Exam 4 Short Answer

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Give three examples of how the monsters described in Book VI of The Aeneid serve a different function in Dante's Inferno.

1- Geryon- in Inferno carry Dante and Vergil to the eighth circle of hell, in Aeneid he lives behind Cocytus and has no important role 2- Erinyes- in Inferno attack Dante and Vergil, but in Aeneid they do not interfere with Aeneas and Sybil 3-Minotaur- in Inferno they attack Dante and Vergil, in Aeneid he is not part of underworld monsters

Give three ways in which Wonder Woman speaks to the changes in the feminist movement.

1. 1920s, women suffrage is enacted. Wonder woman is in a comic that has a female president. this shows next step in feminist movement is women holding office 2. 1960s equal pay act, introduction of birth control. Wonder women becomes front and center of justice league, shows women are equal 3. 2000s, Wonder Woman marries a same sex couple on Themiscyra, this follows modern day feminist movement of non-binary genders. she also becomes superman equal and beats him. shows women have more traditionally male jobs now.

Based on your reading in Morford, Lenardon, Sham's Roman Mythology and Saga p. 694 (and lecture), how is Virgil's narrative of Aeneas in Italy similar to the Iliad? Give three examples.

1. Aeneas and the trojans fought against the Latins. similar to achilles in war 2. It was written in the epic tradition of homer 3. Aeneas kills turnus because he killed pallas. Similar to achilles killing hector. Aeneas showed no mercy to turnus

Based on your reading from Apollodorus, give three different ways in which Artemis is important to the myths of Orion.

1. Artemis is said to have killed Orion in Delos. 2. Orion challenged Artemis to a discus competition and so she killed him 3. according to some he was shot by Artemis for trying to rape the virgin opis

Give two examples of how Vergil in Dante's Inferno serves a different function from the Sybil in Book VI of The Aeneid.

1. Virgil is a shade and dead, Sybil is alive (a human person, haha) Virgil is a inhabitant of the underworld Sybil guides him in from the outside 2. Religious significance for the audience for Sybil; Virgil was Pagan and not significant

Give three ways in which the Athenians' use of Theseus is similar to the United States' use of Wonder Woman?

1. Athenian's used Theseus as a symbol of strength as a sea power, he defeated the marathoning bull. Wonder Woman was strong as well. 2. Theseus brought justice to Athens by killing malefactors, Athenians used this as a symbol of justice. United States uses Wonder Woman as a symbol of justice as well. Lasso of truth= moral justice 3. Theseus was face of athenian democracy, wonder woman was face of american feminism

Based on your reading of Buxton p. 225, give two examples of the impact of Christianity had on Greek myth.

1. Christians dismissed greek myth as misguided projections of natural phenomenons which made greek myths less prevalent 2. Bishop Fulgentius used allegorical interpretation of greek myth to to render the myths suitable for a Christian audience. This changed the meanings of some myths to be favored by christians

Based on your readings of Fulgentius and Cornutus in Trzaskoma pp. 89-91, pp. 111-113, how is the Christian Fulgentius' methods of interpreting Dionysus similar to Stoic philosopher Cornutus' interpretation of Dionysus? Give two examples.

1. Cornutus related Dionysus to wine by saying he is related to old and young men because they both drink and the Mainads because they are wild. Similarly, the Christian Fulgentius' work says Dionysus is the god of all types of intoxication, including drunkenness, loss of awareness, sexual appetite, and madness. 2. Cornutus says Dionysus has a sexual nature, Fulgentius also says this as he translates Dionysus' mothers name Semele into meaning "loose body."

Based on your Top Hat reading, give three examples of how Ovid's Metamorphoses influenced the visual/performing arts.

1. Echo and Narcissus being depicted together even though their myths originally had nothing to do with each other 2. Daphne and Apollo. Daphne metamorphoses into a laurel tree following Ovid's narrative. Her feet change into roots and hands into leaves 3. Ovid's fabrication of Vertumnus and Pomona brought various crone-Vertumnus and virgin-Pomona depictions in art

Based on your reading in Buxton, give three examples of the shifting perspectives of the Trojan War.

1. For the Greeks, the trojan war really happened(it was a historical event) 2. In homer there is no good or bad guy, the trojans and achaeans are similar 3. In Athens troy took on a negative connotation and trojans were seen as barbarians

Give three examples of how Dante's Inferno departs from the geography in Book VI of the Aeneid.

1. Go in through cave and it's a funnel, gets narrower as you go through the cycle 2. Goes from warmer to colder and lighter to darker. 3. The Aeneid splits the underworld into 3 sections, while the inferno there are 9 rings of hell and some have their own pits

Give two examples of how Dante in Dante's Inferno is different to Aeneas in Book VI of The Aeneid.

1. Goal of Aeneas in the underworld to show his pietas and go see his father before he continues on to colonize Italy 2. Aeneas focused on honor and duty, Dante on personal spiritual growth and gloating about seeing his political enemies in Hell

Give three examples of how the monsters described in Book VI of The Aeneid are worked into Dante's Inferno.

1. Harpies: second ring of the 7th circle of hell, snatching away the bodies of those who mistreated their own body 2. Minotaur: outside of the 7th circle of hell, bestial and savage nature of the Minotaur in Greek myth make it a suitable symbolic figure for the souls of the violent in the Seventh Circle 3. Cerberus: guard dog of the underworld, in the third circle of hell the guards the gluttons

Based on your readings in Herodutus' Histories (Trzaskoma pp. 123-128), give two examples of how Herodotus uses myths associated with Trojan War to contextualize Persian War.

1. He says the Persians found Greek at fault because they mounted a military expedition against Asia and destroyed the kingdom of Priam over Helen being abducted by Paris. He says after this the greeks were an enemy of the Persians 2. Persians say the destruction of Troy was the origin of their hostility towards greece

Based on your reading of Buxton pp. 223-224, give two examples of how the Roman poet Ovid re-imagined Greek myth.

1. He wrote the Heroides which was a series of letters allegedly written by female mythological figures such as Penelope, Medea and dido to their male lovers. These letters were written as if they were in a particular moment in the myth and give no hints to future outcomes. 2. Ovid's Metamorphoses universalized greek myth and became an ann embracing mythological handbook for the medeival world.

Based on your reading of Heraclitus Trzaskoma pp. 116-120, give two examples of how Heraclitus uses philosophical allegory in his interpretation of Homer.

1. Heraclitus uses philosophical allegory to interpret homers telling of Athena versus ares. He says that homer uses vice vs virtue and thought vs thoughtfulness. He says Athena defeats ares because she is virtue and he is vice in homer. 2. He inteprets Odysseus' journeys in homer's odyssey as allegorical. He says odysseus is virtue, and he sails past the land of the lotos eaters because they enjoy pleasure too much.

Based on your reading of Ovid's Metamorphoses, how is Ovid's cosmogony decidedly different than Hesiod's? Give three examples.

1. Hesiod's Theogony says Gaia, the earth, as the first to come from chaos and ovid says there was chaos but there was land sea and air that was separated by one god. 2. In Ovid's account one god organized and formed the earth, and in the theogony the earth was composed of the gods themselves 3. The origin of humans in Ovid was from the earth or the creator of the world, and in theogony humans were not created in the beginning of the earth.

Based on your reading in Buxton, give three examples of how the Troy in the Iliad may be linked to the archaeological site of Hisarlik.

1. Hisarlik was the site of a large city in 2nd millennium BC 2. A treaty was discovered at Hisarlik with the name Alaksandu which is similar to the name Alexandros which was the alternative name for Paris of Troy 3. The physical properties of Hisarlik are similar to troy's in myth. Hisarlik has massive walls, exposed site, and flat plains.All similar to troy in myth such as windy

Based on your readings in Ovid's Metamorphoses and lecture, how did Ovid reinvent the myths of Echo and Narcissus? Give three examples.

1. In Ovid Echo is in love with Narcissus. In classical myth it is Narcissus' rejection of male suitors that leads to his curse. 2. Greek myth commonly pairs Echo with Pan and Narcissus with the rejection of male suitors being why he is cursed rather than a curse he is born with. 3. In Ovid, Narcissus is cursed to fall in love with his own reflection and he wastes away trying to obtain the object of his desire. In classical myth, Narcissus kills himself.

Based on our reading of Ovid's Metamorphoses and your reading in Parthenius (p. 301-302 in Trzaskoma), what are the differences between Parthenius' account of 'Daphne' and Ovid's 'Daphne and Phoebus (Apollo)'? Give three examples.

1. In Ovid's telling Daphne was desired by apollo due to cupids arrow. In Parthenius Daphne was desired by Leucippos and apollo was jealous of this. 2. In Parthenius Leucippos dressed as a girl to hunt with Daphne and be with her, and he was exposed due to apollo. In ovid, there was no leucippos. 3. In Ovid Daphne was transformed into a tree by praying to her father's streams. In Parthenius Daphne was transformed into a tree because she prayed to zeus to remove her form humanity.

Based on your reading of Book 2.1-2.558 of the Aeneid in Trzaskoma (pp. 369-379), how does this account of the fall of Troy give a decidedly favorable view of the actions of Aeneas and the Trojans during the fall of Troy? Give three examples.

1. Laocoon advised the trojans to destroy the horse but snakes come out of the water and destroy him. This shows trojans are favorable because the gods were against them, it wasn't their fault for accepting the horse. 2. The greek Sinon tricks the trojans into thinking he is a prisoner of the greeks. This showed that greeks were all liars, and trojans were not so they believed him. 3. Aeneas abandoned the trojans when troy fell because deceased hector came to him and told him it was his destiny to leave. This explains why he didn't stay and fight, makes him more favorable

Based on your readings and lecture, give three examples of how the Trojan war is pivotal to medieval Europeans understanding of history?

1. Many families traced their origins back to the Trojans who were said to have wandered far and wide after the sack of the their city 2. The deeds at Troy came to be regarded as a pivotal events in history 3.

Based on your reading of Horace in Trzaskoma pp. 211-215 and lecture, give two examples of how Horace appropriates Greek myth for a Roman audience.

1. Ode 1.10 is about the roman god Mercury who is equivalent to hermes. The ode is based on the homeric hymn to hermes and emphasizes Mercury's role in civilization and cleverness, similarly to hermes in greek myth. 2. Ode 2.19 is about roman god Bacchus who is the roman equivalent to Dionysus. The story of the maenads is the same but they are called Bistonidae and they handle snakes. Bacchus was also not worshipped by mortals like Dionysus.

Give three ways in which this seen pays homage to the Orpheus' descent to the underworld in Greek myth.

1. Orfeu goes to the missing persons department and defends downwards similarly how he goes to the underworld in Greek myth to look for the deceased Eurydice 2. Orfeu sings to ger Eurydice back like he does in the underworld when convincing hades and Persephone 3. Eurydice tells Orfeu not to look back or she will lose him forever, but he does it anyway. This is the same as in the myth of Orpheus

Based on your reading of Buxton p. 218, what two points does Buxton make about Roman equivalences to Greek gods?

1. Roman equivalents to greek gods were not always equal - mars was favorable ares was not 2. Roman poets made the connections between their gods and those of the greeks and it was very imaginative territory.

Based on your readings in Thuscydides' History of the Peloponnesian War(Trzaskoma pp. 363-368), give two examples of how Thucydides uses Trojan War to contextualize the Peloponnesian War.

1. Says that the greeks have always been weak, even before the trojan war because they were not united 2. says that the trojan war was exaggerated, and the size and soldiers were not as good as the ones in the Peloponnesian war

Give three examples of how the Wonder Woman reflects elements of the Amazons in Diodorus of Sicily's account.

1. She is from Themyscira, which is the same name of the city which the Amazons described in Diodorus of Sicily are from 2. Wonder Woman wears minimal clothing as do the Amazons 3. Wonder Woman is strong and a great fighter as are the Amazons

Give three examples of how the geography described in Dante's Inferno are derived from Book VI of The Aeneid.

1. Styx 2. Cocytus (where Charon crosses) 3.Limbo has similar functions in both (called Blessed Grove/Fields of Mourning in Greek myth)

Give two examples of how Vergil in Dante's Inferno is like the Sybil in Book VI of The Aeneid.

1. Sybil is a prophet who explains and guides Aeneas. Vergil helps Dante through cycles and guides as well. - Lecture 2. Sybil takes Aeneas to Cave of Avernus and there she goes into a prophetic frenzy. Virgil takes Dante to the Gates of Hell.

Based on your reading of Buxton pp. 221-223, give two examples of how the Roman poet Vergil re-imagined Greek myth.

1. The Aeneid is based on the trojan war hero Aenis and rewrites both the Illiad and the Odyssey. It tells how Aeneas founded the city of Rome. Aeneas has odyssean wonderings and illicdic battles. 2.Virgils' Eclogues renews the pastoral genre that had previously been dominated by Hellenistic Greek poet Theokritos. In the Eclogues Virgil invents Arcadia, which is an example of myth-making because it was an idyllic picture of the world of Ancient Greece that he used for political propaganda for Rome.

Based on your reading in Morford, Lenardon, Sham's Roman Mythology and Saga p. 693 (and lecture), how is Virgil's narrative of Aeneas' journey similar to the Odyssey? Give three examples.

1. The invocation/prologue shows that Aeneas went through a long journey like Odysseus did to get home, except Aeneas was going to a new place to settle 2. Aeneas goes through war like odysseus does 3. Like odysseus, Aeneas is blown off course and his journey is complicated by the gods being against him like odysseus.

Based on your reading in Buxton, give three examples of the symbolic landscape of Troy in the Iliad

1. The temple of Athene; where the trojans expressed their prayers for protection 2. Priam's Palace; where the power of humans was 3. Skaian Gates: at the top of the cities principal entrance, sees the downfall of event he greatest invaders

Based on your readings and lecture, give three examples of how the Trojan war is pivotal to Roman understanding of history?

1. Virgil's Aeneid ties the founding of Rome to the Trojan War and dictates the rise of the empire and Augustus Caesar as fate 2. Ovid, also used the Trojan War to provide social commentary about Rome's volatile ideals. 3. Romulus claimed to be a descendant of Aeneas.

Give three examples of how Wonder Woman's Amazonian origins differ from Diodorus of Sicily's history of the Amazons.

1. Wonder Woman's enemy is Ares while the Amazons worship Ares 2. Wonder Woman's Amazonian tribe present paradise and peace, while the Amazons of Diodorus of Sicily are warlike and kill men out of hate 3. Amazons described in Diodorus of Sicily cut off one breast so it doesn't get in the way of fighting, while Wonder Woman retains both breasts

Give two examples of how Dante in Dante's Inferno is similar to Aeneas in Book VI of The Aeneid.

1. both had courage to enter gates/cave of Hell/Underworld 2. both go into the underworld w/ a spiritual guide or seeking spiritual guidance

Give three examples of what women in ancient Rome were expected to do and how they were expected to act.

1. get married and have children 2. embody masculine virtues such as dignity, discipline, and high-mindedness rather than be silly, sexual, and weak 3. be proficient in womanly arts such as keeping a household and weaving

What is the "gospel truth" according the Muses?

According to the muses the gospel truth was that the Titans ran amok in the world until Zeus defeated them and brought order to the world.

Based on your reading in Morford, Lenardon, Sham's Roman Mythology and Saga pp. 690-691, what is the legendary relationship between Aeneas and Romulus?

Aenas was said to have set a foothold in Latium, and Romulus then settled it after he died.

Based on your reading in Morford, Lenardon, Sham's Roman Mythology and Saga pp. 691-692, what makes Aeneas a significant figure in the Iliad?

Aeneas is a significant figure in the Iliad because he was a great trojan hero and survived the war, he also carried his father Anchises out on his shoulder which was very prominent in greek art.

Based on lecture, in what way could Aeneas' defeat of Turnus have been interpreted as a recent (for Virgil) event in Roman history?

Aeneas' defeat of turnus may have been interpreted as a recent event in roman history for virgil as the triumph of augustus' over Marc Antony and his power over Rome.

Based on lecture and your reading of Book 6.237-6.755 of the Aeneid in Trzaskoma (pp. 380-389), how does Aeneas' journey to the Underworld differ from the Odyssey in a decidedly Roman way?

Aeneas' journey to the underworld differs from the Odyssey because the underworld has 3 separate parts: Limbo for the unfortunate, Tartaros for the wicked, and blessed groves for the heroes to enjoy a blissful afterlife. In greek myth, heroes afterlife was not blissful, as they lived dreadfully in the underworld missing their lives such as in the odyssey. It was decidedly Roman because it represented Aeneas

Give two examples of how female characters in the Metamorphoses and the Heroides exhibit agency. Be specific!

Agency is the freedom and capacity to live or act in the world without the express permission of another. 1. Procne and Philomeda(sisters) plan to kill Tereus after he has raped and cut off philomela's tongue 2. Dido kills herself with Aeneas'has agency because she is away from her family in Carthage and chooses to be with Aeneas

According to your reading in Morford, Lenardon, Sham's Roman Mythology and Saga pp. 696-697, how does Aeneas' interaction with Dido speak to the historical relationship between Rome and Carthage?

Dido is the queen of Carthage, who falls in love with Aeneas. Aeneas is also in love with her but he is called upon by Jupiter to leave Carthage and continue his journey to settle Rome. Dido is angry and upset he leaves her and she curses him and all of his descendants. The wars against Carthage are roles greatest dangers, and the origin can be explained by dido's curse.

How is the Disney's depiction of the Fates different than Greek myth?

Disney's depiction of the fates is a combination of the fates from greek myth and the graiai. The fates all share one eye like the graiai and determine ones fate by cutting string like in myth. They are different because they know the past, future, and present.

Based on your reading of Parthenius in Trzaskoma pp. 302, how does eros function in Greek Erotika Pathemata? Give two examples.

Eros functions as a dangerous force. 1. Orion tried to rape Leiro because her father Oinopion wouldn't allow him to marry her and had his eyes burned out 2. Because Daphnis slept with the princess in Sicily he was blinded

How do Eurydice's comments about Orfeu's song speak to the concept of fate?

Eurydice comments that she remembers the words of Orfeu's song, even though they have never met before. This speaks to the concept of fate as well as Orphism because it suggests that there were Eurydice and Orpheus before, and that they had met in another life. It shows that they were fated to be in love.

Which myth of Orion could be used to link Orion to Gustov Holst's Mars Bringer of War?

Gustav Holst's Mars bringer go war is a musical piece about the planet mars. The myth of Orion that could be used to link Orion to Gustav Holst's mars bringer of war is Aphrodite getting jealous of Eos after she sleeps with Ares and making Eos have eros for Orion. Orion and Eos then go to Delos where Artemis ultimately kills Orion and he is put into the stars. Ares is mars and is connected to the constellation of Orion

Who are Hercules' parents? (In the movie)

Heracles parents in the movie are Zeus and Hera. In myth his parents are Zeus and Alcmeme.

Why is Hercules mortal in this movie?

Hercules is mortal because Hades gets his henchmen pain and panic to turn him mortal with a potion.

What does Hercules learn from Zeus?

Hercules learns that he hasn't proven himself a true hero. He tells him that being famous isn't the same as being a true hero.

What are the negative ramifications of Hercules' deal with Hades?

Hercules' strength is takem away for 24 hours. After his deal he learns that megara was working for hades the whole time.

\What does the Muses' "Zero to Hero" say about the nature of Hercules' 'labors'?

The muses "zero to hero" says that Hercules labors made him a famed athletic hero. They says that by completing these labors he was turned from a zero mortal to a famous hero in all of greece.

What is the relationship between eros and metamorphoses in Ovid's Metamorphoses?

In Ovid's Metamorphoses eros is a dangerous force that is the cause of many metamorphoses. For example, Apollo's eros for Daphne causes her to metamorphoses into a laurel tree. Another example is

In what ways is the Philoctetes in the movie quite different from the Philoctetes in the Greek Herakles' myths?

In myth, Philoctetes was a Greek hero, famed as an archer, and a participant in the Trojan War. In the movie, he is a satyr who trains Hercules to be a hero.

According to Jacoff (151), how is the function of the river Lethe different in the Aeneid and the Divine Comedy?

In the Aeneid, the Lethe's function is a prelude to rebirth on earth. In the Divine comedy, the forgetfulness of the Lethe is a stage in reaching the truly "new life" of beatitude.

Based on your reading in Morford, Lenardon, Sham's Roman Mythology and Saga pp. 694, what does Jupiter's prophecy (Aeneid 1.267-279) reveal about Roman destiny in the Aeneid?

Jupiter's prophecy reveals that Rome is fated to be settled by Aeneas and his descendants.

What is the historical symbolism behind Wonder Woman's use of the 'Lasso of Truth'?

Marston created the Magic Lasso as an allegory for feminine charm and the compliant effect it has on people. Marston is often credited with inventing the lie-detector test, which is why Wonder Woman carries a magic lasso that makes anyone she ropes tell the truth.

What are three examples of Roman "masculine" virtues? What are three examples of what Romans thought women were like?

Masculine: 1. dignity 2. discipline 3. high-mindedness What romans thought women were like: 1. weak 2. silly 3. sexual

Based on your reading of Buxton pp. 219-220, give one example of how the Roman comic Plautus re-imagines Greek myth?

One of his dramas, Amphitryo, takes its plot from greek myth but changes it to be more roman. His play takes place in Thebes and involves roman equivalent to greek gods such as Jupiter(Zeus) and Mercury(Hermes).

Which myth of Orion could be used to link Orion to fevers and disease?

Orion's constellation is associated with the dog star because he is a hunter in myth. The Dog Star rises in the summer, which was when fevers were typical in the roman and greek world. Fevers were typical due to malaria, when the Dog Star Sirius was present.

Based on your readings of Eratosthenes' Constellation Myths, how does Orion's mythology explain Orion and Scorpio's relationship in the heavens?

Orion's mythology says that he died from a sting of a scorpion because he assaulted Artemis while she hunted. It was then said that Zeus placed the scorpion among the stars so future generations could see its power and might.

Based on your readings in Ovid's Metamorphoses and lecture, how does Ovid use the theme of metamorphoses to speak to Augustus and himself?

Ovid uses the time of metamorphoses to speak to auzustsus and himself by telling these stories of metamorphoses in which he is eros and Augustus is apollo. For example, he uses the metamorphoses of Daphne into a laurel tree and Apollo chasing after her as that eros is superior to apollo, and therefore Ovid himself is superior to Augustus.

Describe the genre and style of Ovid's Heroides and explain why it is unique.

Ovid's Heroides was a collection of poems that was unique because the poems were written from famous female characters in myths perspective. It is unique because in myth the female's point of view is typically not explored.

Based on your reading in Morford, Lenardon, Sham's Roman Mythology and Saga pp. 695 (and lecture), how does pietas factor heavily into Aeneas' actions in the Aeneid? Give two examples

Pietas is a respectful and faithful attachment to the gods. Pietas leads Aeneas to leave his comfort and pursue a destiny he is not sure of because of the gods. It is also the reason he leaves Dido event hough he is in love with her, because Jupiter tells him to.

Based on your reading in Morford, Lenardon, Sham's Roman Mythology and Saga pp. 691-692, what do Roman historians prior to Virgil say about Aeneas? Give three examples

Prior to virgil, roman historians say he was a great trojan hero, although not as great as hector(1). His legend varies before Vergil but is connected to his wandering over the Aegean and Mediterranean Sea(2) and his arrival in italy(3).

Give two examples of how Eratosthenes uses myth to explain the origins of the katasterismoi of the Zodiac.

THe greek work for constellations was katasterismoi. Twelve contstellations whose paths intersect with the dawn rising of the sun were known as the zodiac. 1. The Didymoi(Gemini the twins) are said to be the Dioscouroi that Zeus wanted to give a memorial, so he sent them together in the same spot among the stars. 2. Carcinos(Cancer the crab) was said to be squashed by Heracles foot during his labor against the hydra and then sent up to be a zodiac

Which myth of Orion could be used to link Orion to Greek viticulture?

THe myth of Orion that could be used to link Orion to Greek viticulture is Oinoipion blinding Orion so he would not marry his daughter Merope. After getting his sight back from Helios, he goes to kill Oinopion but he is underground. This shows that when Orion and Sirius are present, the grape clusters need to be taken care of and this is in the fall. When Orion rises in the east he gets his sight back, and this signals it is time to take care of grapes and begin wine process.

Based on your reading of Buxton pp. 216-217, what early evidence do we have for the presence of Greek myth in the Italian peninsula?

The early evidence for the presence of greek myth in the Italian peninsula was unearthed by Archeologists in Etruria which confirms greek myths were known as early as the 7th century. An example of this evidence is the mixing bowl discovered at Cerveteri that has images of Odysseus blinding the cyclops, indicating the familiarity of the myths of Odysseus.

What does the Guardian's account of Marston suggest was the reason for the theme of breaking bondages in Wonder Woman comic books?

The guardian's account suggests Marston had bondage fantasies. He believed that women loved to be bound and believed that the feminine movement was about women's struggle to break free of these metaphorical bonds.

How does the last seen with Zeca Benedito, and the little girl speak to concepts associated with Orphism?,

The last scene with Zeca, Benedito, and the little girl speaks to Orphism because it shows the reincarnation of Orfeu trhough Zeca. In Orphism, an important concept was Metempsychosis, which was reincarnation into another body. When Zeca is playing, he makes the sun rise like Orfeu did. The little girl says that Zeca is now Orfeu, and she represent a reincarnated Eurydice.

How is the myth of Lucretia fundamental to Roman history?

The myth of Lucretia is fundamental to roman history because it has to do with the overthrow of roman monarchy and the establishment of the roman republic. Lucretia killed herself after Tarquin raped her and threatened to tell everyone she was an adulterer. She killed herself in order to save her families honor which led to her husband Lucius overthrowing tarquin and founding the republic of Rome.

Which myth of Orion could be used to link Orion to Disney's Moana?

The myth of Orion and the scorpion could be linked to Disney's Moana because the character Maui in Mona's hook is the same shape as the scorpion constellation, and the Polynesians use the constellations to navigate their travels. The myths of Orion have him being killed by a scorpion and placed in the stars. In Polynesian constellation myths, maui's hook is scorpio which is fundamental to his shape changing.

Which myth of Orion could be used to link Orion to the Apollo Lunar Module?

The myth of Orion that could be used to link Orion to the Apollo Lunar Module is where Apollo is jealous of Artemis spending time with Orion so he tricks her in to killing him. Artemis spent a lot of time with Orion because she was connected to the moon, and he the stars, and the moon and stars are seen together. In addition, Apollo was connected to the sun, so when Apollo or the sun is visible, Orion and the moon are not.

What natural phenomenon seems to explain why planets (planetes asteres) would be named after gods?

The planets asteres were the wondering stars" due to their irregular movement in heavens when compared to the uniform movement of the fixed stars. Since their movement was unique and irregular this led some philosophers to consider these heavenly bodies as having souls.

Based on your reading in Morford, Lenardon, Sham's Roman Mythology and Saga pp. 693 (and lecture), what does the prologue (Invocation to the Muses Aeneid 1.1-7) declare about the overall theme of Virgil's Aeneid?

The prologue declares that the overall theme of Vergil's Aeneid is about Aeneas and his surviving of the trojan war, along with his connection to the founding of Rome and his role as Rome leaders' ancestor. It talks about how he endured much war to bring his gods to Latium.

According to Jacoff (149), where is Vergil's allotted place in the Inferno? What is Dante's poetic model for the geography of this part of the Inferno? What is the "critique of Classical culture" which Dante makes through his poetic description of this place?

Vergil's place in the Inferno is in Limbo in the first circle of hell, along with the other virtuous non-christians.DAnte's poetic model for the geography of limbo is a hemisphere of light enclosed in darkness, a noble castle, fair stream, and a meadow of fresh green. The critique of classic culture Dante makes through his poetic description is that there is no hope for those in limbo.

How does Hercules rescue of Meg's soul change him?

When Hercules rescues meg he becomes a god. Because he was willing to give his life to save meg. He is then allowed to rejoin the gods .

How does the clerk's comments about Orfeu's name foreshadow what will happen to Orfeu?

When the marriage clerk asks for Orfeu's name, he replies by saying the bride must be Eurydice. The clerk then says that Orpheus loves Eurydice and everyone knows that. This foreshadows that Orfeu will fall in love with Eurydice, who he does not know he just met at the train station.

According to Lepore, what was one of William Marston's reasons for creating Wonder Woman?

William Martson created wonder woman to combat the idea that women are inferior to men, and to inspire girls to self-confidence and achievement in athletics.

How are the ancient images of Amazons different from the images of Wonder Woman?

Wonder Woman's outfit is based on American Patriotism, with colors/patterns of the American flag. Amazonians would have worn something closer to Greek male battle armor. Amazonians breast were exposed, wonder woman were not.

What does Zeus claim is the way to immortality?

Zeus claims that if Hercules can prove himself a true hero he can become a god. He says he must seek out Philoctetes to be trained to be a true hero.

What are two reasons why Ovid might have included female agency in his works? Explain your reasoning.

female agency is females having the freedom and capacity to live or act in the world without the express permission of another. This was uncommon in roman women. 1. To be funny. He may have done this to address things such as women having free agency in society as a way to critique society and add an element of humor which would address things that make people uncomfortable. 2. Proto-feminism. defense of a woman by giving voice to their experiences. Also may have highlighted the hypocrisy of roman rape and who romans considered to be the victim in rape (men not women when it should've been the women)

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