Ezra / Nehemiah

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The return under Nehemiah took place in 444 B.C., ____ years after the return led by Ezra, and _______ years after the return led by Zerubbabel.

13, 94

Ezra tells the story of ______ returns from Babylonia.


Ezra fills in the first _____________ returns from Babylonia, and ___________________ covers the third.

2, Nehemiah

King Artaxerxes I gave Ezra permission to bring people and contributions for the temple back to Jerusalem. God protected this group of less than _____________ men.


There were _______ waves of deportations and returns to and from Babylonia.


During the ________ __________ before Christ, there is no revelation from God.

400 years

Ezra and Nehemiah lived at the same time. Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem in ____________________.

444 B.C.

Out of the total Jewish population of 2-3 million, only ________________ chose to take advantage of the offer and return home.

49, 897

The job of rebuilding the walls is completed in ________ days.


The rebuilding of the temple was begun in ______________ and was finally ___________________ in 515 B.C.

536 B.C., completed

Cyrus the Persian overthrows Babylonia in ___________. He issued a decree in ___________ to allow the exiles to return.

539 B.C.,538 B.C.

The walls of Jerusalem were destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar in ________________.

586 B.C.

Between the two returns is a ____________ year gap in which Esther lives and is queen of _________.

60 (58), Persia

The people of God were in exile for ________ years.


The second return under Ezra took place _________ years after the first return.


The trip back home from Babylonia to Jerusalem was _________ miles.


Nehemiah accomplished in 52 days what had taken __________ years of trying.


Ezra is a direct descendant of _______________.


Before beginning to restore the temple, Zerubbabel restored the ___________ and the religious feasts.


Ezra had to translate the law from Hebrew to _______________ so the people could understand it.


The books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther all fit against the ______________________ of the Kings of Persia.


What is the key chapter of Ezra and why?

Chapter 6 because of the Passover and the completion and dedication of the temple

Nehemiah demonstrated courage, ____________________, integrity, godliness, and ___________________.

Compassion, selflessness

There was a great deal of opposition to building the walls of Jerusalem. There was a _______________ to keep the work from progressing.


Nehemiah challenged his __________________ to unite and rebuild the shattered walls of Jerusalem.


Once the people heard and understood the law, they repented and renewed the _____________ with God.


Nehemiah was the _____________________ for the King of Persia.

Cup bearer

The major kings of Persia in order.

Cyrus, Darius I, Ahasuerus, Artaxerxes I, and Darius II

Tradition points to Ezra being the author of this book. The clearness of ___________ points to an _______________ being the author.

Detail, eyewitness

The ______________________ papyri support Nehemiah historically.


_____________ is the stepmother of Artaxerxes I.


Nehemiah continued to trust God until the job was completed. When the walls were completed in 52 days everyone realized that only __________ could have accomplished the work.


Nehemiah was the _______________ of Jerusalem from 444 to 432 B.C.


What two prophets ministered during Zerubbabel's time?

Haggai, Zechariah

Nehemiah was written to show the obvious hand of God as he returned His people to their ______________ following their exile.


Ezra continues the Old Testament story of _______ ________________.

II Chronicles

While Ezra was writing his book: Buddha is in _________________, Confucius is in ________________, and Socrates is in _______________.

India, China, Greece

_________________ prophesied 200 years before that the temple would be rebuilt and the Cyrus would have a part in it.


The key word of Nehemiah is __________________ _____________.

Jerusalem Walls

Nehemiah's job was to taste the ___________ wine to keep him from being poisoned.


Following the completion of the walls, Ezra stood on a special podium and shared the ____________ with the people.


The people built portions of the wall according to where they _______________.


The prophet __________________ lived and ministered during the time of Nehemiah.


Zerubbabel is part of the _________________ line as the grandson of Jeconiah.


There was a great deal of opposition to building the walls of Jerusalem. People ______________ them.


There was a great deal of opposition to building the walls of Jerusalem. There were internal problems. Wealthy Jews were abusing and oppressing the not so wealthy. Their indebtedness caused the poor people to ______________ their property and _____________ their children into slavery.

Mortgage, sell

Ezra also had access to the library gathered by ___________________.


The book of _______________ fits into the reign of Artaxerxes I.


God raised up ___________ kings who helped His people and their cause.


Ezra rebuilt the spiritual condition of the _____________.


Why is chapter 9 the key chapter of Nehemiah?

People reaffirmed the covenant

Most of this book is from Nehemiah's ______________ memoirs.


Nehemiah demonstrates a balanced blend of prayer, _____________, dependence on God, and discipline to _____________.

Planning, work

Ezra is a ___________ who brings spiritual revival.


Nehemiah prayed on behalf of his people and received permission from Artaxerxes to go back and begin the difficult task of __________________ the walls.


Nehemiah is a governor who brings physical and political ____________________.


Ezra deals with the _____________ restorations of Judah, and Nehemiah is concerned with the political and ________________ restoration.

Religious, geographic

One-tenth of the people were required to stay in Jerusalem. The rest would go and ____________ the land.


Nehemiah was a dedicated man who was ______________ in prayer and gave all the _____________ to God.

Strong, credit

The key word of Ezra is _____________.


The _____________ of Ezra is the spiritual, moral, and social restoration of the returned remnant in Jerusalem.


With no _________, Jerusalem could hardly be considered a city.


One return was led by _____________________, and the other by _______________.

Zerubbabel, Ezra

__________________ led the first return, _____________ led the second.

Zerubbabel, Ezra

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