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What percentage of silent films do scholars estimate no longer exist due to neglect or damage?


Direct cinema

A documentary style originating in the US in the 1960s that aims to observe an unfolding situation as unobtrusively as possible

Avant-garde cinema

Aesthetically challenging, noncommercial films that experiment with film forms.

The filmmaker Maya Deren is well known for her contributions to

American avant-garde film

What asserts that a film bears the creative imprint of one individual (typically the director).

Auteur theory

__________ understands or response to film in terms of rational evaluation of visual and narrative cues

Cognitivist film theory

Social documentaries

Documentaries that examine issues, peoples, and cultures in a social context.

The period in film history from roughly 1895 to 1913, which was marked by rapid development and experimentation is know as

Early cinema

The diverse group of films brought together under the rubric of "Third Cinema" share an agenda to

Reject the technical perfection of commercial traditions and embrace film as a voice of the people.

A critically or popularly accepted list of essential great works is called

a canon

Documentary films that explore different global cultures and peoples, both living and extinct are called

anthropological documentaries

Topicals were an early genre of film that strove to

capture or re-create historical or newsworthy events

In ______________, real objects, people, and events are filed in a confrontational way, exposing objective and subjective truths and acknowledging the filmmaker's involvement as interlocutor

cinema verite

A rhetorical position organized in a question-and-answer format is best described as


Films that express emotions, beliefs, or personal visions have a

lyrical style

As developed bu director and theorist Sergei Eisenstein, the linking of conflicting images to generate an emotional, intellectual, and political understanding of events is called


Many experimental films are _______, meaning they lack well-defined characters or plots.


Formalist studies of narrative structure have contributed the distinction between

plot and story

Movies that depicted a darker side of teenagers and the American family, like Rebel Without a Cause, appeared in Hollywood during the _________


Cinema verite

A French term literally meaning "cinema truth"; type of documentary filmmaking that used unobtrusive, lightweight cameras and sound equipment to capture a real-life situation

A documentary film is defined as

A film intended to represent presumed truths, actual events, and real experiences

Super Size Me, a film that documents the personal health consequences of filmmaker Morgan Spurlock's diet of McDonald's fast food for a month, is an example of

A personal documentary


A variation of early nonfiction films

_________ films use color, shape, and line to create patterns and rhythms that are nonrepresentational.


Considering film's interdisciplinary nature means

Acknowledging that film represents a combination of art forms as well as commercial, social, and artistic interests.


Aims to inform viewers about truths or facts

Documentaries have aimed to

All of the options are correct

Early theories of film tended to explore which of the following questions?

All of the options are correct

In feminist film theory, the concept of "male gaze" includes the idea that

All of the options are correct

Which of the following statements about the French critics writing in the 1950s for the film magazine Cahiers du cinema is correct

All of the options are correct

New media

An array of technologies, including the Internet, digital technologies, video game consoles, cell phones, and wireless devices, and the applications and imaginative creations they support.

Structural film

An experimental film movement that emerged in North America in the 1960s, in which films followed a predetermined structure.

____________ esplores the values built into film technology through the particular context of its historical development.

Apparatus theory

The three major experimental film organizations, according to the text are

Associative, participatory, and structural

Formalism is a method of analysis that does what?

Considers a film's structure to be primary in creating meaning

_____________ operate under the assumption that the facts and realities of past histories can be recovered and accurately represented.

Conventional documentary histories

___________ is a set of approaches drawn from the humanities and social sciences that looks at the role of cinema in the everyday lives of people at specific historical points or in particular social contexts.

Cultural studies

Night Mail, a film that follows the progression of a mail train from London to Scotland, is an example of which kind of documentary organization?


________________ present places, objects, individuals, or experiences through a pattern that has a non-narrative logic.

Developmental organizations

Personal or subjective documentaries

Emphasize the personal perspective or involvement of the filmmaker, often making the films resemble autobiographies or diaries.

____________ a term used to describe experimental media that incorporate experiences or elements outside of film, like live performance or computer technology.

Expanded cinema

_______ traditions in experimental media are tied to notions of artistic originality, authenticity, and interiority


Non-narrative films

Films organized in a variety of ways besides storytelling

Nonfiction films

Films presenting factual descriptions of actual events, persons, or places, rather than their fictional, or invented, re-creation.

Ethnographic documentaries

Films that record the practices, rituals, and people of a culture.

In the 1920's ___________ destabilized familiar or objective ways of seeing and revitalized the dynamics of human perception.

French impressionist cinema

According to your textbook, two methods of film criticism that rely heavily of cinephilia are

Genre theory and auteur theory

Who was the first woman to win an Oscar for best director?

Kathryn Bigelow

optic sound recording

Made it possible for the addition of educational or social commentary to accompany images in newsreels, documentaries, and propaganda films.

The political and economic discourse that looks at history and society in relation to class inequalities is called


In Strike, Sergei Eisenstein links images of workers being shot to images of a slaughtered bull. This is an example of __________ association.


Films that use documentary style to present and stage fictional, often humorous realities are usually called


The term ___________ describes both a period of history stretching from the end of the medieval era to the present and identifies an attitude toward progress and science shaped by human interaction.


Derived from the Greek work kinema, the term "cinema" literally refers to


In the early 1990s, an impressive group of young LGBT filmmakers produced a crop of commercially successful, aesthetically innovative films dubbed

New Queer Cinema

Experimental films

Noncommercial, often non-narrative films that explore film form.

Underground film

Nonmainstream film, associated particularly with the experimental film culture of 1960s and 1970s New York and San Francisco

Third cinema

Opposed commercial and auteurist cinemas with a political, populist aesthetic and united films from a number of countries and contexts.

Who directed the first African American feature film?

Oscar Micheaux

The 1948 Supreme Court ruling that effectively ended the studios' monopolization of the film industry is referred to as the

Paramount decision

Leni Fiefenstahi's infamous documentary about the Nazi Party, Triumph of the Will, is an example of which rhetorical position?


Propaganda films

Political documentaries that visibly support, and intend to sway viewers toward, a particular social or political issue or group.

Introduced in 1968, Portapak was what kind of technology that helped advance documentary filmmaking?

Portable recording equipment

What is a position of critique asking us to reconsider the truths and hierarchies we take for granted



Re-creating presumably real events within the context of a documentary.

Film theorists Andre Bazin and Siegfried Kracauer were best known for their theories of film


Directed by _____________, the documentary film Nanook of the North blends a romantic fascination with nature with an anthropological desire to document other cultures.

Robert Flaherty

_____________ considers words and images as different kinds of signs or ways of making meaning.


Montage, the creating of meaning from a juxtaposition or chain of shots, was most significantly elaborated on by

Sergei Eisenstein

Experimental films that explore the material basis of the film medium are often called

Structural films

__________ is a critical approach originating in the fields of linguistics and anthropology that looks for common patterns rather than originality.


Which of the following is NOT an example of political documentary?

The PBS series The Civil War, which used reenactments and historical documents to re-create key events from the American Civil War.

Which of the following are trends associated with contemporary Hollywood cinema?

The elevation of spectacle and special effects, The fragmentation of narrative constructions, The development of the blockbuster, and The prominence of the director in driving movie commerce.

What did the introduction of consumer video formats in the 1980s help to foster?

The growth of activist video and video art

Shooting ratio

The relationship between the overall amount or length of film shot and the amount used in the finished project.

In response to regimes of political oppression in the Third World, a film movement called ___________ rejected both commercial cinema and art cinema in order to engage directly with the people.

Third Cinema

Which of the following is NOT a rhetorical position of documentary films?

To create a new story based on historical facts

In 1969, Fernando Solanas and Octavio Getino wrote which manifesto?

Towards a Third Cinema

In 1960s America, the countercultural impulse was reflected in the __________ artists such as Andy Warhol.


Which of the following is NOT an example of a confrontational tradition in experimental media?

Video diaries

Activist video

a confrontational political documentary using low-cost video equipment

The postmodern concept of a copy without an original is known as

a simulacrum

Early nonfiction films that presented snapshots of real people and events were called


The term "avant-garde" literally means

advance gaurd

Sub-Saharan African cinema is unified by

an emphasis on social and political themes and an exploration of the conflicts between tradition and modernity

Films that explore psychological or formal resonances through metaphorical images or symbolic concepts follow

associative organizations

Beginning in the 1980s, the distribution and avaliability of documentaries increased due to

cable television, the video rental market, film festivals, and a greater presence at theaters.

The standardization of film production and the establishment of the feature film in Hollywood occurred during what period

classical silent

Experimental Soviet filmmakers of the 1920s were influenced by __________, a movemnt that emphasized dynamic, graphic machine-age art that served social purpose.


The experimental style or perspective most associated with political positions is


The type of documentary organization that presents a catalog of images or sound throughout the course of a film is called


The postwar film movement of Italian neorealism is known for

depicting social crises using a stark realistic style

The technique of recreating or theatrically staging a presumably true event is known as

documentary reenactment

The Production Code Administration was established in 1934 to

enforce a set of guidelines restricting depictions of crime, sex, and other questionable topics in movies.

The use of video game engines to modify computer animation and create new narratives from game world is called


Films that have survived through time but have been neglected or abandoned by their owners or copyright holders are called

orphan films

The act of dividing film history into historical segments that help identify movies' shared thematic and stylistic concerns is called


Salvador Dali and Luis Bunuel's film Un chien andalou is a famous example of


In the arts the "mimesis" refers to

the imitation of reality

Psychoanalytic models of film theory place primary emphasis on

unconscious processes

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