Exam 3

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The Occupational Safety and Health Act gives workers the right to a job "free from recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm"


Businesses can reduce income inequality by which action? - Adjust minimum wage laws to increase worker pay - Pass a new tax law that benefits workers - Provide very high executive compensation - Commit to paying a living wage to all employees

Commit to paying a living wage to all employees

Sexual and racial harassment will happen, and there is little a business can do to eliminate the problem


An organization's public relations programs may vary by country depending on the culture, social mores, or political systems


Critics have argued that honesty tests discriminate disproportionately against minorities


Employers are not required by law to agree to the union's demand, but they are required to bargain in good faith


The leading cause of death on the job is due to: - Falls - Vehicle accidents - Contact with equipment - Murder

Vehicle accidents

Investors may receive an economic benefit from the ownership of stock by receiving: - Interest - Dividends - Capital gains - Both dividends and capital gains

Both dividends and capital gains

Purposefully planned messages sent to selected media promoting the company without payment to the media is called: - Corporate sponsorship - Internal communications - Publicity - Advertising


Boards of directors in the United States are required to staff their compensation committees exclusively with outside directors


In the United States, immigrants are more likely to than non-immigrants to start their own business, having been responsible for 30 percent of small business growth


It is recommended that businesses use the same tactics to communicate with all stakeholders


Which laws allows individuals who sue federal contractors for fraud to receive up to 30 percent of any amount recovered by the government? - False Standards Act - Economic Priorities Act (as amended in 1999) - US False Claims Act (as amended in 1986) - Fair Labor Standards Act

US False Claims Act (as amended in 1986)

A customer tweeting about a recent bad shopping experience is using which type of media communication? - Event sponsorship - User-generated content - Paid content - Public service announcement

User-generated content

The media control technique called bridging is exemplified by which of these phrases? - "Your listeners may not know that..." - "While that is true, what is important to know is..." - "We are undertaking a program to correct the situation" - "This is important news because..."

"While that is true, what is important to know is..."

The growing diversity in the US workforce is due to: - Shifting patterns of work and retirement - All of these answers are correct - Immigration from other countries - Millennials entering the workforce

All of these answers are correct

A rule of media communication is to: - Be accessible - Be current - Be honest - All of these answers are correct

All of theses answers are correct

Which of these statements is (are) true regarding sexual harassment? - Workplace comradery - Boys will be boys - People wearing sexy clothing - An imbalance of power

An imbalance of power

The "gig" (or sharing) economy is accurately described by which of these? - Many companies have become more cost-efficient - Risk has shifted from the worker to the company - The generally low wages have increased the welfare burden on the government - Both of these answers are correct: Many companies have become more cost-efficient; and the generally low wages have increased the welfare burden on the government

Both of these answers are correct: Many companies have become more cost-efficient; and the generally low wages have increased the welfare burden on the government

Which of the following is a key feature of effective boards of directors? - Hold regular meetings without the CEO present - Fill an important positions on the board with managers with insider knowledge of the firm - Combine the duties of the board chairman and the chief executive - Ensure that no outside members included on the board

Hold regular meetings without the CEO present

One action a company can take to effectively manage diversity and inclusion is: - Hire only with existing employee referrals - Set up a diversity council to monitor the company's goals - Hire only immigrant workers - Use of a broad list of demographic factors to select applicants

Set up a diversity council to monitor the company's goals

Institutional investors have little incentive to hold their shares and organize to change management policy


Investors always choose to invest in the stock companies that pay high dividends


Government rules on equal treatment of employees include: - Women and men must receive equal pay for performing equal work, but only if the woman is not pregnant - Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is prohibited in all employment practices - Government contractors must have written positive affirmative action plans to overcome the past and present effects of discrimination in their work force - Affirmative action plans must be permanent

Government contractors must have written positive affirmative action plans to overcome the past and present effects of discrimination in their work force

An argument that opposes the idea of high executive pay is: - High salaries provide an incentive for innovation and risk taking - Not many individuals are capable of running today's large, complex organizations - Top athletes and entertainers, make a lot of money, so top executives should, too - High salaries divert resources that could be used to invest in the business

High salaries divert resources that could be used to invest in the business

Which of these channels represents a traditional media outlet? - Blogs - Cell phones - Television - Podcasts


Benefits of managing diversity and inclusion effectively includes all except: - Businesses with a diverse workforce boost innovation for the firm - The federal government provides tax breaks - Customer service is more effective - These businesses are better able to attract and retain workers from a variety of backgrounds

The federal government provides tax breaks

Reports filed with SEC provide information on a company's: - Sales and earnings - Depreciation by line of business - Details of foreign operations - All of these answers are correct

All of these answers are correct

Through which stakeholder networks can the public demand a certain level of performance from a firm? - Government agencies - Both consumer advocacy groups and government agencies - A firm's employees - Consumer advocacy groups

Both consumer advocacy groups and government agencies

According to the new social contract: - The employer is obligated to provide long-term job security - Companies try to attract workers by giving them interesting and challenging work - Job security is based on seniority, but salaries may be lowered for poor performance - The employer is without any responsibilities toward employees

Companies try to attract workers by giving them interesting and challenging work

The ratio of average executive to average worker pay tends to increase during recessions and fall during periods of economic expansion


Which of the following is an example of fulfilling social objectives through stock ownership? - Selling stock of companies that refused to do business with nations that produced conflict minerals - Divesting from Chinese companies that made products using forced labor - Selling stock of companies with a below-market rate of return - Investing in Burmese companies that had been accused of human rights abuses

Divesting from Chinese companies that made products using forced labor

Global businesses that have extended their public relations strategies worldwide should: - Never decentralize their global relations programs to ensure the company has "one voice" - Ensure that communications with local media take place in the area's native language - Ignore local customs and emerging issues in the locations where they operate - Assume that there is no anti-American sentiment in the countries where they have operations

Ensure that communications with local media take place in the area's native language

The most ironic brands foster intellectual attachments that expand the firm's market power


The way an organization presents itself to its stakeholders is known as the corporate reputation


An argument against affirmative action is: - It is inconsistent with the principles of fairness and equality - It violates individuals' basic human rights - It costs American businesses too much money - There are no mechanisms in place to verify that it is actually taking place

It is inconsistent with the principles of fairness and equality

Which law eliminated certain time restrictions for filing pay discrimination lawsuits? - Equal Pay Act of 1963 - Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 - Equal Opportunity Employment Act of 1972 - Lilly Ledbetter Fair Play Act of 2009

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Play Act of 2009

A good public relations program: - Is separate from the company's public affairs program to avoid conflicts of interest - Manages the firm's public image and its relationship with the public - Should be primarily reactive, responding to issues as they arise - Is necessary only for highly vulnerable companies

Manages the firm's public image and its relationship with the public

One of the main reasons that American executives are paid so much is: - Pay is set by the compensation committees of the board, largely comprised of other CEOs who have interest in pushing compensation up - Qualified individuals are scarce, because most current CEOs were born during the "baby bust" years of the Great Depression - High executive compensation in other nations puts upward pressure on the salaries of US executives - Most executives are paid based on their performance, and rising compensation reflects the excellent performance of their firms

Pay is set by the compensation committees of the board, largely comprised of other CEOs who have interest in pushing compensation up

Bias within the hiring process refers to: - Always hiring the best fit candidate no matter what his or her physical characteristics are - Selecting only candidates that match a preconceived ideal of the role - Choosing new employees without consideration for their demographic data - Hiring based only on the applicant's knowledge, skills, and abilities

Selecting only candidates that match a preconceived ideal of the role

Some studies have shown that the burden of complying with safety regulations falls hardest on: - The government - Large businesses - Small businesses - The manufacturing sector only

Small businesses

What is one reason why woman and minorities fail to move into executive or board positions? - The old boys' network - Women tend to lead with higher levels of empathy, and conflict resolution skills - Minorities prefer staff-level positions throughout their careeers - Women are more likely to consider alternative courses of action

The old boys' network

A diversity council is a group of managers and employees responsible for developing and implementing specific action plans to meet an organization's diversity goals


Employment-at-will is a legal doctrine that means employees are hired and retain their jobs at the sole discretion of the employer


Since 1960s, growth in the numbers of institutional investors in the United States has been phenomenal


The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), representing 34 nations, issued a revised set of principles of corporate governance to serve as a benchmark for companies and policymakers worldwide


The most important part of building a firm's reputation is winning trust from its key stakeholders


The public scrutiny following a corporate crisis can have a political, legal, financial, and governmental impact on its business


The term diversity refers to variation in the important human characteristics that distinguish people from one another


The two main types of investors that own shares of stock in US corporations are individuals and institutions


When boards of directors meet without management present, they are most likely to have a completed candid discussions about the company's affairs


`An example of "insider trading" is: - An auditor using public information about the company to invest in its stock - A marketing executive briefing stock analysts on the company's sales performance - The CEO's cousin offering to buy the company - A company executive passing nonpublic information about an upcoming acquisition to a friend, who traded for a profit

A company executive passing nonpublic information about an upcoming acquisition to a friend, who traded for a profit

Social investors seek to eliminate from their investment portfolios companies that: - Pollute the environment - Discriminate against employees - Make dangerous products like tobacco or weapons - All of these answers are correct

All of these answers are correct

In 2015, more than 50 percent of minority-owned businesses were owned by: - Native Americans - Asian Americans - African Americans - Hispanics

Asian Americans

A strong employer-employee relationship is central to: - Achieving a corporation's economic goals - Satisfying the wishes of those who contribute their skills and talents to the company - Increasing the gross domestic product of a nation - Both of these answers are correct: Achieving a corporation's economic goals; and satisfying the wishes of those who contribute their skills and talents to the company

Both of these answers are correct: Achieving a corporation's economic goals; and satisfying the wishes of those who contribute their skills and talents to the company

A reason for institutions becoming more assertive in promoting the interests of their member investors is: - Expressing dissatisfaction with management performance by selling a large block of stock would reduce the value of the institution's holdings - Institutional investors are rarely able to influence management policy - Institutions have greater flexibility in selling stocks than do individual investors - Institutions have nominated members on the finance committee of the board of directors

Expressing dissatisfaction with management performance by selling a large block of stock would reduce the value of the institution's holdings

Seeking to restore the firm's reputation takes place during this effective crisis management step: - Communicate quickly, but accurately - Create and document policies and procedures - Follow up and, where appropriate, make amends to those affected - Do the right thing

Follow up and, where appropriate, make amends to those affected

Scenario-based press releases, key discussion points, and procedures to activate the organization's website are all part of which step in an effective crisis management plan? - Get ready before the crisis hits - Do the right thing - Communicate quickly, but accurately - Use the internet

Get ready before the crisis hits

Which of the following is not true about occupational segregation? - The pay gap in American businesses persists, in part, because of it - It means that women cannot get the jobs that could break cycle of relatively low pay - It concentrates women in traditionally female-dominated jobs - The technology sector is dominated by women

The technology sector is dominated by women

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) are correctly described by which of these statements? - They offer counseling and follow-up to alcohol and drug abusers - Almost all employers with 1000 or more workers offer EAPs - Nearly three-quarters of small companies with 50 to 99 employees offer EAPs - All of these answers are correct

All of these answers are correct

Which type of US company is required to follow the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and offer up to 12 weeks of unpaid employee leave to address family needs? - Firms with at least 50 employees - Small businesses with less than 50 workers - Corporations that employ 100 or more people - Only companies that use gig-economy business model

Firms with at least 50 employees

One important aspect of the new social contract regarding fixed pension benefits is: - Pension benefits are on the rise - These benefits have remained a solid incentive for workers - Fixed pensions have been reduced in the US by around 90 percent - Defined contribution plans now provide more returns and less risk

Fixed pensions have been reduced in the US by around 90 percent

Emphasizing key points and guiding the media reporter to them is called: - Bridging - Hooking - Gapping - Flagging


Trading stocks in advance of large institutional investments moves is called: - Front-running - Divestment - Social screening - Hedge fund betting


As shown in Figure 2, in 2015 countries with the highest and lowest percentages of unionized labor, respectively, were: - Belgium, Unites States - Iceland, Turkey - Canada, France - United States, Ireland

Iceland, Turkey

The way organizational members believe others see the organization is called the corporate: - Reputation - Identity - Perception - Image


Romantic relationships in the workplace are described by which statement? - Most businesses have strict policies forbidding all romantic relationships in the workplace - OSHA requires businesses to forbid workplace romantic relationships - Many companies allow managers to become romantically involved with subordinates, so long as they do not supervise them directly - Almost all businesses ban romantic relationships between employees in the different departments

Many companies allow managers to become romantically involved with subordinates, so long as they do not supervise them directly

States that have adopted right-to-work laws: - Bar companies from forming unions to represent their employees - Prevent unions from requiring all workers they represent to pay fees or dues - Require the formation of unions in all manufacturing organizations - Have taken away the rights of workers in the public sector to form unions

Prevent unions from requiring all workers they present to pay fees or due

Age, ethnicity, gender, or physical abilities, race, and sexual orientation fall under which dimension of diversity? - Legal - Tertiary - Secondary - Primary


A legal right of shareholders is: - To vote on members for the board of directors - To receive interest, if declared - To receive annual financial reports - All of the above

All of the above

Child care assistance in the workplace is accurately described by: - It aids recruiting workers by making the company more attractive to parents - All of these answers are correct - It helps reduce employee absenteeism and tardiness - It helps retain talented employees

All of these answers are correct

In 2018, what was the most valuable brand according to Brand Directory? - Google - Apple - Amazon - Samsung


The board committee that administers and approves salaries and benefits of high-level managers in a company is called: - Executive - Human resources - Nominating - Compensation


The right to free speech is protected in the United States by the: - Constitution - Patriot Act - False Claims Act - Fair Labor Standards Act


A significant business disruption that stimulates extensive news media and social networking is called a(n): - Explosion - Human error - Corporate crisis - Crisis management

Corporate crisis

The US Constitution protects the right to free speech - which means only the government can take away this right


The major agency charged with enforcing equal opportunity laws and executive orders in the United States is the Americans with Disabilities Council (ADC)


If someone is entitled to be treated in a certain way, this refers to a(n): - Relationship - Obligation - Duty - Right


According to the textbook, Asian American men now have higher median weekly earnings than white American men primarily because: - Most Asians had earned a bachelor's degree or higher - White men had generally dropped out of management - The Asian group collectively increased connections with upper-level management - White women had taken over most of the jobs of white men

Most Asians had earned a bachelor's degree or higher

In recent years, the use of drug testing in the workplace has increased as drugs have become more available


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