Exceptional Child ADHD Book

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7 frequency severity, persistance, occurance, impairments

A diagnosis of ADHD requires that appearance o symptoms before age _ a greater ____ and ____ of symptoms that in other children of the same age and gender, ____ of symptoms, _____ of symptoms in several settings, and ____ in function

bipolar disorder

A diagnosis of childhood ___ ___ appears to sharply increase the child's risk for previous or co-occuring ADHD.

psychiatric disorders, particularly conduct problems, andexity and mood disorders

A factor that makes ADHD so challenging is that children with the diosder have a much higher than expected rates of other? (4)


ADHD affects _ to _ of all school age children


ADHD and bipolar relationship is ____.

frontostriatal circuitry

ADHD appears to be related to abnormalities in the ______ ____ of the brian and the pathways connecting this region with the limbic system and the cerebellum.

characteristic patterns of begabior, which vary quite a bit from child to child.

ADHD can only be identified by?

Bipolar Disorder

ADHD does not appear to elevate the childres risk for ___ ___.

1/3 and 60%

ADHD does run in the family. About __ of the biological relatives of children with ADHD also have the disorder. Remarkably if a parent has ADHD the risk to their child is nearly ____.

Neurobiological disorder

ADHD has strong evidence for _______ ____, but biological and environmental risk factors together shape its expression

Cognitive deficits, speech an language impairments, medical and physical concern, and social problems.

ADHD is aslo associated with characteristics and problems of? (5)

Development insensitive

ADHD is based soley on children and is not adjusted to ages of older individuals including adults.

boys more than girls

ADHD occurs more frequently in ___ more than ____.


AS many as ___ percent of children wtih ADHD have a co-occuring psychological disorder, such as oppositional and conduct disorders anxiety, and mood disorders.


About __ to __ of children with ADHD eventually develop a conduct disorder.


About ___ of children with ADHD experience excessive anxiety disorder.


Adhd occrs across all ____ levels and has been identified in every country where it has has been studied.


Although ______ might be may be partly related to their demoralization as a result of their symptoms.

Prevalence and intensity

Although some symptoms of ADHD may decline in ____ and _____ as children grow older for many individuals ADHD is a lifelong and painful disorder.

persistent age-inapropriate symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that cause impairment in major life activities

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) describes children who display what? (3)

Mental Effort

Children who are innattentive find it difficult to sustain _____ _____ during work or play, and to resist salient distractions while doing so.

Peers and Family

Children with ADD have Social Problems with who?

seem ubanle to bridle their immediate reactions or they may fail to think before they act

Children with ADHD are impulsive which means they?

planning and self regulation

Children with ADHD display deficits in executive functions the higher order mental processes that underlie the child's capacity for ____ and ____ ____

lower grades, failure to advance in grade, more frequenct placements in special education classes.

Children with ADHD experience school performance difficulties including what? (3)

Health related

Children with ADHD may experience _____ _____ problems especially sleep disturbances and are accidnt-prone.

accomplish much

Chilren with ADHD are extreemely active but unlike most children they don't ______ ____.

Depression Disorder

Demoralization can result from an elevated risk for ___ ____ in families of children with ADHD

Predominatnly hyperactive impusive type

Describes children who have primarily symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity

Predominantly inattentive type

Describes children who primarily have symptoms of inattention

Combined Type

Descrives children who have symptoms of BOTH inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity

Cognitive processes, Language processing, Motor processing, and Emotional precessing

Executive Functioning varied and include? 4

MTA Study

Findigns from the ____ _____ a landmark controlled comparison of intensive treatments for ADHD suggest that for children with uncomplicated ADHD medication may be the best treatment option. However those with ADHD and oppositional symptoms poor social functioning and ineffective parenting, combining medication and behavioral treatment may be the best option

family, adoption, twin and specific gene

Findings from _____, _____, ____, and _____ _____ studies suggest that ADHD is inherited although the precise mechanisms are not yet known.

because of parents thoughts of tolerance for a girls aggression vs a guys.

Girls diagnosed with ADHD is usually found when they are younger than boys do why?


How many children with ADHD have speech and language impairments?

5 1. Organize Prioritize and activate: trouble getting started, Difficult organizing work, Misunderstand directions, 2. Focus, shift and sustuain attention: Lose focus when trying to listen, Forget what has been read and need to re-read, Easily distracted 3. Regulate alterness, effort, and pocessing speed: excessive daytime drowsiness, Difficulty completing a task on time, Slow processing speed 4. Nabage frustration and Modulate Emotions: Very easily irritated, feeling hurt easily, ocerly sensitive to criticism 5. Working memory and accessing recall: Forget to do a planned task, Difficulty following sequential directions, Quickly lose thoughts that were put on hold 6. Monitor and regulate action: Find it hard to sit still or be quiet, rush things, slap=dash, often interrupt, blurt things out.

How many impaired executive functions are found in ADHD? and what are they?


How many limitations does the DSM criteeria have for ADHD?

less; less

In a community sample girls tend to be ___ impaired then boys with ADHD wit respect to their core symptoms and ccompanying academic and social difficulties. Girls are ___ likely to recieve medication vs boys.

Requirement that symptoms must be demonstrated across at least two encironmetns cofounds settings with informants

It limits diagnosis for children as the result of differences of opinion between informants.

Reading, spelling, and math

Many children with ADHD have specific learning disorders typically in? (3)


Over thepast ___ numerous explanations hav been used ot explain the tourblesome behaviors of ADHD.

Categorical View of ADHD

People change and flunctuate in and out of the dsm categories, even though research says that ADHD is a dimensional rather than a categorical disorder


Persistent and Severe ODD and CD outcomes among children with ADHD are related to the presesce of what gene? This gene has the regulation of neurotransmitters in the areas of the brain implication in ADHD.

Cognitive and Behavioral Impulsivity (and inattention)

Predict porblems with academic achievement, particualrly in reading.


Predominantly Combined Type more likely to disply problems in inhibiting behavior and in behavioral persistence, they are also most suspended from school or placed in special education classesmost often reffered for treatment


Predominantly inattentive subtype (pure) inattentive and drowsy, daydreaming, spacey in a for, or easily confused. May have a learning disability, process information slowly, find it hard to remember things, and display low academic achievement. They are often rated as anxious and apprehensive, socially withdrawn, and may display mood disorders.


Predominatly hyperactive-impulsive. is the rarest group. This subtype primarily includes preschoolers and may have limited vlidity for other childre. Since this group is usually yourer than children with ADHD-C it is not yet known whether they are actually two distinct subtypes.

positive illusion bias

Some children with ADHD report a higher self esteem than is warranted by their behavior, referred to as a what?

REquirement of an onset before age 7 is unsupportive

Some studies find little difference between children with an onset of ADHD before or after age 7 and about one half of the children with ADHDPI do not manifest the disorder until after age 7

hyperactive inattentive

Symptoms of ADHD change with development. A difficult infant temperament may be followed by ____ ____ symptoms at 3 to 4 years of age, which are followed, in turn, by the emergence of symptoms of ____ around the time that child begins schol

stress and frustration for the child and for parents, siblings, teachers, and classmates, and also a has high costs to society

The behavior of children with ADHD is a constant source of?

2 to 3

The diagnoosis of ADHD is about _ to_ more times liekly in boys than girls

assosciated with mental retardation so became minimal brain damage and minimal brain dysfunction to hyperkinesis (poor filtering of stimuli entering the brain) hyperactive child syndrome (motor overactivity), but because there were children who failed to regulate. Now the symptoms are poor self regulation, difficulty in inhibiting behavior, and motivational deficit have been emphasized as central impairments of the disorders

The disorder that we now call AHDHD has had many names, primary symptoms and resumed causes, and views of the disorder are still evolving. What are they?


The presence of _____ may inhibit impulsive behaviors that characterize other youngsters with ADHD.

Motivation, arousal level, self regualtion, response inhibition

Theories about possible mechanisms and causes for ADHD have emphasized deficits in _______, ______ _____, ____ _____, And ______ _____.


True or False: Children with ADHD do not have language impairments and don not have difficult using language in everyday situations.


True or False: ODD or CD leads to ADHD more than ADHD leads to ODD or CD.


True or False: Psychosocial factors in family do not typically cause ADHD although they are importnat in understanding the diroder. Gamily problems may lead to a greater severity of symptoms and relate to the emergence of associated conduct problems.

they may have diffculties comprehending others speech and using appropriate language in everyday situations, such as excessive and loud talking, frequent shifts and interruptions in conversation, inability to listen, and inappropriate conversation are a few common examples of impairments.

What are examples of speech and language impairments?

Executive Functions, Intellectual Deficits, Impaired Academic Functioning, Learning Disorders, and Distorted Self Perception

What are the Cognitive Deficits associated with ADHD? (5

Summer Tratment Programs

What are the Intensive Treatment for ADHD? (1)

Stimulant Medication, Parent Management Training, and Educational Intervention

What are the Primary Treatments of ADHD? (3)

Family counseling, support groups, individual counseling

What are the additional treatments? (3)

pregnancy and birth complications, maternal smoking during pregnancy, low birth weight, malnutrition, maternal alcohol or drug use, early neurological insult or trauma and diseases of infancy.

What are the many factocrs that compromise the development of the nervous system before and after birth? (11)

provides parents with a variety of skills to help them manage thier child's oppositional and noncompliant behaviors cope with the emotional demands of raising a child with ADHd contain the problems so that it does not worsen and keep the problem from adversely affecting other family members

What does Parent Management Training do?


What percentage of children with ADHD have a learning disorder?

Symptoms of inttention, poor concentration and disorganization. The second list includes symptoms of hyperactivity

What two lists does the DSM use to define ADHD?

many have been proposed, but it seems to serve a selfprotective function that allows the child to cope every day despite frequent failures; it reflects a diminished selfawarenes as a result of not knowing what constitutes successful or unsucessful performance.

Why do children have a positive illusory bias>

The DSM criteria seems to be related more towards boys because it was tested more one boys. Also if a girl has innattentiveness but is not aggressive or impulsive it would be harder to diagnose. Girls would probably be more hyperverbal then hyperactive

Why is it harder for a girl to be diagnosed with ADHD?


__ to __ of children with ADHD exprerience depression

Girls girls boys.

____ with ADHD have a significan disorder; ___ with ADHD in a community samples appear to be less impaired that ____ with ADHD

Educational Interventions

_____ ______ focus on managing inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive behaviors that interfere with learning and on providing a classroom environment that capitalizes on the child's strengths


________ are the most effective treatment for managing symptoms of ADHD. However their limted long term benefit raises important issues about their clinical use that are yet to be resolved.

Behavioral Impulsivity

calling out in class or acting out with considering consequences. difficulty inhibiting their response when the situation requires it. A child may touch a stove to see if it is hot even when she is old enough to know better.

Girls boys

clinic referred ____ with ADHD display many of the same feature and outcomes as ___ with adhd

Cognitve impulsivity

is reflected in disorganization, hurried thinking, and the need for supervision. ex. Not turning in homework even though it's done

Behavioral Impulsivity

predicts rule-breaking behavior and thus maybe a specific sign of increased risk for conduct problems.

Dopamine and norepinephrine

the known action of effective medications for ADD suggests that several neurotransmitters are involved with selective deficiency in ____ and _____.

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