Exam 3 Psych Lifespan - Ch. 11 - 14

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The term young adult refers to all individuals under age ______.



A coherent organized sense of self that includes values, attitudes, and goals to which one is committed.

Limbic System

A collection of brain structures responsible for emotion.

Which is an example of intimate terrorism?

A couple drinks heavily and then injures each other in a physical fight.

Cognitive-Affective Complexity

A form of mature thinking that involves emotional awareness, the ability to integrate and regulate intense emotions, and the recognition and appreciation of individual experience.


A girl's first menstrual period.


A large groups of adolescents grouped based on perceived shared characteristics, interests, and reputation.

Alcohol Dependence

A maladaptive pattern of alcohol use that leads to clinically significant impairment or distress, as indicated by tolerance, withdrawal, and inability to reduce drinking; also known as alcohol use disorder.

Justice Orientation

A male mode of moral reasoning proposed by Gilligan that emphasizes the abstract principles of fairness and individualism.

Personal Fable

A manifestation of adolescent egocentrism in which adolescents believe their thoughts, feelings, and experiences are more special and unique than anyone else's, as well as the sense that they are invulnerable.

Imaginary Audience

A manifestation of adolescent egocentrism in which they assume that they are the focus of others'attention.

Dual-Systems Model

A model of the brain consisting of two systems, one emotional and the other rational, that develop on different timeframes, accounting for typical adolescent behavior.


A more complex, differentiated, and organized self-concept emerges in adolescence. Adolescents use multiple, abstract, and complex labels to describe themselves (e.g., witty, intelligent).

Which can be surmised about the act of hooking up?

Although hooking up is not entirely negative, there are negative aspects including the involvement alcohol as hookups often occur within the context of parties, double standards for men and women, and lower levels of psychological well-being.

Which of the following would be an example of advanced moral reasoning?

An adolescent determines that what is legal is not always right.


An arrangement in which a committed, unmarried couple lives together in the same home.

Anorexia Nervosa

An eating disorder characterized by compulsive starvation and extreme weight loss and accompanied by a distorted body image.

Bulimia Nervosa

An eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating and subsequent purging usually by induced vomiting and the use of laxatives.

Puberty is not...

An event. Rather, it is a process that takes about 4 years for boys and girls to complete but can vary dramatically from 1 to 7 years.

Sexual Identity

An individual's sense of self regarding sexuality, including the awareness and comfort regarding personal sexual attitudes, interests, and behaviors, which develops through a period of exploration and commitment.

The Pedulum Task

Children and adolescents are presented with a pendulum and are asked what determines the speed with which the pendulum swings. They are given materials and told that there are four variables to consider: (1) length of string (short, medium, long), (2) weight (light, medium, heavy), (3) height at which the weight is dropped, and (4) force with which the weight is dropped.

Which statement is true about cliques?

Cliques of girls tend to be smaller.


Close friendship characterized by feelings of warmth but without commitment or a long-term commitment.

A single mother unexpectedly loses her job and has very little money saved. Although she is very upset, she decides to make a list of her next steps. This woman is exhibiting ______.

Cognitive Affective Complexity

How are cohabitation and marriage associated?

Cohabitation is one of many factors that can delay marriage.

Which reasons do adults commonly give for cohabitation?

Cohabitation refers to living together without plans to marry. Adults who cohabitate commonly state doing so because of romantic compatibility, convenience, and an improvement in finances.

Development in early adulthood is multidirectional.

College often requires students to solve complex problems and develop post-formal reasoning processes. Attending college is associated with advances in moral reasoning, identity develop, and social development.

How can colleges and universities support the needs of nontraditional students?

Colleges and universities can support the needs of nontraditional students by providing more services that would help them balance their complex lives, such as providing evening classes, offering on-campus daycare, extending service hours, and developing orientation programs. Featuring more campus activities would not help most nontraditional students since they usually do not have time to participate in additional activities.

Developing a sense of intimacy relies on ______.


Which are predictors of childlessness?

Consistent predictors of childlessness include higher levels of education, income, assertiveness, independence, and self-reliance.

Lyle and Michelle are the parents of 10-year-old Teagan. As their son will soon transition to adolescence, they are fearful about how he will handle peer pressure. They are concerned about drinking, drug abuse, and early sexual behavior, just to name a few. Which of the following statements about Lyle and Michelle's concerns is true?

Contrary to what many parents believe, American teenagers tend to feel the greatest pressure from peers to conform to day-to-day activities and personal choices, such as appearance and music.

Which is true about dating violence?

Dating violence during adolescence includes threats of physical violence, psychological abuse, and can occur among any ethnic, religious, or socioeconomic groups.


Deliberate and voluntary physical personal injury that is not life-threatening and is without any conscious suicidal intent.

How does the level of moral reasoning predict delinquency risk?

Delinquency risk is based on adolescent perception of moral reasoning.

An individual considers abortion wrong in all instances, even in cases of rape or incest. This individual is exhibiting ______.

Dualistic Thinking

During identity exploration, what changes do emerging adults often make?

During this phase of the lifespan, emerging adults explore the full range of adult responsibilities. Emerging adults often make changes in their educational goals, romantic partners, and careers.

When are adolescents especially vulnerable to the negative effects of peer pressure?

During transitions

Which statement is true about friendship dyads in adolescence?

Dyads consisting of similar people are more likely to remain throughout high school.

Which are possible effects of early sexual initiation?

Early sexual activity is associated with many problem behaviors, including alcohol and substance use, poor academic achievement, and delinquent activity, as well as having a larger number of sex partners relative to peers. Research also suggests that sexual initiation is associated with internalizing symptoms, such as anxiety and depression.

Which factor is considered protective in preventing smoking?


Parental Monitoring

Enduring sets of childrearing behaviors a parent uses across situations to form a childrearing climate.

Artistic (Holland's six personality types)

Enjoys individual expression; likely to select a career in the arts, including writing and performing arts.

Social (Holland's six personality types)

Enjoys interacting with people; likely to select a human services career (e.g., teaching, nursing, counseling).

Enterprising (Holland's six personality types)

Enjoys leading and persuading others; values adventure; likely to select a career in sales or politics.

Investigative (Holland's six personality types)

Enjoys working with ideas; likely to select a scientific career (e.g., biologist, physicist).

Realistic (Holland's six personality types)

Enjoys working with objects and real-world problems; likely to select a mechanical career (carpenter, mechanic, plumber).

Most people who go through a divorce find that their happiness improves after ______.

Entering into a new relationship

Intimacy versus Isolation

Erikson's sixth psychosocial stage in which individuals demonstrate the capacity to feel closeness and bond with another individual to make a permanent commitment to a romantic partner.

According to Hall, what does puberty trigger?

Extreme Volatility

Primarily mothers are concerned with work-life balance.


Research has not found any social or emotional differences between same-sex couples whose marriages are legally sanctioned and those whose marriages are not.


During adolescence, preexisting friendships are likely to become romantic relationships.

False. Research suggests that adolescents date outside of their friendship networks, and that preexisting friendships are not likely to transform into romantic relationships.


Feelings of personal control, and engage in active problem solving, confronting problems rather than avoiding them

Which are characteristic of first-generation students?

First-generation students often feel isolated because they are generally less active on campus, less academically prepared, and often have more economic issues.

Research indicates that the developmental task(s) of early adulthood is/are to ______.

Form long-term intimate relationships that endure throughout adulthood.

Which term describes the ability to think abstractly, logically, and systematically?

Formal Operational Reasoning

The evolutionary perspective argues that women tend to prefer mates with which characteristics?

From an evolutionary perspective, women tend to prefer mates who have good earning potentials and strong moral characters, and are intelligent, tall, and slightly older. The evolutionary perspective argues these characteristic may signal increased likelihood that the man will be a capable provider for the woman's offspring.

Care Orientation

Gilligan's feminine mode of moral reasoning, characterized by a desire to maintain relationships and a responsibility to avoid hurting others.

Binge Drinking

Heavy episodic drinking; consuming five or more alcoholic beverages in one sitting for men and four drinks in one sitting for women.

Role Overload

High levels of stress resulting from balancing the demands of multiple conflicting roles.

Consummate love

Ideal relationship—passion, intimacy, commitment. The couple displaying consummate love feels close and connected passion and a long-term commitment to each other. Consummate love may be difficult to maintain over time. As passion wanes, it may transform into companionate love.

Which statements are true about identity development?

Identity achievement is associated with high self-esteem and feelings of control. Adolescents indicating identity foreclosure tend to be inflexible. While it is common for young adolescents to have no commitment to identity, identity diffusion during late adolescence is uncommon.

What contributes to the heightened self-consciousness that occurs in adolescence?

Imaginary Audience

What occurs as an adolescent feels she is constantly the focus of attention?

Imaginary Audience

Young people often accept temporary positions while applying for other jobs that better match their career goals. These individuals are in which occupational stage?


Psychosocial Moratorium

In Erikson's theory, a period in which the individual is free to explore identity possibilities before committing to an identity.

Experience Sampling Method

In a series of studies, adolescents and adults carried pagers, were beeped randomly throughout the day, and were asked to report what they were doing, who they were with, and how they felt.

Stabilization (Donald Super/Super's Model) (4/5)

In the fourth stage, young adults from ages 25 to 35 become established in a career; they settle into specific jobs, gain experience, and adapt to changes in their workplace and in their field of work.

Social Contract Orientation (Stage 5 / Kohlberg)

Individuals view laws and rules as flexible and part of the social contract or agreement meant to further human interests. Laws and rules are to be followed as they bring good to people, but laws can be changed if they are inconsistent with the needs and rights of the majority.

Which term generally characterizes friendships during early adolescence?


A pattern of coercive control and repeated severe battering is called ______.

Intimate Violence and Intimate Terrorism

Moratorium Status

Involves an active exploration of ideas and a sense of openness to possibilities, coupled with some uncertainty.

How is Kohlberg's theory biased?

It generalizes research from all males to females.

How does Hall view the alleged storm and stress temperament of adolescents?

It is a normal part of development. Hall thought that storm and stress was triggered by puberty and a sign of normal healthy development.

How did Hall theorize the development of adolescence?

It is based on the social circumstances the adolescent faces.

Identity Exploration

It is not until emerging adulthood that most individuals have the opportunity to sample opportunities and life options. No longer under parental restrictions and without the full range of adult responsibilities, emerging adults are able to fully engage in the exploration that comprises identity development.

How does obesity impact pubertal development?

It speeds up pubertal development in both sexes.

Pubertal hormones cause a burst of development in early adolescence of which part of the brain?

Limbic System

The ______ is highly active in adolescence.

Limbic System, which processes emotions, is more developed than other parts of the brain by adolescence.

Evaluations of problems and solutions are influenced by ______.

Logic and Emotion

Infatuated love

Love characterized by passion. Many romantic relationships begin as infatuated love and later become intimate and committed. Relationships characterized by infatuated love may dissolve suddenly.

Reflective Judgment

Mature type of reasoning that synthesizes contradictions among perspectives.

How is crowd affiliation influenced by college?

Membership in the scholastic and athletic crowds predict positive social adjustment.

Which event is a primary sex characteristic?


Post-formal cognitive development depends on experience and ______, the ability to reflect on one's own thought process.


At what point in adolescence do cliques become mixed-sex which forms the basis for dating?


How is moral reasoning related to behavior?

Moral reasoning does not control behavior.

Which of the following is true about moral reasoning and culture?

Moral reasoning shows care and justice orientations in all cultures.

Which identity status signifies an openness to possibilities but with uncertainty?

Moratorium Status

An adolescent is transitioning from middle school to high school in a separate building. What does an adolescent typically face during this transition in school?

More stringent academic standards

Which of the following is true about postformal reasoning?

Most adults do not reach the postformal reasoning stage.

Which substance is the leading cause of disease in the United States?


Which are symptoms of withdrawal from tobacco use?

Nicotine is highly addictive and causes withdrawal symptoms even after a few hours. Withdrawal symptoms include attention deficits, irritability, and anxiety.


Or pairs, who differed in peer acceptance, physical aggression, and school competence in seventh grade were more likely to dissolve their friendship during high school than were dyads who were more similalar.

From middle to late adolescence, there is typically a decline in ______.

Parental Knowledge

Which of the following is true about parental monitoring?

Parental monitoring adapts as adolescents grow older.

An adolescent breaks up with his girlfriend and cannot believe anyone could possibly understand how it felt. What is this an example of?

Personal Fable

Sarah says that she is pursuing additional education to do more of the things that she wants to do in her career. According to theorist John Holland, we are most satisfied when we choose a career that matches our ______.

Personality Type

Secondary Sex Characteristic(s)

Physical traits that indicate sexual maturity but are not directly related to fertility, such as breast development and the growth of body hair.

Intimate Partner Violence

Physical, sexual, and psychological abuse within a romantic relationship.

Formal Operational Reasoning

Piaget's fourth stage of cognitive development, characterized by abstract, logical, and systematic thinking.

In decision-making, adolescents tend to ______.

Place more importance on the potential benefits than their estimation of the potential costs or risks

Dualistic Thinking

Polar reasoning in which knowledge and accounts of phenomena are viewed as absolute facts, either right or wrong with no in-between.

Which behaviors are characteristic of political identity?

Political identity is fostered by getting involved in organized community-based activities. Behaviors characteristic of political identity include acts of civic participation including volunteering, voting, and staying informed.

Identity development

Posed by Erikson (1950) as the psychosocial task of adolescence, is one of the defining markers of emerging adulthood today.

During which stage does an individual wrestle with conflict between morality and obedience to the law?

Postconventional Moral Reasoning

Understanding that they are in charge when at home but needing to listen to their manager at work means emerging adults are capable of ______.

Pragmatic Thought

Conventional (Holland's six personality types)

Prefers well-structured tasks; values social status; likely to select a career in business (e.g., accounting, banking).

Which aspects of psychological adjustment are affected in adolescents who are supported by their parents?

Psychological adjustment of adolescents who are supported by their parents and receive warmth impact adolescent conduct, emotional symptoms, and peer relations.

Which of the following is true about moodiness and adolescents?

Puberty is not clearly the source of adolescence. Hormonal changes do not fully explain the predicament of people in this stage.

A strong positive sense of ethnic identity can reduce the effects of ______ on self-concept.

Racial Discrimination

Close friendships are founded in ______.

Reciprocity - Close friendships are founded in reciprocity, or a mutual give-and-take

Young Adult

Refers to all individuals under age 40, including emerging adults

Emerging Adult

Refers to individuals age 25 and under


Refers to not living with a romantic partner.

A person who evaluates all possible solutions of a problem in order to determine the option that works best is likely displaying which reasoning process?

Reflective Judgment

Empty love

Relationship characterized by commitment without love or intimacy. A more complex kind of love may dissolve into empty love. In cultures in which there are arranged marriages—in which partners are selected by their families on the basis of cultural values—relationships of empty love sometimes grow to include intimacy and/or passion.

Fatuous love

Relationship in which commitment is motivated by passion. It might occur in a whirlwind, quick marriage in which the couple does not have the time to form intimacy.

An individual believes that immigrants should follow the legal naturalization process but also understands that some need to do whatever is necessary to escape extreme violence or poverty. This individual is engaging in ______.

Relativistic Thinking

Universal Ethical Principles (Stage 6 / Kohlberg)

Represents the most advanced moral reasoning, defined by abstract ethical principles that are universal, valid for all people regardless of law, such as equality and respect for human dignity.

Which statements are true about emerging adulthood?

Research of emerging adulthood has focused mainly on college students so does not adequately cover all experiences. Emerging adulthood is contingent on socioeconomic status. College enrollment can delay the harsher aspects of adulthood.

After the initial adjustment to divorce, most divorced people experience ______.


An adolescent thought about why she liked studying in her room more than she did at school. What is this an example of?

Response Inhinibition

An adolescent listening to a conversation wants to jump in and give her point of view, but waits because she does not want to interrupt. What is this an example of?

Response inhibition

Justine and Troy have been dating for about 4 months. Their relationship is characterized by intimacy and passion, but they haven't fully committed to one another. This form of love is called ______ love.

Romantic - is characterized by physical passion and emotional closeness. Many romantic relationships represent romantic love and later develop commitment.

Which is true regarding homosexual and heterosexual relationships?

Same-sex and opposite-sex couples report less distress in legally-recognized relationships.

What is the relationship between self-fulfilling prophecy and adolescent moodiness?

Self-fulfilling prophecy influences expectations for adolescent behavior. Adolescents are labeled as moody, told that they will be moody, and are treated as if they are moody. These social conditions contribute to a self-fulfilling prophecy that results in moodiness that might not have been there on its own.

Companionate love

Similar to friendship, this love is intimate and not passionate; however, it has the element of long-term commitment. It is shared by close friends who have a platonic but strong friendship. It is also characteristic of some marriages in which the passion wanes but strong feelings of emotional connection and commitment remain.

Which term describes those who choose not to live with a romantic partner?


Sarah explains that in order to achieve her goal of a career in academia, she decided to attend college full-time pursuing a master's degree in linguistics, while continuing to work full-time. Sarah's identification of a specific occupational goal and pursuit of the education needed to achieve it would place her at which occupational stage, according to theorist Donald Super?

Specification - Sarah has entered the specification stage in which she has identified specific occupational goals and is pursing the education needed to achieve them.

Which characteristics are common of abusive spouses?

Spouses who abuse often show controlling behaviors towards their partners. Often attributed to abusive spouses are prior experiences of abuse, a family history of violence, and substance use.

In which stage of occupational development do individuals settle into specific jobs, gain experience, and adapt to changes in their workplace and field?


The degree to which individuals have explored possible selves and whether they have committed to specific beliefs and goals is called identity ______.


G. Stanley Hall's viewpoint that adolescence is a universal and inevitable upheaval triggered by puberty described adolescence as a time of ______.

Storm and Stress

How did Stanley Hall characterize the period of adolescence?

Storm and Stress. Hall saw the period of adolescence as a time of storm and stress due to the ambiguity of the period in between childhood and adulthood.

Hypothetical-Deductive Reasoning

The ability to consider propositions and probabilities, generate and systematically test hypotheses, and draw conclusions.

Dating Violence

The actual or threatened physical or sexual violence or psychological abuse directed toward a current or former boyfriend girlfriend or dating partner.

Actual Self

The adolescents' personal characteristics—and their aspirational, ideal self. Mismatches between ideal and actual selves are associated with poor school grades, low self-esteem, and symptoms of depression.

Elliot has a mother who has an authoritative parenting style and father who has an authoritarian parenting style. What is the most likely outcome?

The authoritative parenting style tempers the impact of the authoritarian parenting style.


The biological transition to adulthood, in which hormones cause the body to physically mature and permit sexual reproduction.

Work-Life Balance

The challenge of finding time and energy for both a career and personal pursuits such as family.

Secular Trend

The change from one generation to the next in an aspect of development, such as body size or in the timing of puberty.

How is emerging adulthood impacted by culture?

The criteria for adulthood differ greatly from one culture to the next.

Which are reasons that North American adults give for having children?

The decision of whether to have a child is influenced by personal and circumstantial factors. For many North American adults, reasons for having children include developing a parent-child bond, having fun, and learning experiences.

Perceived Similarity

The degree to which individuals believe they are similar to their partner

Crystallization (Donald Super/Super's Model) (1/5)

The first stage of occupational development, begins in adolescence. Adolescents from ages 14 through 18 begin to think about careers in increasingly complex ways, considering their own interests, personality, abilities, and values as well as the requirements of each career.

Identity Foreclosed

The identity state in which an individual has not undergone exploration but has committed to values and goals chosen by an authority figure.

Identity Diffusion

The identity state in which an individual has not undergone exploration or committed to self-chosen values and goals.

Identity Achievement

The identity state in which, after undergoing a period of exploration, a person commits to self-chosen values and goals.

Identity Achievement Status

The identity state that requires that individuals construct a sense of self through reflection, critical examination, and exploring or trying out new ideas and belief systems.

Impaired Fecundity

The inability to become pregnant or carry a fetus to term

Which statements are true about peer conformity?

The perception of peer behavior and beliefs about peer activity are just as important as peer conformity. Adults view peer conformity as a negative influence.

Primary Sex Characteristic(s)

The reproductive organs; in females, this includes the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina, and in males, this includes the penis, testes, scrotum, seminal vesicles, and prostate gland.

Specification (Donald Super/Super's Model) (2/5)

The second stage (at about ages 18-21), in which individuals identify specific occupational goals and pursue the education needed to achieve them.

Which are side effects of bulimia nervosa?

The side effects of bulimia nervosa include nutritional deficiencies, and sores, ulcers, and cancers in the mouth.

Implementation (Donald Super/Super's Model) (3/5)

The third stage, typically from ages 21 to 24, is when emerging adults complete training, enter the job market, and make the transition to become employees. The developmental task of the implementation stage is to reconcile expectations about employment and career goals with available jobs.

Epistemic Cognition

The ways in which an individual understands how he or she arrived at ideas, beliefs, and conclusions.

What can alcohol prevention programs teach adolescents?

These programs are designed to be multipronged. Prevention programs teach adolescents to resist peer pressure, refuse offers of alcohol, and build self-regulatory skills. Effective alcohol and substance abuse prevention and treatment programs teach adolescents about the health risks of substance use and that substance use is not socially acceptable.

Which of the following is an aspect of operational reasoning?

Thinking Abstractly

Congregation of One

To refer to the individualized belief systems many emerging adults develop.

It is recommended to engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week in order to experience many health benefits.


What amount of U.S. teens have tried alcohol by the time they leave high school?

Two thirds

Relativistic Thinking

Type of reasoning in which knowledge is viewed as subjective and dependent on the situation.

Unhappy couples tend to ______ during arguments, while happy couples are more likely to ______.

experience overwhelmingly negative emotions; maintain positive emotions

Parenting often contributes to a man's sense of ______.


Which are characteristic of cognitive-affective complexity?

- Integrating positive and negative feelings about an issue - Regulating intense emotions to make logical decisions - Being aware of emotions

Which of the following is true about growth spurts in adolescence?

- boys end up taller than girls - girls begin growth spurt first - growth spurt lasts about 2 years

Which of the following is a characteristic of adolescent decision making?

- focus on potential benefits more than risks - impulsive when emotionally aroused - limbic system is stronger than executive function

How many African American mothers marry within 9 years after the birth of their first child?


Even though 15- to 24-year-olds account for one half to two thirds of all sexually transmitted infections diagnosed each year, they represent only what percentage of the sexually active population?


The people who are more likely to say they would like to get married are under the age of ______.


Adults' performance in activities that require endurance, such as distance cycling, peaks at which age?


How many drinks consumed in one sitting is considered binge drinking?


The typical adolescent has how many close friends?


What percentage of college students report at least one hookup?



A boy's first ejaculation of sperm.

Adolescent Egocentrism

A characteristic of adolescents' thinking in which they have difficulty separating others' perspectives from their own; composed of the imaginary audience and personal fable.


A pattern of gradual age-related declines in physical functioning.

Who is using post-formal reasoning?

A person knows that someone stole groceries because they couldn't afford to buy them.

Ethnic Identity

A sense of membership to an ethnic group and viewing the attitudes and practices associated with that group as an enduring part of the self.

Postformal Reasoning

A stage of cognitive development proposed to follow Piaget's formal operational stage. Thinking and problem solving are restructured in adulthood to integrate abstract reasoning with practical considerations.

Which of the following is most at risk for school dropout?

A student having academic problems.

Sexual Orientation

A term that refers to whether someone is sexually attracted to others of the same sex, opposite sex, or both.


A tightly knit peer group of about three to eight close friends who share similarities such as demographics and attitudes.

Social Clock

A timetable based on social norms for age-related life events such as occupational entry, marriage, parenthood, and retirement.

At what point in development does synaptic pruning accelerate?


Which of the following is true about adolescence and nutrition?

Adolescents eat more nutritiously if they eat family meals.

What role do parents typically play in the development of an adolescent's identity?

Adolescents tend to use parents as a secure base from which to explore.

Which of the following can extend emerging adulthood into the late 20s?

Advanced Degrees

Which can impact sperm motility in men?

Alcohol Use

Maturing Out

Alcohol use tends to decline as young people enter early adulthood.

Global Self-Esteem

An overall evaluation of self-worth.


Arguably the most unstable period in life. There is greater diversity in lifestyles in emerging adulthood than other periods of life. People aged 18 to 25 have the highest rates of residential change of any age group, shifting among residences and living situations. Often challenging, posing risks to mental health. More than half of emerging adults often experience anxiety, and a third report often feeling depressed.

When do emerging adults typically begin to view themselves as full-fledged adults?

As they move through their mid-twenties

What challenge do many parents face during adolescence?

Balancing adolescent autonomy with protection

How does development in the amygdala impact adolescent emotional development?

Boys show more aggression based on higher amygdala volume increases.

Delayed Phase Preference

Change in pubertal hormone levels causes adolescents' sleep patterns to shift such that they tend to remain awake late at night and are groggy early in the morning.

Romantic love

Characterized by physical passion and emotional closeness. Many romantic relationships represent romantic love and later develop commitment.

What is one of the best predictors of marital satisfaction and endurance?

Chronological Maturity

Adults learn about themselves and relationships through ______.


Which statement is true about physical development in early adulthood?

Development in early adulthood is multidirectional.

In terms of risky behavior, sensitivity to rewards peaks at the same time as adolescents experience ______.

Difficulty with response inhibition

According to research, many adults like Amber ______.

Do not hold the same occupation throughout adulthood

A person who has difficulty understanding several contradictory arguments is displaying which reasoning process?

Dualistic Thinking

Pragmatic Thought

In Labouvie-Vief's theory, a type of thinking where logic is used as a tool to address everyday problems and contradictions are viewed as part of life.

Which statement is true about the relationship between pubertal timing and Black girls' self-esteem?

Late maturation leads to greater body dissatisfaction.

According to research in your text, which of the following statements about mate selection is true?

Most intimate partners share more similarities than differences.

In between

Neither adolescents nor adults. Emerging adults tend to view becoming an adult as independent of traditional markers of adulthood, such as marriage, and instead based on personal characteristics such as accepting responsibility for themselves and becoming financially independent.

According to your text, which of the following are influences on occupational choice?

Personality, educational opportunities, family, and socioeconomic status all play a role in determining our choice of career.

______ is viewed as a dynamic spectrum.

Sexual Orientation

Identity Status

The degree to which individuals have explored possible selves and whether they have committed to specific beliefs and goals, assessed by administering interview and survey measures, and categorized into four identity statuses.

Consolidation (Donald Super/Super's Model) (5/5)

The fifth and final stage, they accumulate experience and advance up the career ladder, moving into supervisory positions and becoming responsible for the next generation of workers.

Adolescent Growth Spurt

The first outward sign of puberty, refers to a rapid gain in height and weight that generally begins in girls at about age 10 and in boys about age 12.

The most advanced moral reasoning is called ______.

Universal Ethical Principles

Intimate Terrorism

Violence that is severe and chronic, characterized by coercive control and repeated battering of a partner, the most damaging form of intimate partner violence.

Which of the following is true about brain development in adolescence?

Volume of Gray matter slows

Based on the concepts of peer conformity, when are adolescents more likely to engage in prosocial actions?

When they think peers approve.

Ideal Self

Which is characterized by traits that they value. Adjustment is influenced by the match between the actual self.

When do most U.S. marriages end in divorce?

Within the first 10 years

Which is true about remarriage?

Women are less likely to want to marry again.

How do opposite-sex friendships progress in adulthood?

Women usually have more opposite-sex friendships in adulthood.

Which is a predictor of divorce?

a couple's problem-solving style

Based on contextual factors, which individual is at highest risk for committing intimate partner violence?

a gay man who experiences constant discrimination at work

The ______ is the part of the brain associated most closely with aggression.


A description of women's friendships in early adulthood is that they ______.

are intimate and long-lasting

According to Erikson, young people immersed in the psychosocial moratorium of identity development ______.

are less likely to form successful intimate relationships

What is key to an adolescent choosing to engage in safe sex?

authoritative parents and open discussions about sex and contraception

Cognitive-affective complexity involves the ______.

capacity to be aware of emotions, integrate positive and negative feelings, and regulate intense emotions to make logical decisions

Children in the concrete operational stage reason about specific things-

concepts that exist in reality, such as problems concerning how to equitably divide a bowl of pudding into five servings.

Mismatches between ideal and actual selves in adolescence are associated with ______.


Activities requiring bursts of strength tend to peak in the ______, while activities requiring endurance tend to peak in the ______.

early 20s; early 30s

A strong positive sense of ethnic identity can impact adolescent development by ______.

fostering effective coping strategies

The forgotten third are most often subjected to which of the following?

higher rates of unemployment

As emerging adults age, they are more likely to ______.

identify as full-fledged adults

Puberty triggers a round of ______ as part of neurological development.

increased synaptic pruning

Student attrition is generally the highest for ______.

institutions with open enrollment

Which of the following is responsible for the decline in risky activity?

maturation of the frontal cortex

Male early onset of puberty often results in ______.

physical advantages

Adolescents in the formal operational stage, however, reason about ideas,

possibilities that do not exist in reality and that may have no tangible substance, such as whether it is possible to love equitably—to distribute love equally among several targets.

Research shows that the first outward sign(s) of puberty is/are______.

the adolescent growth spurt

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