final exam- biology 100

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Complete the table that compares radial symmetry to bilateral symmetry Bilateral symmetry description and example: Radial symmetry description and example:

- Bilateral symmetry: There is only one way to split an organism into two equal halves, which is right down the middle EX: A lobster -Radial symmetry: Identical split all-around a central axis EX: Sea anemone

Complete the table that compares abiotic with biotic factors. Biotic factors description and example Abiotic factors description and example

-Biotic factors description and example: All the organisms in the area make up the living component of the environment EX: Organism may compete for food or other resources with another organism -Abiotic factors description and example: Makeup the environment's non-living components which include chemical and physical factors EX:Temperature, light, water, minerals, and air

Complete the following table that compares the four major groups of plants. Bryophytes Seedless vascular plants Gymnosperms Angiosperms

-Bryophytes: lack true roots, leaves, and lignin. without lignin, they cannot stand tall by themselves. ex mosses -Seedless vascular plants: lacked seeds but they had lignin. they were able to support themselves to stay up and grow taller. ex, ferns -Gymnosperms: Included naked seeds to protect plant embryos from drying. ex, pines -Angiosperms: Flowering plants that contained seeds. it contains flowers which is a complex reproductive structure to protect seeds in its ovaries. ex: fruits

Complete the list that compares exotoxins to endotoxins.

-Exotoxin: proteins that bacterial cells secrete into their environment -Endotoxin: Chemical components of the outer membrane of certain bacteria

Complete the table that compares the three types of worms. -Flatworms Characteristics -Annelids Characteristics -Roundworms Characteristics

-Flatworms Characteristics: -simplest animals with bilateral symmetry, ribbonlike, and range from 1mm to 20 mm in length. Most have a gastrovascular cavity with a single opening, live in marine, freshwater, and damp terrestrial habitats -Annelids Characteristics: -it has a bilateral symmetry, they have body segmentation which has segments along its body length, ranges from less than 1mm to 3m. live in damp soil, sea, and most freshwater habitats, they have a complete digestive tract with an anus and mouth. -Roundworms Characteristics: bilateral symmetry, have a cylindrical body, range from 1mm to 1m, they are found in most aquatic habitats, wet soil, and as parasites in the body fluids and tissues of plants and animals. They are decomposers.

Complete the table that compares the three major groups of molluscs. Gastropods description and example: Bivalves description and example: Cephalopods description and example:

-Gastropods: They are protected by a single spiralled shell and the animal can retreat in its shell when threatened. Or they have shells. EX: Snails (shells) slugs and sea slugs (no shell) -Bivalves: They have shells divided into two halves hinged together. No radula. EX: Clams, oysters, mussels, and scallops -Cephalopods: Their bodies are fast and agile. a few have large, heavy shells but most of them have small and internal shells or they are missing a shell. They have large brains and sophisticated sense organs. They have break like jaws and a radula. EX: Squids (small and internal shell) octopus (no shell)

Complete the following table that compares the three types of mammals. Monotremes Characteristics Marsupials Characteristics Eutherians Characteristics

-Monotremes Characteristics: They are egg-laying mammals. They incubate the eggs in a nest and the babies will use the mothers milk to be fed. EX: duck-billed platypus -Marsupials Characteristics: Mammals nurture their embryos in the placenta. these mammas are pouched mammals. they have a brief pregnancy and give birth to their embryonic offspring. the offspring will stay in the mother's external pouch in the mothers abdomen with its mammary glands. EX: kangaroos, koalas, and opossums. -Eutherians Characteristics: Mammals nurture their embryos in the placenta. these mammals are placental mammals because their placentas have a more intimate longer-lasting association between the mother and her young (than marsupials' placentas). Ex: dogs, cats, cows, whales

Complete the table that describes adaptations of land plants for terrestrial life. -obtaining resources from 2 locations, supporting the body plant, reproduction and dispersal

-Obtaining resources from two locations: Carbon dioxide from the air, & mineral nutrients and water in the soil -Supporting the plant body Roots anchors the plant in soil and absorb minerals and water.&shoots consists of photosynthetic leaves supported by stems. some plants have root-fungus combinations, mycorrhizae, fungi absorb water and materials from soil to the plant and the sugars produced by the plant nourish fungi . vascular tissue is a network of tube-shaped cells that branch thorughtout the plant to transport water, minerals, and sugars from roots to leaves or other parts of the plant. -Reproduction and dispersal In plants, the fertilized egg develops into an embryo while still contained within the female plant to protect the embryo and keep it from dehydrating. some plant groups allow sperm to travel though air and Improve the survival of offspring during dispersal.

Earth's global average temperature has risen by _____ in the past 100 years.

1 Celsius

What key physical characteristic do flatworms, arthropods, and chordates all share?

A physical characteristic they all share is having a bilateral symmetry.

What are the three body segments of a typical insect?

A typical insect had a head, thorax, and abdomen.

Place the following levels of ecology in order from largest to smallest. Ecosystem, organism, population, biosphere, and community

A) Biosphere B) Ecosystem C) community D) population E) organism

Place the following plant types in the order they evolved: gymnosperms, bryophytes, angiosperms, seedless vascular plants.

A) Bryophytes B) seedless vascular plants C) gymnosperms D) angiosperms

List three greenhouse gases.

A) Carbon dioxide B) water vapor C) methane

List the four characteristics that all chordates share.

A) Dorsal, hallow nerve cord B) notochord C) pharyngeal slits D) post-anal tail

List the three common bacterial shapes.

A) Spherical prokaryotic cells - cocci B) Rod-shaped prokaryotes- bacilli C) Spiral- shaped prokaryotes - include spirochetes

Even though there is tremendous diversity among the arthropods, there are some basic shared characteristics. List two characteristics that all arthropods share.

A) They are segmented animals, and they have jointed appendages B) They have an exoskeleton

Match the following terms to their description: pollination, petals, ovary, anther, sepals, ovule, and stamen. Use Figures 16.17 and 16.19 on pages 324 and 325 of your textbook. A) Protects the ovule B) Where the egg develops C) Outer leaves of a flower D) Structure where spores are produced E) Pollen-producing structure F) Occurs when pollen lands on the stigma G) Attracts pollinators

A) ovary B) ovule C) sepals D) anther E) stamen F) pollination G) petals

List three major events in Earth's history. Your answer should include approximately how long ago they occurred.

A) prokaryotes organisms first appeared about 3,500 million years ago. B) after 2,700 million years ago, Oxygen levels began increasing which results in photosynthesis by autotrophic prokaryotes C) fossils of eukaryotic organism began to appear after 1,800 million years ago.

Match the following terms to their description: lignin, cuticle, leaves, root system, mycorrhizae, stomata, and shoot system A) Anchors the plant and exposed to water and minerals ______________ B) Site of photosynthesis and gas exchange ______________ C) The portion of a plant that is above ground and has leaves for photosynthesis ___ D) Found in certain cell walls to provide support ____ E) A waxy coating that prevents drying out _____________ F) Pores on the underside of leaves for gas exchange _____________ G)Association of fungi and roots for water and mineral absorption __

A) root system B) leaves C) shoot system D) lignin E) cuticle F) stomata G) mycorrhizae

The climate of a tropical rainforest differs from a coniferous forest in what two ways?

A) tropical forest: temperature is warm year-round and vegetation is determined primarily by rainfall B) north coniferous forest: long, snowy winters and short, wet summer.

Fungal cells get their nutrients directly through ______.


What key event led to acceleration in mammal evolution?

After the downfall/extinction of dinosaurs, mammals became more diverse.

Which of the following is a Tetrapod? A) Mammals B) Reptiles C) Amphibians D) All of the above are Tetrapods.

All of the above are Tetrapods.

You are a new biology professor grading student short-answer questions. In one answer, a student writes that seaweeds are plants. After you mark it incorrect, what feedback would you provide him?

Although seaweeds may look like plants, they are protist. Seaweeds are related to unicellular algae. Seaweeds are multicellular marine algae with slimy and rubbery substance. Seaweed evolve from aquatic environments rather than terrestrial environments. Major Theme Connection:

Amphibian comes from the Greek word amphibios, which means "living a double life." Briefly explain why this was an accurate term to call these organisms.

Amphibios is an accurate name for amphibians because most of them live in aquatic and terrestrial adaptations like frogs.

Fungi reproduce through ______.

Asexual and sexual reproduction

Most bacteria reproduce through a type of cell division known as

Binary fission

Briefly explain what a bony fish has in common with humans that cartilaginous fishes do not have.

Bony fish and humans both have a good sense of smell and eyesight unlike cartilaginous fishes who only have a good sense of smell. Humans have lungs to accept oxygen and bony fish have operculum which are gills to extract oxygen from water without moving unlike sharks need to have continuous movement to pass water over their gills.

_____ is a coastal area that is characterized by mild winters and hot, dry summers.


___is the study of how organisms interact with their environment and each other.


A resistant cell produced by some prokaryotes that resists harsh conditions is referred to as a(n) ________.


True or false: Harmful bacteria far outnumber beneficial bacteria. If false, make it a correct statement.

False, Most bacteria is harmless or beneficial to us, only a small minority cause harm such as pathogens and exotoxins.

True or false: All chordates are vertebrates. If false, please make it a correct statement.

False, Not all chordates are vertebrates, two groups of chordates which are tunicates and lancelets are invertebrates.

True or false: It is believed that animals evolved from Archaea. If false, make it a correct statement.

False, it was believed that animals were evolved from protists.

True or false: Most animals are vertebrates. If false, make it a correct statement.

False, most animals are invertebrates, make up 95%.

1.True or false: Eukaryotic organisms were the first forms of life to evolve. If false, please make it a correct statement.

False, prokaryotic organisms were the first forms of life to evolve

True or false: All deserts are characterized by extremely hot temperatures and very little precipitation. If false, make it a correct statement.

False, some deserts such as the Rocky Mountains are characterized by cold temperatures.

List two similarities that flatworms have with us when comparing body plans. List a difference. Refer to Figure 17.6 on page 340 of your textbook for help.

Flatworms have a bilateral symmetry and true tissues like humans. However, most flatworms have a gastrovascular cavity with a single opening to fed. Humans have a complete digestive tract with a mouth and anus.

List the two major types of aquatic biomes and state the major factor that differentiates between the two aquatic biomes.

Freshwater biomes cover less than 1% of earth. Freshwater biomes have 2 groups which include standing water (lakes and ponds) and flowing water (rivers and streams). The shallow water near the shore in the upper layer is the photic zone, which provides light for photosynthesis such as for water lilies. Microscopic algae and cyanobacteria grow in the photic zone. In a deep or murky zone is the aphotic zone with low light levels. The benthic realm is at the bottom of the pond or lake which is occupied by algae, worms, and molluscs. The mineral nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus regulate the growth of phytoplankton. However, rivers and streams is low in nutrients. They inhibit the growth of phytoplankton. Marine biomes seafloors are the benthic realm. The pelagic realm includes all of ocean's open water. The shallow areas in the oceans like the continental shelves includes both pelagic and benthic regions. In the ocean, zooplankton are free-flowing animals, fishes, and other animals are rich in the pelagic photic zone. Coral reefs occur in the photic zone of warm tropical waters. The ocean includes intertidal zone and estuaries. The Intertidal zone is where ocean meets land, typically on shore. Organisms such as sea stars and mussels occupy intertidal zones. Estuary is an area between a river and the ocean. Organisms such as oysters and crabs occupy estuaries.

You are asked to summarize the role of fungi in an ecosystem in one sentence. What would it be?

Fungi is a natural decomposer in an ecosystem that decomposes dead organisms and keeps an ecosystem well contained with inorganic nutrients essential for plant growth.

Which of the following types of plants have the following characteristics: originated 360 million years ago, produce seeds that are not in specialized chambers, were abundant during the age of dinosaurs.


Which of the following is a benefit of wetlands?

Hold and filter large amounts of water

List three effects of human-driven climate change on Earth's ecosystems.

Human activities cause the rise in concentrations of greenhouse gases. For instance, agriculture, landfills, burning wood and burning fossil fuel oils contribute to the rise.

Why would you not expect to find any photosynthetic organisms in the aphotic zone of a lake?

I would not expect to find photosynthetic organisms in the aphotic zone of a lake because light levels are too low to support photosynthesis

You are a researcher studying aquatic parasites at Point Reyes National Seashore. During your studies, you come across a new animal species. After a thorough examination, you determine that the organism has bilateral symmetry, tissues, and lacks a body cavity. What kind of animal is it?

If the organism has a bilateral symmetry, tissues, and lacks a body cavity, then it is probably a flat worms because they lack a body cavity, have a bilateral symmetry and tissues.

1.A microbiologist working at the CDC identifies a new organism from a water sample. The sample was sent to the CDC from a water source that is suspected to have caused a recent outbreak of severe diarrhea in a small village. As she observes the new organism, she notes the following: it is unicellular, microscopic, has a nucleus, and is able to consume nutrients from its environment. Is it a bacterium? If not, what kind of organism is it? Briefly defend your answer.

It is not a bacterium because bacteria do not have a nucleus. Therefore, this new organism can be a protozoan that causes severe diarrhea from contaminated water. Some type of protozoan flagella contaminated the water because they thrive in water, it is microscopic, contain a nucleus and is unicellular because it is a protist.

Reptiles are amniotes, which is a characteristic they share with ________.


Which of the following types of Archaea would be found in the digestive tracts of cattle?


Anthropoids include _____ and _____. We belong to the _____ group.

Monkeys, apes, ape

1.What other primate is the closest relative of humans? Use Figure 17.37 on page 361 of your textbook.

Our closest relative is the anthropoids, which are nonhuman apes. It includes gibbons, gorillas, and chimpanzees.

Pollination and fertilization are often confused. Briefly compare pollination to fertilization.

Pollination is when pollen from the male parts of a plant goes to the female parts in the plant transported by wind. Fertilization occurs after pollination. The pollen enters the flowers ovule where sperm is released to fertilize the egg and it produces a zygote to develop an embryo.

Any eukaryotes that do not fit into the animal, plant, or fungus kingdoms are referred to as


List one similarity and one difference between protists (at least most) and prokaryotes.

Protist are eukaryotes and prokaryotes are bacteria and archaea. However, they are similar by being able to replicate quickly.

A common misconception is that spiders are insects. First, what are spiders? Second, how are spiders related to insects?

Spiders are arachnids. Spiders are related to insects because they both belong in the arthropod's phylum. Spiders and insects both have segmented bodies, an exoskeleton, and jointed legs.

Complete the Venn diagram that compares sponges with cnidarians.

Sponges: They are asymmetrical, stationary animals, no nerves, no muscles, no true tissues, suspension feeders, body of a sponge resembles a sac perforated with holes, central cavity, have tiny nets to capture bacteria and other food particles , -they have amoebocytes to pick up food from choanocytes, digest food, and carry it to other cells -, amoebocytes make up a sponges skeleton which are fibers and sur-like. Cnidarians: have body tissues, they have a radial symmetry, tentacles with stinging cells, sac with a gastrovascular cavity, stationary polyp, floating medusa, Common: both sponges and cnidarians are mostly marine invertebrates, they both have a sac, sponges is stationary and cnidarians have a stationary polyp

_____are notorious flatworms that can infect humans and grow to great lengths

Tapeworms (or parasitic flatworms)

Which terrestrial biomes are subject to periodic fires?

Temperate grasslands, Savanna, and Chaparral

The apes share a common ancestor with which group of monkeys

The apes share a common ancestor with old world monkeys.

What structural feature resulted in the first major branch in animal evolution?

The first major branch in animal evolution were true tissues such nervous tissue.

What do you think is the most limiting abiotic factor on land?

The most limiting abiotic factor on land is water

Which of the following explains why most organisms cannot survive at temperatures above 45ºC? A) Inorganic nutrients like nitrogen cannot be obtained at that temperature. B) The organism's enzymes become destroyed. C) Water evaporates too quickly at that temperature and the organism will dehydrate. D) The metabolism speeds up and the cells die from too much energy. 3.Which of Darwin's observations provided him with evidence for evolution by

The organism's enzymes become destroyed.

People often use the term "cold blooded" to refer to reptiles. Briefly explain why this is inaccurate. Your answer should include the more accurate descriptor for them.

The term "cold-blooded" is inaccurate to use referring to reptiles. Reptiles regulate body temperature though behavioral adaptations. For example, lizards regulate internal body temperature by sunbathing in the sun when the air is cold or seeking shade when the air is too warm. This makes reptiles ectotherms instead of "cold-blooded" because they absorb external heat rather than generating heat on their own.

List three types of organismal responses to environmental variability.

The three types of organismal responses to environmental variability are Physiological responses (physiological adjustment that occurs in response to environmental change-acclimation- mammals contracting its skin muscles to create a temporary layer of insulation on a cold day), Anatomical responses (many organisms respond to environmental challenge with a change in body shape or structure- growing a heavier coat for winter and shedding in summer), and behavioral responses ( most animals respond to unfavorable environmental changes by moving to a new location- many birds migrate in winter to central and south America and return to northern latitudes to breed in the summer)

List two challenges that the first land-dwelling plants would have needed to overcome.

The two challenges that the first land-dwelling plants would have needed to overcome are supportive structures to stay upright and avoid limping and obtain carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis

Why are there more lizard species in the southwest than in the northeast? Refer to Figure 18.10 on page 378 of your textbook.

There are more lizards in the southwest because it tends to be warmer than the north. Lizards are ectothermic, which means they cannot generate its own heat, so it depends on the environment to keep it's body warm enough.

Fungi are eukaryotes. What do you automatically know to be true about them?

They are eukaryotes, so they have a nucleus. they are multicellular, have body structures and ways for reproduction. They are heterotrophs so they get nutrients through absorption

1.True or false: Greenhouse gases are substances that trap heat within earth's atmosphere. If false, make it correct.


True or false: Birds are actually reptiles. If false, please make it a correct statement ________


True or false: Population ecology studies the changes in populations over time. If false, make it a correct statement.


True or false: Terrestrial biomes are grouped primarily based on their vegetation type. If false, please make it a correct statement


True or false: The evolution of land plants was a gradual process that would have included transitional species. If false, make it a correct statement.


True or false: Using bacteria to clean up a chemical spill is an example of bioremediation. If false, please make it a correct statement.


True or false: Flatworms are animals. If false, please make it a correct statement.

True, they are the simplest animals with bilateral symmetry.

True or false: Modern Fungi are more closely related to animals than plants. If false, make it a correct statement.


True or false: Plants have alternation of generations that include diploid and haploid stages. If false, please make it a correct statement.

True. Gametophytes produce gametes (sperms and eggs) that unite to form zygotes and develop into new sporophytes (diploid). Sporophytes produce spores that produce new gametophytes (haploid).

What are two ways in which humans are affecting the global water cycle?

Two ways humans affect the global water cycle is by destroying the forest, which can change the amount of water vapor in the ait. Also, pumping large amounts of groundwater to the surface for irrigation increase the rate of evaporation over land.

When you wake up each morning, your mouth has a filmy coating on its surfaces, including your teeth. What is the primary reason why you brush your teeth as opposed to just rinsing your mouth with mouthwash?

We brush our teeth to get rid of the "biofilm" bacteria that produced overnight in order to avoid dental plaque that can cause tooth decay.

You remove the stamen from a flowering plant. In effect, what have you just created?

You created a "female" plant because the stamen is a male reproductive structure.

The earliest organisms were ___. 1,800 million years ago the ________ first appeared.

_prokaryotes, eukaryotes_

When people think of a fungus it is likely that they are thinking of a mushroom. However, the mushroom is just the _________ ground portion of the fungus. The ________ is the supporting portion below the ground and both structures are made of __________.

above, mycelium, hyphae.

________ are the first tetrapods to have emerged onto land.


Modern plants evolved from ____ __________ about _____ million years ago. Use Figure 16.6 on page 318 of your textbook.

ancestral green algae,470 mya

Earth's surface is split up into a series of ________, which are specific zones with a particular biological community determined by the physical environment and vegetation type.


Which of these levels includes the other? Population...ecosystem _

ecosystem include population

Almost all of a bird's adaptations are for __

flight enhancement

You enjoy a nice dinner with your friend. At home, about 6 hours later, you begin to feel twinges of pain in your abdomen and experience nausea. A short time later you vomit and experience severe diarrhea. You go to the doctor and discover you had food poisoning from bacteria. Briefly explain why your symptoms of food poisoning only took a few hours to appear.

food poisoning symptoms took a few hours to appear because bacteria can produce quickly when conditions are favorable. The bacteria can produce a colony quickly by binary fission.

Which of the following would be involved in a snail moving through your garden?


Haploid is to _______________ as diploid is to ______________.

gametophyte/one set of chromosomes, sporophyte/ 2 sets of chromosomes

All animals eat other organisms, which makes them

heterotrophic organisms

Animals that do not have a backbone are called _____


The distinguishing characteristics of mammals include ________ and ________.

mammary glands, hair

The microorganisms that live on and in our bodies are known as our __


All animals are ______________________ and those cells are almost all ____________________.

multicellular, diploid

All the members of a species within a particular area are known as a ___


Three processes that affect the water cycle include _________, _________, and _________.

precipitation, evaporation, and transpiration.

What do the organisms of the domains Archaea and Bacteria have in common?

prokaryotic cell organization (they do not have a nucleus and lack membrane-bound organelles. and have flagella to move)

The fact that the lands directly east of the Sierra Nevada mountain range are a desert is a direct result of an effect known as the _____

rain shadow

Cnidarians come in two body forms: ________ and ______

stationary polyp, floating medusa

A _____ maintains the fish's buoyancy, which allows the fish to remain motionless.

swim bladder

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