Exam 3

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less automatic race bias

one study found ______________ when men and women of different races (except blacks) were surreptitiously induced to smile while looking at photographs of blacks

listening; talking

people engage in more eye contact when they're ___________ than when they're ___________


people routinely ________________ their ability to detect liars


societies with more gender equality show _________ of the traditional gender differences in mate preferences

self-perception theory

the idea that people sometimes infer their attitudes by observing their own behavio


the ideas and feelings conveyed

physically close

the more you like someone, the more comfortable you feel being ______________ to that person

person perception

the process of forming impressions of others

the bystander effect

the tendency for individuals to be less likely to provide help when others are present than when they are alone.

need for cognition

the tendency to seek out and enjoy effortful thought, problem-solving activities, and in-depth analysis


Liars are found to make ___________ eye contact with those they are trying to dupe

mature features

Men who have _____________, such as a strong jaw and a broad forehead, get high ratings on attractiveness


Men, both gay and straight, also desire to be thinner and more muscular, and this dissatisfaction _____________ with age

internal attributions

Observers are especially likely to make _______________ in trying to explain the calamities and tragedies that befall other people.

fundamental attribution error

People are more likely to make the ____________ when evaluating targets of prejudice

social dominance orientation (SDO)

People high in _______________ prefer inequality among social groups, believing in a hierarchy where some are destined to dominate others, such as men over women, majorities over minorities, or heterosexuals over homosexuals

modern discrimination

People may privately harbor racist or sexist attitudes but express them only when they feel such views are justified or when it's safe to do so


Perhaps no factor plays a larger role in prejudice than _______________

higher relationship satisfaction

Research shows that couples who engage in exciting, novel activities together have _____________________________

stereotype threat

When the black students' stereotype vulnerability was not obvious, their performance did not differ from that of the white students; when the threat of stereotype vulnerability was raised, however, the black students performed significantly worse than the white students.

external attributions

When they impute the causes of a person's behavior to situational demands and environmental constraints, they are making __________________________


_____________ is a relatively unusual response to high communication apprehension, but it does occur, as when someone who attempts to dominate social situations talks nonstop.

Defensive attribution

_____________ is a tendency to blame victims for their misfortune, so that one feels less likely to be victimized in a similar way

Personal space

_____________ is a zone of space surrounding a person that is felt to "belong" to that person

Nonverbal communication

_____________ is the transmission of meaning from one person to another through means or symbols other than words.


_____________ is the voluntary act of sharing personal information about yourself with another person


_____________ refers to the rewards or benefits friends provide us

nonverbal sensistivity

_____________ the ability to accurately encode (express) and decode (understand) nonverbal cues


_____________, in which the offended party acknowledges the problem and asks the offender for an explanation


_____________, or the assumption that all individuals and relationships are heterosexual

attachment styles

_____________, or typical ways of interacting in close relationships

interpersonal communication

______________ as an interactional process in which one person sends a message to another

Anxious; avoidant

______________ attachment in men is predictive of their female partners' sexual dissatisfaction, whereas _______________ attachment in women is related to male partners' sexual dissatisfaction


______________ includes all vocal cues other than the content of the verbal message itself


______________ involves acting in one's own best interests by expressing one's thoughts and feelings directly and honestly


______________ involves behaving differently, usually unfairly, toward members of a group


______________ is a mindful activity and complex process requiring one to select and organize information, interpret and respond to communications, and recall what was heard


______________ is the study of communication through body movements


______________ is the study of people's use of interpersonal space


______________ occurs when people unexpectedly find themselves trapped in a communication situation they can't escape. Here they may clam up entirely or say as little as possible.

Collectivist cultures; direct confrontations

______________ often avoid conflict, whereas individualistic cultures tend to encourage _______________

Reciprocal liking

______________ refers to liking those who show that they like you

Attachment avoidance

______________ reflects the degree to which a person distrusts a partner's goodwill and has tendencies to maintain emotional and behavioral distance from a partner.


______________ reflects the importance of having fun with friends


_______________ are widely held beliefs that people have certain characteristics because of their membership in a particular group


_______________ involves the communication of arguments and information intended to change another person's attitudes

Electronically mediated communication

_______________ is interpersonal communication that takes place via technology


_______________ is the initial desire to form a close relationship

social categorization

_______________ predisposes people to divide the social world into ingroups and outgroups

Sexual orientation

_______________ refers to a person's preference for emotional and sexual relationships with individuals of the same gender, the other gender, or either gender

breakdown processes; intrapsychic processes

_______________, in which one or both partners become dissatisfied. If this breakdown becomes extreme, either partner might engage in ____________________—ruminating about his or her dissatisfaction, the cost of the relationship, and attractive alternatives

parental investment theory

_______________, which maintains that a species' mating patterns depend on what each sex has to invest—in the way of time, energy, and survival risk—to produce and nurture offspring

Display rules

________________ are norms that govern the appropriate display of emotions in a culture

Relationship maintenance

________________ involves the actions and activities used to sustain the desired quality of a relationship.


________________ involves the decision and intent to maintain a relationship in spite of the difficulties and costs that may arise.


________________ is the act of sharing personal information about yourself with another person


________________ loneliness stems from the absence of an intimate attachment figure


________________ occurs when people yield to social pressure in their public behavior, even though their private beliefs have not changed

instrumental aide

________________ reflects direct support friends provide

Attachment anxiety

________________ reflects how much a person worries that a partner will not be available when needed.


________________ the receiver about a persuasive effort and a receiver's initial position on an issue, for instance, seem to be more influential than a receiver's personality

Interpersonal conflict

_________________ exists whenever two or more people disagree

similarity in personality

_________________ is associated with relationship satisfaction

Confirmation bias

_________________ is the tendency to seek information that supports one's beliefs while not pursuing disconfirming information.


_________________ loneliness involves brief and sporadic feelings of loneliness, which many people may experience even when their social lives are reasonably satisfying


_________________ occurs when people yield to real or imagined social pressure


_________________ refers to the inability to make fluent oral presentations or to engage in appropriate verbal or nonverbal behavior.


_________________, or things that people contribute to a relationship that they can't get back if the relationship ends


__________________ involves intimacy and self-disclosure

acknowledgment stage

__________________, the offended party acknowledges the remedy and the friendships progresses

Submissive communication

___________________ is deferential, as it involves giving in to others on points of possible contention.

Normative influence

___________________ operates when people conform to social norms for fear of negative social consequences

aggressive communication

____________________ focuses on saying and getting what one wants at the expense of others' feelings and rights

Informational influence

____________________ operates when people look to others for how to behave in ambiguous situations

symmetrical reciprocity

____________________ relates to mutual loyalty and trust

diversionary interrupting

____________________,which can entail conversational rerouting but usually just steers the discussion off to a new and possibly unrelated topic that is of interest to the self-preoccupied monopolizer

Interdependence or social exchange theory postulates

_____________________ that interpersonal relationships are governed by perceptions of the rewards and costs exchanged in interactions

authoritarian personality

a personality type characterized by prejudice toward any group perceived to be different from oneself


an excessive concern with protecting oneself from being hurt

aversive racism

an indirect, subtle, ambiguous form of racism that occurs when their conscious endorsement of egalitarian ideals conflicts with unconscious, negative reactions to minority group members


choosing not to participate when confronted with voluntary communication opportunities

resurrection processes

each partner engages in __________________ to prepare for his or her new life

superordinate goals

goals requiring two or more groups to work together to achieve mutual ends


groups often respond more negatively to __________ than individuals do

right-wing authoritarianism (RWA)

he construct is now termed ______________ , and it is characterized by authoritarian submission (exaggerated deference to those in power), authoritarian aggression (hostility toward targets sanctioned by authorities), and conventionalism (strong adherence to values endorsed by authorities)


high concern for self and others conflict style


high concern for self, low concern for others conflict style


high school girls _______________ the body size that boys find attractive

social processes

if partners reach the decision to end their relationship, __________________ occur as friends and family are alerted to the problem

Defensive attribution

individuals who claim that people who contract AIDS deserve it may be trying to reassure themselves that they won't suffer a similar fate

consummate love

intimacy + passion + commitment


is a form of compliance that occurs when people follow direct commands, usually from someone in a position of authority


low concern for self and others conflict style


low concern for self, high concern for others conflict style

1. how much they like you 2. how good a fit you think the person is

matching effects result from one's assessment of two fundamental factors:


men's friendships were higher in _________________


moderate concern for self and others conflict style


there is evidence that when a stranger looks very similar to someone we know well, such as a romantic partner, we automatically, effortlessly, and more or less ______________ like the person

systematic judgments

they take the time to observe the person in a variety of situations and to compare that person's behavior with that of others in similar situations

more effective

two-sided arguments are __________ than one-sided arguments

status than of gender

visual dominance seems to be more a function of...

secure attachments; avoidant attachments

warm/responsive approach in parenting seems to promote ____________, whereas a cold/rejecting style is associated with _____________

grooming qualities

we also have _______________, such as cosmetics, hairstyle, clothing, and accessories, that we use to enhance our physical attractiveness

overestimate; underestimate

we tend to ______________ the differences between groups and _______________ the differences within groups


wearing the color _______ increases a woman's perceived sexual attractiveness

ultimate attribution error

when people take note of ethnic neighborhoods dominated by crime and poverty, they blame these problems on the residents ("they're lazy and ignorant") and downplay or ignore situationally based explanations (job discrimination, poor police service, and so on).


women tend to gaze at others ________ than men do

positive attributes

women who associate _________________ with being underweight have a higher incidence of eating disorders

symmetrical reciprocity, communion, enjoyment, and similarity

women's friendships were higher in....


you can ______________ prejudice if you are motivated to pay careful attention to what and how you think


your personal self-esteem is elevated by individual accomplishments (you got an A on a history exam), your collective self-esteem is boosted when an __________ is successful (your team wins the football game)


___________ refers to discomfort, inhibition, and excessive caution in interpersonal relations


___________ refers to warmth, closeness, and sharing in a relationship

self-fulfilling prophecy

A ____________ occurs when expectations about a person cause him or her to behave in ways that confirm the expectations.

primacy effect

A ____________ occurs when initial information carries more weight than subsequent information.

comparison level

A ________________ is a personal standard of what constitutes an acceptable balance of rewards and costs in a relationship.

Close relationships

____________ are those that are important, interdependent, and long lasting.


____________ as beliefs and feelings about people, objects, and ideas.


____________ is a negative attitude toward members of a group


____________ is a physiological process that occurs when sound waves come into contact with our eardrums


____________ loneliness is a condition that affects people who have been unable to develop a satisfactory interpersonal network over a period of years


____________ occurs when a person has fewer interpersonal relationships than desired or when these relationships are not as satisfying as desired.


____________ refers to geographic, residential, and other forms of spatial closeness.


____________ refers to the intense feelings (both positive and negative) experienced in love relationships, including sexual desire.


____________ the environment in which communication takes place.


_____________ by taking responsibility and offering a justification a concession, an apology, or a combination of these three


_____________ can be defined as the system and process of sending, receiving, and interpreting messages that have meaning

situationally specific

shyness was triggered only in certain social contexts, such as asking someone for help or interacting with a large group of people


so the presence of ______________ saccadic eye movements suggests someone is telling the truth.

social identity theory

According to this theory, self-esteem is partly determined by one's social identity, or collective self, which is tied to one's group memberships (nationality, religion, gender, major, occupation, political party affiliation, fraternity, sorority, self-help clubs, and so forth)

interdependence theory

According to__________________ , people assess a relationship by its outcome—their subjective perception of the rewards of the relationship minus its costs


Adolescents and young adults are the ____________ age group.

speaking; listening

African Americans use more continuous eye contact than European Americans when ______________, but less when __________

anxious/ambivalent attachments

An ambivalent/inconsistent parenting style seems to result in _____________

grave-dressing processes

As the couple moves toward breaking up, ________________ occur in which each partner develops a separate account of the breakup for his or her social network

longer lasting and more resistant to challenge

Attitudes formed via the central route are ___________ than those formed via the peripheral route. They are also better predictors of a person's behavior


Chronic loneliness also is associated with ____________ physical health

common goals

Cooperating to reach ______________, then, can reduce conflict

dyadic processes

If commitment wavers, the couple will engage in _________________ by discussing and negotiating the conflict


In Milgram's study _______% of the subjects administered all thirty levels of shock.


In forming impressions of others, people prefer to exert no more cognitive effort or time than is necessary. Thus, much social information is processed automatically and effortlessly.

systematic judgments

In forming impressions of those who can affect their welfare and happiness, people make ___________ rather than snap decisions

social skills training

In this program, individuals learn and practice the skills involved in initiating and maintaining relationships


Individuals assess their _______________ with a relationship by comparing the relationship outcomes (rewards minus costs) to their subjective expectations

peripheral; central

Political candidates use music, flags, and slogans to persuade via the __________ route; when they present their views on an issue, they are going for the ___________ route.


Polygraph experts claim that lie detector tests are ______________ accurate and that there is empirical support for the validity of polygraph testing

intimacy, passion, and commitment

Robert Sternberg's triangular theory of love posits that all love experiences are made up of three components:

Robert Merton

Self-fulfilling prophecy was originally coined by sociologist _________________ (1948) to explain phenomena such as "runs" on banks that occurred during the Depression


The United States is usually characterized as a __________-contact culture, but there is a lot of variability among ethnic groups

source; receiver

The ___________ is the person who sends a communication, and the __________ is the person to whom the message is sent


The ___________ refers to the information transmitted by the source


The ____________ is the person to whom the message is sent.


The ______________ is a device that records fluctuations in physiological arousal as a person answers questions


The ______________ is the person who initiates the message


The ______________ refers to the medium through which the message is sent.

message; medium

The _______________ is the information transmitted by the source; the channel is the ___________ through which the message is sent.

foot-in-the-door technique

The ________________ involves getting people to agree to a small request to increase the chances that they will agree to a larger request later

fundamental attribution error

The ________________ refers to the tendency to explain other people's behavior as the result of personal, rather than situational, factors.

ambiguous situations

The bystander effect is most likely to occur in ____________________ because people look around to see whether others are acting as if there's an emergency

outgroup homogeneity effect

This phenomenon, in which others are seen as "all alike" and one's own group is perceived to be "diverse," is termed the _______________

internal attributions

When people ascribe the causes of someone's behavior to personal dispositions, traits, abilities, or feelings, they are making _______________

men (straight and gay)

___________ place more emphasis on physical attractiveness


Women have __________ personal-space zones than men do


Women who have _________ qualities such as large eyes, prominent cheekbones, a small nose, and full lips tend to get high ratings.


_________ are better encoders and decoders of nondeceptive messages b/c they are more motivated to exert effort acquiring these skills

Higher-status; lower-status

_________ individuals look at the other person more when speaking than when listening, while _______________ people behave just the opposite


__________ refers to any stimulus that interferes with accurately expressing or understanding a message

liars; truth tellers

__________ say less, tell less-compelling stories, make a more negative impression, are more tense, and include less unusual content in their stories than _______________ do


___________ loneliness results from the lack of a friendship network

elaboration likelihood model

an individual's thoughts about a persuasive message (rather than the actual message itself) determine whether attitude change will occur

body; face

an unattractive _________ is seen as a greater liability than an unattractive __________

easier to identify

angry outgroup members are much ________________ than angry ingroup members, suggesting that the human mind carefully tracks strangers who may pose a threat.

communication apprehension

anxiety caused by having to talk with others


are inferences that people draw about the causes of their own behavior, others' behavior, and events


bad impressions tend to be ____________ than good ones

"what-is-beautiful-is-good" stereotype

beautiful people are usually viewed as happier, more socially competent, more assertive, better adjusted, and more intellectually competent than those who are less attractive


pretending to listen while their minds are occupied with other topics

door-in-the-face technique

the _________________ involves making a large request that is likely to be turned down in order to increase the chances that people will agree to a smaller request later

reciprocity principle

the _________________ —the rule that one should pay back in kind what one receives from others

mere exposure effect

the _________________, or an increase in positive feelings toward a novel stimulus (such as a person) based on frequent exposure to it

lowball technique

the ___________________, which involves getting someone to commit to an attractive proposition before its hidden costs are revealed

comparison level for alternatives

the _____________________, or one's estimation of the available outcomes from alternative relationships

mature features

the combination of these youthful features with _________________ (prominent cheekbones, wide smile) seems to be the winning ticket

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