Federal Govt. Ch. 11 Pre-test

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Which person is most likely to join an interest group?

a doctor

What is the limit a PAC can contribute to a primary or general election campaign?


Which of the following is true of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002?

It ultimately failed to restrict PACs in any significant way.

How do netroots associations differ from traditional interest groups?

They are quicker to adapt to changes in politics.

What change did Microsoft and Wal-Mart make in 1988 and 1989, respectively, with respect to their interests in Washington?

They increased their direct lobbying efforts.

Mutual cooperation among an executive agency, a legislative agency, and an interest group, exemplified by defense contractors acting in concert with congressional committees and executive agencies, is an example of

an iron triangle.

Super PACs differ from regular political action committees in that they

can raise and spend unlimited amounts of money.

Benefits that are broadly available and cannot reasonably be denied to others is the definition of ____ goods.


What type of interest groups make up the highest percentage of those registered to lobby in Washington?

economic groups

By far the most common electoral strategy employed by interest groups is

giving money to political parties or to particular candidates.

The Sierra Club urges its members to contact their senators about a bill currently being considered in Congress. This is an example of

grassroots mobilization.

In 2004, the gambling industry in Missouri wanted to change the Missouri Constitution to expand gambling. It organized a campaign through voter signatures and put its proposal directly on the ballot for a vote of the people. This is called a(n)


Interest groups offer numerous incentives for members to join. Insurance and discount cards would be examples of ____ benefits.


A free rider is a(n)

person who enjoys the benefits of a collective good, action, or service without any effort on her part.

The American Bar Association is an example of a

professional association.

To overcome the free rider problem, groups

provide selective benefits.

Universities are classified as what type of interest group?

public sector

In which type of interest group does the organization employ professionals who conduct most of the group's activities while members are called on largely to pay dues and make other contributions?

staff organization

What is the primary purpose of institutional advertising?

to create a positive image of an organization

The New Politics movement is composed of

upper-middle-class professionals and intellectuals that participated in the 1960s social change movements.

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