F&M Final Exam

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The text observes that grandparents continue to provide practical help and may serve as valuable

"family watchdogs."

About _____ percent of all children (5.3 million) are living in a married stepfamily with one biological parent and one stepparent.


Between _____ of all births occur to uncoupled, single mothers.

15 and 20 percent

The expanding economy needed more workers, and women were drawn into the labor force in significant numbers beginning around __________.


Research on marital power began


Split custody, in which each parent has physical custody of at least one child, remains uncommon and only occurs in about ___ percent of divorce cases.

2 to 4

Today, approximately __________ percent of all marriages involve a remarriage of one or both partners.


What percentage of women age 70 and older said that a sexual relationship was important to their quality of life?


Today over _____ million Americans are age 65 or older.


Although about 20-25 percent of mothers are single mothers, only about _____percent of fathers are single fathers.


Men continue to dominate corporate America. In 2010, less than __________ percent of the highest-earning executives in Fortune 500 companies were women.


According to psychologists Nathaniel Branden and Robert Sternberg, in order to nourish a romantically loving relationship, couples should

Accept their partners shortcomings

According to the text, elder abuse in families often, although not always, results from ________.

Caregiver stress

__________ means preparing to defend oneself against what one presumes is an upcoming attack.


Which of the following is NOT a sign of family disorganization?

Everyone eats, cooks, and goes to work like normal.

Family transitions involve unexpected or unpredictable changes in the course of family life.


Home ownership elevates the risk of divorce.


Long marriages are more likely to end in divorce because marital happiness declines over time.


The vast majority of two-paycheck marriages can be classified as dual-career.


Usually, battered wives leave and/or seek divorce almost immediately, without repeated conciliation.


__________ involves an employee being able to take an extended period of time from work, either paid or unpaid, for the purpose of caring for a newborn, for a newly adopted or seriously ill child, for the care of an elderly parent, or for their own health needs with the guarantee of a job upon returning.

Family leave

Brenda and Jaime have recently changed jobs, moved to a new neighborhood, and welcomed the birth of their third child. Using the definition provided in the text, it is safe to say that Brenda and Jaime are experiencing

Family stress

Paid care is more common for children in _____ families.


In general, __________ men spend more time in unpaid family work than do nonHispanic white men.


Cheng and Me-lin were constantly using criticism, passive-aggressive behavior, and contempt during their fights, and they hadn't said any words of love or touched each other for months. According to Huston and Melz, which type of marriage do they have?


Men with children work __________compared to childless men, on average.

Increased hours

__________ refers specifically to abuse that is almost entirely male and that is oriented to controlling the partner through fear and intimidation.

Intimate terrorism

According to the text, parents today face questions that would not have been imagined several decades ago. Which of the following is NOT one of the questions discussed in the text?

Is my child doing well in school?

___________ are biological or, much less often, adoptive fathers who do not live with their children.

Nonresident fathers

__________ refers to the ability to exercise one's will.


Which sociologist proposed the ABC-X family crisis model?

Reuben Hill

The high marriage rates in the ______ combined with younger age at marriage have resulted in more divorces and higher divorce rates in that region.


According to classification by researchers Huston and Melz, which type of marriage is high on both affection and antagonism?

Tempestuous, or stormy

Although caregiving for an aging parent is often given with fondness and love, it can also bring all EXCEPT which of the following?

The loss of identity

Contempt, criticism, defensiveness, stonewalling, and belligerence characterize unhappy marriages and signal impending divorce.


Experts advise a balanced level of cohesion for couples and families.


Research on racial/ethnic differences finds that the pattern of men's spending less time than women in housework occurs in white, black, and Hispanic families.


Research shows that daughters are more likely than sons to have close relationships with their parents, especially with their mothers.


Social scientists generally agree that the cultural ideal today is one of spousal and partner equality and of shared work and family roles.


The text urges consideration of various points in easing the transition from single-parent to stepfamily status. Which of the following is NOT one of these?

Try as best you can to replace a lost parent.

__________ involve(s) the necessary tasks of attending to both the emotional needs of all family members and the practical needs of dependent members, as well as maintaining the family domicile.

Unpaid family work

In 2010, _________ settled the largest sex-discrimination lawsuit in history


Research based on a national representative sample of more than 10,000 U.S. teens found that the negative effects of divorce and living with a single mother were less serious for black and Hispanic adolescents than they were for


PV perpetrators and victims tend to be

Young adults

In accordance with the stress model of parental effectiveness, single mothers have several stressors which can lead to less effective parenting behaviors. Which of the following is NOT one of these?

a private safety net

Sue Ellen feels that she has an unhappy relationship with her partner, Carole. She has been angry with Carole for a long time, but she won't express it openly. Sue Ellen's behavior reflects

a refusal to express anger.

The text points out that as family members separate and then join new families formed by remarriage, the new kin do not so much replace as __________ kin from the first marriage.

add to

Research on couples' __________—whether they pool their money and who controls pooled or separate money— is relatively recent.

allocation systems

The text characterizes the components of a common remarriage courtship pattern. Which of the following is NOT one of these components?

an adaptation period allowing for the adjustment of stepchildren

Visitation rights (and corresponding support obligation) of stepparents

are beginning to be legally clarified.

The text points out that among older Americans without partners, living arrangements depend on a variety of factors. Which of the following is NOT one of these?

attitudes toward divorce

Discipline is never appropriate for _______.


Estimates are that __________ percent of women experience marital rape.

between 10 and 14

The good divorce does not end a family but instead produces a __________—two households, one family.

binuclear family

A change in marital status is likely to result in

changes in one's community of friends.

According to the text, contempt, criticism, defensiveness, stonewalling, and belligerence

characterize unhappy marriages and signal impending divorce.

n communicating with each other, Naveed asks Tasha if his perception of her feelings is accurate. His behavior reflects

checking it out.

The first type of intimate partner violence to be recognized as a social problem was

child abuse

Of the styles of grandparenting, which is active with the grandchildren while exercising little control over them


Characteristically, stressor overload

creeps up on people without their realizing it.

Both equal and unequal partners may engage in a cycle of power politics, the cumulative effect of which is to create

distance and loneliness for both spouses.

Today, the vast majority of remarrieds have been __________.


According to the text, the nuclear-family model

does not work well for most remarried families.

Allowing children to witness violence between partners might be construed as

emotional child abuse.

Huston and Melz classified relationships into four types. Which of the following is NOT one of those relationship types?


When family members are uncertain in their perception of who is in or out of the family or who is performing what roles and tasks within the family system," this is a state called..

family boundary ambiguity.

Which theoretical perspective analyzes family transitions and sees a family as changing in predictable ways over time?

family development

When a family member becomes addicted to alcohol, the entire family system is affected. Which theoretical perspective views a family as such?

family systems

Some large corporations demonstrate interest in effecting __________ workplace policies that are supportive of employee efforts to combine family and work commitments.


When faced with a complaint from their partner, men tend to withdraw emotionally while women do not. This response is so common that therapists have named it the "__________ pattern."


Julie and John have a very close friend, Rafael, whom they have known since childhood. Julie and John refer affectionately to Rafael as "a member of the family." This illustrates the concept of __________ kin.


Judy and Caroline have known each other since high school. They are married now and have children of their own. They frequently take care of each other's aging parents. They often refer to each other as "like sisters." Judy and Caroline's situation illustrates which of the following concepts?

fictive kin

Lazar is taking care of his elderly parents. He isn't particularly close to them, but he feels a sense of obligation regarding his caregiving. This situation reflects what the text refers to as

filial responsibility.

As adolescents search for identity and begin to define who they are and will be as adults, they need help from their parents. Which one of these is NOT a need listed by the text?

financial incentive

Families whose members choose to be __________ in roles and leadership meet crises creatively.


The discussion in the text about high boundary ambiguity included catastrophic and unexpected situations. Which of the following is NOT one of the examples listed?

grandparent moving to a nursing home

A study of alcoholic families found that adult children of alcoholics who came from families that __________ were less likely to become alcoholics themselves.

had maintained family dinner and other rituals

More than __________ of all divorces involve children under eighteen, and about 40 percent of children born to married parents will experience marital disruption.


In John Gottman's investigations, __________ was the only variable that predicted both marital stability and marital happiness among stable couples.

he amount of positive affect in the conflict

According to the text, spanking refers to

hitting a child with an open hand without causing physical injury.

Improvements in unhappy marriages come about for various reasons. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons cited in the text?

hormonal changes (helped with moods and fighting)

The belief that IPV is asymmetrical

impacts the resources available to male victims.

The male provider role (and its counterpart, the female homemaker role) lasted into the

late 1970s

In Amato's typology, the __________ perspective assumes that, just as divorce is known to be an emotionally challenging life event for adults, it must also be so for children.

life stress

Abused children live in families of all socioeconomic levels, races, nationalities, and religious groups, although child abuse is reported more frequently among __________ families.

lower-class nonwhite

Which of the following terms in the textbook refers to the duration of marriage?

marital stability

In the United States, as part of a patriarchal system of law, divorced fathers were automatically given custody of their children until the __________ century.


Scholars have investigated everyday stressors that are unique to certain professions. Which of the following type of family is subjected to unique stressors, such as repeated relocations that often include international sites, frequent separations of service members from families, and subsequent reorganizations of family life during reunions?


The American Time Use Survey shows that women spend _________ time than men in the care of the household and its members.

more than double the

Between 1960 and a peak in 1980, the refined divorce rate

more than doubled

The vast majority of single mothers

never intended to raise their children without a partner.

In Silverstein and Bengston's typology of intergenerational relationships, which type is not characterized by emotional closeness or similarity of opinions, but adult children are likely to provide and/or receive assistance?


About __________ of all first marriages in the United States are likely to end in divorce.


About __________ of older adults are living in poverty.


About ____ of unpaid caregivers are male.


The poverty rate for those over age 65 is now about one-half that of children. The primary explanation for this difference is older Americans'

organization and lobbying to protect Social Security.

The __________ parent's style is indulgent, and often leads to the classic "spoiled child."


Which parenting style is characterized by low parental monitoring but high parental warmth?


n the United States, the mother is expected to be the child's primary __________ parent, assuming the major emotional responsibility for the safety and upbringing of her children.


When new parents first bring their babies home from the hospital, they report the transition being difficult especially due to several things. Which of these is NOT one of the things they report being bothered by?

relatives and friends visiting for hours on end

Postdivorce cohabitation is positively associated with

remarital instability.

Children and adults can demonstrate the capacity to recover from adverse situations and events. This is called being


The text points out that choosing a remarriage partner differs from making a marital choice the first time inasmuch as there is a(n)

smaller pool of eligibles on any given attribute.

Current research measures couple power in all of the following ways EXCEPT

social status of the partners' jobs

Sometimes everyday hassles pile up to result in what social scientists call

stressor overload.

All of the following demographic factors have been associated with the breakup of cohabiting unions EXCEPT

strong religious belief.

The bombing at the 2013 Boston Marathon was an intense stressor due to the __________ nature of the event.

sudden and demoralizing

Historically, well into the twentieth century, almost all stepfamilies were formed after

the death of a spouse.

The text identifies three distinct phases of family crisis. Which of the following is NOT one of these?

the high point of the crisis

An important feature of the latent kin matrix is that, although they may remain dormant for long periods, family relations with adult siblings and extended kin emerge as a resource when

the need arises.

Family structure (whether the family is first-marriage, cohabiting, divorced, or remarried) is not as important to stepchildren's well-being or future outcomes as is

the quality of the communication and relationships among family members.

LaToya and Christian have been having a bad day. LaToya asks Christian what is wrong. Christian replies, "Oh, nothing," but the look on his face and his body language suggest otherwise. Christian's behavior reflects

the silent treatment

A few companies today hope to lessen ______ by eliminating salary negotiations.

the wage gap

Research shows that distressed marital couples are distinguished by

their negative exchanges during conflict.

An LGBT individual might be at risk of domestic violence if he or she is in a relationship with someone who

threatens to "out" the other person.

Married couples comprise fewer than _____ of families with a joint child under age 18.


No-fault divorce is sometimes referred to as ______ divorce because one partner can secure the divorce even if the other wants to continue the marriage.


When neither spouse enters a remarriage with children, the couple's union is usually

very much like a first marriage.

Marriage Encounter is one of many workshops designed for couples who

want to improve their relationship.

Study after study shows that marital satisfaction is greater when

wives feel that husbands share fairly in the household work.

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