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Ceylon, Mongolia, South (Toda)



(in the Canadian Arctic)


- Practitioners of religion who are trained to perform rituals for whole congregations on regular basis - Preserve ritual norms and follow traditional forms -Usually organized into a bureaucracy


- The custom of a widow marrying her dead husband's

4 types

-1. Imitative magic - 2. Contagious magic -3. witchcraft (vs. sorcery) - 4. divination

Traits of rituals

-1. repetitive and/or stereotyped -2. allows people to act out expression -3. attempt to influence supernatural beings or power to achieve greater control over natural supernatural world

Victir tuener:phases of ritual

-1st phase: separation - 2nd phase: liminal, transition Being "betwixt and between" -3rd phase: reintegration

Animatism Mana

-A belief in one general, impersonal spirit or power source that exists out there in the universe, rather than in any specific creature or object The power is morally neutral -Humans may tap into and use the power, or mana -Animatism: Examples: The Force


-Absence of a belief in deities (gods and goddesses) and other supernatural phenomena - Varieity of forms, no one ideology or set of shared behaviors.


-All contribute commodities to a common pool. (distribution) -Which is redistributed by a leader -goods move from local level to a center (capital, chief, etc...). Once collected centrally, goods are Redistributed out from center and back down the hierarchy

Negotiation and Mediation

-Mediation The process by which absence of formal authority to force a settlement. a third party tries to bring about a settlement in the absence of formal authority to force a settlement

Anticipatory Levirate polyandry

-Native American/Amerindians groups -commanche A women who is married to a man


-Population control: boundaries, Judiciary: laws, adjudication, citizenship, and legal specialists and census Enforcement: use of force reserved as the right of the state, not individuals. -Fiscal: taxation


-dominant in foraging industrial cultures


-no laws or governmental powers, only codes of behavior. -Inappropriate behavior is punished - Prestige: respect or approval for culturally valued skills - Status based on special skills and talents. through public teasing, humiliation, or exile. -Conflicts are resolved through public ceremonies, by mediators, or a shaman.

India marriage partners preferences vary by region


Unilineal descent


nonsexual marriages


Various Himalayan nations:

.Tibet, Nepal, Buthan, Ladakh, Arunachal Pradesh (northeastern India) and Mosuo


1 Selective use of scripture to inspire and assert proof of particular certainties 2 Quest for purity and traditional values in what is viewed as an impure world 3 Active opposition to what is viewed as a permissive secular society and a nation -state that separates religion from the state 4 Incorporation of selected modern elements such as television to promote the movements' aims

Four Basic Principles

1. All religions are "true Their explanations for the world are true for them 2. No Religion is True The point of faith-non-testable 3. Religious Beliefs are a Consequence of Time and Place Product of enculturation and personal experience 4. Morality # Supernatural Beliefs Moral and ethical systems do not have to be based on religious beliefs No supernatural system of punishment or reward is necessary for moral behavior

Why is marriage nearly universal?

1. Gender division of Labor 2. Postpartum(after having a baby) requirements compared to other mammals & birds 3. Prolonged infant dependency 4. Sexual competition

6 major religious/spiritual beliefs about disease

1. natural causes - 2. magic -3. intrusion of disease objects into body -(germs, spiritually projected objects) - 4. soul loss/damage -5. spirit possession - 6. taboo violations (consequences)


75% of marriages consanguineal (with blood marriages) many of those cousins (first, second, other) Hindus & Muslims Account for 20% of marriages worldwide


A belief in one or more deities - Deities are presumed to be supernatural beings that exist in a form different from that of any living creature on Earth. May be human or formless, diff. personalities, powers


A form of political organization that includes class stratification, three or more levels of hierarchy, and leaders with the power to govern by force Popular will can change governments, Massive protest in Ukraine led a newly elected president to resign.

Nuclear family-

A married couple and their children.


A set of kin whose members believe themselves to be descended from a commorn ancestor, but the links back to that ancestor are not specified


A set of kin whose members common ancestor through known links Clan


A state of recurring hostilities between families or groups kin, motivated by a desire to avenge and offense against a member of the group


A supernatural, impersonal force that inhabits certain objects or people and is believed to confer success and/or strength


Ambilineal descent affiliates individuals with kin related to them through either or women.

Sacred prostitution:

Ancient Near East (Babylonia), India, Greece

Symbolic marriages

And Nuns...-are brides of Chirst


Any set of attitudes, beliefs, and practices pertaining to supernatural power, whether that power rests in forces, gods, spirits, ghosts, or demons

Ritual Reconciliation


Catholic Catholic Priets. Priests...

Are married to mother church



2. Anthropomorphism

Assig ning human qualities (motivations, feelings, consciousness, or features) something


Assumes "purity " or "divinity" of the blood


Bands:government by community semi-nomadic small kin-based groups of foragers no full-time government, egalitarian Local group or community is the largest group that acts as political unit Typicallh small, less than 100 people

Economic exchange:

Based on reciprocity, mostly generalized reciprocity


Belief in supernatural forces, power or mana -a belief in a dual existence for all things, a physical, visible body and psychic, invisible soul.

inbreeding theory

Biological degeneration & genetic issues illness Ex: hemophilia, polydactyly

Neolocal residence:

Both son and daughter leave; married couples live apart from the relatives of both spouses (5 percent of all societies)

Avunculocal residence:

Both son and daughter normally leave, but the son and wife settle with or near his mother's brother (4 percent of all societies)


Can use or ask supernatural forces to harm, neutralize, or heal - Usually have great deal of knowledge of psychology and medicinals placebo effect Services called upon, focused individually

Children's Play

Children especially engage in various forms of play Important for social patterning, training, education... All mammals pretend fight 1969, Roger Caillois found that games fall into four categories

cross-cousin marriage

Children of siblings of the opposite sex. One's cross-cousins are the father's sisters' children and mother's brothers' children.

parallel cousins

Children of siblings of the same sex. One's parallel cousins are the father's brothers' children and the mother's sisters' children.

fictive marriages

Chinses marriages

Atypical Marriage forms

Coexist with more generally preferred marriage types

parallel cousin marriage rare

Common in any Arab societies, esp. bedouins (90% cousin marriage rate) Common amongst groups supporting isis/isil

Common-Law marriage

Common-Law No ceremony. Living as marriage

Atypical Marriage Forms Common-Law

Common-Law marriage Symbolic marriage




Converting fear and confusion into group action and optimism

South India

Cross-cousins preferred Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, andhra pradeah

Cave Paintings

Dating to 26,000 years ago, cave paintings appear everywhere Anatomically Modern Homo sapiens South Africa, Sahara, Asia, Europe Most famous are in Western Europe .Lascaux, France (24,000-26,000 yrs ago) (15,000 yrs ago)

Ambilineal Descent

Descent hypothetical ambilineal group of kin is indicated by the color blue. Members 4 and 5 belong to this group because of a male link, their father (1); members 12 and 14 belong because of a female link, their mother (5); and members 19 and 20 belong because of a male link, their father (12). This is a hypothetical example because any combination of lineal links is possible in an ambilineal descent group.

Venus of Willendorf

Discovered in 1908 Austria 25-28,000 yrs

Family Disruption Theory

Disruption of family roles, also known as Freuds psychoanalytic theory: Oedipus complex, Electra complex

Bilocal residence:

Either the son or the daughter leaves, so that the married couple lives with or near either the wife's or the husband's parents (7 percent of all societies)

Cooperation Theory

Ensure exogamy benefits for the group. Form alliances, recruit new groups members

arranged marriage

Extended families, sometimes matchmaker, choose spouses. Somebody in the family is arranging couples marriage.

Double genetic defects

Extensive intermarriage =inbreeding depression Born into the family you belong to


Family is defined as a social and economic unit consisting minimally of one or more parents and their children.

Exchange of females

Females of equivalent rank/value can be exchanged between two groups or families in lieu of money or goods Called verses amongst Kurds

Caillois' Four categories of Games

Games 1. Competition . 2. Chance 3. pretense 4. vertigo -vertigo: physical activities that create the effect of defying gravity - babies rock and sway in the womb - rocking, swinging, falling


General injunctions about how NOT to behave Forbidden behaviors Religion provides a blueprint


General injunctions about how to behave (required behavviors)

Hohle Fels Figurine: Goddess

Germany 2008 cut from mammoth tusk 35-40,000 yrs BP

Human origin

Ghosts: Supernatural beings who were once human; the souls of dead people


Giving and Taking, without use of money politics) There are 3 types of reciprocity -Generalized, balanced, and negative

Balanced Reciprocity

Giving with expectation of a straightforward immediate limited-time trade exchanges between more distantly related people exchange must be seen as equal Typical of: horticultural societies (Adolescent siblings in U.S.)

Nonhuman origin

Gods: Supernatural beings of nonhuman origin who are named personalities often anthropomorphic

bride service

Groom provides service to the bride's family to "pay" for her

Na exception, walking marriage

Happens in China, man visits his family & leaves & goes back to his moms house.

Headhunting-take heads

Headhunting-take heads and therefore strength of enemy

marrying up

Improves social status for women and her children sometimes her family

Bilateral Kinship

In a bilateral system the kindred is ego-centered; hence, it varies with different points of reference (except for brothers and sisters). In any bilateral society, the kindred minimally includes parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and first cousins.

Economic Aspects of Marriage

In about 75% of the societies known to anthropology, one or more explicit economic transactions take place before or after the marriage.

whom should one marry? Arranged marriage

In an appreciable number of societies, marriages are arranged; negotiations are gelded by the immediate families or by go-betweens. India, western Asia marriage are still arranged

Extended-Family Households

In extended families the newlyweds are assimilated into an existing family unit .


Merely means a socially approved sexual and economic union, usually betwen a man and a women. Marriages are formal unions Marriages affects the staus of children Marriage entails rights & responsibilities.

Symbolic marriage

Mormon marriage for a time and "for eternity

Theist vs. Non-Theist Religions

Most major (large scale) are theist religions Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha'I Faith) Greek and Roman Pantheonics Buddhism & Jainism do not require belief in supernatural deities but have thrust structures

Functions of Music

Motherese* and singing used to calm, comfort, communicate with babies . "musical speech w/ higher pitch, elongated syllables, rhythmic timing, cooing Music works to calm & soothe in many situations Music functions in religion for inducing trance, increasing receptivity Music used to make work easier

Music and Receptivity Children

Music and language share many features Humans up Children acquire receptive language 1st -(the ability to process sounds and transform them into information) newborns pick up the rhythm of their mother tongue French babies cry with falling intonations . German babies cry with rising tones


Not a specific religion, but rather a type of religion Refers to the belief in specific spirits associated with nature and natural phenomena Living things have both a physical body and an animating spirit or soul which conveys life . Sacred places, locations, inanimate objects may also have spirits.

What about adultery?

Not all societies limit sexual relations to married partners


O ath: act of calling upon a deity to bear the what one says


Official Monopoly Law the largest political system, and a complex government characterized by intensive agriculture, social stratification

cousin marriage very common in most areas of the world Cross-cousin marriages

Often equal exchange: bilateral cross-cousin marriage (a cost-saving "swap") Why? They're not "relatives" under marriage- or patri-lineal kin systems


Often felt with others in the same Sense of normal structure and social organization forgotten Sense of Unity Individuality submerged Deeply felt bonding and allegiance Dangers: May turn into "mob"


Outside. The rule specifying marriage to a person from outside ones own groups (kin or community)

incest taboo

Perhaps the most rigid regulation specifying whom one may or may not marry is the incest taboo. Prohibition of sexual intercourse or marriage between mother and son, father and daughter, brother, & sister (no cousins) Rules or laws against marrying close relatives


Polvandry is practice whereby woman is to married to more than one man Sne is alloved to marry move than man.


Power/ Authority -Permanency of tribal villages requires central authority to organize or "Bigman Headman's power is through consensus and is limited.

Ways to get in touch with the supernatural

Prayer - Physiological experience - Simulation -Feasts - Sacrifices


Prevailing form of family consisting of a married couple and one more married children, all living in the same house or household


Priests of the Toda in southern India may service wives

Law of Contagion:

Principle that things which have been in contact remain supernaturally connected

Protein shortages..

Raid each other to steal protein

Non-fraternal polyandry

Rare form in Joseph Smith's early Mormonism related sealing families


Recognizing many gods, none of whom is believed to be superordinate to the others

Reciprocity + Redistribution

Redistribution of items such food, crop seeds, skins, baskets, shell bands, tools, handicrafts. Supreme chief oversees redistribution and manages council of chiefs.

Function of Religion

Religion functions to provide human beings with explanations of perplexing


Resources are given by the brides family to the grooms family to compensate for the extra burden she represents to his family ex:house May go directly to bride herself, couple. Or grooms family


Resources are given by the grooms family to the brides family in exchange for the bride and rights to affiliate her children with grooms family.

Contagious Magic

Ritual coercion using the Law of Contagion

Imitative Magic

Ritual coercion using the Law of Similarity

gift exchange

Ritualized gifts to both brides and grooms families Example: traditional Indian wedding gifts.

Rites of intensfication

Rituals that occur during a group crisis


Sacred animals/ totems

Atypical Marriages Pathic marriage:

Same-sex marriage involving gender-role change one partner (ex. Berdaches)

Revitalization Movements:

Seneca reservation of the Iroquois on the Allegheny River in New York State - 1799, place of "poverty and humiliation" -Handsome -Lake Visions of emissaries of the Creator -Gaiwiio or "Good Word" -By 1815, dramatic rebirth of Seneca

Household Forms

Single-person Single-parent Nuclear Polygamous extended*


Standards of behavior that aren't even rules or regulations way things are "How we do things. Vary from group to group and constantly change

-Ancestral spirits:

Supernatural beings who the ghosts of dead relatives


Tends to naturally occur as societies become less directly dependent on environmental forces


That which transcends the natural, observable world... out of the natural order


The accumulation of goods (or labor) a particular person or in a particular place and their subsequent distribution

Matrilocal residence:

The daughter stays and the leaves, so th at the married couple lives with or near the wife's parents percent of all societies)


The marriage of one or more men to one woman


The performance of certain rituals that are believed to compel the supernatural powers to act in particular ways


The process by which a third party acting as judge makes a decision that the parties to a dispute have to accept

Iliness & Magic

The realm of medical and psychological anthropology

Patrilocal residence:

The son stays and the daughter leaves, so that the married couple lives with or near the husband's parents (67 percent of all societies the ethnographic


The use of certain materials to invoke supernatural powers to harm people


There are a few cases where invest works

Brassempouy Venus

This miniature head, 36.5 mm high, 22 mm deep and 19 mm wide, was carved from mammoth ivory. Found at Brassempouy, Landes, France in 1892. estimated 25 000 yrs old. It is one of the few Ice Age figures with facial features and a detailed hairstyle. It is the original for the Ayla' head from Jean Auel's Earth's Children series of books.

Types of Political Organization

Types of Band Organization Tribal Organization Chiefdom Organization State Organization

Musical ...torture...or "interrogation"?

U.S. military uses music to "soften" detainees for interrogation 1989: Panama, President Manuel Noriega Hard rock, Rap, and The Howard Stern Show Iraq, '00s: U.S. Psy Ops used culturally offensive music - Drowning Pool, Metallica, Barney, Sesame Street ..and Brittney Spears?

Types of affilliation with kin

Unilineal descent Ambilineal descent Bilateral kinship


Unnamed supernatural beings of nonhuman origin who are beneath the gods in prestige and often closer to the people; may be helpful, mischievous, or evil

The Creative Explosion

Upper Paleolithic, ~40,000 years ago Modern humans spread through Europe, Asia, Pacific Human Creativity explodes Local styles of tool-making, ornaments, carved figures and decorations, tattoos, knitting, weaving, cave paintings


Using ritual objects (or innate powers) to obtain answers from supernatural forces -Ex. -Palm reading, psychics, tarot cards, runes, entrails... -Often used to discover effects of sorcery... discover the disease object magically cast into the sick through sorcery

You can cause death by magic?

Voodoo death Bone-pointing

Independent family

When a family lives ( alone )

Baseball Magic:

Whether or not religious beliefs and practices can affect our success or reduce our risk, we may consider them useful or adaptive if they reduce our anxieties. And reducing anxiety might indirectly maximize our success


While there is only one high god, there are other supernatural beings, often including a nemesis or opponent of the high god, and alternate manifestations.

Multiple Purposes of Art, Creativity

Yes, it's fun, but it has several social functions Channels aggression models behavior acceptable social status building training and skill-acquisition social bonding

Do young people like to have parents arrange their marriages? Why or why. It?

Yes, she said this is why I must let my parents choose a boy for me. My marriage is too important to be arranged by such an inexperienced person as myself in such matter, it is better to have my parents guidance.

Ghost Marriages

a deceased individual "marries" either a) another ghost so siblings can marry .b) by proxy living relative who will provide legal heirs The marry a Ghost

Fraternal, aka adelphic polyandry

adelphic Tibet, Toda of India, Sinhalese of Sri Lanka

Unilineal descent groups

are most common societies in the middle of range of cultural complexity

Terrorizing" behaviors...

behaviors... cary practices to defend turf.


cannibalism-consume enemies and their strength and power.

Market economy

commodities are exchanged and capital is accumulated in an effort to generate profit Also see state-run distribution and redistribution, some reciprocity w/in groups


custom a widower marrying the sister of his dead (or barren) wife At least some of the levirate and sororate children considered as belonging to the 1* spouse replaced


designating the social significance of life transitions by sanctifying the event

Occurs via:

diffusion, acculturation, assimilation Examples - New Orleans Voodoo & Catholicism Mayan Catholicism - Native American Church - European Christianity in the Middle Ages

Buddhism and Jainism

do not require belief in supernatural deities but have theist structures.

Polygamous and extended*

dominant in horticultural, pastoral societies household may contain 50 members will decline with industrialization?


down Parties to a dispute voluntarily avoid each other or are separated until emotions cool


eans used to determine guilt or innocence by submitting the accused to dangerous or painful tests believed to be under supernatural control.


emotions and thought alone, not through the use of tangible objects The practice of attempting to harm people by supernatural means, but through Examples: Azande of Zaire 16th 17th centuries in Europe 1692 trials in Salem, Massachusetts

3. treat religion as symbolic emotional



extinct culture Marquesan Islands


festive event within a regional exchange system among tribes of North Pacific Coast, NAm.


function sometimes Korea Can use or ask supernatural forces to harm, neutralize, or heal - Usually have great deal of knowledge of psychology and medicinals Masters of the placebo effect Services called upon, focused individually

what are some supernatural beliefs?

ghosts, demons, angels, witches, Buddha, shaman, Christ, Apollo...

Generalized Reciprocity

giving without expecting anything immediate, planned, or concrete Typical of : parents, hunter/gatherers


government by families & associations semi-sedentary, small communities .kinship based society .no formal government, leadership economy usually based on simple food domestication horticulturalists or pastoralists.


government by officials

Rules of behavior-

guidelines of what is acceptable, frowned upon, and forbidden

2-Male-stratified polygyny

high-ranking males

Eliminating rivals

increases tribe's chances survival an reproduction


is a practice in which men are allowed to be married to more than one wom an at the same time

The Market Principle

items are bought and sold, based upon the law of supply and demand


learned use of rituals to magically control the supernatural achieve human goals. - Requires training

56Atypical Marriages Mentorship marriage:

marriage: Temporary union. Older, more experienced individual lends status or mentors lower status individual for a time

Sororal polygyny

marry sisters


may be experienced by those outside mainstream society: the stigmatized or "marginal"

economic exchange- reciprocity reciprocity

modes of reciprocity are used among tribes to maintain alliances with potentially hostile groups "Strength in numbers-alliances increase tribe's chances for survival. Other modes of exchange include feasting, trading, or bartering

1. redefine and explore what is

natural" and "supernatural"


necessity of using rituals. (curses, hexes, evil eye, forces, usually to operate in ways that are harmful to others, without the nate ability to influence supernatural etc...) (different from sorcery)


plant, animal, or non-living thing that is a sacred symbol of the unity of a social group


political unit, with a chief at its head, integrating more than one community but not necessarily the whole society or language group


prohibition that, if violated, is believed to bring supernatural punishment


quality of inspiring feelings of respect, awe, and reverence that is possessed by things set apart and forbiddern

Rite of passage

rituals marking important events in the life of an individual

Nonfraternal Polyandry

s rare Arm Joseph Smith's early mornonism related to sealing families


short-term use of force, planned organized, to realize a limited objective

General Adaptation Syndrome

stress s response, medically documented explanation for "magical" death & illness


the borrowing of beliefs, practices, or organizational traits by one religion from another

Law of Similarity

the principle that things that are similar to one another are spiritually identical...


unilineal descent group composed of supposedly related clans or sibs


unilineal descent group in a society that is divided into two such maximal groups; there may be smaller unilineal descent groups as well

Negative Reciprocity

used to deal with people outside or on the margins of social system. Attempting to get something for as little as possible. Viewed negatively if used within group i.e. con man, scheister, rip-off, scam But "clever" if you "Pull one over" on outsiders ie. good business, shrewd negotiator..

Honor, prestige, and enhanced male status is gained through



when at least one spouse must not have sexual activity outside marriage union % societies expect wives to be faithful -56 % expect husbands to be faithful


women marry men who are equal or greater in social status or educational attainment

Patrilineal Descent

Individuals 4 and 5, who are the children of 1 and 2, affiliate with their father's patrilineal kin group, represented by the color red. In the next generation, the children of 3 and 4 also belong to the red kin group, since they take their descent from their father, who is a member of that group. However, the children of 5 and 6 do not belong to this patrilineal group, since they take their descent from their father, who is a member of a different group. That is, although the mother of 12 and 14 belongs to the red patrilineal group, she cannot pass on her descent affiliation to her children, and since her husband (6) does not belong to her patrilineage, her children (12 and 14) belong to their father's group. In the fourth generation, only 15 and 16 belong to the red patrilineal group, since their father the only male member of the preceding generation who belongs to the red patrilineal group. In this diagram, then, 1, 4, 5, 8, 10, 15, and 16 are affiliated by patrilineal descent; all the other individuals belong to other patrilineal groups.

Matrilineal Descent

Individuals 4 and 5, who are the children of 1 and 2, affiliate with their mother's group, represented by the color green. 6 also belong to the green kin group, since they take mother, who is a member of that group. H owever, the children of 3 and 4 do not their descent from their In the next generation, the children of 5 and belong to this matrilineal group, since they take their descent from their mo ther who is a member of a different group; their father, although mem ber of the greern matrilineal group, cannot pass his affiliation on to them under the rule of matrilineal d escent. In the fourth generation, only 21 and 22 belong to the green matrilineal group, since their mother is the only female member of the preceding generation who belongs. Thus, individuals 2, 4, 5, 12, 14, 21, and 22 belong to the same matrilineal group


Informal leadership Sociopolitical organization for all humans for most of existence Flexible membership, -they "vote with their feet" Nonviolent


Inside. The rule specifying marriage to a person within ones own group (kin, caste, community)

childhood-familiarity theory

Instinctive horror

Community Action

Inuit society

fixed-term marriages

Its Iike a lease


Keeps wealth in family

Formal Rules

Laws, explicit rules, backed by historical tradition and/or religious mythology Based on geographic structures Based common interests Rules for making rules, punishment

Informal Rules

Less stringent, more ambiguous rules that govern behavior in diff. circumstances Harder to discover, implicit . Rules for breaking rules and how

What is a non-arranged marriage called in India?

Love match

Melody & Lyrics associate

Lyrics help us remember music, yet music helps us remember lyrics. as well encoding/associating emotion & memory music & language seem to have been mingled in


Magic: the attempt to harness and control supernatural forces.

Inanimate Object Attachments

Many North American children develop a close physical and emotional relationship Animals, dolls, blankes... Winnie the Pooh & Christopher Robin 1928

Inventions of tradition

Many types Cargo cults and Revitalization, nativistic, messianic, prophetic, and millenial movements Examples: Melanesian cargo cults, Mormonism, Branch Davidians, Ghost Dance, Peyote Cult, Handsome Lake Religion, Messianic cults in Jerusalem, Buddhism, various Christian sects...

Companionate marriages (rare)

Marriages formed with romantic love& choice of partner by groom & bride.

Central India

Marry a stranger but brother sister exchange marriage

North India

Marry a stranger. Rajasthan, gujarat, Uttar predesh, Haryana, pradeah

Atypical Marriages Same- sex marriages:

May be more or less same age OR diff ages.

Examples of redistribution

Medicai d, public schools, road construction, FEMA, Federal Student Loans and grants, federal aid

Types of ritual specialists

Mediums psychics, other diviners Not really religious practitioners but serve ritual needs to contact supernatural Used as a form of divination Obtain answers from supernatural entities

Corpse Brides of China

Men should not arrive the afterlife bachelors..they will find no rest. Their brothers could not marry. Some will marry a dead women

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