Exam 3

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Gold Standard for toxicology

Gas Chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)

Which of these is the largest beetle family?


What is the rule of thumb for decomposition rate of buried bodies vs. exposed bodies?

1 week in air = 8 weeks underground

By convention, what is the lower threshold for warm weather fly species (green bottle flies, etc.)?

20 C

Using a threshold temperature of 400 F, if the low was 350 F and the high was 680 F how many degree days accumulated over 2 days?


Approximately how long should you leave a temperature unit at the scene after a body has been found?

3-7 days

0-3 hours fresh

Autolysis begins on the inside

What causes adipocere?

Bacterial enzymes convert unsaturated fats into saturated fats


Beetles 350,000 species Largest order

A flyʼs lower threshold is 6 degrees. The low for the day was 25 degrees, and the high was 45. How many degree days accumulated?


How many seres did Megnin identify on an buried body?


Very young larvae first feed:

Between muscles and muscle fibers

Where do fly larvae feed during the fresh stage of decay?

Between the muscle fibers until the acid is broken down

Which family is characterized by the first abdominal sternite divided by the hind coxae?


Silphidae are commonly called:

Carrion or sexton beetle

Secondary consumers

Consumes the primary consumers

Since geographical region has a major effect on arrival times of different species of insects to dead bodies, what do you know?

Data generated in one region or biogeoclamatic zone should not be used to determine time of colonization in a different region

According to your reading, the onset of _______ is considered to begin when gasses escape and the remains become deflated.



Decomposition of body tissues.

Which myiasis causing fly may die after its host dies?

Dermatobia hominis

Food web

Describes the interactions between organisms and recycling energy. -Trophic level

How does a lethal dose of cocaine affect maggot development?

Development is accelerated

The seres identified by Megnin in buried bodies consist of which insects?

Diptera, Staphylinidae, root eating beetles


Do not consume the whole prey item. Feed on the organism.

The ______ stage of decomposition is characterized by the reduction of the corpse to skin, cartilage, and bones, according to your reading.


When do ectoparasites leave a decaying body (when that body is on the ground)?

During algor mortis

According to lecture, where are drugs NOT commonly found in Diptera?


What is a definition of death?

Irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory functions.

How is the soil under a body affected during the bloated stage of decomposition.

It tends to become alkaline

How does morphine affect larval development?

Maggots are larger and the pupal period is longer

Of the following flies, which would you expect to find in a buried coffin?

Megaselia scalaris

Which of these is a species of Phoridae?

Megaselia scalaris

When you take soil samples, what are you looking for?

Pupae and maggots mainly, and any other insects you may find

What does TSP do for a preserved larvae?

Re-hydrates the tissues

When does the postmortem clock begin?

Right after death

What is the standard for the determination of human nuclear DNA profiles?

STR analysis

Which category of organism is most important for time of colonization estimation?

Sarcosaprophagous species

A cow belongs to which trophic level?

Secondary trophic level

Blending waves of arthropods, each comprised of different organisms are called:


"Coloeoptera" literally means:

Sheath winged

STR stands for:

Short tandem repeats

Silphidae 2 sub families

Silphinae Nicrophorinae

A body in water initially:


Why do insects need to be quickly killed and preserved if gut content studies are necessary?

So the insect won't digest the evidence


Staph beetles Rove Beetles; Coleoptera

Paederus sp. is in what family?


Which maggots are most important during your search at the scene?

The largest--you want to find the oldest maggots

The largest maggots in a mass usually represent:

The oldest maggots

livor mortis

The pooling of the blood in tissues after death resulting in a reddish color to the skin fizxed within 12 hours. -Potassiu chlorate- Brown lividity.

What is the field of ecology?

The study of the interrelationships of an organism and its environment

What happens when maggots are preserved in isopropyl alcohol?

The tissues turn black

You see a fresh body with small, first instar maggot masses in the mouth, eyes, and in the chest muscles. What do you know?

There was a wound in the chest

Why do we think that there is limited information on gut content in Sarcophagidae and Muscidae?

They are less important at the moment to forensics

What type of insects are attracted to dry decay?

Those that can feed on hair and dried skin

Which situation seems to most dramatically affect insect succession on bodies?

Tight, extensive wrapping

Why do you boil a maggot before you place it in ethanol?

To break down the waxy cuticle

Why do you need to note where maggot masses are found on the body?

To identify possible injury sites

What is a degree day?

Total degrees of heat above lower threshold accumulated in one 24 hour period


Total of circumstances surrounding a group of organism with extrinsic system and affects the organism (physical factors that affect growth, development of the organism. Includes biotic and abiotic factors.

What trophic level do Calliphoridae maggots fall into?



Unbroken waste material mummified remains

Where are rove beetles most commonly found?

Under rocks, logs, carrion or dung

Adventive species

Use carrion as an in an area and offers something it can live without.

When do adult silphidae show up at carrion?

Usually within the first 24 hours after death

Why do you need to check the area around the body?

Wandering maggots


Waxy fat; happens with bodies under water -Happens when buried

Primary consumers

eats a plant


leaf beetles


long-horned beetles

Rigor mortis

stiffness of the body that sets in several hours after death

Megaselia scalaris

technical name for phorid fly: Blow fly

A flyʼs lower threshold is 11 degrees. The high for the day was 15 degrees and the low was 5 degrees. How many degree days accumulated?


Megaselia scalaris is in which family?


Which family contains the coffin flies?


Which family contains the scuttle flies?


How do you preserve maggots at the scene?

Place them in hot water then in 80% ethyl alcohol

Which substance may be used to "clear" a maggot?

Potassium hydroxide

Egg breaker

Pressure to an eggshell weakness and the larvae is able to feed

Bamboo belongs to which trophic level?

Primary trophic level




metallic wood-boring beetles

Active Decay 10-20 days (blac putrefaction)

-Bloated body collapses -Black in coloration -Large volumes of liquid leaving the body -Insect activity is apparent -Skin slippage -Gloving is occurring

putrefaction (4-10 days)

-Buildup of gases, bloating of the abdomen, beyond livor mortis/ It is because of hemoglobin being breakdown. -Purging of liquid


-Cells just burst open, leaking out, hemostasis ends. -Anything that requires energy stops. -Autolysis is the same process as digesting, not active digestion. No energy to facilitate digestion. -Instead, the cells are using their lysosomes. -Release their digestive enzymes into the cell and leaks out into cytoplasm. -Happens first in the pancreases, stomach and liver. -Any digestive juices will degrade.

Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)-

-Combines the mass spec and gas chromatography. -The seporate column is then move to the mass spectrometer, captures and ionized. -Can tell the chemical properties. -The gold standard for toxicology

Dry Decay 50-365 days

-Decay can happen slowly -Body is as long as fur/hair remain -Dependent of species


-Faster development and larger maggot size


-Hair removed-skeletal -Can take years


-Larval develop quickly -Pupal death is high -Could not reproduce


-More rapid development and larger maggots, not dependent on doses -Error up to 29 hours


-Parathion -Malathion


-Post feeding and pupal stage (long time) -No other difference -Larval death common -Under estimation PMI


-Show differing developmental time. -Sub lethal doses- Develop the same rate -Lethal levels-Will develop larval stages, larger maggots, but no change pupal

Butryic fermentation 20-50 days

-Smells like parmesan cheese -Mold occurs

By convention, what is the lower threshold for warm weather fly species (green bottle flies, etc.)?

10 C

You find a body on very smooth terrain. Approximately how far do you expect the maggots to wander from the body?

100 ft

12-12-12 rule

12 hours to appear 12 hours to last 12 hours to go away

A flyʼs lower threshold is 10 degrees. The average temperature for the day was 25 degrees. How many degree days accumulated?


You find a body in very rough terrain. Approximately how far away do you expect maggots to wander from that body?

15 feet

Calliphorid colonization of bodies buried a few feed under ground is delayed by approximately how long?

2 Weeks or more

Calliphorid colonization of bodies buried a few feed under ground is delayed by approximately how long?

2 weeks or more

According to lecture, approximately how many Phoridae are there in the world?


Scuttle flies species



3500 species


3500 species world wide -Scuttle fly -Coffin flies -Humpback

According to lecture, when are male M. scalaris receptive to mating?

4 days after eclosion

Muscina stabulans finds bodies buried how deep?

40 cm

Fannia will limit their burrowing to find a body to:


How many dead, preserved maggots should be collected from a body?


By convention, the lower developmental threshold for cold weather or winter flies is:

6 C

How many seres did Megnin identify on an exposed body?


Tache noire

A brown to black band of discolored sclera of the eye. Created by the postmortem drying of the sclera by the air. Drying of the eyes

Who is in charge of the crime scene (generally)?

A detective

An insect that has a life cycle that involves being a parasite during the larval stage but is free living during the adult stage is called:

A parasitoid


A specialized type of predator that lays eggs inside other organisms - referred to as its host -A parasite in one stage of its life.

You find an insect with an upper thermal limit of 60 C and a lower thermal limit of 24 C. Where did it most likely evolve?

A very warm or tropical area with high temperatures

That dragonfly that I found in the car at a crime scene...which ecological category does it fall into?

Accidental species

Predatory maggots are more abundant at which stage of decay?

Active decay


Biological community with the physical environment, biological unit, in which captures and cycles energy. Closed system.

Where should temperature be taken at the scene?

Body temp, maggot mass temp, under body temp, ambient temp, and ambient temp several days after

What decomposition al stage is characterized by a "cheesy" smell?

Butyric fermentation

According to your reading (and Erzinclioglu 1996) which species of fly preferred decomposed remains to fresh when given a choice?

Calliphora vicina

Why is Spanish Fly known as a aphrodisiac?

Cantharidin causes priapism

Carbon monoxide poisoning causes what color livor mortis?

Cherry red


Clown beetles 3000 beetles 500 in N. America Black sometimes green

What flies do you expect to find a body buried 6 feet under ground?

Coffin flies

The forewings in Coleoptera are called:


Smallest fly in the world

Euryplatea nanknihali


Feed on carrion and the inhabits of carrion.


Feed specifically on decaying meet

How does wrapping a body affect decomposition rate?

If it's warm, it may speed up the decomposition, if it's cold and keeps the elements and insects away it may retard decomposition

What is the best way to kill a mosquito you wish to use for gut content analysis?

In the freezer

According to your reading, what are typically the first insects to discover a body after death?


Where do you go to get officially certified weather data?


Which insect guts are currently most useful for forensic entomology?

Necrophagous and ectoparasite guts

Accidental species

Not attracted to the carrion in any way and just happened to be there.

Where are the majority of maggots found on a hanged body?

On the ground underneath the body.

When trying to reach a buried body, where does Muscina stabulans lay its eggs?

On the soil surface

What is the rule of thumb for a degree day?

One degree day happens when the average temperature for the day is 1 degree over the lower threshold


Organisms that feed on whole other living organisms (killing it in the process)

Approximately how many species of Silphidae are there?

Over 1500

Phoridae larvae feed on:

Particles of organic matter suspended in fluid

The genus Paederus have a toxin in their blood which cases dermatisis. This toxin is called:


The characteristic frass of the dermestid beetle is formed from:

Peritrophic membrane


Sunlight to sugar (photosynthesis) -Grows very fast. -Plants are producers

One of the most important density independent factors for insects is:



Test combines radioactive chemicals and antibodies to detect minute quantities of substances in a patient's blood.

What is the major concern with collecting maggots from an autopsy?

The body was probably in cold storage

Butyric fermentation is most suitable to the mouth parts of which insects?

The chewing mouth parts of beetles

What is algor mortis?

The cooling of the body after death

The two most important bits of information for forensic entomology are:

The insects and the weather data

peritrophic membrane

What structure protects the midgut from abrasion by food particles and acts as a sieve? Allows waste material to be wrapped in the lining. -Completely wrap up their food and send it out as waste material.

Gas Chromatography

a method of separating chemicals to establish their quantities

thin layer chromatography TLC

a separation technique that involves the separation of small molecules as they move through a silica gel


darkling beetles


feeding on carrion


feeding on decaying matter


ground beetles


ground beetles 4000 species




scarab beetles dung beetles 19000 species 14000 in N. America

What is algor mortis?

the cooling of the body after death


weevils, snout beetles

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