Exploration Review

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When did the first Americans get to America?

During the last Ice Age.


Europeans discovered this while in Asia. An instrument used for navigation and orientation that shows direction relative to the geographic cardinal directions.

Why did Europeans begin looking for new ways to Asia?

Faster/get there quicker, safer (land was dangerous), & cheaper (had to pay Italy to travel the Mediterranean).

What country was Columbus from?

Genoa, Italy.

What were the 3 G's of exploration?

Gold, Glory, & God.

What 3 items did Europeans hope to bring back from Asia?

Gold, spices, & silk.

What false beliefs did Columbus have about the size and setup of the world?

He believed that the Atlantic Ocean and the Earth's circumference were a lot smaller than they are.

What year did Christopher Columbus "discover" America? How many trips did he make?

He discovered America in 1492 (October 12). He took 4 voyages.

How were the lives of the natives impacted by Columbus and his men?

He killed many of them if they didn't have enough gold. put some in slavery, torture, spread disease, etc.

What was Columbus' plan for getting to Asia?

He thought he could sail West across the Atlantic to get to Asia.

How many voyages did Columbus make to the new world?

He took 4 voyages.

Where is the Northeast part of North America and what is the symbol?

In the East of North America along the Atlantic coast. Corn. Memorize on map.

Northwest Passage

All explorers searched for the Northwest Passage which was a water route through North America from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. It didn't exist.

Which explorer was the New World named for?

Amerigo Vespucci

What types of things were exchanged during the Columbian Exchange?

Animals, plants, culture, human populations, communicable disease, and ideas.

What body of water was known as the "Sea of Darkness" prior to the discovery of America?

Atlantic Ocean

Memorize these on a World Map:

Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Africa, Southern Ocean, Antarctica, North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Indian Ocean, England, France, Spain, Australia, and the Arctic Ocean.

Why were these people willing to pay so much money to finance Columbus' voyages?

Because they wanted a new sea route to the Indies to help Spain compete with Portugal. They would have made more money back from the trip than they payed in the first place as well.

Why was Columbus' plan for getting to Asia not possible?

Because to the West is the Americas not Asia.

Chinese Country and Continent of Origin: Year/Time Period: Proof They Were in America:

China, Asia 5th Century Old Chinese journal about far away Eastern land.

The term that means to sail around the world is:


The exchange of goods between the New World and Old World is called the:

Columbian Exchange

Sailing instrument brought back from Asia.


The first Americans traveled to America because they were looking for:


All of the following nations competed to find the quickest route to Asia through America EXCEPT:


What country controlled the Mediterranean Sea?


How did these countries plan to get goods from Asia? Italy: Portugal: Spain:

Italy used the Mediterranean to get to Asia. Portugal took a route around Africa to get to Asia called the da Gama. Spain funded Columbus to travel the Atlantic, which he believed would take him to Asia.

Which explorer claimed the land that became the English colonies?

John Cabot

What were the names of the people that financed Columbus' voyages?

King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella

Why would explorers claim the land they explored for the country that financed their trip?

Land expansion to extend that countries resources.

What ways were other countries using to try to get to Asia? (Map with routes)?

Land, around Africa, and the Mediterranean.

Phoenicians Country and Continent of Origin: Year/Time Period: Proof They Were in America:

Lebanon, Asia 500 BC - 332 BC Carved statues of bearded men. Pyramids resembling ziggurats of Ancient Babylon.

Which explorer proved the world was round:


Locate on a map where each country explored and claimed land for their country.

Memorize 'Explorers Map North America'.

Sea of Darkness

Sailing the Atlantic was scary so it was nicknamed the Sea of Darkness because sailors told incredible stories of monsters and sailing off the edge of the world when ships did not return.

What did Columbus call the island were he landed?

San Salvador

Sailors disease caused by a lack of vitamin C:


What country did Columbus ask after the first country said NO?


What country eventually financed Columbus' voyages?


Which country had the most land (power) in the Americas?


What countries tried to get to Asia by travelling through America?

Spain, France, and England searched for a route through/around the Americas.

What goods did Europeans want from Asia?

Spices, silks, gun powder, the compass, and the astrolabe from Asia.


The complete navigation around an entire island, continent, or astronomical body.

Columbian Exchange

The exchange of goods and ideas between the New and Old World.

New World to Old World: Columbian Exchange

-Tobacco -Cocoa Beans -Tomato -Vanilla

Crusades in sequence of what happened.

- Pope Urban II convinces Christians to reclaim Holy Land in the Middle East from the Muslims. - Europeans found spices, silks, gunpowder, and the compass in Asia. They brought it back to share with their family and friends. - People loved the silk & spices so traders wanted to get to Asia through shorter routes. - The renaissance caused growth in science and sailors sailed better with the compass and astrolabe. - One explorer was the first to sail west (Columbus sailing the Atlantic ocean) and ... - THE AMERICAS ARE DISCOVERED!

Old World to New World: Columbian Exchange

-Livestock (pigs, cows, etc.) -Onion -Coffee Beans -Sugar Cane

In what year did Columbus reach the Americas?


Christopher Columbus Date: Sailed For: Region Explored: Interesting Fact:

1492 Spain Caribbean Found the NEW WORLD!

John Cabot Date: Sailed For: Region Explored: Interesting Fact:

1497-1498 England North America Claims land for England that becomes the 13 colonies.

Amerigo Vespucci Date: Sailed For: Region Explored: Interesting Fact:

1501 Spain South America North & South America are name after him because of his stories.

Ferdinand Magellan Date: Sailed For: Region Explored: Interesting Fact:

1520 Spain The World First Person to circumnavigate the world.


A criminal conspiracy among a group of people who openly oppose, change, or overthrow a lawful authority to which they are subject.


A disease caused by deficiency of vitamin C, characterized by swollen bleeding gums and the opening of previously healed wounds, which particularly affected poorly nourished sailors until the end of the 18th century.

On his voyages what was Columbus trying to prove he discovered?

A faster route to Asia.

How were the lives of the Native Americans affected by the arrival of Europeans?

A lot of them became slaves, were killed, they were tortured, land was stolen, got diseases.

Where is the Southeast part of North America and what is the symbol?

In the far Southeast/bottom right on the United States. Dwelling. Memorize on map.

Where are the Great Plains in North America and what is the symbol?

In the middle of North America. Teepee. Memorize on map.

Who were the first Americans and where did they come from? When did they get here? Why did they come? What direction did they come from?

Indians and early people began migrating to North America from Asia about 20,000 - 30,000 years ago. They crossed a land bridge called Beringia which formed when sea levels dropped because of the Ice Age froze some of the water into glaciers. It is also possible some people came by boat, mostly along the coast of the land bridge. They probably began migrating because they were looking for food. The general direction these people migrated toward North America was South East.

What did Columbus call the people on the island? Why?

Indians because he thought he had landed in the Indies.

An important outcome of the Crusades was:

Interest in trade with Asia increased.

Irish Country and Continent of Origin: Year/Time Period: Proof They Were in America:

Ireland in Northern Europe 6th Century Tim Severin created a replica of Saint Brendan's leather boat and sailed the same route that he found in written documents about the journey. Time made it, proving it was possible for the Irish to come.

Where is the North West part of North America and what is the symbol?

It is in North West of North America and it is a strip along the Pacific coast. Tree Bark. Memorize on map.

Where is the Southwest part of North America and what is the symbol?

It is in the South West of North America. Bricks made from dirt and straw. Memorize on map.

Where is the California part of North America and what is the symbol?

It is in the West of North America, some parts are along the Pacific Coast. Seed. Memorize on map.

Where is the Far North part of North America and what is the symbol?

It is in the uppermost part of North America. Fishing Pole. Memorize on map.

How did Europeans learn about the goods Asia had to offer?

Military Expeditions called the Crusades were sent by the Pope to capture the Holy Land from the Muslim Turks. They found spices, silks, gun powder, and the compass while in Asia. They returned to Europe and showed off their findings and people wanted them.


Military expeditions sent by the Pope to capture the Holy Land from the Muslim Turks.

Who were the first Americans?

Native Americans (Indians)

To be given credit for finding something, do you have to be the first to find it? Do you have to know you found it? Do you have to tell someone about your findings?


Vikings Country and Continent of Origin: Year/Time Period: Proof They Were in America:

Norway & Europe 1000 AD They found Iron relics as well as remains of houses, boats, and cooking pits.

On what date did Columbus arrive in America?

October 12, 1492

Why were people scared to travel in the Ocean during the Middle Ages?

People thought of the Atlantic as the "Sea of Darkness" because sailors told incredible stories of monsters and sailing off the edge of the world when ships did not return.

What is the first country Columbus asked for money from to finance his plan?


The series of religious wars that introduced Europeans to new products were called:

The Crusades

How did the Crusades and the Renaissance lead to the discovery of the Americas?

The Crusades brought back wanted goods from Asia, so people tried to find new routes to Asia. People were scared to try the Atlantic, but during the Renaissance there was a growth in science (the compass and astrolabe) that made sailors sail more confidently, therefore Columbus tried sailing west and discovered the Americas.

What clues should have made Columbus realize he was in a new land, not Asia?

The Native Americans were telling him he wasn't in Asia, there were no silks, gold, or spices, people didn't look or speak like Asians, and no Asian cities or ports.

The name of the water route through North America explorers were looking for was called:

The Northwest Passage

Who were the first Europeans to reach America?

The vikings were the first Europeans to reach America around 1000 AD. They used to live in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. They were lead by Leif Erickson, sailed across the North Atlantic and landed along the New England coast.

How did they get to Asia?

They used routes such as the Mediterranean, the North Route, and the South Route. Know where these are! (Big map).

Why did Europeans want a new route to Asia?

They wanted a new route because land was slow and dangerous and they had to pay Italy to use the Mediterranean since it was controlled by Italy.

Memorize the land England, France, and Spain took over in North America.

This can be found on the assignment called Explorer's Map North America.

Who were the first Europeans in America?


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