exam 3 business business

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a salesperson who calls a potential customer for the first time is in the _____ stage of selling process


wholesalers who serve mostly smaller businesses who come in to pick up a few items, pay for them, and take them with them are known as _______ wholesaler

cash and carry

toys r us and office deport are examples of type of retailer known as

category killer

a type of psychological conflict that can occur after a major purchase is

cognitive dissonance

revelations about whether or not a new product will be liked and purchased by consumers are revealed during

concept testing

the investigation of consumer thought processes at each stage in a purhcase in order to determine the best way to help the buyer buy is called:

consumer behavior

it is important that marketers convert data to useful information to help managers make better _____


compared to consumer market, buyers in the B2B market tend to be more

geographically concentrated

a _____ campaign does not always recognize specific cultural differences from one region to another

global advertising

another name for a dealer brand or private label brand is

house brand

the consumer market is made up of

individuals and households

installations, capital items, and accessory equipment are examples of

industrial goods

product used in the production of other products are

industrial goods

when a product is hard to sell, it requires testimonials, demonstrations and graphics which lend itself to employing the use of _____ as a promotional strategy


some products, such as personal development seminars, real estate programs and workout tapes are best promoted through


an advantage of rfid chips is that they carry more ___ than bar codes


the two way flow of communication between marketing participants is called

information utility

when a company launches a full-length TV program devoted exclusively to promoting goods and services they have launched an ___


when a consumer insists on one specific brand, making the product a specialty good, it is known as brand ___


in the 1950s, a philosophy emerged where a business recognized the need to be responsive to consumers if they wanted to get their business. This philosophy is referred as

marketing concepts (CSP)

the distribution channel created when independent contractors are recruited by upliners and then recruit downliners, all of who receive commissions is called

multilevel marketing

US food companies that do business globally

must adapt to local tastes

when a brand name becomes generic name, manufacturers:

must come up with new names for their differentiated offering

a presentation in the sales process is designed to match the benefits of a product to the client's


a good reason public relations is becoming more and more important today is:

newspaper have cut staff and need sources of information

in setting a product's_____, a business need to take into account producing, distributing, and promoting the product


the cost of producing, distributing and promoting will all influence the product's


the costs of producing, distributing, and promoting the product will all influence the product's:


which of the four p's below is the most difficult for a manager to control due to the impact it has on consumer evaluation of an offering?


due to competition and demand in the marketplace, ___ and ___ are not always related

price and cost

often secondary data does not provide all the information managers need for decision making, and they must gather ____ data


a group of products that are physically similar or are intended for a similar market are referred to as a

product line

companies rarely sell one product but offer a

product line

the consumer market concentrates on goods and services for personal consumption and the b2b market focues on goods and services to be used in


the first era in marketing then.... era followed by selling era

production 1. marketing 2. production 3. selling

_____ consists of all the techniques sellers use to motivate people to buy their products


when a salesperson first identifies a potential buyer, the sales person is _____


sometimes marketers place representatives at a supermarket to hand out free samples. What promotional tool are they using?


the use of ______ advertising such as that on google or bing, bring together marketers and those they would like to reach

search engine

when production capacity exceeded the immediate market demand, the business philosophy changed from the production era to the ______ era


when a customer receives fast and friendly service after purchase, he or she is to be enjoying ____ utility

service utility

value quality price and style are closely scrtinized among similar products before a consumer decide which ____ goods to purchase


profit-making and nonprofit organizations use _____ promotional techniques to communicate with people in their target markets


when a firm prices a new product very high to make optimum profit while there is little competition is called

skimming price strategy

sending goods by ship is the least expensive way to transport, but the drawback is that it is


an important addition to online market research is

social media

a person who will oversee the process of managing the movements of goods from raw materials to the ultimate consumer and any necessary returns or recycling is in the busniess of

supply chain management

the entire sequence of linked activites that must be performed by organizations to move good from the sources of raw materials to the ultimate consumer is

supply chain or value chain

"would you like me to put that on hold"? is an example of a _____ close for a B2C customer


a step in the selling processes that consists of a question or statement that moves the selling process toward the actual close is known as the ____ close


products that consumers are unaware of or have not thought of buying are


the talking arm of public relations is known as


existing data is called ____ data since you arent the first one to gather the data


marketers should gather ________ data first because it is already available and to avoid incurring unnecessary expense


B2B sales are based on selling because there are fewer customers and they demand more personal


product lines and product mixes are also present in the ____ industry


the focus of the marketing era that makes sure everyone in the organization has the same objective - customer satisfaction is the _________ orientation


the marketing concept that relates to the idea that the entire organization must be focused on customer satisfaction is called

service orientation

a type of utility that is especially important for retailers as a competitive advantage in selling more complex products such as computers that require continuing assistance for updates and training is

service utility

since population growth and changing demographics can have an effect on company sales, marketers must monitor:

social trends

when evaluating the marketing environment a company looks at population shifts, values, attitudes and trends. these are referred to as ____factors


the primary benefit of shipping goods by air


customers, employees, shareholders and other provide some of the research that companies gather These groups are directly affected by the company are called _____


holding goods in a facility or facilities for later distribution in a logistics function known as:


in the US the great amount of money spent on advertising is on


testing a product among potential users is:

test marketing

new products are getting rapid exposure to global markets through

the internet

when consumers calculate ___ they look at the benefits of a product or service and subtract the costs to determine whether the benefits exceed the costs


____ change according to the level of production

variable costs

materials and direct labor costs used in making products are example of ____

variable costs

a way that traditional retailers can complete with online retailers is to

be so efficient they can beat them on cost

the segmentation technique where the product features appeal to certain segments:

benefit segmentation

perceived value of a product is calculated by consumers through careful consideration of

benefits and services associated with product

at the core of brand equity is

brand loyalty

the degree to which customers are satisfied, like the brand, and are committed to further purchases refer to :

brand loyalty

direct responsibility for all aspects of a product line or a brand including the marketing mix is the role of the

brand manager

a word , letter or group of words or letters that differentiates one seller's goods and services from those competitors is called

brand name

the point where revenues from sales equal all costs is called the

break even point

a firm is at ______ point when revenue is equal to all costs


personal sales today makes use of such tools as tablets and laptops to help the buyer to _____


which factor is part of buying procedures in the B2B market

buyers are well trained and more professional

goods that are intensive distribution

candy gum milk

market research is a continuous process responding to

changes in consumer preferences and the marketplace

after a salesperson successfully answered a customer's objection, he or she will have to ____ the sale


asking for the order and showing the clients where to sign is known as ____ the sale


the best appeal for shopping goods are

combining price, service, and quality appeal

promoting a product to distributors and retailers and developing strong advertising to generate interest in the product are components of ___


companies that develop elaborate cost accounting systems to measure production costs, add in a margin of profit and come up with a price using

cost-based pricing

demand-based pricing is based on what customers are willing to pay for a produce due to its perceived value, not the _____ of producing it


retailers who sell goods and services to ultimate consumers over the internet are engaged in

electronic selling

the transformation of raw materials, parts, and other input into finished goods such as shoes cars or clothes is done by

factory processes

B2B is another name for

industrial good

when a company offers an online forum used to answer questions about its products, it is engaging in ____ promotion


illegal copies of national brand name goods are called

knock offs

direct translations of slogans and product names from one ____ to another often misrepresent a product


changes in an individual's behavior resulting from previous experience is:


sample variables that are part of psychographic segmentation

lifestyle and personality

wholesalers who perform only a few functions but do them especially well are

limited function wholesalers

when marketers target future buyers with sampling, coupons and rebates while using publicity to target all customers in a particular region, they are exhibiting ____

management of the promotion mix

a ____ agent represents several non-competing manufacturers in a specific territory, where as ____ agent represent a single prodcucer in a large territory

manufactureres, and sales

paying attention to the needs of stakeholders such as customers, employees, shareholders, dealers and media representative is part of

marketing research

developing products and promotions to please large groups of people is ______ marketing


______ enables independent producers to create self-published, syndicated "radio shows"


which form of utility is concerned with transferring ownership of a product or service from one party to another


questions like "which people in the company will use the product?" are addressd durng the ______ phase


retail salespeople do not usually have to go through the ____ step in the selling process


the starting key component in the marketing mix is to design and offer a want-satisfying


determining profitability at various levels of sale is

break-even analysis

making a product readily available and creating the proper image is the best way to promote a good classified as

convenience good

in a wholesaler - sponsored chain, such as ace hardware, the retailers agree to

cooperate as a unified system of store

in which type of distribution system are all of the intermediary functions owned and controlled by the manufacturer?


sponsoring rock concerts or attending events to promote your product is ____ marketing


a _____ name is the name for a whole product category


during the growth stage of the product life cycle, sales and profits mostly


an ___ good is sold from one business to another


oil-drilling bits, cash registrar, and office desks are _____ goods


when independent contractors are recruited by upliners and then recruit downliners, all of whom receive commissions, ________ marketing is being employed


the emphasis in those firms with a customer orientation is to meet consumer ____ rather than on promotion and sales


one of the fastest-growing segments of the US population is

over 65

the channel of distribution with functions that occur between the producer of goods and services and the consumer and is part of the

overall supply chain

developing cost estimates and sales forecasts to learn whether a new product idea meets financial objectives is called

product analysis

the main goal of ____ is to get a feel for the profitability of new product ideas

product analysis

when marketers advertise on an online search engine such google or yahoo, they can

reach more people they most want to reach

an increasingly important part of the supply-chain process that involves re-using roducts that are not completely used up is


individual consumers percieve the category of a good or service differently, for many coffe is a shopping good but for those who require starbucks it has become a _____

specialty good

business consulting services, imported chocolates, fine watches, and expensive win is

specialty goods and services

an example of product that require exclusive distribution strategy is

sport cars

specialty products are considered

to have no subsitute

when a consumer insists on one specific brand, making the product a specialty good, it is known as

brand insistence

when the consumer will not accept a substitute for a particular product, the consumer has developed

brand insistence

an agent or broker

brings sellers and buyers together

the marketing task is different depending on the product _____


agents, brokers, wholesalers, transportation companies and retailers who together move goods from producers to consumers form a path called ______

channel of distribution

the key advantage of secondary data is that the cost of collecting the data is ______ than for primary data


is the marketing process of promoting a product to distributors and retailers and developing strong advertising and sales campaign to generate and maintain interest in the product among distribturos and consumers


promoting a product to distributors and retailers to get wide distribution is


B2B is larger than the _____ market


there are relatively few customers in the B2B market because there are just a few construction or mining companies compared to 80 million households in the US ______ market


adding up various costs relative to producing a car such as engine parts, body, tires and radio and adding a profit margin to come up with the vehicle price is

cost-based pricing

set of values attitudes and ways of doing things passed from one generation to another


a ___ store carries a wide variety of product such as clothes, furniture, and housewares, usually at higher prices than discount store


the product life cycle is a theoretical model that

describes the sales and profits of a product class

the marketing research process is conducted in order for a company to make good decisions because it

determines opportunities and challenges

age, education level, income and taste are all examples of how consumer groups:

differ greatly

a warehouse used to gather shipments from any places and quickly redirect them to another location is ____ warehouse


when marketers promote products to _______ and dealers they implement sales promotion to intermediaries


a key function in marketing is to find a customer need and ____ it with a product or service


a butcher who cuts a larger piece of beef into steaks is an example of _____ utility


a manufacturer who assembles the components of a computer for sale is providing which form of utility


an organization that puts many small shipments together for different companies to create a large, cost-effective shipment is

freight forwarder

the activity that control the planning, implementing, and controlling of the physical flow of materials and information from points of origin to points of consumption to meet customer requirements at a profit is:


when marketers gather information on business trends, global trends, and consumer buying patterns they are conducting:

market research

campbell soup is a company that has had some success studying consumer markets and breaking them down into groups WITH SIMILAR CHARACTERISITICS known as

market segments

choose the term that is defined as a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers


there is a wider variety of careers in ____ than in most business disiciplines


understanding the product life cycle can provide marketing managers some basis for planning ____ strategies

marketing mix

understanding the product life cycle can provide marketing managers some basis for planning

marketing mix strategies

the goal logistics is to manage the physical flow of materials and information from points of origin to points of consumption:

meeting customer requirement at a profit

the goal of logistics is to manage the physical flow of materials and information from points of orgin to points of consumption;

meeting customer requirements at a profit

when a firm is independtly owned and takes title of the goods they handle, they are ___ wholesalers

merchant wholesalers

the use of text messaging by marketers is known as:

mobile marketing

when starbucks sends out a text message to alert consumers when they are near a store it is engaging in _____ promotion

mobile media

when answering ___, a salesperson should think of questions as opportunities for creating better relationships rather than challenges


adding value to products by having them where people want them is ______ ultility

place utility

if a producer's use of coupons in a _____ strategy is successful, then consumers will go to the store and request the products


in the selling process, making sure that people have a need for a the product, the authority to buy, and the willingness to listen to a sales message is known as


marketers use age, education level, income and taste to _____ markets


masterfoods tried to promote caramel MM to the US hispanic market and failed, but it had great success selling products that proved successful in Mexico to the Hispanic market in the US. This suggests that some markets are large enough for

specially designed promotion

a retailer that sells a wide selection of goods in one category, such as jewelry is an ____ store


companies that use ___ make price an input to the product development process by estimating the price people would be willing to pay for a product then subtracting


classifying goods by shopping category helps marketers determine the best strategy and marketing __


within the marketing environment, computers, telecommunications, bar codes, data interchange, and internet changes are all considered:

technological factors

what is the type of nonstore marketing that uses toll-free numbers to supplement online or catalog sales


the tools that can help companies measure online conversations about their products and their personnel are called ________ tools

texting mining tools

when bundling goods or services into one package, marketers must not include so much that :

that price becomes too high

recognizing what stage of its life cycle a product is in has a direct impact on marketers decisions about

the marketing mix

despite the growth of alternative promotional tools, such as mobile and internet advertising ____ is still dominant medium

tv advertising

in order to determine the proper marketing strategy, goods must be classified by

user category

the want-satisfying ability, or value, that organization add to goods or services is


a company that pays people to say positive things about its products over the internet is using _____ marketing


products in the same product line usually

face similar competition

a firm that purchases goods from a manufacturer and then sells those goods or product to final consumers is considered an


a major employee of marketing graduates are ____ organizations


a contractual distribution agreement that requirements cooperation in promotions, purchasing, and other distribution functions and is initiated by the retailers is a

retail cooperative

a contractual distribution system where independently owned retailers intitate an agreement to cooperate on promotions, buy from the same wholesaler, and use the same name

retail cooperative

during the production era it was believed that one should produce as much as you can, because:

there is a limitless market for the product

a local cable satellite company offering $100 bonuses to existing customers who refer their freinds and family is relying on

viral marketing

when company ads for luxury products include well known and succesful people, the ad is making an attempt at brand____


sponsoring events like football's fedex orange bowl is an example of way to build

brand awareness

a market that consists of all the individuals and organizations that want goods and services to use in producing other goods and services is called the:

business to business market

marketers must recognize that different customers perceive the same product, such as coffee as beloning to different

classes of consumer goods

while merchant wholesalers earn a profit from selling goods they own, agents and brokers are paid:

commissions based on a percentage of the sales revenue

pricing based on the pricing activities of other companies in relation to a product

competition based pricing

developing an accurate description of your product and asking people if they like the idea is

concept testing

consumers calculate the value of a product by

considering whether all of the benefits exceed all of the costs

a computer kept at home for personal use is considered ___ good, whereas the same computer purchased for use in a business is conisdered ___ good

consumer and industrial

the investigation of consumer thought processes at each stage in a purchase in order to determine the best way to help the buyer buy is called:

consumer behavior

problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternativs, purchase decision and post purchase evaluation are the steps in the

consumer decision-making process

the individuals or househouls that want goods and services for personal consumption or use, and have the resources to buy them are part of the:

consumer market

it is wise for marketers to communicate with ____ to learn what is most important to them in a final offering


a ____ store that sells food and other frequently needed items at convenient locations and may be open all night.


a product that consumer wants to purchase frequently and with minimum effort is a good or service called

convenience good

which type of marketing directly links consumers to manufacturers and is one of the fastest growing types of retailing


a marketing activity such as telemarketing or catalogs that directly links the manufacturer or intermediares with the ultimate consumers is

direct marketing

a house party where those invited are sold merchandise such as jewelry vacuum cleaners or comestics is an example of the type of nonstore retailing callled

direct selling

tire manufacturers sell ____ to auto manufacturers, but use ____ to sell to ultimate customers

directly, and intermediaries

an increase in outsourcing and alliance building has resulted in ______ that often includes coordinating with companies in other countries

distributed product development

as the ____ slowed, marketers had to adapt offering products that were less expensive and more tailored to consumers with modest incomes


a major retailer sending out a monthly e-mail highlighting its current sales promotion is an example of ____

email promotion

identifying the factors in the environment that affect marketing success is the process called

environmental scanning

an example of fixed cost

factory rent expense and business insurance

which of the following are examples of internal sales promotion in a college setting?

faculty teaching awards

customers in B2B are

few and large

why would denny's risk spending 5 million on advertising during the super bowl

few other media allow advertisers to reach so many people with such an impact

in B2C sales the ____ step is important but is often neglected

follow up

combining multiple modes of transportation to complete a single long-distance movement of freight is known as

intermodal shipping

sales training is an important example of

internal sales promotion

sales training is an important example of:

internal sales promotion

public relations is a good alternative to advertising because:

many new organizations are searching for new stories

in the long run, price is determined by


the ___ will ultimately determine the price of goods


the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offers that have value for customers, lcients and partners at large is called


the factors that go into a marketing program: product, price, place, and promotion is called

marketing mix

_____ has become more important due to the rise in self-service outlets


changes or improvements to a product line can sometimes be accomplished through


a person with the means to buy a product, the authority to buy, and the willingness to listen to a sales message is known as


dividing the market using a group's, value, attitudes, and interest is ______ segmentation


the study of a group's value, attitudes, and interest in order to determine the group's lifestyle is called the

psychographic segmentation

a negative story can circulate against a firms wishes which is considered a disadvantage of ____


the promotional strategy in which the producer uses wholesaler discounts, personal selling, sales promotion contests, and other promotional tools to convince wholesalers and retailers to stock and sell its merchandise is known as _____ strategy


when a salesperson takes the time to make the selected customers actually need the products and have willingness and authority to buy, he is in the _____ step of the selling process


an important function of the channel of distribution is to ensure that

quantities and assortments are available where and when needed

a medium that is especially effective at reaching audiences when they have fewer distractions is


which method of transportation carries the largest percentage by volume for all goods shipped withi the US


piggyback shipping combines trucks with:


nonprofit organizations use marketing in order to:

raise funds to support their cause

B2b marketing strategies also differ from consumer marketing because business buyers have more ____ decision-making processes


business buyers are generally more ____ and less emotional than household consumers


what is the set of values, attitudes, and ways of doing things that results from belonging to a specific ethnic, racial or group called?


brand _____ means a brand has been linked to other favorable images


direct selling differs from direct marketing because it uses personal contact by salespeople to reach consumers

at their homes or businesses

state government will use marketing in order to

attract new business and tourism

the internet is fundamentally changing the way marketers are working with customers. Marketers now want to ____ over time

build relationships with customers

the marketing concept that states that a business must find out what consumers want and provide it for them is called the:

customer orientation

what is the era that extended the marketing concept by learning as much as possible about present customers

customer relationship

a type of software product that helps establish long-term relationships with customers is known as

customer relationships management (CRM)

the least expensive way to ship goods overseas is usually


the distribution strategy that places the product in as many retail outlets as possible is


getting products to consumers when and where they are wanted is critical to market success. Many time is it the responsibility of:


when a firm decides to combine multiple modes of transportation to complete a single long-distance movement of freight, ____ shipping is used


a major benefit of using vending machines to reach consumer is


interactive video has affected direct marketing by

making it easier for consumers to visualize the product

xerox kodak sony and dell are examples of _____

manufacturers brand name

the 2nd largest surface transportation mode is

motor vehicles

it is unusual for a company to sell

one product

the combination of product lines offered by a manufacturer is

product mix

when a firm offers more than one product line, it is said to be offering a ___

product mix

during the airing of a major sitcom the actors eat a popular cereal for breakfast. This type of advertising is known as

product placement

when marketers use samples, coupons, cents-off deals, display, premiums or rebates as ______ tools, they are promoting to consumers

sales promotion

the process of dividing the total market into groups who members have similar characteristics is market ___


a benefits of using ____distribution strategy is that producers are ensured of quality sales and service


a manufacturer of major appliance such as refrigerators is likely to use which distribution strategy


when a rack jobber retains title to the good until they are sold and shares profits within the retailair, the jober is :

selling on consignment

product placement is designed to____

subtly advertise products

the utility added by marketing intermediaries that add value by making products available when theyre needed is ______ utilty


what is the type of organization that sells to other businesses, manufacturers, and hospitals who then resell the product or use it in a product or service that is resold?


sales promotion happens both ___ and ____ of the company

within and outside

______ is set of values, attitudes, and ways of doing things passed from one generation to another in a given society


focusing on profit allows an organization to serve and expand to serve _____ wants and needs


the part of the marketing concept that focuses on finding out what consumers want and giving it to them is _____ orientation


another name for the target costing pricing strategy is


small businesses are flexible and thus able to gain market share through offering creative options that

differentiate their offerings

____ is a technology that has made TV less attractive to advertisers

digital video recording

the combination of promotional tools of an organization uses is known as the promotion ____


data that you gather yourself to meet a specific need is called _______

primary data

the creation of real or perceived product differences is called

product differentiation

discussions about products on web 2.0 social networking sites like twitter or on company online forums are examples of _____ sales promotion


when the author of freakonomics promoted his books by blogging, it was an example of _____ marketing


a promotional tool that involves people telling other people about products they've purchased is known as

word-of-mouth promotion

marketing intermediaries who bring buyers and sellers together and help negotiate an exchange without taking title to the goods themselves are;

agents or brokers

a salesperson who calls a potential customer for the first time is in the _____ stage of the selling process


a major reason why many new products fail is that they

are too similar to competitors

grouping two or more products together and pricing them as a unit is


taking a product idea to consumers to test their reaction

concept testing

the type of distribution system in which intermediaries are independent but agree to cooperate are participating in

contractual distribution system

candy gum milk snacks are examples of

convenience goods

the pricing strategy in use when a firm prices product based on consumer demand is


what are the two most common methods of segmenting markets

demographics and geographics

a wholesaler who solicits order from retailers and other wholesalers and then arrange to have the merchandise shipped directly from the producer to the buy is

drop shipper

reestablishing the notion of brand ___ is a major goal of future marketers because it strengthens consumer commitment to brand name


in the united states, most but not all companies have evolved by passing through the four ______ of marketing


changes in the us population that creates challenges for marketers are different tastes and preferences of growing ___ groups such as hispanis and asian american


shifts in the us population have created new challenges for marketers as they adjust their products to meet the tastes and preference of growing number of ___-

ethnic groups

in customer relationship management, you do everything you can to satisfy customers, or even to ______ their expectations


the distribution strategy that sends products to only one retail outlet in a given geographic area is

exclusive distribution

supply chain management adds value by increasing efficiencies and coordinating activities from the source of raw materials to completion of the ______

finished goods

regardless of the number of product made, _____ are those expense that remain the same

fixed costs

a small group of people who meet under the direction of a discussion leader to communicate their opinions about a product is a __________ group


a warehouse club is a retailer that sells

food and general merchandise and may require payment of a membership fee to shop there

a manufacturer who assembles the components of a computer for sale is providing which form of utility?


in addition to combing small shipments to create cost-effective loads, _____ may also offer customs assistance and warehousing

freight forwarders

a merchant who performs all of the service functions is known as

full service wholesaler

a ___ good is a non-branded product that usually sells at a sizable discount compared to other brands


the value of product is defined as _____ at a _____

good quality and fair price

in marketing automobiles when a company talks about a design created to save on gas and energy, the focus is on promoting the product by emphasizing how ____ it is


this personal selling step is described as : countering reasons for not buying the product

handling objections

a dealer brand may also be caleld

house, distributor, and private label

a person responsible for bringing raw materials, packaging, other goods and services and information from suppliers to producers is working the field of _______

inbound logistics

_____ promotion replaces monologue with dialogue, which establishes a more collaborative relationship between buyer and seller


supply chain management has become very complex, as many firms outsource functions... as a result supply chain management is

interfirm and international

activities or task associated with ___ cannot be elimnated from the process of getting goods to consumers


outlets centers offer ___ price which is a good way to create an attractive total product offer, but customers must be careful because not all bargain priced products are high quality goods


the goal of a franchise system is to

maintain quality and consistency

many people still think of marketing as selling, marketing, and distribution because in the past

marketing focused on a flow of goods from seller to buyer

organizations that assist in moving goods and services from producers to B2B and from business to consumers B2C are called

marketing intermediaries and middle men

the movement of goods within a warehouse or on the factory floor to specific workstations is

material handling

relative to the product life cycle, because ketchup is a classic product it

may never experience decline

about 80 percent of wholesalers take title to the goods they handle as either full-service or limited-function _____ wholesalers


the organization thats move good and services between producers and those who use the products and services are called marketing intermediaries or


why do local businesses prefer advertising in newspaper, radio and yellow pages?

most local businesses target a small area that can be efficiently reached through local advertising products

the difference between wholesalers and agents and brokers is that

most wholesalers take title to the goods they handle

when a company finds a small but profitable market segment and designs products just for them, the company is engaged in:

niche marketing

small businesses can use nonstore retailing methods such as the internet to:

open new channels of distribution

with marketing research, marketers analyze markets to determine:

opportunities and challenges

the business-to-business market is made of all individuals and _____ that want goods and services for production, sales to other


the area of logistics that manages the flow of finished products and information to business buyers and ultimate consumers is:

outbound logistics

the ____ phase is a great time to use testimonials showing potential buyers that they are joining leaders in other firms who are using the product


______ is the strategy by which one or more dominant firms set the pricing practices that all competitors in an industry follow

price leadership

in order to gather additional in-depth information needed for business decisions, marketers must do their own research by gathering:

primary data

telephone surveys, online surveys, mail survey,s and personal interviews are the most common forms of gathering:

primary data

the first step in the consumer decision-making process is _____

problem recognition

auto companies truly seem to be listening to customers who are environmentally concerned by offering more fuel-efficient cars. they are adjusting the ____ factor of the marketing mix


when a firm establishes a single ____ and promotional strategy that it can implement worldwide, it is creating a global advertising campaign


which step is the new product development process involves estimating costs and sales to get a feel for the new products potential profitability

product analysis

to determine a ____, marketers must carefully monitor their customer base and how products are perceived

product category

the part of the new product development process that requires listening to emplyees, customers and suppliers is generating new

product ideas

the ____ is an illustration of the theoretical movement in sales and profits for a product class over time

product life cycle

a group of products that are physically similar or are intended for a similar market are referred as

product line

the combination of product lines offered by a manufacturer are called

product mix

a theoretical model of what happens to sales and ___ for a product class over time is called _____

profits and product life cycle

the goal of ______ pricing is to make the product appear less expensive than it is by using pricing points such $3.99

psychological pricing

the management function that evaluates public attitudes, changes policies and procedures in response to the public's requests and executes a program of action and information to earn public understanding and acceptance is known as

public relations

a firm does not pay the media costs for _____ and it not identified as the orginator of the message


suppose you want to introduce your store, VERY VEGATARIAN to consumers but you have little money to promote it. Having a press conference to announce your grand opening could get broadcasters to provide some ___


consumers going to stores asking for a specific product could be result of a successful ___ strategy


an imporatant advantage of using marketng intermediaries is that is ______ the number of exchanges in the channel of distribution, making it more efficient


a group that an individual identifies with and that influences beliefs, attitudes, values or behavior

reference group

the trend today is moving from globalism to _____, in the future, marketers will prepare more customer-designed promotions to reach even smaller audiences


a radio frequency identification chip is a method of tracking products and is more commonly called

rfid chip

what is the name for the tracking system that uses radio frequencies to track merchandise


a marketer trying to stimulate consumer purchasing and dealer interest by means of short-term activities is likely to use _____ as an incentive

sales promotion

_____ are designed to supplement personal selling, advertising, public relations, and other promotional efforts by creating enthusiasm for the overall promotional program.

sales promotion program

___ must know the product and competitors products throughly


marketers who want to avoid incurring unnecessary expenses when researching data should first gather:

secondary data

the retail distribution strategy that sends products to only a few preferred retailers in the area is:

selective distribution

it is common for ______ goods to be marketed through exclusive magazines and websites


products that rely on reaching special market segments through advertising are


knowing what ___ of the product life cycle a product is in helps marketers make intelligent and efficient marketing decisions


the two major forms of warehouse are ____ warehouse used to keep goods for a longer time and ____warehouses where goods are gathered and reshipped more quickly

storage, and distribution

when one belongs to a specific ethnic group which creates a set of values and attitudes, then that person belongs to


when values, attitudes, and ways of doing things results from belonging to specific ethnic, racial, or other group that one identifies close with, it is termed


bottled water companies have used branding, pricing and promotion to

successfully differentiate their product offerings

an establishment that sells mostly food and other nonfood products such as cleaning supplies without requiring a membership is called a


the first step in planning a promotional campaign is to identify the ____ market


__ aims to design a product so that it satisfies customers and meet the profit margins for a company

target costing

selecting which groups or segments an organization can serve profitably is called

target marketing

break even analysis is

the process used to determine profitability at various levels of sale

B2B markets such as oil producers tend to be more geographically concentrated because

the resource is found in only a few locations

when an individual goes to a supermarket and selects a box of cereal from several choices of type brand and size it is an example of

the value of marketing intermediaries who provide and assortment

companies who use organization such as SAP or peoplesoft to manage complex supply chains recognize that they are actually value chains because:

their goal is to provide consumers with the best possible value at the lower cost to the company

a benefit for retailers of an administered distribution system is that

they get a lot of free help

when a firm uses outside companies to move good it is known as

third party logistics

a webstite that is avalable 24/7 provides customers with ____ utlity


two major problems with electronic retailing have been that, after the sale, retailers do not provide adequate customer service or time_____

timely delivery

opening bag of chips and seeing air

to protect the goods inside

considering an ipods look and feel, its feature as well as apple's reputation demonstrate a consumer evaluating

total product offer

everything that consumers evaluate when deciding whether to buy something is referred to as the

total product offer

a brand that has exclusive legal protection for both brand name and its design is a


dividing the market by the amount of a product used is called _______ segmentation


the segmentation technique that divides the market by the amount of a product used is :

volume segmentation

the consumer market consists of 80 million households, but there are fewer ___ in the B2b market of an industry like auto manufacturing


the internet allows customers to gather ____ from competitors websites to compare prices and features for products and services


the key first step of the market research process is

defining the questions and determining the present situation

the increase in the number of older adults creates a growth in demand for:

health care

high low pricing requires a firm to set prices that are ___ than everyday low price stores and then have special sales that set price that are ____ than competitors

higher, lower

as consumers have more access to price information from around the world, _____ is likely to increase as people will look beyond the price to total value offered

non price competition

marketers who seek to differentiate their products by promoting attributes such as safety or the brand name are using:

nonprice competition

a leading cause of new-product failure is

not delivering what is promised

gathering testimonials when preparing for a sales presentation can be helpful in overcoming customer _____


personal selling is the most flexible of the promotional methods because it gives marketers the greatest opportunity to communicate specific information that might answer ___


when answering ____, a salesperson should think of questions as opportunities for creating better relationships rather than challenges


_____ have a direct impact on pricing strategy and should therefore be clearly formulated in the context of the stratetgic marketing plan and rest of the marketing mx


developing a unique mix of goods and services for each individual customers is:

one to one marketing

one goal of ____ advertising is to get potential customers to a website where they can learn more about the company and its product


what store would likely use low price to create an attractive total product offering

outlet or warehouse

an establishment that sells directly from a manufacturer at reduce prices, although some of the merchandise may be flawed or "seconds" is likely

outlet store

kiosk and carts have lower ___ costs, so they are able to offer convenience goods at needed locations at lower prices to retail consumers


attraction, protection, and description are three of the functions that a ___ must perform


the use of UPC codes on their ___ makes products more appealing to retailers, as it helps control inventory


squeezable ketchup bottle make serving this condiment more convienient for consumers and thus, changes the percetion of the product through its ___


boxes of juice and liquid milk that do not need refrigeration are examples of

packaging that changes a product

a low initial entry price, often lower than the eventual market price, to attract many customers and discourage competition

penetration strategy

why do sales promotions increase during economic crises?

people look more closely for coupons and other promotional deals to save money

the key factors under the psychological influence of decision making are

perceptions, attitudes, and motivation

the face-to-face presentation and promotion of goods and services is known as _____

personal selling

whereas consumer promotions are based on more advertising, B2B sales are based on

personal selling

if you were choosing a means of transportation for oil, the cheapest and most dependable would be by


intermediaries may assist with moving product from producers to the consumers. this affects what factor in the marketing mix?


the fourth p of marketing, which includes shipping, transportation, storage, logistics and supply-chain management is known as

place or distribution

a supermarket that assembles a variety of goods in a location near your home is providing:

place utility

during ___, a marketing manager should use such criteria as fit with the firm's other products, profit potential and marketability

product screening

the process of ______ helps manufacturers determine whether a product fits well with the present products and has good marketability and profit potential

product screening

businesses cant fill the needs of every consumer group. therefore, a business might decide which groups to serve, and then develop __-__ specially tailored to their needs


a marketing strategy with the goal of keeping individual customers over time by offering them product that exactly meet their requirement is _____ marketing


which form of logistics is being used when a customer sends a product back to the manufacturer becase of defects or have it recycled?

reverse logistics

one fo the fastest growing segments of the us population is people over the age of


it takes about ____ ideas to generate one new commercial product


the ____ market includes manufactuerers, intermediaries, hospitals, school, charities and government


when a business purchases the services of a public accounting firm to perform an audit of their financial data they are engaging in the ____ market


an online diary that looks like a web page but it easier to create and update by posting text, photo, or links to other is known as:

a blog

all of the following are types of sales promotion except:

a customer blogging about a product

distribution of audio and video feeds over the internet to subscribers is known as :

a podcast

a discount store is one that sells

a wide variety of products at prices lower than department stores

what must marketers do if they listen to customers and recognize the changes in markets?


a university develops a promotional strategy that includes, among many others, advertising in newspaper and over the internet, personal selling through recruiters, and offering all expenses paid trips to visit the campus. What type of marketing technique is the university likely to be engaged in?

integrated marketing communication

the process of coordinating the promotion mix elements and synchronizing promotion as a unified effort is called

integrated marketing communication

psychographic segmentation factors

interests and attitudes



all of following specific to the B2B market except

B2B sales are indirect

in ___ sales, the salesperson does not have to do much prospecting or qualifying


_____ products to new markets is an ongoing process for marketers wishing to complete succesfully


a reason why marketing intermediaries such as transport companies and wholesalers have survived is that they

add enough value to products to outweight the added costs

for the buyer, a benefit of purchasing a brand name is that

adds prestige to purchases

a distribution system where producers manage all of the marketing functions at the retail level is;

administered distribution system

retailers get a lot free help with display, inventory control, pricing, and promotion without signing an agreement

administered distribution system

asante is the marketing managers of a fortune 500 company. while planning the next year promotional mix, he dcides to pay for few videos that presents the companys product and place them on the internet as well. asante is planning the next years' ____ campaign


because it is very expensive, only a small proporation of shipping goes by


in B2B company, a brand manager is often responsible for

all the elements of the marketing mix

a brick and click store Is:

an existing retail store that adds online outlets

a salesperson who has anticipated customer doubt about a product and formulated proper responses is ready for the _____ stage of the selling process

answer objections

a name symbol or design that identitfies the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers is


packaging influences ______ by presenting products using the same name, symbol and slogan

brand association

the value of the brand name and associated symbols refers to:

brand equity

marketing intermediaries were once called middlemen because they

assist in moving goods and services from producers to users in B2B and B2C markets

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