Exam 3

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The other sites from Ethiopia have yielded Homo erectus fossils, the most noteworthy coming from

Gona and Daka

__________ warmed the earth by trapping heat

Greenhouse gases

African populations of _______________ are the most likely ancestors of the earliest modern Homo sapiens.

H. heidelbergensis

Neandertals are classified in the text as

H. sapiens neanderthalensis.

________ provides the best-documented example of evolution and adaptation in a pathogen


Recent evidence does NOT suggest that

HIV is not as harmful as we used to believe.

It is likely that human technology and lifestyles are responsible for the deadly nature of some of the so-called new diseases that have arisen in recent decades, such as


The ________ system is involved in the immune response.


For now, the most comprehensive analyses indicate that the recently discovered hominin species H. floresiensis evolved on the island of


A third major extinction event is occurring now, and according to some scientists, it may have begun in the late Pleistocene or early


There is nearly universal agreement that the hominins found outside of Africa are all members of the genus


The Asian crania from Java and China share many similar features, which could be explained by____________ migration from Java to China perhaps around 1 mya.

Homo erectus

The early Homo species for which we have the most evidence, both physically and culturally, is called

Homo erectus

By using the designation Homo habilis, Louis Leakey was implying all of these EXCEPT

Homo habilis was not a hominin.

In Africa, early premodern Homo sapiens appeared around

600,000 ya.

The Middle Pleistocene is dated between

780,000 to 125,000 ya.

Fossils from Africa and Europe from ______ are placed within H. heidelbergensis.

850,000 ya to 200,000 ya

Today we add one billion people to the world's population approximately every 13 years, which comes out to about ________ people an hour.


An interesting fact regarding the site called the Sima de los Huesos is that it contains more than 80 percent of all Middle Pleistocene hominin remains in the world.


Anticancer mechanisms operating in early life may have opposite effects in later life.


At birth, the human brain is only about 50 percent of its adult size.


BCCs and SCCs tend to appear in middle age long after underlying genetic damage that occurred during childhood and adolescence.


Biocultural evolution influences the ways in which humans adapt to environmental challenges.


Both nutritional deficiencies and excesses can cause health problems and interfere with childhood growth.


Breeding isolates are groups that are clearly separated geographically and/or socially from other breeding groups.


By mapping the Neandertal nuclear genome, scientists discovered that some populations living today still retain some Neandertal genes.


CO2 emissions cause ocean acidification that adversely affects ocean ecosystems.


Chinese paleoanthropologists argue that modern Chinese evolved from a separate H. erectus lineage.


Culture has become an unintentional transformer of the environment.


Developmental acclimatization occurs in high-altitude natives during growth and development.


Evidence has suggested a simple dominant mode of inheritance for lactase persistence in adults.


Examples of what are thought to be the earliest musical instruments were found at Geissenklösterle Cave in Germany


Forensic anthropologists must deal with the race concept because they are asked by law enforcement agencies to identify an individual's race from skeletal remains.


Francis Galton, Darwin's cousin, originated the eugenics approach to "race improvement."


Genetic studies have been able to extract mtDNA as well as nuclear DNA of Neandertals.


Given the newest dates for the Ngandong Homo erectus material on Java, it is possible that Homo erectus could have existed contemporaneously with Homo sapiens.


Habitual locomotion is seen only in hominins


Holocene is the most recent epoch of the Cenozoic. Following the Pleistocene, it is estimated to have begun 10,000 years ago.


Homo erectus is the first hominin for which we have evidence of wide geographical dispersion.


Human infants born today can survive and grow without breast milk.


Hypoxia results from reduced barometric pressure.


In the United States, the primary determinant of health and nutrition is socioeconomic status


It is possible that during its long history, smallpox may have altered the frequency of the ABO blood types by selecting against the A allele.


Lactose intolerance, which involves an individual's ability to digest milk, is another example of human biocultural evolution.


Lifestyle factors, such as smoking and diet, are far more important than the effects of genes on the aging process.


Many physical anthropologists concentrate on the study of human skeletons found in prehistoric archaeological contexts.


Metabolic diseases such as rickets are most severe when they affect children during development.


Middle Pleistocene hominins are a very homogenous group, and it is easy to get a clear evolutionary picture of these hominins.


Modern human beings are the result of biocultural evolution.


Most Homo erectus specimens have a sagittal keel running along the midline of the skull.


Most early hominin fossils were restricted to central, South, and East Africa


One of the most significant legacies from our evolutionary history is our biological and behavioral flexibility


Only by working together can nations and individuals hope to develop solutions to the world's problems.


Paleoanthropologists estimate at least six genera among the early African fossils.


Paranthropus specimens have a sagittal crest on the top of the skull.


Recent genetic evidence indicates that all native Australians are descendants of a single migration about 50,000 ya.


Sea ice minimum is the least amount of ice that is present in the arctic in one year.


The Acheulian biface or "hand axe" is a basic tool of the Acheulian tradition.


The Chatelperronian tool industry is associated with Neandertals and may be the product of cultural diffusion from modern H. sapiens.


The Dmanisi hominins reveal that Europeans still had small brains and were also still using Oldowan-style tools.


The El Sidrón site in Spain is dated to 49,000 ya and contains remains of 12 individuals.


The Gran Dolina human remains are definitely NOT from Homo erectus


The Herto fossils are placed in the subspecies Homo sapiens sapiens.


The best-known sample and oldest individuals of H. sapiens in Western Europe were found at Cro-Magnon


The degree of international cooperation shown at the 2010 conference on biodiversity is a hopeful development that could be a foundation for slowing species extinctions and maintaining natural habitats.


The discovery of fossils now referred to as Homo erectus began in the nineteenth century.


The earliest anatomically modern human specimen comes from Omo Kibish (Ethiopia) dating approximately 195,000 ya.


The fossils from Mlade , in the Czech Republic, are dated to approximately 31,000 ya.


The last stage of the Upper Paleolithic period is known as the Magdalenian.


The multiregional continuity model suggests that local populations in Europe, Asia, and Africa continued their indigenous evolutionary development from premodern Middle Pleistocene forms to anatomically modern humans


The new species found on the island of Flores was initially thought to be a contemporary of Homo sapiens.


The oldest evidence of human infection by HIV is an HIV-positive blood sample taken from a West African patient in 1959.


The premodern human fossils from Africa and Europe are more similar to each other than they are to the hominins from Asia.


The prevailing consensus is that Neandertals were capable of articulate speech.


The prevalence of preeclampsia in women living at elevations over 10,000 feet is higher than those living at lower elevations


The term ethnicity was originally proposed in order to avoid the emotional baggage associated with the term race.


Lascaux and Altamira

are famous for their elaborate cave paintings.

Millions of people in Pakistan were affected by flooding in 2010 and 2011 that resulted in part from ______ and dam construction.


The disorder that is clearly linked to dietary and lifestyle behaviors, such as decreased activity levels and an increased consumption of fats and refined carbohydrates, is


As indicated by the East African specimens, Homo erectus was sexually


All the original Homo erectus fossils discovered at Zhoukoudian during the 1920s and 1930s

disappeared during World War II.

In humans, there is a second major growth spurt after birth that occurs during


The fossil skeleton known as "Lucy" belongs to the species


The "grandmother hypothesis" proposes to explain the

age of onset of menopause.

Nutrients needed for growth, development, and body maintenance include all EXCEPT


Acclimatization refers to

an individual's short-term physiological responses to the environment.

The global dangers to ecosystems from _______ are potentially as great as global warming, so much so in fact that some marine biologists have termed it "the other CO2 problem."

ocean acidification

Our evolved biology may not be matched well with our contemporary lives, resulting in ______ than compared to our recent ancestors.

poorer health and shorter lives

A group of interbreeding individuals that shares a common gene pool is a


Habitat destruction and ______ often go hand in hand.


During the Middle Pleistocene, there is evidence that temporary shelters were built by

premodern Homo sapiens.

The earliest member of our own species are frequently referred to as

premodern humans.

The Regional Continuity Model of modern Homo sapiens origins proposes that

premodern populations in Europe, Asia, and Africa all evolved into modern Homo sapiens.


produce melanin.

The modern biological usage of the term race

refers to the geographically patterned phenotypic variation within a species.

The gene pool concept

refers to the total complement of genes shared by reproductive members of a population.

The vitamin D hypothesis

remains the primary hypothesis explaining why skin color lightened as populations moved out of Africa.

Even massive geological events and mass extinctions did not wreak the havoc that may result from modern human


Annually since 2005, leaders from both developing countries and developed countries have come together to discuss ways to reduce


The human preagricultural diet was

low in fats and high in animal proteins.

The person responsible for popularizing eugenics among nineteenth-century Europeans was

Francis Galton

Which is true of populations living at high altitudes compared to those living at sea level?

Low birth weights are more frequent at high altitudes

Which of the following provides the best-documented example of the evolutionary role of infectious disease in humans?


Which of the following absorbs ultraviolet radiation?


Which of the following contributes most to skin color?


Which of these are two important sites in Central Europe?

Mladec and Oase Cave

What is the theory proposed by Relethford called?

Mostly out of Africa

The stone tool technology most often associated with the Neandertals is termed


Under idealized Hardy-Weinberg conditions, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Mutation rates will increase with each generation.

The first evidence of deliberate burial of the dead is associated wi


The analysis of the Herto remains indicate they are

Near-modern and titled Homo sapiens idaltu.

The Dmanisi findings suggest that the first hominins to leave Africa carried with them a typical African ____________stone culture.


The Upper Paleolithic culture period is divided into categories based on stone tool technologies. These include all except


Where did Leakey and his team find the remains of Homo habilis?

Olduvai Gorge

The skeletal remains from _______ date to about 40,000 years ago.


Recently discovered remains from Tugen Hills, dated to about 6 million years ago have been placed in the genus


One of the earliest anatomically modern H. sapiens in Central Europe came from which site?

Osa Cave

Australopithecus africanus was also large-toothed but not as extremely as


_______ genes have multiple effects at different times in the life span or under different conditions.


Early modern Homo sapiens remains have been found at _____ in Israel.


The first person to describe and classify an australopithicus fossil was

Raymond Dart

The Dmanisi site is located in

Republic of Georgia.

The oldest possible hominin found to date has been given the genus name


Which is NOT true for the recent hominin from Woranso-Mille?

Scientists have assigned it its own species name

Which is the first step to fossil research?

Selecting a site and surveying it

Which of the following has NOT been proposed as a model to explain the origin of modern Homo sapiens?

Separate origins in Africa and Australia with migrations from both these areas to displace all other populations

Racial traits aren't the only phenotypic expressions that contribute to social identity. __________ are also critically important

Sex and age

The skeleton of a 30- to 45-year-old male with a healed fracture to the face, right arm, and right leg was found at the site of


Which characteristics of A. sediba resemble Homo?

Short fingers and brain reorganization

Which African site contained traces of compound adhesives made from red ocher and plant gum used to haft stone tools to handles?

Sibudu Caves

Where does the best evidence of Middle Pleistocene human-controlled fire come from?

South Africa

The frequency of the O allele is almost 100 percent in

South American Indians.

___________and nitrogen isotope analyses of human bone provide the most information about diet.

Stable carbon

Concerning deterministic views, evolutionary biologist _______ remarked that "all American culture heroes embraced racial attitudes that would embarrass public-school mythmakers."

Stephen J. Gould

The most important fossils of foot structuring of early hominins come from


HIV attacks

T4 cells.

_______ is an example of biocultural evolution.

The relationship between lactase deficiency and cultural practices

Which is NOT true about the Kow Swamp remains?

They are less robust than the Lake Mungo remains.

Which is not true about Upper Paleolithic cave paintings?

They are the first samples of pornography.

Which is NOT true of early hominin species?

They had a trend to increase body size.

Which is true about the "Denisovans"?

They may be a different branch of recent human evolution.

The most significant H. sapiens fossil locality in China is

Tianyuan Cave.

A genetic trait is considered a polymorphism if the locus governing that trait has two or more alleles


Most of the early African hominins appear to have been partially tied to arboreal habitats.


Most paleoanthropologists were initially reluctant to accept H. habilis as a valid species distinct from all australopiths


Since 2001, we have seen 15 out of the 16 warmest years on record.


Single nucleotide changes or point mutations never occur in non-protein-coding portions of DNA


The average Neandertal brain size was 1,520 cm3.


The best evidence for the origins of the genus Homo comes from East Africa.


The main effect of fluctuating climates in Africa during the Pleistocene was to change rainfall patterns.


The maximum life span potential, estimated to be about 120 years, has probably not changed in the last several thousand years.


An extension of the convention on biological diversity took place in October 2012 (Nagoya, Japan) and was organized by

United Nations.

The almost complete skeleton of a male Homo erectus with an approximate age at death of 8 years was found at

West Turkana

Why do human females have such a long period during which they can no longer reproduce?

Women are biologically "programmed" to live 12-15 years beyond the birth of their child.

More than 100,000 artifacts have been recovered from this vast site, which was occupied intermittently for many thousands of years.


Of the sites listed below, which one is the Homo erectus site that provides the longest record of habitation?


Adaptation is

a genetic adjustment to environmental conditions.

Some premodern Homo sapiens and Homo erectus specimens share traits such as

a large face

A sagittal crest is

a raised ridge of bone running along the midline of the cranium for the attachment of muscles.

The earliest hominins have varied combinations of features. For example, Sahelanthropus has

a very small brain size

AIDS is caused by

a virus.

During the last glaciation in Eurasia

a warming trend at about 30,000 ya partially melted the glacial ice.

According to Partial Replacement Models, modern humans first appeared in Africa

and interbred with premodern populations of Eurasia, thus partially displacing them.

According to the Complete Replacement Model, anatomically modern Homo sapiens first appeared in Africa

and migrated to other areas, completely displacing all premodern H. sapiens populations without interbreeding with them.

If mating is random, then

any female has an equal chance of mating with any male.

Infectious diseases

are caused by microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria.

The characteristics that have traditionally been used to define races

are polygenic.

If we see life ultimately as a competition among reproducing organisms, ______ are the winners hands down.


The use of DDT proved disastrous to many bird species, including

bald eagles.

The fossil remains from Dmanisi

bear some similarities to early Homo specimens from Africa.

Origin of food production

began approximately 10,000 ya.

Life history theory

begins with the premise that there is only a certain amount of energy available for growth, maintenance of life, and reproduction.

Skeletal biologists are very much interested in learning how prehistoric peoples behaved and how numerous behaviors influenced their health. In the last two decades, many skeletal experts have identified this approach with the term


Modern humans beings are the result of

biocultural evolution.

The false belief that there is a relationship between physical traits and certain behavioral traits such as intelligence and morals is called

biological determinism

Changes in telomere length have also been implicated in


One "marker" of an agricultural lifestyle is the high frequency of


The time between weaning and puberty is called


Some Neandertal physical characteristics may have arisen as adaptations to a ______ environment.


Types of Upper Paleolithic art include all EXCEPT

complex clothes

Two hormones that are important in growth and development include _____ and growth hormone.


Although Homo erectus differs in several respects from both early Homo and Homo sapiens, the most obvious feature is

cranial size

Neandertal remains from southern Siberia

date to 50,000 to 37,000 ya.

It is common knowledge among economists that as income and education increase, family size


Costa Rica has been able to preserve much of its forest and wildlife by developing


When a disease is continuously present in a population, it is said to be


Three different types of skeletal changes popular with bioarchaeologists attempting to reconstruct prehistoric activity patterns are

entheses, osteoarthritis, and bone geometry.

The instructions that determine which genes are expressed in cells and how they are expressed are called


Bernard Wood has suggested that the name Homo __________be used for the African remains and that Homo erectus be reserved solely for the Asian material.


The term ___ was proposed in the early 1950s to avoid the more emotionally charged term race.


The philosophy of "race improvement: through the forced sterilization of some groups and the encouraged reproduction of others is termed


If the observed allele frequencies in a population differ significantly from those predicted by the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium theory, then

evolution is occurring.

The future of much of life as we know it will be decided in the next

few decades.

Studies have shown that UV radiation rapidly depletes ______, which plays a crucial role in neural tube development of the embryo.


The eugenics movement

formed the basis for notions of racial purity in Nazi Germany.

Some atypical frequencies of HLA alleles of certain populations in Australia and New Guinea is likely due to

founder effect.

In Israel important discoveries at Tabun and Kebara include all of the following EXCEPT

four well-preserved spears.

According to the Hardy-Weinberg genetic equilibrium formula, the value of p is the

frequency of dominant alleles.

According to the Hardy-Weinberg genetic equilibrium formula, the value of q is the

frequency of recessive alleles.

In the Hardy-Weinberg genetic equilibrium formula, p is the

frequency of the dominant allele.

The "new" foods types that came along with agriculture and animal domestication include all EXCEPT


According to the Regional Continuity Model, ________ prevented local populations of premodern Homo sapiens from becoming separate species.

gene flow

According to biologist Stephen Palumbi (2001), humans are the world's

greatest evolutionary force.

In most cases the most important cause of extinction is

habitat reduction.

Categorizing people on the basis of skin color

has a long history and has been practiced by many peoples

The cave paintings in the Grotte Chauvet

have many images, including dots, stenciled handprints, and hundreds of animal representations.

Paleopathologists also study trauma, which is found most typically in the form of

healed fractures.

The application of evolutionary principles to the study of human variation

helped replace earlier views based solely on observed phenotypes.

Biological systems are balanced systems maintained by the interaction of physiological mechanisms that compensate for both external and internal changes. Such a balanced system is in


The overwhelming consensus among climate scientists is that global warming is occurring and

human activities are the cause.

The study of ______ shows that there is significantly more carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere than at any time in the last 800,000 years.

ice core data

The Herto remains are

include the most complete adult cranium.

Compared to Homo erectus, the cranium of premodern Homo sapiens, has a(n)

increased brain size.

In some societies, old age is often correlated with all of the following EXCEPT


A 2009 study estimated that 48 percent of the world's population survives on less than ______ per day (Population Reference Bureau, 2009).


The La Chapelle-aux-Saints skeleton

is a Neandertal

The Mousterian stone tool tradition

is associated with the cultural period of the Middle Paleolithic

The task of interpreting early hominin evolution

is still not complete

The Upper Paleolithic

is the cultural period that began in Western Europe approx. 40,000 ya.

The recent discovery at the Gona area in Africa

is the first H. erectus female pelvis found.


is the reduced availability of oxygen.


is the widening or opening up of capillaries, which in turn increases blood flow to the skin.

The fossil remains from Dmanisi indicate that

large brains were NOT required to migrate out of Africa.

Neandertal crania are

large, long, low, and bulging at the sides.

According to the Hardy-Weinberg genetic equilibrium formula, if the frequency of q is 0.4, then the frequency of p in the population should be


Using the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium formula, if p = 0.25, then q must equal ________.


Dated to ______________, Lantian is older than Zhoukoudian

1.15 mya

The Skh l site in Israel is dated to approximately ________ years ago.


What is the estimated maximum life span for humans?

120 yrs.

There have been at least how many mass extinctions over the course of 570 million years?


The earliest anatomically modern Homo sapiens fossils from Africa have been dated to about

195,000-80,000 ya.

The earliest appearance of genus Homo in East Africa may date prior to

2 mya

At some time, probably close to ______________, the first Homo sapiens evolved in Africa

200,000 ya

For humans, approximately what percent of adult brain size is completed by the time of birth?

25 percent

Archaeological sites in Australia have been dated as early as __________ years ago


Human babies are about ____ of their mother's size at birth.

6 percent

Which of the following is a polymorphic trait in most human populations?

ABO blood type

35. Bifacially flaked tools characterize the _______ stone tool industry.


Which type of tools are characterized by a large proportion of bifacial elements?


All the early hominins were restricted to


Although there is not complete agreement, current evidence indicates that the earliest anatomically modern Homo sapiens fossils are from


H. heidelbergensis from _______ is hypothesized to have evolved into H. sapiens.


Sometime close to 2 mya something decisive occurred in human evolution; for the first time, hominins expanded widely out of


The earliest fossils identifiable as hominins were all from:


Which of the following sites, dated to approximately 500,000-400,000 years ago, has yielded a sample representing about 28 premodern Homo sapiens individuals?


The hominin fossils from Laetoli and Hadar are classified by most researchers as

Australopithecus afarensis

Which of the following hominins has the most primitive (ancestral) traits?

Australopithecus afarensis

The taxonomic designation Raymond Dart assigned to the Taung fossil was

Australopithecus africanus

Which of the following premodern Homo sapiens crania shows possible evidence of cannibalism in the form of cut marks?


The first scientific attempt to classify humans based on biological variation was by

C. Linnaeus

________ is the most significant contributor to global warming. We currently release 35 billion tons of this substance into the atmosphere every year.

Carbon dioxide

Sahelanthropus was discovered in

Central Africa

Of the hominin sites listed below, which one has the best preserved fossil material for Homo erectus in Europe?


_______ is a site in France dated to 28,000 years ago. Fossil material from this site became the archetype for Upper Paleolithic Europeans.


_________ and _________ have allowed us to adapt beyond our biological limits.

Culture, technology

_____ is perhaps the best known insecticide to have altered the course of a species evolution.


___________ is the most common category of pathological conditions found in prehistoric remains.

Dental disease

An important new find of a mostly complete child skeleton belonging to an Australopithecus afarensis was announced in 2006 coming from which site?


Which of the following sites is NOT in China?


Which is NOT true about the Pleistocene?

During interglacials, there is an increased in rainfall.

The earliest of the East African Homo erectus fossils come from

East Turkana.

What makes afarensis a hominin?

Efficient bipedalism

In Africa, premodern Homo sapiens fossils have been found in all of the following EXCEPT


Which field studies changes in phenotype that are not related to DNA?


The majority of Neandertal fossils have been found in


A 2.3 million year old Australopithecus africanus child skeleton was found at Dikika.


A burin is an example of a type of atlatl or spear thrower.


Early life events have no impact on the age of menopause.


The United States alone produces 5-10 percent of all carbon dioxide emissions that end up in the atmosphere.


The Upper Paleolithic saw not much in the way of technological innovation.


The contemporary diet typical of industrialized societies is basically unchanged from preagricultural diets


The discovery from Daka (Ethiopia) of a young African specimen with Asian traits strengthens the separate-species interpretation of H. ergaster.


The first step in interpreting hominin evolutionary patterns is excavating sites and recovering fossil hominins.


The honing complex is typical of hominins.


A balanced polymorphism discussed in the text is


Endogamy refers to

marrying/mating within the group.

Geographical, ecological, and social factors influence

mate choice.

A female's first menstruation is known as


Though it may give a rise in status in non-Western societies, _____ is viewed negatively in the West.


Even though the cranial capacity estimates of Australopiths are within the range of most modern great apes, their brains were

more encephalized

The average Neandertal was

more robust than modern humans.

The discoveries of what we now refer to as Homo erectus go back to the _____ century.


For at least the past 15,000 years, human activities such as hunting and clearing land for cultivation, have taken their toll on

nonhuman species.

The crush of billions of people almost completely dependent on cereal grains mean millions face all of the following EXCEPT


Skeletal biologists who study disease and trauma in prehistoric remains are called


Human impact on local environments increases dramatically as soon as people began to live in

permanent settlements.


permits cooling through evaporation.

Without sea ice in the summer, _____ and several other species that depend on it may very well become extinct in the foreseeable future.

polar bears

Dark skin is advantageous in the tropics because it

protects from overexposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Human milk is extremely low in fats and


The folate hypothesis

purports to explain why dark skin is advantageous in high UV environments.

Stresses imposed by living at high altitudes include

reduced availability of oxygen.

Current evidence suggests that certain HLA antigens appear to function to

resist malaria.

In the arctic, the greatest amount of sea ice that is present in one year is called

sea ice maximum.

The least amount of ice that is present in the arctic in one year is called

sea ice minimum.

The decline in physiological function usually associated with aging is called


Physiological methods of either producing or retaining body heat include


Anatomical changes in hominins that are indicative of habitual bipedal locomotion include

shortening and broadening of the pelvis

The Neandertal site in northern Spain, El Sidrón,

shows that the males were related and may serve as evidence of patrilocal mating.

Ultraviolet radiation can be an important factor in selection for increased melanin production because UV radiation can cause

skin cancer.

Homo erectus projecting nuchal torus is located directly at the back of the


Sahelanthropus has an unusual combination of characteristics, including a

small braincase and huge browridges

Regarding the fossil material termed "early Homo," Leakey guessed was our ancestor

some scholars think there may actually be more than one species present.

Bergmann's rule

states that bodies with increased mass or volume to surface area are optimal for cold climates.

All of the following are endocrine glands responsible for producing hormones in the body EXCEPT the

sweat glands.

One hypothesis that proposes to explain senescence notes that cells that divide throughout the life course have shortened DNA sequences at the end of the chromosomes. This is referred to as the ______ hypothesis.


The earliest hominin discovery from Africa and the world was done in

the 1920s

The areas in the DNA that contain repeated segments are

the basis for DNA fingerprinting.

Technological changes typical of the Upper Paleolithic include

the increased use of bone, ivory, and antler.

Analysis of the stone artifacts from Zhoukoudian indicate that the tools from

the later stages are small and the tool materials are of better quality than the previous stages.

The Hardy-Weinberg genetic equilibrium formula assumes that

the population under study is infinitely large.

Upper Paleolithic peoples made symbolic depictions on all of these EXCEPT

their bodies in the form of tattoos.

According to the population geneticist R. D. Lewontin,

there's no biological value in the further study of geographical populations.

One aspect in which Asian H. erectus differ from East African H. erectus is that fossils found in Asia have ______________ cranial bones.


Compared to the Upper Paleolithic modern humans, Neanderth

tools are usually more sophisticated.

Neandertal art consists of

use of pigment and jewelry.

There is some evidence to suggest all of the following about Neandertals EXCEPT that they

used bows and arrows for long-distance hunting.

The atlatl is

used to increase the distance of a spear throw.

The frequencies of the A, B and O alleles

vary between populations.

Mechanisms for radiating body heat include


Fleas and mosquitoes sometimes transmit disease pathogens such as bacteria and viruses from one individual to another. Such agents (fleas and mosquitoes) are called


The Gona pelvis is very different from the Nariokotome pelvis and is unusual for its considerable


The Nariokotome Homo erectus specimen

would have reached an adult height of around 5.3 feet

Socioeconomic and political concerns have no effects on our species today.


The ABO alleles have no variance among humans.


The Asian Homo erectus crania from both China and Java are so different from each other that most researchers have suggested that they be separated into two different species.


The fossil assigned to the genus and species Sahelanthropus tchadensis is universally agreed to be a hominin.


The loss of biodiversity is of no real concern.


The morphology of the child's skeleton from Abrigo do Lagar Velho in Portugal has been cited as support for the Complete Replacement Model.


The most interesting fact about human skin color is that there appears to be no adaptive significance whatsoever to population-level variations in skin color.


The risk of genetic defects among the offspring of first-cousin marriages is no higher than that of the general population.


The term race currently has only biological connotations and is without any social significance.


The transition between premodern and anatomically modern forms of humans may have occurred as early as 500,000 years ago in Africa.


The two replacement models are the partial Replacement and Regional Continuity models.


There are five early anatomical modern human localities in China.


Throughout the world, men have higher life expectancies than women.


Zoonotic diseases are transmitted to humans by contact with contaminated water.


Which of the following is NOT the form of locomotion shown by hominins?


Scientists estimate that around 10,000 year ago, only about _____ people inhabited the earth.

5 million

For most women in the world, menopause begins around the age of


A recent study called the 1000 Genomes Project identified between ________ gene variants associated with disease.

50 and 100

Neandertal DNA evidence from Europe gives dates between

50,000 and 32,000 ya.

Early rock art from Africa may be as old as ________ years.


Great apes and women in foraging societies nurse their infants for approximately how many years?


Lake Mungo remains have been dated at approximately

30,000-25,000 ya.

The French Neandertal site of St. Césaire dates to _______ years ago.


. According E. O. Wilson, in order for every person on the planet to be able to reach the same level of consumption as in the United States, ________additional planet earths would be required.


Infancy is the period of nursing, and in humans it typically lasts about

4 years.

A woman who never becomes pregnant may have as many as _____ cycles between menarche and menopause.


The average American uses an estimated______ times the resources consumed by the average resident of Bangladesh.


The evolutionary roots of Neandertals reach as far back as ________ years ago


Due to AIDS, many African nations have seen life expectancy drop to the low


Before the AIDS epidemic in Africa, Zimbabweans had a life expectancy of 61 years. But by 2000, this figure dropped to


The most immediately obvious feature distinguishing_____ from the australopiths is cranial size

A. afarensis

The genetic analysis of Neandertal fossils indicates they were found in all these areas EXCEPT


If the early dates for bone tools found at Katanda are correct, then

Africa may rival many European Upper Paleolithic innovations, as early as 80,000 ya.

Which of these does NOT reflect the interaction of environment and genes?


The Acheulian tool industry is NOT found in


Which of the following is NOT one of the seven anatomically modern human localities in China?

Border Cave

One of the most significant skeletal modifications due to the shift to bipedalism includes several structural changes in the foot.


Recent studies show that DDT is harmless for bird species.


Premodern Homo sapien fossils are found in

Europe and elsewhere in the Old World.

Sea ice maximum is the greatest amount of ice that is present in Antarctica in one year.


Skeletal biologists are limited to studying the mechanics of skeletal changes caused by physical activity.


About 70 percent of Americans believe that human activity is causing the climate to change.


Adaptations refer to short-term physiological responses to stress.


An analysis of the WT 15000 specimen suggests it would only have been about 4 feet tall at maturity.


An endemic disease is more likely to occur in small bands of hunter-gatherers.


As temperatures continue to rise, the weather will become more stabilized.


Bergmann's rule concerns the shape of the body, especially the appendages.


Biological change occurs fast, whereas cultural change tends to be slow.


Bone, a high-quality tool material, was widely used throughout the Middle Pleistocene


Chinese archaeologists point out that Chinese premodern H. sapiens specimens show no indication of genetic continuity with modern H. sapiens from China.


Despite numerous excavations, the only early stone tools that have been found in China are those from Zhoukoudian.


Except for the footprints at Laetoli, there is no evidence of early hominin foot structure.


Habitat loss of nonhuman species is not a direct result of human activity.


Homo erectus was considerably smaller than earlier members of the genus Homo.


Homo heidelbergensis refers to finds from China dating to between 850,000 and 200,000 years ago


If the expected frequencies of genotypes calculated from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium formula do NOT differ significantly from those measured in the population being studied, then evolution is clearly occurring.


In humans, growth begins at conception and ends at weaning.


In the Shanidar Cave of Iraq, fieldworkers found 10 individuals, 3 of which were deliberately buried.


Inbreeding is a form of random mating.


Including Lucy, several hundred Homo habilis fossils have been found in Olduvai.


John Blumenbach was the first European scientist to classify humans into races.


Mortality due to infectious diseases has decreased in recent years in the United States.


Most anthropologists agree that Zhoukoudian Cave was a hearth and a home to Homo erectus.


Neandertal DNA is very different compared to modern human DNA.


Neandertals were advanced in their use of spear throwers for long-distance hunting.


New evidence from Zhoukoudian Cave has substantiated the long-held notion that Homo erectus used controlled fire.


Nutrition has an effect ONLY on the prenatal period of the human life cycle


Of the three types of skin cells found in the epidermis, only melanocytes are susceptible to cancerous changes.


One clear technological trend evident in the Middle Pleistocene archaeological record is that early bifaces are elegant-appearing pear-shaped implements, whereas later bifaces are cruder with deep flake-removal scars.


One of the leading causes of death in the United States is infectious disease.


Shanidar Cave is located in


Which is true about the Spanish site Sima de los Huesos?

It contains more than 80 percent of all Middle Pleistocene hominin remains.

Which of the following is NOT true about Blombos Cave?

It includes several "Venus" figurines.

Which of the following is FALSE about lactose intolerance?

It is a psychosomatic illness of the somatoform-disorder type.

Which is true about the Portuguese site Abrigo do Lagar Velho?

It provides the best evidence of ostensible interbreeding with Neandertals.

Which is true about A. sediba?

It shows a mix of Australopithecus and Homo features.

Where have Neandertal skeletal remains NOT been found (in Europe)?


Which is NOT true about Ardi?

Its brain size is between 700-730 cm3

In Asia, premodern human fossils sites include


Fossils from _______ suggest that people lived there around 14,000 to 9,000 ya.

Kow Cave

The Neandertal site in Croatia, which has one of the oldest intentional burials, is


In Europe, premodern Homo sapiens fossil sites include all of the following EXCEPT


Which of the following statements explains why a population must be infinitely large in order to be in genetic equilibrium?

Large populations are less likely to have chance changes in allele frequencies.

During the Middle Pleistocene, premodern Homo sapiens invented the _____ technique.


According to Tim White and colleagues, Ardipithecus was a competent biped.


African premodern humans show a mixture of primitive and more derived traits


One of the more important regions outside of the Zhoukoudian, regarding paleoanthropological sites, is

Yunxian county.

Fossil remains of 40 or more Homo erectus individuals and thousands of artifacts have been found at


The overwhelming consensus among climate scientists points directly to "human-driven" global change, especially due to

burning of fossil fuels.

One of the best strategies for reducing family size, and thus world population, is to educate

girls and women.

Neandertal subsistence was based on

hunting large mammals.

During the Upper Paleolithic, humans in Eurasia relied heavily on


The late Miocene remains of various possible hominins, assigned to the genus Ardipithecus, were discovered

in the Middle Awash

Australopithecus afarensis

includes Lucy and a 3-year-old hominin from Dikika

Sixteen of twenty of the best documented Neandertal burials include

individuals placed in a flexed position.

Rickets is caused by

insufficient amounts of vitamin D.

Evidence from Zhoukoudian suggests that Homo erectus

intermittently occupied the area.

The oldest Paranthropus fossil

is nicknamed the "black skull"

Whether we will become a different species in the future

is not a question we can easily answer.

A polytypic species

is one composed of local populations that differ from one another with regard to the expression of ONE OR MORE traits

The most complete Homo erectus skeleton found to date

is properly known as WT 15000.

The term Homo ergaster

is sometimes used to refer to African Homo erectus specimens.

Neandertal brain size

was larger, on average, than that of modern humans.

The "Taung baby" and other Australopithecus africanus

were small brained

Population geneticists use the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium equation to determine

whether evolution is occurring at a given locus.

Evidence for animal butchering is

widespread in Homo erectus sites

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