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1. Write a SELECT statement that returns the same result set as this SELECT statement, but don't use a join. Instead, use a subquery in a WHERE clause that uses the IN keyword. SELECT DISTINCT LastName, FirstName FROM Instructors i JOIN Courses c ON i.InstructorID = c.InstructorID ORDER BY LastName, FirstName

SELECT LastName, FirstName FROM Instructors WHERE InstructorID IN (SELECT DISTINCT InstructorID FROM Courses) ORDER BY LastName, FirstName;

3. Write a SELECT statement that returns the LastName and FirstName columns from the Instructors table. Return one row for each instructor that doesn't have any courses in the Courses table. To do that, use a subquery introduced with the NOT EXISTS operator. Sort the result set by LastName and then by FirstName.

SELECT LastName, FirstName FROM Instructors i WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Courses WHERE InstructorID = i.InstructorID) ORDER BY LastName, FirstName;

2. Write a SELECT statement that answers this question: Which instructors have an annual salary that's greater than the average annual salary for all instructors? Return the LastName, FirstName, and AnnualSalary columns for each Instructor. Sort the result set by the AnnualSalary column in descending sequence.

SELECT LastName, FirstName, AnnualSalary FROM Instructors WHERE AnnualSalary > (SELECT AVG(AnnualSalary) FROM Instructors) ORDER BY AnnualSalary DESC;

5. Write a SELECT statement that returns the LastName, FirstName, and AnnualSalary columns of each instructor that has a unique annual salary. In other words, don't include instructors that have the same annual salary as another instructor. Sort the results by LastName and then by FirstName.

SELECT LastName, FirstName, AnnualSalary FROM Instructors WHERE AnnualSalary NOT IN (SELECT AnnualSalary FROM Instructors GROUP BY AnnualSalary HAVING COUNT(AnnualSalary) > 1) ORDER BY LastName, FirstName;

4. Write a SELECT statement that returns the LastName and FirstName columns from the Students table, along with a count of the number of courses each student is taking from the StudentCourses table. Return one row for each student that is taking more than one class. To do that, use a subquery with the IN class that groups the student course by StudentID.

SELECT LastName, FirstName, COUNT(*) AS NumberOfCourses FROM Students JOIN StudentCourses ON Students.StudentID = StudentCourses.StudentID WHERE StudentCourses.StudentID IN (SELECT StudentID FROM StudentCourses JOIN Courses ON StudentCourses.CourseID = Courses.CourseID GROUP BY StudentID HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) GROUP BY LastName, FirstName ORDER BY LastName, FirstName;

6. Write a SELECT statement that returns one row for each course with these columns: The CourseID column from the Courses table The most recent enrollment date for that course from the Students table Change the SELECT statement to a CTE. Then, write a SELECT statement that returns one row per course that shows the CourseDescription for the course and the LastName, FirstName, and EnrollmentDate for the student with the most recent enrollment data.

WITH CourseSummary AS ( SELECT c.CourseID, MAX(EnrollmentDate) AS MaxEnrollmentDate FROM Courses AS c JOIN StudentCourses AS sc ON c.CourseID = sc.CourseID JOIN Students AS s ON sc.StudentID = s.StudentID GROUP BY c.CourseID ) SELECT CourseDescription, LastName, FirstName, EnrollmentDate FROM Courses AS c JOIN StudentCourses AS sc ON c.CourseID = sc.CourseID JOIN Students AS s ON sc.StudentID = s.StudentID JOIN CourseSummary AS cs ON c.CourseID = cs.CourseID AND s.EnrollmentDate = cs.MaxEnrollmentDate

7. Write a SELECT statement that returns one row for each student that has courses with these columns: The StudentID column from the Students table The sum of the course units in the Courses table Include only those students who are taking more than 9 units (fulltime). Change the SELECT statement to a CTE. Then, write a SELECT statement that uses this CTE to return the student ID, sum of course units, and the tuition. (The tuition is equal to the FullTimeCost column, plus the PerUnitCost column multiplied by the number of units.) To do that, you can use a cross join to add the columns from the Tuition table to the query. This works because there's only one row in the Tuition table.

WITH UnitsSummary AS ( SELECT Students.StudentID, SUM(CourseUnits) AS TotalUnits FROM Students JOIN StudentCourses ON Students.StudentID = StudentCourses.StudentID JOIN Courses ON StudentCourses.CourseID = Courses.CourseID GROUP BY Students.StudentID HAVING SUM(CourseUnits) > 9 ) SELECT StudentID, TotalUnits, FullTimeCost + (TotalUnits * PerUnitCost) AS Tuition FROM UnitsSummary CROSS JOIN Tuition;

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