Exam 4 SG

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1) People are motivated by a variety of things such as recognition, accomplishment, and status, which are examples of _________________________________ rewards, the personal satisfaction you feel from completing goals. Pay raises, praise, and promotions are examples of extrinsic rewards, which are given to you by someone else as recognition for good work.


10) In addition to cultural differences, managers must contend with employees in different age groups. For example, Gex X workers are very effective at giving employee feedback and praise, and Gen Y workers (Millennials) tend to be _______________ savvy, tolerant, and value work-life balance.


11) Communication across generations differs, too. For example, Baby Boomers prefer meetings and conference calls, Gen Xers prefer ________________ but will choose meetings if necessary, and Gen Z prefers face-to-face meetings over phone calls.


12) Generation ________ grew up after 9/11 and amid reports of school violence. Their main constant in life is inconsistency and they communicate fast and online.


13) Human Resource Management (HRM) is the process of determining HR needs and then ______________________________, selecting, developing, motivating, evaluating, compensating, and scheduling employees to achieve organizational goals.


14) HRM is important because service and high-tech manufacturing requires employees with highly ____________________________________ job skills. Since such workers are scarce, recruiting and retaining these workers is more difficult and important.

affirmative actions

15) Very controversial policies affecting HR include ___________________________________ which are activities designed to "right past wrongs" and increase opportunities for minorities and women, and reverse discrimination which is discrimination against whites or males in hiring or promotion.

Civil Rights

16) Laws affecting HRM include the ______________________ Act of 1991 that gave victims of discrimination the right to a jury trial, and Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 which requires employers to adapt the workplace (provide reasonable accommodations) if necessary.


17) The ADEA protects workers age ___________ and over from employment and workplace discrimination, and FMLA requires businesses with 50 or more employees to provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to workers when they adopt a child or must care for a spouse or parent with a serious illness.


18) A job analysis is a study of what is done by employees who hold various job titles, and a job __________________________ is a summary of the objectives of a job, the type of work to be done, the responsibilities and duties, the working conditions, and the relationship of the job to other functions.


19) The set of activities used to obtain a sufficient number of the right people at the right time is called _______________________________________. This can be from internal or external sources.

Frederick Taylor

2) The "Father of Scientific Management," ______________________________________, was interested in increasing worker productivity to benefit both the worker and the firm. He conducted time & motion studies in which he observed (with stopwatch in hand) men shoveling coal and iron ore.


20) The process of gathering information and deciding who should be hired is called ________________________________________. Part of this process includes obtaining complete application forms, conducting interviews, giving employment tests, and conducting background investigations.


21) Training and Development involves all attempts to improve productivity by increasing an employee's ability to perform. Training focuses on short-term skills, and ___________________________focuses on long-term abilities.


22) Good employees quit due to limited _____________________________, boredom, and lack of recognition, but managers think they quit due to inadequate salary & benefits.


3) Elton Mayo and his colleagues from Harvard University studied the effects of lighting on optimum productivity. He determined that psychological factors were involved in the experiment and researchers created the term the ___________________ effect to describe people's tendency to behave differently when they know they are being studied.


4) Maslow's hierarchy theory is based on the idea that needs that have already been met do not motivate. According to Maslow, the most basic need is physiological need and the most advanced need is _________________________________________.


5) McGregor's Theory______________________ assumes that workers dislike work and seek to avoid it, while his Theory Y assumes that people like work and are motivated by a variety of rewards.


6) For Expectancy Theory to work in motivating employees, managers should determine what rewards employees value, ensure that performance standards are attainable, and tie rewards to _____________________________________________ (among others).


7) Equity theory is the idea that employees try to maintain equity between inputs and _______________________ compared to others in similar positions.


8) To motivate employees through job enrichment, the work must have task significance, meaning the job has an impact on the lives and work of others. Other strategies such as job _________________________ which involves combining a series of tasks into one challenging and interesting assignment and job rotation which involves moving employees from one job to another can also be motivating.


9) In a globalized world, managers must realize that high-context cultures require relationship building before work tasks can occur, but in __________-context cultures, relationships are considered distractions from the work tasks.

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