Exam 2

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Can you match these biology terms with their definitions?

1. Populations that are physically separated from each other are allopatric 2. Populations that live in the same area are sympatric 3. Morphology refers to the external appearance of an organism 4. A(n) paleontologist often relies on fossil remains to reconstruct evolutionary history 5. A(n) polyploid cell contains multiple copies of an organism's entire genome.

Can you match these prefixes and suffixes with their definitions?

1. The root patri- means country or place of origin. 2. The root ploid refers to the number of sets of chromosomes 3. The root allo- means different 4. The root morpho- means shape or form. 5. The root paleo- means ancient. 6. The root sym- means same or united.

Which of the following is an example of a female mating with a male only after submitting him to a courtship ritual?

A female bower bird will mate with a male only after inspecting the small thatched structure he has built for her.

A male warbler singing a complicated song to a potential mate is an example of

Courtship ritual

Who developed the idea of sexual selection?


______________ selection favors organisms that have character values at one extreme of the phenotypic distribution.


True or False. In the example described in the tutorial, the red amoebas survived the catastrophic event, and all future generations of amoebas were red because the red amoebas had a higher reproductive rate than the blue ones


True or false: A minimum of 100 years of isolation is required for two populations to accumulate enough differences to be considered different species


In the experiment, how was female harm measured?

Female mortality and reproductive output

Which situation is an example of behavioral isolation?

Female spiders only mate when a male of the same species taps her web in a particular way

In the species being studied selection pressure is on the females to stay small. Why is this?

Females need to advertize that they are females so that males do not try to fight them

In the experiment, females developed defenses to the mate harming charateristics of males. This was shown by the fact that

Females raised in Male Biased populations lived longer when exposed to males, than females raised in Female Biased populations

Which statement is correct?

Human populations from Africa are probably the oldest because they are more genetically diverse.

Which two statements are supported by the data in the graph?

Human populations in areas with high UV intensity tend to have darker skin Human populations classified in the same race may have quite different skin colors

Which of the following statements apply to the variation in human skin color?

Human skin color variation is primarily determined by the type and amount of melanin pigment in the skin. Human skin color variation likely evolved in response to differences in the intensity of sunlight around the world. Human skin color variation evolved recently in hominid evolution, once some populations of our human ancestors migrated out of Africa.

Which is not a prefertilization barrier?

Hybrid inviability

Which of the following events could NOT be caused by a population bottleneck?

Increased population size

The researcher mentions and adaptation to the female genitalia called the 'drawbridge'. What does this do?

It gives the female control over whom she allows to mate by opening or closing access to her body

Which of the following statements about the amoeba population described at the end of the tutorial is true?

It is more vulnerable to extinction due to lack of genetic variation

Which of the following statements accurately describes melanin's function?

Lighter skin has less of the dark-brown eumelanin that protects cells from UV damage.

In the experiment descibed in the video, in which population was there the most conflict?

Male Biased

Sexual dimorphism means

Males and females have different appearances

Which of the following statements about reinforcement is true?

Reinforcement is a type of natural selection.

What could be used to best determine that Paul is 25% of European and 75% of African descent?

SNP analysis

In the video, the researcher talked about mating being a risky event for females. This is because

She is more easily accessible to predatory insects and fish in the water

Which is an example of convergent evolution?

Similarity in shape between white-sided dolphins and reef sharks

Why would low quality (small) males even exist in the population?

Small males will make high quality (small) females, so in under some circumstances that is good

What is the meaning of monomorphic?

The appearance of males and females is the same

Which of the following conditions must be met for reciprocal altruism to evolve?

The benefits to the recipient must be significantly greater than the costs to the donor. There must be the ability to recognize and punish cheaters. There must be repeated interactions among individuals, with opportunities for each individual to be both the donor and the recipient of altruistic-appearing acts.

A subset of a population of birds leaves its habitat and colonizes a nearby island. After many generations, the island sinks and the population of birds living on the island returns to its original habitat. Which of the following statements mostaccurately describes the two bird populations?

The birds were separated by dispersal.

If the gene pool of a population consists of 40 dominant alleles and 10 recessive alleles, what are the frequencies of the alleles?

The dominant allele frequency is 0.8 and the recessive allele frequency is 0.2.

The female lizards in this research are also able to mate with multple males and store sperm. What is the benefit of this?

The females engage in sperm sorting and use the sperm from the larger males to make male offspring and the sperm from the smaller males to mae female offspring

Which situation occurs after the creation of a new allele?

The gene pool becomes more diverse.

In a population of 30 wolves, 28 are gray, and 2 are black. The population is decimated by hunters, and only 2 gray and 2 black individuals survive and give rise to the next generation. This is an example of __________.

a population bottleneck

Which of these most accurately describes a single population?

all the oak trees in a park

Populations that become new species because of distance or geographical barriers are called __________


The sickle cell allele provides evolutionary advantage in __________.

areas where malaria is common

Which of the labeled points (a-d) represents a population with the same skin color as the point circled in red, but is classified as belonging to a different race?


While courting the female, male Malaysian fireflies exhibit a specific pattern of light pulses. The female will not breed with a male that does not display that courting ritual. This is an example of __________.

behavioral isolation

All of the bees in an area are eliminated by disease. This could lead to reproductive isolation of which of the following species in the area?

black cherry trees

In black widow spider mating, the male ___________________________ and the female ___________________________.

breaks off his sexual organ inside the female; kills and eats the male

The eggs released by sponges during reproduction have proteins on their surfaces that prevent sperm from different sponge species from binding to the eggs. What type of reproductive isolation would include this example?

gamete compatibility

Human populations in low-UV environments tend to have more lightly pigmented skin. One explanation is that the selective pressure for dark skin decreases as UV intensity decreases. At the same time there is selection for lighter skin to absorb more UV radiation, which is needed for vitamin D production.What evidence supports the vitamin D hypothesis for the evolution of lighter skin tones?

indigenous peoples living at high latitudes have darker skin, but they eat foods rich in vitamin D

Behaviors that do not require environmental input for their development are called:


The founder effect __________.

involves the isolation of a small colony of individuals from a larger population

In a polygynous mating system:

male-male competition is common males tend to compete for access to females. multiple females tend to mate with the same male.

Male competition means

males may develop traits that harm females

The sex with the greater energetic investment in reproduction will be___________________ when it comes to mating.

more discriminating

The chihuahuan raven has the same features as the common raven, even though they are classified as different species because of DNA differences, and they do not interbreed. They could be classified as the same species if using the __________ definition of species.


What situation results from a postfertilization barrier to reproduction?

offspring that fail to develop

The researcher described Anolis male lizards as


In a species such as elephant seals, in which males are significantly larger than females, the most likely mating system is:


What is evolution that occurs as a result of a dramatic reduction in population size?

population bottleneck

Male fruit flies deposit ___________ along with their sperm to better compete, but this may also shorten female life span


A model that describes a rate of speciation, in which new species diverge in bursts of rapid change followed by long periods of little change, fits the __________ model

punctuated equilibrium

Mate guarding is a reproductive tactic that functions to:

reduce paternity uncertainty

The energy that a parent puts into the growth, feeding, and care of offspring is called:

reproductive investment

According to the biological definition of species, two populations become separate species only with the development of __________

reproductive isolation

Larger antlers make male white-tailed deer more attractive to females. This is an example of __________.

sexual selection

The elaborate tails of male peacocks are attractive to females. This is an example of __________.

sexual selection

Interlocus refers to different genes that are found in different locations. Interlocus sexual conflict - or conflict that's caused by traits that are contolled by different genes

sexually antagonous coevolution

Males compete for females

so females are choosy

Sexual selection

sometimes causes traits that are detrimental to survival to persist in a population because they give access to mates

In the video, male fitness was not only determined by males getting access to mate with females but also by

sperm of different males competing to fertilize the eggs since the females mated with and stored multiple deposits of sperm

If two populations of bats are very similar in appearance but do not mate at the same time of year, this is an example of _______.

temporal isolation

One species of plant produces flowers when nights are 10 hours long. A related species comes into flower when nights are 9 hours long. What type of reproductive isolation would include this example?

temporal isolation

Gene flow results from __________.

the exchange of alleles between two populations of the same species

Darker skin is more prevalent in high-UV areas. Dr. Nina Jablonski proposed a hypothesis to explain the selective pressure for darker skin in these environments. On what evidence did she base this hypothesis?

the melanin in darkly pigmented skin protects circulating folate from being destroyed by UV radiation, and folate is important in human reproduction

When females are not monagamous

the reproductive success of males and females can be different

Which of the following is the best way to distinguish male from female?

Males produce motile gametes

A trait that is good in males

May be bad in females

What causes the reproductive isolation that can lead to speciation?

Members of one group are unable to make fertile offspring with other groups

Human races are subject to what kind of isolation?


What situation can result from a postfertilization barrier to reproduction?

Offspring that fail to develop

What results after a speciation event?

One new species evolves, while the original species may stay the same or evolve into something different

A small founder population of turtles has established a population on an island with a varied and good habitat that contains ample food. There is very little competition between members. What effect would this low level of competition have on evolution?

The population will grow in size, and many variants will coexist.

Intralocus means occuring with one gene location. Intralocus sexual conflict means

The pressure of natural selection on that one gene might be in different directions for males and females

The researcher also mentions that males who strum the water with their front legs are more likely to have the female open the drawbridge. Why is this the case?

The strumming beckins predators, to the female quickly gives the male access to ensure that she is not eaten

What is meant by the term life history?

The timing and onset of distribution of reproductive output

What is suggested by the hypothesis of punctuated equilibrium?

There have been short periods of dramatic evolutionary change separated by long periods of no change.

Higher sexual conflict means

There is higher mortality

In many ways a mule is a superior animal to the horse or donkey. They are often stronger and can jump higher than either of their parents. Why then are they considered to be a "weak hybrid"?

They are sterile

What effect do assortative matings have on populations?

They maintain appearance differences between groups

Some females have long term sperm storage so they don't need to mate as often as males do.


In the video, how does the researcher define fitness surface in the diagram?

Variation in survival or reproductive success as it correlates with the same traits

Based on the risk factors discussed in the video, which of the following groups would be most likely to develop the bone disease rickets?

children born to parents with dark skin living far from the equator

Which shows the steps of speciation in the correct order?

geographic isolation, evolutionary changes, reproductive isolation

[Insert artwork from Fig. 13.8] Model (a) on the left shows __________. [The titled labels on the art. Only the (a) should be visable.]


Because it is possible for a female to mate with multiple males, any of whom could bethe father, male mammals and birds will always:

have some degree of paternity uncertainty

According to the biological definition of species, organisms are assigned to the same species if __________.

they can interbreed and produce fertile offspring

Which of the following describes mechanical reproductive isolation?

two fly species have differently shaped genitals that prevent interspecies mating

In what way does natural selection depend on the specific environment in which an organism lives

when the environment changes, traits that were beneficial to an organism may become harmful and vice versa.

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