EXAM 3 patho quiz 9 cardia

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The efficiency of the heart as a pump often is measured in the amount of blood the heart pumps per minute. Which is the correct formula to figure out the cardiac output?


Select the correct sequence of blood return to the heart.

Capillaries, venules, veins, right atrium

Which individual is at greatest risk for developing a venous thrombosis resulting from venous stasis?

Client on bed rest

The nursing student correctly identifies which major risk factors for coronary artery disease? Select all that apply. Abdominal obesity Elevated LDL Diabetes Decreased pulse rate Elevated blood pressure Elevated HDL Cigarette smoking

- Cigarette smoking -Elevated blood pressure -Elevated LDL -Diabetes -Abdominal obesity

A client with heart failure has an echocardiogram performed, revealing an ejection fraction (EF) of 40%. The nurse knows this EF is below normal and explains to the client:

"This means your heart is not pumping as much blood out of the heart with each beat."

A client with persistent, primary hypertension remains apathetic about high blood pressure, stating "I don't feel sick, and it doesn't seem to be causing me any problems that I can tell." How could the nurse best respond to this client's statement?

"You may not sense any problems, but hypertension increases your risk of heart disease and stroke."

Which statements are true concerning deep-vein thrombosis (DVT)? Select all that apply. White blood cell counts tend to decrease with the presence of a DVT. Deep muscle tenderness is a common symptom of DVT. Many individuals with DVT have no symptoms. Sedimentation rates are a common diagnostic test for DVTs. Inflammation is the root cause of many of the symptoms of DVTs.

- Many individuals with DVT have no symptoms. - Deep muscle tenderness is a common symptom of DVT. -Sedimentation rates are a common diagnostic test for DVTs. -Inflammation is the root cause of many of the symptoms of DVTs.

Four clients were admitted to the emergency department with severe chest pain. All were given preliminary treatment with aspirin, morphine, oxygen, and nitrates and were monitored by ECG. Which client most likely experienced myocardial infarction?

80-year-old woman whose pain was not relieved by nitrates or rest; the ECG showed ST-segment elevation with inverted T waves and abnormal Q waves; levels of cardiac markers subsequently rose

A client is admitted to the cardiac unit with a diagnosis of pericarditis. The nurse is teaching the client about the anatomical location of the infection. The nurse evaluates the effectiveness of the teaching when the client correctly identifies which of the following as the location of the pericardium?

A membranous sac that encloses the heart

Which neurotransmitter is associated with the parasympathetic nervous system?


The nursing instructor, when teaching the students about coronary artery disease (CAD), identifies which of the following as the main cause of CAD?


Which risk factor for the development of primary hypertension is nonmodifiable?

Black ethnicity

Which manifestation of left-sided heart failure can be diagnosed by examination of the lips and mucous membranes?


While intubated for surgery, a client has inadvertently had his vagus nerve stimulated. What effect would the surgical team expect to observe?

Decreased heart rate as a result of parasympathetic innervation of the heart

An older adult client is diagnosed with orthostatic hypotension. For which clinical manifestation should the nurse assess?

Dizziness and fainting

What are the signs and symptoms of heart failure? Select all that apply. Fluid retention Ruddy complexion Fatigue Bradycardia Chronic productive cough

Fluid retention Fatigue

A 50-year-old man is having routine blood work done as part of his yearly physical. The doctor informs him that his good cholesterol is low. To which form of cholesterol is the doctor referring?


A community health nurse is conducting a seminar at a local church group on health and wellness. Which of the following does she tell the group is the leading cause of death in the United States?

Heart disease

The health care provider is teaching a client about modifiable risk factors for atherosclerosis. The most appropriate information to provide would be:


Increased cardiac workload with left-sided heart failure can result in which change to the myocardial cells?


The nursing student has learned in his class that coronary artery disease (CAD) is heart disease caused by:

Impaired coronary blood flow

If a client experiences sympathetic nervous stimulation of the heart, the nurse will observe which changes in manifestations?

Increased heart rate and increased contractility

A 51-year-old client with a history of alcohol abuse and liver disease has low serum levels of albumin, and presents with ascites (excess fluid in his peritoneal space) and jaundice. A health care professional would recognize that which process is most likely underlying his health problems?

Insufficient albumin is causing insufficient absorption of fluid into the capillaries.

While discussing the heart, the nursing instructor teaches about pericarditis. Which statement does the instructor state best defines this disease?

It is an inflammatory process.

The nurse is counseling a client regarding a high cholesterol level. The nurse teaches the client that which lipoprotein is the main carrier of cholesterol?


The heart is a four-chambered pump. Which chamber of the heart pumps blood into the systemic circulation?

Left ventricle

Which lipoprotein is the main carrier of cholesterol?

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL)

A nurse is assessing a female client and notes that her left arm is swollen from the shoulder down to the fingers, with non-pitting edema. The right arm is normal. The client had a left-sided mastectomy 1 year ago. What does the nurse suspect is the problem?


A client with a long history of stable angina suddenly experiences substernal pain that radiates to the left arm, neck, and jaw. He describes the pain as severe and feels as if he is suffocating. He has taken nitroglycerin and not experienced any relief. The client is most likely experiencing:

Onset of STEMI.

Which of the following are characteristic signs of acute arterial embolism?

Pallor, pulselessness, and pain

The heart is a four-chambered pump. What is the function of the right ventricle?

Pumps blood to the lungs

The nurse is reviewing the anatomy and physiology of the heart. What is the function of the right atrium?

Receives blood returning to the heart from the systemic circulation

An older adult client has been diagnosed with orthostatic hypotension. When planning the client's subsequent care, the nurse should prioritize which diagnosis?

Risk for falls

Which measure is the best modality to diagnose hypertension?

Repeated blood pressure determinations

The electrical activity of the heart is recorded on the ECG. What does the T wave on the ECG represent?

Repolarization of the ventricles

Which sequence is the correct pathway for blood flow through the heart?

Right atrium - tricuspid valve - right ventricle - pulmonary artery - lungs - pulmonary vein - left atrium - mitral valve - left ventricle - aorta

A client has prominent jugular veins. What type of medical problem is associated with prominent jugular veins?

Right sided heart failure

A client comes to the emergency department reporting a "racing" heart and feeling "anxious." On a heart monitor, the nurse notes a heart rate of 134 and proceeds to monitor for which complications related to tachycardia? Select all that apply. Risk for angina Decrease in oxygen levels Decrease in blood pressure Decrease in stroke volume Increase in cardiac output

Risk for angina Decrease in oxygen levels Decrease in blood pressure Decrease in stroke volume

If the parasympathetic neurotransmitter releases acetylcholine, the nurse should anticipate observing what changes in the ECG pattern?

Slowing of heart rate to below 60 beats/minute

A client has just been diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia and is asking what treatment will be needed. About which topics should the nurse educate the client? Select all that apply. Decreasing physical activity Weight reduction if overweight Dietary measures to reduce LDL levels Smoking cessation Increased intake of fats and sodium

Smoking cessation Dietary measures to reduce LDL levels Weight reduction if overweight

The nurse is reviewing the circulatory system. Which statements are correct about the functional organization of the circulatory system? Select all that apply. The arterial system distributes oxygenated blood to the tissues. The capillaries pump blood. The venous system collects deoxygenated blood from the tissues. The heart exchanges gases, nutrients, and wastes.

The arterial system distributes oxygenated blood to the tissues. the venous system collects deoxygenated blood from the tissues.

A client with a suspected MI is brought to the emergency department by ambulance. The nurse caring for this client would expect to receive an order for which laboratory test to confirm a diagnosis of MI?

Troponin level

The nurse is providing education for a client diagnosed with essential hypertension. The nurse will state that the cause of this disorder is:


Preload, the stretch on the heart before contraction, is largely determined by which factor?

Venous blood return

The cardiac cycle describes the pumping action of the heart. Which statement is correct about systole?

Ventricles contract and blood is ejected from the heart.

A nurse is assessing a client who lost consciousness during a wrestling match when his opponent applied a neck hold. The client likely lost consciousness because:

a baroreceptor was stimulated

A nurse will be providing care for a female client who has a diagnosis of heart failure that has been characterized as being primarily right-sided. Which statement best describes the presentation that the nurse should anticipate? The client:

has pitting edema to the ankles and feet bilaterally, decreased activity tolerance, and occasional upper right quadrant pain.

The heart consists of four valves. Which are the heart's atrioventricular valves? Select all that apply. Mitral Tricuspid Pulmonary Aortic

• Mitral • Tricuspid

A client with heart disease has the left ventricular ejection fraction measured. What is the normal left ventricular ejection when determined by angiocardiography?

55% - 75%

A client is prescribed an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor for treatment of hypertension. What expected outcome does the nurse expect this medication will have?

Will prevent the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II

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