte

Internal working model

the child's mental representation of the self, of attachment figures, and of relationships in general that is constructed as a result of experiences with caregivers

What condition is created by the burning of fossil fuels, allowing sunlight to enter the earth's atmosphere freely, but also inhibiting the release of heat?

the greenhouse effect

Discuss the issue of multiculturalism, describe the arguments for each side of this debate, and relate the issue to the three major sociological theories.

the idea with multiculturalism is that


the language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and material objects that are important enough to pass on to future generations of a society

Every human group develops a system of formal and informal social controls to enforce norms and discourage deviance. They do so because deviance ________.

undermines predictability, a necessity for social life

The significance of "getting" the humour in any joke is a matter of which of the following?

understanding the two realities involved well enough to appreciate their difference


units of sound in speech ex. /p/ /d/ /t/ /b/

The type of leadership that style that will most likely result in a high degree of internal solidarity among employees is the authoritarian style


Emile Durkheim

-social integration -studied the suicide rates in catholics -key principle human behavior cannot be simply on individual terms, we must examine the social forces that affect people

Fred has applied for the position of head football coach at a local middle school, a role he has not fulfilled in the past. Although the Board of Education hasn't announced its decision on who will receive the position, Fred is already developing plays, looking at methods to motivate his players, and ways to get the student body behind the team. Based on this, what condition is Fred experiences?

Anticipatory socialization

Researchers conducting an experiment assign the subjects to one of two groups. These groups are called the dependent and independent groups. A) True B) False

B) False Researchers conducting an experiment assign the subjects to one of two groups. These groups are called the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group is exposed to an independent variable; the control group is not.

Classless Society

Concept that Karl Marx believed in would be a result of a revolution due to class conflict

Which of the following statements is least accurate when addressing feminist theory?

Conflict between men and women is a relatively new phenomenon brought about by equal rights legislation.


"The study of society"; the purpose is not only to discover social principles, but also to apply them to social reform

The foundation of sociology that helps to explain the science and the ways in which concepts are defined, taught and learned are: Class struggle Social problems Social theories


Why does language learning get harder with age?

1. Plasticity decreases 2. Less neural efficiency

the wealthiest 1% of adults worldwide own _______ of the earth's wealth.


In the documentary, The 13th, it states that the United States is home to ____ percent of the world's population and _____ percent of the world's prison population.

5% ; 25%

Voluntary Associations

A group made up of volunteers who organize on the basis of some mutual interest

What term describes the use of sociology to solve social problems in business, the workplace, and other aspects of society?

Applied sociology

subcultural and countercultural

Armed militia groups, such as the one that was involved in the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, are an example of a

Thinking of society as a living organism in which each part of the organism contributes to its survival is a reflection of which theoretical perspective? A) interactionist perspective B) functionalist perspective C) conflict perspective D) feminist perspective

B) functionalist perspective

the concept of anomie was introduced into sociology by: A. Auguste Comte B. Emile Durkheim C. Max Weber D. C Wright Mills

Emile Durkheim


Except for English the most widely spoken language in the United States is


In American society, we often formalize norms into

Jocko is a drug dealer who makes well over a million dollars a year. He lives in a magnificent home and has a "squad" of other dealers and gang members who support and protect him. In view of this, which of the following is the best description of Jocko based on middle class standards?

Jocko is status inconsistent because his prestige score as a drug dealer is not consistent with his rank in property and power.

In a capitalist economy, who or what determines the price of a commodity?

Market competition

Maximillian is disenchanted with the American political system. He feels the "one man one vote" philosophy is a facade and that his vote means virtually nothing and will just bring "more of the same." Based on this information, diagnose Maximillian's condition.

Maximillian is suffering from voter apathy.

Groups of people who are singled out of unequal treatment and who regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination were referred to as ______ by sociologist Louis Wirth.

Minority Groups

Nativism (Chomsky)

Nature matters more! *Modularity Hypothesis and Universal Grammar* Evidence: - species-specific and species-universal - Case of sign language invention among isolated deaf children (Nicaragua; e.g. Senghas, et al., 2004)

What are the expectations or rules of behavior that develop out of a group's values?


Empiricism (Skinner)

Nurture matters more! Evidence: - social isolation cases (e.g. Genie) - Child attentiveness to social cues, environment in language acquisition


Process through which children acquire the values, standards, skills, knowledge, and behaviors that are regarded as appropriate for their present and future roles in their culture

Take The Role Of Other

Putting oneself in someone's shoes; understanding how someone else feels and thinks and thus anticipating how that person will act


R. Spitz study identified the condition of

Social Network

Refers to a set of social ties that link people together

Social capital

Refers to the individual and collective resources available to a person. Includes the institutions, relationships, attitudes, and values that influence interactions among people and contribute to economic and social development. (Ex: family, friends, professors, acquaintances, co-workers, employers, classmates)

Mechanical solidarity

Refers to the state of community bonding in traditional societies in which people share beliefs and values and perform common activities. (Ex: Amish society)

National character

Representative personality is also called


Represents, suggests, or stands for something else.

D. all of these

Researchers found which of the following to be true of cell phone users compared to landline users? A. more likely to screen incoming calls B. more likely to break off a call mid-survey C. higher proportion of non-adults on cell phones D. all of these

Conventional level

Second stage of moral development that arises before puberty and uses the lens of norms and rules to determine what is right and wrong. What's "right" is obedience to the rules.

social development

Social scientists now recognize that it is not enough to care for an infant's physical needs; parents must also concern themselves with

What conclusion can be drawn from Milgram's experiment involving the "small world Phenomenon"?

Society is unconsciously linked together by mutual acquaintances.

Consider yourself as a typical sociologist. Which of the following claims would you be most likely to embrace?

Sociobiology explains why some cultural patterns seem easier to learn.

D. all of these

Sociologists conduct a "review of the literature" to A. refine the problem under study. B. clarify possible techniques to be used in collecting data. C. eliminate or reduce the number of avoidable mistakes they make. D. all of these.

What was the conclusion reached by Stanley Milgram in his "teacher-learner" experiment?

Some people will inflict pain on others if ordered to do so by a person in a position of authority


Some researchers contend that African-American adolescents have indicated that they are (more/less) peer-oriented than their White counterparts.

Nurture theory

States that our environment influences the way we think, feel, and behave.

Nature theory

States that the genes we get from our parents at conception are the primary causes of human behaviors.

Connie is an 82-year-old retired full professor taking undergraduate courses in deviance, criminology, and juvenile delinquency. Which sociological term most applies to Connie being 82 and an undergraduate student?

Status inconsistency

What is the difference between status and status set?

Status: recognized social position that an individual occupies. Status set: consists of all the statuses a person holds at a given time.

A(n) ______ designates social position while a(n) _______ designates socially expected behavior

Status; role

What term refers to how our language determines our consciousness and perceptions of objects and events?

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

Foster has developed an "excess of definitions" that support his rationalization for setting up an illegal "chop shop" to process stolen cars for their parts. He has weighed all the reasons why he shouldn't open the shop, as well as the reasons he should. Foster's decision to enter a life of crime can best be explained by which theory of deviance?

The Theory of Differential Association


The U.S is now in which of the following stages of technological development?

Division of Labor

The splitting of a group's or a society's tasks into specialties

Cultural Diffusion

The spread of cultural characteristics from one group to another

Life Course

The stage in our life as we go from birth to death

Social Darwinism

The stages of savagery,barbarism, and civilization were described by


The standards by which people define what is desirable or undesirable, good or bad, beautiful or ugly

Robert K Merton

What U.S sociologist made a distinction between the manifest functions and the latent functions of social patterns?

Based on control theory, when are inner controls more effective?

When people have strong attachments, commitments, and involvements with society


any number of people with similar norms, values, and expectations who regularly and consciously interact.

who is at the top of wright's modification of marx's model of social classes?


still face paradigm

caregiver alternates between engaging in face-to-face interaction with the infant and remaining still and unresponsive

Safe Haven

caregiver soothes and protects child when there's threat/fear (e.g fear test in Harlow's monkey experiment)

In Karl Marx's analysis, society was fundamentally divided between

classes that clash in pursuit of their own class interests

in the estate stratification system of medieval Europe, which was one of the three groups or "estates"?


Which group of theorists believe the purpose of the welfare system is to maintain an army of reserve workers?


Bill heard, as part of the _______ curriculum in his school that certain races were not as good as others, and that coolness was the key to everything


General customs and practices that are found in every culture are called

cultural universals.

The English language often treats as ______ whatever has greater value, force, or significance.


The dilemma presented to women by ________ is that a model is thrust before them that is almost impossible to replicate in real life

mass media (television, movies and cartoons)

What is the term for a status that has special importance for social identify, often shaping a person's entire life?

master status


negative interactions among peers initiated by an individual

_______ is material possessions


value clusters

two or more values that support each other

Alvin Gouldner has suggested that sociologists continue to use objectivity as a sacred justification for remaining uncritical of existing institutions and centers of power. This point of view emphasizes which perspective(s)?

conflict and feminist perspectives

Critics of television often suggest that executives of major television networks and movie corporations are wealthy White males who decide which programs or movies will be produced and which directors and actors will obtain jobs in the industry. This analysis reflects the

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would maintain that the laws of a society are created by the groups in power and help those groups maintain their superior status?

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would most likely argue that the social order is based on coercion and exploitation

conflict perspective


controlling where they go, with whom they interact, and how much time they spend with peers

Sociologists call values that are shared by most of the groups in a society

core values.

The adoption of Western dress and culture in Japan, the presence of McDonald's restaurants in Moscow and Hong Kong, and Chinese restaurants in Chicago and Manhattan are examples of ________.

cultural leveling

The slaughtering of the Tutsis by the Hutus in Rwanda in 1994 and the massacre of Muslims at the hands of the Serbs in Bosnia are examples of ________.

ethnic cleansing

Microsociology concentrates on large-scale phenomena or entire civilizations. A) True B) False

false, Macrosociology concentrates on large-scale phenomena or entire civilizations. Microsociology stresses the study of small groups.

Émile Durkheim developed a highly original theory about the relationship between homicide and social factors. A) True B) False

false, suicide

You have opened the supermarket door for an elderly gentleman. Your behavior illustrates:


Which sociological perspective would most likely suggest that education is necessary for people to earn more money and advance in society for the purpose of social stability?

functionalist perspective

B. define the problem

if you were interested in studying the relationship between date and aquaintance rape victims and the characteristics of the rapist, your first step would be to A. review the literature on date and acquaintance rap B. define the problem C. create a hypothesis D. choose a research design

Societal surplus:

increases the division of labour.

When a ruling power makes life so unbearable for a minority group that they choose to leave "voluntarily" is known as _____________.

indirect population transfer

People who are African American and Hispanic are often turned down for loans, even though their credit histories are similar to white applicants with similar credit histories. Sociologists refer to this as an example of ________.

institutional discrimination

built into society's institutions, ______ is negative treatment of a minority group

institutional discrimination

According to functionalists, social __________ exist to fulfill the basic needs of a society and ensures its survival.


which of the following statements about slavery is true?

it has been common throughout history

as you go down the social ladder, what happens to your mental health?

it worsens

Which of the following is an example of a counterculture?

members of al-Qaeda

in the former soviet union, the main basis for ranking higher in the stratification system was

membership in the communist party

The sworn virgins of Albania are treated by people in their society as


In hunting and gathering societies:

men hunt animals while women gather vegetation.

A sociologist studies drug-use patterns among small groups of college students in a Midwestern college. This would be an example of


in__________, the focus is on social interaction


people who are singled out for unequal treatment and who regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination make up an

minority group

What do sociologists call the sweeping changes in society ushered in by the Industrial Revolution, including the rise of capitalism, the accumulation of large surpluses, and the development of distinct social classes?


which statement about poverty is true?

more children than adults are poor

What was the key factor in the development of cities, beginning in approximately 3500 BC?

more efficient agricultural practices

when it comes to religion, the lower classes tend to be attracted to

more expressive worship services and louder music

If you kill another person, you have violated a society's


when is the development of self concept finished


Students are expected to attend classes and complete assignments. These activities make up a student's:


The passage of "three strikes and you're out" laws has, in some cases, resulted in mandatory life imprisonment sentences for relatively minor offenses. Such outcomes illustrate what functional theorists describe as ________.

unintended consequences

A sociologist observing behavior at a college football game would probably focus on

the interaction among fans during the pre-game ritual of tailgate parties

What are sociologists referring to when they address the culture within us?

the learned and shared ways of believing and doing that are a part of our behavior

The term real culture refers to

the norms and values that people actually follow.


the use of a given word in a broader context than is appropriate. Children were shown pairs of anomals that they generally labeled the same ("dog"). BUT when asked to point to the sheep, they chose correctly. - >not a lack of knowledge, but a lack of vocabulary.

the upper end of the capitalists class is occupied by those

with old money

Jamaican women prefer portly men with rounded mid-sections while American women prefer men who have triangular physiques, big shoulders, and thin waistlines. This difference in what is socially desirable or undesirable is an example of differences in ________.


A sociologist interviews high-salaried corporate chief executive officers (CEOs) to discover whether they feel stress in their everyday lives as a result of the pressure to produce at an unrealistic level. This sociologist is employing


A social class stratification system is "fluid" this means?

you can move up and down the classes


A statement of how and why specific facts are related is called a

Preoperational Stage

According to Jean Piaget's cognitive theory of development, the stage in which children begin to use words and symbols to distinguish objects and ideas is called the

family, social class, peers, government, social media, religion

agents of socialization

Some of the values and norms of a _____ place it at odds with the dominant culture.


Mass Media

Forms of communication, such as radio, newspapers, movies, and television that are directed to mass audiences

Auguste Comte

Functionalist, "Father of Sociology"

According to the symbolic interactionist perspective, why do women in poor nations bear a large number of children?

Large families are rewarded socially and economically.

Secondary Groups

Larger,more anonymous, more formal, and more impersonal

Pragmatic Development

Learning how language is used. Using language to express desires, commands, thoughts, etc. The more contextual information given to a child, the wider usage of pragmatic language.


Means "small-scale"; Focuses our attention on the individual.

Group Dynamics

Refers to the influence groups have on us and how we affect groups


Refers to the level of connectedness and integration a person feels to others in the environment.


The meanings and ways of life that are shared by a collection of people. These include beliefs, values, norms, sanctions, symbols, behaviors, language

experience-expectant plasticity

The process through which the normal wiring of the brain occurs in part as a result of experiences that every human who inhabits any reasonably normal environment will have

Based on the theories formulated by Karl Marx, what was the ultimate goal of the proletariat?

The proletariat sought to develop a classless society free of exploitation.


The protolanguage for Spanish would be


Using our own culture as the standard for judging other societies, generally resulting in a negative evaluation. FOR EXAMPLE: eating dog is not acceptable according to US norms, but is more normal in other parts of the world. FOR EXAMPLE: KFC commercial in Australia that appeared to have racist undertones, but because we are looking at it from a US perspective, we see it as racist. Australia does not have the racial tension that the US does.

social analysis

believe that we study and analyze but do not impose our will on it; Weber, Spenser

sociological research has found that children from poor neighborhoods are _______ to get in difficulty with the law, & that parenting is ________ in the poor neighborhoods

more likely harder

in the least industrialized nations, _____ people are poor


C. ethnocentrism.

The tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life represent the norm or are superior to all others is called A. culture shock. B. cultural relativism C. ethnocentrism D. value stability.

A. an argot.

The use of the term "g-man," "honey boat," and "airmail" by sanitation workers in New York is an example of A. an argot. B. a taboo C. linguistics D. nonverbal language

rites of passage

a means of dramatizing and validating changes in a person's status

When a person introduces themselves by stating their occupation along with their name, it is an indication that their occupation functions as a/n:

master status.

What term refers to the process by which people creatively shape their world as they interact?

social construction of reality

Social compensation hypothesis

social media is particularly helping socially anxious youth because they do not need to struggle with face-to-face interactions

The major difference between sociological and psychological theories used to explain deviance is that ________.

sociological explanations focus on factors outside the individual, and psychological explanations address conditions within the individual


An external agent that can cause damage or death during prenatal development

degradation ceremony

An inmate enters prison and is stripped of his/her clothing and advised that from this point on he/she will be referred to only by number. This is an example of

culture shock

An unpleasant and frightening experience encountering a strange unfamiliar way of life would exemplify


Analysis of social life that focuses on social interaction; an approach usually used by symbolic interactionists


In its narrow sense, tools; its broader sense includes the skills or procedures necessary to make and use those tools

Longitudinal study

Include data from observations over time using a specific group of people called a cohort. Allow the researcher to provide measures of the same group over a period of time.

B. Ethnocentric

A member of a new fundamentalist church believes that she has found the one true way to achieve salvation and members of other religions are pagans and will go directly to hell when they die. This individual is A. xenocentric B. ethnocentric C. culturally relative D. monophobic

culture shock

A member of a rural Indian tribe in Central America who is suddenly taken to a large city, such as Mexico City, will probably experience

which of the following groups in the united states has the highest median family income?

Asian americans

What is smart clothing?

Clothing incorporating invisible computing items


Clusters within a group

Jane Addams

Co founded NAACP and fought for social reform

the family performs more vital functions

In a rural, agricultural society, as compared to an urban industrial society


People who temporarily share the same physical space but who do not see themselves as belonging ogether

Impression Management

People's efforts to control the impressions that others receive of them


People's efforts to maintain a proper image and avoid embarrassment in public, is defined by Erving Goffman as

Of the following characteristics, which one least applies to bureaucracies?

Personal attention and individualism

To what sociological perspective is Mead's theory of human development most aligned?

Symbolic interactionist


the extent to which an operational definition measures what is was intended to measure

Émile Durkheim's study of suicide related suicide rates to

the extent to which people were integrated into the group life of a society.


Argues that deviance contributes to social order in three ways! 1) clarification of moral boundaries, affirmation of the norms 2) deviance encourages social unity (HOW) 3) deviance promotes social change

Emile Durkheim

He was among the earliest to use statistical analysis to study society


In Gerhard Lenski's view, societal organization is highly dependent on its level of

infants from one hospital were delayed in every aspect of development

In R spitz hospital study

Which sociologist coined the term, the iron law of oligarchy?

Robert Michels

What is the primary criticism leveled against socialism?

The system does not respect individual rights.


The view that living things have an essence inside them that makes them what they are

a person's status is a lifelong condition determined by birth in

a caste system

through sensory play

learning the physical self and the boundaries of ones own body occurs

sixty percent of the world's population lives in the

least industrialized nations

An economic system designed to eliminate competition by selling goods at predetermined prices, regardless of the demand for the product or the cost to make it, is called _________.


Helping another person to "save face," or avoid embarrassment, is called:


People's _____ are their ideas of what is desirable in life.


Incipient adapters

which of the following led to agriculture

Historian Gerda Lerner notes that generally, the first people enslaved were ____


permissive parenting

A parenting style characterized by the placement of few limits on the child's behavior.

Positive Sanction

A reward or positive reaction for following norms

polygenic traits

A trait which is governed by more than one gene


Must be widely shared and understood to become significant

In the documentary, The 13th, the "13" is in reference to?

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States


Occurs when a person uses his or her own culture to judge another culture.

Jane is getting married in the spring and is worried that her chances of getting divorced are extremely likely, given the high divorce rate in the U.S. On the other hand, what reason can Jane use to discount the statistics related to divorce?

Overall statistics on divorce have nothing to do with any one individual marriage.

Determinents of becoming friends

Proximity Similarities Reciprocity

Leadership style

Refers to a behavioral mode that leaders use to influence group members.

Social Networks

Refers to people who are linked to one another

preliminary analysis

Studies of identical twins have been based on extremely small samples and should be viewed

Define, compare, and give examples of subcultures, countercultures, and high culture.

Subculture: cultural patterns that set apart some segment of a society's population. Hutterites Counterculture: cultural patterns that strongly oppose those widely accepted within a society. Neo-Nazi High culture: cultural patterns that distinguish a society's elite. Royality


The belief in science to secure knowledge and information is part of the perspective of


The collaboration of two or more people to manage impressions jointly


The collective tunnel vision that group members sometimes develop

"I" Self

The part of us that is an active subject, our subjective sense of who we are. It seeks self-fulfillment, asking, "What do I want?"

Material culture

The physical or technological aspects of our daily lives are called

Which statement is least true of children in poverty?

There are more African American children in poverty than white children.


Three people, unstable, two can form a stronger bond and third feels left out

people over 30

What is the fastest growing age group online?


What term is used to refer to a person's typical patterns of attitudes, needs, characteristics, and behavior?

Social structure

What term refers to the way in which a society is organized into predictable relationships?


When group members align themselves against others

Promotes change

Which of the following is NOT a consequence of ethnocentrism?

B. conflict

Which sociological perspective argues that subcultures often emerge because the dominant society has unsuccessfully attempted to suppress a practice regarded as improper, such as the use of illegal drugs? A. functionalist B. conflict C. interactionist D. feminist

Interactionist perspective

Which sociological perspective might observe the division of labor among the staff members in a hospital emergency room and focus on how the allocation of responsibilities affects their relationships with one another?

Functionalist perspective

Which sociological perspective suggests that a society or a relatively permanent group must accomplish certain major tasks if it is to survive?

describe how culture evolved and how it functions as an evolutionary strategy for survival.

culture evolved

_______ is the ability to carry out your will, even over the resistance of others


weber believed that

property could bring prestige, and prestige could bring property

Harry Harlow's attachment theory

proposed attachment/bond with the mother/caregiver develops due to the sense of security provided by mother/caregiver (An infant's need for warmth, affection, and attachment are deeper than the need for food --> Used wire monkey and cloth monkey to demonstrate)

Which of the following is NOT an example of body language?

saying "I like you" to someone

medieval Europe provides an excellent example of elites maintaining stratification with

soft control

What is a "demeanour"?

the way we act and carry ourselves

All left handed people, no matter where they live, sociologically comprise a catagory


It is impossible to have a coalition in a dyad


A significant sociological point about the life course is that it

1. as you pass through a stage it affects your behavior and orientations 2. it differs by social location

concerning the effects of daycare researchers have found that

1. children are smart but mean 2. there are differing personalities for children

According to Merton, the most common means used to achieve cultural goals is ________ 1.innovator 2.rebels 3.conformist 4.ritualist $

1.innovator 3.conformist 4.ritualist $


A large organizational structure designed to solve problems-such as uncertainty, authority and coordination of activities

C. the Hawthorne effect

A sociologist decides to study the interaction among students in the college's computer center. When the students realize they are under observation, they become she and reserved in their interactions. This is an example of A. replication. B. secondary analysis C. the Hawthorne effect. D. value neutrality.


A statistic (women that have long hair etc)

Master Status

A status that cuts across the other statuses that an individual occupies

Dual Representation

A symbolic artifact must be represented mentally in two ways at the same time: As a real object As a symbol for something other than itself

Cultural Diffusion

English-speaking people in the U.S. commonly use words whose origins are from various African, Asian, and non-English-speaking European cultures. This is an example of

B. cultural diffusion

English-speaking people in the U.S. commonly use words whose origins are from various African, Asian, and non-English-speaking European cultures. This is an example of A. nonmaterial culture B. cultural diffusion C. culture shock D. cultural relativity


Gestures and words that form the basis of human communication are known as

_____ would be part of material culture.


Mickey takes great pride in being Irish. He wears a button that says "Kiss Me...Im Irish," flies the Irish flag outside his home, dresses in green quite often, and participates in the St. Patrick's Day parade every year. What is Mickey doing that is related to race and ethnicity?

Mickey is involved in ethnic work.

Which statement most accurately describes how parents of different social classes rear their children?

Middle class parents think their children need significant nurturing.

When Judith Kleinfeld replicated Milgram's experiment on small group phenomenon, what did she discover?

Milgram's experiment was not representative of average people.

Define a societies abilities

One of the most crucial aspects of the relationship between dominant and subordinate groups is the ability of the dominant group to

What conclusion can be drawn from the case study of Oskar and Jack, the identical twins who were born in 1932 and raised in very different cultures?

One's orientation to life is largely the result of environment

What conclusion can be drawn from a case study of Oskar and Jack, the two identical twins who were raised separately?

One's orientation to life is largely the result of environment.

the effect social institutions had on them

Sociologist Mitchell Duneier studied the social behavior of women working as word processors as a method of researching social networks and

8 hours per day

Studies indicate that the average American household has at least one TV set turned on for at least

After studying the use of personal space in several cultures, what conclusion did Edward Hall reach regarding the amount of space people prefer?

The amount of personal space people prefer varies from one culture to another

Which best describes "the iron law of oligarchy?"

The domination of organizations by a small, self-perpetuating elite

Secondary socialization

The dynamic whereby socialization continues throughout our lives.


The earliest cultures in North America came from

What event led to an uprooting of what had been traditional social arrangements?

The industrial revolution


The process of using multiple approaches to study a phenomenon.


The uniquely human capacity of being able to see ourselves "from the outside"; the picture we gain of how others see us

Social Construction of Reality

The use of background assumptions and life experiences to define what is real

Which of the following is TRUE about staring, smiling, and touching?

Women sustain more eye contact than men.

psychologist Eugene Hartley (1946) made up the names of three ethnic groups- wallonians, pireneans, and danireans- and found that people who were prejudiced against jews and blacks

also hated the nonexistent wallonians, pireneans, and danireans

____ believes that stratification exists because it is functional for society


social sciences

science; body of knowledge obtained by methods based on systematic observation

Sample of convenience

A nonrandom sample available to the researcher.

Role conflict

A phenomenon occurring when one is forced to choose between the competing demands of multiple roles.

Total Institution

A place in which people are cut off from the rest of society and are almost totally controlled by teh officials who run the palce

Ascribed status

A position in society that is given or assigned. (Ex: Paris Hilton being born into a wealthy and famous family)

cross-sectional design

A research method in which participants of different ages are compared on a given behavior or characteristic over a short period of time

Normal behavior

Behavior that is in line with norms


Philosophy and Literature are part of

Categorical Perception

Phonemes detected as belonging to discrete categories

What term do sociologists use to describe the norms and values that people actually follow, as opposed to those that they would follow if they lived in a perfect world?

Real culture

Feral Children

Children raised apart from human society

Preconventional level

First stage of moral development that lasts through the elementary school years; at this level, children make their moral judgments with a framework of hedonistic principles (seeking pleasure over pain).

among americans of European descent, the largest group comes from


contact comfort

H. Harlows study identified the need for

postmodern society

In the U.S., we listen to music imported from Jamaica, eat sushi and other Japanese foods, and watch movies produced in Italy. These are all features of

population is small; people are nomadic

In the hunting and gathering societies

How do you acquire language?

Language is acquired by listen and speaking (or watching and signing). Language Comprehension --> Language Production

Which statement about the origin of values is true?

Values are related to conditions of society.

in a meritocracy, all positions are awarded on the basis of


authoritative parenting

parenting style characterized by emotional warmth, high standards for behavior, explanation and consistent enforcement of rules, and inclusion of children in decision making

conflict theorists say that capitalists use the _____ to expand production during economic booms, and then lay off people during economic contractions

reserve labor force

Even just the thought of the violation of a _____ fills us with revulsion.


marx's model of the social classes included



"governmental social control" meaning that laws are formal norms enforced by the state.

emile durkheim

1858-1917 behavior must be understodd within larger social context

Status Inconsistency

A contradiction or mismatch between statuses; a condition in which a person ranks high on some dimensions of social class and loow on others

C. contains several different cultures

A society A. is a group that owes allegiance to a larger group B. is the largest form of human group. C. contains several different cultures. D. contains one subculture and many cultures.


A system of symbols that can be combines in an infinite number of ways and can represent not only objects but also abstract thought


According to the ______ perspective suggests that language and symbols offer a powerful way for a subculture to feel cohesive and maintain its identity.


According to the discussion in Chapter Three, cultural phenomena such as communism, the Episcopal religion, and the microwave oven are examples of

gender self-socialization

Active process during development whereby children's cognitions lead them to perceive the world and to act in accord with their expectations and beliefs

total institutions

All aspects of life are conducted in the same place under the control of a single authority

During the Cuban Missile Crisis, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy gathered opinions on how to address the problem from selected national leaders. After this group reached a consensus, the President made the final decision for a Naval quarantine of Cuba. This scenario is an example of which type of leadership


Marxism and communism are indentical political ideologies with both leading to a classless society, true or false?


According to reports of ______ children, they walked on all fours, growled, and showed no sensitivity to cold


In freud's psychoanalysis the _________ causes us to seek self gratification


Which of the following statements summarizes the Thomas theorem?

If people define situations as real, they are real in their consequences

class conflict

Karl Max's term for the struggle between capitalists and workers

manifest function

Keeping young people off the streets would a _____ of sports

Which three variables does the author recognize as being especially significant in determining one's social class?

Occupational prestige, income, and education

Culture shock

Occurs when a person encounters a culture foreign to his or her own and has an emotional response to the differences between the cultures.

Virtual world

Participants assume an avatar. Politicized and consumer-oriented. Preserve real-world networks.


Suicide resulting from high integration would be classified as

Gender Role

The behaviors and attitudes that a group considers proper for males and females; masculinity and femininity

Role performance

The degree to which a personal plays the role in a manner we expect.

The diffusion of responsibility can best be defined by which of the following?

The more bystanders there are, the less likely people are to help.


The use of the terms "g-man," "honey boat," and "airmail" by sanitation workers in New York is an example of an

A society's material culture usually experiences a change first, and the nonmaterial culture catches up to the change later, true or false?


C. interactionist

Which sociological perspective suggests that language and symbols offer a powerful way for a subculture to feel cohesive and maintain its identity? A. functionalist B. conflict C. interactionist D. feminist

individuals and groups that influence our orientations to life are called

agents of socialization

parental sensitivity

an important factor contributing to the security of an infant's attachment. It can be exhibited in a variety of ways, including responsive caregiving when an infant is distressed or upset and engaging in coordinated play with the infant

the oil-rich, nonindustrializied nations, like Kuwait,

are part of the least industrialized nations

A key element in the sociological imagination is the ability to view one's own society

as an outsider

a key element in the sociological imagination is the ability to view one's own society: A. from the perspective of personal experience B. from the perspective of cultural biases C. as an outsider D. as an insider

as an outsider

Which of the following is NOT a "cultural universal" identified in your text?

belief in the heavenly after life

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of ethnocentrism.

can promote closer attachment to their own way of life but can generate misunderstanding and sometimes even leads to conflict

The practice of persons from one culture judging any another culture by its own standards is called:

cultural relativism.

Traits that are part of every known culture of the world are referred to as:

cultural universals.

While traveling in Japan, it is not uncommon for Canadians to experience personal disorientation called

culture shock


data collection of data by having people answer a series of questions, must contain a representative sample, & care taken with the wording of the questions

Which of the following characterizes the hunting and gathering society?

few formal leaders, equality between males and females, simple organization

Mark and Sally went walking in the park. Both of them were wearing nothing on the upper half of their bodies. Mark would be violating a ________, Sally would be violating a ________.

folkway; more

Which of the following have little moral significance and are applied with individual discretion?


According to Durkheim, ________ refers to a shared consciousness that people experience as a result of performing the same or similar tasks.

mechanical solidarity

According to Durkheim, the shared consciousness that people experience as a result of performing the same or similar tasks is called ________.

mechanical solidarity

What is the term for an educational program that recognizes the cultural diversity in Canadian society, and promotes the equality of all cultural traditions?



number of different and distinct aspects of self varies among individuals

According to Lawrence Kohlberg, when children have learned the rules and follow them in order to stay out of trouble children are in the ______ stage


A social scientist would be likely to study the

reasons for the decreasing divorce rate in the U.S


relationship between 2 variables in which a change in one coincides with change in another

rejecting-neglecting parenting

relationship is rejecting or neglecting; uninvolved

What did Marx believe was the primary factor that distinguished between the different classes under industrial capitalism?

relationship to the means of production

sociological theory

set of statements that seeks to explain problems, actions, or behaviors

According to dramaturgical analysis, a ______ is like a part in a play.


june was the president of her neighborhood association, which in that group afforded her a high

status consistency

A world within the larger world of the dominant culture is a


When a group has a distinctive way of looking at life, but at the same time their values and norms reflect the dominant culture of their society, the group would be considered a[n] ________.


Armed militia groups, such as the one that was involved in the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, are an example of a

subculture and counterculture.

in some instances, slavery was


According to the text, which f the following is "natural" to the human species?

the capacity to create culture

Which of the following was the main concern of Kelsey Timmerman in his book Where Am I Wearing

the people who make our clothing

Culture lag

the period of maladjustment when the nonmaterial culture is still struggling to adapt to new material conditions.

holophrastic period

the period when children begin using the words in their small productive vocabulary one word at a time.

conflict theory

the theorectical framework in which society is viewed as composed groups competing for scarce resources

Someone who is a citizen of South Africa, ancestors are from Norway, was born in Great Britain and currently lives in the United States would be ______ in terms of nationality?

South Africa

High income nations

The US falls within which of the following categories

a lack of norms

The term anomie means

The theoretical approach that highlights the way any cultural pattern helps meet human needs is the: a. structural-functional approach. b. social-conflict approach. c. symbolic-interaction approach. d. sociobiology approach.

a. structural-functional approach.

Adler and Adler's work on self-injury reflects which of the three major sociological approaches

interactionist, functionalist, conflict

______ refers to the change that family members make in social class from one generation to the next

intergeneration mobility

Studies of isolated and institutionalized children point out the importance of ________ in acquiring the basic "human" traits we take for granted.

intimiate social interaction

symbolic interactionists focus on the role of _______ in affecting perception and creating prejudice


cultural transmission

process of culture passing from one generation to the next through language

Anticipatory Socialization

Because one anticipates a future role, one learns parts of it now

Macro-Level Analysis

Examining large scale patterns of society

Status Symbol

Items used to identify a status


Producing syllables made up of a consonant followed by a vowel ("pa," "ba," "ma") that are represented in strings ("mamama"). Produced as sounds (or hand movements - sign language) during early phases of language development (begins around 6-8 weeks old).

A. a required number of data sources

Which of the following is not incorporated into the basic principles of the code of ethics for sociology? A. a required number of data sources B. respect for subjects' privacy C. acknowledgment of research collaboration D. disclosure of sources of financial support

Re socialization

__________ refers to efforts to radically change someone's personality through carefully controlling the environment.

Sam had an unpleasant and frightening experience encountering a strange way of life when he visited another country over spring break. His experience is called: a. culture shock. b. cultural diffusion. c. acculturation. d. value conflict.

a. culture shock.

Norms for routine or casual interaction are called: a. etiquette b. formal norms c. folkways d. good manners

c. folkways

Which sociological perspective sees the social world as being in continual struggle

conflict perspective

The term "subculture" refers to:

cultural patterns that set apart a segment of a society's population.

Categories of Norms

folkways, mores, taboos

______ permits-or encourages - ethnic differences


What is the term for a social position that a person holds?


All of the following are theories of Socialization, except: 1.Looking glass self 2. dramaturgy 3.Mead's stages theory 4. labeling theory

1.Looking glass self 3.Mead's stages theory 4. labeling theory $

Which sociologist used "dramaturgical analysis" in his approach to sociology?

Erving Goffman

Goal Displacement

Even after and organization achieves its goal and no longer has a reason to continues, it still continues

Which set of characteristics is most applicable to secondary groups?

Formal, intimate, face-to-face interaction

Generalized other

George Herbert Mead used the term _________ to refer to the child's awareness of the attitudes, viewpoints, and expectations of society as a whole?.

The self begins at a privileged, central position in a person's world.

How did George Herbert Mead define the self?

What is the underlying principle of symbolic interactionism?

It explains how one's behavior depends on the way they define themselves and others.

What is the primary criticism leveled against capitalism?

It leads to severe social inequalities.

It is weakly enforced, it conflicts with another, there's an exception, or they're subject to change

Norms are often violated when

Which of the following would be the best example of a total institution?

A mental hospital

Material culture

Consists of the items within a culture that you can taste, touch, and feel. Influenced by the natural resources available to a culture. (Ex: jewelry, art, music, clothing, architecture, and crafts)


Consists of two people, very unstable

D. all of these

Contemporary conflict theorists are concerned with the conflict between A. women and men B. cities and suburbs C. Blacks and Whites D. all of these

Groupthink results in multiple ways to accomplish objectives and greater, true or false?input from group members


Small Group

Few enough members that each one can interact directly with all the other members

Agents of Socialization

People or groups that affect our self-concept, attitudes, behaviors, or other orientations toward life


People who have similar traits, but they don't share a connection or sense of belonging with each other


People who influence the behaviors, opinions, or attitudes of others

All cultures have at least four components in common. Which of the following contains three of those four?

Symbols, values, norms.


The median value of this dataset [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14] is seven. True or False?


The system for expressing meaning through words, signs, symbols, and phrases.


The view of social interaction in which people are seen as theatrical performers is known as the ______ approach

D. the presence of McDonald's restaurants in Thailand, Saudi Arabia, and Japan

Which of the following is an example of cultural diffusion? A. McDonald's serving samurai pork burgers in Thailand B. McDonald's maintaining separate sections for female and male customers in Saudi Arabia C. McDonald's serving chicken tatsuta sandwiches (fried chicken spiced with soy sausce and ginger and served with cabbage and mustard mayonnaise) in Japan D. the presence of McDonald's restaurants is Thailand, Saudi Arabia, and Japan

Survival of the fittest, Biological Specialization, Physical Anthropology

Which of the following is associated with Charles Darwin?

D. all of these

Which of the following is true regarding feminist researchers? A. tend to involve and consult subjects more B. more oriented towards seeking change C. want to raise public consciousness D. all of these

Karl Marx

Which of the following people had an important influence on the development of the social conflict paradigm

__________ intrigue sociological researchers, particularly those separated at birth

identical twins

A study of divorce rates among the populations of Canada, England, the U.S., and France is an example of


What is the term for the tension among roles connected to a single status?

role strain

The relativity of deviance is best explained by the ________ perspective.

symbolic interactionist


theory of interaction in which all life is like acting, dramatic composition

Both statuses and roles

vary from one culture to another.


The reactions people receive for following or breaking norms

Auguste Comte

He was the first to use the term sociology to refer to the science of society

Morality of justice

Morality based on the rule of law.


The tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life represent the norm or are superior to all others is called

William F. Ogburn

Which researcher made the distinction between the elements of material and nonmaterial culture?

most members of the working poor class

are high school dropouts

A. set of cultural beliefs that help to maintain powerful social, economic, and political interests.

A dominant ideology is a A. set of cultural beliefs that help to maintain powerful social, economic, and political interests. B. subculture that rejects societal norms and values and seeks an alternative lifestyle. C. specialized language used by members of a group or subculture D. none of these


Adolescents with similar stereotyped reputations

Impression management

Alfred is on his first date with Shelly, whom he really likes. He tries to act in a manner that will cause her to like him, too, and to want to go out with him again. According to sociologist Erving Goffman, Alfred's behavior is an example of

According to Functional Analyst's society is analogous to the human body and the goal of society is to maintain a state of: -Harmony -All of the above -Equilibrium -Homeostasis

All of the above

A relationship between two variables whereby a change in one coincides with a change in the other is referred to as causality. A) True B) False

B) False A relationship between two variables whereby a change in one coincides with a change in the other is referred to as a correlation.

Sociologists use the term reliability to refer to the unintended influence that observers of experiments can have on their subjects. A) True B) False

B) False Sociologists use the term Hawthorne effect to refer to the unintended influence that observers of experiments can have on their subjects.


Beliefs about what is good or desirable in life and the way the world ought to be

Which set of concepts best illustrates nomaterial culture?

Beliefs, values, norms

Which theoretical perspective would examine sports on the microlevel by focusing on how day-to-day social behavior is shaped by the distinctive norms, values, and demands of the world of sports? A) functionalist perspective B) conflict perspective C) interactionist perspective D) both A and B

C) interactionist perspective

All are correct

Culture is (unique to man,Universal to man,variable from society to society,all are correct)

_____ refers to one part of a culture changing while other parts remain behind.

Culture lag


Culture lag occurs because people are more likely to change their (material)/(nonmaterial) culture.


Culture lag occurs because people in most societies are more likely to change their material culture. True or false?


Groups towards which we feel antagonism

Max Weber

He was influenced by the works of K. Marx and described how changes in religious values set the stage for capitalism

C. overthrow the existing class system of capitalist societies

In The Communist Manifest, Marx argued that the working class must A. ally with capitalists to build a better world B. try to work toward a return to feudalism. C. overthrow the existing class system of capitalist societies. D. ignore all aspects of class divisions.


Juan, Jessica, and Dillon are science majors. When they graduate from college, they find jobs as a nurse, a midwife, and a hospital administrator, respectively. These new positions are examples of

Social structure

Patterns of relationships that endure from one generation to the next. They are the arrangement of systems, such as marriage, education, and work, by which people in a society interact and are able to live together.

out-group vices

Proper behavior for the in-group is often viewed as unacceptable behavior for the out-group. Sociologist Robert Merton describes this process as the conversion of "in-group virtues" into

value neutrality

The concept, cultural relativism, employs the kind of ________in scientific study that Max Weber saw as being so important.

What did the research of Kohn and Schooler reveal as being the reason for the difference in the goals of working class parents and middle class parents in rearing their children?

The degree of individual freedom the parents had on their jobs was the primary factor.

Social Integration

The degree to which people are tied to their social group

Reference group

The group that you use to evaluate yourself; Using others to assess our behavior.

Cultural diffusion

The increased market for tobacco resulting from Columbus bringing it back to Europe is and example of

D. both gender and race of the interviewer

The results of an interview may be influenced by A. the gender of the interview B. the race of the interviewer C. neither gender nor race D. both gender and race of the interviewer

Frank is examining the broad stream of events that have occurred over the past 50 years and the specific experiences of his own life. By doing so, what sociological process has Frank undertaken?

The sociological imagination


The values and related behaviors of a group that distinguish its members from the larger culture; a world withint a world

B. Philadelphia

W.E.B. Du Bois conducted important social research on the lives of African Americans in which of the following cities? A. New York B. Philadelphia C. Baltimore D. Albany

Traditionally, what were the three factors on which slavery was based?

War, debt, and crime

The main way people communicate is through


A fundamental shift in thinking--from the time since our birth to the time we have left to live--occurs in the

later middle years


loss of direction felt in a society when social control of individual behavior becomes ineffective

the marx's theory, those who were exploited because they do not own the means of production were called the


A group's customary social arrangements that provide stability to life are referred to as ________.

social order

the typical patterns of a group of students and teachers, or men and women, was laid out before they were born. this pattern is known as__________

social structure

The theoretical approach that explores ways in which human biology affects how we create culture is known as:


Which of the following can serve as a variable in a study?

ethic background, marital status, age

Selene is a member of an environmentalist group that wants to clean up the land and rivers and improve air quality. Selene would be considered a member of a[n] ________ social movement.



the study of large scale phenomena for the entire civilization

personal fable

A story that adolescents tell about themselves that involves beliefs in the uniqueness of one's own feelings and thoughts

G.P Murdock

A study of cultural universals was conducted by


1. Efficiency: Consumers do the employees' work (carry the food, fill the drink yourself, etc.) 2. Calculability: Quantity is valued, and quality is less relevant. 3. Predictability: Product is the same no matter where you get it. 4. Technology: Businesses gain more control over their products when they use technology to limit human error. Businesses are able to hire fewer people.

All of the following are social research methods except: 1.experiments 2.secondary analysis 3.survey research 4.observational research

1.experiments 3.survey research 4.observational research $

auguste comte

1798-1857 systematic investigation of behavior needed to improve society

transitional adulthood covers ages


jane addams

1860-1935 combined intellectual inquiry, social service work, and political activism

charles horton cooley

1864-1929 used sociological perspective toe xamine face-to-face groups

What term describes people who share similar characteristics but little else, such as all women attending college, all left-handed people, or all men over seven feet tall?

A category


A magazine asks its readers to complete a survey that questions them about their sexual practices. Based on the responses that it receives, the magazine publishes an article entitled "The Sexual Practices of Men and Women in the U.S." THis magazine has conducted a valid random sample to support its article. True or False?

culture shock

A man goes to a urologist who has been recommended by his family physician. When the urologist greets him in the examining room, the man discovers that the urologist is a female, and he is startled that a woman will examine him. He is experiencing

In India, about 95 percent of the marriages are arranged by the parents; in the United States, most marriages are based on individual choice. Which statement best explains these differences in marriage practices?

A society's marriage practices match societal values and patterns of stratification.


A statistical estimate of the proportion of the measured variance on a trait among individuals in a given population that is attributable to genetic differences among those individuals

Which of the following is LEAST true about symbolic culture?

A symbolic culture is another name for nonmaterial culture A symbol is something to which people attach meaning and communicate The central component of symbolic culture is the symbols that people use *Symbolic culture is universal and understood by most members of all societies*

Content analysis

A type of research in which the sociologist looks for common words or themes in newspapers, books, or structured interviews.


A type of society in which life is intimate; a community in which everyone knows everyone else and people share a sense of togetherness


A woman who was socialized from infancy to become a wife and mother settles comfortably into being a homemaker in her twenties and early thirties. However, her husband dies suddenly, and she finds that she must enter the paid labor force in order to support herself and her two children. The process whereby she changes her role of homemaker to that of a paid worker in the labor force is Resocialization

cultural universals

According to George Murdock, general customs and practices that are found in every culture are called

Social Class

According to Weber, a large number of people who rank close to one another in wealth, power, and prestige; according to Marx, one of two groups: capitalists who own the means of production or workers who sell their labor

For any solution to be effective in reducing violence against women in the United States, what is the first hurdle that must be overcome?

Any connections between violence and masculinity must be broken.

Functionalist perspective

As primary agents of childhood socialization, schools play a critical role in teaching children the values and customs of the larger society. This view of the socialization process is most likely reflects the view of which sociological perspective?

What is the relationship between the level of industrialization and the level of traditional authority?

As the level of industrialization increases, the level of traditional authority decreases.

Why is tact a common response in potentially embarrassing situation?

Because embarrassment provokes discomfort for everyone.

Which sociologist introduced the concept of anomie to the discipline? A) Max Weber B) Herbert Spencer C) Émile Durkheim D) Wright Mills

C) Émile Durkheim

What term do sociologists use to describe the language, beliefs, values, norms, behavior, and material objects shared by members of society that are also passed from one generation to the next?


Cultural transmission

Culture passing from one generation to the next through language; Used to obtain information others have learned in order to improve your own life and helps spread technology.

What is the single best reason why children of more affluent neighborhoods are supervised more by neighbors and other community members than children from poor neighborhoods?

More affluent neighborhoods have less transition and know the children better.

Psychologists Susan Goldberg and Michael Lewis observed the interactions of mothers and children to determine if the children were socialized differently, depending on the child's sex. What was the conclusion they reached following their research?

Mothers unconsciously rewarded daughters for being dependent.

Vicarious reinforcement

Observing someone else receive a reward or punishment

The Iron Law of Oligarchy

Refers to how organizations come to be dominated by a small, self-perpetuating elite

Social control

Refers to the social mechanisms that regulate a person's actions.

The Sociological Imagination

Rhonda is a sociology student who babysits several children from her neighborhood. While one child is doing very well at school, the other is doing poorly. Rhonda looks beyond each individual child to explain their success and failure. She believes that the various opportunities offered by society explain the differences in their academic performance. Rhonda's thought process illustrates: Functionalism Social Control Solidarity The Sociological Imagination

What is the difference between role and status?

Role: consists of behaviours expected of someone who holds a particular status. Example would be Rosa parks defied her role to give up her seat to a white male in 1955. Status: recognized social position that an individual occupies. For example, merchant.

Sociological imagination

The ability to look beyond the individual as the cause for success and failure and see how one's society influences the outcome; Helps one understand their place in a complex world.


The attitudes and behaviors that are expected of us because we are a male or a female

B. material culture

The physical or technological aspects of our daily lives are called A. norms. B. material culture. C. nonmaterial culture. D. values.

Generalized Other

The norms, values, attitudes, and expectations of people "in general"; the child's ability to take the role of the generalized other is a significant step in the development of a self

The peter principle

The notion that every employee within a hierarchy tends to rise to his or her level of incompetence is referred to as

providing and maintaining a sense of purpose

The patriotic behavior of U.S. citizens on January 21, 2013 to witness the Inauguration of President Barack Obama is a testament to the functional prerequisite of

critical period

The period of time during which a particular development needs to happen, and effects of external factor can prevent this development from ever happening

Which statement is least true of divorce?

The person who initiates the divorce is more likely to suffer from guilt and anxiety over it.

Tony is five years of age. He loves to dress up like the Lone Ranger and pretend to help people in need. According to Mead's theory, what stage best describes Tony's behavior?

The play stage

B. cultural diffusion

The popularity in Japan of the U.S.-born sport of baseball is an example of A. cultural relativity. B. cultural diffusion. C. culture shock. D. cultural integration

Cultural Relativism

The practice of trying to understand a culture on its own terms.


The process by which a cultural item spreads from group to group or society to society.

Cultural Leveling

The process by which cultures become similar to one another especially refers to the process by which U.S. culture is being imported and diffused into other nations


The process of taking a bigger sample if the group you wish to study makes up a small percentage of the whole population.


The process that teaches the norms, values, and other aspects of a culture to new group members; A lifelong process of creating and maintaining group membership.

Max Weber referred to the self-denying approach to life as the protestant ethic, true or false?


Comparative study

Uses data from different sources in order to evaluate them against each other.

C. Genocide

We refer to the deliberate, systematic killing of an entire people or nation- as has occurred to Rwandans, Armenians, and Jewish people-as A. Cultural genocide B. Ostracization C. Genocide D. Expulsion

C. reviewing the literature

What is commonly the second step in the scientific method? A. defining the problem B. selecting the research design C. reviewing the literature D. collecting and analyzing data

During the preparatory stage, children merely imitate the people around them, especially family members with whom they continually interact.

What is the first part of Charles Horton Cooley's "looking-glass self?"

C. Developing nations lose their traditional values and begin to identify with the culture of core nations

Which of the following statements about globalization is correct? A. Globalization is universally welcomed in all nations. B. Most multinational corporations are uncooperative with the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, and The World Bank. C. Developing nations lose their traditional values and begin to identify with the culture of core nations. D. all of these


Which sociological perspective argues that subcultures often emerge because the dominant society has unsuccessfully attempted to suppress a practice regarded as improper, such as the use of illegal drugs?

A. functionalist

Which sociological perspective would most likely suggest that education is necessary for people to earn more money and advance in society for the purpose of social stability? A. functionalist B. conflict C. interactionist D. feminist

durkheim called it _______ when people become detached from the usual norms that guide their behaviors


A person who becomes a senior citizen acquires a/an:

ascribed status.

W.E.B. Bois

black sociologist assisted struggle for racially egalitarian society, knowledge essential in combating prejudice, in depth studies of urban life focused on religion at community level

The core value of education has

changed over the years, until today a college education is considered an appropriate goal for most Americans.

primary group

characterized by intimate, face-to-face association and cooperation.

John Bowlby's Attachment Theory

children are biologically predisposed to develop attachments with caregivers as a means of increasing the chances of their own survival

The basic premise of Piaget's model of development, which has remained unchanged, is that:

children begin with the concrete and move to the abstract.

What are "adultescents"?

children who stay or return home with their parents after finishing high school for a prolonged amount of time

The concept "cultural lag" refers to the fact that: a. the rate of cultural change has been slowing. b. some societies advance faster than others do. c. some people are more cultured than others. d. some cultural elements change more quickly than others.

d. some cultural elements change more quickly than others.

Anthony and Cathy Jones have been married for twenty-nine years. They have always had a joint bank account, discussed big expenditures before making them, and shared household duties. This Jones family is an example of a[n] ________ family.


a sociology instructor asks students to make lists of the characteristics of the best and worst possible instructors. These list which would be used to evaluate all instructors, are an example of A. typology B. ideal type C. verstehen D. hypothesis

ideal type

Smiling and making polite remarks to people we do not like is an example of:


Which sociological perspective holds the view that people create their social worlds through interaction and manipulation of symbols


Which sociological perspective would be most likely to suggest that nonverbal communication, such as the frequency of individuals touching each other during a conversation, varies from one culture to another?

interactionist perspective

what is the sociological sinificance of social structure?

it guides our behavior

development of sociology

philosophers/religious authorities of ancient and medieval societies made observations of human behavior, European theorist in 19th centrury made pioneering contributions to development of the science of human behavior

Harold got up early and cleaned and polished his motorcycle, while Fabienne packed a picnic lunch. Their destination was a park on a lake about 50 miles away, where they would meet some friends who also liked to ride motorcycles on weekends. They soon got underway, driving safely on the highway at the speed limit, enjoying the trip, while they listened to National Public Radio. About halfway to their destination, Harold and Fabienne were overtaken by a speeding clump of about 10 motorcycles ridden by people with swastikas on the back of their jackets. Several of the group appeared to be completely nude under their jackets, which was legal in their state due to an anachronistic law that said you could not disrobe outdoors, but that did not address the situation where you were already disrobed when you arrived outdoors. In all likelihood, Harold and Fabienne could be termed members of a motorcycle enthusiast _____ and the cyclists who passed them could be termed members of a motorcycle enthusiast _____.

subculture; counterculture

the awareness that allowx people to comprehend the link between their immediate, personal social settings and the remote, impersonal social world is called: A. the socialogical imagination B.anthropology C. a theory D. verstehen

the sociological imagination

Social Anthropology

the study of representative personality primarily developed in


the study of small groups or our everyday experiences

Herbert Spencer believed that societies evolved from lower to higher forms because as generations pass, the most capable and intelligent members of society prosper while the less capable die out. Spencer referred to this process as ________.

the survival of the fittest

a sociologist interviews high-salaried corporate chief executive officers(CEOs) to discover whether they feeln stres in their everyday lives as a result of the pressure to produce at an unrealistic level. This sociologist is employing: A. alienation B. anomie C. verstehen D. globalization techniques


culture shock

when a person encounters a culture foreign to his or her own and has an emotional response to the differences between the cultures

WASP stands for

white anglo-saxon protestant

immigrants to the united states from Poland, Ireland, Italy, and Germany are example of

white ethnics

Formal organizations

Special-purpose groups designed and structured in the interests of maximum efficiency are known as


The estrangement of workers from the larger society is called

Gesellschaft relationships

Today, Steve went into a grocery store where a stranger checked out his purchases and another stranger bagged his groceries. Then he went to Wendy's and purchased a hamburger from another stranger, and on his way home he stopped at an intersection, where an unknown police officer raised her hand. According to Ferdinand Tönnies, these experiences are all characteristic of

social institution

organized patterns of beliefs and behavior centered on basic social needs

Social interaction

the mutual influence of two or more people on one another's behavior that brings about a relationship. This relations form the basis of the social structure in a community.

postmodern society

A society that is primarily concerned with providing services rather than manufacturing goods is


Ferdinand Tönnies would view hunting-and-gathering societies as examples of a

social structure in society

Ferdinand Tönnies, Émile Durkheim, and Gerhard Lenski provided three visions of

the role of people, communication, and participation among the company executives.

Planning based on the human relations approach focuses on

Master Status

When Malcolm X was in the eighth grade, one of his teachers dismissed Malcolm's desire to be a lawyer and instead suggested he become a carpenter, the teacher viewed Malcolm's race as a(an)

A man goes to a urologist who has been recommended by his family physician. When the urologist greets him in the examining room, the man discovers that the urologist is a female, and he is startled that a woman will examine him. He is experiencing

culture shock.

social reform

believe that we study sociology to learn and improve society; Compte, Durkheim and Marx

postmodern society

A technologically sophisticated society that is preoccupied with consumer goods and media images is called

Looking-Glass Self

A term coined by Charles Horton Cooley to refer to the process by which our sense of self develops through internalizing others' reactions to us

Degradation Ceremony

A term coined by Harold Garfinkel to describe an attempt to remake the shelf by stripping away an individual's self-identity and stamping a new identity in its place

What is the defining quality of hate crimes?

They are crimes motivated by bias against someone's ascribed status.

According to Rosabeth Moss Kanter, what purpose does an organization's "hidden values" serve?

They are self-fulfilling prophecies that affect people's corporate careers.

Thomas Theorem

William I. and Doroty S. Thomas' classic formulation of the definition of the situation: "If people define situations as real, they are real in their consequences"


A theoretical framework that defines society as a system of interrelated parts. This paradigm is a macro approach to sociological study because it focuses on larger social structures rather than individuals.

Conflict theory

A theoretical framework that views society as being in a constant struggle over scare resources. This constant struggle inevitably results in an unequal system. (Ex: inequality of wealth and power)

What is a general statement about how some parts of the world fit together and how they work?

A theory

A dramaturgical analysis of a typical physician's office would show which of the following messages?

"I will help you, but you must allow me to take charge."

What type of society engages in large-scale farming based on the use of plows drawn by animals or more powerful energy sources?


_____ refers to when a group has distinct values and norms from those of the majority group in a society. 1.Multiculturalism 2.Assimilation 3.Cultural Diversity 4.Subculture

2.Assimilation 3.Cultural Diversity 4.Subculture $

What two presidents touted themselves as being "Law and Order" presidents? 1.Trump and Nixon 2.Clinton and Obama 3.Trump and Truman 4.Nixon and Reagan$

1.Trump and Nixon 2.Clinton and Obama 3.Trump and Truman $

if we use the analogy that some U.S. families have an income that could be represented by the height of mount Everest, then the average American family has an income that is about _____ feet off the ground.


harriet martineau

1802-1876 studied social behavior in britain and us, emphasized impact of economy, law, trade, health, and population on social problems

microgentic design

A method of study in which the same participants are studied repeatedly over a short period of time


A negative stimulus or event that follows a behavior to reduce the likelihood that the behavior will occur again

lower social integration

According to Emile Durkheim, a category of people with a higher suicide rate typically has

Status Set

All the statuses or positions that an individual occupies


An abstract system of word meanings and symbols for all aspects of culture is called


Applying the scientific method to the social world, suggested by Auguste Comte

April spends more than 40hrs/week in day care because both her parents work full-time. Hope spends about 15 hrs/week in day care because her mother only works part-time. Based upon the studies, what can one expect of the relationship April will have with her mother by the time she starts school?

April will have a weaker bond with her mother than Hope

the family

As children grow older, their peer groups become more and more important relative to the influence of

division of labor

As explained in the text, the public attention given the failure of various government intelligence-gathering organizations to detect the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 illustrates which poorly functioning aspect of government bureaucracy?

After submitting her completed research dissertation to her comittee, Becky was accused of plagiarism by the chair of the department. What did the chair believe Becky did?

Becky copied major parts of her dissertation from someone else's work

What are the two major myths of race?

Certain races are superior to others, and pure races exist.

competition throught built-in systems of reward and punishment

Conflict theorists Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis suggest that schools in the U.S. foster ____________ that can cause children to feel stupid and unsuccessful.

Nonmaterial culture

Consists of nonphysical products of society, including our symbols, values, rules, and sanctions.

Which of the following statements is least accurate regarding the Democrats and Republicans?

Deeply committed Republicans favor legislation to control wages, working conditions, and competition.

What occurs when members of a larger group believe that giving help is no more their responsibility than anyone else's?

Diffusion of responsibility

antisocial behavior

Disruptive, hostile, or aggressive behaviors that violate social norms or rules and that harm or take advantage of others

In a horticultural society some members engage in art, metal working, carpentry, and occupations other than those related to food production. What term describes this specialization fo work?

Division of labor

The slaughtering of the Tutsis by the Hutus in Rawanda in 1994 and the massacre of Muslims at the hands of the Serbs in Bosnia are examples of _____.

Ethnic cleansing

What is the tendency to use our own group's ways of doing things as the yardstick for judging the behavior, values, and beliefs of others?


Functionalist Perspective

Ethnocentrism is the tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life represent the norm or are superior to all others. Therefore, ethnocentrism fosters cohesion in a group. This observation would best reflect which sociological perspective?

Describe the principle characteristics of Lenski's four general types of societies - huntergathering, horticultural/pastoral, agrarian, and industrial societies

Hunter-gathering: a basic way of living that has the simple use of tools to hunt animals and gather vegetation for food. What any society starts off as. Horticultural/pastoral: horticultural allowed the use of hand tools to raise crops. What allows cultures to live off the land without mass movement. This led to pastoralism, the domestication of animals. Agrarian: or agriculture, its large scale cultivation using plows harnessed to animals or more powerful energy sources Industrial: the production of goods using advanced sources of energy to drive large machinery

Means of production

Instruments or tools by which goods are produced are referred to as

Guy is a NASA engineer who is working on proposals for the first manned mission to Mars. Sociologically, what is NASA in relationship to Guy's life?

It is a secondary group because NASA serves as Guy's employer, and space travel is his vocational interest.


Karl Marx saw the factory as the center of conflict between society's exploiters and its exploited masses. True or False?


Language rhythm, tempo, cadence, melody, intonation pattern. Example: Even before words or sentence structure/meaning is understood, infants can detect and mimic patterns of speech


Making workers feel more like objects for the function rather than individual people


Norms that are not strictly enforces

Total institution

Places in which the most effective forms of resocialization can occur because they isolate people from outside influences so they can be reformed and controlled. (Ex: military boot camps, prison, mental institutions)

Connie is six years of age. She can count to 100, but she is not sure what the numbers actually mean. According to Piaget, in what stage is Connie functioning?



Psychologist Shalom Schwartz researched values in more than 60 countries and found which values to be the most widely shared?

C. Harriet Martineau

Which sociologist translated the works of Auguste Comte into English and emphasized the impact that the economy, laws, trade, and population could have on contemporary social problems? A. Emile Durkheim B. Jane Addams C. Harriet Martineau D. Talcott Parsons


Selection of a research design will influence both the cost of a research project and the amount of time needed to collect the results of the research. True or False?

Sociological Perspective

Stresses the social contexts in which people live;examines how contexts influence people's lives


Symbols that we make using our bodies, such as facial expressions, hand movements, eye contact, and other types of body language. Can vary widely between cultures.

A system of symbols that can be strung together in an infinite number of ways for the purpose of communicating abstract though is called

Technology Raw Material *Language* Ethnocentrism

The Rationalization of Society

That bureaucracies with their rules and emphasis on results, would increasingly dominate our lives

Functionalist Perspective

The USA formerly demanding conformity to a single language reflects which sociological perspective?


The ability by which language can refer to another time and place is called

G. Lenski

The classification of technological development is most associated with

some cultural elements change more rapidly than others

The concept of cultural lag refers to the fact that

William G. Sumner

The concept of ethnocentrism was originally formulated by


The expectations for 'right' behavior that develop out of a group's values. Norms can vary in intensity

In Piaget's model, in which stage do children become "young philosophers" who are capable of abstract thinking?

The formal operational stage

What are the stages that people pass through from birth to death that include childhood, adolescence, transitional adulthood, the middle years, and the older years?

The life course

What are the stages we pass through from birth to death that include childhood, adolescence, transitional childhood, the middle years, and the older years?

The life course


The observable expression of the genotype, including both body characteristics and behavior

E. Durkheim

The term anomie was used by

Symbolic interactionism

This approach is more microlevel than macrolevel

identical twins

Twins that result from the splitting in half of the zygote, resulting in each of the two zygotes having exactly the same set of genes

Applied Sociology

Using sociology to solve problems

What classification best describes groups that organize on the basis of some mutual interest, such as the Girl Scouts, Knights of Columbus, and labor unions?

Voluntary Associations

D. the systematic destruction of a people's culture

We use the term cultural genocide to refer to A. the systematic killing of an entire people. B. the corporatization of indigenous culture C. the natural decay of culture over time. D. the systematic destruction of a people's culture.

A class system of social hierarchy is based off of:

Wealth, occupation, income and education

social network

Weight gain in one person is often related to weight gain of that person's

D. protection of the respondent's anonymity AND defining the potential audience

What is a potential problem when sending out Internet-based surveys? A. protection of the respondent's anonymity B. defining the potential audience C. the high costs of money and time D. protection of the respondent's anonymity AND defining the potential audience

B. Starbucks in Asia

Which example does Schaefer use to illustrate the rapid globalization of culture? A. Coca-Cola factories B. Starbucks in Asia C. military forces D. discovery of DNA

dramatic play

Which involves "significant other" interaction

What is the term for a social position a person receives at birth or takes on involuntarily later in life?

ascribed status

functionalist perspective

emphasizes the way parts of a society are structured to maintain its stablility

The plow is to the second social revolution as the _____is to the third social revolution.

invention of the steam engine

A system of symbols that can be strung together in an infinite number of ways for the purpose of communicating abstract thought is ________.


While the intended consequence of attending college is to obtain an education to prepare for entry into the job market, college also provides a "mate selection market" wherein students may meet prospective marriage partners. This market represents what Merton would describe as a ________.

latent function

compared to the working class, the lower middle class generally has

less prestige

Max Weber stressed the notion that sociological research should be "value free." This means that sociologists should not:

let personal values affect their research.

What is the primary reason for the differences people have in behavior and attitude?

location in the social structure

The term _____ was coined by charles cooley

looking glass self

What is the term for communication using body movements, gestures, and facial expressions rather than speech?

nonverbal communication

What is Goffman's term for individuals' efforts to create specific impressions in the minds of others?

presentation of self

broadly speaking, the highest percentage of the dominant group in the united states is found in the


Based on the model of Kahl and Gilbert, which social class is most shaped by education?

upper middle class


when a person uses his or her own culture to judge another culture

over a century ago, mosca said that

leadership requires inequalities of power

hierarchy of authority

A college is run by a board of trustees, which hires a president, who in turn selects vice presidents, deans, and other administrators. This is an example of the bureaucratic characteristic of

Virtual world

A three-dimensional model, two-dimensional icon, or constructed personality provided by an Internet site is referred to as a(an)

economic rewards

According to the classical theory of formal organizations, workers are motivated almost entirely by

the person's unique talents or characteristics.

An ascribed status is a social position "assigned" to a person by society without regard to


In a small town in the Midwest, all of the children attend the same school and most of the community members attend the same church. Everyone in this community knows everyone else, and they have shared numerous experiences with one another. This community would be characterized by Ferdinand Tönnies as

role exit

In her study of ex-convicts, divorced men and women, recovering alcoholics, ex-nuns, former doctors, retirees, and transsexuals, Helen Rose Fuchs Ebaugh used the concept of ________ to define the process of disengagement from a role that is central to one's self-identity and the reestablishment of an identity in a new role.

his inability to move his legs

Rick is a professional sports reporter. He has worked at a local TV station for 12 years. Every year he hosts a telethon for the local trauma center that saved his life after a car accident which left him unable to move his legs. According to your text, what is Rick's master status?

From Puerto Rica

Roberto Clemente Walker was a baseball player from Puerto Rica, who played for the Pittsburgh Pirates. He was also involved in relief work in Latin America and died in an aviation accident on December 31, 1972, while en route to deliver aid to earthquake victims in Nicaragua. Which of Robert Clemente's statuses mentioned here is an ascribed status?

the privileges of the powerful individuals and groups within a society.

The conflict perspective holds that social institutions maintain

Conflict perspectives

The destructive consequences of tensions between in-groups and out-groups would probably be stressed by which sociological perspective?

Role strain

The difficulty that arises when the same social position imposes conflicting demands and expectations is known as

nature vs. nurture

The relative importance of cultural and biological factors in the socialization process is referred to as the debate over

size, specificity of goals, and degree of efficiency.

ways in which formal organizations can vary

information that is verified by the senses

sociologists use the idea of empirical evidence to refer to

Studies that involve identical twins demonstrate that both heredity and environment influence human development, true or false?



The process by which people learn the characteristics of their group (the knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and actions thought appropiate for them

Replacing personnel

What functional prerequisite was not fulfilled by the religious sect known as the Shakers?

Social Interaction

What people do when they are in one another's presence

A sanction is: a. A reward or punishment b. Always a punishment c. Always a reward d. Always applied fairly

a. A reward of punishment


control class of capitalist (factory owners)

The tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life represent the norm or are superior to all others is called


the scientific study of social behavior and human groups is know as A.psychology B. political science C. anthropology D. sociology



somebody that studies Altruistic acts that ensure the survival of the next generation

It would be fair to say that in the cultural leveling process taking place today

something vital is lost forever.


The process by which people learn the characteristics of their group, the knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and actions thought appropriate for them

Scale Model Task

-In a test of young children's ability to use a symbol as a source of information, a 3-year-old child watches as the experimenter (Judy DeLoache) hides a miniature troll doll under a pillow in a scale model of an adjacent room. -The child searches successfully for a larger troll doll hidden in the corresponding place in the actual room, indicating that she appreciates the relation between the model and room. -The child also successfully retrieves the small toy she originally observed being hidden in the model.

Max Weber

-Protestant Ethic, religion is the central force for social change

Auguste Compte

-early founder of sociology -was the first to use positivism -social reformer

Herbert Spenser

-social darwinism -believed that we should not interfere with natural evolution of society ie the strong will survive, and that society would naturally evolve from lower to higher form. By helping the poor we affect the natural evolution of society

Karl Marx

-social reformer -Communism sharing of the nation's wealth, Govt owned everything vs capitalism and private ownership -society was composed of 2 groups fighting for natural resoucres; battle between the have and have nots


. a group that lives in the same territory

In the documentary The 13th, it states what percentage of African American men will be detained or incarcerated in their lifetime?

1 out of 3

Cooley's Looking-Class Self

1. Imagine how we appear to others 2. Imagine how others are judging us 3. Adjust our behavior

The later older years

1. are marked by growing frailty and illness 2. is ended by death

Vocabulary Spurt due to...

1.adult influences on word learning-joint attention and pointing 2.amount and quality of speech 3.consistency between visual environment and spoken words

Another term for Freud's concept of the superego is ________. internalized culture personality all of the above reality principle

1.internalized culture 2.personality 3.reality principle $

karl marx 1

1818-1883 society divided between two classes that clash in pursuit of interests, worked with engels, emphasized group identification and associations that influence one's place in society

herbert spencer

1820-1903 stydied evolutionary change in society

talcott parsons

1902-1972 viewed society as vast network of connected parts, each helps maintain the system as a whole

rober merton

1910-2003 combined theory and research, developed explanation of deviant behavior,

Drawing and Writing Timeline

2.5 yrs - kiddos draw scribbles 3-4 yrs - drawing pictures starts -> reflect emerging understanding of writing and dual representation Children love to draw people!

what percentage of the nation's wealth is owned by the wealthiest 1% of americans?


C. cultural relativism

A U.S. sociologist receives a grant to study racial and religious prejudice among the people of Southeast Asia. The sociologist makes a serious and unbiased effort to evaluate the norms, values, and customs of these groups in light of the distinctive cultures of which they are a part. This is an example of A. xenocentrism B. ethnocentrism C. cultural relativism D. cultural deconstruction

Reference group

A college law enforcement major watches the behavior of television police detectives with great admiration. These detectives could be considered

To be classified as a society, what are the two key qualitites a group of people must share?

A common culture and a territory

ideal type

A construct or model that serves as a measuring rod against which specific cases can be evaluated is called

A counterculture

A criminal gang would exemplify

What sociological concept explains why natives in remote South American jungles can be found using metal cooking pots, and American can be found eating Chinese food in Chicago?

Cultural diffusion

myelin sheath

A fatty coating that forms around certain axons in the body and increases the speed and efficiency of information transmission

An expressive artifact

A flag would be an example of

experimental design

A group of design approaches that allow inferences about causes and effects to be drawn

Peer Group

A group of individuals of roughly the same age who are linked by common interests


A group whose values, beliefs, and related behaviors place its members in opposition to the broader culture


A mark of disgrace associated with a particular status, quality, or person. (Ex: De-stigmatizing mental illness)


A member of a new fundamentalist church believes that she has found the one true way to achieve salvation and members of other religions are pagans and will go directly to hell when they die. This individual is

longitudinal study

A method of study in which the same participants are studied twice or more over a substantial length of time

sequential design

A method of study which combines the best features of cross-sectional and longitudinal research by assessing multiple cohorts over time.

Postindustrial (or information) Society

A new type of society based on information, services, and the latest technology rather than on raw material and manufacturing


A person leaves a singles' bar alone and later tells a friend, "There wasn't anyone interesting in the entire crowd." According to Erving Goffman, this is an example of

What term describes a society which is made up of many different religions, races, and ethnic groups?

A pluralistic society

B. reasons for the decreasing divorce rate in the U.S.

A social scientist would be likely to study the A. composition of a meteorite discovered in a remote area of Siberia. B. reasons for the decreasing divorce rate in the U.S. C. newest procedure in heart transplant surgery. D. possibility of life on Mars.

B. a fairly large number of people who live in the same territory, are relatively independent of people outside of it, and participate in a common culture.

A society is A. the totality of learned, socially transmitted behavior B. a fairly large number of people who live in the same territory, are relatively independent of people outside of it, and participate in a common culture. C. the norms, values, and beliefs of a large group of people. D. all of these

Pluralistic Society

A society made up of many different groups

postindustrial society

A society whose economic system is engaged in the processing and control of information is called


A system of speech and/or written symbols used to convey meaning and communicate; Affects how we see things.

Dramaturgical approach

A teacher plans a trip to the theater for a junior high school class. As part of the preparation, the teacher tells students how they should dress and how they will be expected to act inside the theater. This is an example of

Achieved status

A type of position that you earn or do something to attain. (Ex: promotion at work)


A type of society that is dominated by impersonal relationships, individual accomplishments, and self-interest

role conflict

A woman in her mid-30s has enrolled in a local community college to earn a degree in horticulture. The night before her first major course examination, she is asked by her boss to work several additional hours because they have just received a major order that needs to be processed immediately. This student is experiencing

negative formal sanction

A worker is frequently late, takes extended "coffee breaks," and makes numerous mistakes while working on important tasks. As a result of poor performance, the worker is fired. This is an example of

The scientific method requires that research results be both valid and reliable. Reliability refers to the extent to which a measure produces consistent results. A) True B) False

A) True Reliability refers to the extent to which a measure produces consistent results. Validity refers to the degree to which a measure or scale truly reflects the phenomenon under study.

Which sociological perspective assumes that social behavior is best understood in terms of tension between competing groups? A) conflict perspective B) interactionist perspective C) microsociology D) functionalist perspective

A) conflict perspective

Within sociology, a (an) ____________ is a set of statements that seeks to explain problems, actions, or behavior. A) theory B) hypothesis C) operational definition D) correlation

A) theory

According to the text, which of the major theoretical perspectives views sports as an "opiate" that encourages people to seek a temporary fix rather than focus on personal problems? A) functionalist perspective B) conflict perspective C) interactionist perspective D) feminist perspective

B) conflict perspective

a negative self identity

According to Charles Horton Cooley's concept of the looking-glass self, development of one's self-identity based on misperceptions may lead to

to radically alter a persons personality or behavior

According to Erving goffman, the goal of a total institution is

children imitate the people around them

According to George Herbert Mead's stages of the self, the preparatory stage occurs when

Game stage

According to George Herbert Mead, during which stage of development does a child respond to numerous members of the social environment and grasp his or her distinctive social position?

hunting-and-gathering society

According to Gerhard Lenski's typology of societies, a preindustrial society in which people rely on whatever foods and fibers are readily available in order to live is called

Sociocultural evolution

According to Gerhard Lenski, what is the long-term trend in societies that results from the interplay of continuity, innovation, and selection?

6 months

According to Harlow's study isolation of infants caused irreversible emotional and behavioral damage after

the reality of humans is shaped by our perceptions and evaluations. Humans respond to behavior based on the meaning we attach to the actions of others. Humans interpret or define each other's actions.

According to Herbert Blumer, the distinctive characteristic of human interaction is that

D. all of these

According to Max Weber, investigators have an ethical obligation to accept research findings even when the data run counter to A. their own personal views. B. theoretically based explanations. C. widely accepted beliefs. D. all of these.

overzealous conformity to official regulations within a bureaucracy

According to Robert Merton, goal displacement is


According to William Graham Sumner, any group or category to which people feel they belong is called a


According to William Graham Sumner, any group to which people feel they do not belong is called a

Interactionist perspective

According to a report by the American Association of University Women, girls face some important challenges resulting from differential treatment based on sexism in U.S. schools. This analysis most likely reflects the view of which sociological perspective?

Most husbands do not call their wife by their name.

According to the textbook, what is true regarding marriage in Japan?

the scientific management approach

Activists in a large city join forces to create a new organization with the goal of preserving landmark buildings that have historical importance. At first, the organization functions democratically, but over time it is taken over by three people. These leaders establish a bureaucratic structure that helps them to maintain control of the organization. These developments can be best explained by

the l

Behavior that is spontaneous,unconventional and individualistic would be most attributed to

What two variables does a population pyramid usually display?

Age and sex of the population

A. theorizing and gathering information.

Although some of the early sociologist saw themselves as social reformers, by the middle of the twentieth century, the focus of the discipline of sociology had shifted to A. theorizing and gathering information. B. a de-emphasis on the scientific method C. applied sociology. D. the advocacy of civil rights for minorities.

A. functionalist

An argot is a specialized language used by members of a subculture. Doctors and nurses, for example, have developed a language system that is not easily understood by patients, but enables medical professionals to communicate more easily, rapidly, and precisely with one another. Which sociological perspective is likely to emphasize the value of this specialized medial language? A. functionalist B. conflict C. interactionist D. feminist


An argot is a specialized language used by members of a subculture. Doctors and nurses, for example, have developed a language system that is not easily understood by patients, but enables medical professionals to communicate more easily, rapidly, and precisely with one another. Which sociological perspective is likely to emphasize the value of this specialized medical language?

Project Head Start

An early intervention program developed by the U.S. government in response to focusing on improving success of children in poverty.

Negative Sanction

An expression of disapproval for breaking a norm, ranging from a mild, informal reaction such a a frown to a formal reaction such as a prison sentence or an execution

Negative sanctions

An expression of disapproval for breaking norm, ranging from mild, informal reaction such as a frown, to a formal reaction such as a prison sentence.


An individual participates in personal therapy sessions for one year, and there are dramatic changes in the individual's personality during that period of time. This individual has undergone

Significant Other

An individual who significantly influences someone's life

Class consciousness

An understanding of one's position in the class system.


Analysis of social life that focuses on broad features of social structure, such as social class an the relationships of groups to one another; an approach usually used by functionalists and conflict theorists

Sociologist Nicholas Stinnett (1992) used interviews and questionnaires to study 660 families from all regions of the United States and parts of South America. Of the following, which factor was not found among happy families:

Are not religious

Labeling Theory:

Argues that reactions to a norm violation are a critical element in deviance. - Only after an act is discovered and labeled "deviant" is the act recognized as such - If the same act is not discovered and labeled, it is not deviant - Labeling is triggered by a behavior, but it results in a redefinition or typing of the actor. (People perceive us differently because of what we do--> which can channel a person toward deviance or conformity)

What term describes a position in life that one does not choose, but is awarded at birth or is related to the life course?

Ascribed status

What is the difference between ascribed status and achieved status?

Ascribed status: a social position that someone receives at birth or involuntary assumes later in life. Achieved status: social position that someone assumes voluntarily and that reflects personal ability and effort.

What is the primary difference between an ascribed status and an achieved status?

Ascribed statuses are involuntary while achieved statuses are voluntary.

which of the following statements about race is true?

Ashley montagu, physical anthropologist, classified people into forty racial groups

Which sociologist introduced the concept of the sociological imagination? A) Max Weber B) Auguste Comte C) Harriet Martineau D) Wright Mills

B) Auguste Comte

The variable hypothesized to cause or influence another is called the dependent variable. A) True B) False

B) False The variable hypothesized to cause or influence another is called the independent variable. The action of the dependent variable "depends" on the influence of the independent variable.

Deviance/ Deviant behavior

Behavior that violates norms or the expectations of others.

Émile Durkheim's research suggested that A) Catholics had much higher suicide rates than Protestants. B) there seemed to be higher rates of suicide in times of peace than in times of war and revolution. C) civilians were more likely than soldiers to take their own lives. D) suicide is a solitary act, unrelated to group life.

B) there seemed to be higher rates of suicide in times of peace than in times of war and revolution.

the importance of gender in moral development

C. Gilligan's study of development shows

Horticultural Societies

Based on the cultivation of plants by the use of hand tools

A correlation exists when A) one variable causes something to occur in another variable. B) two or more variables are causally related. C) a change in one variable coincides with a change in another variable. D) a negative relationship exists between two variables.

C) a change in one variable coincides with a change in another variable.

The term anomie refers to A) a construct, or a made-up model, that serves as a measuring rod against which actual cases can be evaluated. B) the study of small groups. C) the loss of direction felt in a society when social control of individual behavior has become ineffective. D) a set of statements that seeks to explain problems, actions, or behavior.

C) the loss of direction felt in a society when social control of individual behavior has become ineffective.


Content analysis of recent films has been used to demonstrate an increase in the amount of smoking shown in motion pictures. True or False?


Correlations are an indication that causality is always present. True or False?

Game stage

Christina is playing in a high school field hockey game and passes the ball to Jessica, who appears to have a scoring opportunity. Christina's pass suggests that she is aware of her role as a member of a team. According to George Herbert Mead, she is in which stage of development?


Collective conceptions of what is considered good, desirable, and proper, as well bad, undesirable, and improper, are known as

Which sociological perspective views society as being composed of groups that engage in fierce competition for scarce resources?

Conflict theory

Role Conflict

Conflicts that someone feels between roles because the expectation attached to one role are incompatible with the expectations of another role

the superego

Conscience and ego ideal are part of

When American servicemen occupied Japan following World War II, the Japanese watched the Americans playing baseball, appreciated the sport, and adopted it themselves. Today, baseball is one of the most popular sports in Japan. This adoption of baseball by the Japanese is an example of what?

Cultural diffusion


Cultural information about how to use the material resources of the environment to satisfy human needs and desires.

Marshall is examining the culture of the Lenape Indians. He is exploring how the various aspects of the Lenape culture fit together including their religion, family values, agricultural efforts, and customs. By doing so, Marshall is practicing ________.

Cultural relativism

Which of the following statements about cultural relativism is true? .

Cultural relativism has come under attack because it can lead to acceptance of practices like genital cutting and wife beating.

What is one important trend that is associated with the "information revolution"?

Cultural symbols that frame our lives will be intentionally created.

passing cultural patters from one generation to the next

Cultural transmission refers to the process of

_____ refer(s) to values, norms, or other cultural traits found everywhere.

Cultural universals

Are part of every known culture

Cultural universals are cultural traits that

What is the term used to describe a group's language, beliefs, values, behaviors, and gestures?


Mark is a foreign exchange student living with a Chinese family. The first night he was with them his hosts served a delicious entree of meat and vegetables. Although tasty, Mark could not identify the meat. When his host told him it was roast dog Mark became upset and decided to become a vegetarian for the course of his stay. In view of this, which sociological concept did Mark just experience?

Culture shock

Define and give examples of culture shock.

Culture shock: personal disorientation when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life. Ex. Refugee coming into Canada for the first time.

Define culture and its 5 components;

Culture: the beliefs, values, behaviour, and material objects that, together, form a people's way of life Symbols: anything that carries a particular meaning recognized by people who share a culture. Language: a system of symbols that allows people to communicate one another. Values: culturally defined standards by which people assess desirability, goodness and beauty and that serve as broad guide lines Beliefs: statements that people hold to be true. Norms: rules and expectations by which society guides the behaviour of its members.

______ refers to a shared way of life or social heritage, while ______ refers to people who interact in a defined territory and share a way of life.

Culture; society

The variable hypothesized to cause or influence another is called the A) dependent variable. B) hypothetical variable. C) correlation variable. D) independent variable.

D) independent variable.

A study, generally in the form of an interview or questionnaire, is known as a (an) A) observation. B) ethnography. C) experiment. D) survey.

D) survey.

A measurable trait or characteristic that is subject to change under different conditions is referred to as a (an) A) operational definition. B) theory. C) hypothesis. D) variable.

D) variable.

Impression management

Early in life, a person learns to slant his or her presentation of the self in order to create distinctive appearances and satisfy particular audiences. Erving Goffman called this process

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

Edward Sapir's and Benjamin Whorf's hypothesis that language creates ways of thinking and perceiving

What is the "rationalization of society"?

The process of bureaucracies dominating social life

Peter Principles

Each employee of a bureaucracy is promoted to his or her level of incompetence

Word segmentation

The process of discovering where words begin and end in fluent speech

Play stage

Debbie attends her first day of school, and when she returns home, she "plays school" with her younger brother. As part of this play activity, Debbie duplicates all of the behaviors that were performed by her teacher during the day. According to George Herbert Mead, Debbie is in which stage of development?


Despite their differences, functionalists, conflict theorists, and interactionists would all agree that there is much more to sports than exercise or recreation. True or false?

A society that believes that by punishing one person who commits a crime will prevent others' from committing a similar crime are practicing the approach of:


Which of the following statements about globalization is correct?

Developing nations lose their traditional values and begin to identify with the culture of core nations.

Related readings:

Deviance and Labeling: The Saints and the Roughnecks (p.229), On Being Sane in Insane Places (p.322), Deviance and Social Control the pathology of imprisonment (p.315), If Hitler asked you to electrocute a stranger (p.269)

Which of the following statements regarding deviance is least true?

Deviance is a universal term when applied within the same society.

When missionaries introduced steel axes to the Aborigines of Australia, it upset their entire society. What do sociologists call the spreading of an invention, such as the ax, from one society to another?


A. settlement houses.

Early female sociologists such as Jane Addams were often active in poor urban areas as leaders of community centers known as A. settlement houses. B. communes. C. collective homes. D. utopian communities

Early in the 20th century, most of those who immigrated to Canada came from which continents?

Europe and the United Kingdom


Expressions of approval or disapproval given to people for upholding or violating norms

the anal stage of development

Expulsion and retention are associated with


Ferdinand Tönnies used the term __________ to refer to communities that are large, impersonal, and often urban, with little consensus concerning values or commitment to the group.

What impact did the introduction of the potato have on the demography of Europe?

Fertility increased and the death rate dropped

Emile Durkheim

Found the trends underlying suicide, less social integration=the higher the rate, proestant, male, and unmarried have higher rates

What is the core value that pervades U.S. life and is underscored by the American revolution?


The event that most inspired Auguste Comte to pose the question, "What holds society together?" and begin developing sociology as a science was the ________.

French Revolution

Merton's manifest functions

Functions that lead to an expected consequence or outcome.

Merton's latent functions

Functions that lead to unforseen or unexpected consequences.

social experience

G. H. mead believed that the origin and development of the self is largely a product of

the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities

Gender roles are expectations regarding ______ of males and females.

As children, boys usually receive trucks, sporting equipment, and action toys. Girls receive dolls and gifts that are most passive. Overall, what do sociologists call this sex-based criteria for the gifts children receive?

Gender socialization

Informal Norms

Generally understood but not precisely recorded.

_____ places an emphasis on the influence of genes on human behavior.

Genetics-informed sociology

C. the existence of fast-food franchise in countries throughout the world

George Ritzer's concept "The McDonaldization of society" refers to A. the placement of a McDonald's franchise in every community with more than 5,000 inhabitants by the year 2010 B. the domination of numerous sectors of societies throughout the world by principles initially used by fast-food restaurants. C. the existence of a fast-food franchise in countries throughout the world. D. the placement of a McDonald's franchise in every community with more than 5,000 inhabitants AND the domination of numerous sectors of societies throughout the world by principles initially used by fast-food restaurants

A. functionalist

Given that cultural diffusion could upset the stability of a society, which perspective is most likely to argue that most cultures resist new cultural components that do not fit comfortably into their social system? A. functionalist B. conflict C. interactionist D. feminist


Given that cultural diffusion could upset the stability of a society, which theoretical perspective is likely to argue that most cultures resist new cultural components that do not fit comfortably into their social system?

Social Inequality

Giving privileges and obligations to one group of people while denying them to another

anticipatory socialization

Going to computer school to become a computer programmer would be an example of

What conclusion can be drawn from Solomon Asch's experiment on group conformity?

Group pressure will cause most people to say things they don't believe

Primary groups

Groups that are small, intimate, and enduring. (Ex: family and close friends)

Public Sociology

Harnessing the sociological perspective for the benefit of the public, a middle ground between research and reform

Which sociologist translated the works of Auguste Comte into English and emphasized the impact that the economy, laws, trade, and population could have on contemporary social problems

Harriet Martineau


Harriet Martineau and Ida B. Wells prevented the implementation of a racial segregation policy in the Chicago public school system in the early 1900s and helped to establish settlement houses in that city. True or False?

C. Darwin

He stimulated an interest in modern Physical Anthropology

Auguste Comte

He was a positivist and described three stages in the development of society

Secondary data analysis

The process of using and analyzing data that others have collected.

cell migration

The process through which newly formed cells move away from point of origin

Define, compare and give examples of norms, mores and folkways.

Norms: rules and expectations by which society guides the behaviour of its members. "common sense" Mores: norms that are widely observed and have great moral significance. Being polite to people Folkways: norms for routine or casual interactions. Saying hello.

which early sociologist applied the concept of evolution to societies in order to explain how they change, or evolve, over time: A Wmile Durkheim B. Charles Darwin C. Hariet Martineau D. Herbert Spencer

Herbert spencer

Based on Emile Durkheim's research on suicide, which individual would be the greatest suicide risk?

Herbert, a single Protestant man living in the city

Alfonzo was in sixth grade. some of the stories that his teacher told when teaching English, history and math included lessons in patriotism and honesty which were part of the schools

Hidden curriculum

highlight self-expression

High income nations tend to have cultural values that

Which of the following qualities least qualifies as a part of one's social environment?

His/her intellectual capability

Symbolic Interactionism

Idea that symbols (things to which we attach meaning) are the key to understanding how we view the world and communicate with one another


Imitating the sounds that other make would


Important factor in spatial coding

Alice if getting ready for an interview with a potential employer. She had picked out a blazer and skirt and has had her hair done at the salon. Alice is relying on her manner and her appearance to communicated to the employer that she would be an excellent employee. What term would Goffman use to describe Alice's behavior?

Impression management

C. laws

In American society, we often formalize norms into A. folkways. B. mores. C. laws. D. values.

the ego

In Freud's theory, the element of personality that represents an individuals efforts to balance innate pleasure seeking drives and the demands of society is

Cultural Relativism

Not judging a culture but trying to understand it on its own terms (cultural empathy)


In The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels charged that the capitalist system reduces workers to a mere "appendage of the machine," which leads to extreme

C. funeral ceremonies

In his research, George Murdock determined which of the following to be a cultural universal? A. war B. astronomy C. funeral ceremonies D. all of these

increased over time

In historical perspective, the power of the mass media in the socialization process has

B. anomie.

In many Third World nations, the pace of social chang eis very rapid and there is significant hunger and starvation, unemployment, and family disruption. Individuals who live in Third World nations are likely to suffer A. dialecticism. B. anomie C. verstehen D. dramaturgy


In the U.S., professional gamblers, Armenian Americans, teenagers, and nudists are all examples of

C. subcultures

In the U.S., professional gamblers, Armenian Americans, teenagers, and nudists are all examples of A. cultures. B. countercultures. C. subcultures D. contracultures


Intermediate phenotypes, including the brain and nervous system, that do not involve overt behavior

Feminist perspective

In the study of language, which sociological perspective suggests that gender-related language reflects the traditional acceptance of men and women into certain occupations?


Inborn drives that cause us to seek self-gratification


Inequality, capitalism, and stratification are key concepts of the conflict perspective. True or False


Informal types of norms, not severe consequences.

What were the basic components of the fourth social revolution?

Information and services

Rich-get-richer hypothesis

Internet is benefitcial to those who already are proficient using social skills.

A> the combination of existing cultural items into a form that did not previously exist

Invention is A. the combination of existing cultural items into a form that did not previously exist B. the process of introducing new elements into a culture C. the process of making known or sharing the existence of an aspect of reality D. the process by which a cultural item is spread from group to group or society to society

Describe the different ways in which cultural change takes place.

Invention: the process of creating new cultural elements Discovery: recognizing and better understanding something already in existence Diffusion: the spread of objects or ideas from one society to another.

Why do functionalists argue that the incest taboo is a norm necessary for proper family development?

It facilitates the socialization of children, and it avoids role confusion.

When Frank was only a year old, he was "unofficially" adopted by another family on the block when his parents were killed in an automobile accident. Frank lived with this family until he enlisted in the military at age 19. How would sociologists classify the adopting family that Frank lived with for 18 years?

It was Frank's family of orientation.

What term do sociologists use to describe the norms and values that people actually follow as opposed to those the would follow if they lives in "a perfect world"?

Real culture

Which theorist created Conflict Theory?

Karl Marx

moral development

L. Kohlberg's focus in socialization is on

______ is/are the thread that connects members of a society in the symbolic web we call culture.


Explain the various ways that language is used in everyday life and how it shapes our reality.

Language and power:language can help men establish control over their surroundings. Female pronouns are use on certain objects (like boats) thus establishing ownership. Can be shaped by social context. Language and Value: the language treated as masculine is usually given greater value, force, or significance. Humour: language can be use to create jokes that plays with words or ideas in contrast with the reality of society, for example "Police begin campaign to run down jaywalkers".

What term did Robert Merton use to describe human actions that hurt a system (society) that are usually unintended?

Latent dysfunctions

Autocratic leaders

Leaders who determine the group policies and assign tasks.

Laissez-faire leaders

Leaders who lead by absence and may not in fact want to be leaders at all.

Democratic leaders

Leaders who strive to set group policy by discussion and agreement.

continues through all stages of the life course.

Life-course theorists suggest socialization

Cross sectional study

Looks at one event at a single point in time, used for tracking trends in society. May not always include data gathered from the same people. The majority of available data in sociology are a result of this.


Lorenzo's hypothesis suggests that the more religious a teenager is, the less likely he/she is to have sexual intercourse before marriage. Lorenzo measures religiosity by the number of times a week a person prays and he measures sexual experience by the number of sexual partners that a person has had. By turning the abstract concepts into something measurable, Lorenzo is involved in: Operationalizing Theorizing Oversampling Triangulation

Manifest/Latent Functions

Manifest is an action that is intended to help the system and latent is a function that unintendedly helps the system adjust

How did Karl Marx and Max Weber differ in their theoretical assumptions?

Marx believed economics was the central force driving social change, and Weber claimed it was religion

How did Karl Marx and Max Weber differ in their theoretical assumptions?

Marx believed economics was the central force of social change and Weber claimed it was religion.

What is master status and give an example?

Master status: a status that has exceptional importance for social identity, often shaping a person's entire life. An example of this would be having a handicap.

Gestures, language, values and social norms are examples of

Material Culture *Non-Material culture* Cultural Relativism Ethnocentrism

Give examples of material and non-material culture.

Material culture: convenience items such as T.V's Non-material culture: The names of the days of the week, Monday.

the concept of verstehen was introduced into sociology by: A. Auguste Comte B. Emile Durkheim C. Max Weber D. C Wright Mills

Max Weber

Imitation Stage

Mead's first stage of development, which is the period from birth to about age 2, and is the stage at which children merely copy the behaviors of those around them.

Play Stage

Mead's second stage of development, which occurs around the ages of 2-4 years, during which children play roles and begin to take on the characteristics of important people in their world.

Game Stage

Mead's third stage of development that never truly ends, and is the stage in which we begin to understand that others have expectations and demands placed upon them.


Means "large-scale"; Seeing social issues by understanding how history and social structure affect the individual.

What is the basis for referring to the society in which members are interdependent upon one another as being in a state of "organic solidarity"?

Members of the society are like organs of the body, each performing different tasks

What does the case of Harold and Sybil show?

Men and women often have disagreements because they fail to understand their different points of view.

Interactionist perspective

Mitchell Duneier's work regarding social networks operates from which sociological perspective?

Morality of care

Morality decided by a standard of how best to help those who are in need.

________ Nations contain 16 percent of the world's population, 31 percent of the world's land, and are concentrated in the northern hemisphere.

Most Industrialized

promoting equality of all cultural traditions

Multiculturalism would most advocate

How has the introduction of new technologies affected global domination and stratification?

New technologies benefit the Industrializing and Least Industrialized Nations at a far greater degree than the Most Industrialized Nations.

Which statement about incest is true?

No society permits generalized incest for its members.

A. is more resistant to change than material culture.

Nonmaterial culture A. is more resistant to change than material culture. B. is less resistant to change than material culture. C. changes at the same pace as material culture D. does not change once it has been created

D. all of these

Norms are A. rules governing specific behavior B. rules deemed highly necessary to the welfare of a society C. rules commonly made by a government for the welfare of a society, D. all of these

D. all of these

Norms are often violated when A. they are weakly enforced B. a subculture's norms vary from the norms of the dominant culture. C. they conflict with one another. D. all of these


Norms governing everyday behavior, the violation of which raises comparatively little concern, are known as


Norms that are not strictly enforce. FOR EXAMPLE: walking on the right side of the sidewalk, not picking your nose, oversharing information


Norms that are strictly enforce because they are thought essential to core values


Norms that represent a community's most important values, severe consequences.


Norms thought to be essential to core values which require conformity. FOR EXAMPLE: theft, rape, public nudity


Norms with a moral basis-and they have more severe sanctions

C. ethnographic

Observation research is the most common form of _______ research, which relies on what is seen in the field and in naturalistic settings more than it does on statistical data. A. quantitative B. qualitative C. ethnographic D. experimental

Organic solidarity

Occurs when people live in a society with a diverse division of labor.

Role strain

Occurs when the demands and expectations of one role are impossible for us to satisfy.

Spurious correlation

Occurs when two variables appear to be related, but actually have a different cause.

ben hemmed in on the reservations the government confined to them

One implication of land development for Brazil's indigenous people is that their ability to fish and hunt has

Struggling to remain

One implication of land development for Brazil's indigenous people is that their culture is


One of Durkheim's four types of suicide. Examples: Anyone who cannot deal with chaos, such as the Stock Market Crash of 1929 Motivation: Insecurity


One of Durkheim's four types of suicide. Examples: Inmates, elderly, terminally ill Motivation: Hopelessness


One of Durkheim's four types of suicide. Examples: Kamikaze pilots, suicide bombers, cult members Motivation: Obligation to the group


One of Durkheim's four types of suicide. Examples: Mentally ill, lonely, social outcasts Motivation: Depression


One of Robert Merton;s most significant contributions to sociology was the attempt to merge the microlevel and macrolevel approaches to the study of society. True or False?


Online networks which indicate how many "friends" a profile has, can help build _____ capital for an individual?

According to Charles Horton Cooley, how do we develop our self concept?

Our self concept develops from interaction with others

According to Charles Horton Cooley, how do we develop our self-concept?

Our self-concept develops from interaction with others.

Cody is a member of the L.A. Crips. The other gangs in his territory are the Bloods and Satan's Slaves. Cody feels very antagonistic towards the Bloods and the Slaves. For Cody, what type of group do these two rival gangs represent?


Which of the following is a statement based on the Sapir-Whorf thesis?

People perceive the world through the cultural lens of language.

When Judith Kleinfeld replicated Milgram's experiment on small world phenomenon, what did she conclude?

People who don't know one another are dramatically separated by social barriers


People who have something in common and who believe that what they have in common is important; alsoc called a social group

can influence the type of social interactions that occur.

Philip Zimbardo's study of a simulated prison environment that used college students as prisoners and prison guards demonstrated that a social structure can

In bureaucracies, what term refers to illogical rules and procedures?

Red tape

Achieved Statuses

Positions that are earned or accomplished, or that involve at least some effort or activity on the individual's part

What term describes hugs, smiles, and "high fives" that are freely given between two individuals as a sign of expressing approval for following a norm?

Positive Sanctions

______ societies are characterized by technology that supports an information-based economy.


Operational Definition

Precise ways to measure the variables

What conclusion did the Sherifs reach following their experiment in which boys at a summer camp were assigned different cabins that competed against each other in sports and for status?

Prejudice is functional, as it creates in-group solidarity.

What is the purpose of propaganda, as the term is applied to social movements, political campaigns, and by governments today?

Propaganda is one-sided and distorts reality in favor of who controls it.

Enrolled at a four-year university

Ray is an African American who is currently enrolled at a four-year university where he is studying social work. Four statuses are mentioned in that sentence. Which of the statuses is an achieved status?


Relatively independent of people outside their area

Religion has often been used to justify denying homosexuals certain rights in the United States. What would conflict theorists argue that this illustrates about religion?

Religion is used to legitimate social inequality.

What is the process of learning new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors called?



Rewards and punishments that keep nonconformity at a minimum are called

Positive sanctions

Rewards for following norms (may be material or immaterial)

Play stage

Roberto comes home from his third-grade class and insists that his younger siblings "play school." Roberto assumes the role of the teacher, and he makes his siblings be the students. According to George Herbert Mead, Roberto is in which stage of development?

Equal opportunity, achievement and success, practicality and efficiency, activity and work

Robin Williams created a list of basic values to help define the national character of people living in the USA. List four of these basic values:

What is the difference between role conflict and role strain?

Role conflict: conflict among the roles connected to two or more statuses Role strain: tension among the roles connected to a single status


Rules in a language about how words can combine to construct sentences. (i.e. grammar, subject verb agreement, independent-dependent clauses, etc.)

What was the last nation to be accepted into the Group of 7, which transformed it into the Group of 8?



Schaefer uses _______ to illustrate the rapid globalization of culture?

C. publicly accessible information and data, or data collected by another.

Secondary analysis includes a variety of research techniques that use A. questionnaires and interviews B. participant observation C. publicly accessible information and data, or data collected by another D. control groups

Shaking one's head left and right to mean "no" and up and down to mean "yes" are examples of

Selectivity Impression Management Sanctions *Gestures*

Which country guarantees its citizens a high level of access to health care, education, child and elderly care and unemployment benefits?


Which sociological perspective analyzes how social life depends on the ways we define ourselves and other?

Symbolic interactionism

total institutions

The authorities devise rules and schedule activities without consulting the participants

Explain culture using the three major sociological theories.

Social conflict: Social functionalism: social interaction:

As societies become more industrialized, how do their social institutions change?

Social institutions become the standard ways that a society meets its basic needs

Sociologist Mayer Zald suggests that during some periods of time there are very few social movements in a society and that, at other times, a wave of social movements will emerge. What did Zald suggest is the reason for the fluctuating number of social movements?

Social movements increase when the society experiences a cultural crisis.


Social network connections that are weak may be

Social Compensation

Social network users who try to increase their popularity online to compensate for inadequate popularity offline is referred to by which hypothesis?


Social ranking; the position that someone occupies in society or a social group

Interactionists Perspective

Socialization concerning not only masculinity and femininity but also marriage and parenthood begins in childhood as a part of family life. Children observe their parents as they express affection, deal with finances, quarrel, complain about in-laws, and so forth. Which sociological perspective would be most interested in studying this?

Primary socialization

Socialization that occurs during childhood.

What is the largest and most complex type of group?


What term describes people who share a culture and territory?


Why do sociologists generally object to the Freudian view of personality?

Sociologists reject the view that inborn or subconscious motivations are primary reasons for our behavior

How does the manner in which sociologists apply the term deviant differ from the manner in which members of the general public apply the term?

Sociologists use the term deviance nonjudgmentally; members of the general public respond to it negatively.

how society actually operates

Sociology differs from earlier philosophy by focusing on


Sociology is the systematic study of social behavior and the study of individual personality differences. True or False?

Organic Solidarity

Solidarity based on the interdependence that results from the division of labor; people needing others to fulfill their jobs


Something that results with existing cultural items are combined into a form that did not exist before


Something to which people attach meanings and then use to communicate with others

______ defines who and what we are in relation to others.


As Dr. Crabtree lectures her American Lit class just before lunch, her stomach begins to rumble at a volume that can be heard by most of the students. She ignores it and continues and her students ignore it too. This is an example of which face-saving behavior?

Studied non observance

correlation design

Studies intended to indicate how two variables are related to each other

Symbols such as the crucifix, the Star of David, or the crescent moon and star provide a number of functions for the members of the respective religions they represent. Which of the following statements is least significant regarding these symbols?

Symbols are universally understood messages in all cultures.

Face-Saving Behavior

Techniques people use to salvage a performance that is going sour

a dysfunction

That cell phones cause automobile accidents would be an example of

sensitive period

The period of time during which a developing organism is most sensitive to the effects of external factors

What was the major difference between the half-million Cubans who fled Castro's rise to power in 1959 and the 100,000 boat people who fled Cuba in 1980?

The 1980 group was less educated and lower-class.

What does "the McDonaldization" of society refer to?

The predictability and standardization of everyday life

In Nebraska, a man arranged for the marriage of his 13- and 14-year-old daughters to two 34- and 28-year-old Iraqi men who were also immigrants. Based upon this traditional and time-honored Islamic practice, what were the reactions of the citizens of Nebraska and Muslims in the Middle East?

The Muslims were unphased by the event while the Nebraska citizens considered it as rape.

What term refers to how language determines ones consciousness and perceptions of objects and events?

The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

Culture Industry

The Schaefer text indicates that Theodor Adorno as being associated with

hunting-and-gathering society

The Yanomamö, a South American culture, live in a village and spend most of their time searching for food and tending small gardens. Their primary tool is a stone ax, which they use for cutting down trees to expand their gardens. The Yanomamö are an example of a(an)

W.E.B Du Bois

The U.S sociologist studies the African American community and served as a founder of the NAACP

S. Fraiberg

The book "Every child's birthright, in defense of mothering" was written by

Game stage

The child of about eight or nine years of age begins to consider several tasks and relationships simultaneously. At this point in development, children grasp not only their own social positions but also those of others around them. Mead calls this stage the

D. the American Sociological Association

The code of ethics for the discipline of sociology was developed by A. Max Weber B. the U.S. Department of Education. C. the American Association of University Professors. D. the American Sociological Association.

Social Integration

The degree to which members of a society are united by shared values and other social bonds

Social Integration

The degree to which people are tied to their social groups


The degree to which we will alter our behavior, attitudes, and points of view to fit into our perceived expectation of what is appropriate.

B. Auguste Comte

The discipline of sociology was given its name by the French theorist A. Emile Durkheim B. Auguste Comte C. Harriet Martineau D. Marcel Marceau

Culture Shock

The disorientation that people experience when they come in contact with a fundamentally different culture and can no longer depend on their taken-for-granted assumptions about life


The established standards of behavior maintained by a society

culture shock

The feeling of surprise that is experienced when people witness cultural practices different from their own is known as


The genetically programmed death of cells


The global map on economic development shows the economically poorest region of the world is

Perceptual organization

The grouping together of objects that have similar appearances

Reference Groups

The groups we refer to when we evaluate ourselves

The looking glass self

The idea that actions conform to how we think others see us is part of

Ideal Culture

The ideal values and norms of a people; the goals held out for them


The industrial revolution, pushing societies from agrarian-based economies to those dependent on mechanization first appeared in what period of history?


The language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and even material objects that are passed from one generation to the next


The language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and material objects that are important enough to pass on to future generations of society.

middle income nations

The largest number of nations in the world(about 75 of a total of 192) falls into which of the following categories

How is our nine-month school year a living example of a culture lag?

The length of the school year was determined by the farming culture of the late 1800s.


The line at the grocery store is very long. When Mrs. Jefferson finally makes her way to the front of the line, the cashier's cell phone rings. The cashier answers the call and talks on the phone for 3 minutes before ringing up Mrs. Jefferson's order. By making her customers wait to be served, the cashier has violated a: More Taboo Folkway Sanction

Material Culture

The material objects that distinguish a group of people, such as their art, buildings, weapons, utensils, machines, hairstyles, clothing, and jewelry

the experiment

The method of sociological research best suited to identifying cause and effect relationships is


The mores, folkways, and values of a subculture are the only elements similar to the dominant majority. True or False?

synaptic pruning

The normal developmental process through which synapses that are rarely activated are eliminated

"Me" Self

The objective part of the self; the part of our self-concept that questions how others might interpret our actions. Understands the symbols that others give us and seeks to find favorable reactions.

Social Institution

The organized, usual, or standard ways by which society meets its basic needs

Role Performance

The particular emphasis or interpretation that we give to a role

Piaget and the Development of Reasoning

The sensorimotor stage (birth-age 2; sucking, touching), preoperational stage (age 2-7; ability to use symbols), concrete operational stage (age 7-12; concrete reasoning abilities), formal operational stage (age 12+; capable of abstract thinking)

Functional Analysis / Structural Functionalism

The society is a whole unit, made up of iterrelated parts that work together, like organs working together in a body

Frank is examining the broad stream of events that have occurred over the past 50 years, along with the specific experiences of his own life. By doing so, what sociological process has Frank undertaken?

The sociological imagination

What sociological phrase is used to describe "opening a window onto unfamiliar worlds and offering a fresh look at familiar worlds?"

The sociological perspective

Which of the following descriptions is LEAST applicable to material culture?

The space shuttle A lead pencil An advertisement in People Magazine *Religious doctrine that allows a man to have several wives*


The standards by which people define what is desirable or undesirable, good or bad, beautiful or ugly.

Conflict Perspective

The statement "African-American parents have learned that children as young as two years can absorb negative messages about Blacks in children's books, toys, and television shows" most likely supports the views of which sociological perspective?

B. a hypothesis

The statement "Women who receive welfare are less likely than other women to have babies" is an example of A. an operational definition. B. a hypothesis C. a research design D. casual logic

Master status

The status toward which we gravitate because it is the most important to us. (Ex: status as a parent, one's race, economic standing, etc.)

Which invention from the Industrial Revolution was responsible for the mass population shift into cities and the subsequent rise of cities' influence on society?

The steam engine


The study of aging and the elderly is called

trained incapacity

The tendency of workers in a bureaucracy to become so specialized that they develop blind spots and fail to notice obvious problems was defined by Thorstein Veblen as

Thinking Person

The term "homo sapiens" comes from the Latin meaning

are most important in the development of the self.

The term "significant others" is George Herbert Mead's term for those individuals who


The term for group decisions that are made without objective thought. When a group is in this mode, people conform to what they believe is the consensus of the rest of the group.

Industrial Revolution

The third social revolution occurring when machines powered by fuels replaced most animal and human power

Postconventional level

The third stage of moral development that refers to a morality based on abstract principles. (Ex: political beliefs, religious beliefs, or combination of both)


The totality of learned, socially transmitted customs, knowledge, material objects, and behavior is known as

According to the text, there is no energy shortage now nor will there ever be as fossil fuels are not the only source of energy available. How would a conflict theorist explain the fact that these abundant alternative energy sources are not used?

The use of these alternative fuels presents a threat to the multinational oil companies.

Gender Socialization

The ways in which society sets children onto different courses in life because they are male or female

Body Language

The ways people use their bodies to give messages to others

Social networks

The web of ties you have with others.

Which of the following positions would an Anti-Malthusian most likely embrace?

The world's population is undergoing a three-stage growth cycle.

When a member of society is tried, judged, and convicted of an act that results in their being expelled from that society for life, which of the following descriptions most likely applies to that act?

Their behavior can be classified as taboo.

Based on the research of Darley and Latene, what conclusion did they reach after observing the influence of group size on attitudes and behavior?

There is a diffusion of responsibility as groups increase in size.

Based on the author's account of the relationship between physical health and social class, which of the following statements would be most accurate?

There is a positive relationship between social class and physical health.

Which of the following scenarios provides the best potential for a "well-told" joke?

There is a very sharp contrast between the conventional and unconventional definitions of reality.

Which of the following phrases is least descriptive of or related to the concept of culture?

There is one basic culture that acts as a standard to determine the appropriateness of values, norms, and behaviors.

What do the concepts of judge, professor, mother, student, soldier, and mechanic haev in common?

They are all achieved statuses

In her research on abused women, Ann Goetting found common qualities among the women who were able to make the break from an abusive mate. Of the following, which factor was not one of the four Goetting found these women shared?

They were traditionalists, holding on to traditional middle class values.

Early interaction with other humans in necessary to establish intelligence and the ability to experience close bonds with others, true or false?


Individuals becoming homeless because of welfare reform legislation that cuts all payments to non-working Americans after two years would be classified as a latent dysfunction of the legislation, true or false?


test-retest reliability

This is attained when performance on the same test administered under the same conditions are similar on two or more occasions

According to George Herbert Mead, how does a child learn to take the role of others?

Through play and social interaction

C. a survey

To conduct a cross-cultural study of job discrimination against women, a sociologist interviews 75 women betwenn the ages of 20 and 40 in an American city, and 75 women in the same age group in a Canadian city. This study would be classified as A. a secondary analysis B. participant observation C. a survey D. a content analysis

Without language there can be no culture and culture is the key to what people become, true or false?


Value Contradiction

Values that contradict one another to follow the one means to come into conflict with the otehr

Independent variables

Variables that are deliberately manipulated in an experiment.


Viewing people's behavior from the perspective of their own culture is known as cultural relativism. True or False?

D. all of these

We have little reliable data on human sexuality because A. it is difficult for researchers to obtain accurate information about this sensitive subject. B. until the AIDS crisis, there was little scientific demand for data on sexual behavior C. government funding for studies of sexual behavior is controversial D. all of these

When used by sociologists, what is meant by the term wealth?

Wealth is the value of someone's property minus that person's debt.

Which statement is not an example of Karl Marx's predictions and beliefs about social class?

When workers revolt, they will be supported by the police and military who are also in the working class.

Participant Observation

Where the researcher participates in a research setting while observing what is happening in that setting

the language of gestures

Which comes earliest in development

it began in the middle east and spread both east and west

Which correctly describes the origin of large scale agriculture

Social enhancement

Which hypothesis states that those who are popular offline further increase their popularity through online networking sites?

C. 7

Which number would be considered the mode of the following: 10-10-9-9-8-8-7-7-7-6-5? A. 10 B. 8 C. 7 D. 5

D. They prepare students for post-college careers.

Which of the following could be a manifest function of college? A. They are a place to meet future husbands or wives. B. They sometimes fail to teach students how to read or write effectively. C. They help to maintain the economic status quo in the U.S. D. They prepare students for post-college careers.


Which of the following does not belong (Features,Artifacts,Eco-facts,Cognates)

two airplane passenger getting to know one another

Which of the following illustrates a micro-level focus

D. all of these

Which of the following is an aspect of culture? A. using American Sign Language B. watching the Super Bowl game C. eating in fast-food restaurants D. all of these

B. the state of Alaska

Which of the following is an example of a society? A. an Amish community in Pennsylvania B. the state of Alaska C. a British rugby team D. a small tribe on a remote South Pacific island


Which of the following refers to an persons fairly consistent pattern of acting, thinking and feeling


Which of the following studied monkey

While attending a prestigious lecture at a New York City museum, Bob noisily belches several times and grossly picks his nose. He is violating

informal norms.

Functionalist perspective

Which sociological perspective emphasizes that social roles contribute to a society's stability by enabling members to anticipate the behavior of others and to pattern their own actions accordingly?

Conflict Perspective

Which sociological perspective is especially interested in ascribed statuses, because they often confer privileges or reflect a person's membership in a subordinate group?


Which sociological perspective would be most likely to suggest that nonverbal communication, such as the frequency of individuals touching each other during a conversation, varies from one culture to another?

Functionist perspective

Which sociological perspective would emphasize the role of reference groups in setting and enforcing standards of conduct and belief?

Max Weber

Which sociologist emphasized the basic similarity of structure and process found in the otherwise dissimilar enterprises of religion, government, education, and business?

D. Talcott Parsons

Which sociologist saw "society as a vast network of connected parts, each of which contributes to the maintenance of the system as a while?" A. Karl Marx B. Erving Goffman C. Max Weber D. Talcott Parsons


Which term is used by sociologists to refer to any of the full range of socially defined positions within a large group or society?

Secondary group

Which term is used to refer to a formal, impersonal group in which there is little social intimacy or mutual understanding?

Primary groups

Which type of group plays a pivotal role in the socialization process and the development of roles and statuses?

A. for preserving the confidentiality of his research

Why was Rik Scarce, a doctoral student at Washington State University, placed in jail in 1993? A. for preserving the confidentiality of his research. B. for raiding a university laboratory C. for "snitching" on university administrators D. for forging transcripts


William F. Ogburn made the distinction between the elements of material and nonmaterial culture. True or False?


William I. Thomas notes that people respond not only to the objective features of a person or situation but also to the meaning that the person or situation has for them. He called this concept the "definition of the situation". This view represents which sociological perspective?


Within the traditional Buddhist areas of Southeast Asia, in the sleeping cars of trains, women do not sleep in the upper berths above men, hospitals that house men on the first floor do not place women patients on the second floor, and on clotheslines, women's attire is hung lower than that of men. These are examples of

D. all of these

Within the traditional Buddhist areas of Southeast Asia, which of the following is a foldway that reinforces patters of male dominance? A. In the sleeping cars of trains, women do not sleep in the upper berths above men B. Hospitals that house men on the first floor do not place women patients on the second floor C. On clotheslines, women's attire is hung lower than that of men. D. all of these

Which of the following is the best example of gender stratification?

Women are not permitted to vote, own property, or testify in court in some societies.

Valid research

You're actually measuring the thing you set out to measure in the first place.

demonstrating role taking

Your boss has just screamed at the work staff for poor sales growth and high absenteeism. Consequently, you decide that this would not be a good time to speak to the boss about a promotion. In this instance, you are effectively


______ distinguishes between right and wrong _________ distinguishes between polite and rude

D. C. Wright Mills

_______ is most closely associated with the concept of the sociological imagination.

Social Statics,Social Dynamics

_________ accounts for the forces for stability in a society, while ________ accounts for forces for change.

a ideal type is A. a body of knowledge obtained by methods based on systematic B. a construct or model that serves as a mesuring rod against which actual cases can be evaluated C. a detailed plan or method for obtaining data scientifically D. an initator of people's attitides or behavior

a construct or model that serves as a measuring rod against which actual saces can be evaluated.

The statement "Women who receive welfare are less likely than other women to have babies" is an example of

a hypothesis.


a loosely organized group of adolescents or young adults who identify as a group and often engage in illegal activities

Emoticons are an example of

a new language of symbols

A "role set" refers to:

a number of roles attached to a single status.

conduct disorder

a persistent pattern of deviant behavior involving aggression to people or animals, destruction of property, deceitfulness or theft, or serious rule violations

antisocial personality disorder

a personality disorder in which a person exhibits a lack of conscience for wrongdoing, even toward friends and family members; may be aggressive and ruthless

Which of the following is not incorporated into the basic principles of the code of ethics for sociology?

a required number of data sources

A worker is frequently late, takes extended "coffee breaks," and makes numerous mistakes while working on important tasks. As a result of poor performance, the worker is fired. This is an example of

a sanction.


a segment of society that shares a distinctive pattern of mores, folkways, and values that differs from the pattern of the larger society.

social network

a series of social relationships that links a person directly to others, and through them, indirectly to still more people

Which of the following would be an example of the use of the sociological imagination

a study that concentrates on the behavior of people listening to a religious service compared to those listening to a rock concert

Norms are often violated when

a subculture's norms vary from the norms of the dominant culture. they conflict with one another. they are weakly enforced

symbolic interaction

a theoretical perspective in which society is viewed as composed of symbols that people used to establish meaning, develop their views of the world, and communicate with one another; how we define ourseles, how others define us and we define others

Explain the relationship between the Protestant Ethic and the rise of capitalism?

a. Protestants believed in the concept of predetermination, the belief that your fate regarding heaven/hell is predetermined before you are born b. Protestantism began to undermine the people's emotional security because they wanted to know their outcome c. They began to look for signs that they were favored by God, and would go to heaven d. They postulated that God would not want the favored to suffer on earth, and began to equate financial success w/ the sign that they were the chosen ones e. working harder would bring wealth, would be a sign that they were favored thus chosen and would go to heaven begat capitalism.

Sociologists define a symbol as: a. anything that carries a meaning to people who share a culture. b. any element of material culture. c. any gesture that conveys insult to others. d. cultural patterns that cause culture shock.

a. anything that carries a meaning to people who share a culture.

the profusion of skin colors and physical characteristics of different humans is due to

adaptation to diverse climates and other living conditions as humans spread throughout the world

imaginary audience

adolescents' belief that they are the focus of everyone else's attention and concern

the concern in some quarters that too many immigrants will change the character of the united states is


A group of strangers waiting for a bus at the corner of Poplar and Main Streets is an example of a[n] ________.



an investigation of the opinions or experience of a group of people by asking them questions

One of the emotions identified by paul ekman is

anger disgust fear happiness sadness surprise

when you learn to play a role before entering it, this is known as

anticipatory socialization

the system of separating racial- ethnic groups that was practiced in south Africa was called


Sociologists refer to physical human creations as:


Values are like lenses through which we see the world

as it ought to be.

The results of an interview may be influenced by

both gender and race of the interviewer.

_____ weber _____ marx viewed property as significant in determining a person's standing in society.

both; and

Karl Marx discusses that two groups of people are in conflict, what does he name the two groups?

bourgeoisie and proletariat

The concept "ethnocentrism" refers to: a. taking pride in one's ethnicity. b. judging another culture as better than one's own. c. judging another culture by the standards of one's own culture. d. judging another culture by its own standards.

c. judging another culture by the standards of one's own culture.

Cultural transmission refers to the process of: a. learning culture. b. using the oral tradition. c. passing cultural patterns from one generation to another. d. using writing to record cultural patterns.

c. passing cultural patterns from one generation to another.

the officials measure of poverty of the U.S. government is

called the poverty line

What are "boomerang children"?

children who strike out on their own but find the cost and responsibility too great and return home

Which sociological perspective would argue that the most powerful groups and institutions control wealth, property, and the means of producing beliefs about reality through religion, education, and the media?

conflict perspective

The view that sports serve as an "opiate" for social injustices and distract people from focusing on the reality of personal problems and social issues would most likely be held by

conflict theorists

______ stress that conflict, not function, is the reason that we have social stratification

conflict theorists

Viewing society as composed of groups that engage in fierce competition for scarce resources is the underlying premise in ________.

conflict theory

research on _______ has shown that prejudice and negative stereotypes decrease and relations improve when people of different racial-ethnic backgrounds interact frequently

contact theory

A young man refers to his motorcycle, asking, "Isn't she a beauty?" What language function defining the two sexes differently does this demonstrate?


In what two ways does language function to define males and females differently?

control and value

Cultural patterns that strongly oppose the widely accepted cultural patterns of a society are referred to as a/an?


The Neolithic

cultivation and food production is identified with

A U.S. sociologist receives a grant to study racial and religious prejudice among the people of Southeast Asia. The sociologist makes a serious and unbiased effort to evaluate the norms, values, and customs of these groups in light of the distinctive cultures of which they are a part. This is an example of

cultural relativism.

After a fairly short plane ride from New York City, Irving found himself on a dusty road with goats, chickens, and motor scooters, rather than cars. Food, clothing, and carpets were being sold by street vendors, some of whom worked from a cloth spread on the ground, in no order that he could recognize. Irving was experiencing

culture shock

Suppose you were a Yanomamo who immigrated to Canada and immediately moved into a college dormitory. As an initial reaction, you would experience:

culture shock.

The language, beliefs, values, norms, and behaviors passed from one generation to the next make up a group's


In cultural leveling

cultures become more and more similar to one another.

Xenocentrism is: a. a. basically the same thing as ethnocentrism b. is the belief that another culture is inferior to your own c. a condition one may experience after being exposed to excessive amounts of xnites d. a condition one may experience after what they perceive experiencing a more upright in noble way of living in another culture

d. a condition one may experience after what they perceive experiencing a more upright in noble way of living in another culture.

Cultural universals are cultural traits that: a. have always been part of U.S. culture. b. have diffused from the United States to other countries. c. have come to the United States from elsewhere. d. are part of every known culture.

d. are part of every known culture.

The concept "counterculture" refers to: a. people living here who were born in another country. b. popular culture. c. high culture. d. cultural patterns that oppose those that are widely held.

d. cultural patterns that oppose those that are widely held.

Standards by which people who share culture define what is desirable, good, and beautiful are called: a. folkways. b. norms. c. mores d. values.

d. values.

an attempt to remake the self by stripping away an individual's current identity and stamping a new on in its place is

degradation ceremony

The fact that Coca Cola has become popular around the world illustrates the process of social change called


Levi's jeans are a valued commodity in Russia. This is an example of:


as whites colonized the united states and expanded westward , what did most native americans die from?


a _____ group is the group with the most power, greatest privileges, and highest social status


the main way the british perpetuate their class system from one generation to the next is through


The manifest function of formal education refers to

education's intended purpose

When Jane visited Morocco, she found it difficult to buy bus tickets as everyone pushed ahead of her. When she went home to the United States, she told her friends that the Moroccans were the rudest people she had ever encountered. Her judgment of the Moroccans' behavior is an example of:


A sociologist attends meetings at all the schools and churches in his community over several years, and meets as many residents as he can for the purpose of exploring all facets of the community's social life. He then compiles a detailed description of the community. He is conducting a (an)


gender is a basis of social stratification for _____ society's in the world.


in _____ mobility, many people move up the social ladder, and many move down, with the social class system showing little change



exploited class, great mass of workers -Marx believed that this struggle would create a worker's revolution so that each would work to his ability & receive according to his needs

when workers identified with the interests of capitalists, marx called it _____ class consciousness.


Sociology owes credit to Max Weber for a key conceptual tool called anomie. A) True B) False

false, Durkheim introduced the concept of anomie, the loss of direction felt in a society when social control of individual behavior is ineffective. Anomie increases the likelihood of alienation, loneliness, and isolation.

In Karl Marx's analysis, social inequality is determined by men and women who clash in pursuit of their own interests. A) True B) False

false, In Karl Marx's analysis, social inequality is determined by ownership, or lack thereof, of key material resources.

What term do demographers use to describe the number of children women are capable of bearing?



finite set of phonemes and morphemes in humans' vocabulary --> infinite possible ideas

Norms governing everyday behavior, the violation of which raises comparatively little concern, are known as


Which sociological perspective would suggest that if an aspect of social life does not contribute to a society's stability, then it does not serve a useful function

functionalist perspective

The initial challenge that William F. Whyte and other participant observers encounter is

gaining acceptance into an unfamiliar group.

Jim and Milly have decided to buy and restore an older house in a deteriorated urban neighborhood. Jim and Milly will then live in their renovated home. They are part of a movement referred to as ________.


when it comes to child rearing, lower class parents tend to focus more on

getting their children to follow rules and obey authority

In the wake of the World Trade Center attack by terrorists, government officials were quick to endorse measures that contradicted several rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Opposition to these measures was seen by many as subversive. This is an example of ________.


When members of a group begin to narrow their thoughts and feel that there is only one correct answer to a situation, and when suggesting an alternative is seen as being disloyal to the group, group members are experiencing a phenomenon that sociologists call _________.


The underlying principle of symbolic interactionism is:

how one's behavior depends on the way they define themselves and others.

What aspect of new technology is of the most interest to sociologists?

how technology changes people's way of life and reshapes a society

Different ideas among human beings around the world about what is polite and rude, beautiful and ugly, pleasant and repulsive, are expressions of:

human culture.

The _____ culture refers to the values, norms, and goals that a group considers worth aiming for.


A sociology instructor asks students to make lists of the characteristics of the best and worst possible instructors. These lists, which would be used to evaluate all instructors, are an example of a (an)

ideal type

a contrast or model that serves as a measuring rod against which actual saes can be evaluated is called A. ideal type B. typology C. natural science D. theory

ideal type

__________ refers to beliefs about the way things ought to be that justify social arrangements.


the money that someone receives, usually a job, business, or assets, is referred to as


Sociologists emphasize the notion that our thinking and motivation are largely determined by ________.

influences drawn from our life experiences

C. Wright mills called the top people in U.S. corporations, the military, and politics who make the nation's major decisions the

power elite

The main idea of control theory is that most people have strong desires to be deviant, but two systems work against their motivation to deviate. These two systems are termed ________.

inner and outer controls (formal and informal)

What term refers to the way in which a country's dominant group exploits the minority groups within the same country for its economic advantage?

internal colonialism

according to research, it appears that people in the minority _____ the norms of the dominant group and learn to be ____ their own group

internalize; prejudiced against

through the various means, global stratification

is not easy to maintain

Role Conflict

is used to refer to incompatible expectations that arise when the same person holds two or more social positions?

as you go up the social ladder, what happens to your health?

it improves


its associated with the melding of cultures, through which we see more and more similarities in cultural expression.

The significance of names or reputations given to people when they engage in certain types of behavior is the focus of ________ theory.


The basis of culture is


isolated children require _______ to develop


The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis states that

language has ways of looking at the world embedded within it

A system of symbols that allows people to communicate with one another is a:


______ is an umbrella term for people from any of the Spanish-speaking countries of latin america


sociological imagination

looks beyond a limited understanding of human behavior, view the world asn its people in a new way, see through a broader lens

global domination

may be on the verge of a major shift from west to east

Someone who is from Native American descent could be best described as _____ in terms of race.


after several years of foster care, children in the study of Bucharest had _________ Brain cells than children who stayed in the orphanage


Which of the following is true regarding feminist researchers?

more oriented towards seeking change tend to involve and consult subjects more want to raise public consciousness

the united states, Canada, great Britain, france, japan, Australia , and other countries make up the

most industrialized nations

the terms that do not imply value judgments about some parts of the world while splitting it up into conceptual groups are

most industrialized, industrializing, and least industrialized

it is likely to be painful to

move on the social ladder, either up or down

just by doing business normally, _____ help to maintain internal stratification

multinational corporations

according to sociologist micheal Harrington, when colonialism went out of style, it was replaced by


Radical Behaviorism

no emotional bond cultivation needed --> just need nourishment

in unintentional discrimination

no one is aware of it

The expectations, or rules of behavior, that develop out of values are referred to by sociologists as ________.



norms deemed highly necessary to the welfare of a society, often because they embody the most cherished principles of a people.

Mores are

norms that are deemed highly necessary to the welfare of a society.

Rules and expectations by which a society guides behaviors of its members are called:


______ weber _____ marx viewed property as the only source of power.

notably; but not

spurious correlation

occurs when two variables appear to be related, but actually have a different cause

white collar crimes are likely to be dealt with

outside the criminal justice system

Which of the following refers to the domestication of animals?


which occupation has the most prestige in the united states- physicians, banker, actress, or plumber?


you are attending a football game. You are experiencing

popular culture.

What is the primary source of strain in the typical one-parent family?


In the Least Industrialized Nations, who is most likely to participate in a formal education program beyond the first couple of grades?

primarily the wealthy because of the relatively high cost of education in these nations

A total institution leaves an indelible mark on a person's self. the Mark can be imposed quickly or in a more prolonged process. in ________ the process is brutal and prolonged


social comparison

process of comparing aspects of one own's psychological, behavioral, or physical functioning to that of others in order to evaluate oneself

Anticipatory socialization

processes of socialization in which a person "rehearses" for future positions, occupations, and social relationships.

Secondary analysis includes a variety of research techniques that use

publicly accessible information and data, or data collected by another.

In ancient Greece and Rome slavery was most often based on three factors. Which of the following was not one of the three major factors?


_____ refers to a group whose inherited physical characteristics distinguish it from other groups


there are two ways that a group can become a minority group. both involve, in one way or another


Beatrice's mother is Choctaw (Native American), and her father is Puerto Rican and African American. At school, Beatrice refers to herself as African American and speaks English, and most of her school friends are also African American. After school, Beatrice goes to the American Indian Cultural Center to learn Choctaw and to spend time with her American Indian friends. At home, Beatrice practices her Spanish with her father and her Choctaw with her maternal grandmother. Beatrice is practicing:

racial literacy

______ refers to prejudice and discrimination based on race



refers to the level of connectedness and integration a person feels to others in the environment

Culture war

refers to the polarization of society over controversial cultural elements such as abortion, religious expression, gun control, or sexual orientation.

social control

refers to the social mechanisms that regulate a person's actions

Sociologists conduct a "review of the literature" to

refine the problem under study; eliminate or reduce the number of avoidable mistakes they make; clarify possible techniques to be used in collecting data

Ezekiel's research (1995) found that Ku Klux Klan and the neo-Nazi leaders believed that race

represents the essence of a person


required to develop language skills; refers to understanding what others say (or sign or write)

_________ refers to learning new norms, values, attitudes and behaviors to match a new situation in life


What is the term for the incompatibility among roles corresponding to two or more statuses?

role conflict

What is the term for the process by which people disengage from important social roles?

role exit

An example of a positive, formal sanction is a

salary bonus.

Zachary's parents were divorced three years ago. During the first year after the divorce, Zachary's father visited him every week. Then Zachary's father remarried and fathered another child. Now he rarely visits Zachary. This situation is an example of ________.

serial fatherhood

A dominant ideology is a

set of cultural beliefs that help to maintain powerful social, economic, and political interests.

The degree to which members of a society feel united by shared values and other social bonds is what Durkheim referred to as ________.

social integration

The sociological focus of microsociology places its emphasis on ________.

social interaction

Define social interaction.

social interaction: the process by which people act and react in relation to others.

_______ is the division of large numbers of people into layers according to their relative property, power, and prestige.

social stratification

Member of all societies rely on ______ to make sense out of daily situations.

social structure

Phil, a janitor for an expensive apartment-house complex in Chicago, is a union member who makes more money than many of the tenants in the building he maintains. Lenski would note that Phil's high income but low occupational prestige demonstrates a condition of ________.

status inconsistency

ranking high on some dimensions of social class and low on others is called

status inconsistency

The process by which people act and react in relation to others is called:

status interaction.

master status

status that dominates others and thereby determines a person's general position within society

A[n] ________ designates social position while a[n] ________ designates socially expected behavior.

status; role

_____ mobility is movement either up or down the social class ladder due more to changes in society than to the actions of individuals


social science

study of social features of humans and the ways they interact and change

authoritarian parenting

style of parenting in which parent is rigid and overly strict, showing little warmth to the child

In freud's terms, culture within us is represented by the


in trying to synthesize the views of functionalist and conflict theories, lenski suggested that the concept of ____ is the key


Another term for nonmaterial culture that sociologists use

symbolic culture

Many African Americans feel the flag of the Confederate States of America, "the stars and bars," is a sign of racial hatred. States' rights advocates view the same flag as "heritage, not hatred." Such a difference of opinion over the same material object is an illustration of which sociological perspective?

symbolic interactionism

Which sociological perspective implies that to have a good marriage, it is essential for people to perceive that a good marriage is possible and worth working toward achieving?

symbolic interactionist

Leticia has worked for 20 years in the public relations department of a large firm and has been the vice-president for the past ten years. It is unlikely she will ever be promoted to the top executive position in her firm even though she has directed several successful projects and is quite capable. Her lack of promotion is an illustration of ________.

the "glass ceiling"

Anthropologist Horace Miner's description of the body ritual among the Nacirema is used to show

the ability to learn something new about society.

sociological imagination

the ability to look beyond the individual as the cause for success and failure and see how one's society influences the outcome


the ability to use two languages - research shows bilingualism puts children at an advantage - the first language must be learned before puberty (critical period) for fluency in that language - no critical period for second language acquisition but the younger when learned the more proficient

_____ assumes that the values and behaviors of the poor make them fundamentally different from other people

the culture of poverty

What are the two basic reasons that poor nations remain at the bottom of the world stratification order?

the existence of neocolonialism and the influence of multinational corporations

According to sociologists, social movements go through stages as they grow and mature. What is the crucial stage that enables social movements to become more stable and continue?

the resource mobilization stage

What is the term used to describe the shifting of focus from spiritual matters to the affairs of this world?

the secularization of religion


the smallest units of meaning in a language, composed of one or more phonemes ex. pad, pat, bad, bat

What is personal space?

the surrounding area over which a person makes some claim to privacy

We use the term cultural genocide to refer to

the systematic destruction of a people's culture.

gender schema theory

the theory that children learn from their cultures a concept of what it means to be male and female and that they adjust their behavior accordingly

Hawthorne Effect

the unintended influence that researchers have on their subjects

•According to Max Weber, investigators have an ethical obligation to accept research findings even when the data run counter to

theoretically based explanations. their own personal views. widely accepted beliefs

Although some of the early sociologists saw themselves as social reformers, by the middle of the twentieth century, the focus of the discipline of sociology had shifted to

theorizing and gathering information

quantitative research

this type of research primarily presents data in numerical form

qualitative research

this type of research relies on what is seen in the field as opposed to statistical data

max weber

to comprehend behavior, one must learn subjective meanings people attach to actions

A new life stage that seems to be evolving is the years

transitional older

Secondary groups are smaller, less formal and more personal than primary groups


Conflict theorists are interested in how society's institutions may help to maintain the privileges of some groups and keep others in a subservient position. A) True B) False

true; Conflict theorists are interested in how society's institutions may help to maintain the privileges of some groups and keep others in a subservient position. Their emphasis on social change and the redistribution of resources makes conflict theorists more "radical" and "activist" than functionalists.

The functionalist perspective emphasizes the way in which parts of a society are structured to maintain its stability. A) True B) False

true; The functionalist perspective does emphasize the way in which parts of a society are structured to maintain its stability. This perspective views society as a living organism in which each part of the organism contributes to its survival.

seth did menial mostly house cleaning when he could find it. he had been homeless for a year, and since then simply did not have a good enough employment record to find a regular job. he relied on welfare, a subsidized rental, food stamps, and even the occasional visit to a food pantry to supplement his work income. in terms of class, seth would belong to the


the class most shaped by education is the ____ class

upper middle

lee started as a bank teller and 15 years later ended up running the bank. this is an example of _____ mobility

upward social

A _____ exists between the value of group superiority and the values of freedom, democracy, and equality.

value contradiction

Collective conceptions of what is considered good, desirable, and proper, as well bad, undesirable, and improper, are known as


Standards by which people who share culture define what is desirable, good, and beautiful are called:


______ refer to abstract standards of goodness; ______ are particular matters people hold to be true or false.

values; beliefs

Income, religion, race, gender, and marital status can all be examples of


the word that Max Weber used to stress the need for sociologist to take into account people's emotions, thought, beliefs, understadings, and attitudes was: A. verstehen B. Gemeinschaft C. anomie D. Gesellschaft


Nonmaterial culture refers to a group's

ways of thinking and doing

when it comes to prejudice,

we are born with it

Someone who ignores societal rules, disregards common courtesies, and simply pursues their own needs would have a/an ________ according to Freud.

weak super ego

the total value of everything that someone owns, minus debts, is


Problems in communication between the genders often arise because:

what one partner intends by a comment is not always what the other hears in words.

Based on Control Theory, when are inner controls more effective?

when we have strong attachments, commitments, and involvement with society

Secure Base

with healthy attachment relationship, children have a sense of security provided by caregiver that makes it possible to explore environment (e.g open field experiment in Harlow's monkey experiment)

the reason why families headed by a mother, rather than by a mother and father or a father alone, are more likely to be poor is because

women average only 72% of what men earn

members of the ______ tend to think of themselves as having " real jobs" and regard the "suits" above them as papers pushers

working class

to keep their children in line, sociologist Melvin Kohn found that ________ parents tend to use physical punishment

working class

karl marx

working class should overtrow existing class system

"core nations" and the "periphery" are part of

world system theory

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