Exam 3 Clicker & Quiz Questions

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which structure is known as AV valve with 2 flaps

bicuspid valve

why do veins need valves

blood pressure is LOWEST in veins so the valves help ti oppose force of gravity

The ridge found at the bifurcation of the trachea is called the:


which of the following separated the motor information from the sensory information

central sulcus

this portion of the myocardium separates the ventricles from one another

interventricular septum

The ___________ is lined by squamous epithelium.


as you go UP in an elevator, what is the mechanism involved in the perception of upward movement

otolithic membrane moves downward as a result of gravity

these muscles are located in the right atrium, right auricle and left auricle and are responsible for pushing the last drops of blood out of the atrium

pectinate muscles

T or F: the pulmonary arteries carry oxygenated blood to the heart


where are pacemaker cells found

SA node

supplies innervation to the lateral rectus muscle of the eye

abducens nerve

which of the following structures connect the third and fourth ventricles

aqueduct of the midbrain

child has strep throat and infection in middle ear. the middle ear infection has spread to the hair cells near the beginning of the cochlea. which structure likely made it possible for this infection to reach the middle ear and what kind of sounds will the child have trouble hearing

auditory tube, high frequency

which structure prevents backflow into the left atrium

bicuspid valve

what vessel brings deoxygenated blood from systemic tissues below the heart to the right atrium?

inferior vena cava

A thick midline ridge in the thyroid cartilage that is sometimes referred to as the Adam's apple is technically named the:

laryngeal prominence

trace flow of blood from lungs to systemic tissues (include valves)

lungs > pulmonary veins > left atrium > bicuspid valve > left ventricle > aortic semilunar valve > aorta

which of the following gives a correct sequence of how substances are smelled

olfactory cilia, sensory neurons, olfactory bulb, temporal lobe

the scientific term for blind spot is

optic disc

the ___ and ___ of your __ ear are able to control the ability of the ____ to vibrate so that the sound waves do not get amplified that much when you hear a loud sound

tensor tympani, stapedius, middle, ossicles

The larynx is composed of ______________ big pieces of cartilage


T or F: the right ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs


can exercise change the size of your heart


which cranial nerve has a cranial root and a spinal root

accessory nerve, CN XI

what vessel takes oxygenated blood from the heart to the systemic tissues


during the early phase of ventricular filling

blood flows passively from atria to the ventricles

during a trip to a mountain you start to breath more heavily. deciding to take a break, you accidentally burn yourself while trying to cook a meal. what two receptors were stimulated during this process of events?

chemoreceptors (oxygen in blood), nociceptors (burn/pain)

these connective tissue strings help hold the atrioventricular valves in place so they aren't pushed into the atria when the ventricles contract

chordae tendinae

the vascular coat of the eyeball is called


normal heart sounds are caused by what

closure of heart valves

conscious perception of vision probably reflects activity in the

cortex of the occipital lobe

blood in the left ventricle is (deoxy/oxy) and willl pass into the (what vessel?)

deoxygenated, pulmonary trunk

you spin around in circles quickly and abruptly come to a stop after 10 seconds, yet you still feel like you are still spinning for a few seconds. why do you have this sensation if you have physically stopped spinning?

endolymph in continues to flow and trick the brain

all blood being drained from the lower limb will take this pathway back to the heart

external iliac vein, common iliac vein, inferior vene cava

which of the following is not a cranial nerve that innervates the eye

facial nerve, CN VII

man with trauma to left eye. he cannot move his left eye due to detachment of the lateral, medial, superior, and inferior rectus; the superior and inferior oblique, and the levator palpebra muscle. which layer of the eye sustained the damage?

fibrous layer (b/c this is where muscles attach)

this structure was a hole between the two atria in fetal development but closes up around birth

fossa ovalis

the axon of the purkinje cells are located in the

granular cell layer

the larynx has 2 pieces of ______ cartilage and ____ cartilage

hyaline, elastic

ventricular systole happens

in a wave that begins at the apex and spreads towards the base

blood within the left atrium will pass into the

left ventricle

which type of general sense receptor detects pressure changes in walls of blood vessels and in portions of the digestive, reproductive, and urinary tracts


the dendrites of the purkinje cells of the cerebellum are located in the

molecular layer

the larger the receptive field, the _____ it is to localize the stimulus (easier/harder?)

more difficult

potentially damaging stimuli that result in pain are selectively detected by


when viewing a dissected heart, it is easy to visually discern the right and left ventricles by

noticing the thickness of the ventricle walls

receptors of olfaction are found in the

olfactory epithelium

blood in the left ventricle is (deoxy/oxy) and will enter the _____

oxygenated, aorta

blood in the pulmonary veins is (deoxy/oxy) and will enter the (atrium)

oxygenated, left atrium

The __________ separates the nasal and oral cavities


a special feature of fenestrated capillaries is that they have


what vessel takes deoxygenated blood from the heart to the left and right lungs

pulmonary arteries

what vessels take oxygenated blood to the left atrium

pulmonary veins

cell bodies of purkinje cells are located in the

purkinje cell layer

trace blood flow of blood from the right atrium to the lungs (include valves)

right atrium > tricuspid valve > right ventricle > pulmonary semilunar valve > pulmonary trunk > pulmonary arteries > lungs

regarding olfactory pathways, axons of which neurons in the olfactory bulb within the olfactory tract to reach the olfactory cortex, the hypothalamus, and portions of the limbic system

second order neurons

occurs when a receptor becomes so accustomed to the stimulation that it stops gathering impulses

sensory adaptation

the process of gustatory transduction starts with which structure of the tongue

taste hairs

which structure is known as an AV valve with 3 flaps

tricuspid valve

which structure prevents backflow into the right atrium

tricuspid valve

the "lubb" sound heard with a stethoscope is caused by

turbulence in the blood when the AV valved close

which structure separated the external auditory canal from the middle ear

tympanic membrane

free nerve endings are ____ receptors and they can be compared to ______

unencapsulated, dendrites

you were kidnapped, blind folded and dumped in the trunk of a car. even though you can't see anything, you can feel the car is moving. which structures would be involved with this sensation?

utricle/ saccule

longest nerve that innervates the digestive system is the

vagus nerve

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