EXAM #4 Health Assessment II

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The nurse is reviewing risk factors for breast cancer. Which of these women have risk factors that place them at a higher risk for breast cancer? a. 37 year old who is slightly overweight b. 42 year old who has had ovarian cancer c. 45 year old who has never been pregnant d. 65 year old whose mother had breast cancer

ans: 65 year old whose mother had breast cancer (this was in her practice quiz) rationale: Risk factors for breast cancer include having a first-degree relative with breast cancer (mother, sister, or daughter) and being older than 50 years of age.

The nurse is examining a 62-year-old man and notes that he has bilateral gynecomastia. The nurse should explore his health history for which related conditions? Select all that apply. a. Malnutrition b. Hyperthyroidism c. Type 2 diabetes mellitus d. Liver disease e. History of alcohol abuse

ans: - Hyperthyroidism - Liver disease - History of alcohol abuse rationale: Gynecomastia occurs with Cushing syndrome, liver cirrhosis, adrenal disease, hyperthyroidism, and numerous drugs, such as alcohol and marijuana use, estrogen treatment for prostate cancer, antibiotics (metronidazole, isoniazid), digoxin, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, diazepam, and tricyclic antidepressants.

1. The nurse is palpating an ovarian mass during an internal examination of a 63-year-old woman. Which findings of the masses characteristics would suggest the presence of an ovarian cyst? Select all that apply. a. Heavy and solid b. Mobile and fluctuant c. Mobile and solid d. Fixed e. Smooth and round f. Poorly defined

ans: - Mobile and fluctuant - Smooth and round rationale: An ovarian cyst (fluctuant ovarian mass) is usually asymptomatic and would feel like a smooth, round, fluctuant, mobile, nontender mass on the ovary. A mass that is heavy, solid, fixed, and poorly defined suggests malignancy. A benign mass may feel mobile and solid.

The nurse is assessing the breasts of a 68-year-old woman and discovers a mass in the upper outer quadrant of the left breast. When assessing this mass, the nurse is aware that characteristics of a cancerous mass include which of the following? Select all that apply. a. Nontender mass b. Dull, heavy pain on palpation c. Rubbery texture and mobile d. Hard, dense, and immobile e. Regular border f. Irregular, poorly delineated border ANS: A, D, F Cancerous breast masses are solitary, unilateral, and nontender. They are solid, hard, dense, and fixed to

ans: - Nontender mass - Hard, dense, and immobile - Irregular, poorly delineated border rationale: Cancerous breast masses are solitary, unilateral, and nontender. They are solid, hard, dense, and fixed to underlying tissues or skin as cancer becomes invasive. Their borders are irregular and poorly delineated. They are often painless, although the person may experience pain. They are most common in the upper outer quadrant. A dull, heavy pain on palpation and a mass with a rubbery texture and a regular border are characteristics of benign breast disease.

39. When performing an external genitalia examination of a 10-year-old girl, the nurse notices that no pubic hair has grown in and the mons and the labia are covered with fine vellus hair. These findings are consistent with stage _____ of sexual maturity, according to the Sexual Maturity Rating scale. a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

ans: 1 rationale: Sexual Maturity Rating stage 1 is the preadolescent stage. There is no pubic hair, and the mons and labia are covered with fine, vellus hair as on the abdomen.

11. A patient has had three pregnancies and two live births. The nurse would record this information as grav _____, para _____, AB _____. a. 2; 2; 1 b. 3; 2; 0 c. 3; 2; 1 d. 3; 3; 1

ans: 3; 2; 1 rationale: Gravida (grav) is the number of pregnancies. Para is the number of births. Abortions are interrupted pregnancies, including elective abortions and spontaneous miscarriages.

Which of these clinical situations would the nurse consider to be outside normal limits? a. A patient has had one pregnancy and states that she believes she may be entering menopause. Her breast examination reveals breasts that are soft and slightly sagging. b. A patient has never been pregnant. Her breast examination reveals large pendulous breasts that have a firm, transverse ridge along the lower quadrant in both breasts. c. A patient has never been pregnant and reports that she should begin her period tomorrow. Her breast examination reveals breast tissue that is nodular and somewhat engorged. She states that the examination was slightly painful. d. A patient has had two pregnancies, and she breastfed both of her children. Her youngest child is now 10 years old. Her breast examination reveals breast tissue that is somewhat soft, and she has a small amount of thick yellow discharge from both nipples.

ans: A patient has had two pregnancies, and she breastfed both of her children. Her youngest child is now 10 years old. Her breast examination reveals breast tissue that is somewhat soft, and she has a small amount of thick yellow discharge from both nipples. rationale: If any discharge appears, the nurse should note its color and consistency. Except in pregnancy and lactation, any discharge is abnormal. In nulliparous women, normal breast tissue feels firm, smooth, and elastic; after pregnancy, the tissue feels soft and loose. Premenstrual engorgement is normal, and consists of a slight enlargement, tenderness to palpation, and a generalized nodularity. A firm, transverse ridge of compressed tissue in the lower quadrants, known as the inframammary ridge, is especially noticeable in large breasts.

47. A 35-year-old woman is at the clinic for a gynecologic examination. During the examination, she asks the nurse, How often do I need to have this Pap test done? Which reply by the nurse is correct? a. It depends. Do you smoke? b. A Pap test needs to be performed annually until you are 65 years of age. c. If you have two consecutive normal Pap tests, then you can wait 5 years between tests. d. After age 30 years, if you have three consecutive normal Pap tests, then you may be screened every 2 to 3 years.

ans: After age 30 years, if you have three consecutive normal Pap tests, then you may be screened every 2 to 3 years. rationale: Cervical cancer screening with the Pap test continues annually until age 30 years. After age 21, regardless of sexual history or activity, women should be screened every 3 years until age 30, then every 5 years until age 65.

A patient contacts the office and tells the nurse that she is worried about her 10-year-old daughter having breast cancer. She describes a unilateral enlargement of the right breast with associated tenderness. She is worried because the left breast is not enlarged. What would be the nurse's best response? Tell the mother that: a. Breast development is usually fairly symmetric and that the daughter should be examined right away. b. She should bring in her daughter right away because breast cancer is fairly common in preadolescent girls. c. Although an examination of her daughter would rule out a problem, her breast development is most likely normal. d. It is unusual for breasts that are first developing to feel tender because they haven't developed much fibrous tissue.

ans: Although an examination of her daughter would rule out a problem, her breast development is most likely normal. rationale: Occasionally, one breast may grow faster than the other, producing a temporary asymmetry, which may cause some distress; reassurance is necessary. Tenderness is also common

4. The uterus is usually positioned tilting forward and superior to the bladder. This position is known as: a. Anteverted and anteflexed. b. Retroverted and anteflexed. c. Retroverted and retroflexed. d. Superiorverted and anteflexed.

ans: Anteverted and anteflexed. rationale: The uterus is freely movable, not fixed, and usually tilts forward and superior to the bladder (a position labeled as anteverted and anteflexed).

During a health history interview, a female patient states that she has noticed a few drops of clear discharge from her right nipple. What should the nurse do next? a. Immediately contact the physician to report the discharge. b. Ask her if she is possibly pregnant. c. Ask the patient some additional questions about the medications she is taking. d. Immediately obtain a sample for culture and sensitivity testing.

ans: Ask the patient some additional questions about the medications she is taking. rationale: The use of some medications, such as oral contraceptives, phenothiazines, diuretics, digitalis, steroids, methyldopa, and calcium channel blockers, may cause clear nipple discharge. Bloody or blood-tinged discharge from the nipple, not clear, is significant, especially if a lump is also present. In the pregnant female, colostrum would be a thick, yellowish liquid, and it would be normally expressed after the fourth month of pregnancy.

. During an examination of a 7-year-old girl, the nurse notices that the girl is showing breast budding. What should the nurse do next? a. Ask the young girl if her periods have started. b. Assess the girls weight and body mass index (BMI). c. Ask the girls mother at what age she started to develop breasts. d. Nothing; breast budding is a normal finding.

ans: Assess the girls weight and body mass index (BMI). rationale: Research has shown that girls with overweight or obese BMI levels have a higher occurrence of early onset of breast budding (before age 8 years for black girls and age 10 years for white girls) and early menarche.

During an examination of a woman, the nurse notices that her left breast is slightly larger than her right breast. Which of these statements is true about this finding? a. Breasts should always be symmetric. b. Asymmetry of breast size and shape is probably due to breastfeeding and is nothing to worry about. c. Asymmetry is not unusual, but the nurse should verify that this change is not new. d. Asymmetry of breast size and shape is very unusual and means she may have an inflammation or growth.

ans: Asymmetry is not unusual, but the nurse should verify that this change is not new. rationale: The nurse should notice symmetry of size and shape. It is common to have a slight asymmetry in size; often the left breast is slightly larger than the right. A sudden increase in the size of one breast signifies inflammation or new growth.

During an interview, a patient reveals that she is pregnant. She states that she is not sure whether she will breastfeed her baby and asks for some information about this. Which of these statements by the nurse is accurate? a. Breastfed babies tend to be more colicky. b. Breastfeeding provides the perfect food and antibodies for your baby. c. Breastfed babies eat more often than infants on formula. d. Breastfeeding is second nature, and every woman can do it.

ans: Breastfeeding provides the perfect food and antibodies for your baby. (this was in her practice quiz) rationale: Exclusively breastfeeding for 6 months provides the perfect food and antibodies for the baby, decreases the risk of ear infections, promotes bonding, and provides relaxation.

30. A patient calls the clinic for instructions before having a Papanicolaou (Pap) smear. The most appropriate instructions from the nurse are: a. If you are menstruating, please use pads to avoid placing anything into the vagina. b. Avoid intercourse, inserting anything into the vagina, or douching within 24 hours of your appointment. c. If you suspect that you have a vaginal infection, please gather a sample of the discharge to bring with you. d. We would like you to use a mild saline douche before your examination. You may pick this up in our office.

ans: Avoid intercourse, inserting anything into the vagina, or douching within 24 hours of your appointment. rationale: When instructing a patient before Pap smear is obtained, the nurse should follow these guidelines: Do not obtain during the womans menses or if a heavy infectious discharge is present. Instruct the woman not to douche, have intercourse, or put anything into the vagina within 24 hours before collecting the specimens. Any specimens will be obtained during the visit, not beforehand.

The nurse is preparing to teach a woman about BSE. Which statement by the nurse is correct? a. BSE is more important than ever for you because you have never had any children. b. BSE is so important because one out of nine women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. c. BSE on a monthly basis will help you become familiar with your own breasts and feel their normal variations. d. BSE will save your life because you are likely to find a cancerous lump between mammograms.

ans: BSE on a monthly basis will help you become familiar with your own breasts and feel their normal variations. rationale: The nurse should stress that a regular monthly BSE will familiarize the woman with her own breasts and their normal variations. BSE is a positive step that will reassure her of her healthy state. While teaching, the nurse should focus on the positive aspects of BSE and avoid citing frightening mortality statistics about breast cancer, which may generate excessive fear and denial that can obstruct a woman's self-care actions.

During an annual physical examination, a 43-year-old patient states that she does not perform monthly breast self-examinations (BSEs). She tells the nurse that she believes that mammograms do a much better job than I ever could to find a lump. The nurse should explain to her that: a. BSEs may detect lumps that appear between mammograms. b. BSEs are unnecessary until the age of 50 years. c. She is correct mammography is a good replacement for BSE. d. She does not need to perform BSEs as long as a physician checks her breasts annually.

ans: BSEs may detect lumps that appear between mammograms. rationale: The monthly practice of BSE, along with clinical breast examination and mammograms, are complementary screening measures. Mammography can reveal cancers too small to be detected by the woman or by the most experienced examiner. However, interval lumps may become palpable between mammograms.

A 43-year-old woman is at the clinic for a routine examination. She reports that she has had a breast lump in her right breast for years. Recently, it has begun to change in consistency and is becoming harder. She reports that 5 years ago her physician evaluated the lump and determined that it was nothing to worry about. The examination validates the presence of a mass in the right upper outer quadrant at 1 o'clock, approximately 5 cm from the nipple. It is firm, mobile, and nontender, with borders that are not well defined. The nurse replies: a. Because of the change in consistency of the lump, it should be further evaluated by a physician. b. The changes could be related to your menstrual cycles. Keep track of the changes in the mass each month. c. The lump is probably nothing to worry about because it has been present for years and was determined to be non-cancerous 5 years ago. d. Because you are experiencing no pain and the size has not changed, you should continue to monitor the lump and return to the clinic in 3 months.

ans: Because of the change in consistency of the lump, it should be further evaluated by a physician. rationale: A lump that has been present for years and is not exhibiting changes may not be serious but should still be explored. Any recent change or a new lump should be evaluated. The other responses are not correct.

A woman is in the family planning clinic seeking birth control information. She states that her breasts change all month long and that she is worried that this is unusual. What is the nurse's best response? The nurse should tell her that: a. Continual changes in her breasts are unusual. The breasts of nonpregnant women usually stay pretty much the same all month long. b. Breast changes in response to stress are very common and that she should assess her life for stressful events. c. Because of the changing hormones during the monthly menstrual cycle, cyclic breast changes are common. d. Breast changes normally occur only during pregnancy and that a pregnancy test is needed at this time.

ans: Because of the changing hormones during the monthly menstrual cycle, cyclic breast changes are common. rationale: Breasts of the nonpregnant woman change with the ebb and flow of hormones during the monthly menstrual cycle. During the 3 to 4 days before menstruation, the breasts feel full, tight, heavy, and occasionally sore. The breast volume is smallest on days 4 to 7 of the menstrual cycle.

The nurse is reviewing statistics regarding breast cancer. Which woman, aged 40 years in the United States, has the highest risk for developing breast cancer? a. Black b. White c. Asian d. American Indian

ans: Black rationale: The incidence of breast cancer varies within different cultural groups. White women have a higher incidence of breast cancer than black women starting at age 45 years; but black women have a higher incidence before age 45 years. Asian, Hispanic, and American Indian women have a lower risk for development of breast cancer (American Cancer Society, 2009-2010).

The nurse is preparing for a class in early detection of breast cancer. Which statement is true with regard to breast cancer in black women in the United States? a. Breast cancer is not a threat to black women. b. Black women have a lower incidence of regional or distant breast cancer than white women. c. Black women are more likely to die of breast cancer at any age. d. Breast cancer incidence in black women is higher than that of white women after age 45

ans: Black women are more likely to die of breast cancer at any age. rationale: Black women have a higher incidence of breast cancer before age 45 years than white women and are more likely to die of their disease. In addition, black women are significantly more likely to be diagnosed with regional or distant breast cancer than are white women. These racial differences in mortality rates may be related to an insufficient use of screening measures and a lack of access to health care.

37. During a vaginal examination of a 38-year-old woman, the nurse notices that the vulva and vagina are erythematous and edematous with thick, white, curdlike discharge adhering to the vaginal walls. The woman reports intense pruritus and thick white discharge from her vagina. The nurse knows that these history and physical examination findings are most consistent with which condition? a. Candidiasis b. Trichomoniasis c. Atrophic vaginitis d. Bacterial vaginosis

ans: Candidiasis rationale: The woman with candidiasis often reports intense pruritus and thick white discharge. The vulva and vagina are erythematous and edematous. The discharge is usually thick, white, and curdlike. Infection with trichomoniasis causes a profuse, watery, gray-green, and frothy discharge. Bacterial vaginosis causes a profuse discharge that has a foul, fishy, rotten odor. Atrophic vaginitis may have a mucoid discharge.

In performing an assessment of a woman's axillary lymph system, the nurse should assess which of these nodes? a. Central, axillary, lateral, and sternal b. Pectoral, lateral, anterior, and sternal c. Central, lateral, pectoral, and subscapular d. Lateral, pectoral, axillary, and suprascapular

ans: Central, lateral, pectoral, and subscapular rationale: The breast has extensive lymphatic drainage. Four groups of axillary nodes are present: (1) central, (2) pectoral (anterior), (3) subscapular (posterior), and (4) lateral.

45. A woman has just been diagnosed with HPV or genital warts. The nurse should counsel her to receive regular examinations because this virus makes her at a higher risk for _______ cancer. a. Uterine b. Cervical c. Ovarian d. Endometrial

ans: Cervical rationale: HPV is the virus responsible for most cases of cervical cancer, not the other options.

3. During a speculum inspection of the vagina, the nurse would expect to see what at the end of the vaginal canal? a. Cervix b. Uterus c. Ovaries d. Fallopian tubes

ans: Cervix rationale: At the end of the canal, the uterine cervix projects into the vagina.

While inspecting a patient's breasts, the nurse finds that the left breast is slightly larger than the right with the bilateral presence of Montgomery glands. The nurse should: a. Palpate over the Montgomery glands, checking for drainage. b. Consider these findings as normal, and proceed with the examination. c. Ask extensive health history questions regarding the womans breast asymmetry. d. Continue with the examination, and then refer the patient for further evaluation of the Montgomery glands.

ans: Consider these findings as normal, and proceed with the examination. rationale: Normal findings of the breast include one breast (most often the left) slightly larger than the other and the presence of Montgomery glands across the areola.

A 55-year-old postmenopausal woman is being seen in the clinic for her annual examination. She is concerned about changes in her breasts that she has noticed over the past 5 years. She states that her breasts have decreased in size and that the elasticity has changed so that her breasts seem flat and flabby. The nurses best reply would be: a. This change occurs most often because of long-term use of bras that do not provide enough support to the breast tissues. b. This is a normal change that occurs as women get older and is due to the increased levels of progesterone during the aging process. c. Decreases in hormones after menopause causes atrophy of the glandular tissue in the breast and is a normal process of aging. d. Postural changes in the spine make it appear that your breasts have changed in shape. Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the upper back and chest wall will help prevent the changes in elasticity and size.

ans: Decreases in hormones after menopause causes atrophy of the glandular tissue in the breast and is a normal process of aging. rationale: The hormonal changes of menopause cause the breast glandular tissue to atrophy, making the breasts more pendulous, flattened, and sagging.

20. A nurse is assessing a patient's risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI). An appropriate question to ask would be: a. You know that it's important to use condoms for protection, right? b. Do you use a condom with each episode of sexual intercourse? c. Do you have a sexually transmitted infection? d. You are aware of the dangers of unprotected sex, aren't you?

ans: Do you use a condom with each episode of sexual intercourse? rationale: In reviewing a patients risk for STIs, the nurse should ask in a nonconfrontational manner whether condoms are being used during each episode of sexual intercourse. Asking a person whether he or she has an infection does not address the risk.

24. During the examination portion of a patients visit, she will be in lithotomy position. Which statement reflects some things that the nurse can do to make this position more comfortable for her? a. Ask her to place her hands and arms over her head. b. Elevate her head and shoulders to maintain eye contact. c. Allow her to choose to have her feet in the stirrups or have them resting side by side on the edge of the table. d. Allow her to keep her buttocks approximately 6 inches from the edge of the table to prevent her from feeling as if she will fall off.

ans: Elevate her head and shoulders to maintain eye contact. (this was in her lecture, she said no woman would want to see their vagina being worked on) rationale: The nurse should elevate her head and shoulders to maintain eye contact. The patient's arms should be placed at her sides or across the chest. Placing her hands and arms over her head only tightens the abdominal muscles. The feet should be placed into the stirrups, knees apart, and buttocks at the edge of the examining table. The stirrups are placed so that the legs are not abducted too far.

31. During an examination, which tests will the nurse collect to screen for cervical cancer? a. Endocervical specimen, cervical scrape, and vaginal pool b. Endocervical specimen, vaginal pool, and acetic acid wash c. Endocervical specimen, potassium hydroxide (KOH) preparation, and acetic acid wash d. Cervical scrape, acetic acid wash, saline mount (wet prep)

ans: Endocervical specimen, cervical scrape, and vaginal pool rationale: Laboratories may vary in method, but usually the test consists of three specimens: endocervical specimen, cervical scrape, and vaginal pool. The other tests (acetic acid wash, KOH preparation, and saline mount) are used to test for sexually transmitted infections.

7. Generally, the changes normally associated with menopause occur because the cells in the reproductive tract are: a. Aging. b. Becoming fibrous. c. Estrogen dependent. d. Able to respond to estrogen.

ans: Estrogen dependent. rationale: Because cells in the reproductive tract are estrogen dependent, decreased estrogen levels during menopause bring dramatic physical changes. The other options are not correct.

During a discussion about BSEs with a 30-year-old woman, which of these statements by the nurse is most appropriate? a. The best time to examine your breasts is during ovulation. b. Examine your breasts every month on the same day of the month. c. Examine your breasts shortly after your menstrual period each month. d. The best time to examine your breasts is immediately before menstruation.

ans: Examine your breasts shortly after your menstrual period each month. rationale: The best time to conduct a BSE is shortly after the menstrual period when the breasts are the smallest and least congested.

19. A married couple has come to the clinic seeking advice on pregnancy. They have been trying to conceive for 4 months and have not been successful. What should the nurse do first? a. Ascertain whether either of them has been using broad-spectrum antibiotics. b. Explain that couples are considered infertile after 1 year of unprotected intercourse. c. Immediately refer the woman to an expert in pelvic inflammatory disease the most common cause of infertility. d. Explain that couples are considered infertile after 3 months of engaging in unprotected intercourse and that they will need a referral to a fertility expert.

ans: Explain that couples are considered infertile after 1 year of unprotected intercourse. rationale: Infertility is considered after 1 year of engaging in unprotected sexual intercourse without conceiving. The other actions are not appropriate.

In examining a 70-year-old male patient, the nurse notices that he has bilateral gynecomastia. Which of the following describes the nurse's best course of action? a. Recommend that he make an appointment with his physician for a mammogram. b. Ignore it. Benign breast enlargement in men is not unusual. c. Explain that this condition may be the result of hormonal changes, and recommend that he see his physician. d. Explain that gynecomastia in men is usually associated with prostate enlargement and recommend that he be thoroughly screened.

ans: Explain that this condition may be the result of hormonal changes, and recommend that he see his physician. rationale: Gynecomastia may reappear in the aging man and may be attributable to a testosterone deficiency.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the internal structures of the breast? The breast is made up of: a. Primarily muscle with very little fibrous tissue. b. Fibrous, glandular, and adipose tissues. c. Primarily milk ducts, known as lactiferous ducts. d. Glandular tissue, which supports the breast by attaching to the chest wall.

ans: Fibrous, glandular, and adipose tissues. rationale: The breast is made up of glandular, fibrous (including the suspensory ligaments), and adipose tissues.

22. When the nurse is discussing sexuality and sexual issues with an adolescent, a permission statement helps convey that it is normal to think or feel a certain way. Which statement is the best example of a permission statement? a. It is okay that you have become sexually active. b. Girls your age often have questions about sexual activity. Do you have any questions? c. If it is okay with you, I'd like to ask you some questions about your sexual history. d. Girls your age often engage in sexual activities. It is okay to tell me if you have had intercourse.

ans: Girls your age often have questions about sexual activity. Do you have any questions? rationale: The examiner should start with a permission statement such as, Girls your age often experience A permission statement conveys the idea that it is normal to think or feel a certain way, and implying that the topic is normal and unexceptional is important.

33. The nurse is palpating a female patients adnexa. The findings include a firm, smooth uterine wall; the ovaries are palpable and feel smooth and firm. The fallopian tube is firm and pulsating. The nurses most appropriate course of action would be to: a. Tell the patient that her examination is normal. b. Give her an immediate referral to a gynecologist. c. Suggest that she return in a month for a recheck to verify the findings. d. Tell the patient that she may have an ovarian cyst that should be evaluated further.

ans: Give her an immediate referral to a gynecologist. rationale: Normally, the uterine wall feels firm and smooth, with the contour of the fundus rounded. Ovaries are not often palpable, but when they are, they normally feel smooth, firm, and almond shaped and are highly movable, sliding through the fingers. The fallopian tube is not normally palpable. No other mass or pulsation should be felt. Pulsation or palpable fallopian tube suggests ectopic pregnancy, which warrants immediate referral.

6. A woman who is 8 weeks pregnant is in the clinic for a checkup. The nurse reads on her chart that her cervix is softened and looks cyanotic. The nurse knows that the woman is exhibiting __________ sign and __________ sign. a. Tanner; Hegar b. Hegar; Goodell c. Chadwick; Hegar d. Goodell; Chadwick

ans: Goodell; Chadwick rationale: Shortly after the first missed menstrual period, the female genitalia show signs of the growing fetus. The cervix softens (Goodell sign) at 4 to 6 weeks, and the vaginal mucosa and cervix look cyanotic (Chadwick sign) at 8 to 12 weeks. These changes occur because of increased vascularity and edema of the cervix and hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the cervical glands. Hegar sign occurs when the isthmus of the uterus softens at 6 to 8 weeks. Tanner sign is not a correct response.

43. During an external genitalia examination of a woman, the nurse notices several lesions around the vulva. The lesions are pink, moist, soft, and pointed papules. The patient states that she is not aware of any problems in that area. The nurse recognizes that these lesions may be: a. Syphilitic chancre. b. Herpes simplex virus type 2 (herpes genitalis). c. HPV or genital warts. d. Pediculosis pubis (crab lice).

ans: HPV or genital warts. rationale: HPV lesions are painless, warty growths that the woman may not notice. Lesions are pink or flesh colored, soft, pointed, moist, warty papules that occur in single or multiple cauliflower-like patches around the vulva, introitus, anus, vagina, or cervix. Herpetic lesions are painful clusters of small, shallow vesicles with surrounding erythema. Syphilitic chancres begin as a solitary silvery papule that erodes into a red, round or oval superficial ulcer with a yellowish discharge. Pediculosis pubis causes severe perineal itching and excoriations and erythematous areas.

A patient is newly diagnosed with benign breast disease. The nurse recognizes which statement about benign breast disease to be true? The presence of benign breast disease: a. Makes it hard to examine the breasts. b. Frequently turns into cancer in a woman's later years. c. Is easily reduced with hormone replacement therapy. d. Is usually diagnosed before a woman reaches childbearing age.

ans: Makes it hard to examine the breasts. rationale: The presence of benign breast disease (formerly fibrocystic breast disease) makes it hard to examine the breasts; the general lumpiness of the breast conceals a new lump. The other statements are not true.

13. A 50-year-old woman calls the clinic because she has noticed some changes in her body and breasts and wonders if these changes could be attributable to the hormone replacement therapy (HRT) she started 3 months earlier. The nurse should tell her: a. HRT is at such a low dose that side effects are very unusual. b. HRT has several side effects, including fluid retention, breast tenderness, and vaginal bleeding. c. Vaginal bleeding with HRT is very unusual; I suggest you come into the clinic immediately to have this evaluated. d. It sounds as if your dose of estrogen is too high; I think you may need to decrease the amount you are taking and then call back in a week.

ans: HRT has several side effects, including fluid retention, breast tenderness, and vaginal bleeding. rationale: Side effects of HRT include fluid retention, breast pain, and vaginal bleeding. The other responses are not correct.

38. A 22-year-old woman is being seen at the clinic for problems with vulvar pain, dysuria, and fever. On physical examination, the nurse notices clusters of small, shallow vesicles with surrounding erythema on the labia. Inguinal lymphadenopathy present is also present. The most likely cause of these lesions is: a. Pediculosis pubis. b. Contact dermatitis. c. HPV. d. Herpes simplex virus type 2.

ans: Herpes simplex virus type 2. rationale: Herpes simplex virus type 2 exhibits clusters of small, shallow vesicles with surrounding erythema that erupt on the genital areas. Inguinal lymphadenopathy is also present. The woman reports local pain, dysuria, and fever.

12. During the interview with a female patient, the nurse gathers data that indicate the patient is perimenopausal. Which of these statements made by this patient leads to this conclusion? a. I have noticed that my muscles ache at night when I go to bed. b. I will be very happy when I can stop worrying about having a period. c. I have been noticing that I sweat a lot more than I used to, especially at night. d. I have only been pregnant twice, but both times I had breast tenderness as my first symptom.

ans: I have been noticing that I sweat a lot more than I used to, especially at night. rationale: Hormone shifts occur during the perimenopausal period, and associated symptoms of menopause may occur, such as hot flashes, night sweats, numbness and tingling, headache, palpitations, drenching sweats, mood swings, vaginal dryness, and itching. The other responses are not correct.

A 9-year-old girl is in the clinic for a sport physical examination. After some initial shyness she finally asks, Am I normal? I don't seem to need a bra yet, but I have some friends who do. What if I never get breasts? The nurse's best response would be: a. Don't worry, you still have plenty of time to develop. b. I know just how you feel, I was a late bloomer myself. Just be patient, and they will grow. c. You will probably get your periods before you notice any significant growth in your breasts. d. I understand that it is hard to feel different from your friends. Breasts usually develop between 8 and 10 years of age.

ans: I understand that it is hard to feel different from your friends. Breasts usually develop between 8 and 10 years of age. rationale: Adolescent breast development usually begins between 8 and 10 years of age. The nurse should not belittle the girls feelings by using statements like dont worry or by sharing personal experiences. The beginning of breast development precedes menarche by approximately 2 years.

During a breast health interview, a patient states that she has noticed pain in her left breast. The nurses most appropriate response to this would be: a. Don't worry about the pain; breast cancer is not painful. b. I would like some more information about the pain in your left breast. c. Oh, I had pain like that after my son was born; it turned out to be a blocked milk duct. d. Breast pain is almost always the result of benign breast disease.

ans: I would like some more information about the pain in your left breast. rationale: Breast pain occurs with trauma, inflammation, infection, or benign breast disease. The nurse will need to gather more information about the patients pain rather than make statements that ignore the patients concerns.

15. During the interview, a patient reveals that she has some vaginal discharge. She is worried that it may be a sexually transmitted infection. The nurses most appropriate response to this would be: a. Oh, don't worry. Some cyclic vaginal discharge is normal. b. Have you been engaging in unprotected sexual intercourse? c. I'd like some information about the discharge. What color is it? d. Have you had any urinary incontinence associated with the discharge?

ans: I'd like some information about the discharge. What color is it? rationale: Questions that help the patient reveal more information about her symptoms should be asked in a nonthreatening manner. Asking about the amount, color, and odor of the vaginal discharge provides the opportunity for further assessment. Normal vaginal discharge is small, clear or cloudy, and always non-irritating.

18. A 22-year-old woman has been considering using oral contraceptives. As a part of her health history, the nurse should ask: a. Do you have a history of heart murmurs? b. Will you be in a monogamous relationship? c. Have you carefully thought this choice through? d. If you smoke, how many cigarettes do you smoke per day?

ans: If you smoke, how many cigarettes do you smoke per day? rationale: Oral contraceptives, together with cigarette smoking, increase the risk for cardiovascular side effects. If cigarettes are used, then the nurse should assess the patient's smoking history. The other questions are not appropriate.

35. The nurse is preparing to examine the external genitalia of a school-age girl. Which position would be most appropriate in this situation? a. In the parents lap b. In a frog-leg position on the examining table c. In the lithotomy position with the feet in stirrups d. Lying flat on the examining table with legs extended

ans: In a frog-leg position on the examining table rationale: For school-age children, placing them on the examining table in a frog-leg position is best. With toddlers and preschoolers, having the child on the parents lap in a frog-leg position is best.

If a patient reports a recent breast infection, then the nurse should expect to find ________ node enlargement. a. Nonspecific b. Ipsilateral axillary c. Contralateral axillary d. Inguinal and cervical

ans: Ipsilateral axillary rationale: The breast has extensive lymphatic drainage. Most of the lymph, more than 75%, drains into the ipsilateral, or same side, axillary nodes.

A new mother calls the clinic to report that part of her left breast is red, swollen, tender, very hot, and hard. She has a fever of 38.3 C. She also has had symptoms of influenza, such as chills, sweating, and feeling tired. The nurse notices that she has been breastfeeding for 1 month. From her description, what condition does the nurse suspect? a. Mastitis b. Paget disease c. Plugged milk duct d. Mammary duct ectasia

ans: Mastitis rationale: The symptoms describe mastitis, which stems from an infection or stasis caused by a plugged duct. A plugged duct does not have infection present.

10. A woman is in the clinic for an annual gynecologic examination. The nurse should plan to begin the interview with the: a. Menstrual history, because it is generally nonthreatening. b. Obstetric history, because it includes the most important information. c. Urinary system history, because problems may develop in this area as well. d. Sexual history, because discussing it first will build rapport.

ans: Menstrual history, because it is generally nonthreatening. (in her lecture, might come out) rationale: Menstrual history is usually non-threatening and therefore a good topic with which to begin the interview. Obstetric, urinary, and sexual histories are also part of the interview but not necessarily the best topics with which to start.

26. The nurse has just completed an inspection of a nulliparous womans external genitalia. Which of these would be a description of a finding within normal limits? a. Redness of the labia majora b. Multiple non-tender sebaceous cysts c. Discharge that is foul smelling and irritating d. Gaping and slightly shriveled labia majora

ans: Multiple non-tender sebaceous cysts rationale: No lesions should be noted, except for the occasional sebaceous cysts, which are yellowish 1-cm nodules that are firm, nontender, and often multiple. The labia majora are dark pink, moist, and symmetric; redness indicates inflammation or lesions. Discharge that is foul smelling and irritating may indicate infection. In the nulliparous woman, the labia majora meet in the midline, are symmetric and plump.

The nurse is discussing BSEs with a postmenopausal woman. The best time for postmenopausal women to perform BSEs is: a. On the same day every month. b. Daily, during the shower or bath. c. One week after her menstrual period. d. Every year with her annual gynecologic examination.

ans: On the same day every month. rationale: Postmenopausal women are no longer experiencing regular menstrual cycles but need to continue to perform BSEs on a monthly basis. Choosing the same day of the month is a helpful reminder to perform the examination.

A 54-year-old man comes to the clinic with a horrible problem. He tells the nurse that he has just discovered a lump on his breast and is fearful of cancer. The nurse knows which statement about breast cancer in men is true? a. Breast masses in men are difficult to detect because of minimal breast tissue. b. Breast cancer in men rarely spreads to the lymph nodes. c. One percent of all breast cancers occurs in men. d. Most breast masses in men are diagnosed as gynecomastia.

ans: One percent of all breast cancers occurs in men. rationale: One percent of all breast cancers occurs in men. The early spreading to axillary lymph nodes is attributable to minimal breast tissue.

41. During a bimanual examination, the nurse detects a solid tumor on the ovary that is heavy and fixed, with a poorly defined mass. This finding is suggestive of: a. Ovarian cyst. b. Endometriosis. c. Ovarian cancer. d. Ectopic pregnancy.

ans: Ovarian cancer. rationale: Ovarian tumors that are solid, heavy, and fixed, with poorly defined mass are suggestive of malignancy. Benign masses may feel mobile and solid. An ovarian cyst may feel smooth, round, fluctuant, mobile, and nontender. With an ectopic pregnancy, the examiner may feel a palpable, tender pelvic mass that is solid, mobile, and unilateral. Endometriosis may have masses (in various locations in the pelvic area) that are small, firm, nodular, and tender to palpation, with enlarged ovaries.

A patient states during the interview that she noticed a new lump in the shower a few days ago. It was on her left breast near her axilla. The nurse should plan to: a. Palpate the lump first. b. Palpate the unaffected breast first. c. Avoid palpating the lump because it could be a cyst, which might rupture. d. Palpate the breast with the lump first but plan to palpate the axilla last.

ans: Palpate the unaffected breast first. rationale: If the woman mentions a breast lump she has discovered herself, then the nurse should examine the unaffected breast first to learn a baseline of normal consistency for this individual.

While examining a 75-year-old woman, the nurse notices that the skin over her right breast is thickened and the hair follicles are exaggerated. This condition is known as: a. Dimpling. b. Retraction. c. Peau dorange. d. Benign breast disease.

ans: Peau dorange. rationale: This condition is known as peau dorange. Lymphatic obstruction produces edema, which thickens the skin and exaggerates the hair follicles. The skin has a pig-skin or orange-peel appearance, and this condition suggests cancer.

42. A 25-year-old woman comes to the emergency department with a sudden fever of 38.3 C and abdominal pain. Upon examination, the nurse notices that she has rigid, boardlike lower abdominal musculature. When the nurse tries to perform a vaginal examination, the patient has severe pain when the uterus and cervix are moved. The nurse knows that these signs and symptoms are suggestive of: a. Endometriosis. b. Uterine fibroids. c. Ectopic pregnancy. d. Pelvic inflammatory disease.

ans: Pelvic inflammatory disease. rationale: These signs and symptoms are suggestive of acute pelvic inflammatory disease, also known as acute salpingitis.

14. A 52-year-old patient states that when she sneezes or coughs she wets herself a little. She is very concerned that something may be wrong with her. The nurse suspects that the problem is: a. Dysuria. b. Stress incontinence. c. Hematuria. d. Urge incontinence.

ans: Stress incontinence. rationale: Stress incontinence is involuntary urine loss with physical strain, sneezing, or coughing. Dysuria is pain or burning with urination. Hematuria is bleeding with urination. Urge incontinence is involuntary urine loss that occurs as a result of an overactive detrusor muscle in the bladder that contracts and causes an urgent need to void.

16. A woman states that 2 weeks ago she had a urinary tract infection that was treated with an antibiotic. As a part of the interview, the nurse should ask, Have you noticed any: a. Changes in your urination patterns? b. Excessive vaginal bleeding? c. Unusual vaginal discharge or itching? d. Changes in your desire for intercourse?

ans: Unusual vaginal discharge or itching? rationale: Several medications may increase the risk of vaginitis. Broad-spectrum antibiotics alter the balance of normal flora, which may lead to the development of vaginitis. The other questions are not appropriate.

25. An 18-year-old patient is having her first pelvic examination. Which action by the nurse is appropriate? a. Inviting her mother to be present during the examination b. Avoiding the lithotomy position for this first time because it can be uncomfortable and embarrassing c. Raising the head of the examination table and giving her a mirror so that she can view the examination d. Fully draping her, leaving the drape between her legs elevated to avoid embarrassing her with eye contact

ans: Raising the head of the examination table and giving her a mirror so that she can view the examination (this was also in her lecture) rationale: The techniques of the educational or mirror pelvic examination should be used. This is a routine examination with some modifications in attitude, position, and communication. First, the woman is considered an active participant, one who is interested in learning and in sharing decisions about her own health care. The woman props herself up on one elbow, or the head of the table is raised. Her other hand holds a mirror between her legs, above the examiners hands. The young woman can see all that the examiner is doing and has a full view of her genitalia. The mirror works well for teaching normal anatomy and its relationship to sexual behavior. The examiner can ask her if she would like to have a family member, friend, or chaperone present for the examination. The drape should be pushed down between the patients legs so that the nurse can see her face.

During a breast examination on a female patient, the nurse notices that the nipple is flat, broad, and fixed. The patient states it started doing that a few months ago. This finding suggests: a. Dimpling. b. Retracted nipple. c. Nipple inversion. d. Deviation in nipple pointing.

ans: Retracted nipple. rationale: The retracted nipple looks flatter and broader, similar to an underlying crater. A recent retraction suggests cancer, which causes fibrosis of the whole duct system and pulls in the nipple. It also may occur with benign lesions such as ectasia of the ducts. The nurse should not confuse retraction with the normal long-standing type of nipple inversion, which has no broadening and is not fixed.

A woman has just learned that she is pregnant. What are some things the nurse should teach her about her breasts? a. She can expect her areolae to become larger and darker in color. b. Breasts may begin secreting milk after the fourth month of pregnancy. c. She should inspect her breasts for visible veins and immediately report these. d. During pregnancy, breast changes are fairly uncommon; most of the changes occur after the birth.

ans: She can expect her areolae to become larger and darker in color. rationale: The areolae become larger and grow a darker brown as pregnancy progresses, and the tubercles become more prominent. (The brown color fades after lactation, but the areolae never return to their original color). A venous pattern is an expected finding and prominent over the skin surface and does not need to be reported. After the fourth month of pregnancy, colostrum, a thick, yellow fluid (precursor to milk), may be expressed from the breasts.

9. A 54-year-old woman who has just completed menopause is in the clinic today for a yearly physical examination. Which of these statements should the nurse include in patient education? A postmenopausal woman: a. Is not at any greater risk for heart disease than a younger woman. b. Should be aware that she is at increased risk for dyspareunia because of decreased vaginal secretions. c. Has only stopped menstruating; there really are no other significant changes with which she should be concerned. d. Is likely to have difficulty with sexual pleasure as a result of drastic changes in the female sexual response cycle.

ans: Should be aware that she is at increased risk for dyspareunia because of decreased vaginal secretions. rationale: Decreased vaginal secretions leave the vagina dry and at risk for irritation and pain with intercourse (dyspareunia). The other statements are incorrect.

The nurse has palpated a lump in a female patients right breast. The nurse documents this as a small, round, firm, distinct, lump located at 2 o'clock, 2 cm from the nipple. It is nontender and fixed. No associated retraction of the skin or nipple, no erythema, and no axillary lymphadenopathy are observed. What information is missing from the documentation? a. Shape of the lump b. Consistency of the lump c. Size of the lump d. Whether the lump is solitary or multiple

ans: Size of the lump rationale: If the nurse feels a lump or mass, then he or she should note these characteristics: (1) location, (2) size judge in centimeters in three dimensions: width length thickness, (3) shape, (4) consistency, (5) motility, (6) distinctness, (7) nipple, (8) the skin over the lump, (9) tenderness, and (10) lymphadenopathy.

The nurse is performing a breast examination. Which of these statements best describes the correct procedure to use when screening for nipple and skin retraction during a breast examination? Have the woman: a. Bend over and touch her toes. b. Lie down on her left side and notice any retraction. c. Shift from a supine position to a standing position, and note any lag or retraction. d. Slowly lift her arms above her head, and note any retraction or lag in movement.

ans: Slowly lift her arms above her head, and note any retraction or lag in movement. rationale: The woman should be directed to change position while checking the breasts for signs of skin retraction. Initially, she should be asked to lift her arms slowly over her head. Both breasts should move up symmetrically. Retraction signs are due to fibrosis in the breast tissue, usually caused by growing neoplasms. The nurse should notice whether movement of one breast is lagging.

44. During an examination, the nurse would expect the cervical os of a woman who has never had children to appear: a. Stellate. b. Small and round. c. As a horizontal irregular slit. d. Everted.

ans: Small and round. rationale: The cervical os in a nulliparous woman is small and round. In the parous woman, it is a horizontal, irregular slit that also may show healed lacerations on the sides

27. The nurse is preparing for an internal genitalia examination of a woman. Which order of the examination is correct? a. Bimanual, speculum, and rectovaginal b. Speculum, rectovaginal, and bimanual c. Speculum, bimanual, and rectovaginal d. Rectovaginal, bimanual, and speculum

ans: Speculum, bimanual, and rectovaginal rationale: The correct sequence is speculum examination, then bimanual examination after removing the speculum, and then rectovaginal examination. The examiner should change gloves before performing the rectovaginal examination to avoid spreading any possible infection.

The nurse is palpating a female patients breasts during an examination. Which of these positions is most likely to make significant lumps more distinct during breast palpation? a. Supine with the arms raised over her head b. Sitting with the arms relaxed at her sides c. Supine with the arms relaxed at her sides d. Sitting with the arms flexed and fingertips touching her shoulders

ans: Supine with the arms raised over her head rationale: The nurse should help the woman to a supine position, tuck a small pad under the side to be palpated, and help the woman raise her arm over her head. These maneuvers will flatten the breast tissue and medially displace it. Any significant lumps will then feel more distinct.

When a breastfeeding mother is diagnosed with a breast abscess, which of these instructions from the nurse is correct? The mother needs to: a. Continue to nurse on both sides to encourage milk flow. b. Immediately discontinue nursing to allow for healing. c. Temporarily discontinue nursing on the affected breast, and manually express milk and discard it. d. Temporarily discontinue nursing on affected breast, but manually express milk and give it to the baby.

ans: Temporarily discontinue nursing on the affected breast, and manually express milk and discard it. rationale: With a breast abscess, the patient must temporarily discontinue nursing on the affected breast, manually express the milk, and then discard it. Nursing can continue on the unaffected side.

The nurse is conducting a class on BSE. Which of these statements indicates the proper BSE technique? a. The best time to perform BSE is in the middle of the menstrual cycle. b. The woman needs to perform BSE only bi-monthly unless she has fibrocystic breast tissue. c. The best time to perform a BSE is 4 to 7 days after the first day of the menstrual period. d. If she suspects that she is pregnant, then the woman should not perform a BSE until her baby is born.

ans: The best time to perform a BSE is 4 to 7 days after the first day of the menstrual period. (this was in her practice quiz) rationale: The nurse should help each woman establish a regular schedule of self-care. The best time to conduct a BSE is right after the menstrual period, or the fourth through seventh day of the menstrual cycle, when the breasts are the smallest and least congested. The pregnant or menopausal woman who is not having menstrual periods should be advised to select a familiar date to examine her breasts each month for example, her birth date or the day the rent is due.

29. The nurse is examining a 35-year-old female patient. During the health history, the nurse notices that she has had two term pregnancies, and both babies were delivered vaginally. During the internal examination, the nurse observes that the cervical os is a horizontal slit with some healed lacerations and that the cervix has some nabothian cysts that are small, smooth, and yellow. In addition, the nurse notices that the cervical surface is granular and red, especially around the os. Finally, the nurse notices the presence of stringy, opaque, odorless secretions. Which of these findings are abnormal? a. Nabothian cysts are present. b. The cervical os is a horizontal slit. c. The cervical surface is granular and red. d. Stringy and opaque secretions are present.

ans: The cervical surface is granular and red. rationale: Normal findings: Nabothian cysts may be present on the cervix after childbirth. The cervical os is a horizontal, irregular slit in the parous woman. Secretions vary according to the day of the menstrual cycle, and may be clear and thin or thick, opaque, and stringy. The surface is normally smooth, but cervical eversion, or ectropion, may occur where the endocervical canal is rolled out. Abnormal finding: The cervical surface should not be reddened or granular, which may indicate a lesion

32. When performing the bimanual examination, the nurse notices that the cervix feels smooth and firm, is round, and is fixed in place (does not move). When cervical palpation is performed, the patient complains of some pain. The nurses interpretation of these results should be which of these? a. These findings are all within normal limits. b. Cervical consistency should be soft and velvety not firm. c. The cervix should move when palpated; an immobile cervix may indicate malignancy. d. Pain may occur during palpation of the cervix.

ans: The cervix should move when palpated; an immobile cervix may indicate malignancy rationale: Normally, the cervix feels smooth and firm, similar to the consistency of the tip of the nose. It softens and feels velvety at 5 to 6 weeks of pregnancy (Goodell sign). The cervix should be evenly rounded. With a finger on either side, the examiner should be able to move the cervix gently from side to side, and doing so should produce no pain for the patient. Hardness of the cervix may occur with malignancy. Immobility may occur with malignancy, and pain may occur with inflammation or ectopic pregnancy.

A 14-year-old girl is anxious about not having reached menarche. When taking the health history, the nurse should ascertain which of the following? The age that: a. The girl began to develop breasts. b. Her mother developed breasts. c. She began to develop pubic hair. d. She began to develop axillary hair.

ans: The girl began to develop breasts. rationale: Full development from stage 2 to stage 5 takes an average of 3 years, although the range is 1 to 6 years. Pubic hair develops during this time, and axillary hair appears 2 years after the onset of pubic hair. The beginning of breast development precedes menarche by approximately 2 years. Menarche occurs in breast development stage 3 or 4, usually just after the peak of the adolescent growth spurt, which occurs around age 12 years.

A 65-year-old patient remarks that she just cannot believe that her breasts sag so much. She states it must be from a lack of exercise. What explanation should the nurse offer her? After menopause: a. Only women with large breasts experience sagging. b. Sagging is usually due to decreased muscle mass within the breast. c. A diet that is high in protein will help maintain muscle mass, which keeps the breasts from sagging. d. The glandular and fat tissue atrophies, causing breast size and elasticity to diminish, resulting in breasts that sag.

ans: The glandular and fat tissue atrophies, causing breast size and elasticity to diminish, resulting in breasts that sag. rationale: After menopause, the glandular tissue atrophies and is replaced with connective tissue. The fat envelope also atrophies, beginning in the middle years and becoming significant in the eighth and ninth decades of life. These changes decrease breast size and elasticity; consequently, the breasts droop and sag, looking flattened and flabby.

In performing a breast examination, the nurse knows that examining the upper outer quadrant of the breast is especially important. The reason for this is that the upper outer quadrant is: a. The largest quadrant of the breast. b. The location of most breast tumors. c. Where most of the suspensory ligaments attach. d. More prone to injury and calcifications than other locations in the breast.

ans: The location of most breast tumors. rationale: The upper outer quadrant is the site of most breast tumors. In the upper outer quadrant, the nurse should notice the axillary tail of Spence, the cone-shaped breast tissue that projects up into the axilla, close to the pectoral group of axillary lymph nodes.

23. The nurse is preparing to interview a postmenopausal woman. Which of these statements is true as it applies to obtaining the health history of a postmenopausal woman? a. The nurse should ask a postmenopausal woman if she has ever had vaginal bleeding. b. Once a woman reaches menopause, the nurse does not need to ask any history questions. c. The nurse should screen for monthly breast tenderness. d. Postmenopausal women are not at risk for contracting STIs; therefore, these questions can be omitted.

ans: The nurse should ask a postmenopausal woman if she has ever had vaginal bleeding. rationale: Postmenopausal bleeding warrants further workup and referral. The other statements are not true.

34. A 65-year-old woman is in the office for routine gynecologic care. She had a complete hysterectomy 3 months ago after cervical cancer was detected. Which statement does the nurse know to be true regarding this visit? a. Her cervical mucosa will be red and dry looking. b. She will not need to have a Pap smear performed. c. The nurse can expect to find that her uterus will be somewhat enlarged and her ovaries small and hard. d. The nurse should plan to lubricate the instruments and the examining hand adequately to avoid a painful examination.

ans: The nurse should plan to lubricate the instruments and the examining hand adequately to avoid a painful examination. rationale: In the aging adult woman, natural lubrication is decreased; therefore, to avoid a painful examination, the nurse should take care to lubricate the instruments and the examining hand adequately. Menopause, with the resulting decrease in estrogen production, shows numerous physical changes. The cervix shrinks and looks pale and glistening. With the bimanual examination, the uterus feels smaller and firmer and the ovaries are not normally palpable. Women should continue cervical cancer screening up to age 65 years if they have an intact cervix and are in good health. Women who have had a total hysterectomy do not need cervical cancer screening if they have 3 consecutive negative Pap tests or 2 or more consecutive negative HIV and Pap tests within the last 10 years.

1. During a health history, a 22-year old woman asks, Can I get that vaccine for human papilloma virus (HPV)? I have genital warts and Id like them to go away! What is the nurses best response? a. The HPV vaccine is for girls and women ages 9 to 26 years, so we can start that today. b. This vaccine is only for girls who have not yet started to become sexually active. c. Let's check with the physician to see if you are a candidate for this vaccine. d. The vaccine cannot protect you if you already have an HPV infection.

ans: The vaccine cannot protect you if you already have an HPV infection. rationale: The HPV vaccine is appropriate for girls and women age 9 to 26 years and is administered to prevent cervical cancer by preventing HPV infections before girls become sexually active. However, it cannot protect the woman if an HPV infection is already present.

28. During an internal examination of a woman's genitalia, the nurse will use which technique for proper insertion of the speculum? a. The woman is instructed to bear down, the speculum blades are opened and applied in a swift, upward movement. b. The blades of the speculum are inserted on a horizontal plane, turning them to a 30-degree angle while continuing to insert them. The woman is asked to bear down after the speculum is inserted. c. The woman is instructed to bear down, the width of the blades are horizontally turned, and the speculum is inserted downward at a 45-degree angle toward the small of the woman's back. d. The blades are locked open by turning the thumbscrew. Once the blades are open, pressure is applied to the introitus and the blades are inserted downward at a 45-degree angle to bring the cervix into view.

ans: The woman is instructed to bear down, the width of the blades are horizontally turned, and the speculum is inserted downward at a 45-degree angle toward the small of the woman's back. rationale: The examiner should instruct the woman to bear down, turn the width of the blades horizontally, and insert the speculum at a 45-degree angle downward toward the small of the womans back. (See the text under Speculum Examination for more detail.)

36. When assessing a newborn infants genitalia, the nurse notices that the genitalia are somewhat engorged. The labia majora are swollen, the clitoris looks large, and the hymen is thick. The vaginal opening is difficult to visualize. The infant's mother states that she is worried about the labia being swollen. The nurse should reply: a. This is a normal finding in newborns and should resolve within a few weeks. b. This finding could indicate an abnormality and may need to be evaluated by a physician. c. We will need to have estrogen levels evaluated to ensure that they are within normal limits. d. We will need to keep close watch over the next few days to see if the genitalia decrease in size.

ans: This is a normal finding in newborns and should resolve within a few weeks. rationale: It is normal for a newborns genitalia to be somewhat engorged. A sanguineous vaginal discharge or leukorrhea is normal during the first few weeks because of the maternal estrogen effect. During the early weeks, the genital engorgement resolves, and the labia minora atrophy and remain small until puberty.

During an examination, the nurse notes a supernumerary nipple just under the patients left breast. The patient tells the nurse that she always thought it was a mole. Which statement about this finding is correct? a. This variation is normal and not a significant finding. b. This finding is significant and needs further investigation. c. A supernumerary nipple also contains glandular tissue and may leak milk during pregnancy and lactation. d. The patient is correcta supernumerary nipple is actually a mole that happens to be located under the breast.

ans: This variation is normal and not a significant finding. rationale: A supernumerary nipple looks like a mole, but close examination reveals a tiny nipple and areola; it is not a significant finding.

2. During an examination, the nurse observes a female patients vestibule and expects to see the: a. Urethral meatus and vaginal orifice. b. Vaginal orifice and vestibular (Bartholin) glands. c. Urethral meatus and paraurethral (Skene) glands. d. Paraurethral (Skene) and vestibular (Bartholin) glands.

ans: Urethral meatus and vaginal orifice. rationale: The labial structures encircle a boat-shaped space, or cleft, termed the vestibule. Within the vestibule are numerous openings. The urethral meatus and vaginal orifice are visible. The ducts of the paraurethral (Skene) glands and the vestibular (Bartholin) glands are present but not visible.

5. An 11-year-old girl is in the clinic for a sports physical examination. The nurse notices that she has begun to develop breasts, and during the conversation the girl reveals that she is worried about her development. The nurse should use which of these techniques to best assist the young girl in understanding the expected sequence for development? The nurse should: a. Use the Tanner scale on the five stages of sexual development. b. Describe her development and compare it with that of other girls her age. c. Use the Jacobsen table on expected development on the basis of height and weight data. d. Reassure her that her development is within normal limits and tell her not to worry about the next step.

ans: Use the Tanner scale on the five stages of sexual development. rationale: The Tanner scale on the five stages of pubic hair development is helpful in teaching girls the expected sequence of sexual development. The other responses are not appropriate.

8. The nurse is reviewing the changes that occur with menopause. Which changes are associated with menopause? a. Uterine and ovarian atrophy, along with a thinning of the vaginal epithelium b. Ovarian atrophy, increased vaginal secretions, and increasing clitoral size c. Cervical hypertrophy, ovarian atrophy, and increased acidity of vaginal secretions d. Vaginal mucosa fragility, increased acidity of vaginal secretions, and uterine hypertrophy

ans: Uterine and ovarian atrophy, along with a thinning of the vaginal epithelium rationale: The uterus shrinks because of its decreased myometrium. The ovaries atrophy to 1 to 2 cm and are not palpable after menopause. The sacral ligaments relax, and the pelvic musculature weakens; consequently, the uterus droops. The cervix shrinks and looks paler with a thick glistening epithelium. The vaginal epithelium atrophies, becoming thinner, drier, and itchy. The vaginal pH becomes more alkaline, and secretions are decreased, which results in a fragile mucosal surface that is at risk for vaginitis.

46. During an internal examination, the nurse notices that the cervix bulges outside the introitus when the patient is asked to strain. The nurse will document this as: a. Uterine prolapse, graded first degree. b. Uterine prolapse, graded second degree. c. Uterine prolapse, graded third degree. d. A normal finding.

ans: Uterine prolapse, graded second degree. rationale: The cervix should not be found to bulge into the vagina. Uterine prolapse is graded as follows: first degree the cervix appears at the introitus with straining; second degree the cervix bulges outside the introitus with straining; and third degree the whole uterus protrudes, even without straining (essentially, the uterus is inside out).

21. When the nurse is interviewing a preadolescent girl, which opening question would be least threatening? a. Do you have any questions about growing up? b. What has your mother told you about growing up? c. When did you notice that your body was changing? d. I remember being very scared when I got my period. How do you think you'll feel?

ans: When did you notice that your body was changing? rationale: Open-ended questions such as, When did you ? rather than Do you ? should be asked. Open-ended questions are less threatening because they imply that the topic is normal and unexceptional.

During a physical examination, a 45-year-old woman states that she has had a crusty, itchy rash on her breast for approximately 2 weeks. In trying to find the cause of the rash, which question would be important for the nurse to ask? a. Is the rash raised and red? b. Does it appear to be cyclic? c. Where did the rash first appear on the nipple, the areola, or the surrounding skin? d. What was she doing when she first noticed the rash, and do her actions make it worse?

ans: Where did the rash first appear on the nipple, the areola, or the surrounding skin? rationale: The location where the rash first appeared is important for the nurse to determine. Paget disease starts with a small crust on the nipple apex and then spreads to the areola. Eczema or other dermatitis rarely starts at the nipple unless it is a result of breastfeeding. It usually starts on the areola or surrounding skin and then spreads to the nipple.

During the physical examination, the nurse notices that a female patient has an inverted left nipple. Which statement regarding this is most accurate? a. Normal nipple inversion is usually bilateral. b. Unilateral inversion of a nipple is always a serious sign. c. Whether the inversion is a recent change should be determined. d. Nipple inversion is not significant unless accompanied by an underlying palpable mass.

ans: Whether the inversion is a recent change should be determined. rationale: The nurse should distinguish between a recently retracted nipple from one that has been inverted for many years or since puberty. Normal nipple inversion may be unilateral or bilateral and usually can be pulled out; that is, if it is not fixed. Recent nipple retraction signifies acquired disease.

The nurse is assisting with a BSE clinic. Which of these women reflect abnormal findings during the inspection phase of breast examination? a. Woman whose nipples are in different planes (deviated). b. Woman whose left breast is slightly larger than her right. c. Nonpregnant woman whose skin is marked with linear striae. d. Pregnant woman whose breasts have a fine blue network of veins visible under the skin.

ans: Woman whose nipples are in different planes (deviated). rationale: The nipples should be symmetrically placed on the same plane on the two breasts. With deviation in pointing, an underlying cancer may cause fibrosis in the mammary ducts, which pulls the nipple angle toward it. The other examples are normal findings.

40. A 46-year-old woman is in the clinic for her annual gynecologic examination. She voices a concern about ovarian cancer because her mother and sister died of it. Which statement does the nurse know to be correct regarding ovarian cancer? a. Ovarian cancer rarely has any symptoms. b. The Pap smear detects the presence of ovarian cancer. c. Women at high risk for ovarian cancer should have annual transvaginal ultrasonography for screening. d. Women over age 40 years should have a thorough pelvic examination every 3 years.

ans: Women at high risk for ovarian cancer should have annual transvaginal ultrasonography for screening. rationale: With ovarian cancer, the patient may have abdominal pain, pelvic pain, increased abdominal size, bloating, and nonspecific gastrointestinal symptoms; or she may be asymptomatic. The Pap smear does not detect the presence of ovarian cancer. Annual transvaginal ultrasonography may detect ovarian cancer at an earlier stage in women who are at high risk for developing it

17. Which statement would be most appropriate when the nurse is introducing the topic of sexual relationships during an interview? a. Now, it is time to talk about your sexual history. When did you first have intercourse? b. Women often feel dissatisfied with their sexual relationships. Would it be okay to discuss this now? c. Women often have questions about their sexual relationship and how it affects their health. Do you have any questions? d. Most women your age have had more than one sexual partner. How many would you say you have had?

ans: Women often have questions about their sexual relationship and how it affects their health. Do you have any questions? rationale: The nurse should begin with an open-ended question to assess individual needs. The nurse should include appropriate questions as a routine part of the health history, because doing so communicates that the nurse accepts the individuals sexual activity and believes it is important. The nurses comfort with the discussion prompts the patients interest and, possibly, relief that the topic has been introduced. The initial discussion establishes a database for comparison with any future sexual activities and provides an opportunity to screen sexual problems

The nurse is teaching a pregnant woman about breast milk. Which statement by the nurse is correct? a. Your breast milk is immediately present after the delivery of your baby. b. Breast milk is rich in protein and sugars (lactose) but has very little fat. c. The colostrum, which is present right after birth, does not contain the same nutrients as breast milk. d. You may notice a thick, yellow fluid expressed from your breasts as early as the fourth month of pregnancy.

ans: You may notice a thick, yellow fluid expressed from your breasts as early as the fourth month of pregnancy. rationale: After the fourth month, colostrum may be expressed. This thick yellow fluid is the precursor of milk, and it contains the same amount of protein and lactose but practically no fat. The breasts produce colostrum for the first few days after delivery. It is rich with antibodies that protect the newborn against infection; therefore, breastfeeding is important.

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