Exam 4 BIOS

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Name the 6 common names of the different apes. (single-word answers, use plural)

1) Chimpanzees 2) Bonobos 3) Gibbons 4) Humans 5) Orangutans 6) Gorillas

The ability to produce the enzyme that digests milk into adulthood is called _______________ persistence.


Which of the following have dry scales of keratin: lizards, salamanders, frogs, toads?


The term for a monkey that lives in Eurasia and/or Africa is a(n) (two words) _________________ monkey.

old world

Bony fish are also called _________________


The rule of 72 tells you what?

that if you divide 72 by % annual increase, you will get doubling time in years

You find an abandoned nest of screech owl eggs. You raise them in an empty windowless room in Montgomery Hall, and you keep the lights on constantly. You raise them on a constant diet and at a constant temperature. The owls are exposed to the same conditions every single day. Nevertheless, in the fall when juvenile screech owls in the wild (outside) disperse, you notice that your captive birds exhibit increased locomotor activity (restlessness), and this corresponds with them having increased corticosterone (a hormone) levels. There is no way that they could have seen, heard, smelled or otherwise sensed the outside owls or conditions. What should we conclude?

the fall restlessness of your captive owls is innate

Green lacewings start moving faster after they encounter and eat a prey. Thus, we say they exhibit

A kinesis

All male jewel wasps perform courtship the same way and every time they court. Their courtship is ______________.


Does oxygen consumption increase more strongly with decreasing (colder) temperature for ectotherms or endotherms?

-endotherms -metabolism requires oxygen and produces heat. (Roughly food + oxygen --> energy in chemical bonds + heat)

In July 2008, the United States had a population of approximately 302,000,000 people. Roughly how many Americans were there in July 2009, if the estimated annual per capita growth rate in 2008 was 0.88%?

304 million

Why do hummingbirds tend to go specifically to red flowers? Answer: Hummingbirds possess a red photoreceptor that allows them to discriminate red flowers from orange ones. What type of explanation is this?

Non-evolutionary= proximate= individual

If a population is growing exponentially, as time passes, the number of individuals being added per time is


The left structure is from an annelid. The right structure is very similar in how it works, but is from a vertebrate. In what body part would you find this vertebrate's structure? ____________ What word root applies to these structures in annelids and in vertebrates? _____________

kidney, nephr-

Government mandated addition of what vitamin to certain foods, e.g., grains, as in bread and pasta, has been associated with a decrease in the incidence of neural tube defects in the U.S. and Canada? Without such supplements, break down of this vitamin by _____________ may lead to deficiencies in some people.

-Folic acid and a B vitamin -UV light

Of the following, primates, koalas, kangaroos, opossums, apes, bats, whales, lemurs, new world monkeys, echidnas, platypus, how many are egg layers? [1]__________ How many are marsupials? [2]_________

1) 2 2) 3

Which of the following 2 signals are used by bees to communicate information about a food source? 1. The number of times or duration during which they wag their abdomen from side to side during a figure 8 shaped walk. 2. The angle they deviate from `up' while waggling their abdomen as they walk. 3. Whether their antennae are folded against their heads or sticking straight out. 4. Whether their antennae are vibrating up and down rather than being held still.

1. The number of times or duration during which they wag their abdomen from side to side during a figure 8 shaped walk. 2. The angle they deviate from `up' while waggling their abdomen as they walk.

Aggressive or fighting behavior is called [1]______________ behavior, a word that sounds similar to, but is different from, the word for "without belief", which is [2]_______________ .

1: Agonistic 2: Agnostic

In the Northern Jacana, a species of shorebird, each female defends a territory on which there are several males that she has mated with. Each male builds a nest that she lays in, and he cares for the chicks. Females of this species are [1]__________. If each male only mates with one female, males are [2]______________.

1: polyandrous 2: monogynous

Aves have ___-chambered hearts and are _______________ .

4, homeothermic

A population of 13-lined ground squirrels has an annual per capita birth rate of 0.06 and an annual per capita death rate of 0.02. Estimate the number of individuals added or lost from a population of 1,000 individuals in one year. (Hint: note that the following are in units of individuals, not percent.)

40 individuals added 100x0.02=98 98x0.06=103.88 103.88/100=1.0388 1.0388x1000=1038.8 1000-1038.3=38.8 38.8 rounded is 40

Among extant animals, which of the following are found in animal(s) besides Homo sapiens? A. ethics B. tool use C. use of medicine D. cultural evolution E. all of the above

All of the above

Because of extraembryonic membranes that surround the embryo, allowing the embryo to develop in a fluid environment, reptiles, birds, and mammals are together called ________________ .


When a population is growing exponentially, r is a measure of the population's per capita rate of change in population size. It is affected by which of the following?

Birth rate Death rate

The small Pacific island of Pingelap is well known for an unusually high proportion of individuals with what genotypically-based phenotype? (Either the one-word name of this specific version of the trait or a 2-word common name for the trait is acceptable.)

Color blindness

BEGINNING OF 18 As has been shown in an experiment with lizards and UV light, fever in response to infection is thought generally to

Increase fitness and hence to be adaptive

In contrast to a taxis, a _________ does NOT say anything about whether an animal is moving toward or away from a stimulus, only that there was what? ________________

Kinesis A change in speed or turn rate.

Mean (average) # of drops is the left most bar. For a crow trying to open a univalve mollusc, why not just fly very high so they only have to fly up and drop it a couple of times to get it to break open?

That is not where B-C (i.e., Benefit-Cost) is greatest.

The process by which a complementary RNA molecule forms from a segment of DNA is called ______________. (The noun is grammatically correct here, but the singular or plural of the verb will also be accepted.)


The lateral line system

allows the detection of changes in water pressure, like when a prey or predator approaches

Feathers are a characteristic of 0, 1, or 2 of the following: Archaeopteryx, extant birds?


There is a species of beetle in Australia that is less than an inch long. The males will try to mate with beer bottles of a similar color and texture as females, and even prefer the bottle to a female. Given this information, what is the minimum stimulus/stimuli required for the male's response to these bottles?

color or texture or both

The placenta

consists of both maternal (mother) and embryonic (fetal) tissue

In this figure, the dotted line is the per capita birth rate and the solid line is the per capita death rate. There is no immigration or emigration. The relationship shown is representative of a population that is experiencing a(n) _____________ per capita growth rate.


There is a thin muscular sheet under the lungs of mammals (shown in green here). This muscle separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity, and when relaxed, the muscle pushing air out of the lungs, when contracted, air is pulled into the lungs. This muscle is called a(n) _________________


More than 90% of animals do not have a backbone and are called ______________________


This anterior ventral bone of a bird to which flight muscles and ribs attach (and labeled "1" here) is specifically called a(n)

keeled sternum

Green lacewings start making more turns after they encounter and eat a prey, we say they exhibit

A kinesis

Teeth are a characteristic of 0, 1, or 2 of the following: Archaeopteryx, extant birds?


Which of the following are tetrapods?

Aves and amphibians

Fish vary in whether their main skeleton is made of bone or of cartilage in the adult. Which is it in these 2 adult fish?


There was a program to help the endangered whooping crane reestablish historical migratory flyways. Just-hatched whooping cranes in Wisconsin were exposed to an ultralight aircraft. Then as adults, those individuals followed the plane when the plane flew south to the whooping cranes' wintering grounds in Florida. These adults followed the plane because they had ________________ (past tense verb) on the plane.


Beginning of 19 You are estimating the number of box turtles in a small deciduous forest. You find and capture 24 turtles. You put a mark of yellow paint on each box turtle's shell and then release each box turtle where you found it. You come back a week later because preliminary tests showed that the paint does not wear off in this time frame. You have three assistants to help you look, and the four of you catch a total of 60 box turtles. 15 have a yellow paint mark and 45 do not. Your best estimate of the total number of box turtles in this small deciduous forest is ___________ box turtles.


Which of the following is an example of a circannual rhythm? A. Every spring robins gather in the park to build nests and reproduce. B. Mosquitoes are most active at dawn and dusk. C. Just as the sun sets, bats leave the cave in large swarms. D. Fiddler crabs exhibit courtship behavior based on the phase of the moon. E. In the heat of the day, most of the mammals at the zoo rest in the shade.

A. Every spring robins gather in the park to build nests and reproduce.

From the fossil record of humanlike ancestors, we can observe

At times in the past, more than one species of homo coexisted

If a population is growing exponentially, the _____________________________ is constant. A. number of new individuals being added to the population per time period B. the number of new individuals per capita per time C. per capita population growth rate D. B and C, they are the same thing E. all of the above

B and C, they are the same thing

An allele can become more prevalent (common) in succeeding generations by making its carrier (e.g., organism that it is in) help its parents produce more offspring (i.e., siblings) than otherwise would be produced

C. or by making its carrier (the individual that the allele is in) produce offspring. D. because siblings have a high probability of having the same allele.

This graph of human body temperature versus time of day illustrates roughly a ___________ rhythm of temperature dropping 2oC.


As scientists focus more on grouping organisms into monophyletic groups and not just grouping by human impressions of overall similarity, and as new information becomes available, sometimes familiar organisms become reclassified. For example, some phylogeneticists have pushed for birds to be reclassified into

Class Reptilia

1) Chimps and bonobos, humans, gorillas, orangutans and gibbons are all considered? (most specific common name that includes only these extant primates and only them, one word). 2) All but one of those is in the clade called family Hominidae; the exception is?

1) Ape 2) Gibbons

Because a bobcat's body temperature stays about the same regardless of the temperature of the air and surfaces around it, a bobcat is called a(n) [1]______________(one word, careful of spelling); because a bobcat's body warmth is generated by metabolism, it is a(n) [2]______________(one word)

1) Homeotherm 2) Endotherm

1) Can H. sapiens synthesize vitamin C? 2) Can chimps? 3) Can most mammals? 4) What term is applied to the gene for the enzyme to synthesize vitamin C in H. sapiens?

1) No 2) No 3) Yes 4) Pseudogene

This image shows a species of Osteichthyes and #1. is a flap over its gills. The flap increases water circulation. The flap is called an [1]______________ . This term is also used for certain flaps (covers) in dentistry, medicine and other organisms. What is #2? [2]___________________

1) Operculum 2) Lateral line

Softening and weakening of bones in children because of insufficient mineralization or calcification of bones is called [1]____________, and it is usually because of an extreme deficiency of what vitamin? [2]_______________

1) Rickets 2) Vitamin D

In Homo sapiens, where do a male's testes initially develop in utero (in the womb)? ____________1____________ Where are they usually located by birth? _______________2__________________

1) in the abdomen (up by the kidneys) 2) in sacs that hang outside the body

A population ecologist captured, tagged and released 30 echidnas (the egg-laying spiny anteaters related to platypuses). Two weeks later he captured 10 echidnas, 3 of which had tags. Assuming he randomly caught echidnas both times and there was no mortality or migration in between the two times he captured them, estimate how many echidnas were in the population. _____________

3/10=0.3 30/0.3=100

Which of the following have mammary glands: (Select all that apply) A. platypuses B. echidnas C. marsupials D. whales E. bats F. dolphins G. seals H. lizards I. salamanders

A. platypuses B. echidnas C. marsupials D. whales E. bats F. dolphins G. seals ALL MAMMALS HAVE MAMMARY GLANDS

-Like most alleles, the sickle-cell allele affects more than one phenotypic trait. -Two of the traits that the sickle-cell allele affects are oxygen reaching tissues and susceptibility to malaria. -When the amount of atmospheric oxygen is low, e.g., at high altitude, even an individual that is heterozygous for this allele may have too few healthy red blood cells to avoid a life-threatening sickle-cell "crises." -However, individuals that are heterozygous for the sickle-cell allele are less susceptible to malaria. -All the following statements are true, but this example illustrates which?

Adaptations are often compromises.

The sickle-cell allele affects at least two phenotypic traits: 1. oxygen delivery to tissues and 2. susceptibility to malaria. Under conditions of low atmospheric oxygen availability, being heterozygous for this allele can be bad because you may experience a life-threatening health crisis from insufficient oxygen, but can be good because you will be less susceptible to malaria. All the following statements are true, but this example illustrates which?

Adaptions are often compromises

Cultural evolution A. includes one female Japanese macaque having washed off sandy yams and others copying her and it thus spreading through a population B. is facilitated in Homo sapiens by their long period of parental care C. is the differential survival and reproduction of different cultural traits D. includes bird dialects which are learned by nestlings imitating the songs of nearby birds of their own species E. all of the above

All of the above

Which of the following are examples of altruism? A. a honey bee worker dying in defending its colony. B. a honey bee worker helping produce siblings rather than producing her own offspring. C. a Belding's ground squirrel putting herself at danger by calling to warn relatives of mammalian predators. D. a hungry mantid hatchling not eating its nearby sibs even though no other food is present E. all of the above

All of the above

Two population ecologists surveyed and compared two very small deciduous forests for white-tailed deer. They saw 12 per square mile in one forest and 20 per square mile in the other forest. The ecologists were comparing


The left structure is from a jellyfish. The right structure is very similar in how it works, but is from a vertebrate. In what part of the body would you find this vertebrate's structure?


Circadian and circannual rhythms are described as _____________ behavior because the rhythms occur even in the absence of external stimuli like sunlight and temperature, i.e., the rhythms originate inside the individual.


Why do male deer tend to have larger antlers than females? Answer: Male deer with large antlers tend to win more contests against other males, secure more matings, and thus sire more offspring than males with small antlers. What type of explanation is this?

Evolutionary and Adaptive

True or False: A particular behavior has to be determined entirely by genes in order to evolve by natural selection.


All the great apes, i.e., all the apes except for gibbons, belong to family ______________________. (Capitalize scientific names of taxa .)


DNA sequences in many human genes, including in some pseudogenes, are very similar to the sequences of corresponding genes in chimpanzees. The most likely explanation for this result is that

Humans and chimpanzees share a relatively recent common ancestor

Some bird species, when hand-reared in isolation from other birds and with no exposure to snakes, will avoid coral snakes, which are venomous. Is the birds' avoidance innate or learned?


In the real world, many factors determine the numbers of organisms in any one population. However, when a small sample of bacteria are added to a very large vial containing food for the bacteria, initially resources like food, nutrients, and clean space are unlimited for the bacteria and there is almost no mortality. What type of growth is predicted during this time that was just described?

J-shaped curve

Prairie voles and montane voles differ in amount of paternal care they provide and in the distribution of the V1A receptor molecule in the brain. Which one of the following represents evidence that V1A receptor molecule distribution causes the observed difference in behavior?

Lab mice genetically modified to express the prairie vole V1A receptor gene differ from control mice in amount of paternal care

This diagram, shows what? (S-shaped graph) The greatest number of new individuals are added to the population per time where?

Logistic growth, c In the middle

Why does a regulatory gene that turns the lactase gene on and off at about age 5 vary among different populations of Homo sapiens depending on where their ancestors lived?

Milk has made up a large part of people's diet in only some geographic locations

Cockroaches run away from light. This is __________________________.

Negative phototaxis

Are these eggs of on an amniote? _____________ What vertebrate class(es) could the eggs belong to? ______________

No, fish or amphibian

Many ground nesting birds will retrieve an egg that rolls away. If given a choice of her egg or a really small egg or an abnormally big one, she will choose

The abnormally big egg

Keeping in mind definitions, are Homo sapiens better adapted than other primates?

The term is not used to compare species

Which has had more time to evolve since their most recent common ancestor Homo sapiens or other apes?

They have had the same time period

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of all chordates (including humans) at some stage in development?


There is a series of transitional fossils with jaw bones that look in between what you see in extant reptiles and in extant mammals. The reptile jaw joint bones have evolved into certain (2 words, use plural) ___________ in extant mammals.

ear bones

This is from a fish. What are the dark blood filled flaps? ____________ What are the several long spaces in each of the bones that the flaps are attached to? ____________

gills, pharyngeal gill slits

Extant bird species lack teeth. They are still able to grind up food because of a muscular part of their digestive tract that in some species collects gravel that they swallow and that facilitates the grinding. This muscular part is called a(n) ________________.


A long flexible semi-rigid rod that serves as a skeleton and is derived from mesoderm

is seen in the embryonic stage of chordates, and in some species is retained into the adult stage

Your friend is puzzled because she sees a female wood duck in the lagoon that appears to be trying to get the attention of a male mallard duck, and yet is ignoring the courtship of a conspecific male. You explain that you found some unattended wood duck eggs and put them in a mallard nest. You explain that when ducklings first hatch, they become subsequently attracted to whomever, or whichever species, they first see. This is what kind of explanation?

non-evolutionary [proximate=individual]

Looking just at the last 30 years or so, what about the world's "human population size" is finally decreasing?

percent increase in population size per time

In African elephants, a male typically mates with multiple females and a female mates with multiple males. Such a mating system is described as _______________. Use the single term that most completely describes this mating system.


When population ecologists talk about a J-shaped curve or an S shaped curve model of population growth, the axes are both plotted with the lowest value at the lower left corner of the graph, and the y axis is __________, the x axis is ___________.

population size; time

Osteichthyes have a balloon-like internal organ that appears to have been used as a lung ancestrally, but which extant species use to regulate their buoyancy. Like our lungs, the organ forms as an outgrowth of the gut. The organ is called a(n) ______________

swim bladder

As N (population size) approaches K (carrying capacity) in a population, the logistic growth model predicts the following will happen:

the population growth rate will approach zero

Given just the information in this phylogeny and knowing how phylogenies are read

turtles share a more recent common ancestor with crocodilians than with snakes and lizards

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