Exam 3 Ch. 12-15

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27. Which of the following is not a basic process in memory and learning?

(Basic proceses-encoding, consolidation, retrieval)

56. Which of the following is not an example of qualia?

(purely subjective experiences of perceptions) concepts

17.Benzodiazepines are GABA __________.


64. Disturbance in reading is called


60. Ken underwent a neuropsychological test where he put on a sleeping mask and was asked to identify objects by touch alone. He did not do very well and his doctor indicated that Ken may have:


73.Lesions in the left inferior frontal region, called _______ area, result in nonfluent aphasia characterized by labored, hesitant speech.


14.Which of the following genes has been associated with schizophrenia?


29. In the adult brain, neurogenesis is evident in the

Dentate gyrus of the hippocampal formation

30. The saying "cells that fire together, wire together" refers to a hypothesis of memory proposed by

Donald Hebb

58.Due to a stroke, Mrs. Simpson now makes no sense when she talks though she has no problem forming words. Mrs. Simpson would be diagnosed with:

Fluent (Wernicke's) aphasia

5. Which of the following is a positive symptom of schizophrenia?


3. The drug _______ is often used to treat bipolar disorder.


35. Which of the following can postpone the appearance of Alzheimer's disease?

Mental activity and Physical activity

74.Excessive cortical folding is known as:


6. PCP and ketamine affect which type of postsynaptic receptor?


32. Which of the following processes occurs to only a limited extent after birth, and even then is seen in only specific areas of the brain?


11.Which drug, when used repetitively, can produce a psychotic state similar to schizophrenia?


57.After a brain injury that damaged her fusiform gyri bilaterally, Suzette could no longer:

Prosopagnosia (face blindness) -inability to recognize faces -no amount of remedial treatment restores the ability to recognize faces

9. Which of the following is not a positive symptom of schizophrenia?

Social withdrawal

71.In nonhuman primates, the brain regions in which electrical stimulation elicits vocalizations seem to be those involved in

Subcortical regions but not the cortex

15. Which of the following statements regarding therapy for depression is true?

Suicide is among the leading causes of death among young people.

Chapter 12 1. The likelihood that the spouse of a person with schizophrenia will develop the disease is similar to the likelihood that ______ will do so.

an individual in the general population

23.The most striking impairment suffered by Henry Molaison (patient H.M.) was

anterograde amnesia

7. Chlorpromazine is one of the classes of drugs that are also known as


26. Episodic memory concerns

autobiographical information.

2. The discovery that syphilis was the cause of paralytic dementia revealed that

both sexually transmitted infections and mental disorders all have a common viral cause.

45.The unconscious shifts in attention that happen in response to important changes in our environment are considered _______ processes.

bottom up

50. In most split-brain patients, words presented to the left visual field

cannot be repeated verbally.

39. According to the theory of perceptual load, a large perceptual load

causes the load on our perceptual processing resources to increase until there is nothing left over

33. Which of the following is necessary for the process of apoptosis?

cell suicide (programmed cell death)

18. Which of the following is the most commonly exhibited OCD symptom?


Chapter 13 22. You routinely order pizza from the same company, which is delivered in a red car with white stripes. After ordering pizza for a couple of years, you notice that any time see a red car with white stripes you feel hungry. For you, the pizza delivery car has become a(n)

conditioned stimulus

4. The symptoms of schizophrenia are associated with _______ activity in the _______ lobes.

decreased, frontal

54.Which circuit of the brain is active during quiet, introspective thought?

default mode network

12. Transcranial magnetic stimulation has been promoted (though has not yet been approved by the FDA) as an effective treatment for


16. Prevalence rates for _______ are much higher for women than for men.


36. Children who have inherited PKU can be helped by

dietary manipulation

43.The frontal eye field and intraparietal sulcus (IPS) make up the cortical network called the

dorsal frontoparietal system

42.Voluntary attention is also called _______ attention.


48. ERP stands for _______ potential.


44.Reflexive attention is also called

exogenous attention

40. Damage to the _______ in humans produces difficulties in suppressing unwanted reorientation of the eyes toward peripheral distracters.

frontal eye field

66.Which region of cortex is crucial for face recognition?

fusiform gyrus

52.Which of the following is not associated with Balint's syndrome?

hemispatial neglect

31. Place cells, which are located in the _______, become active in birds when searching for previously-hidden food.


62.A left-ear advantage for verbal sounds can be observed

in about 50% of left-handed individuals

28. In instrumental (operant) conditioning, an association is formed between an organism's behavior and

its consequences.

Chapter 15 49.Hemispheric specialization is also known as


25. Which memory store holds the largest number of items?

long-term memory

34. In human embryonic development, the crests of the neural groove come together to form the

neural tube

38. Attention in which the focus coincides with the individual's sensory orientation is called

overt attention

75.Hemiplegia is defined as __________________ while hemiparesis is ______________.

paralysis of one side of the body; weakness of one entire side of the body

61.Split-brain patients is the term given to people who:

people's whose corpus callosum is severed due to a last-ditch effort to control epilepsy

68. Finding your way to your biopsychology class requires

place cells

59. In both humans and nonhuman primates, the part of the brain in the left hemisphere that is larger than on the right is called:

planum temporale (Wernicke's area)

65.Wernicke's aphasia is usually associated with lesions of

posterior superior Temporal lobe

8. A principal effect of the drug chlorpromazine is the

postsynaptic blocking of dopamine receptors.

46.Which of the following structures has been shown to be involved in filtering out or ignoring distracting stimuli during covert attention tasks?


69.People with conduction aphasia are unable to

repeat words just spoken

63.The _______ hemisphere plays a major role in the perception of music. The _______ hemisphere plays a major role in prosody.

right, right

13.Family studies of schizophrenia reveal that

schizophrenia is more evident among first-degree relatives of patients than it is among more distant relatives.

21. Abnormal visual tracking of moving objects is a symptom associated with


Chapter 14 37. The video we watched in class where you were asked to count the number of times the ball was passed between the team members in white was an example of:

selective attention

51.Which attribute does not describe a proposed cognitive mode of the right hemisphere?


24. The main cause of Korsakoff's syndrome is

severe deficiency of thiamine

70. Phonemes are the

smallest form of sound

41.In the _______ task, a single stimulus or stimulus location is held in an attentional spotlight.


10. A common movement disorder caused by traditional neuroleptics is called

tardive dyskinesia

55.The pulvinar is located


20. A model of the environmental stress and genetics involved in schizophrenia proposes that the disease emerges from

the interaction of stress, genetics, and anatomical abnormalities of the brain

67.A symptom of aphasia called "paraphasia" is characterized by

the substitution of words by sounds, phonemes, or unintended words.

47.Because voluntary attention is under direct, conscious control, researchers refer to it as a _______ process.

top down

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