Exam 2 - vocab

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Reasons for policy reversal -what caused reversal of social policy toward poor families between the 1930s and 1990s stand out

1. Attitudes towards women's role changed. 2. Charachteristics of recipients 3. Concern about dependency

Family Policy Debate is based on two issues

1. How to respond to the growth of single parent families and childhood poverty, such as by reforming welfare or by enforcing the child support obligations of absent fathers 2. Whether, and how to assist parents employed outside the home, such as by providing child care subsidies or work leave to care for infants or seriously ill relatives.

3 parts of marriage market

1. Supply - group of people who are actively looking for a spouse at the same place at the same time 2. Preferences - each person has an idea of his her own preferred characteristics in a spouse. 3. Resources - characteristics a person possesses that are attractive to others. IN a sense resources are the flip side of preferences.Resources are what I have that area attractive to others. In a sense resources are what I have that a partner might want; preferences are what i want a partner to have

Overall family policy

1. Welfare state emerged in 20 century 2. Welfare state supported a family wage system in which fathers were treated differently from mothers. 3. The main conservative theme in family policy debates has been that the government should not intrude into family life. 4. The main liberal theme is that the government should assist familiies.

The Personality Responsibility and Work Oppportunity (PRWORA)

1. ended entitlement to welfare benefits by giving states a block grant or a fixed amount of money each year which they would have to match with state funds 2. THe bill set a five year time limit on cash assistance so poor mothers could not just stay at home full time and care for their children. This changed welfare to Temporary Assistance for Needy families ( TANF)

Alternatives for assisting children

1. promote marriage in order to reduce the number of children born to unmarried women and their partners. 2. provide greater support for single parent families 3. Assist families thorugh benefits that are universal rather than means tested such as national healthcare.

Who marries and when?

1950s - 95% of whites and 90% of blacks married; average age at marriage was younger than in any other decade. 1990s - 90% or more of whites will marry, and about 2/3 of blacks will marry. Typical ages of marriage are several years older than in the 1950s.

what is the cultural expectation?

1950s - Companionship and satisfaction through playing the roles of spouse and parent 1990s - ongoing self development, intimacy, and communication

Who cohabits

1950s - cohabitation is common only among the poor; it is not considered respectable among the nonpoor 1990s - more than half of all young adults will cohabit before they marry. It has become an important part of the process of finding a marital partner

what do sexual relations begin

1950s - sexual rela tions began after engagement or marriage 1990s - sexual relations typically begin many years before a union is formed

What is the economic bargain?

1950s - specialization model - men ezchange their earning for women's housework and child rearing. Middle class and working class married woman rarely work outside of the home. 1990s - income pool model men and women typically pool their earnings and achieve economies of scale.Women with higher earning potential are more likely to marry.

what happens when premarital pregnancies occur

1950s -usually led to a hasty marriage because child bearing outside of marriage was highly stigmatized 1990s - much less likely to lead to marriage because child bearing outside of marriage is more acceptable. Still many cohabiting couples marry when a pregnancy occurs

Economic change influence on transition from institution to companionship and from companionship to individualization marriage

2. related to changes in the nature of work. institution to companionship occurred because young adults were able to work and gain independence from their parents. They also moved away to jobs in the city and their parents had less control over who they married. Men authority reduced in urban marriages because of the demise of family as production unit. Transition from companionship to individualization occurred because married women took paid jobs in large numbers and gained greater independence from men and were exposed to new ideas beyond the home. These transitions also created increases in families standards of living.giving more time for personal fulfillment.

Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)

A federal program of financial assistance to low income families, commonly known as "welfare" until it was replaced by Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) in 1996

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

A federal program of financial assistance to low-income families that began in 1996, following passage of new welfare legislation (see Aid to families with Dependent Children)

Companionate Marriage

A marriage in which the emphasis is on affection, friendship, and sexual gratification. This developed in the early 20th century and was known as the breadwinner and homemaker family model. Most wives did not work out side of the home

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

A refundable tax credit to low-income families with children in which at least one parent is employed

marriage market

Analogy to the labor market in which single individuals or their parents search for other who will marry them or their children

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

Is the time limited cash assistance program. THe emphasis of welfare reform in 1996 moves from permanent to temporary assistance and getting a job, any job. THe legislation scrapped the title AFDC and renamed it TANF

Conservatives like EITC for two reasons

It goes only to families in which a parent is employed and targets the working poor or those hwo earn barely enough to stay above the poverty line. AN unemployed single parent is ineligible. Second, applies to a dual earner, 2 parent families but also bread winner homemaker families because a family qualifies even if only one parent works outside home. It appears neutral toward wives working outside the home.

Marriage Promotion

Supporters who were mainly conservative argued that government should encourage low income women and children to marry in order to ease the hardships of poverty for children and themselves. Liberals argue that the government should not be promoting one kind of family over another and that the funds could be better spent on other needs such as providing more child care assistance or discouraging teenage pregnancy.

EITC -Income Tax Credit

The EITC provides a refund able tax credit to low income families with children in which at least one parent is employed. Even if the fmaily earns so little that it members owe no taxes they still recieve a check for the value of the credit from the government if they file their tax returns. It is an income subsidy for parents who earn low wages.

THe effects of Welfare reform

The declines of the temporary assistance to needy families (TANF) caselode and increases in the employment of income single mothers which resulted in the number of needey families recieving TANF decline by more than 50%

Social Security Act of 1935

The federal act that created, among other provisions, social security, unemployment compensation, and aid to mothers with dependent children (later renamed Aid to Families with Dependent Children)

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA)

The federal welfare legislation that requires most recipients to work within two years and that limits the amount of time a family can receive welfare

welfare state

a capitalist government that has enacted numerous measures to protect workers and their families from the harshness of the capitalist system.

family wage system

a division of labor in which the husband earns enough money to support his family and the wife remains home to do housework and child care

block grant

a fixed amount of money that the federal government gives each state to spend on a set of programs


a government that claims the right to rule a given territory and its population and to have a monopoly on force in that territory

institutional marriage

a marriage in the emphasis is on male authority, duty , and confomity to social norms Pre-20th form of marriage. Was held together by clear male and female roles. The husband was expected to be the head of the household. The wife was dutiful and submissive. CHildren obedient. Romantic love was not necessary or desirable

companionate marriage

a marriage in which the emphasis is on affection, friendship, and sexual gratification

institutional marriage

a marriage in which the emphasis is on male authority, duty, and conformity to social norms

individualized marriage

a marriage in which the emphasis is on self development, flexible roles and open communication.

Individualized Marriage

a marriage in which the emphasis is on self development, flexible roles, and open communication. Emerged after 1960. From role to self. 1. Self Development the belief that each person should develop a fulfilling, independent self instead of merely sacrificing oneself to one's partner. 2. Roles within marriage should be flexible and negotiable. 3. communication and openness in confronting problems are essential

Income pooling model

a model of the marriage market in which both spouses work for pay and pool their incomes.

specialization model

a model of the marriage market in which women specialize in housework and child care and men specialize in paid work outside the home.

specialization model

a model of the marriage market in which women specialize in housework and childcare and men specialize in paid work outside the home. If women are more efficient at housework and child care relative to earning money. either because they are better at caring for children or because they tend to be paid less than men and men are more efficient at earning money than housework and childcare, both will benefit if the wife specializes in housework and child care and the husband spacializes in paid work outside the home. Consequently, the model predicts that in the marriage market women will search for good privders and men will search for good homemakers. Women with less education and lower earnings would be more likely to marry than better educated higher earning women because they have more to gain from marrying a man who will earn money while they specialize in housework and child care.


a people with shared economic and cultural interests


a program in which the government is obligated to provide benefits to anyone who qualifies, regardless of the total cost of the program.


a publicly visible process with rules and restrictions through which young men and women find a partner to marry


a publicly visible process with rules and restrictions through which young men and women find a partner to marry. T

hooking up

a sexual encounter with no expectation of further involvement


a stable intimate relationship between two people who live in the same household but may or may not be married.


a stable, intimate relationship between two people who live in the same household but may or may not be married.


a term that combines the governmental and cultural connotations of the two words it comprises

changes in sexual behavior

adolescent sexual activity however appears to have declined slightly in the 1990s. Differences in sexual activity between adolescent boys and girls appear to have narrowed considerably. Adolescents sexual activity is still much more widespread than it has been in the mid century especially for girls. The rising marriage age and increase in sexual activity among adolescents led to a greater proportion of teenage pregnancies and birth outside marriage.

birth cohort

all people born during a given year or period of years

Colonial era social security

almost no economic assistance because family was viewed as a private thing that should have litttle or no governmental interference. Under Roosevelt, the federal government developed a number of programs to assist unemployed workers and their families.

marriage market

an analogy to the labor market in which single individuals (or their parents) search for others who will marry them (or their children)

pure relationship

an intimate relationship entered into for its own sake and which lasts only as long as both partners are satisfied with it

Family and SOciety

both low income and middle income families recieve substantial assistance from the government. Federal government programs of income assistance began with the social security act of1935. Family policy became a major political topic in the 1980s and 1990s.

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA)

changed the face of cash assistance to poor families.Extensive federal economic support began in the twentieth century.

adolescent sexuality and pregnancy

cultural changes in sexuality is the rise in child bearing outside of marriage. Starting in the mid 1960s young adults sexual lives changed in 2 lives: 1. premarital sex increased 2. the half century btw 1950s and mid 2000s age of marriage increased 5yrs.


evolved at turn of 20th century. under the old system women received men in their own homes , but now the evening was initiated and controlled by men. It shifted power from the parents to the teenagers and young adults. This system went from 1945-1965. 1960s and 1970s the dating system became less closely related to marriage and going steady. Cohabitation also became more common and there was a huge rise in premarital intercourse.

Policy Reversal: Attitudes towards woman's role changed

goal of the legislatoin that created the AFDC was consistent with the breadwinner -homemaker model. The legislation was an attempt to extend to poor, single mothers, the same role that non poor mothers was supposed to play

multiple partner fertility

having children with more than one partner during one's lifetime.

Marriage today

individuals have a great deal of choice in how they live and who they marry. More forms of alternatives to marriage are socially acceptable. In other words they can decide if they want to get married at all.

20th Century social security

labor unions gained enough strength to demand higher pay shorter hours, old age pensions, and unemployment compensation.

Income pooling model

model of the marriage market in which both spouses work for pay and pool their incomes. Under this model a woman with greater earnings should be more likely to marry because she is more attractive to men seeking to pool incomes. This now seems to be the case. MEn with higher earning potential are more likely to marry women with higher earning potential than they were a generation ago suggesting a shift from a specialization model to an income pooling model.

Social Security Act 1935 detail

most American families including most middle class families receive substantial government assistance. Created among other provisionsthe system of pensions for the lederly unemployment compensation and aid to mothers dependent children. The latter program was subsequently renamed Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) It was the program of the financial assistance to low income, single parent families that became commonly known as welfare.

Marriage as an ongoing project

most fundamental change is that earlier times what mattered most in a marriage was how well you and your spouse carried out your duties, now what matters most is whether the marriage helps you to achieve a more fulfilling sense of self, to grow as an individual, or to experience a greater level of personal satisfaction. Intimacy and love are now a quest for fulffilment and identity that never ends.

What has happened to the families that left TANF

neither the dire consequences that critics of the legislation have warned nor the substantial benefits others hoped for have occurred.

Liberals view on Family Policy

on the other hand have often expressed a desire both to use government to assist families and to help all families equally. By and large, liberals a polical category in which ther eis a large over lap with feminists believe that the breadwinner family model is at best no better than other family forms or at worst a form that restricts the autonomy of women.

Family Policy

political beliefs about how the government should assist families in caring for dependents.

Conservative view point on family policy

programs encouraged women to marry and men to be the main providers. The income tax system also encouraged the formation of the breadwinner homemaker marriages and discouraged the formation of two earner marriages.

characteristics of the recipents changed

the characteristics of welfrare recpients had also changed. No longer are most widowed, but rather seperated, divorced, or unmarried

baby boom

the large number of people born during the late 1940s and 1950s

selection effect

the principle that whenever individuals sort or select themselves into groups non-randomly, some of the differences among the groups reflect preexisting differences among the individuals

union formation

the process of beginning to live with a partner through cohabitation or marriage.

Non-marital birth ratio

the proportion of all births that occur to unmarried women

non-marital birth ratio

the proportion of all births that occur to unmarried women


the sharing of a household by unmarried persons who have a sexual relationship

life course perspective

the study of changes in individuals' lives over time, and how those changes are related to historical events

Concern about dependency

the third reason for the policy reversal is spread the idea that the welfare receiving poor had become too dependent upon public assistance.

The rise and fall of the family wage system

the welfare state has treated husbands and fathers differently from wives and mothers. In a division of labor in which the husband earns enough money to support his family and the wife remains home to do housework and child care. The social security act of 1935 followed the division of labor implicit in the family wage system. system is now in decline but an examination and of its development is useful for understanding the family policy debates today.

welfare state

welfare is not in its common meaning of cash assistance to the poor but rather in the broader sense of the well being of members of society.

The 1996 Welfare Reform Law

welfare reform is particularly important for the evolution of conservative and liberal views of family policy. AFDC was originally designed to support widows and their children as part of the SSA 1935. Both AFDC and Social Security were created as entitlement programs by Congress in which the government is obligated to provide benefits to anyone who qualifies, regardless of the total cost of the program.

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