Final Exam

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Babylonian adminstrator dur the reign of Hezekiah to whom the Judahite king showed the treasuries of the kingdom of Judah and is condemned by Isaiah for doing so

All of the Above

Key themes in the Disputation Speeches found in the Book of Malachi include:


More than anything, the psalms were declarations of the unique relationship between the people and their Lord that could be sung in celebration of God's goodness and faithfulness or in please for deliverance and justice.


In Ezekiel's messages of hope and restoration for Israel, the issue of Israel's future obedience is assured through the promise of a "heart of flesh" that would be responsiveto God's revealed will.

The Branch (Sprout)

In Zechariah's vision of Joshua the high priest, the Lord promises to send His Messianic Servant called _____________, who will remove the iniquity of the land.


In interpreting the numerical proverbial pattern of x, x+1 (such as: "for three things. . . for four . . . ."), the reader should search out the context of the saying closely in order to determine the precise elements the author was seeking to communicate.

Sukkoth CorrectExact Match Tabernacles

In the Jewish Megillot of biblical books read during the major festivals and holy days of the calendar, the Book of Ecclesiastes was to read during the Feast of ___


In the Jewish orgainization of the Old Testament, the Book of Daniel is placed in the section known as the "Writings" or Ketubim.


In the days of Jesus, questions were raised about the "canonicity" of the Book of Ezekiel, because of seeming inconsistencies between its content and that of the Pentateuch.


In the middle speeches of Elihu (chs. 34-35), the young associate drives home the truth that righteousness is the foundation of God's rule.


In the midst of the negative tone of much of the Book of Ecclesiastes, Qoheleth reaffirms the positive theme of eating, drinking, and enjoying the work's of one's labors.


In the poetic hymn to wisdom in Job 28, the author highlights the fact that the pinnacle of human technology of the day, namely in mining, cannot approach the value of wisdom that come from God.


In the return of exiled Jews from Judah, Jerusalem, and the region, who had lived in Babylonia for more than 50 years, a substantial portion of them chose not to return to their homeland and their family generations continued living there for centuries.


Biblical wisdom had its formal beginnings in the 10th century BC, though its Mesopotamian and Egyptian parallels date to the 3rd millennium BC.


Like the prophets Amos and Hosea in the Northern Kingdom, Isaiah condemned the sacrificial system practices and abuses of the Israelite worshipers in the 8th century BC.

Proverbial Contemplative

List two "types" (genre) of wisdom literature found in the Old Testament. [1] [2]


Malachi's prophecy concludes with a warning concerning the coming Day of the Lord in which evil doers will be punished and which will be preceded by the return of a prophet [like] Elijah


Most Protestant scholars since Luther's time have dated the Book of Ecclesiastes to the time of Solomon.


Nahum's prophetic oracles directs their attention primarily to the ancient Assyrian capital o

The prophet Ezekiel himself in his various settings in the Exile and his visionary trip to Jerusalem.

Occurring some 90 times in the Book of Ezekiel, the title "son of man" is used by the Lord to refer to whom?


Plays on words which have similar or the same sound but different meanings


The ______________ psalms celebrate the reign of God as the Sovereign Lord of the Nations and as Creator of the Heavens and the Earth.


The account of the "writing on the wall" in Daniel 5 accurately depicts the setting in which the Persian King _______________ conquers the city of Babylon "without a battle" and dethrones the king Belshazzar.


The authors of your textbook suggest that the Book of Job was based on an ancient story handed down since the Patriarchal period from its original setting before 1000 BC


The call of Jeremiah came in the 13th year of King _____________ of Judah, who carried out religious reforms during his reign

The need for the people to complete the rebuilding of the Temple to Yahweh in Jerusalem

The central theme of the Book of Haggai is __


The edict of _____________ allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem with the encouragement to reinstitute worship of God and the rebuilding of the Temple of Yahweh.


The failure of Solomon to follow faithfully to the very end of his life the wisdom granted to him by God in the early days of his reign led ultimately to the division of the United Monarchy and the loss of stature for Israel in the international scene of the Ancient Near East.

Jeremiah and Habakkuk

The historical context of Zephaniah's prophetic role in condemning Judah for her sins of idolatry and covenant unfaithfulness sets him in the contemporary time frame of the prophets ________


The identity of the "servant" in the Servant Songs of Isaiah 40-53 moves from the broad identity of the "servant" as the nation Israel to the specific identity of the individual Suffering Servant of 52:13-53:12.


The individual psalms of lament or complaint constitute the largest single category of psalms in the Book of Psalms.


The latter chapters of the Book of Zechariah is composed of a series of dated prophecies focused extensively the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem during the early Post-Exilic era.


The name "Job" is not attested until the mid-1st millennium BC in the literature of the Ancient Near East, leading many scholars to date the Book of Job into the late Divided Kingdom era of Israel's history.


City dramatically destroyed by Sennacherib's Assyrian army before sending his emissaries to Jerusalem to demand Hezekiah's surrender


The prophet Haggai encouraged the Israelite returnees to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple, a process which had begun under the leadership of Sheshbazzar.


The prophet Pashhur, in his obstinate opposition to Jeremiah, predicted the deliverance of Jerusalem from the siege of the city laid by the King of Babylon.


The sages of Israelite and ANE wisdom dealt with theoretical living advice in abstract terms rather than practical and down-to-earth guidelines for wise living.

vanity CorrectExact Match emptiness CorrectExact Match futility

The writer of Ecclesiastes summarizes the vast gulf between what God knows and what humanity can know about God and His creation in one word, ___________.

Amos of Tekoa was trained in the tradition of the unnamed prophets of the 9th and 8th centuries BC that prepared him for his vital ministry at a low point in Judah's history.


Hosea condemned Israel for its failure to offer the sacrifices and keep the Sabbath and other holy days of the Israelite annual calendar


Since Hosea's prophetic ministry continued into the reign of Hezekiah of Judah, he therefore carried out his prophetic role even after the fall of Samaria and the Northern Kingdom to the Assyrians.


The main point of Hosea's marriage to Gomer was to rehearse God's dealings with Israel, and their three children were pictures of God's promise to restore the nation to its former glory.


The message of the 8th - 6th century BC prophets was primarily focused upon predicting the future coming of the messianic age and its fulfillment in the person and work of Jesus Christ.


The sphere of Amos's prophetic ministry extended only to that of the Northern Kingdom, whereas other prophets condemned the idolatrous and unrighteous practices of the surrounding nations.


Righteous Branch of David

Following his judgment oracles against the sons of Josiah, who succeeded him on the throne of Judah, Jeremiah proclaimed the coming day when God would raise up a new just and righteous king whom he called the


For Qoheleth, conventional wisdom was inadequate to address the serious needs of humanity in relationship to God


Heeded the advice of Isaiah in carrying out religious reforms by tearing down the idolatrous high place and also not surrendering to the Assyrian armies who threatened Jerusalem


Though most of the content of the Book of Proverbs dates to the time of Israel's kings from Solomon to Hezekiah, the final composition of the Biblical book as we know it dates to the Post-Exilic period in the 5th century BC.

Amos vehemently condemned the sacrificial practices of Northern Kingdom Israelites because their political practices were abusive of the poor, the widows, the orphans, and other needy persons of the kingdom.


Amos was born in the Judahite city of Tekoa, but carried out his prophetic ministry primarily against the Northern Kingdom of Israel


Hosea's prophetic minstry, while focusing on the condemnation of the Northern Kingdom for her covenant unfaithfulness - like that of his wife Gomer, also contains messages of home for Israel's eventual salvation


One of the key themes of Hosea is that knowledge of God was much more than knowing about Him, but demonstrating their love for Him through faithful obedience.


Beyond the River

Under the Persian Empire, the district or province of Judah (Yehud in Aramaic) was part of the region (satrapy) known as _____________. (Hint: Answer is either two or three words in length)


Unlike the Book of Job, the Babylonian version of speculative wisdom, known as Ludlul Bel Nemeqi ("I will praise the lord of wisdom"), does not attempt to resolve the issue of why the upright suffer in this life.


Unlike the prophet Jeremiah, the prophecies of Ezekiel do not contain a condemnation of Israel's unorthodox worship at the high places and local cultic shrines found throughout the territory of Judah.


Unlike the prophetic books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, Zechariah contains judgment oracles against Judah, but does not contain oracles against the foreign nations surrounding Judah.

Jonah and Malachi

Which of the following Old Testament books does NOT come under the portion of the Bible known as the "Writings" in the Jewish Canon?


Words or syllables that begin with the same or similar sounds


Zephaniah's use of the prophetic phrase "the Day of the Lord"was in the context of the hope for restoration after the coming days of God's judgment against Israel.

Apocalyptic Literature

he Book of Daniel belongs to what genre of literature?

The Writings

he third section of the Jewish canon is known as _


ike Amos, and unlike Isaiah, Micah was probably not a professional prophet, having come from a small town (Moreshet Gath) SW


n the word of the Lord through Micah, the characteristics of justice, mercy, and humility are the true hallmarks of one who has truly encounter God in worship.

fear of the Lord

According to the Introduction to the Book of Proverbs, the theological teaching that is the foundation and starting point of knowledge and wisdom is the __________________ (four words).


According to the authors of your textbook (agreeing with most Biblical scholars), the author of Proverbs 22:17-23:11 adopted the words of the Egyptian sage Amenemope and adapted them to Israel's historic faith.

freedom of God

According to the authors of your textbook, the doctrine of the __________________ (three words) should be singled out above all others. It was that which baffled Job's friends as well as Job himself.


According to the first verse of the Book of Job, this man Job was from the land (or country) of ______

Chaldeans (Babylonians)

According to the prophecy of Habakkuk, God was about to use the unrighteous nation of ___________ to bring judgment against His own people


According to your textbook, Obadiah's condemnation of the wisdom of the Edomites serves as a metaphor for judgment on all forms of merely human wisdom.


All Psalms with the superscript phrase "of David" were those composed by the Israelite king himself for the community of faith.


Among all the Hebrew writing prophets of the Old Testament, we know more of the person and persona of the prophet Jeremiah, due to the extensive biographical information in the Book which bears his name.


As a result of the study of the psalms by Hermann Gunkel, Psalms study shifted from the historical critical method to that of the study of the religious setting in which the given psalm might have originated, such as the use in Israel's worship or in personal devotion.


Assyrian King whose army was dramatically destroyed by the Angel of the Lord after it had begun to lay siege to the city of Jerusalem ca. 701 BC

Tiglath-pileser III

Assyrian king who put down the rebellion of Pekah of the Northern Kingdom of Israel and annexed all of the kingdom from the Jezreel Valley to the Northern extent of the land


Jeremiah's prophetic ministry ended with the fulfillment of his prophecies concerning the destruction of Jerusalem at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon


Jeremiah's scribal assitant named ______________ wrote down the words of Jeremiah after King Jehoiakim burned the first scroll that had been read in the gate of the Temple.


Judahite king when Isaiah experienced his dramatic call vision in ch. 6; he would die later that year.


Judahite king who sought help from the Assyrian king Pul against the advice of Isaiah in fending off the attack of Pekah of Israel and Rezin of Aram-Damascus (Is 14)


King Zedekiah would seek Jeremiah's advice concerning the future of the kingdom of Judah even after he had imprisoned the prophet for preaching against him.


Since Zechariah 11:12-13 is quoted in Matt. 27:9-10 as a prophecy of Jeremiah, most scholars date Zechariah 9-14 to the period before the Exile.

Synonymous Parallelism

Successive lines of poetry that have the same or similar meaning

Antithetical Parallelism

Successive lines of poetry that provide a contrast or negation of the former


The Babylonian King __________________ is the focal figure of four of Daniel's accounts (in chapters 1-6 )of God's blessing and protection of the Israelite people during the Exile.


The Book of Ezekiel is organized around a series of messages from the Lord the were proclaimed by the prophet on 13 different dates between 597/6 and 571 BC.


The Book of Obadiah describes itself as a vision concerning the judgment of God against the nation of ___

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