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To gain southern support for the Kansas-Nebraska act, Douglas had to support

The repeal of the Missouri Compromise

What was the justification for excluding rights of citizenship to a particular group?

This particular group was not taken consideration when important documents were drafted

In the 1850s, the most important example of literary abolitionism was

Uncle Toms Cabin

President ___ was a staunh opponent of the key elements contained in the Compromise of 1850

Zachary Taylor

The Compromise of 1850

abolished the slave trade in the District of Colombia

Which of the following parts of the Compromise of 1850 was the most appealing to the North?

admitting California as a free state

The major reason for Winfield Scotts defeat in 1852 was his

alignment with the antislavery wing of the Whig Party

The Wilmot Proviso sought to

ban slavery in the territory acquired from Mexico

Between 1856 and 1860 the sectional quarrel

became virtually irreconcible

During the 1840s, most northerners

both a and b (disliked slavery, detested abolitionism)

The sentiments such as those depicted in the cartoon above most directly contributed to which of the following?

breakdown in trust between sectional leaders

Chief Justice Taney's basic ruling in the Dred Scott case was based on which of the following principles?

since slaves were property, they could not sue

Provision 8 of the party platform reflects the Republican position that

slavery should not be allowed to extend into new territories

Provision 7 of the party platform was most likely in response to which event?

the Dred Scott decision

This political cartoon reflected Northern anger because they still held to the belief that the issue had been settled by which of the following?

the creation of a slavery line of demarcation as part of the Missouri Compromise

Northerners were most upset by the Supreme Court's Dred Scott decision because

the decision allowed slavery into the territories

The republicans were successful in the election of 1860 because

they were able to win decisively in the North

Which of the following parts of the Compromise of 1850 was the most appealing to the South?

using popular sovereignty in new territories

The cartoon above is best understood in the context of the

variety of proposals leaders made that ultimately failed to reduce sectional conflict

Individuals who opposed the expansion of slavery into the territories because they feared its effect on the labor system were known as

Free Soilers

The document was most likely a reaction to which of the following events?

Inclusion of the Fugitive Slave Act as part of the Compromise of 1850

A smaller civil war, which was a rehearsal for the later political disaster in the United States, was fought in which state during the late 1850s?


The political party known especially for it anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic philosophy was the

Know-Nothing Party

The author of Uncle Toms Cabin was

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Which one of the following individuals was most responsible for coming up with the idea of popular sovereignty?

Lewis Cass

Which of the following was not a presidential candidate in the 1860 election?

Millard Fillmore

Which of the following acts of Congress was declared unconstitutional in the Dred Scott decision?

Missouri Compromise of 1820

According to the principle of popular sovereignty

settlers would determine whether a territory would have slavery

To which politicians is Clay directing the last line of the excerpt?

Southerners who were threatening to seced

The first significant effort to create broadly based sectional party, addressing itself to voters concerns about the extension of slavery, was the

Free Soil Party

HInton R. Helpers The Impending Crisis of the South

Preston Brooks

the subject of this handbill contributed to the emergence of which political party?


The US Army colonel who defeated John Brown and his raiders was

Robert E. Lee

What was the long term impact of the agitation encouraged by this poster?

Secession of South Carolina and subsequent southern states

Which of the following, more than anything else, gave birth to the Republican Party in the North?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act

During the 1840s a majority of northerners

disliked slavery, but were reluctant to accept large numbers of Blacks as equal and free citizens

The lecompton constitution

evoked bitter debates in Congress

On the issue of slavery, Republicans defended the rights of

free labor

John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry

increased southern fears of northern hostility

What effect did the above ruling have on previous American legislation regarding slavery?

it declared the provisions of the Compromise of 1820 unconstitutional

The failure of the political parties to develop distinctive issues in the election of 1852

led to voter disenchantment with the major parties

An increase in which of the following was the key part of the Kansas-Nebraska Act to attract Southern support?

popular sovereignty

The above cartoon further reflects deficiency in which plank of the Democratic

popular sovereignty

Which of the following ideas is Douglas appealing to when he says "whether the people of the territories shall be allowed to do as they please upon the question of slavery"?

popular sovereignty

Underlying the rapid growth of the Republican Party was its

position on slavery in the territories

The Free Soil movement supported the exclusion of slavery from the territories because of

racial prejudice and fear of labor competition from slaves

The Court's ruling in the excerpt is most indicative of which of the following developments in American society during the years leading up to the Civil War?

the growing sectionalism in the United States

The controversy in Kansas suggested that popular sovereignty

was an invitation to civil war

The growing division between North and South during the 1840s and 1850s

was increasingly seen in cultural and intellectual terms

In the Dred Scott case, the first question faced by the Supreme Court was

whether or not Scott was a citizen

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