Family Dynamics & Community Involvement Quizes

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A child who does not have a secure attachment with a significant caregiver will likely have lower self-confidence than a child with a secure attachment. a. True b. False


According to Kohn, children from which socioeconomic group are more likely to have parents who stress conformity and obedience? A. lower class B. upper class C. below poverty level D. middle class


After 5 years as a member of the state library/media specialist professional organization, Audra became the group president. When she was a regular member, she never felt like she could share her opinions about the future of the organization, but as the president she feels more confident in expressing her ideas. This can be explained by what psychological factor of social groups? A. acceptance by the group B. years with the group C. type of group D. attraction to the group


Analeigh was nervous before her first violin recital, but after she finished she rushed back to her parents with a big smile. Her father pointed out to Annaleigh that two notes were flat and suggested that she wasn't ready to play in public. This behavior demonstrates what parenting trait? A. unaccepting/unresponsive B. demanding/controlling C. indifferent or uninvolved D. culturally insensitive


As society becomes more diverse and technological, the length of time for socialization increases. a. True b. False


At 11 months of age Lily's parents gave her small round pieces of cereal on her high chair tray; Lily gradually learned to pick them up and put them in her mouth. When she was 14 months old Lily's parents gave her a spoon and praised her attempts to eat cereal from her spoon. At 26 months of age Lily could use a fork and rarely needed to have her parents help her eat. At each stage Lily's parents praised her ability to feed herself. What process did Lily's parents use to socialize her to feeding herself? A. shaping B. attachment C. extinction D. punishment


Danica is a 17-year-old single mother who often becomes overwhelmed by her 2-year-old son's demands. She lashes out at him by saying, "I wish you were never born!" This is an example of what type of abuse? A. psychological B. neglect C. sexual D. physical


Eight-year-old Laura has been socialized in a family that has a competitive/independent orientation. Which of the following actions would Laura be most likely to participate in given her family's orientation? A. playing the position of pitcher on a co-ed Little League team B. doing what her father told her to do even though it differed from what her mother wanted her to do C. learning from her grandfather to play the fiddle so that she can join the family band D. spending afternoons after school reading to her sight-impaired grandmother


Every evening at dinner Joe asks his daughters to rate their day on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best. They all then share one thing they are thankful for before eating. This is an example of what type of socialization? A. intentional B. influential C. accidental D. unintentional


Genes play what role in a child's socialization? A. They are a passive influence on children's adaptation to their environment. B. They inhibit a child's response to environmental stimulation C. They are an aggressive influence on children's environmental exposure. D. They have a limited effect on a child's personality and response to the environment.


In which microsystem do children gain experience acting independently without adult guidance? A. peer group B. media C. community D. family


Jeanie uses a Time Out chair in the corner of her kitchen with her 2½-year-old daughter Jasmine. If Jasmine draws on the floor with crayons, which she has been told not to do, she has to go to Time Out. Jeanie's use of Time Out is demonstrating what characteristic of operant socialization? A. punishment B. forgiveness C. deletion D. gradual release


Joaquin and Marisol plan an active family outing every Saturday with their three children, who range in age from 5 to 9 years old. They often ride bikes on the local bike trail, go for hikes, or visit local museums. This would be considered a functional family factor because it displays what characteristics? A. cohesiveness B. communicativeness C. ability to cope effectively with problems D. love and acceptance


Mr. Ansari called to his son Farique to come in the house one evening. Farique asked, "Why?" Mr. Ansari replied, "Because it is late and you have to get up early for school in the morning." Based on this exchange, what type of parenting style is Mr. Ansari displaying? A. authoritative B. permissive C. persuasive D. authoritarian


Punishment as a socializing technique is more effective when accompanied by an explanation of why the behavior is unacceptable. a. True b. False


Research has found that immigrant parents typically: A. emphasize educational success to their children. B. wish their children to follow the same work and economic path they have taken. C. have lower economic mobility aspirations than their U.S.-born peers. D. are unconcerned with their children's academic success.


The mesosystem looks at the connections between different microsystems in a child's life. These connections will have a positive influence on a child's socialization when the: A. quantity and quality of the connections are high. B. frequency and quantity of the connections are tracked. C. quantity of the connections exceeds the quality of the connections. D. frequency with which adults help children make connections is balanced.


What annual report influences the funding for services for American children? A. America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being B. The Individuals with Disabilities Act C. The Common Core State Standards D. The No Child Left Behind Act


What is the bioecological model by Bronfenbrenner designed to provide? A. A theoretical basis for all the elements that influence a child's development. B. Information and processing theories to explain children's behaviors. C. An explanation of cognitive stages a child goes through in their early years. D. The comparison of theories about biological and sociocultural influences on a child's development.


What is the progression of behaviors experienced by an apprentice? A. expert structures activities - expert and novice collaborate on activities - novice does activities independently B. expert explains activities - novice tries activities - expert grades novice C. expert determines novice abilities - novice chooses from activities according to interest - novice completes activities D. expert models behaviors - novice tries behaviors - novice observes behaviors


When Amelia was 6 years old, she cut her own hair. Her mother was not pleased with the uneven result, and explained to Amelia that now a hairdresser needed to fix the haircut. Amelia understood that she was in trouble, and told her mother she would not try to cut her hair again. Amelia and her mother looked through magazines together to pick a new hairstyle, and found one they both liked to take to the hairdresser. How does this example characterize socialization? A. It is reciprocal and dynamic. B. The same types of behaviors are repeated over time. C. Children and parents remain socially different. D. It is static and one-sided.


When parents pass on aspects of their cultural heritage to their children, they are engaging in socialization practices that provide stability for their children. a. True b. False


Which type of family situation is associated with the highest level of children's behavior problems? A. Both parents bring children from a previous marriage. B. The custodial mother remarries and a stepfather joins the family. C. One parent brings children from a previous marriage and children are born to the new family. D. The custodial father remarries and a stepmother joins the family.


What are examples of guiding principles in the Adventures in Parenting booklet from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development? A. Prevent risky behavior or problems before they arise. B. Respond to your child in an appropriate manner. C. Use punishment and rewards to control children's behavior. D. Seek out expert advice for parenting rules. E. Rely on teachers and the school to instill standards of behavior.

A, B

Preschool-age children often have what feelings when their parents divorce? A. fear of abandonment B. responsibility for the break up C. increased anxiety D. resentment of their parents' selfish decision E. increased interest in school

A, B, C

When children have been successfully socialized to act appropriately and responsibly in certain situations, what adult responses are appropriate? A. Allow children to assume more control of their behavior. B. Make adjustments to their goals for their child's development. C. Let children select many of their own activities, but offer guidance as needed. D. Decrease the amount of adult oversight of children's behavior. E. Place more restrictions on children's activities.

A, B, C, D

Which are desired goals of the socialization process? A. acquisition of morals and values of a culture B. ability to self-regulate behavior C. adoption of a mindset that never questions customs D. development of cooperation skills E. capacity to adapt to group practices

A, B, D, E

When a family experiences stress due to a parent's loss of a job, what are the potential effects on children's well-being? A. difficulty with friends B. feelings of safety and security C. less affection from their parents D. behavior problems in school E. improved communication about feelings

A, C, D

A child who immigrates to the United States from a culture that stresses communal relationships and deference to authority will most likely need to learn that American society: A. stresses personal freedom and equality. B. focuses on doing what is best for the group and not the individual. C. makes decisions through consensus. D. demands conformity. E. values public discussion of differences of opinion.

A, C, E

What are some of the benefits researchers have identified of mothers' working outside of the home? A. closer relationship between children and their father B. decreased behavior problems in preschool-aged children C. mothers spending more time with their children D. improved socioeconomic status for the family E. children with less stereotyped views of gender roles

A, D, E

What areas are included on the Home Observation for the Measurement of the Environment (HOME) assessment that determines the quality of the home environment for children under age 3? A. organization of the physical environment B. home cleanliness and safety C. sensory and tactile tools for modeling D. materials that are appropriate and encourage play E. emotional and verbal responsiveness of the parent

A, D, E

In what ways do children become socialized in families and society? A. by interacting with the important people in their lives B. by not speaking until spoken to C. exclusively through reward and punishment modifications D. upon first exposure to the group norms E. within contexts that carry emotional importance

A, E

Adolescence is a time when teenagers begin to assert their independence, which can result in conflict with their parents. What parenting style has been shown to foster a good parent/child relationship during this time and discourage adolescents from engaging in certain negative behaviors such as abusing drugs? A. a style where each parent has a different approach and the child chooses which parent's direction to follow B. a style that features affection, communication, and clear standards for behavior C. a style that demands respect for authority and obedience D. a style that is permissive and has few rules


Bronfenbrenner's model looks for patterns in relationships and interactions with four basic structures—microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem—and how these patterns affect: A. biological contexts. B. human development. C. social change. D. shifts in priorities.


Developmental appropriateness is defined as: A. the mind as a blank slate before impressions are recorded on it by experience. B. knowledge of children's normal growth patterns and individual differences. C. adapting a parenting style to fit the temperament of a child. D. the implementation of a series of decisions about the socialization of children.


Empowerment can be defined as: A. participating as part of a collectivist culture. B. individuals gaining control over resources that affect them. C. an earned status based on achievement. D. being the head of a patriarchal family.


In Cuba, citizens are expected to exhibit the same values and attitudes as the government leaders and to train their children to do the same. What type of influence does this represent on the parenting practices of the people of Cuba? A. religious B. national C. progressive D. ethnic


In the United States, children are taught that adult men and women have the right to vote. In countries where women are not allowed to vote, many people may not think to question that rule because they accept it as the way things are supposed to be. In both of these examples, the countries function as which type of structure that influences people's socialization? A. microsystem B. macrosystem C. exosystem D. mesosystem


Inductive reasoning is defined as: A. the deliberate act of taking actions intended to benefit others. B. connecting a particular idea to a general idea based on similarities. C. the ability to understand and relate to the views and perspectives of others. D. connecting a general idea to a particular idea based on appearance rather than logic.


Jonathan began helping out in the stock room of his family's hardware store in the afternoon after school at age 10. He later went to college to get a degree in accounting, and he now handles the financial aspect of the family business. His younger siblings have also taken on roles in the business. What type of socialization practice is evident in this family? A. interpersonal B. interdependent C. independent D. innovative


The way the term bioecological is used in this book can best be described as exploring the relationship between: A. parents' actions and the goals for their child's development. B. children's development and their environment. C. culture and environment. D. children and their parents.


What challenge do all unmarried parents have in common? A. They face ostracism for their religious beliefs. B. The rights and obligations of marriage are not legally afforded to them. C. They are required to hide their differences from society. D. Their children are socially maladjusted.


What term is used to describe lessons and instructional activities that are age-appropriate and account for children's normal growth patterns? A. socialization in the educational context B. developmentally appropriate curriculum C. developmental maturation of aging D. social and emotional development


What term is used to describe the pattern of effective adaptation to the environment one lives in? A. attachment B. competence C. prosocial behavior D. guidance


When did the concept of child-centered parenting start to strongly influence parenting attitudes? A. 2000s B. 1900s C. 1700s D. 1800s


A child who has a secure attachment to a primary caregiver is more likely to exhibit what type of behavior? A. disruptive behavior B. willingness to explore their environment C. independent actions D. sympathy for others E. a sense of mistrust

B, C, D

Children are more likely to do the same behaviors that someone has modeled for them when they: A. have insecure attachment. B. retain information. C. have the ability to do the behavior. D. have paid attention. E. are unmotivated.


A child who has been socialized from birth in a religion is more likely to have experience with what aspects of religion? A. individual liberty B. democratic principles C. a divine ideology D. consensus-based decisions


Eddie, age 5, clung to his father's leg when they entered the children's museum. He showed no interest in engaging in any of the activities for the first 20 minutes after their arrival. After much encouragement from his father, Eddie followed his brother over to the bubble maker and was soon laughing and having a good time. What type of temperament would you say Eddie has? A. easy B. difficult C. slow to warm up D. goodness-of-fit


Evan is a 17-year-old high school junior. In his freshman year he participated in the ski team and fantasized about becoming a professional snowboarder. In his sophomore year he joined the Audio Visual Club because his best friend was in the club. This year he has decided to join the band. The way Evan is trying out different activities and roles would fall under what description of psychosocial development? A. inferiority B. achievement C. identity diffusion D. self-regulation


How is a tradition different from a ritual? A. A tradition is a rite of passage and a ritual is a routine or repetitive act. B. A tradition is fixed and unchanging and a ritual is flexible and changeable. C. A tradition is a custom handed down through generations and a ritual is a ceremonial observance of a rule or custom. D. A tradition provides guidance on how to behave in a social group and a ritual has no connection to group behaviors.


In addition to ensuring a child's survival and ability to provide for him or herself, what parenting goal is found across multiple cultures? A. providing exposure to a collectivist mind set for interacting with others B. directing children's actions through religious guidance C. instilling behavioral capabilities that perpetuate the values of the culture D. socializing children to an individualist orientation for success


In many cultures, children are taught to respect their elders. This is an example of what type of orientation? A. socialistic B. competitive/independent C. cooperative/interdependent D. individualistic


Marcus and Janelle are the parents of two sons. Marcus Jr. is 5 years old and is a shy, quiet child. His brother Jacoby is 3 years old and is active and outgoing. Marcus and Janelle say that the boys have been this way from the time they were born. This shows the influence of what characteristic on children's socialization? A. environment B. parents C. temperament D. culture


Mayda's parents divorced when she was 6 years old and they have both since remarried and have children with their new spouses. Mayda splits her time between the two households because her parents have joint custody of her. What type of family does Mayda live with? A. nuclear family B. biracial family C. binuclear family D. natural family


Parents have an influence on their child's development, but they often take into consideration their child's temperament and behavior when they interact with their child. This demonstrates what characteristic of parenting? A. Parenting requires parents to specific guidelines. B. Parenting styles cannot be conceived of in advance of having a child. C. Parenting is bidirectional and dynamic. D. Parenting is unilateral in the direction from parent to child.


The socioeconomic status of a family is typically determined by what factors related to the parents? A. income, network, prestige of school attended B. occupation, type of home, future prospects C. education, income, occupation D. first language, neighborhood, support network


What are the three components of moral development? A. religious, secular, behavioral B. values, beliefs, actions C. affective, cognitive, behavioral D. reasoning, acting, thinking


What factor does not influence a family's socioeconomic status in the United States? A. neighborhood B. marital status C. mother's birth order D. race


What is a key difference between authoritative parenting and authoritarian parenting? A. An authoritative parent exerts control based on his or her anxieties, whereas an authoritarian parent is guided by a firm code of conduct. B. An authoritative parent allows the child to regulate his or her own activities as much as possible, whereas an authoritarian parent uses punitive measures to curb a child's behavior. C. An authoritative parent stresses the rational reasons for rules, whereas an authoritarian parent expects obedience to firm rules without questioning. D. An authoritative parent is not concerned with standards for future conduct, whereas an authoritarian parent tries to shape future behavior.


What model seeks to understand and explain the effects of economic difficulties on families? A. social selection model B. capital resource model C. family stress model D. extended investment model


What term is used to define the way therapists and other specialists look at family structure, organizational patterns, and behaviors? A. family functional dynamics theory B. human development theory C. family systems theory D. structural family theory


What term is used to describe the time and energy people and groups expend to create social bonds? A. influential circles B. community setting C. social capital D. citizen action


What was one influence on the rise in women's status as authority figures in families and at work? A. the patriarchal family system B. the Aid to Families of Dependent Children program C. the Civil Rights Act of 1964 D. American farm life


When a teacher asks her students to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance, this is an example of what type of socialization? A. workplace B. religion C. culture D. family


Compared to children with siblings, only children generally: A. have more negative relationships with their parents. B. are not assertive with other children. C. do better in school. D. are somewhat behind socially. E. have more interaction with their parents.

C, E

A developmental task: A. challenges a person's self-concept. B. requires a person to use their social capital to fit in to the society in which that person lives. C. requires a person to believe in their self-efficacy. D. lies between what a person needs and what the society in which that person lives requires.


A parent in a store parking lot comforts a young child who has just fallen and scraped his knee. This demonstrates what dimension of parenting style? A. indifferent or uninvolved B. demanding/controlling C. culturally insensitive D. accepting/responsive


Abigail started out as a theater major in college but quickly became discouraged with the rejection involved in the audition process, so she dropped out of school before the end of her freshman year. When looking at Abigail's identity formation, which status did she demonstrate with her decision to quit school? A. achievement B. diffusion C. moratorium D. foreclosure


Around what age are children transitioning from concrete to abstract reasoning? A. 12-13 B. 8-9 C. 7-8 D. 11-12


Families that immigrate to the United States illegally often risk being separated if the adults are deported while children born here are allowed to remain. This is an example of what social influence on families? A. religion B. diversity C. individualism D. political


Five-year-old Xavier loves to play baseball. He has spent most of his life watching his two older brothers play. His brothers will pitch, hit, or catch the ball and then let Xavier try to do the same. What type of learning is happening in this instance? A. standardizing B. reasoning C. accepting D. modeling


Hannah has finished most of her college courses to become an elementary teacher. Next semester she will be a student teacher in a fourth grade classroom. What method of socialization will she be participating in as a student teacher? A. ritual B. conformity C. tradition D. apprenticeship


How is parenting defined? A. The establishment of an authoritarian/subservient relationship between adults and children. B. The social context in which people from specific cultures function with children. C. The formation of a partnership between consenting adults to regulate decisions about their child. D. The implementation of a series of decisions about the socialization of children.


In addition to biological and sociocultural factors, what other factors influence the socialization process? A. static factors B. dominant factors C. subservient factors D. interactive factors


Members of the local neighborhood watch program decided to clean up a vacant lot in their neighborhood and convert it into a community garden. This is an example of which structure having an impact on the local children's socialization? A. mesosystem B. macrosystem C. microsystem D. exosystem


Samantha grew up in New York City in a family that believed in pacifism and nonviolence. As a child she dreamed of becoming a missionary. After the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, she lost her idealistic world perspective. She gradually developed an interest in defense and strategic studies and planned to major in these topics in college. The change in Samantha's interests after the events of September 11 demonstrates what bioecological effect? A. macrosystem B. ecological landscape C. exosystem D. chronosystem


Sanjita is a lawyer who keeps her cell phone near her at all times to respond to her clients. It is next to her at the dinner table and her son complains that she never listens to him because she is on her phone. What type of socialization influence is evident here? A. political B. family empowerment C. economic D. technological


The chronosystem has an effect on children's development because it is related to what type of changes in people or ecological systems? A. aggression B. relationship C. self-esteem D. time


The students in Adam's high school were asked to fill out an anonymous survey that asked questions about their use of drugs and engagement in sexual activities, along with questions about other things they did. This type of information would fall under what category of the child well-being report by the federal government? A. health care indicators B. education indicators C. family and social environment indicators D. behavior indicators


The way in which children gain knowledge and skills in order to function successfully in various groups is referred to by what term? A. child development B. cultural competence C. conformity D. socialization


What are common characteristics of Gemeinschaft groups? A. formal relations, consensus driven, equal rights emphasized B. informal relations, hierarchy of authority, fairness emphasized C. formal relations, democratic authority, individualistic in nature D. communal relations, autocratic authority, collectivistic in nature


What factors are involved when there is an interaction between a person and an experience? A. behavioral factors B. biological factors C. interactive factors D. sociocultural factors


What is the best way to describe the concept of human ecology as it relates to child development? A. It is the way children interact with nature. B. It concerns the environmental changes that determine children's intelligence. C. It is the influence of societal pressures on parenting skills. D. It involves children's interactions with different contexts as they grow and learn.


What term describes the breakdown of a family when both parents work and there is little time available for shared family time? A. socialization B. empowerment C. multitasking D. fragmentation


What term describes the process by which children are able to control their behavior on their own rather than their behavior being controlled by others? A. reaction B. interpretation C. realization D. internalization


What term describes the process by which children self-regulate behavior that had previously been controlled by others? A. contextualization B. externalization C. extinction D. internalization


When parents in a family share power and influence equally, what political ideological term is this similar to? A. autocracy B. meritocracy C. aristocracy D. democracy


Which of the following statements reflects a concern about media's influence on the socialization of children? A. Adults can mediate children's exposure to media. B. Television, radio, computers, the Internet and hand-held devices are all considered media. C. Children can learn about different cultures through the media. D. Children's reasoning ability is undeveloped so they are more likely to misunderstand information from media.


Who are members of a nuclear family? A. grandparents, parents, children B. parents, children, aunts and uncles, and cousins C. mother, father, and their parents D. husband, wife, children


Why is it important for children to be part of peer groups? A. Experience interacting with peers increases children's egocentric tendencies. B. The influence of society is made less important when children interact with those of their same age. C. Peer groups accept anyone in their group. D. Relationships with peers are qualitatively different from relationships with authority figures.


TRUE OR FALSE: Parenting refers to the people who choose to be parents, whereas parenthood varies by culture.


TRUE OR FALSE: There is no conclusive evidence of the relationship between physical abuse, aggressive behavior in children, and adolescent juvenile delinquency.


True or False: Girls are typically more impacted by their parents' divorce than are boys.


True or False: There is a higher incidence of homosexuality in children raised by homosexual parents.


TRUE OR FALSE: If a father perceives the neighborhood to be safe, he is more likely to place fewer restrictions on his children's activities in the neighborhood.


TRUE OR FALSE: When a family's values conflict with those of the school, the children from that family are likely to be at risk for poor school performance.


True or False: According to Jung, religious people exhibit behavioral stability and moral strength and are therefore more likely to comply with social norms.


True or False: Many children's behavior problems after a divorce can be traced back to an earlier age when their parents were in conflict prior to the divorce.


True or False: When American families moved from working their own farms to working in factories or businesses, many people transitioned from living with an extended family to living with their nuclear family in a smaller home near their job.


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