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Which of the following factors led to the desire for independence expressed in both of the passages?

A need for more regionally authentic, representative government officials

In the nineteenth century, India's economy was forced to:

Abandon much of its food production in favor of expanding the production of textiles and cash crops

The modification of the language, customs, values, and behaviors of a group as a result of contact with people from another culture is called?


Ideas expressed in these paragraphs would be most similar to which of the following?

Angola declaring independence from the Portuguese Empire

Which of the following contributed to the rise of the new labor system in England that Andrew Ure referenced?

Available supply of natural materials like coal and iron ore

Systematic resistance by Native Americans to U.S. government relocation is symbolized by which event?

Battle of Little Bighorn

The quotation above best supports which of the following conclusions about the author's motives for resistance to Spanish colonial rule in Latin America?

Bolivar rejected Spanish mercantilist policies that restricted free trade in Latin America

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the Chinese and Mexican revolutions during the 20th century?

Both generated land redistribution policies

Which of the following describes an accurate similarity between the Qing and Russian empires in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries?

Both had vast territories with people of various ethnicities and languages

The Leaders of the French Revolution...

Called for a complete reorganizing of French political, social, and cultural structures

Philosophy, psychology, and the expansion of study of natural science that rose in the 1920s were unsettling because they:

Challenged Victorian morality and middle-class values

Which of the following scientific concepts had the greatest role in providing justification for imperialism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution

What market held the greatest attraction for the European powers during the nineteenth century?


The Suez Canal inadvertently assisted imperialism by:

Creating lower shipping costs, stimulating shipping and construction of steamships for those with overseas trade.

All of the following events helped inspire this action in 1860 EXCEPT:

Creation of an independent, united German state at the Frankfurt Assembly

Which of the following groups was Bolivar most trying to influence with this letter?

Creole Elites

The image from Japan during the Meiji Restoration best exemplifies which of the following processes?

Cultural changes accompanying greater contact with the United States

A historian researching factors that contributed to the rise of industrial production in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries would find which of the following types of sources most helpful?

Data on migration of rural populations to urban areas

What development in 1789 France precipitated the publication of this work?

Debate over the Voting Procedure to be used in the Estates-General

Which of the following was an impact of modernization efforts in Egypt?

Egypt accumulated tremendous debt to European nations such as England and France

"Extraterritoriality" can best be described as?

Exemption of foreigners from the laws of the new country in which they live

Who was most likely to provide the capital needed for this system of labor and production?

Factory Owner

Which of the following did *not* contribute to the financial crisis that triggered the French Revolution?

Failure to Collect Tithes from the Clergy

All of the following are significant parts of Wilson's fourteen-point plan to end the war EXCEPT:

Forfeiture of all Russian agricultural lands

In 1914, the Ottoman Turks signed a secret alliance with:

Germany, hoping to gain Russian territory

The economic development Stalin describes above was achieved primarily through which of the following?

Government control of the national economy

Frere's speech is best understood in the context of which of the following?

Governments expanding and consolidating their empires using their increasing industrial power

The global economic downturn of of the 1930s had which of the following effects on nations in Europe and North America?

Governments took a more active role in directing and regulating their economies to stimulate growth

Whitefield's open-air preaching contributed most directly to which of the following trends?

Greater Independence and Diversity of Thought

All of the following are justifications for United States President Truman dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima in August 1945 EXCEPT:

He believed China was going to rise in power and join the war

What did Marx and Engels view as the fundamental cause of the conflict discussed in this selection?

Historical tension concerning the control of the means of production

Which of the following later developments would most undermine the hopes set forth by Frere in the last sentence of his speech?

Improved transportation and communication in India helped develop a shared sense of identity that led to greater Indian nationalism

Stalin's First Five-Year Plan stressed:

Increases in electricity and heavy industries

Taken together the ideas expressed in these passages refer to:

Independence movements that resulted in new states systems

All of the following were factors that gave Britain a "head start" on the Industrial Revolution EXCEPT?

It recovered from the plague more quickly than the rest of Europe

Which of the following is a true statement about the French Revolution of 1789?

It resulted in residence, rather than religion, being a base for citizenship

All of the following had a highly militarized commercial presence in Asia during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries EXCEPT?


The new technologies that would have led to these views of war included all of the following EXCEPT:


Which of the following best supports the contentions of the world economic theory in the passage?

Latin America exported sugar and silver and imported manufactured items

These territories were created by the:

League of Nations

The developments described in the speech regarding the lifting of traditional restrictions on Indian labor contributed most directly on which of the following global processes?

Long-distance and overseas migrations of contractual and coerced workers

This map shows the post-World War I:

Mandate System

Which of the following best describes how nineteenth century European industrialization affected European women's lives?

Married women found it increasingly difficult to balance wage work and family responsibilities

In the passage above, Zeng Guofan's purpose in listing the policies of the current Qing emperor is most likely to?

Mobilize popular support by showing that the Taiping rebellion does not represent a legitimate challenge to Qing rule

The tone of this political cartoon can best be described as:

Mocking, the artist does not support women's suffrage

Which of the following statements about Africa after 1946 is true?

Most African colonies gained national independence

The interpretation of Mexican history presented in the passage is most strongly influenced by which of the following?


Official statements like the one mentioned above from the Guatemalan National Coordinating Committee of Indigenous Peasants are more likely to be published in the current era because:

New modes of communication and transportation have reduced the problem of geographic distance

Which of the following most likely led Lenin to make his December 20th statement?

Newspapers openly criticized the new Bolshevik government

Great Britain offered modernization efforts in the form of railroad building to all of the following regions EXCEPT:

North America

As a result of von Bismarck's plan to partition Africa:

Only two African nations remained free at the beginning of the twentieth century

Jawaharlal Nehru, Mao Zedong, and Mohandas Gandhi both appealed to which of the following as a base of support?


Because of workers' concerns, Hitler's response was to:

Persuade the workers that he was their only hope

Which of the following energy sources was primarily responsible for raising the power of productivity and increased the production of material goods during the same period that this statement was made?

Petroleum Energy and Nuclear Power

Which of the following was a large contributing factor to both World War I and World War II?

Political instability in the nations of Eastern Europe

Lenin's mention of the need for a new type of government was in reference to ending the:

Provisional Government

Which of the following best explains Frere's characterization of the time of his speech as the "Railway Period" in British India?

Railways opened access to interior markets and resources for British commercial interests

Which of the following is true of both Russia and Japan by 1914?

Rapid, state-sponsored industrialization had occurred in both countries

The opinion expressed in the passage above is most consistent with which of the following?

Redistributing one-third of the land controlled by large landholders to landless peasants

Hess and Spielvogel were similar in their assessment of German workers in that they both:

Saw that workers had some hope in their situation

Darwin's theories were interpreted by Social Darwinists to indicate that:

Select human groups would dominate those less fit

The Women's Rights Convention was held in:

Seneca Falls, New York

The quotation above by an early-twentieth century Chinese revolutionary illustrates the influence of:

Social Darwinism

Which of the following provided justification for the South African government's policies as described by Mandela in the third paragraph?

Social Darwinism

As the world's economy expanded in the nineteenth century, the need for greater supplies of money led to a rush to develop new gold and diamond mines in:

South Africa

The Battles of Coral Sea and Midway were significant because they:

Stemmed the tide of Japanese advances in the Pacific

Which of the following statements would challenge the arguments made in the passage?

Strong governments in the slave-exporting regions of West Africa

The Shawnee leader who created a large organized alliance of Amerindians of the Ohio River Valley and Great Britain was:


In Poem 1, the sentiments regarding education and politics are best understood in the context of which of the following?

The British failure to provide mass education in India, for fear that doing so would encourage resistance against imperial rule

The state's claim as described in the first paragraph is best understood in the context of which of the following?

The Cold War

Zeng Guofan's analysis of the situation in China in 1854 was likely influenced by which of the following?

The Confucian notion of the dynastic cycle

Which of these factors played the greatest role in European interest in South Africa in the late 1800s?

The Discovery of Precious Metal Resources

The preaching described in the excerpt is an example of which of the following developments in the 1700s?

The Expansion of Protestant Evangelism

Which of the following European developments is most closely associated with the revolution in Haiti?

The French Revolution

The reference in the second paragraph to "the hateful idea that there are inferior races" is best understood in the context of which of the following twentieth-century developments?

The Holocaust in Europe during the Second World War

Which statement best describes the "Third Estate" referred to in the passage?

The Non-Noble, Non-Clerical, Section of the French Population

These territories were created from:

The Ottoman Empire

Urbanization had the greatest impact on:

The Poor, who came to the city from rural areas for work

The workers discussed by Hess were primarily responding to what issue?

The Post-World War I Depression

Historians who take this position are likely to place the greatest emphasis on the importance of which of the following in the decolonization process?

The Role of the Desire for Natural Rights in Independence Movements

Which of the following countries experienced the most rapid economic growth during the Second World War?

The United States

Which of the following is an accurate statement about trends in science, art, and literature after the first World War?

The anxiety and uncertainty of the post-war period influenced science, art and literature

Which of the following best accounts for the circumstances of Indian workers alluded to in Poem 1?

The coerced migration of Indian indentured servants

Which of the following was a widespread social consequence of industrialization in the 1800s?

The creation of a wage - earning working class concentrated in urban areas

Frere's view of the changing opportunities for Indian labor most directly reflects the influence of which of the following?

The ideals of the Enlightenment as stated by political revolutionaries such as Simon Bolivar

The economic conditions described by Mandela in the second paragraph would lead many former European countries to embrace which of the following?

The implementation of redistributionist economic policies

In Poem 2, the reference to Indian victories on battlefields is best understood in the context of which of the following?

The mobilization of Indian troops to fight in Great Britain's wars

Prior to the first document, all of the following had occurred in 1917 EXCEPT:

The murder of Nicholas II and his family

Anti-colonial movements like the Congress Party in India and the Young Turks agreed on which of the following?

The need for reform in order to resist European imperialism

The religious tensions alluded to in Poem 2 would result most directly in which of the following?

The population resettlement following the partition of South Asia into India and Pakistan after independence

What specific economic and social conditions were Marx and Engels referring to in this selection?

The social and economic order that emerged with the Industrial Revolution

Present-day historians would most likely agree with which of the following aspects of the interpretation in the 1951 school textbook?

The suggestion that the Spanish conquest of Mexico resulted in the formation of new identities

What was the objective of the "brave and generous companions [who]...will shed their last drop of blood"?

The unification of the Italian states into one nation

Japan's response to the opening of trade with the United States and Europe was:

To engage in conflict with Russia

Judging from the excerpt above, which of the following was the main purpose of Morelos' speech?

To offer a vision of Mexican history that could be used as a basis for nation building

The purpose of the Green Revolution mentioned in the passage above was:

To produce more food for the growing population

Whitefield's impact suggests that religious culture among British North American colonists in the 1700s was most directly shaped by?

Trans-Atlantic Exchanges

Simón Bolívar created Gran Colombia, which unified:

Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador into one nation

During the nineteenth century, Asian and African rulers usually desired transfer of which of the following western technologies most?


Working-class women transformed gender relations by:

Working outside the home

These documents are records of fighting in:

World War I

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