Exercise 7 - The Integumentary System

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matrix, papilla

a layer of actively dividing epithelial cells called the hair ____ is located on top of the hair ______

hair papilla

a small nipple of dermal tissue that protrudes into the hair bulb from the peripheral connective tissue sheath and provides nutrition to the growing hair

hair follicle

a structure formed from both epidermal and dermal cells

split ends

abrasion of the cuticle at the top of the hair shaft results in?

stratum germinativum

alternate name for stratum basale due to its cells constantly undergoing mitosis to form new cells

follicle, papillary, dermis

arrector pilli muscle are small bands of smooth muscle cells that connect each hair ____ to the _____ layer of the _____

collagen, elastic

both the papillary and reticular layers are abundant in ____ and ___ fibers

adrenal, hypoactive, Addison's

bronzing of the skin hints that a person's ____ cortex is ______, this occurs in _______ disease

hair bulb

collection of well-nourished epithelial cells at the base of the hair follicle

stratum spinosum

consists of several layers of keratinocytes joined by desmosomes

stratum basale

deepest epidermal layer; one row of actively mitotic stem cells


eccrine sweat glands are also called ____

nail bed

extension of the stratum basale beneath the nail

melanin, cortex

hair color depends on the amount and type of ____ pigment found in the hair ____


lamellar corpuscles are ____ receptors

stratum corneum

most superficial layer, 20-30 layers of dead cells

stratum granulosum

one to five layers of flattened cells, cytoplasm full of lamellar granules and keratohyaline granules

free edge

portion of nail that grows out away from the body


projection of the thick proximal nail fold commonly called the cuticle


proximal region of the thickened nail matrix, looks like white crescent moon

nail folds

skin folds that overlap the borders of the nail


sweat glands are ____ glands


sweat glands distributed over the body, important in perspiration and thermoregulation


sweat glands found primarily in the axillary and genital areas

sebaceous, sweat

the categories of cutaneous glands

dense irregular

the dermis is composed of what type of tissue

medulla, cortex, cuticle

the hair shaft and the hair root have three layers of keratinized cells: the ____ in the center, surrounded by the ____, and the protective ______


the hypodermis consists of mainly what type of tissue

superficial fascia

the hypodermis is also known as the _______ ______, and is not considered part of the skin

papillary layer

the more superficial dermal region

areolar connective tissue

the papillary layer is composed of


the part of nail embedded in the skin and adheres to an epithelial nail bed


the region beneath the free edge of the nail

epidermis, dermis

the skin has two distinct regions. The superficial layer is the _____, and the underlying connective tissue is the _____

stratum lucidum

the thick skin contains which additional layer?


thick skin of the epidermis has ___ layers

nail matrix

thickened proximal part of the nail bed, contains germinal cells responsible for nail growth

hair shaft, hair root

two primary regions of the hair

papillary layer, reticular layer

two principal regions of the dermis

dermal papillae

what connects the papillary layer to the epidermis

arteries, veins, glands, pressure receptors

what does the reticular layer contain

langerhan, immunity

what is another name for dendritic cells, and the role they play?


what is the most abundant epidermal cell?

epidermal ridges

what produces fingerprints

epidermal-dermal junction

where are tactile (merkel) cells located?

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