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President Clinton modified the military's strict ban on gay soldiers, instituting a policy, _______________, by which officers would not seek out gays for dismissal from the armed forces.

"Don't ask, don't tell"

In January 2005, at his second inaugural address, Bush outlined a new American goal: Group of answer choices

"Ending tyranny in the world."

A leading motto of the Women's Liberation movement was

"The personal is political."

As late as the 1990s, nearly 90 percent of suburban whites lived in communities with non-white populations of less than

1 percent.

During what years did the Berlin Wall, the most prominent symbol of the Cold War, divide East and West Berlin?


How many Native Americans lived in the United States according to the 2010 census?

5 million More like 5.2 but whateva

The tax rate for the richest Americans never fell below what percent during the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s?

70 percent

A leading voice of the Beats was

Allen Ginsberg.

The name for the small group of poets and writers who railed against mainstream culture, and that included Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg, was


What was the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case decided on May 17, 1954, in which the "Warren Court" unanimously asserted that segregation in public education violated the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment?

Brown v. Board of Education

The organization that launched the Freedom Rides, by which integrated groups traveled by bus into the Deep South to test compliance with court orders banning segregation on interstate buses and trains was called the

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE).

* Which of the following was a theme raised by critics of Reagan's presidency?

During his presidency, national morale crumbled.

This long-time civil rights organizer called a meeting in Raleigh, North Carolina, in April 1960, out of which arose the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC).

Ella Baker

The Cold War began in


* The movement to reverse the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision was supported by which of the following groups?

Evangelical Protestants

* An immense influx of cheap goods from Europe slowed down the loss of manufacturing jobs in the United States and enabled Americans to keep buying at the start of the Great Recession


* Sandra Day O'Connor was the third woman in history to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.


? President Obama abolished the secret military tribunals that former President Bush had established.


All of today's Indians live in five western states (California, Oklahoma, Arizona, New Mexico, and Washington).


Although Americans in the 1950s grew more intensely religious, fewer than ever were affiliated with religious institutions.


As president, Eisenhower sought to roll back the New Deal, abolish Social Security and unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs.


By the end of President Reagan's two terms in office, American conservatism was a spent force as all its goals had been completely fulfilled.


Donald Trump was projected to win the 2016 presidential election.


During the 1950s, the farm population rose from 15 million to 23 million, while agricultural production declined by 25 percent.


During the 1990s, religion in the United States lost much of its appeal, as a secular culture based on consumption and mass entertainment dominated American society.


Dwight Eisenhower entered the presidency determined to dismantle the New Deal.


In the 1950s, the National Security Council advised President Eisenhower not to use nuclear weapons in Vietnam.


It is a myth that children in the 1950s and 1960s were trained to hide under their desks in the event of an atomic attack.


New York became the most prominent symbol of the postwar suburban boom; one-fifth of the population growth of the 1950s occurred there.


Orval Faubus was among the attorneys on the team hired by the NAACP to pursue the watershed case Brown v. Board of Education.


President Eisenhower hailed the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education as a positive move toward a more equal and just America; when a federal court ordered that Autherine Lucy be admitted to the University of Alabama in 1956, Eisenhower authorized the use of federal troops in her support.


President Kennedy's policy toward Latin America, the Alliance for Progress, has generally been regarded as an overwhelming success.


Prior to her arrest that led to the Montgomery bus boycott, Rosa Parks had never been involved in National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) activism.


The Free Speech movement was initiated at the University of Minnesota in 1964.


The decline of public tolerance of homosexuality was among the most striking changes in American social attitudes in the last twenty years of the twentieth century.


The economy of the 1970s moved from stagflation to affluence, increasing the appeal of the conservative argument that government regulation raised business costs and eliminated jobs.


When J. P. Morgan Chase and Citibank pleaded guilty to felony conspiracy charges, the companies were handed hefty punishments by the federal government.


Which of the following series of events is listed in proper sequence?

Geneva summit between Eisenhower and Khrushchev; Soviet invasion of Hungary; U-2 incident

Many stock frauds stemmed from the repeal of this piece of legislation in 1999, a New Deal measure that separated commercial banks (which accept deposits and make loans) from investment banks (which invest in stocks and real estate and take larger risks).

Glass-Steagall Act

What was the name for the 1965 immigration law that abandoned the national origins quota system and established racially neutral criteria for immigration?

Hart-Celler Act

In President Obama's first inauguration, he stated which of the following?

He pledged to protect the environment.

Which of the following is a correct statement regarding Barack Obama's life before the White House?

He was the product of an interracial marriage.

This first female attorney general, __________, was appointed by President Clinton.

Janet Reno

Who is the first openly gay governor in U.S. history?

Jared Polis

In February 1991, the United States launched Operation Desert Storm as part of the Gulf War and quickly drove the Iraqi army from what country?


What did President Eisenhower call his domestic agenda, which embraced a "mixed economy," in which the government played a major role in planning economic activity, and by which Eisenhower consolidated and legitimized the New Deal?

Modern Republicanism

In the aftermath of Rosa Parks's arrest for refusing to give her bus seat to a white rider, a yearlong bus boycott took place in what city?

Montgomery, Alabama

The so-called kitchen debate between Nixon and Khrushchev occurred in

Moscow, Russia.

In Obama's second term, he faced a new crisis when this self-proclaimed group took control of parts of Iraq, Syria, and Libya.

Muslim Brotherhood

A major initiative of the Carter administration was the

Panama Canal treaty.

Who was the marine biologist whose book Silent Spring spelled out how the insecticide DDT kills birds and other animals and causes sickness among humans, and who launched the modern environmental movement?

Rachel Carson

As families escaped their everyday lives for the "open road," this businessman franchised his business into approximately 700 McDonald's fast-food stands built by 1964.

Ray Kroc

What was the 1978 Supreme Court decision that rejected the idea of fixed affirmative action quotas, but allowed that race could be used as one factor among many in admissions decisions?

Regents of the University of California v. Bakke

This Reagan-appointed Supreme Court justice was the first female member of the Court.

Sandra Day O'Connor

Which does not describe Rosa Parks in the years prior to her December 1, 1955, arrest?

She was a housewife, with no previous experience as a political activist

* Coupled with the high rate of economic growth in the 1960s, the War on Poverty succeeded in reducing the incidence of poverty overall.


* For the first time since the Depression, stock prices declined for three successive years between 2000 and 2002.


After the Gulf War of 1991, Osama bin Laden declared war on America.


Although it was a nationwide phenomenon, 1950s suburbanization gathered its greatest momentum in the West.


As part of the Freedom Summer, in June 1964 three young voting rights activists were murdered in Mississippi--James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner.


As part of the expansive and dynamic growth of the American economy, in the twenty years after 1950, about 7 million white Americans left cities for the suburbs, nearly 3 million blacks moved from South to North, and half a million Puerto Ricans moved to the mainland.


Bill Gates, head of Microsoft, was the nation's richest person in the 1990s.


By 1979, there were thousands of local gay rights groups across the United States.


By 2000, more than 400,000 Americans had died of HIV/AIDS.


By 2010, more than 13 percent of the American population was foreign born.


By the 1990s, public schools in the North were considerably more segregated than those in the South.


By the end of the 1950s, almost 90 percent of American families owned television sets, average daily television viewing time was five hours, and television had proven itself the most effective advertising medium ever invented.


By the mid-1960s, 25 million Americans owned shares of stock.


Cultural dissent was more conspicuous than political dissent during the 1950s.


During his first term, President Obama had to deal with the Gulf oil spill.


During the 1950s, gay men and lesbians increasingly created their own subcultures in major cities.


During the 1950s, material consumption came more and more to eclipse economic independence and democratic engagement as the hallmarks of American freedom.


During the 1950s, prominent psychologists insisted that women who were unhappy as housewives suffered from a failure to accept the "maternal instinct."


For all of America's successes, by 1960 more than one in five Americans lived in poverty.


Government policies and expenditures played a crucial role in the postwar economic boom.


In 1956, for the first time in American history, white-collar workers outnumbered blue-collar factory and manual laborers.


In 1960, women earned, on average, 60 percent of the income of men.


In 1978, California voters approved Proposition 13, which banned further increases in property taxes but reduced funds for schools, libraries, and other public services.


In a single week in June 1963, more than 15,000 people were arrested in 186 cities across the United States in civil rights demonstrations.


In his August 1963 speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial delivered to 250,000 black and white Americans, Martin Luther King Jr. declared, "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.'"


In his January 1996 State of the Union address, President Clinton announced that "the era of big government is over," and, in effect, turned his back on the tradition of Democratic Party liberalism and embraced the antigovernment outlook associated with Republicans since the days of Barry Goldwater.


In many ways, the economy and culture of the 1950s were dominated by the automobile.


In the 1950s, the number of houses in the United States doubled; most were built in the suburbs.


In the consumer culture of the 1950s, the measure of freedom became the ability to gratify market desires.


In the election of 2008, Obama carried every age group except persons over sixty-five.


In the post-World War II United States, Americans' daily lives were transformed by the widespread use of televisions, air conditioning, dishwashers, long-distance telephone calls, and jet travel.


Many whites came to view affirmative action programs as a form of reverse discrimination.


Obama's "stimulus" package was the largest single spending appropriation in American history.


One strand of social analysis in the 1950s asserted that Americans were psychologically and culturally discontent, lonely and anxious, and yearning not so much for freedom as for stability and authority.


One strand of social analysis in the 1950s criticized the monotony of modern work, the emptiness of suburban life, and the pervasive influence of advertising.


President Nixon and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger continued President Lyndon Johnson's policy of attempting to undermine governments deemed dangerous to American strategic or economic interests.


Prior to Hurricane Katrina, nearly 30 percent of New Orleans's population lived in poverty.


Richard Nixon's rise in politics was fueled in part by his ability to make free market conservatism appealing to ordinary people.


The 1968 military engagement in which Viet Cong and North Vietnamese troops launched well-organized uprisings in cities throughout South Vietnam and completely surprised American military leaders was called the Tet offensive.


The Brown decision encouraged an awakening of civil rights protest— and segregationist protest—in the South, ensuring it would have the backing of federal courts.


The Greensboro lunch counter sit-in of 1960 reflected mounting frustration at the slow pace of racial change felt by African American people.


The percentage of the black population in prison stood five times higher than the proportion for white Americans; more than one-quarter of all black men could expect to serve time in prison at some time during their lives.


With the sit-ins, college students stepped onto the stage of American history as a leading force for social change.


* Which of the following was an event in the civil rights movement of 1963?

Two million people, black and white, marched in Washington, D.C. in support of civil rights.

Which was not part of the new "social contract" between organized labor and management in leading industries during the 1950s?

Unions sponsored "wildcat" strikes in an effort to discipline management.

Residents of which of the following nations are much more likely to die from gun violence compared to people in other countries?

United States

Which of the following was a feature of suburban married life during the 1950s?

a decline in divorce rates

Which of the following was not a prominent feature of suburban married life during the Fifties?

a growing tendency of husbands and wives to share the roles of breadwinner and homemaker

Regarding the first intercontinental ballistic missile, John F. Kennedy warned that Republicans had allowed this to develop in which the Soviets had achieved technological and military superiority over the United States.

a missile gap

* In The Conscience of a Conservative, Barry Goldwater argued for

a more aggressive conduct of the Cold War.

Which of the following was not a significant trend in 1950s America?

a surge of student radicalism on college campuses

Causes of the civil rights revolution included all of the following except

a. the passage of the Taft-Hartley Act in 1947.

Milton Friedman's book Capitalism and Freedom outlined all of the following ideas regarding individual liberty except Milton Friedman's book Capitalism and Freedom outlined which of the following ideas regarding individual liberty?

an increase in the minimum wage laws. the repeal of the Social Security System

During the Great Recession, these groups ranked third from the bottom in public esteem--just above prostitutes and convicted felons.

bankers and stockbrokers

* Prior to taking office, Jimmy Carter achieved which of the following?

being a "born-again" Baptist

* Which of the following does the book, Our Bodies, Ourselves (1973), discuss?

birth control

What new industry has led to an increase in prosperity for some Indian tribes?

casino gambling

In Nixon's first three years in office, the proportion of southern black students attending integrated schools

decreased initially, but steadily climbed by the third year.

* From 1973 to 1993, real wages

did not change. * essentially did not rise was not one one of the choices

The suburban explosion of the 1950s did much to diminish racial divisions in America.


In the 1950s, Richard Nixon pioneered efforts to transform the Republican Party's image

from defender of business to champion of the "forgotten man," for whom heavy taxation had become a burden.

? In Ford's "Whip Inflation Now" campaign, inflation fell but joblessness continued to rise. inflation increased and joblessness continued to rise. inflation and joblessness both fell. inflation increased but joblessness fell.

inflation and joblessness both fell.

* In President Obama's first three months, he announced which of the following plans?

keeping the prison at Guantanamo Bay open

The 1954 update to the doctrine of containment, announced by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, that declared a Soviet attack on any American ally would be countered by a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union, was called "brinksmanship" by its critics and this by supporters.

massive retaliation

While most Americans saw the alliance of the Defense Department and private industry as a source of jobs and national security, Eisenhower felt it was a threat to democracy, calling this power the

military-industrial complex.

The gelatinous form of gasoline that burns the skin of anyone exposed to it that was dropped by American airplanes on enemy positions during the Vietnam War was called


The Iranian revolution deeply impacted the public's view of Carter's administration. After hostages were taken captive in Tehran, they were finally released

on Carter's last day as president of the United States.

In 1957, the Eisenhower Doctrine

pledged the United States to defend Middle Eastern governments threatened by communism or Arab nationalism.

In Casey v. Planned Parenthood of Pennsylvania (1992), the Supreme Court

reaffirmed a woman's right to terminate a pregnancy.

In May 1963, Birmingham police chief Eugene "Bull" Connor unleashed his forces against this group. The actions deeply affected President Kennedy, causing him to endorse the civil rights movement.


The 1968 Kerner Report blamed the widespread inner-city riots--occurring across the country from Harlem to Watts--on

segregation, poverty, and "white racism."

One of the key advantages the Soviet Union held over the United States on a global scale was America's continuing issue of


"Stagflation" refers to

stagnant economic growth and high inflation.

Pat Buchanan delivered a speech at the 1992 Republican national convention that declared cultural war against which of the following?

the Christian Right

The principal organization in the Southwest—the equivalent of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)—that challenged restrictions on housing and employment, as well as the segregation of Latino students was named

the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC).

In 2017, President Trump withdrew the United States from what international agreement on climate change that had been achieved in 2015?

the Paris Agreement

In 1971, the New York Times began publishing this classified report prepared by the Defense Department that traced American involvement in Vietnam back to World War II and revealed how successive presidents had misled the American people about it.

the Pentagon Papers

What was the coalition of black ministers and civil rights activists that pressed for desegregation and was formed in 1955, and in whose organizing Martin Luther King Jr., took the lead?

the Southern Christian Leadership Conference

The National Defense Education Act, which for the first time offered direct federal funding for higher education, was passed into law by Congress in 1957 in response to

the Soviet launch of the first artificial Earth satellite, Sputnik.

* Which of the following were instrumental in suburban life and the rise of the subdivisions?

the availability and affordability of cars.

All of the following were instrumental in suburban life and the rise of the subdivisions except

the loss of a communal city center.

The baby boom lasted until

the mid-1960s.

In 1973, long lines of cars appeared at American gas stations, which either ran out of fuel or limited how much a customer could buy as a result of

the oil embargo.

During the 1950s, the mass movement for civil rights found principal support among

the southern black church.

Which of the following did not inform or influence Martin Luther King Jr.'s, 1950s leadership of the civil rights movement?

the writings of Malcolm X, particularly his autobiography

In the decades following World War II, pluralism reigned supreme and the free exercise of religion was yet another way of differentiating the American way of life from that of life under communism.


In the two decades following World War II, services that had generally been enjoyed only by the rich or solidly middle class in the years before the war—including central heating, indoor plumbing, and electricity—now became features of common life.


World War II was followed in the United States by what has been called "a golden age" of capitalism; between 1946 and 1960, the nation's gross national product more than doubled.


How low was the unemployment rate by 2018?

under 4 percent

Under this kind of program, cities demolished poor neighborhoods in city centers that occupied potentially valuable real estate; in its place were constructed retail centers and all-white middle-income housing complexes.

urban renewal

During the Great Recession, the mortgage crisis affected _________ the most.

white-collar workers

xxxxThe 1990s Christian Coalition became a major force in Republican Party politics and launched crusades against which of the following?

x creationism not correct this is what i marked

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