Exam 4

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what is not true about iron

deficiency uncommon in developed countries

examples of energy intake

drinking a glass of wine eating a grilled chicken salad

conditions associated with gastric bypass surgery?

dumping syndrom, micronutrient deficiency, intestine; blockage and bleeding

(T/F) Ephedra-containing weight-loss supplements are commercially available at drug stores across the United States.


(T/F) The U.S. government provides food assistance programs to any family regardless of their size or income


(T/F) protein is a major biological fuel used during physical activity


what factor does not typically contribute to undernutrition?

physical inactivity

The act of making your body engage in movement that results from skeletal muscle contraction is called ______

physical activity.

Your ability to engage in moderate- to vigorous-intensity activities without becoming excessively fatigued determines your level of ________

physical fitness

The largest food assistance program in the United States, aiding about 44 million Americans each year, is the ________.

supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP)

(T/F) the amino acids from dietary protein included in a small meal or snack after strenuous exercise can help muscle cells repair damage muscle tissue by synthesizing new proteins


(T/F) the national academy of sciences maintains that no additional dietary protein is suggested for healthy adults undertaking resistance or endurance exercise


(T/F)Unlike sustainable agriculture, conventional agriculture requires a lot of pesticides and water, increases global warming, and has more damages and impact on the environment and ecosystems.


example of atypical anorexia nervosa

Tessa has a distorted body image and severely restrict food intake but her BMI is within normal range

(T/F)People with night eating syndrome may consume 50% of their 24-hour calorie intake after the evening meal.


Participating in exercise that involves sustained, rhythmic contractions of large muscle groups is called ______

aerobic exercise.


after finishing his appetizer and half of his entree, Joe notes that he is feeling comfortable with his food consumption and decides to get a to go box for the other half of his entree and skip dessert

At the same time, the pancreas releases _________, a hormone that slows gastric emptying and reduces hunger.


________ is a hormone secreted by the beta cells of the pancreas. The hormone slows the digestive process by signaling the hypothalmus to reduce hunger and delaying gastric emptying.


Andrea, a 22-year-old college student, has been rushed to the hospital after collapsing at the gym. After performing some clinical tests, the doctor determines Andrea's BMI is 16.8; she is dehydrated; and she has very low bone mineral density. Based on this information, Andrea probably has ________.

anorexia nervosa

Laurie is a college student who became obsessed with losing weight after breaking up with her boyfriend. She avoids any foods she perceives as "fattening." Laurie is 5'9" and now weighs 113 lbs. She has not had a menstrual period in over a year.

anorexia nervosa

Example of in equilibrium

at the end of the semester you spend an entire day studying for exams. if you consume 1500 kcal that day your energy balance is ...

Jim is a high school wrestler who is struggling to keep his weight in a healthy range. After a stressful practice, he will sometime binge on very large quantities of food. He feels so guilty afterward that he exercises for hours to try to burn off the extra calories.

bulimia nervosa

________ is an eating disorder that features recurrent episodes of overeating followed by purging behaviors.

bulimia nervosa

The National Collegiate Athletic Association limits the amount of ________ athletes can have in their bodies during competition


Most people who suffer from anorexia nervosa ________.

deny they are too thin

Form of psychotherapy that strives to improve skills used to manage stress, anxiety, or feelings of inadequacy

dialectical behavioral therapy

examples of energy output

digesting a meal walking with friends shivering in response to cold

Bill was swimming for 30 minutes, 3 days per week and recently increased that to 45 minutes, 3 days per week


example of in negative energy balance

during spring break you go on an all day hike. if you consume 2200 kcal and you burn 2750kcal that day your energy balance status is...

ergogenic aids are most frequently used to enhance athletic performance?

energy drinks

examples of purging disorder

even though she dose not binge, patty engages in recurrent purging behavior in an attempt to lose weight

If you plan or structure this activity in order to increase cardiovascular function or muscle mass, it is called _____.


(T/F) A number of reputable scientific bodies advocate that protein intakes for athletes be at least 2.o g/kg/day


(T/F) Carbohydrate loading helps delay fatigue in athletes participating in events lasting 30 to 60 minutes.


(T/F)excess protein is stored in muscle tissue


Celeste is an elite gymnast who recently transferred to a very competitive gym. The girls on her new team commented that she is heavier than they are. Her teammates' nagging has led Celeste to severely restrict her food intake. She has lost so much weigh that she has stopped menstruating. Last week at practice, she fractured her ankle after falling off the balance beam.

female athlete triad

________ is a state in which individuals are concerned about not having food or not enough money to buy more food

food insecurity


for endurance athletes in training, the majority of calories should come from the macronutrient the most important macronutrient to consume during exercise that surpasses one hour

Sonya was participating in one aerobics class per week and recently increased that to two aerobics classes per week


what affects athletic fluid needs?

gender, environmental conditions, athletes fitness level

In response to feelings of hunger, your stomach secretes a hormone called _______, which stimulates eating behavior.


examples of decreased basal metabolism

having more fat vs more body mass being 5'3 tall and weighing 142 lbs vs being 5'10 and weighing 242 lbs being a female vs being male

ergogenic aids is categorized as "Impermissible" by the NCAA and, therefore, cannot be provided to student-athletes by the athletics department but may be purchased by the student athlete.

high-protein supplements

The part of the brain that controls hunger, thirst, and satiety is called the what.



importnat energy source for low-or moderate-intensity aerobic exercise of more than 20 min

example of in positive energy balance

in July you spend a day walking around the county fair and sampling that fair foods. if you consume 2400 kcal at the fait and you burn 18-- kcal that day your energy balance status is ...

what is not a consequences of undernutrition during pregnancy

increased risk of gestational diabetes

Erin was walking on the treadmill at a rate of 3 miles per hour for 60 minutes and recently was able to increase that to 4 miles per hour


The level of exertion you exhibit during an activity is referred to as the ______ of exercise, whereas the time you devote to the activity is its _____.

intensity, duration

activity generally classified as aerobic?


physiological effects of anorexia nervosa

lanugo, muscle weakness, immune dysfunction, slow heart rate, osteoporosis, cold intolerance

indicate how the components of the female athlete triad are interrelated. low energy availability To estrogen deficiency

leads to (right arrow)

Fat cells are also active participants in hunger and satiety regulation. Adipose cells secrete __________, a hormone that reduces hunger and inhibits fat storage in the body.


female athlete triad.

low energy, menstrual disturbances, reduced bone mineral density

Gregg's BMI is 34.2. Based on this information, his weight is in the ________ range.

obese class I

________ is an extreme obsession with eating healthy foods.


Chris used to do 30 minutes of cardio at 50% of his max heart rate 2 days per week and has gradually increased his performance such that now he is exercising for 60 minutes at 80% of his max heart rate 4 days per week


People who have bulimia nervosa typically avoid gaining weight after bingeing on food by ________.

purging, including self-induced vomiting

behaviors that are typical of someone who has disordered eating but not an eating disorder?

skipping breakfast when late for an exam

After bingeing on cakes and cookies, Bonnie practices self-induced vomiting to avoid gaining weight. Based on this information, you would expect to notice ________ as a sign of her purging behavior.

sores on her knuckles

Americans who are more likely to be food insecure include all of the following EXCEPT ________.

those living in the northern region of the country

The ________ gland produces the primary hormone that controls the metabolic rate.


(T/F) A person who has a BMI of 26.2 can have more muscle and bone tissue than another person who has the same BMI.


(T/F) As people grow older, their metabolic rates decline.


(T/F) Both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa may lead to electrolyte imbalances.


What disease risk does regular physical activity help reduce?

type 1 diabetes. type 2 diabetes. Osteoporosis


violet works as a nurse and has a hard time breaking away to eat lunch. at 3 pm she releases she has not eaten and feels a pain in her stomach

vitamin is most important for preserving bone health in athletes?

vitamin D

athletes who are at high risk for eating disorders because of their participation in certain sports.

wrestler, dancer, body builder, gymnast

indicate how the components of the female athlete triad are interrelated Estrogen deficiency TO Low bone mineral density

indicate how the components of the female athlete triad are interrelated Menstrual disturbances TO Estrogen deficiency

According to the American College of Sports Medicine, adults should perform ________ minutes per week of moderate-intensity physical activity to prevent weight gain.


Luis is a healthy man who is 23 years of age. What is his age-related maximum heart rate?

197 bmp

Recommended sports drinks contain about ________ g of carbohydrate per 12-ounce serving.


A statement about normal weight obesity that is false?

Condition associated with high muscularity and high BMI

example of bulimia nervosa frequency and/ or limited duration

Connor engages in repeated episodes of binge eating followed by purging, but the behaviors occur less often than once per week

strategies that may help a person achieve negative energy balance?

Emphasize a variety of fruits and vegetables in the diet Keep a food diary or journal Avoid eating and drinking while watching TV

health problems that may occur in people with bulimia nervosa who use self-induced vomiting to purge excess calories?

Heart rate disturbances Swelling of salivary glands Demineralization of teeth

Lawrence is a healthy college freshman, but lately, he's been eating more meals at fast food restaurants in the Student Union. What are likely reasons Lawrence has gained 4 pounds over the past three weeks?

His energy input exceeds his energy output. His energy expenditures exceed his energy input. His energy output is less than his energy intake. his energy expenditure equals his thermic effect of food.


Julie only makes it home to visit her grandmother twice a year. her grandmothers chocolate chips cookies are the best and even after Julie has finished the big meal and feels full she still wants a couple

BED of low frequency and/or limited duration

Lucas engages in repeated episodes of binge eating, but he does not purge the excess calories. his behavior has been practices for less than 3 months

Adults living in ________ are most likely to be obese.


examples of increased basal metabolism

being pregnant vs not being pregnant having a fever vs being well

Brianna is a high school cross-country runner who experienced a season-ending injury. She is feeling depressed about not being able to compete and her grades are beginning to suffer. She consoles herself by eating large quantities of food, including cakes, cookies, and ice cream. She feels an overwhelming sense of guilt after these binges, but she does not engage in any compensatory behaviors, such as vomiting or laxative abuse.

binge-eating disorder

common ingredients in sports drinks EXCEPT ________.


higher activity of the "thrifty gene." physical characteristics


(T/F) The AMDR for fat for athletes is the same as for nonathletes.


(T/F) excess protein may be stored as fat


goals of treatment for patients with eating disorders?

Address unresolved emotional needs, such as sources of anxiety Correct nutritional deficiencies, such as iron-deficiency anemia or low calcium intake

ergogenic aid substances has been banned by at least one athletic association?

Anabolic steroids DHEA Androstenedione Glucosamine

factors contributes to iron-deficiency anemia in adult female athletes

menstrual blood losses, low-calorie diets

Samantha is a stay-at-home mom who is struggling with her marriage. She is overweight and often wakes up in the middle of the night to binge on large quantities of food while her husband is asleep. She feels isolated and angry and confides to her therapist that more than 50% of her caloric intake occurs in the middle of the night

night eating syndrome

The small and large intestines release ____________ that signals the stomach to reduce ghrelin secretion when eating has commenced.

peptide YY

Sarah has a body fat percentage of 34%. This is considered ________.


what are true regarding the body's use of protein?

After strenuous exercise, muscles repair themselves by using available amino acids to synthesize new proteins. After engaging in intense physical activity, athletes may be able to enhance protein synthesis in their muscles by eating protein-rich foods. When athletes consume excess protein from foods and supplements and the body does not need the extra energy, the amino acids in the proteins will be used for building or repairing muscles. The carbohydrate-to-protein ratio in low-fat chocolate milk promotes energy and muscle recovery and protein balance after exercise.

Why does a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet promote weight loss?

Carbohydrate intake promotes glycogen storage; for every gram of glycogen stored, your body stores 3 grams of water; when carbohydrate intake drops, so does the water weight usually associated with glycogen storage. Without adequate dietary carbohydrate, the liver is forced to make glucose from amino acids taken from the body's tissue proteins; protein tissue contains a lot of water and dismantling that protein results in water loss in the urine. The salt content of carbohydrate-containing foods tends to be higher than that of protein-containing foods; when high-carbohydrate foods are swapped for high-protein foods, salt intake is lower, resulting in less water retention. The amount of energy expended to digest and absorb high-protein foods is more than that required for high-carbohydrate foods; on a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet, the metabolism speeds up and more water is lost through perspiration.


contribution of the macronutrient to energy needs for fueling muscles is generally small

consequences when athletes don't consume enough energy to support their physically active lifestyles?

Loss of muscle mass and bone density Fatigue Menstrual irregularities Greater risk of injury

According to the DSM-5, the three main types of eating disorders are ________.

binge-eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, and anorexia nervosa

Golden rice____

can be grown in parts of the world where a vitamin A deficiency is common is an example of a genetically modified organism (GMO) provides higher concentrations of essential nutrients than traditional rice

Form of psychotherapy that addresses unhealthy behavior by challenging current beliefs and replacing them with more realistic thoughts

cognitive behavioral therapy

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