Exam 2

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An ethnography study is used to understand:

Aimed at exploring cultural phenomenon

What was the name of the company that provided database services for other companies, from the videos shown in class

Amazon OR Victoria Secret

Which of the following was NOT a negative stereotype about Americans traveling abroad

Are hard working

What group was the largest beer drinking market segment in the 1960s


Marketing public relations (MPR) activities designed to support marketing objectives add value to the integrated marketing program by:

Building marketplace excitement, Creating advertising news where there is none, Providing a value-added customer service, Defending products at risk and giving consumers a reason to buy

Which of the following companies was not mentioned as an iconic brand?( these ARE iconic brands, so whatever isn't listed)

Campbell's, Absolute Vodka, Coco Cola, McDonalds, Guinness, Budweiser, Google, Apple

Which celebrity was used by Dr. Blair as an example of someone who has recently had negative publicity?

Charlie Sheen

Which of the following is a popular international myth


Which of the following was not an important advertiser during the FIFA World Cup of 2010? (these were the important advertisers)

Coca cola, Adidas, Visa card, Sony, Pepsi, Mcdonalds, Nike

Which company had a famous ad featuring a football player known as "Mean Joe " Green?

Coco Cola

Which of the following developments have resulted in a transfer of power from manufacturers to retailers

Consolidation in the grocery industry has resulted in larger chains with greater buying power and clout

Coupons, bonus packs, premiums and samples are promotional offers that are targeted toward:


Marketers can target sales promotion efforts to

Consumers, Retailers, Distributors, Salespeople

All of the following are examples of trade-oriented sales promotion activities EXCEPT:


When Doritos had a contest for consumers to make the best Superbowl ad, they were doing which of the following:

Creating news when there was no news

Public relations campaigns must be evaluated in order to

Determine their contribution toward achieving communications objectives, Tell management what has been achieved through PR activities, Provide management quantitative ways to judge PR activities, Provide management ways to judge the quality of PR activities

MPR activities are used by public relations agencies to

Do none of the above: Receive discounts in various media, Place new releases in mass media simultaneously,"Micro segment" the market, Achieve feedback from public relations activities

The use of direct marketing has increased in recent years because of all of the following reasons except

Expansion of indoor malls

Which of the following was NOT a country/city that had a party to launch the product? (these are ones that did)

France, Japan, Singapore, New York City

Which of the following was an example of a ritual shown in class

Groups watching TV together

What was the cultural conflict that was related to the "Mean Joe" Green ad from Coca cola?

Helped sooth anxieties about rate relations in 1979

What is one of the main disadvantages of using direct marketing media

Image problems

One of the reasons for the recent, rapid growth of direct marketing in American society is due to the:

Increased use of consumer credit cards

Which of the following is not a type of direct marketing media

Infomercials, Catalogs, Websites like Amazon that makes recommendations, Direct selling like Mary Kay cosmetics

Which is NOT a part of culture



Is news about a person, product, or service that appears in broadcast or print media

What is a nonfranchise-building promotion

It does not contribute to the brand image

What is a "franchise-building" promotion?

It enhances brand image

Automobile manufacturers Audi, Isuzu, and Suzuki have all experienced serious sales declines as a result of negative publicity. Publicity has such a powerful communications effect due to:

Its perceived credibility

When advertisers show ads in a different country, what is the most common factor changed


The use of indie musicians was an important part of the campaign. Which band was featured in some of the ads


Which of the following statements describes an advantage derived from the use of marketing public relations (MPR)?

MPR benefits from the endorsement of independent and objective third parties who have association with the product , MPR supports advertising programs by making messages more credible, MPR can circumvent consumer resistance to sales effort, MPR is a highly targeted way to conduct public relations

What is the main objective for direct marketing

Making the sale

Which of the following is NOT a reason why use of sales promotions has increased?

Manufacturers are more powerful than retailers

Which business was used in class as an example of a direct marketer

Mary Kay

What other new product was launched as part of the same campaign

Microsoft surface tablet

Databases are often prioritized in terms of recency, frequency and

Monetary transactions

Which of the following is not a benefit of an iconic brand

More top of the mind awareness, Strongly associated with their product categories, Deeply rooted in culture boundaries ,Tap into universal needs and desire, Evolves over time Icons like to associate with other icons, Have a compelling story H. Have instantly recognizable features, May borrow values from marginalized subcultures

Which of the following statements does NOT describe an aspect or characteristic of sales promotion?

Most of the sales promotional dollars are spent on consumer-oriented promotions

Which brand was used as an example of how marketers sometimes borrow from marginalized subcultures?

Mountain Dew

An article in the Financial Times about Iressa, a new lung cancer drug made by AstraZeneca, said the drug was not the miracle drug it was supposed to be. The article described how the drug had been linked with 174 deaths in eight months and 300 cases of serious side effects. This is an example of

Negative publicity

What was the character like?

Old man who invented "punch buggie no punch back"

What theme was emphasized in the TV ad for Coca Cola

Open happiness

Consumers have become more sensitive and responsive to sales promotion because:

People have grown accustomed to products being offered at sale prices fairly often, May people only buy products when they are on sale, Knowing this, managers are tempted to lower prices more often

Which of the following does NOT describe a cultural icon?(These DO describe so whatever is NOT one of these)

People or institutions worthy of respect, Symbols that people accept as shorthand to represent important ideals, Widely regarded as the most compelling symbol of a set of values that a society deems as important

All of the following have contributed to the growth of direct marketing EXCEPT

Postage rate increases

Which of the following is a characteristic of direct marketing

Products are sold directly to the customer

Consumer-oriented sales promotions are part of a promotional ______ strategy.


. Trade-oriented sales promotions are part of a promotional ______ strategy


Which of the following is NOT an important cultural value


Which of the following elements of the integrated marketing communications programs is designed to provide an extra incentive to consumers to purchase a brand?

Sales Promotions

Who was the character in the VW campaign

Sluggy Patterson

Which of the following movie trailers was shown to illustrate culture

Slumdog Millionaire

What was the cultural conflict that led to the Coca-cola ad with international young people singing on the side of a hill?

Symbol of piece during Vietminh War Help soothed tensions about the war

All of the following factors have contributed to the increased attractiveness of direct marketing EXCEPT

The attractiveness of malls for family entertainment

An important objective for the above campaign was

The idea behind the campaign is to be more motivating, more rooted in the product experience, Connect with consumers in an emotional and culturally relevant way

Marketing planning and reward systems may lead to an increase in the use of sales promotion because sales promotions encourage

The use of price-oriented promotions to generate short-term sales

Among major packaged goods companies, the greatest percentage of the promotional budget is allocated to:

Trade promotions

All of the following are examples of consumer-oriented sales promotion activities EXCEPT:

Trade shows

What is an important source of demographic information for many direct marketers?

US Census

What was the main duty of the Ford Fiesta brand ambassadors

Use car for 6 months and make a one month video about it

What is data mining

Using statistical formulas to find ideal customer type

What was the Coca-cola song for the games

Waka waka

Which of the following is a type of cultural ritual


The recent global advertising campaign that Dr. Blair showed in class was for which of the following products:

Windows 8

The Prizm segmentation system organizes consumer information according to what criteria?

Zip codes

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