Exam #3 (Part 1- Vitamins Overview & Fat-soluble Vitamins)

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A, D, E, K

fat soluble vitamins

liver; adipose tissue

fat soluble vitamins are stored in the ______ and ______ ______ and are not readily excreted (except for K)


fat-soluble vitamins are packaged into ___________ and enter into the lymphatic system; from there they are taken to the liver as part of chylomicron remnants; once in the liver, packaged into lipoproteins and exported to the blood stream

bile; fat

the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins in the small intestine requires _____ and the presence of dietary _____


the carotenoid with the most vitamin A activity

liver damage

toxicity of vitamin A can cause _____ ______

free radical

unstable compounds that have one or more unpaired electrons and can damage electron-dense cell components such as DNA, proteins, and cell membranes


vitamin A analogs in __________

epithelial; oxidative

vitamin A has an immune function because it aids growth, development, and maintenance of ________ cells and protects WBCs from _________ damage

blood clotting

vitamin E is relatively nontoxic, but megadose supplements can cause impaired ______ ______


vitamin K from fish oils and meats; also synthesized by bacteria in the colon

not metabolized

vitamins are ____ ___________


vitamins are released from foods in the _________


vitamins that are least likely to reach toxic levels since they're excreted

vitamins A and D

vitamins that are most likely to reach toxic levels (with supplementation)

water soluble vitamins

vitamins that dissolve in watery components of food and the body; limited amounts are stored; needed in small amounts daily; excreted when consumed in large amounts; destroyed when exposed to air, water, or heat

fat soluble vitamins

vitamins that need lipids to be absorbed; stored in the body and used when dietary intake falls short; chronic excesses can be toxic; tend to be more stable, but some are lost with cooking

1912; Casimir Funk

vitamins were first named vitamine in _______ by _______ _______; Vital=necessary for life; Amine- a type of nitrogen containing substance (later changed to vitamin because it was discovered that no all substances were amines)

B, C, Choline

water soluble vitamins

directly absorbed

water soluble vitamins are _____ _____ in the small intestine and released into the blood stream


water soluble vitamins are absorbed directly into the blood stream and taken to the _______


water soluble vitamins are not often stored (except for B6 and B12) and are readily excreted in the ________


Vitamin D deficiency that causes abnormal softening of bones in adults

vitamin D absorption, transport, and activation

1: In the small intestine, inactive form is packaged into chylomicrons and enters the lymphatic system 2: Transported to circulatory system and taken to liver 3: Bound to a binding protein for transport and storage 4: Metabolized in liver 5: Further metabolized in kidneys 6: Calcitrol bings to vitamin D receptors on various tissues

food sources of vitamin D

Excellent: fatty fish (sardines and salmon); fortified milk and soy milk, cod liver oil, mushrooms ; Good: egg yolk and breakfast cereals

vitamin D

Fat-soluble vitamin that can sometimes become deficient

15 micrograms/day

RDA for Vitamin D (assuming minimal sun exposure)


Vitamin A is a _________, meaning it can cause birth defects if pregnant mothers take in excess levels


Vitamin D deficiency in children that can cause an enlarged head, joints, and ribcage and bowed legs


__________ are not a substitute for a healthy diet; lack of fiber and phytochemicals, limited amounts of some nutrients; excess can lead to toxicity


___________ is more likely to lead to toxicity than food sources


a complex organic compound that regulates certain metabolic processes; essential; occurs naturally in foods


a dietary supplement should be no more than _____ Daily Value and should not exceed UIs; always check for USP certification

vitamin E

a function of ________ ____ is that it is an antioxidant, stopping lipid peroxidation damage to cell membranes

small intestine

absorption of vitamins occurs in the ______ _______

oxidative stress

accumulation of free radicals beyond the body's ability to remove them

vitamin D toxicity

arises from supplementation (not natural dietary sources or excess sun exposure); can cause calcium deposits in organs, nausea/vomiting, bone demineralization, weakness and joint pain, kidney dysfunction, or death


beef liver; fortified dairy (milk, margarine)

fruits and vegetables

beta-carotene is consumed from

food sources of vitamin K

broccoli, asparagus, cabbage, brussels sprouts, dark green leafy vegetables (mustard and turnip greens, kale, spinach), safflower oil

bone health

calcitrol (vitamin D) helps maintain blood levels of calcium and phosphorus by increasing intestinal absorption and increasing their release from bone which maintains ______ ______

Vitamin D deficiency

causes of _______ _____ ________ could be fat malabsorption, dark skin pigmentation, low milk intake, minimal sun exposure, or liver/kidney disease

Vitamin D3

cholecalciferol; synthesized in skin from sun exposure


citizens of underdeveloped countries, impoverished and older adults, alcoholics, and individuals with fat malabsorption are at risk for vitamin ___ deficiency

vitamin D

classified as a vitamin and a prohormone; active form is Calcitrol; Precursor to cholesterol


compounds that stop the chain reaction started by free radicals; function in lipid rich areas where lipid peroxidation by free radicals can damage cell membranes and in enzyme systems that require minerals to function


condition in which vitamin-A deficient epithelial cells produce keratin, a tough protein found in hair, nails, and the outmost layer of skin; causes impaired growth and immunity

vitamin A

deficiency in ________ ___ can lead to conditions that progress to blindness like night blindness, conjunctival xerosis, bitot's spots, and xerophthalmia

water soluble; fat soluble

deficiency of ______ _______ vitamins can begin from weeks to months, while deficiency of ______ _______ vitamins begins months to years

rarely; prolonged

deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins _______ occurs and there is a ________ time to deficiency symptoms


deficiency of vitamin E is _____, but some common causes are fat malabsorption, smoking, preterm birth, genetic defect in lipoprotein synthesis


deficiency of vitamin K is rare, but can occur with prolonged use of ____________

eye disease, cancer, and cardiovascular disease

diets high in carotenoids can reduce risk for

did not

epidemiological study found that taking supplements of isolated beta-carotene ____ ____ reduce risk of lung cancer; concluded that it must me consumed in diet to be effective

Vitamin D2

ergocalciferol; occurs naturally in foods or in fortified foods and supplements

age-related macular degeneration

eye disease resulting in changes in the macula of the eye, causing distorted vision; beta-carotene can help reduce risk


function of vitamin A; retinol (form of vitamin A) is needed in the visual cycle; helps rods in retina to adapt to poorly lit environments

vitamin D

functions in immunity, secretion of insulin, renin, and PTH, and the cell cycle regulation

vitamin K

functions of ________ ___ include bone metabolism and activation of blood clotting factor

vitamin D3 synthesis

geographical location, time of day, season of year (Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb= no conversion of D3 to usable Vitamin D), age, melanin pigment in skin, sunscreen, and air pollution are all factors that effect ________ ____ ________


given vitamin K after birth to prevent deficiency


good source of nutrient

20% or higher

high or excellent source of nutrient

C (or A)

if you do not consume any fruits or vegetables, it's essentially impossible to get vitamin ____


occurs when the intake of vitamins exceeds the UL


plant form of vitamin K


preformed vitamin A; a family of 3 compounds called vitamin A


sweet potatoes, carrots, kale, broccoli, spinach, pumpkins, apricots, mangos, cantaloupe


protecting tissues from free radical damage; reducing risk of cataracts; and reducing risk for lung/breast cancer are all functions of _________


provitamin A; compounds that can be converted into vitamin A

food sources of vitamin E

seed oils (canola, safflower, sunflower), peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds, peanut butter, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, and avocado

sun; food

we get more vitamin D from the _____ than _____

ultraviolet light

what vitamin D3 needs exposure to in order to convert the inactive form into an active form


with low intake or no intake, water soluble vitamin deficiency symptoms can appear within _______


yellowing of the skin that results from excess beta-carotene in the body

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