Exam 3 Dynamics of Leadership

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1. Transformational leadership has been defined as the "New Leadership" paradigm. Based on the introductory paragraph to this chapter, discuss what Bass and Riggio (2006) and what Lowe and Gardner (2001) define as the reasons why this leadership style is so important to leadership research.

-Bass & Riggio: Suggested that transformational leaderships popularity might be due to its emphasis on intrinsic motivation and follower development, which fits the needs of today's work groups, who want to be inspired and empowered to succeed in times of uncertainty. -Lowe & Gardner: in the leadership quarterly, they found that 1/3 of research was about transformational or charismatic leadership.

10. Explain House's concept of charisma and identify five types of behaviors exhibited by charismatic leaders.

-Charisma: leaders needed to have personality characteristics such as being dominant, strong desire to influence others, being self-confident, and having a strong sense of one's own moral values. -Set strong role model -Shows competence -Articulates goals -Communicates high expectations -Expresses confidence & arouses motives

8. What are employee citizenship behaviors and how are they related to LMX?

-Citizenship behaviors-are discretionary employee behaviors that go beyond the prescribed role, job description, or reward system -Followers who had higher-quality relationships with their leaders were more likely to engage in more discretionary behaviors that benefited the leader and the organization

Explain the conditions under which each of the four leadership styles is optimally used.

-Directive Style-is best in situations where followers are dogmatic and authoritarian, the task demands are ambiguous, the organizational rules are unclear, and the task is complex -Supportive Style-for tasks that are structured, unsatisfying, or frustrating. Nurturing followers when they are engaged in tasks that are repetitive and unchallenging, provides human touch. -Participative Style-best when task is ambiguous. Gives greater clarity to how certain paths lead to certain goals and helps followers learn what leads to what. Has a positive impact when followers are autonomous and have a need for control, this style supports being involved in decision making. -Achievement-Oriented Style-most effective in settings where followers are required to perform ambiguous tasks. Leaders who challenge and set high standards for followers raise followers' confidence that they have the ability to reach their goals. Helps followers feel their efforts with result in effective performance.

How does each task characteristic affect how the leader's behavior influences motivation?

-Followers' task-may call for leadership involvement, tasks that are unclear call for leadership input that provides structure. Highly repetitive tasks call for leadership that gives support in order to maintain followers' motivation. -Formal authority system-where the system is weak, leadership becomes a tool that helps followers by making the rules and work requirements clear -Primary work group-where norms are weak or non-supportive, leadership assists in building cohesiveness and role responsibility

11. Identify and explain four of Bass's factors associated with transformational leadership. Give examples from your own experiences or observations that illustrate the use of two of these factors. Contrast the expectations of transactional and transformational leaders.

-Idealized influence- describes leaders who act as strong role models for followers; followers identify with these leaders and want very much to emulate them. -Intellectual stimulation- leadership that stimulates followers to be creative and innovative and to challenge their own beliefs and values as well as those of the leader and the organization -Restaurants that gives cooks the freedom to create their own weekly specials -Individualized consideration- leaders who provide a supportive climate in which they listen carefully to individual needs of followers -GM listens to needs of other employees to help make changes within company -Inspirational motivation- descriptive of leaders who communicate high expectations to followers, inspiring them through motivation to become committed to and apart of the shared vision in the organization -Transaction leadership differs from transformational leadership in that the transactional leader does not individualize the needs of followers or focus on their personal development

3. Contrast the experiences of in-group and out-group members. Have you observed groups that fit these descriptions in an organization in which you work or with which you affiliate? Give specific examples to support your observations.

-In-groups- receive more information, influence, confidence, and concern from their leaders than do out-group followers. In addition, they are more dependable, more highly involved, and more communicative than out-group followers. Whereas in-group members do extra things for the leader and the leader does the same for them, followers in the out-group are less compatible with the leader and usually just come to work, do their job, and go home.

15. How can LMX be used by CEOs to develop tactical relationships within their organizations?

-LMX can be used to develop tactical relationships because CEOs need to develop a relationship with their followers. they can develop this by using the LMX theory, one key point that Grae and Uhi-Bien state that would help CEO's is phase two, the acquaintance phase.

14. Paraphrase the first criticism of LMX theory.

-LMX supports development of privileged groups; teaches us to be opposite to the basic human value of fairness; guides us to form cliques and use them to our advantages -Doesn't elaborate on strategies for how one gains access to the in-group since the theory is divided into two groups: if out members are free to become members of in-group, LMX may not create inequalities

2. Explain LMX theory, including the following concepts: vertical dyads, in-group and out-group, and personality and subordinate initiative as predictors of group status.

-LMX theory- focuses on interactions between leaders and followers, makes dyadic relationships between leaders and followers. -Vertical dyads-leader forms an individualized working relationship with each of his followers -In-group- those that were based on expanded and negotiated role responsibilities (extra-roles); receive more information, influence, confidence, and concern from their leaders; more dependable, more highly involved, and more communicative -Out-group-those that were based on the formal employment contract (defined roles); less compatible with leader and usually just come to work do their job, and go home -Personality and subordinate initiative-each followers personality and initiative help to determine the type of linkage that they can achieve with their leader. A follower's personality factors in to how well they work together, the stronger the work cohesion between leader and follower, the more likely they will develop an in-group linkage. A follower's level of initiative concerns their willingness to seek involvement above and beyond what is assigned to or expected of them, the grater the followers initiative, the more likely they will develop an in-group linkage.

5. What new understandings of LMX were revealed by the Gerstner and Day (1997) meta-analysis? Why is it important to measure LMX from both the perspective of the leader and follower?

-Leader-member exchange was consistently related to member job performance satisfaction, commitment, role conflict and clarity, and turnover intentions; strong support in these studies for the psychometric properties of the LMX 7 Questionnaire -It is important to measure the LMX from both perspectives because LMX theory conceptualizes leadership as a process centered on interactions between both leaders and followers

7. Can charismatic leadership be expressed in an online environment? Or is physical presence necessary to exhibit the behaviors listed in House's model?

-Physical presence not needed- followers will identify with leaders, these leaders who act as strong role models usually have very high standards of moral and ethical conduct and can be counted on to provide followers with a sense of mission

8. Define/describe pseudotransformational leadership. Give two examples of leaders that fit this leadership style. Explain the difference between personalized leadership and socialized leadership.

-Pseudotransformational leadership- refers to leaders who are self-consumed, exploitive, and power oriented, with warped moral values -Adolph Hitler & Donald Trump -Personalized leadership focuses on the leader's own interests rather than on the interests of others whereas socialized leaders transcend their own interests for the sake of others and focus on the collective good

What are the criticisms of path-goal theory?

-So complex and incorporates so many different aspects of leadership and related contingencies that interpreting the theory can be confusing -Has received only partial support from the many empirical research studies that have been conducted to test its validity -Doesn't account for gender differences in how leadership is enacted or perceived -Fails to explain adequately the relationship between leadership behavior and follower motivation -Path-goal theory fails to draw and or support connections between leadership behavior and follower motivation -Path-goal theory places significant responsibility on leaders and very little on followers, potentially making followers too dependent and less likely to explore their own capabilities

1. What is the focal point of LMX theory? How does LMX theory challenge a basic assumption common to prior theories?

-The focal point of LMX theory is interactions between leaders and followers, this theory makes the dyadic relationship between leaders and followers the focal point of the leadership process. -Prior assumptions implied that leaders treated followers in a collective way, as a group, using an average leadership style. LMX theory challenged this assumption and directed researchers' attention to the differences that might exist between the leader and each of the leader's followers.

11. What is the relationship between LMX and employee empowerment?

-There is a positive causal relationship. Empowerment and leader-member exchange has a slight synergistic effect on job outcomes. The quality of leader-member exchange mattered most for employees who felt little empowerment. For these employees, high-quality leader-member exchanged appeared to compensate for the drawbacks of not being empowered; greater autonomy increased the positive relationship between leader-member exchange and creativity at work

14. Transformational leadership and transactional leadership often occur in the same organization. How do they impact each other?

-They impact each other by building off of one another because transactional leadership (focuses on results) is very common and can be observed at many levels throughout organizations. Transformational (working with others) breaks it down even smaller by focusing on how a leader tries to help followers reach their fullest potential

6. Distinguish between transformational leadership and charismatic leadership.

-Transfomational leadership: is the process whereby a person engages with others and creates a connection that raises the level of motivation and morality in both the leader and the follower. This type of leader is attentive to the needs and motives of follower's and tries to help follower's reach their full potential -Charismatic Leadership: leaders act in unique ways that have specific charismatic effects on their followers.

2. Explain the concept of transformational leadership. How did Burns interpret the concept? Distinguish between transactional and transformational leadership.

-Transformation Leadership: process that changes and transforms people. It is concerned with emotions, values, ethics, standards, and long-term goals. Leaders evaluate and attempt to fulfill follower motives and needs while ensuring they are treated as human beings rather than just tools. Tra -Interpretation: attempted to link the roles of leadership and followership. He wrote of leaders as people who tap the motives of followers in order to better reach the goals of leaders and followers. -Difference: transactional leadership refers to the bulk of leadership models, which focus on the exchanges that occur between leaders and their followers whereas transformational leadership is the process whereby a person engages with others and creates a connection that raises the level of motivation and morality in both the leader and the follower. Transformational leadership goes a step beyond transactional leadership because transformational leadership is making the connection with people.

16. How can transformational leadership practices affect organizations undergoing mergers?

-Transformational leadership practices affect organizations undergoing mergers by showing behaviors such as: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, individualized consolations, intellectual stimulation. Very unsettling for the followers while the merger is going on.

12. Explain differences in goal accomplishment using in-groups as compared to out-groups

-Working with an in-group allows a leader to accomplish more work(initiative) in a more effective manner than he or she can accomplish working without one. In-group members are willing to do more than is required in their job description and look for innovative ways to advance the group's goals. -Out-groups rather than trying to do extra work, they operate strictly within their prescribed organizational roles. They do what is required of them but nothing more.

13. What do Graen and Uhl-Bien prescribe of leaders?

-leaders should create a special relationship with all followers, similar to the relationships described as in-group relationships -leaders should offer each follower the opportunity to take on new roles and responsibilities -leaders should nurture high-quality exchange with their followers

9. Explain the concept of leadership making and characterize its three phases.

-leadership making is a prescriptive approach to leadership emphasizing that leaders should develop high-quality exchanges with all of their followers rather than just a few -Stranger phase-during this stage interactions are generally rule based, and rely heavily on contractual relationships, low quality exchange, followers comply with formal leader who has hierarchical status, self-interest motivated -Acquaintance phase-offer from leader for follower to improve career-oriented social exchange by including resource sharing, testing period to see if followers are up to taking on more roles, less self-interested, more group oriented -mature partnership phase-high degree of trust, respect, and obligation toward each other

What are the strengths of path-goal theory?

-provides a useful theoretical framework for understanding how various leadership behaviors effect followers' satisfaction and work performance -it attempts to integrate the motivation principles of expectancy theory into a theory of leadership -theory provides a model that in certain ways is very practical, the representation of the model underscores and highlights the important ways leaders help followers

4. What are the specific benefits of high-quality leader-member relationships for leaders?

-successful group performance (outcomes/results) -increased follower effectiveness (see #1) -increased follower initiative -ability to influence followers to put in extra effort

Identify the task characteristics that influence how workers interpret a leader's behavior

1. Design of the followers' task 2. Formal authority system of organization 3. Primary work group of followers

Explain each of the four leader's behaviors considered in path-goal theory.

1. Directive Leadership-characterizes a leaser who gives followers instructions about their task, including what is expected of them, how it is to be done, and the timeline for when it should be completed. A directive leader sets clear standards of performance and makes the rules and regulations clear to followers. 2. Supportive Leadership-consists of being friendly and approachable as a leader and includes attending to the well-being and human needs of followers. Leaders using this style go out of their way to make work pleasant for followers, which provides followers with confidence necessary to succeed. Treats followers as equals and gives them respect for their status. 3. Participative Leadership-consists of inviting followers to share in the decision making. These leaders consult with followers, obtains their ideas and opinions, and integrates their suggestions into the decisions about how the group will proceed. 4. Achievement-Oriented Leadership-characterized by a leader who challenges followers to perform work at the highest level possible. Establishes high standards of excellence and seeks continuous improvement. Show a high degree of confidence that followers are capable of establishing and accomplishing challenging goals.

Identify the follower characteristics that influence how workers interpret a leader's behavior.

1. Need for affiliation 2. Preferences for structure 3. Desires for control (internal vs. external locus of control) 4. Self-perceived level of task ability

How does each follower characteristic affect that interpretation?

1. Need for affiliation-perfers supportive leadership because friendly and concerned leadership is a source of satisfaction 2. Preferences for structure-more hands on working closer to the followers 3. Desire for control-less, involved less structure followers are in control 4. Self-perceived level of task ability- leaders will challenge, and push followers to be more involved, as followers perceptions of their ability and confidence go up the need for directive leadership goes down

What is the assumption of expectancy theory and how do they undergird path-goal theory?

1. followers will be motivated if they think they are capable of performing their work 2. if they believe their efforts will result in a certain outcome 3. and if they believe that the payoffs for doing their work are worthwhile These undergird path-goal theory because they show that it is about the goals followers choose and how leaders help and reward them for meeting these goals

6. According to the research cited in our textbook, how does electronic communication between leaders and followers impact their relationship quality?

A higher degree of electronic communication between leaders and followers resulted in more positive leader-member relationship, enhancement in empowerment, and improve work outcomes

7. In what ways has technology use enhanced or hindered your working relationship with a leader or follower? For example: texting (instead of phoning), use of social media sites (instead of in-person conversation), and so on.

Electronic communication enhances communication between leaders and followers by giving us another channel of communication: -enhance-get to know more, faster, convenience -hinder-false information shared, connection 24/7, no closure/too much trust on one, less social, no face to face experience

How does a leader's communication style affect follower satisfaction?

Without communication there is no leadership, so a leader that can assist their followers needs and hear their opinions and plans will affect the motivation of their followers more than a leader who does not and build a better relationship as well. LEADERS MUST BE UNDERSTOOD

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