FBI Semester 1 TH - 2016

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Jesus states in John 4:24

"God is a Spirit"

What does the Greek word for "Inspired" literally mean?


evidences for the Trinity Jesus statement in John 10:30

"I and My Father are one."

The One True God is Merciful

"Mercy is that eternal principle of God's nature which leads Him to seek the temporal good and eternal salvation of those who have opposed themselves to His will, even at the cost of infinite Self -sacrifice" Mercy is not getting what we deserve, namely hell.

Jesus states in Luke 24:39

"a Spirit hath not flesh and bones"


the impartation of the message from the original manuscripts to today's Bible

the Verbal-Plenary Inspiration position

this is the correct position and it states that all (plenary) the very words (verbal) of the Bible are completely and perfectly inspired by God Himself. Exactly what is meant by inspiration (theopneustos-"God-breathed") is clearly defined in Matthew 4:4 "... Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God"

Is inspiration still going on today?

For nearly 20 centuries, Christians everywhere have believed that when John wrote Revelation 22:21 and wiped his pen, inspiration ceased. The Bible is a completed Book and therefore inspiration is a completed process

Memorize; 2 Peter 1:21 KJV

For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

The answer to the question "Where did God come from?" is ____. There is and can be no further answer.


The One True God is Faithful

God always keeps His promises. He never fails to love, tend, and care for the needs of His children and His creation

The One True God is Omnipotent is clarified

God can do anything that is consistent with His Own nature. God cannot be other that He is. He is true to Himself. He cannot be ungod-like. God cannot lie or sin. (Titus 2:1; Heb 6:18)

The Mechanical Dictation Theory

God coldly and woodenly dictated the Bible to His writers, allowing nothing of the writer's influence or personality to be involved.

The One True is Eternal (explained)

God does not exist within linear time. He exists above time (Jn 8:6-58)

If God is sovereign, how do we explain the presence of sin and evil?

God has allowed for (but not arranged for or caused in any way) sin to enter this universe because He has allowed both men and angels to possess free will.

The One True God is Holy

God is absolutely separate from and exalted above all His creatures (and creation), and He is equally separate from all moral evil and sin

The One True God is Omnipotent

God is all powerful. He has incomprehensible and absolute power

The One True God is Omniscient

God is all-knowing. God has always perfectly known all that can be known a.God has (without the need for learning, observing, or having caused) absolute, perfect, and total knowledge of all that has been, that is, that will be, that could have been, and that can be

The One True God Omnipresent

God is present everywhere with His whole being at the same time at all times

The One True God is Eternal

God is the One and only Being Who has existed for all of Eternity Past, Who will exist for all Eternity Future, and Who actually exists outside of and beyond the realm of time, as the Creator, not the servant of time.

If Minority Texts are corrupt or inferior, then so are all the ______ translations based on these texts.


Each translator's work was examined by every member of his committee. Each committee's work was then examined by all of the other committees. This degree of scholarship and of cross examination of every translator's work by all other translators has ________ ______ ________________ ___________.

never been duplicated since.

Know the number of Greek manuscripts (____ __,_____) and early versions (_____ __,___ ).

over 5,300-about 25,000

God is the ultimate and only __________and _____________ of truth this is why the Bible describes the "God that cannot lie" (Titus 1:2), and concludes that it is utterly "impossible for God to lie" (Heb 6:18)

source -standard


Master, emphasizing God's Authority

The _____________ Text are a very small number (primarily just 3 older manuscripts, some of which have been discovered since the translation of the KJV. These texts were incomplete and have as much or more disagreement between themselves as they do with the Majority text.


What language was the Old testament written in?

Mostly Hebrew with the exception of some Aramaic ..

The One True God is Incomprehensible

No finite being can ever hope to even remotely grasp or begin to understand the infinite God. This is why all attempts to really picture God (by graven images, drawn images, or even mental images) are always idolatrous. Tozer writes: "The essence of idolatry is the entertainment of thoughts about God that are unworthy of Him"

evidences for the Trinity 1 John 5:7

."There are three...the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost; and these three are One."

How many false prophecies did it take to make a false Prophet?


English translations of the Bible: The Geneva version AD 1557

this version of the Bible was translated in Geneva, Switzerland during the vicious persecution by Mary Tudor in England. It was translated by William Whittingham, brother-in-law to John Calvin. This version was important for several reasons... 1. It was the first English version to divide the text into verses 2. it was the first complete English version to omit the Apocrypha 3. it was the most loved Bible of the common people and went through over 160 editions 4. it was the Bible of John Bunyon, Shakespeare, and the pilgrims of the Mayflower.

One factor that is often overlooked is that the various methods of translation are influenced by the various views of Inspiration.If only the main thoughts of each passage are inspired, then it is perfectly appropriate to merely paraphrase the main thoughts of each passage.If the very words of Scripture are inspired, then what is the proper method of translation?

to translate the very words themselves, insofar as each language makes this possible

John Wycliffe

translated the 1st whole English Bible

The ____________ ______ of the King James Bible was actually done by 47 scholars divided into six groups, working at Westminster, Cambridge, and Oxford.

translation work

God's wisdom has practical meaning for us in that we can always trust in His _____ to be far better than our ____.


Be familiar with these evidences for the Trinity (with references ) 1.The command to baptize in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost. 2."I and My Father are one." 3."There are three...the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost; and these three are One." 4. the Father commands the angels to worship the Son and calls Him God and Lord 5. that to be God's Son makes One Equal with God

1. (Matthew 28:19-20) 2. Jesus statement in John 10:30 - 3. 1 John 5:7 4. Heb 1:5-8 5. The statement in John 5:18

Concerning Scripture's prophetic accuracy: 1.How many fulfilled prophecies are in the Old Testament alone? 2. How many of these are in Daniel 11? 3. How many of these are about Babylon? 4. How many of these are about Christ? 5. How much of the Bible was predicted prophecy when written? 6. How many of these have been fulfilled?

1. 10,000 2. over 135 3. over 100 4. over 333 5. 1/4 6. 1/2

What are the 3 primary names of God and how are each of these normally translated?

1. Elohim - God 2. Jehovah - LORD (all capital letters ) also I AM and Yahweh 3. Adonai - Lord

Supernatural Indestructibility of Scripture is achieved in spite of......

1. Political Persecutions 2. Religious Persecutions 3. Intellectual Persecutions

Supernatural Unity of Scripture is achieved in spite of

1. The many authors (some 40) &their various occupations (approximately 19) 2. The long period of time involved in it's writing 3. The different Geographical places where the Bible was written 4. Many different styles of its writing 5. The different types of times of writing 6. The 3 different languages in which it is written-(Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic) 7. The various religious backgrounds of the writers - ( Jews, Gentile Pagans and Christians ) 8. The hundreds of controversial topics covered.

What are some Supernatural element of the Bible?

1. it's amazing unity 2. it's Indestructibility 3. It's Scientific Accuracy 4. Its prophetic accuracy 5. Its care and copy 6. Its amazing circulation

Evidences for the completion of Inspiration

1. the warning of God not to add to His Word in the Bible's final chapter (Rev 22:18-19), 2. the declaration of Jude 1:3 that "the faith" was once for all time delivered to the saints. Jude speaks of "the faith which was once delivered to the Saints" a."the faith" refers to the Christian faith and doctrines. b.This Greek tense here literally speaks of "the faith which was once for all time never to be repeated again delivered unto the saints" This clearly speaks of a completed process. 3. the declaration of Hebrews 11:1-2 that God has given His final and highest revelation through His Son Jesus Christ. a.The New Testament superseded the Old Testament because it was the higher revelation of Christ and the Gospel, "the New Testament in My blood" (1 Cor 11:25) What other higher revelation could possibly supersede the revelation of Christ? What other testament could transcend the testament of His blood? b..What other Gospel (Gal 1:8-9) could surpass the gospel of Christ? 4. the 2000 year gap since anything has been added to Scripture is also good evidence that the message of God is complete. 5. Incomplete inspiration would mean that the Bible is not sufficient. If the Scriptures are not complete, then the inspiration we have already received, the Bible, is not all we need to make Christians, "perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works" (2 Tim 316-17)

Why is the circulation of Scripture amazing?

1.The Bible is the #1 bestseller of all time 2. It is the 1st major book ever translated 3. translation into more languages than any other book, 4.1st book put into modern book form (Codex) 5. 1st book printed 6. contains the oldest written history in existence 7. is the foundation of the Modern Scientific Method

Reprinting took place to fine tune the accuracy of the KJV in the years 1629, 1638,1762, and 1769. Changes were minor in nature and only concerned such details as :

1.Updating from Gothic to Roman typesetting (a Gothic "u" looks like a Roman"v"); 2. Printing errors (common with 1611 manual typesetting technology) 3. Updated spelling (English spelling was not standardized until the 1700's)

The King James Version was also produced, "with the former Translations diligently compared and revised". The translators availed themselves to and built upon the scholarship which had produced what six other Bibles?

1.the Bishop's Bible 2.Tyndale's versions 3. Matthew's versions 4.Coverdale's versions 5. the Great Bible 6.the Geneva Bible.

What are some Supernatural Scientific Accuracy of Scripture?

1.the Earth is round 2. the Earth is suspended in space 3. the innumerable stars 4. mountains and canyons in the sea 5. springs and fountains in the sea 6. Watery paths (ocean currents) in the sea 7. reproduction of living creatures after their on kind 8. health, sanitation and medical science 9. 2 Laws of Thermodynamics

Memorize; 2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV

16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

The KJV was based upon what had been the accepted Greek text for over 1200 years of Christian history. Assuming that the Church Fathers were indeed correct that this text was the preserved Word of God, then this text reflected all 1500 years of Church history before the King James Version was produced in ______.


Polycarp, Ignatius, and Iraneus (all of whom were associated personally with John the Apostle) list all but this one NT book and it is included in the very first written list of NT books we have (the Mutorian Canon)

3 John

Contrast between Omnipresence

A sharp distinctions must be drawn between the Bible doctrine of God's omnipresence and the Hindu and New Age heresy of Pantheism. God is indeed everywhere, but Pantheism wrongly declares that God is everything or that everything is God

The Muslim Quran

Alexander the Great followed the setting sun and found it went down into the water of a muddy stream, also filled with stories of mythical creatures like genies and clams many historical mistakes. Mohammad thought Miriam(sister of Moses was the same person as Mary the mother of Jesus )

Evidences for Supernaturalism for the Existence of God

All evidence for miracles, fulfilled Bible prophecies, the inspiration of the Scriptures, and the resurrection of Christ are ultimately evidences for the existence of God

It was not until AD 1596 at the Council of Trent that the Roman Catholic church officially recognized these books, basically in an attempt to strengthen their position, which had been grievously weakened by the great reformer Martin Luther.


God created man in His Own image.

One aspect of this creative act is that man is created with Free Will. God created man with the ability to freely accept and love God or to reject and rebel against God

The Muslim Quran and Hadith

Claim the moon is larger than the sun and shines by its own light and that Mohammad cut the moon in half with his sword.

If all the manuscripts of the New Testament were lost, the entire text could be recovered from quotes in the writings of the _____ ______ _______ ,over 36,000 quotes in the first three centuries alone. The books could also be recovered completely from the thousands of early _________________( books used for corporate Bible reading in the early church )

Early Church Fathers - Lectionaries

There are only two alternatives to the question of evil

Either God gave free will and then angels and men chose sin or God controls and causes all things and is therefore the author of all sin. There is no third alternative

Who established the OT Canon (aided by Haggai and Zechariah?


What exceptions appear in Aramaic?

Ezra 4:8-6:18; 7:12-26 Jeremiah 10:11 Daniel 2:4-7:28

The One True God is Immutable

God is unchangeable in His Essence, Character, Attributes, and Purpose. God is above even the possibility of change. Change must either be for the better or worse, both are impossible with God. There is nothing better than what He is and He cannot become less and still be God. Absolute infinite perfection cannot change in a neutral way, for there is not other stat in which God could exist which is equal with Himself.

The One True God is Infinite

God is unlimited in time, space, power, presence, knowledge, essence, love, grace, and moral perfection. God has no external limitations outside of His Own Holy Nature. God is measureless

The One True God is Inscrutable

God is unquestionable in His inexplicable and mysterious ways. This attribute is similar to incomprehensibility, but it carries this truth one step further. Theoretically, God could be beyond our understanding, but not always do what is best. But God is both incomprehensible and inscrutable.

The One True God is Just and Righteous

God's Righteousness or Justice is His perfect moral nature of always perfectly dealing rightly and justly with all that is holy and unholy, of justly punishing all evil and rewarding all good

Why there is is sin and suffering in God's once perfect creation

God's creation of both man and angels with Free Will provides the ultimate answer

The One True God is Eternal (discussed)

God's eternal nature is also distinct from that of His Creatures (Men and Angels) who will exist forever, in that He not only will exist for all eternity, but He has existed from all eternity and beyond even this, He does exist in all eternity.

The One True God is Self-Existent

God's existence is uncaused and arises from His Own eternal nature. God is not dependent upon any outside source or creative force. God is originless and simply exists because He exists. God is not dependent upon any outside source for his thoughts (Rom 11:33-34, His decisions (Rom 9:19; Eph 1:5), His power (Ps 115:3), or His counsel (Ps 33:10-11)

The One True God is Self-Sufficient

God's infinite divine nature is so perfect that He has no spiritual, emotional, mental, relational, physical, or material need outside of his Own divine Being

The One True God is Self-Sufficient discussed

God's self-sufficiency is related to His divine self-existence. God has never had and indeed cannot ever have in the present, in Eternity Past, or in eternity Future, a single need of any kind that is not entirely fulfilled within His Own infinite and perfect Being

The One True God is Gracious

God's unmerited favor, goodness, and blessings manifested toward the undeserving. Grace is that which is given freely. It is God's undeserved love for us. It is His unmerited favor. The favor of God is not restricted to salvation itself. When God grants favor in life, this favor extends to every area of life.

The One True God is Free

God's will and purpose are unlimited by any outside force and He is unrestrained in His will and plans, except by His Own nature

The One True God is Wise

God's wisdom is his ability to apply omniscience in such a way that He always chooses the Highest good for the greatest number for the longest time and the most excellent means to accomplish that purpose

The One True God is Good

Goodness is the eternal principle of God's nature which leads Him to communicate of his own life and blessedness to those who are like Him in moral character. "The goodness of God is that which disposes Him to be kind, cordial, benevolent, and full of good will toward men. He is tenderhearted and of quick sympathy. By His nature He is inclined to bestow blessedness and He takes holy pleasure in the happiness of His people"

What was the entire New Testament written in?


What has happened in the pagan cultures of the world

Immoral finite men would have created gods who were merely exalted men. Men would imagine immoral finite gods, such a the fickle and fleshly Greek and Roman gods. Man would have worshiped things he did not understand, such as animals or the sun and stars. Man would have imagined gods who justified their hatred and desire to kill their enemies, to rape their enemies' wives and to steal their enemies' lands.

Why can God not learn?

He already knows all that there is to be known. God never has, never will, and actually cannot learn, for to learn implies that there has been a time at which God didn't not know all

The One True God is Light

He is both the source and strength of all illumination. This is true not only to those golden beams of energy radiating from the sun and stars, but also of the moral, mental, and spiritual rays of information and inspiration


I AM, the Self-existent God, the Everloving God

The Argument from Morals for the Existence of God

If the universe and man were merely random chance arrangements of atoms and chemicals, then no morality could exist. For instance, it would be no more morally wrong to kill a baby than a mosquito larva, since both are only random chance arrangements of chemicals. Genocide would be no more evil than mass spraying to exterminate mosquitos. Yet absolute morals do exist. It is wrong to torture children for pleasure or to attempt to exterminate the Jews as Hitler did.

Claim to be Christians yet deny the Deity of Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit

Jehovah Witnesses, Christian Science and Mormonism

Who accepted the same 39 OT books we have today?


List some things the Quran got wrong.

Jesus did not speak from the cradle. The Christian trinity is not comprised of the Father, the Mother and the Son. The Kabah was not built by Adam and rebuilt by Abraham The flood did not take place at the time of Moses The Ark did not land on Mt. Judi The Jews did not worship Ezra as the son of God Christians do not believe that God the Father had sex with Mary to produce Jesus People with white faces will not go to Heaven while people with black faces are automatically damned Heaven will not be a place of wine and free sex as stated in Suras

What 2 men were prophesied of by name centuries before their birth?

Josiah & Cyrus

The KJV was translated from the ___________ ______, a body of over 5,500 Greek manuscripts. This was indisputably the accepted Standard Greek Text for almost all Bibles from the 400's to the late 1800's and early 1900's.

Majority Text

The Argument from Consciousness or mind for the Existence of God

Man's mind, rationality,and self-consciousness could not arise by chance from mere molecules. The immaterial cannot arise from the material. Atoms do not know that they exist. They are not self aware. man's self-conscious, rational nature implies a self-conscious, rational Source or Creator, the God with eternal mind. Man's mind, soul and spirit could only have been created by a God Who is Spirit, a God with mind, emotion, rationality, self-consciousness, self-awareness, and will.

Human illustration of Oneness, Jesus Only or Jesus Name Movement, and Modalism belief.

One man may be a son to his father,a husband to his wife, and a father to his children, but he is, in no sense whatsoever three separate personalities or persons because of this. The idea is that the One God may appear at one time as the Father, another time as the Son, and another time as the Spirit, but He is in no sense three separate persons

How could such a book (The Bible ) possibly be a unified whole?

Only if one Supernatural author were behind its writing.

This claim to superiority by the advocates of the Minority Text is now completely false because of many discoveries such as the ________, which are older than any of the manuscripts upon which the eclectic Minority Text was originally based. They represent both text types, but the majority consistently reveal that Majority text (KJV) readings are both _____ and __________.

Papyri - Older - correct

The latest edition of the eclectic Critical Text (Nestle's 26th edition) has had to make 500 changes back to the Majority Text reading because of discoveries from the early ______. Therefore the Majority text now stands as both the ____________ of Greek Texts (which it always has been) and as the ______ extant Greek Text.

Papyri- majority - oldest

Th Ontological Argument for the Existence of God

Since the concept of God is infinitely greater than man's finite mind, it cannot have come from man's finite mind and therefore must have been revealed by God Himself. If man had imagined God, we would not have imagined the perfect God of the Bible, but one far less demanding and restrictive and hard to understand.

The problem is that, if God cannot know all unless He caused all things, then He cannot fore-know the sinful choices of men and angels unless He causes all of these sinful choices. This view blasphemously makes God the author of ___, and indeed all of it .


Much confusion, debate, and misunderstanding has surrounded the nature of God's omniscience concerning the future, God's foreknowledge. The question has long been asked: If we cannot choose other than what God already knows we will choose, then are we truly able to choose?

Some have imagined that solution to this apparent tension between God's foreknowledge and man's free will is to conclude that man cannot choose. They have concluded that God knows all because He causes all. This issue has been debated for centuries and has resulted in an erroneous view of foreknowledge


Strong One


Strong One Who keeps His covenant

The King James Version Rests on the Greek texts complied by Erasmus, also know as ______ ___________ or ___________ _____. This is based upon the Traditional Text or Majority Text of the New Testament.

Textus Receptus-Received Text.


The Almighty (the Oak), the All-Sufficient One, the breasted one, our intimate nourisher


The LORD our Healer


The LORD will provide

evidences for the Trinity Matthew 28:19-20

The command to baptize in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost.

The Design or Teleological Argument for the Existence of God

The existence of Design implies a Designer. The Intelligent design, purpose, and order of the universe indicates an intelligent Designer.

The Argument from man's conscience and Moral Nature for the Existence of God

The existence of man's conscience and moral nature demands a self-conscious and moral Maker. Though man's conscience is often weak or ignored and may even become seared, it nonetheless exists in all men and tells us we ought to do right. This implies a moral God who planted a moral nature within us.

The Innate Knowledge or Universal Belief Argument for the Existence of God

The fact that Mankind's innate knowledge of God's Existence is a universal phenomena is evidence that this knowledge was placed in us by God Himself. All of humanity has an innate knowledge of the existence of God. This is true of all civilizations and cultures world-wide, including completely isolated tribes. This is because God has placed the knowledge of His existence "in them"

Hindu Vedas of India

The moon is 50,000 leagues higher than the sun & shines by its own light Night is caused by the sun's setting behind a huge mountain several thousand feet high, located in the center of the Earth: that this world, flat and triangular is composed of seven states-one of honey, another of sugar; a third of butter, and still another of wine, and the whole mass is borne on the heads of countless elephants which in shaking produce earthquakes.

Can God do anything?

The scriptural answer is clearly: No. There are not limits to His power, but "God cannot be tempted with evil" (James 1:13). He cannot contradict His Own nature.

God is a Trinity (Mt 28:18-20; 1 John 5:7; 2 Cor 13:14)

There is one God, Who exists in a union of three individual and distinct personalities, who co-exist in a perfect unity a three co-equal and co-eternal Persons

Premise One: The Bible clearly teaches there is one God Premise Two: Yet it also teaches that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are each God Premise Three: The Bible also teaches that these Three are distinct persons or personalities. What is the conclusion of these premises?

There must be one God, Who exists as Three distinct Persons, and the doctrine of the Trinity is true. 1. The Father is God 2. The Son is God 3. The Spirit is God

It is admitted by those on both sides of the debate that there is no logical basis for any absolute morals if there is no Creator or God

Therefore, we can only reject the existence of God if we are willing to reject all absolute morals. This is not only admitted by atheists, but for many, the desire for freedom from absolute morals (usually sexual prohibitions) is the very reason they have embraced atheism

Evidences that God is Three

They have individual locations (the baptism of Christ when all 3 appear separately) and Individual Wills and they Pray to One Another (the Garden of Gethsemene where Jesus prayed to the Father "not My Will, but Thine")

The Cosmological Argument for the Existence of God

This argument is based upon the Law of Cause and Effect. An infinite Creation demands an infinite cause, an all powerful, all knowing, uncaused first cause, or simply put-God. Just as the existence of a watch logically demands the existence of a watchmaker, the existence of Creation demands the existence of a creator.

Oneness, Jesus Only, or Jesus Name Movement

This teaching is held by the United Pentecostals, the Apostolic Church, and others who deny that God is three in any sense whatsoever

How does the Holy Spirit continue his communicates?

Through His continuing ministries such as Illumination, Conviction, Leading, and Calling (to salvation and to ministry). All of these ministries are, however, vastly different in nature than Revelation or Inspiration. All of these ministries are more general in nature and are dependent upon the receptivity and sensitivity of the human heart for their accuracy. They are therefore not guaranteed to be free from error in all cases.

Teaches that the Trinity consists of three separate Gods.


___________ is therefore anything factual about God. The child of God may well say, "I speak (or serve) the truth", but only God can say, "I am the Truth" (Jn 14:6)


There is no conflict or tension between the perfect attributes of God

We do not exalt God by overemphasizing other of His attributes. The attributes of God are in perfect unity and balance

What does the fact that absolute morals do and indeed must exist imply?

a moral Maker, Lawgiver and Judge

Personal Evidences for the Existence of God

a. Changed lives- when multiplied millions of persons century after century profess to the total life changing power of the New Birth, the wise will stop and listen! b. Personal relationship-millions of believers can profess what love, joy, peace, and sense of God's presence and providence a daily personal relationship with God brings them c. Answered prayers- hundreds of millions of testimonies could be given of amazing supernatural and natural answers to specific prayers. Only a fool would ignore such evidence!

In stating that Revelation and Inspiration have ceased, it is important to note that this does not mean that the Holy Spirit no longer ____________________ with the human heart.


Oneness, Jesus Only or Jesus Name Movement, Modalism

accept that God is One, deny that He is Three and does not exist as three distinct personalities; teach that the Father, Son and Spirit are three roles (or modes) by which the One God reveals Himself


books of Genesis-Deuteronomy (the Law)

The One True God is True

by truth we mean that the attribute of the divine nature in virtue of which God's being and God's knowledge eternally conform to each other

It must be understood that since the Bible is clearly revealed as God's Word, for one to claim that it contains errors or lies is to directly assault the __________ __ ____. One who tells lies is a liar and one who makes mistakes is fallible!

character of God

The Holy Spirit moved on the personality of the writer and guided (not dictated ) every word from ________ in such a way that every word of Scripture is both from God and from the human author and yet, none of the frailties or faults of the human writer are included .


William Tyndale

flooded England with the 1st printed New testaments


is God giving us the favor and salvation in Heaven that we do not deserve


is God not giving us the punishment in hell that we deserve

God's freedom

is part of His divine and holy nature, freedom is therefore a good and holy virtue. The God Who is Free exercises his sovereignty over His creation, while at the same time extending freedom to His subjects. God is not a dictatorial tyrant Who robs mans free will

Why God chose Hebrew

it is a pictorial language, speaking with vivid, bold metaphors which challenge and dramatize the story. The Hebrew language possesses a facility to present 'pictures' of the events narrated. ...As a pictorial language, Hebrew presents a vivid picture of the acts of God among a people who became examples or illustrations for future generations (1 Cor 10:11) The Old Testament was intended to be presented graphically in a 'picture-language'...Further, Hebrew is a personal language. It addresses itself to the heart and emotions...Hebrew is a language through which the message is felt rather than thought" Hebrew was a language restricted only to the Jewish people, keeping them separate from the world.

What is the chief claim to superiority by the advocates of the Minority Text?

it relies upon manuscripts which are older (and therefore supposedly closer to the originals) than the manuscripts of the Majority text.

Skeptics to the Ontological Argument propose this

that it was man who created God, rather than God who created man. If man had created God from his own imagination, what kind of god would he have created? The answer is clear. Man would have created god's made in man's image or in the image of things man can see. Man could not, and would not, have ever imagined the infinite, holy, just and loving God of the Bible.

Jesus states in Matthew 16:17

that the Father is not "flesh and blood"

evidences for the Trinity The statement in John 5:18

that to be God's Son makes One Equal with God

A collection of Old Testament manuscripts discovered in 1947, which date back to 2 BC. They were hidden in caves by a Jewish group know as the Essenes. They contain manuscripts from every Old testament book except Esther and were 1000 years older than any existing Old testament manuscripts.

the Dead Sea Scrolls

evidences for the Trinity Heb 1:5-8

the Father commands the angels to worship the Son and calls Him God and Lord

in the late 1800's, the Greek text unquestionably accepted by true churches since at least the 300's was challenged by those who argued that, since Coexes Sinaiticus (AD 330), Vaticanus (AD 330), and Alexandrinus (AD 450) predated most of the extant Greek manuscripts of the Standard or Majority Text, then they should be accepted as superior. An eclectic critical text was prepared by a committee lead by Westcott and Hort. This text was based upon these three manuscripts and a small number of other sources. What is this critical text the foundation of?

the Greek text underlying almost all new English and other language Bible versions today

Two distinct families of Greek texts or text types had already come into existence by the AD 300's. Scholars are generally agreed that most corruptions of the test occurred during the first 100 years after the originals were written (primarily produced purposefully by heretics like the Gnostics or Marcion). The Christian Churches of these early centuries examined both of these text families and came to the firm conclusion that one should be rejected as corrupt while the other was preserved and pure Word of God, accurately reflecting the originals. From this point on, all Greek texts and practically all translations into other languages were based upon this text. What is this text called ?

the Majority Text, the Received Text, the Traditional Text, the Byzantine Text, and several other titles as well

Illustration of how the Holy Spirit communicates

the Spirit may lead a pastor to preach a specific message from His Word, guide him in exactly what text to use, and even prompt him to use specific illustrations, but his is vastly different from saying that he received this message by divine revelation or inspiration, which would guarantee that every word of the sermon was directly from God and was therefore not only free from all error, but also as authoritative as the Holy Scriptures

The One True God is Sovereign

the authority of God over all things is absolute. He is the sole ruler over all that exists. God is in control. He is on the Throne. He rules as Lord

What has the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls silenced?

the charge of skeptics and false religions that had long claimed that in the centuries of copying and recopying, the text of the OT had sustained so many mistakes, errors and revisions as to make it completely unreliable. Here was a classic test for the liberal charges. Had our Bible changed through time due to copying? A comparison of these manuscripts with our oldest copies of the OT revealed that the copying process was incredibly and absolutely accurate


the impartation of the message from God to man. Man perfectly hears what God wants written

Revelation review

the impartation of the message from God to man. This ministry is complete and has ceased. It was perfect and without the possibility of error

Inspiration review

the impartation of the message from man to Scripture. This ministry is complete and has ceased. It was perfect and without the possibility of error


the impartation of the message from man to scripture. Man perfectly writes what God wants written. (2 Tim 3:16) The Bible came straight from the mouth of God (Mt 4:4) literally God- breathed


the impartation of the message from scripture to man's heart. Man understands and is enlightened by that which God has written. Without this, no sinner would ever have been saved! This, then, is that method used by the Holy Spirit to shed divine light upon all seeking men as they look into the Word of God

Illumination review

the impartation of the message from the Scripture to man's heart. This ministry continuous and ongoing. This ministry is dependent upon the response of the human heart and is therefore not infallible or without the possibility of error

The One True God is Love (1 Jn 4:8)

the manifested unconditional and unselfish concern of God, in emotion, volition and action for man's highest good

English translations of the Bible: The King James Version (AD 1611)

this is undoubtedly the most beautiful, beloved, and popular English translation of all time! It was also probably the only translation in which no parties involved had an axe to grind. The goal was to produce a non-sectarian Bible to unite the Christians of England. The stress was therefore on accuracy, not promoting a certain doctrinal viewpoint. The scholarship of its translators is also beyond all dispute. It is still considered the height of English Literature.

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