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hunting and gathering societies were marked by 1. widespread specialization of labor 2. a subsistence lifestyle 3. limited trade 4. little specialization of labor


2b. identify and explain one reason shown in the map declined significance between 1450-1750

1. indian ocean - new technology, astrolabe, oversea trade is much faster, carries more items, cheaper, sea trade is more efficient

Which of the following INCORRECTLY matches a belief system with one of its central texts? a Judaism—Torah b Confucianism—The Bhagavad Gita c Islam—the Koran d Christianity—the Bible

Confucianism—The Bhagavad Gita

1. Based on the map and your knowledge of world history, which of the following likely encouraged the development of cities such as Chang'an? a.The growth, in volume and extent, of overland trade and commerce b. Improvements in maritime technology, such as the compass and lateen sail c.The spread of Buddhism into East Asia d. Long-distance migrations of central Asian peoples


10. What was NOT a consequence of the Mongol invasions? a. the Silk Road was destroyed Russia fell under Mongol rule for over two centuries China was governed by Kublai Khan Much of the Middle East came under Mongol dominance


20. Which statement best describes the effects of the works of Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Sir Isaac Newton, and Rene Descartes? The Scientific Method was used to solve problems. The acceptance of traditional authority was strengthened. Funding to education was increased by the English government. Interest in Greek and Roman drama was renewed.


27. The introduction by the griot is intended to serve which of the following purposes? a.To establish the griot's authority by connecting him to the past b.To exalt the Malian kings above previous dynasties c.To highlight the griot's unique abilities compared with other griots d.To portray Mali as a progressive society that is improving the past


3. The variety of temples shown on the map of Chang'an was most likely the result of which of the following broader processes from 600 to 1450CE? Diffusion of cultural traditions along the Silk Roads Conquests by nomadic Central Asian groups Religious conflict resulting from the An Lushan rebellion Neoconfucian influence on the Tang government


4. The integration of natural bodies of water and waterways in the plans for the balance most likely show the influence of which of the following? Daoism Confucianism Zoroastrianism Buddhism


5. Which of the following is an accurate statement about both the Americas and West Africa before 1500? polytheism was the dominant belief system wheat and millet were the main food staples large domesticated animals allowed for extensive agricultural production a written language was in wide use at the time


7. How did the harshness and ruggedness of the terrain of the Andes Mountains affect the way that societies there evolved? people were forced to adapt to their geographic surrounding by creating terraces for farming very few buildings were erected culture was very primitive there was much fighting over scarce resources


9. The Mongols were skilled in _____________, but not in _____________. warfare, nation building administration, warfare archery, horsemanship nation building, cultural borrowing


In western Europe, a long-term effect of the invention of Gutenberg's printing press was that the the literacy rate increased monarchies were restored to absolute power development of new ideas was discourages feudalism declined


The views expressed in the excerpt are best seen as evidence of which of the following in Mauyran society? The persistence of patriarchy The absence of inter-caste marriages The social acceptance of children born out of wedlock The rulers' lax enforcement of religious doctrine


Which inference is BEST supported with information provided on the map? The Chinese depend on a number of economic trades, primarily farming. China has more people than its land can support. Most of China's people live in the western portion of the region. Most Chinese people make a living working in factories.


Which of the following best explains the changes illustrated in the chart during the period 1200CE to 1400 CE? The Mongol invasions and spread of the bubonic plague An increase in peasant revolts against taxation An increase in the use of coerced labor The military expansion of the Islamic caliphate


Which of the following is the most accurate statement about the Indian Ocean trade network during the period between 1000 and 1450? the trade network drew together merchants, travelers, and goods from the Middle East, East Africa, India, SE Asia, and China the interference of European colonizers and explorers altered the economic patterns of this trade network bitter competition forced the port cities of East Africa out of the Indian Ocean trade network by the 1200s China had very little to do with the Indian Ocean trade network


Which of the following statements accurately characterizes Islamic culture during the tenth through thirteenth centuries? The level of scientific knowledge was much higher than in Christian Europe. Muslim scholars were unfamiliar with the learning of the ancient Greeks. Muslim philosophers, physicians, and architects had an insignificant impact on the development of medieval Europe. The Islamic culture depended on European innovations for new technology.


Why were trade routes particularly extensive in Eurasia? because a wide variety of communities, from Europe to East Asia, had to be linked by them Eurasia was where most good were produced Europeans did not yet know how to build roads Russian czars built all these routes using forced labor


One of the main innovative ideas in Hammurabi's law code was that a the upper classes are to have the least rights b the lower classes were to have special privileges c a set of regulations should govern society and be written down d anyone who spoke against the king would be executed

a set of regulations should govern society and be written down

which source is of information is considered a primary source

a travel diary of ibn battuta

3a. one cause of Colombian exchange 3b. effect of CE on America 3c. effect of CE on Afro-Eurasia EXPLAIN

a: Columbus's discovery of the Americas led to the exchange.Columbus introduced horses, sugar plants, and disease to the New World, while facilitating the introduction of New World commodities like sugar, tobacco, chocolate, and potatoes to the Old World. The process by which commodities, people, and diseases crossed the Atlantic b.the europeans brought diseases to americas. the natives were not immune to any of these diseases. the European diseases wiped out nearly the entire population of natives in the americas c. the natives exported crops like potatoes and corn. these crops were very good and kept populations out of famine. Because these and many other crops were good for populations, it led to the population growth because there was enough food for everyone

what benefits did the discovery of agriculture have on early societies

all of the above

14. Which conclusion can be made about the Ming dynasty of China as a result of the travels of Zheng He? a. China profited more from African trade than from Asian trade. The Ming dynasty established trade routes to Europe. Advanced navigation technology was available in China. Islam became the dominant religion of China.


15. Which advancement from the Scientific Revolution is matched correctly with its inventor? a. Copernicus..........chemistry b. Newton..............physics c. Kepler................botany d. Descartes............biology


18. How were the trends in New Spain and Brazil similar during colonization? neither used slaves both European conquerors decimated native American populations the societies both became ethnically homogenous copper mining was a critical part of the economy in both countries


21. The Magna Carta, the Glorious Revolution, and the writings of John Locke all contributed to Great Britain's development of a limited monarchy absolute monarchy ethnic rivalries imperialist policies


22. The only nation that did NOT engage in mercantilism during the 1600s and 1700s was a.Portugal b.Italy c.Spain d.France


23. The Encomienda System used in Spanish colonies was most similar to a.mercantilism b.feudalism c.socialism d.communism


24. The most direct result of the Protestant Reformation was a.efforts were made to reform the Eastern Orthodox Church b.the printing press was invented c.interest in the arts and scientific inquiry increased d.literacy rates across Europe rose


30.The economic activities referenced in the charter most directly contributed to which of the following in the period 1450-1750 CE? a.A decrease in the publication of travel narratives b.Increased funding for the visual and performing arts c.Decreased spending on the construction of religious centers d.Dutch becoming the predominant language for commercial transactions


31.Which of the following economic conditions was most important in creating the global trade network illustrated by the two diagrams? a.American demand for labor and African supply of slaves b.Japanese supply of silver and Middle Eastern demand for spices c.Western European demand for industrial raw materials and American and South Asian supply of cash crops d.Chinese and Indian demand for precious metals and European demand for Asian textiles and luxury goods


32.Which of the following was an important direct effect on Europe of the processes reflected in the diagrams? a. The independence movements in Spanish and Portuguese colonies. b.The industrialization of parts of England, France, and Germany c.The intensification of state rivalries over control of trade routes, leading to colonial wars d.Religious conflicts between Catholics and Protestants


33. Which of the following was a direct result of the trade pattern shown on the map? a.English colonies in North America developed methods of industrial production b.The production of cash crops in North America and the Caribbean increased. c.Trade between states in sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East decreased d. Territories in sub-Saharan Africa were colonized by European nations


34.Which of the following led directly to the structure of the trade system shown on the map? a.Laissez-fair capitalism b.Mercantilist economic practices c.The encomienda labor system d.Development of trading alliances among Maya city-stat


35.Which of the following best explains the changes illustrated in the chart during the period 400 BCE to 600 CE? a.The development of the Silk Road trade networks b.The rise and collapse of the Han Dynasty c.The increased number and variety of domesticated animals d. The development of large cities and administrative centers


Compared to the regulations in the excerpt, Buddhism practices concerning gender roles in the period 600 BCE to 600 CE differed in that they Rejected the validity of marriage as an institution Offered women and men the possibility of monastic life as an alternative to marriage Gave the bride's mother, rather than the father, the primary role in making marriage decisions Asserted that only marriages based on the free choice of both spouses were valid


For what reasons did medieval popes launch the Crusades? to spread Christianity to Ireland to fight and reclaim the Holy Land from the Muslims, convert non-Catholics, and wipe out dissent to enable England to conquer French land to grasp control of trade along the Silk Road


What effect did the geography of ancient Greece have on its early development? a.a lack of natural seaports limited communication b.the mountainous terrain led to the creation of independent city-states inland location hindered trade and colonization d.abundant natural resources encouraged self-sufficiency


What is one major similarity between Hinduism and Buddhism? a. both religions support a caste system both religions accept that souls reach spiritual perfection through a cycle of life, death, and reincarnation both embrace the Four Noble Truths both follow the Eightfold Path


What was one of the primary reasons for the spread of the bubonic plague (Black Death)? a.economic decline b.increase in trade c.development of the manorial system d.colonization of the Americas


Which circumstance best describes a long-term result of the Crusades? Muslim control of Jerusalem ended. Cultural exchanges between the Middle East and Europe grew. Feudalism began in Western Europe. Christians and Muslims achieved a lasting peace.


Which conclusion can be drawn from the information provided by the map? Africa was Europe's most active trading partner A vast network of trade routes connected the centers of trade in Europe The Hanseatic League controlled trade in the Black Sea Asians and Europeans traded primarily by water routes


Which of the following best explains the change illustrated in the chart after 1650? The influx of European merchants and trading companies into Asia The widespread adoption of American food crops in Asia The increase in Chinese agricultural exports to Europe and Japan The environmental effects of the Little Age


Which of the following is an example of a democracy? a. the city-state of Sparta republican Rome the Mauryan Empire under Ashoka's rule the Byzantine Empire


Why did the Catholic Church play a key role in the development of medieval Europe? it controlled the Eastern Orthodox Church its monasteries preserved ancient manuscripts, and the Church provided cultural cohesion it was led by protestant reformers Catholics joined with Jews in developing cities


13. King Louis XIV of France, Peter the Great of Russia, and Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire were all considered absolute rulers because they a. instituted programs that provided more power to their parliaments helped feudal lords build secure castles determined government policies without the consent of their people broke from the Roman Catholic Church


16. Which of the following statements about Europe during the period 1450 to 1750 is the LEAST accurate? Political stability brought economic growth that fueled advances in the arts and sciences. Religious differences became a source of internal and external conflict in European nations. While European nations were successful at exploration in the western hemisphere, little colonization occurred elsewhere. Europeans benefited from contact and exchange with other civilizations more than other civilizations benefited from contact with Europeans.


17. "I was immediately handled and tossed up to see if I were sound, by some of the crew, and I was now persuaded that I had gotten into a world of bad spirits, and that they were going to kill me. Their complexions, too, differing so much from ours, their long hair, and the language they spoke...united to confirm me in this belief... The closeness of the place and the heat of the climate, added to the number in the ship, which was so crowded that each had scarcely room to turn himself, almost suffocated us." Which event is described in the passage above? a. the Aztec religious ceremony of human sacrifice the Chinese process of foot binding the transatlantic slave trade the travels of Ibn Battuta


25. All of the following trade routes existed prior to 1000CE except the a.Silk Road b.Arabian Sea/Indian Ocean Route c.Atlantic Ocean Route d.Trans-Saharan Route


26. The success and timing of trade through the Indian Ocean basin largely depended upon a.controlling the actions of Turkish pirates b.forming a lasting trading partnership with China c.understanding the rhythms of the monsoon winds d.the Indian desire to purchase pepper from the Romans


28.The risks mentioned in the first paragraph are best understood in the context of which of the following historical developments? a.Competition with African states for profits from the slave trade b.Competition with Catholic European states to convert Amerindian peoples c.Competition with European states for the profits of global trade d.Competition with Asian empires for the profits of the spice trade


6. Which civilization completes the heading of the partial outline the best? I. _____________________________ *Spread of Islam *Gold and salt trade *Growth of Timbuktu *Pilgrimage of Mansa Musa a.Egyptian b.Kush c.Mali d.Benin


8. The Aztec use of the calendar and the Mayan writing system both illustrate that pre-Columbian cultures in the Americas a.declined because of invasion and disease b.traded extensively with Africa c.flourished prior to European contact d.converted others to Islam


During the 700s through the 1200s, which of the following was the most culturally advanced civilization? a. Medieval Europe sub-Saharan Africa the Islamic world Central Asia


In which way were the developments of the Renaissance in Italy similar to the developments of the Tang dynasty in China? warfare and insurrection led to the devastation of both societies the peasant class was responsible for the emergence of both eras the rebirth of art, technology, and learning was a central theme in both regions religious reform was a main focus in both regions


Of the statements below, which is the BEST assessment of the Renaissance? it strengthened the Papacy by emphasizing Catholic doctrine it boldly experimented with non-realistic forms of artistic expression it combined a revival of Greco-Roman learning with a conviction that worldly human existence was worthwhile its primary emphasis was on painting and sculpture, and therefore there were few Renaissance writers or poets


On which regions did China exert the strongest cultural and political influence? a. Burma, Japan, and Pakistan Vietnam, Cambodia, and India Japan, Korea, and Vietnam Pakistan, India, and Japan


One contribution of ancient Roman culture was the development of a.the printing press b.the process of making silk c.a republican form of government d.the concept of zero


What best describes the relationship between Islamic culture, Medieval European culture, and the Renaissance? a Muslim practice in Spain prevented the emergence of the Renaissance there. b Muslim scholars and philosophers borrowed heavily from English and French thinkers and scientists. c Muslim science, as well as Muslim translations of ancient Greek writings, were indispensable to the cultural growth of Europe. d The Crusades brought European architectural and artistic forms to the Middle East, where they were eagerly absorbed into the local style.


What was one result of the Crusades? a.Islamic kingdoms expanded into Europe. b.Alexander the Great became a powerful leader in Eurasia. c.Trade increased between Europe and the Middle East. d.Arabs and Christians divided the city of Jerusalem between them


Which generalization is BEST supported by the information provided by the map? rain does not usually fall in South Asia between November and April monsoon winds do the most damage to the east coast of India the subcontinent of India has significant geographical changes and challenges the interior of the Indian subcontinent is sheltered from monsoon winds by the Himalaya Mountains


Which groups were most closely associated with the spread of the Black Death? bankers and explorers soldiers and diplomats merchants and pilgrims rulers and their courts


Which of the following BEST encapsulates Confucian thought? political power is given to rulers by the gods; therefore, rulers may treat their people as they please husbands and wives should share the responsibility for family leadership equally social harmony is attained when superiors treat those below them with kindness, while inferiors respect those above them only members of the aristocracy are capable of cultivating the qualities of etiquette and grace


Which of the following changes to Mauyran religious policy occurred under Chandragupta's grandson, Emperor Ashoka? The emergence of a syncretic Indo-Greek system of religious belief The secularization of the Mauryan state The promotion of Buddhist teachings through edicts by the ruler The establishment of Islam as the dominant religion of northern India


Which of the following conclusions about the period 600 BCE to 600 CE is most directly supported by the passage? The emergence of new religious traditions often challenged long -standing social norms. Religious traditions were unaffected by the rapidly changing social norms of the period. The codification of religious traditions reinforced existing social norms. Religious traditions and social norms were transformed by cross-cultural interactions.


Which of the following was NOT one of Rome's cultural legacies? a. the Romans preserved Hellenistic culture the Romans built roads and fortifications that have lasted for centuries the Romans adopted the Islamic religion as the official faith of the empire the Romans made Christianity the official faith of the empire


Which title best completes this diagram? Latin American Societies Sites of Early Civilizations Centers of World Trade Cities of Origin for World Religions


what is the best title for this diagram? nomads hunters and gatherers simple tools and weapons to farmers domesticated animals and established of villages

changes during the neolithic revolution

*If a man has destroyed the eye of a free man, his own eye shall be destroyed. *If a man has knocked out the teeth of a man of the same rank, his own teeth shall be knocked out. These rules are based on the a.Ten Commandments b.Koran (Qur'an) c.Analects of Confucius d.Code of Hammurabi


11. The introduction of papermaking into Europe is an example of cultural diffusion from China by way of the Eurasian trade route from Japan by way of the Arab-Indian trade route through the Columbian Exchange through the Triangular Trade route


12. Martin Luther's posting of the Ninety-Five Theses is considered by many to be a turning point in history because a. Luther soon became the leader of Germany the Pope's right to sell indulgences was strengthened the Roman Catholic Church unified the German states the power of the Roman Catholic Church was lessened and royal power grew


19. One similarity of the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment is that both a. had the support of the Roman Catholic Church placed great value on traditional beliefs contributed to the end of feudalism emphasized the value of human reasoning


2. The layout of the city as shown in the map most clearly reflects which of the following developments of the time period? a.Societies using technological adaptations to deal with changing environments b.Populations increasing as a result of new crops such as Champa rice c.Cities and towns implementing new measures to control the spread of epidemic disease d.Governments building infrastructure to promote economic activity


29. The privileges and exemptions mentioned in the second paragraph of the passage are best seen as an example of which of the following? a.Social Darwinism b.Feudalism c.Laissez-faire economics d.Mercantilist practices


During Japan's feudal period, the emperor was the symbolic head of the country the shogun held effective power the daimyo class held significant land all of the above


How did the collapse of Han China resemble the Roman Empire's loss of European lands? both were later devoured by the Byzantine Empire their leaders began to rely on astrology to guide their decision making both fell as a result of depletion of natural resources outside invaders contributed to the collapse of both empires


One major characteristic of the Renaissance period is that the a.major language of the people became Latin b.manors became the center of economic activity c.Catholic Church no longer had any influence in Europe d.classical cultures of Greece and Rome were revived and imitated


The Crusades have been called "history's most successful failures." Which statement BEST explains this expression? The Crusades allowed for the end of anti-Semitic feelings in Europe The Crusaders prevented the Turks from capturing Constantinople for many centuries The Crusades helped bring about the fall of the Roman Empire The Crusades did not achieve their original goals, but they brought about many desirable changes in Europe


Which of the following best explains the changes illustrated in the chart during the period 800CE to 1200Ce? Lower mortality rates in new trading cities Daoist support for commerce Large-scale migrations of Asian peoples Technological innovations in agricultural production


Which of the following is an accurate statement about the Indian caste system? a. its top level was the untouchables people enjoyed social mobility all Aryans were in the untouchable caste there was virtually no social mobility


Which of the following is the correct chronology for the development of these major belief systems? Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam


Which of the following statements accurately describes the role of oceans in the development of human societies? 1. oceans have, at times, kept societies apart 2. oceans have served as an effective means of transportation 3. oceans have stimulated the emergence of networks of trade, technology transfer, and cultural exchange 4. using oceans, humans could travel completely around the world by the 16th century C.E. I and II II and III III and IV All of the above


Which statement below does NOT accurately reflect the condition of women between 1000 and 1450? Upper-class women in Europe tended to receive education and manage household affairs in estates and castles. Certain societies in West Africa were matrilineal, rather than patrilineal. In Islamic societies, women of the lower classes were, in practice, less restricted by religious law than those of the upper class. The revival of Confucianism allowed Chinese women to gain greater rights and higher status.


Why was Mali a powerful state in northern Africa by the 1300s? It was known for its huge military forces. It profited by cooperating with European slave traders. Mali was a center of Christian worship. It was a major center of trade and religious instruction and possessed large deposits of gold and metal ore.


2a. identify and explain 2 factors before 1450 CE that account for the pattern of the caravanserai

map of Silk Road trade (ASIA-EUROPE) 1. desire for foreign goods (porcelain,tea,silk) (European desire for goods) of culture. religion, use of missionary work, science, math

Which geographic factor had a major influence on the development of both Egyptian and

river valleys

DBQ: evaluate the extent to which the Spanish conquest affected the ECONOMIC and SOCIAL systems in America after 1492

thesis: colonization in America lead to imposition of economic and social... bring slaves>>social nature HC: Columbus (European desire for goods and exploration) sailed to try and find Asia but ended up in the Americas

in what key way did early egyptian civilizations resemble societies in mesopotamia?

they both developed a centralized society ruled by a monarchy and a small group of aristocrats

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