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Richard Branson is associated with the creation of ____ intended to provide _________________. a. Planetary Resources ...resupply of International Space station (ISS) b. Blue tourism c. Alibaba.....mining of asteroids in outer space d. Virgin tourism


An example of a FMS would be the sale of _________________. a. F-35 jets to Germany b. Nuclear-powered military rockets to Canada c. Folding chairs to Italy d. A and B


How many miles (approximately) above the earth's surface is the Karman line e.g. boundary between territorial airspace and outer space: a. 12 miles b. 100 miles c.50 d.62


Marc Rich was guilty of ____ but was later pardoned by ____. a. Embezzlement....President Nixon b. Tax evasion...President Ford c. Bank robbery........President Obama d. Tax evasion...President Clinton


Name an international treaty dealing with issues such as cybersecurity and Internet. a. Belgrade Convention b. Paris Agreement c. New York Convention d. Great Firewall Treaty


A major incident increasing use of Internet surveillance by Indian government was _________________. a. Terrorism incidents of 2008 in Mumbai b. Sinking in 1999 of major Indian warship in Bay of Bengal. c. Seizure by government of 100/500 Rupee bills d. War with Pakistan in 2001


Original parties to the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963 included ______________. a. United States and Great Britain b. India and and Pakistan c. USSR (Soviet Union) and Brazil d. Israel and Great Britain


Recent government laws in Mexico have attempted to ________________. a. Increase transparency of PEMEX activities and operations b. Reduce PEMEX investment of its profits in Mexican infrastructure. c. Reduce salaries of PEMEX executives d. Pressure PEMEX into operating in Brazil and other nations in Latin America.


The Nuclear Test Ban Treaty allows signatory states_____________. a. An unlimited number of underground nuclear tests b. Underground nuclear testing only annually (i.e. once a year) by a state c. An unlimited number of underwater nuclear tests d. Allows nuclear testing in the atmosphere upon giving of adequate advance notice by the testing state


The grant of nationality to an inanimate object (e.g. vessel) is called _____. a. Ascribed nationality b. In personam nationality c. Jurisdictional nationality d. Universal nationality


The greatest perpetrator and apparent beneficiary of corruption in Malaysia is __________________. a. Its Prime Minister b. The Malaysian ambassador to the US c. The head of the Malaysian air force d. Alien investors in that country.


The presentation about white-collar crimes pointed out the case involving _______________. a. Allen Stanford b. Mario LLosa c. Raul Hernandez d. Stanislav Oblonsky


The purpose and "target goal" of the Paris Agreement is for signatory states to _________________. a. Hold the future increase in global average temperature to below 2 degrees Celsuis b. Eliminate all climate change by 2040 in five major industrialized nations c. Create a system of target goals for each nation to meet re climate change or to pay a significant penalty into a fund fund allowing "added" climate change reduction in other states to make up for the difference d. Decrease the average global temperature by 1.5 degrees Celsius


Transparency International defines corruption as ___________________. a. The abuse of public power for private gain b. The use of extortion and threats of violence c. Motivated primarily for political power d. Morally ethical and allowed only in those few countries where it has been a way of doing business for years e.g. bakeesh, la mordida, etc.


Which nation below is one of the two LEAST corrupt nations in 2017 Corruption Perception Index? a. New Zealand b. United States c. Canada d, Germany


Friedman's concern with the strain of a flat world on natural resources is expressed in phrase "____ is the new red, white and blue " and US must take a leadership role. a. Purple b. Green c. Orange d. Pink


PEMEX is a ____ in Mexico that is in charge of ________________. a. Private corporation......oil and gas exploration only b. Agency of Mexican government...... oil and gas exploration, refining of oil/gas and sale of gas to car owners at service stations c. Private corporation.....operating all service stations in Mexico d. Agency of Mexican government....only offshore exploration of oil and gas


The "Golden Shield Project" is an effort by Chinese government _____________. a. To block out all social media sites not originating inside China b. To perform surveillance of all Internet/social media access by its citizens c. To increase use of Internet by overall % of Chinese population d. To block out Amazon as a competitor to Alibaba.


The high seas' most fundamental freedom include the freedom of _______. a. Exploration b. Navigation c. Whaling d. Fishing in Territorial Sea


The owner of Alibaba is __________________. b. Jack Ma c. Bernard Liter d. Fernando Lazoya e. Abdul Razak


The video re the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) focused on different types of corruption in __________________. a. Brazil b. Mexico c. Sudan d. El Salvador


There are several major milestones in efforts attempting to regulate international environmental pollution and deterioration. They are: 1) Stockholm Declaration; 2)) Rio Declaration; 3) Decision in Trail Smelter case. In order of oldest to most recent ____. a. 3,2,1 b. 3,1,2 c. 2, 3,1 d.1,2,3


Wealthy individuals associated with the commercialization of outer space include __________________. a. Jack Ma and Bill Gates b. Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk c. Elon Musk and Mark Cubans d. Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos


Which nation below is one of the two MOST corrupt nations in the 2017 Corruption Perception Index? a. Mexico. b. Somalia c. South Korea d. Philippines


Friedman is of the opinion one group/region is behind the rest and is dramatically "unflat." That is ________________. A.Eastern Europe b. Desolate area such as Siberia and its people there c. Arab-Muslim world. d. Rural areas of South America and its people


How many miles (approximately) above the earth's surface is the Karman line e.g. boundary between territorial airspace and outer space: a. 12 b. 10 c. 62 d. 100


In the video, a police officer stopped a motorist told the driver he ran a red light and must receive a traffic ticket. . The driver may be able to pay a small amount of approximately _______ to the policeman in order to get him to not write the ticket. a. $50 b. 1- $2.50 c. 5-$6. d. $10.


Jeff Bezos owns _______________. a. The New York Times b. Lockheed Martin Corporation c. The Washington Post d. Facebook


The "genuine link" described at Article 5 of the Convention on High Seas: a. Establishes that states have a common "link" to cooperation in protecting the international environment. b. Gives the right to register all vessels and aircraft under their own rules. c. Requires that all states registering vessels of a certain tonnage must act to meaningfully regulate those vessels. d. Imposes a "link" between right of innocent passage and the duty of coastal states to warn all ships of dangerous conditions in territorial seas.


The Space Launch Competitiveness Act of 2015 and resulting growth of Planetary Resources Inc. show the perceived financial attraction of _____________________. a. Space tourism b. Medical tourism c. Mining on asteroids and planets in outer space d. Delivery of supplies to vehicles (like ISS) circling in outer space


The Trail Smelter decision involved the use of ______ to settle disputed claims involving________________. a. An existing earlier and separate, unrelated matter b. Social media.....$ payment of damages for environmental damage c. Arbitration...$ payment of damages for acid rain damage d. World Trade Organization ...US/Canadian boundary.


The US has not signed and ratified _______. a. Stockholm Declaration b. Antarctica Treaty c. Kyoto Protocol d. Rio Declaration


The international law of the sea __________________. a. Was developed primarily by United Nations. b. Began its period of development after the Chicago Convention. c. Was generally created by customs beginning in 1300s and continuing over centuries which evolved into written treaties d. Was governed by the security council of the US


The moderator's main criticism in the video of the FCPA appeared to be __________________. a. Its cost of enforcement by US Department of Justice b. It inability to eliminate corruption in US public companies c. Lack of logic why US tries to prevent conduct abroad that may not be illegal in that foreign nation's laws. . d. The lack of results in enforcement since enacted


The traveling to another country for receipt of medical care there is called _________________. a. Birth tourism b. Universal care c. Medical tourism d. B and C


Transparency International is ______________________. a. A US corporation b. A branch or agency of the United Nations c. A non-governmental organization d. An inter-governmental organization.


Under the Mellon Bank case, the FCPA was interpreted to prohibit: a. Student internship at large international banks. b. The giving of cash bribes to employees of large international banks. c. Banks from giving preferential treatments to children of bank customers. d. The deposit into large international banks of cash from illegal bribes.


The FCPA prohibits __________________. a. Gifts of "anything of value" by foreign government officials offered to a US citizen intended to get or retain business with the official's US company. b. Cash bribes c. The receipt of bribes or "anything of value" by US government officials. d. The offering of bribes by US companies or their agents to foreign government officials


The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) prohibits __________________. a. Gifts of "anything of value" by foreign government officials to a US citizen intended to get or retain business with their company. b. Cash bribes only. c. All student internships at any US bank doing business with foreign government officials d. The offering of bribes or gratuities by US companies or their agents to foreign government officials


The Karman line is to law of airspace as ____ is to the law of the sea. a. Contiguous Zone b. The internal waters c. Exclusive Economic Zone d. Baseline


The Rio Declaration __________________. a. Restated the principles of Stockholm Declaration. b. Promoted concept of strict liability for transboundary pollution. c. Mandated cooperation by nations in fighting the financing of terrorism. d. Promoted the concept of sustainable development


The Rio Declaration __________________. a. Was in 1972 and restated the principles of Stockholm Declaration. b. Was in 1992 and promoted concept of strict liability for transboundary pollution. c. Was in 2011 and mandated cooperation by nations in fighting the financing of terrorism. d. Was in 1992 and promoted concept of sustainable development.


The ___________ was established at the Chicago Convention held in _____. a. United Nations ....1938 b. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).... 1899 c. United Nations...1972. d. ICAO ....1944


The holding of the Trail Smelter case may generally be described as _____. a. There is absolute liability on the state where transboundary pollution originates as described in the International Convention on Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects. b. Generating pollution causing acid rain is a universal crime. c. Injured citizens can sue their own state for negligence in its poor enforcement of environmental laws. d. A state has a duty under international law to prevent transboundary pollution originating within its borders that injures persons and property in an adjacent state.


What does baseline do? a. Acts as mid-point line of internal waters. b. Separates the Territorial Sea from outer space. c. Acts to separate internal waters from Territorial Sea. d. Is the boundary and starting point for measuring the Contiguous Zone.


Which US company was featured in the discussion of corruption in a foreign nation in the video? a. IBM b. Apple c. Chevron d. Walmart


Which person is most associated with creating concept of supply chaining? a. Allen Stanford b. Atticus Finch c. Rene Levesque d. Sam Walton


Which statement below is true? a. All states own/oversee a Territorial Sea. b. Non-coastal states have no right to travel on the high seas c. All states own/control a tract of water called internal waters d. Coastal states own/control a tract of water called Territorial Sea


a. Was developed primarily by United Nations. b. Began its period of greatest development before the US Civil War c. Generally began its development after the laws for international protection of the environment were created. d. Was generally created by customs beginning in 1300s and continuing over centuries which in latter half of 20th century evolved into written treaties


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