Exam #3

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high reps

based on athletes body weight

relative results

yield consistent results?


to determine 1rm based on multiple

look at pg 397 in text

have fun!

most importantly...

should be standardized across protocols and equipment with choices made with regard to type of contraction, equipment, exercise and load.

Muscular fitness testing

actual weight that was lifted

Absolute results

93.5= .935 120/.935= 128.3 therefore Maureens 1RM is 128 lbs.

Another example Maureen's bench press Set #4- 120lbs, 2 reps completed, #3 fail

200 times 4 times 8 = 9,600

Back squat: 200 lbs, 4 sets of 8 What is the load volume for the back squat exercise? Back squat: 200 lbs, 4 sets of 8

Push-Up Sit-Up Squat Step-Up Pull-Up Extensions

Body weight exercises that should be used with children include:

10-15 minutes include use of muscle groups that will be tested increases blood flow and temperature of tissue

CV warm up of at least

add all load volumes together so... 9,600 plus 4,050 plus 7,650= 21,300

Can you calculate total load volume for Tuesdays workout? Explain your answer

perform 6 - 15 repetitions, in less than or equal to 3 sets, When children reach 15 repetitions, increase the weight by no more than 1-3 lbs. Children should never perform any maximal lifts.

Have them

field testing ie. push ups, pull ups, sit ups

How do you test muscular endurance in pediatrics?

bone mass resting metabolic rate fat free mass glucose tolerance musculotendinous integrity activities of daily living (ADLs)

Improvements in muscular fitness has been directly related to

Absolute: 128 Relative:128/135 times 100= 94.8 or 95 lbs.


identify the kinematics (movements) and kinetics (forces that cause the movements) of activity. Involves identification of movement patterns and muscular involvement

Movement analysis

investigates strength endurance cotinuum max strength improved more for low rep group max number reps improved for high rep group at 60% max aerobic power and time to exhausion only improved with high rep group both physical and psychological adaptations are linked to the intensity and number of reps performed so strength endurance continuum supported

Read Campos article

evaluates how many reps a person can perform at a weight that is a percentage of their 1 RM

Relative results for muscular endurance

Absolute: actual weight lifted Relative: considers body weight


20 minutes of total training time exclusive of a proper warm-up and cool-down

Shoot for 20 minutes

Reps times sets times load

To calculate load volume...

amount lifted divided by weight

To calculate relative...

no more than 2 to 3 days a week

Train strength exclusively

squats- 3 sets of 9 reps at 75% 1 RM

Which would be the most appropriate dose of resistance training for gains in muscular hypertrophy and muscular endurance?

are short in duration (less than 1 second) performed at maximal speeds

activites of muscular power

low wt high rep low rest



intermediate reps

an attempt is counted as long as the athlete has made it through 90% of the motion before failure -lean mass more active at rest

not a consideration when performing a 1 RM test for individuals strength assessment

this ensures full range of motion will be utilized

light flexibility\mobility exercise

includes strength, endurance and power components

Muscular fitness

relationship between training stimulus

strength endurance continuum

10% rule

strength training must also adhere to what?

If your client or athlete can perform more than 2 repetitions over their goal in the last set over 2 consecutive workouts, weight should be added for that exercise.

2 for 2 rule

Alternating Upper Body and Lower Body Exercises


for novices

8-10 exercises

in all children regardless of ability or skill level. Modifications can be made for those with less skill and/or strength.

Encourage participation

considered dynamic tests referred to as Repetition Max Testing typicallY 1,3,4 or 8 RM ex. bench press, Military press, back squat, leg press

Isotonic contractions

where you determine what type of activities individual may need based on three seperate analysis...

Needs assessment



uses opposing muscle groups while keeping the same general movement pattern

The rotation between push and pull exercises

total mechanical work performed


do results represent what being tested?


ok so load volume is 6,400 to come up with various combinations all you have to do is choose a set and rep, multiple the two together then divide by load volume to get the weight. ex. 3 times 10= 6,400/ 10= 213. So the athlete can do 3 sets of ten at 213 lbs. or... 4 times 15= 60 = 6,400/ 60= 166.6 or 167 so... 4, 15, 167 or 5 times 10= 50 6,400/50= 128 so... 4, 15, 128.

Based on the calculated load volume for the back squat, what are three back squat (rep/ set combinations) that this athlete can perform?

1 times 200 times 8= 1600

EX. Back squat: 200 lbs, 4 sets of eight What is the load volume for 1 set of the back squat?

arm down

Eccentric contraction

combination of both muscular strength and muscular endurance.

Muscular fitness

high speed muscular strength or maximal anaerobic muscular power the ability of the muscle to exert a high force while contracting at a high speed

Muscular Power

should be based on the principles of progressive overload, specificity and variability including consideration to frequency, velocity, exercise order, rest, and muscle loading, group, and contraction type

Prescriptions for resistance training

adhere closely to the SAID principle. These are the exercises you identified using the needs analysis and are different between sports or activities.

Sport specific exercises

Specific Movement Patterns Activity Related Force-Velocity Relationships Muscle Actions Involved (Concentric (2-3 seconds), Eccentric (4-5 seconds), Isometrics)

Sport-Specific exercises are based on:

should rely on estimating 1 RM only in the postpubescent period. Young athletes should NOT lift any greater than 70 to 80% of their 1 RM It is recommended that you use a 7 to 12 RM set to estimate their 1 RM.

What about muscular strength?

improve muscular strength increase self confidence develop appropriate movement patterns improve body image all benefits associated with physical activity

What are some benefits to pediatrics strength training?

core and assistive exercise structural and power exercises sport specific exercises

list the three major categories of exercise selection

repetitions times sets times load

load volume formula

optimizes performance and recovery from training sessions.

altering the load volume and exercise intensity


low reps

involve two exercises for the same muscle group (bench press and weighted push-ups).


Combine both concentric & eccentric exercises (The eccentrics produce greater force development, greater hypertrophy and neuromuscular efficiency with less metabolic demand) Utilize both single and multiple joint motions Emphasize closed kinetic chain exercises, free weights and positions of function Use 80% to 100% of their 1RM Use a continuum of velocity from the unintentional slow to fast Train from 4 to 6 days per week while elite body builders and weight lifters can lift up to 2 times daily, 4 to 5 days per week provided they have adequate recovery between training sessions

for experienced athletes...


high speed strength

loads higher reps lower

if client looking to develop more muscular strength...

they are not going to gain hypertrophy

in other words

capacity of skeletal muscle to voluntarily develop forces in a single tetanic contraction at a specific velocity

maximal muscular strength

1/3 maximal velocity 1/3 maximal force development ex. cleans and snatches

maximal power

loads lower reps higher

muscular endurance

reps times load

repetition volume formula

always same condition for testing


after a warm up, start with a weight within perceived capacity (50-70% capacity)

step 1

increase resistance by 2.5 to 20 kg until subject cannot complete selected repetitions

step 2

final weight successfully lifted is recorded as either absolute (1 RM) or multiple

step 3

high weight low repetition high rest


development of a pre-planned variation


neuromuscular responses not changes in muscle size

what do the first 6-8 weeks of exercise develop?

Prescribe 6 to 12 exercises, using a multiple joint approach if possible.

what to consider...

involve sequentially working agonist and antagonist muscle (biceps curls and triceps extension)


use less than or equal to 3 repetitions of an exercise before momentary muscle fatigue

tests for muscular strength...

body weight exercises Be sure that they use a complete range of motion and progress at a slow, steady pace emphasis on TECHNIQUE

when begin training with pediatrics what should you start with?

sign up for shoes for shelter 5K


the more experienced you are adaptations take place the more fit you are

you improve less

Sequencing of Power to Core to Assistive Exercises


Alternating Pushing and Pulling Exercises


Using Supersets and Compound Exercises


Go into each training session with a very specific plan. The more organized and controlled you are in the strength facility with children, the safer and more productive it will be.


In terms of absolute results Stanley performed better because 321 is heavier then 128 In terms of Relative results Stanley: 321-175= 146 Maureen: 135-128= 7 Maureen did better because she lifted closer to her body weight than Stanley


having the ability to understand and follow instruction and exercise cues. They should also be able to concentrate on the training rather than inappropriately behaving in the weight room.

Emotional maturity

emphasize multi joint and closed kinetic chained exercise

Exercise selection

Strength Training like all exercise programs should be FUN! If it's not fun, no one will want to train. This encourages participation and improves retention of children in strength training programs.


should be at least twice a week target to train body minimum of 2-3 weeks


ex. Set #5= 300 pounds, 2 reps go to chart go to the 2 reps column get the percentage (in this case it is 93.5%) convert to decimal then do amount of weight divided by the decimal 300/ .935= 320.8. What is Stanley's 1 RM? Therefor stanleys 1RM is 321 lbs.

How to calculate 1RM after exercise recorded

Identify common sites and causes of injuries for the activity your client or athlete is participating in.

Injury analysis


Is strength training safe for pediatrics?

No, 8 reps is not accurate enough

Is this an accurate estimation of his back squat 1RM?

also dynamic very specific to exact joint ROM and velocity

Isokinetic tests

muscle contracts but does not shorten

Isometric contraction

static involves use of dynamometers and tensiometers ex. hand grip. prone arm hang

Isometric contraction is considered...

abilty of the muscle to exert force?

Muscular Strength

ability to continue to perform for successive exertions or many repetitions involves performing multiple submaximal contractions for several seconds to several minutes no rest periods between movements

Muscular endurance

they should be able to support and control their own body weight

Physical maturity

Identify the metabolic pathways required along with the specific needs for strength, power, muscular hypertrophy and muscular endurance above requirements for a healthy life (minimum of 2 days of strength training per week, 8-10 exercises using all major muscle groups)

Physiologic analysis

are structural exercises that are performed quickly or explosively . The snatch is an example of a power exercise.

Power exercises

both speed and velocity

Power reflects

working from large muscle groups to small, multi joint to single joint, high intensity to low intensity

Power, core and assisstive exercises

They are primarily developing neuromuscular patterns to properly execute the appropriate movements.

Pre-pubescent children lack the necessary androgens required to increase muscle mass

used to assess the low velocity\ max force development required in muscular strength

Repetition max testing

number of repetitions that were performed and multiplies them by the load used.

Repetition volume

the time for recovery you take between sets of a particular exercise.


Absolute: 321 Relative: 321/175 then multiply by 100= 183.4 or 183.


relationship between load lifted and repetitions practice that if you are using low numbers of repetitions you can lift a high amount of weight with each repetition versus if you are using high numbers of repetitions you can only lift a small amount of weight with each repetition.

Strength endurance continuum

are core exercises that load the spine either directly or indirectly (Example: Directly - Back squat, Indirectly - Power Clean) These exercises involve stabilization during the lift. Again the overhead squat is an excellent example of a structural exercise.

Structural Exercises

more time efficient

Supersets & Compounds

Young children should have appropriate supervision of no greater than 5 children to 1 supervisor. In teenagers with experience in the weight room, this ratio can extend to a maximum of 10:1.


what muscle groups are you contracting? (agonist, antagonist) what is the contraction type of movement? what is the Velocity of movement? What type of equipment is necessary? What is the joint range of motion?

Testing for muscular fitness questions to ask (specificity of training applied here)

maximizes the rest between muscle groups and movements

The rotation between upper and lower body exercises

In order to achieve maximal positive adaptation from resistance training you must have a regular alteration in variables


posture amount of repetitions duration of each repetition (velocity) full ROM velocity spotting equipment familiarization warm up

What do we need to standarize for?

assistive exercises

What do you require less rest for?

multi joint heavy load large muscle mass utilized

What exercises do you require more rest for?

determine the RM within 4 trials with rest periods of 3-5 minutes inbetween

What is the goal of 1RM testing?

255 times 3 times 10 = 7,650

What is the load volume for the dead lift exercise? deal lift: 255 lbs,3 sets of 10

135 times 2 times 15= 4,050

What is the load volume for the good morning exercise? Good mornings? 135 lbs, 2 sets of 15

add totals together... 1,850 plus 1,640 plus 1,530 plus 980 plus 1,850= 7,850

What is the total load volume for Wednesdays workout? Set 1: 185 times 10 reps = 1,850 Set 2: 205 times 8 reps= 1,640 Set 3: 225 times 6 reps= 1,530 Set 4: 245 times 4 reps= 980 Set 5:185 times 10 reps= 1,850

go back to chart find percentage for 8 repetitions. =78.5 =.785 200/ .785= 254.7 or 255 lbs.

What is this athletes estimated 1RM for the back squat based on one set of the exercises he performed?

If the athlete can perform two or more repetitions over his or hers assigned repetition goal in the last set in two consecutive workouts for a given exercise, weight should be added to that exercise for the next training session

Which of the following is the most accurate definition of the two for two rule?

measure of total amount reps completed at given weight for particular exercise not useful when comparing different athletes, due to differences in body weight

absolute results in endurance testing

are single joint movements. Assistive exercises are less important for sport performance and geared more for injury prevention.

assistive exercises

presses extensions flextions

basic strength training exercises children can perform include...

bicept curl

concentric contraction

The "core" can be identified as anything from the shoulders to thighs. These are typically multi-joint movements. Core exercises should be prioritized because of their direct sport application. One of the best multi-joint, closed kinetic chain core exercises is the overhead squat.

core exercises

greater than 12 repetitions before momentary muscle fatigue tests either static or dynamic either field tests or callisthenic exercises (pushups, pull ups, sit ups, arm hang)

dynamic tests for muscular endurance

Weight lifted can be increased Repetitions added Sets added Repetition speed altered Rest periods shortened between set and exercises Load volume increased (Reps x Sets x Resistance) Any combination of the above

how are some ways you can adhere to progression in your program?

1. Needs assessments 2. Exercise selection 3. Training frequency 4. Exercise order 5. Load and repetitions 6. volume 7. rest periods

list the steps needed to design strength training programs

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