Final exam ?s AH

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"icon" in medieval art means

"image" and refers to religious images used in prayer and devotion.

Procopius, the biographer of the the Emperor Justinian, described the dome of Hagia Sophia as looking as though it was . . .Choose 1 answer:

"suspended from heaven"

Which of the following is true of ancient Roman sculpture (choose all that apply)?

. Ancient Roman sculpture was often painted. b. Ancient Roman sculpture was influenced by ancient Greek art. c. Ancient Roman sculpture often reflected political ideologies. d. Ancient Roman sculpture sometimes reflected the Greek ideals of youth and beauty and sometimes the more Roman Republican ideals of old age and wisdom.

Pilgrimage stimulated the local economy for all of the following reasons EXCEPT . . . Choose 1 answer:

. pilgrims needed to pay entrance fees to the churches

In this apse mosaic from Santa Prassede, Pope Paschal holds a small model of a church. This was a medieval way of showing . . .

. that Paschal was the patron of the church.

The story of Jesus Christ is told in . . .

. the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, which are in the New Testament.

What do the objects from the Sutton Hoo Ship Burial tell us about England c. 700 C.E.?Choose all answers that apply:

: it was a time of political unrest, Christianity was spreading in England

What characteristics of the early medieval period are suggested by the purse cover from Sutton Hoo?

ALL Skilled craftsman produced intricately designed decorative arts., Economic and cultural exchange occurred throughout Western Europe., Individuals used luxury objects as status symbols., Animal forms provided decorative effect and symbolic value.

Compare these objects from the burial at Sutton Hoo. What attributes of early medieval art in Western Europe do they share?

ALL The combination of precious materials for decorative effect., The emphasis on patterns and intricate linear detail., The use of art objects for personal adornment., The symbolic reference to strength and valor in battle., The use of stylized animal forms.

Which of the following is NOT true of the church of St. Denis?

Abbot Suger used rounded arches to achieve his desired effects in the ambulatory and choir.

At the center of the Dome of the Rock is a large rock, which is believed to be the location where [] and also the place where the Angel Gabriel took Muhammad after the miraculous night journey from the Kaaba in Mecca.

Abraham prepared to sacrifice Isaac

Early Christian basilica churches, like Santa Sabina, were influenced by the plans of . . .Choose 1 answer:

Ancient Roman basilicas.

The mosaics at the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia show decorative forms that are similar to ______ decorative floral and acanthus leaf forms, such as those at the ______ .

Ancient Roman, Ara Pacis

Duccio's Maesta shows the Virgin and Child surrounded by figures. Who are these figures?

Apostles, Angels, Saints

Ottonian architects were influenced by the writer . . ..


Select the answer that does NOT relate to medieval manuscripts.

Books were not essential to the practice of Christianity, as they only contained texts by Ancient Greek and Roman authors.

Duccio's Rucellai Madonna shows the influence of the . . .. . .

Byzantine style

l of the scenes, on the back and front, have gold backgrounds, which is typical of the []

Byzantine tradition

The architecture and decorative forms found in the Dome of the Rock make reference to what other artistic traditions? Choose all answers that apply:

Byzantine, Sassanian

Many ancient texts survive because . . . Choose 1 answer:

Charlemagne ordered scribes to copy, and therefore preserve, ancient texts.

The apron scenes on either side of the St. Francis altarpiece show how Francis was like Choose...ChristSt. John the BaptistSt. Peter


Which of the following is NOT true about the Life of Christ (according to Christian tradition).

Christ spent the last years of his life writing the Gospels.

The columns in San Vitale incorporate . . .

Christian symbolism

Giotto was probably [] 's student and learned chiaroscuro, or the use of light and shadow, from him.


Charlemagne instructed his artists at court to revive the artistic styles that were present in the days of


Constantine moved the administrative center of the empire from Rome to ....... which contributed to the decline of Rome as a city.


Which term would best apply to this page from the Lindisfarne Gospels?

Cross-carpet page

The square base of the column shows ........ which emphasizes the strength of the Roman army in defeating a strong opponent.

Dacian weapons

Prince Abd-al-Rahman I attempted to recreate in Spain the grandeur of . . .


The figure of Augustus most closely resembles the Greek Classical statue Doryphorus in order to recall the Golden Age of 5th century Athens. Which figure is the Doryphorus?


Pietro and Ambrogio Lorenzetti were students of . . . Choose 1 answer:


This ship burial was found on a farm in [] and [] was filled with.

England, treasure

A gold background in Byzantine art represents the earthly realm.


An inscription woven into the carpet indicates that Maqsud Kashani was probably the ruler who both commissioned and paid for the carpet.


Augustus is said to have found Rome a city of brick and left it a city of granite, evoking an image of the golden age of Rome.


Byzantine art changed radically during its history. Choose 1 answer:


Christianity was tolerated throughout the history of the Roman Empire.Choose 1 answer:


Cimabue's Santa Trinita Madonna uses a single, unified viewpoint..


During the Carolingian Revival, artists tried to understand perspective and space and succeeded in representing these things accurately. Choose 1 answer:


For both Christians and Jews, God has a tripartite (three-part) nature.Choose 1 answer:


Gothic architecture used mostly rounded arches.


Hagia Sophia became a symbol of the strength of Constantine the Great. Choose 1 answer:


In the scene of the Last Judgment, the damned in Hell suffer according to the whims of the devil and his demons.


Many of the objects in the burial are associated with cooking and eating, such as pots and drinking vessels.


Muslims have always believed that God has prohibited all figurative art. Choose 1 answer:


No important intellectual, educational, or political developments took place during the Middle Ages.Choose 1 answer:


People were seated in the Colosseum according to their religion. Choose 1 answer:


Portraits of Roman emperors were entirely realistic.


Ravenna played a key role at the end of the Roman Empire and served as the capital city for the eastern half of the empire.


Santa Sabina borrows its shape and layout from a type of Ancient Greek temple.Choose 1 answer:


Tertullian and other Christian theologians sought to create a new Byzantine style. Choose 1 answer:


Thanks to the Romans, an extensive library of Etruscan writing has survived.


The Ara Pacis commemorated Augustus' military victory at the Battle of Actium.


The Coronation Mantle was made by Norman artisans for the Muslim conqueror of Sicily.


The Edict of Milan extended the persecution of Christians.Choose 1 answer:


The Equestrian Sculpture of Marcus Aurelius is one of many equestrian sculptures to survive from antiquity.


The Etruscans traded primarily with the ancient Egyptians.


The Great Mosque of isfahan is unique because it was made during a single building campaign and not over a long period of time.


The Greek Ionic order was used for the column capitals at Hagia Sophia.


The Kaaba was originally constructed during the first years of Islam


The Muslim calendar begins in the year 622 C.E. when the Prophet Muhammad and his followers fled Medina and were welcomed into the city of Mecca.


The artist of the Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus followed earlier Roman models and based this active and chaotic composition on earlier Roman work.


The breastplate that is worn by Augustus of Primaporta reflects Greek political ideology. Choose 1 answer:


The current building was built under the direction of the Emperor Augustus and it replaced an earlier Pantheon built by Caesar.


The figures of Adam and Eve do not seem to care about the consequences of eating the fruit.


The first followers of Jesus Christ were pagans.Choose 1 answer:


The landscape in Ambrogio Lorensetti's Palazzo Pubblico frescoes is an idealized and ficticious landscape created in the mind of the painter.


The man named Gislebertus mentioned in the inscription is the name of the artist responsible for carving the tympanum.


The mihrab is for a spiritual leader to stand in and address the congregation.


True/false: In the Traditio Lex scene, Christ has an abstracted Early Christian face.


Within the context of this tutorial, the term "Islamic Art" refers exclusively to religious art and architecture. Choose 1 answer:


he jewels on the cover of the Lindau Gospels show that this was used as currency between monasteries.


the jewels on the cover of the Lindau Gospels show that this was used as currency between monasteries.


Abbot Suger wanted to create an architectural style that would express the growing power of . . .

French Monarchy

According to Islamic tradition, who led the Prophet on his famous Night Journey?


The Hildesheim doors show scenes from []] on the left and scenes from the life of []on the right.

Genesis Christ

In the bronze doors at Hildesheim, scenes on the left door show episodes from [], while scenes on the right door show events from [].

Genesis the life of Christ

How does Giotto change the typical representation of St. Francis in this painting? (choose all that apply)

Giotto sets St. Francis in a naturalistic landscape., Giotto sets St. Francis in a natural, more human pose.

According to the author, which ancient culture most influenced Etruscan architecture?


The Lindisfarne Gospels was made at Lindisfarne Priory at a time of . . .

Invasions and political upheavals.

On the Night Journey, the Prophet Muhammad traveled from Mecca to which city before ascending into heaven? Choose 1 answer:


The Dome of the Rock is a holy site that belongs to which religious traditions?


Which of the following religions are monotheistic? Choose all answers that apply:

Judaism, Christianity, Islam

Which of the following religions claim Abraham as a key figure? Choose all answers that apply:

Judaism, Christianity, Islam

The holiest shrine in Islam is the Choose 1 answer:


The narrative scenes in the Arena Chapel begin with [] , move on to [] , and end with scenes of the [].

Life of Mary Life of Christ [Passion

According to the author, several large-scale sarcophagus have been found representing _______ .

M AND F figures

The citizens of Siena believed that they owed their military victories to the divine patronage of . . . Choose 1 answer:


During the hajj, Muslims make a pilgrimage to


Muslims pray in the direction of______


The Alhambra was built by the [] Dynasty.


The dome is the crowning achievement of Hagia Sophia, and in its ambitious scale, it recalls the engineering brilliance of the . . .

Pantheon in Rome

This scene represents the turning point in a battle between the Greeks and the


Which of the following is NOT true of the Last Judgment tympanum, St. Lazare, pilgrimages, or relics?

Relics held spiritual power to get sinners out of hell and immediately into heaven.

Which of the following is NOT one of the messages of the Wilton Diptych?

Richard's authority to rule is in danger and he is in need of divine protection.

Bishop Bernward saw monumental doors at Santa Sabina in ---------and wanted similar monumental doors in Hildesheim.


Bishop Bernward's doors were inspired by doors that he saw in which city?.. Choose 1 answer:


The Etruscans primarily influenced which other ancient culture?


This photo looks down the nave toward the high altar of which building?

Santa Maria Maggiore

Who are the three men who stand behind Richard?

St. Edmund, St. Edward the Confessor, St. John the Baptist

A gold halo signals that a figure is holy or sacred.


Ara Pacis is one of the most important monuments from Augustan Rome. It was commissioned by the Roman Senate to commemorate the Pax Romana, the "Roman peace."


Artists borrowed stone from monuments to previous emperors and re-carved the faces of those emperors with the face of Constantine.


Before the emperor Constantine made it legally acceptable to be a Christian in the early 4th century, Christians were sometimes persecuted.Choose 1 answer:


Berlinghieri's St. Francis Altarpiece emphasizes the ways in which St. Francis is like Christ. Choose 1 answer:


Carpets decorated the floors of mosques, shrines and homes, but they could also be hung on walls of houses to preserve warmth in the winter. Those from Iran were highly prized.


Each of the doors was cast as a single piece using the lost wax method, revived from antiquity.


Gardens, water fountains, canals, and pools are a recurring theme in The Alhambra.


Giotto used light and shadow to model Mary's body.


Images of heaven and hell caused medieval people to consider their eternal fate. Choose 1 answer:


In Christian teaching, Christ is often seen as the "second Adam."Choose 1 answer:


In the medieval Catholic belief system, people who committed sins could atone for them with good works, such as paying to have a chapel decorated with a religious narrative.


Later Roman portrait sculpture, under the Emperor Augustus, looks back to the Greek ideals of age and wisdom.


Muslims believe that Muhammad was the final prophet in a line that included Moses, Abraham, and Jesus. Choose 1 answer:


Muslims believe that they are meant to share their wealth with those who are less-fortunate in their religious community.


Patterns are typical of Sienese art of this time.


Ravenna was an important Roman port city and served as the capital city for the western half of the empire.C


Relics were held to have spiritual power—to effect healing miracles and time off from Purgatory. Choose 1 answer:


Romans traditionally cremated their dead, however, by the second century C.E., burial had become fashionable. Choose 1 answer:


St. Denis served as the burial place for the French royal family. Choose 1 answer:


The Alexander mosaic was buried under ash when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 C.E. and was preserved until the building was excavated.


The Byzantine Empire fell when the Ottoman Turks conquered Constantinople in 1453.Choose 1 answer:


The Dome of the Rock is one of the earliest surviving buildings from the Islamic world.


The Equestrian Sculpture of Marcus Aurelius reflects a sophisticated knowledge of both human anatomy and the anatomy of the horse.


The Great Mosque of Isfahan is unusual because of its urban integration and once served as a pedestrian hub in the city.


The Hadiths are the saying of the Prophet, largely compiled in the centuries following his death. Choose 1 answer:


The Kaaba has undergone numerous modifications during its long history.


The Lindau Gospels Cover shows the Crucifixion in the Triumphant Christ type.


The Pantheon was built to contain a perfect sphere and was influenced by Greek mathematical ideas. Choose 1 answer:


The façade of the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Chartres was organized according to the Golden Ratio. Choose 1 answer:


The four evangelists (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) are symbolized by four different winged creatures.


The senators who ruled Rome came from elite families. Choose 1 answer


The term "Carolingian" is applied to Charlemagne and his successors. Choose 1 answer:


This diptych was made for Richard II, King of England, who is pictured in the left interior panel and shown kneeling before the Virgin Mary on the right panel.


This mosaic of the Good Shepherd from the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia has both classical and Early Christian elements.


True/false: In the scene of Adam and Eve, the contrapposto is borrowed from the classical tradition, but the oversized heads are indicative of the early Christian style that was just then developing.


True/false: The Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus shows Early Christian artists inventing a new iconography, or visual language, for Christianity and its ideas.


True/false: This sarcophagus reflects elements of classicism and elements of Early Christian art.


We do NOT know what the figures on Sarcophagus of the Spouses once held.


This painting of the Wise and Foolish Virgins reflects the influence of which artistic tradition?

The Byzantine Empire

The north portal of Chartres Cathedral starts with the Creation story in the outer archivolts and ends with this scene in the tympanum . . .

The Coronation of the Virgin

The iconography of the Lindau Gospels cover foretells the contents of the book within. Match the iconographical detail to its symbolic meaning.

The Heavenly Jerusalem → The jewels and precious stones set in gold., The Basilica-plan Church → The raised cruciform shape surrounding Christ, Christ's Divine Nature → The figure of the Triumphant Christ

Which of the following is NOT true of the Dome of the Rock?

The Rock is enclosed by two ambulatories and an octagonal exterior wall.

In the bronze doors at Hildesheim, the scene of theCrucifixionis paired with . . .

The Temptation in the Garden of Eden

Which of the following is not true about the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Chartres? Choose 1 answer:

The architect used rounded arches, thick walls, and massive piers to support the weight of the building internally.

The subject of this tympanum is associated with which series of events in the Late Middle Ages?

The crusades

Which of the following is NOT true of the Pantheon?

The dome of the Pantheon was constructed with precisely cut marble bricks.

The intricate patterns and ornamental detail of this page from the Lindisfarne Gospels served to

The intricate patterns and ornamental detail of this page from the Lindisfarne Gospels served to mediative contemplation

Which of the following does not apply to the Ivory Panel with Archangel?

The ivory is very large compared with other Byzantine ivory panels.

Which of the following is NOT true of the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia?

The mausoleum houses Galla Placidia's sarcophagus.

Which statement explains why Carolingian rulers wanted to revive Classical traditions? Choose all answers that apply:

The tendency to humanize spiritual ideals and beliefs, The desire to reform and standardize the Church and society

What element of the capitals in Hagia Sophia reflect the general shift away from the solidity of Greek and Roman architecture?

They used drillwork to create a thin and dematerialized effect contradicting their support function.

Which of the following statements is true of Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Allegory and Effect of Good and Bad Government? Choose all answers that apply:

This painting contains one of the largest medieval landscapes., These scenes are secular and not overtly religious., This painting shows the values and ideals that the city of Siena had for itself.

The spiral frieze that winds up Trajan's Column represents . . .

Trajan's two main wars with the Dacians.

The Arch of Constantine borrowed elements from other monuments to show that Constantine was a good emperor just like ...... who represented a golden age.

Trajan, Hadrian, and Marcus Aurelius

The Lindau Gospels Cover shows the Crucifixion in the [] Christ type.


This is the only large-scale bronze sculpture of an emperor on his horse to survive from antiquity.


The ground level columns of the Colosseum use which of the classical orders?


Which of the following are likely NOT represented on Augustus's breastplate? Choose 1 answer:


Match these monuments with the Emperor who commissioned them.

Vespian: Colleseum Hadrian: curved collum structure Constantine: Arch Augustus: Ara Parcis, commeration of peace

The Second and Third Crusades were announced at . . . Choose 1 answer:


The Lindisfarne Gospel book was made at Lindisfarne Priory in the early 8th century, but later that century, the book was saved by the monks from potential destruction by . . .Choose 1 answer:

Viking invasions

Imperial Roman portraits were commonly distributed throughout the empire; the sculpture of Augustus we focused on in class was found in _______.

Villa of Primaporta

The architect of the Great Mosque of Cordoba borrowed the horseshoe arch from the [] and was widely adopted into Western Islamic architecture.


Duccio's painting shows the influence of the [] style.


Simone Martini was a student of .... and was well-versed in the Sienese styles, with particular attention to detail, patterns, and decorative elements.


On the right, an angel holds the banner of , the patron saint of England.

[St. George]

Pointed arches allowed for [] supports that did not need as much buttressing, allowing for the creation of a more elegant space.


Each of the doors was cast as a single piece using the lost wax method, revived from antiquity.

a shrine

The illustrations of the Lindisfarne Gospels show us that Hiberno-Saxon artists had . . .

a sophisticated sense of design, an interest in detail

What makes the representation of Christ in the apse of San Vitale classical in appearance?

a. Christ's beardless face

The central area of this church is called the ______ and beyond the _____ are the ______.

a. nave, colonnade, aisles

What gives the mosaic its sense of naturalism?

a. the use of modeling b. the use of hieratic scale c. the use of decorative patterning d. the use of foreshortening

Medieval art can best be described as . . .


The gold background of Duccio's Virgin and Child with Saints Dominic and Aurea represents . . . Choose 1

all of the above

Art historians believe the Alexander mosaic is based on ______.

an ancient Greek painting

Giotto's figures in the Arena (Scrovegni) Chapel . . .

are bulky and monumental, appear to exist in a three dimensional space

Which of the following is INCORRECT about the Augustus of Primaporta?

b. This statue is modeled on Patrician sculpture from the Roman republic.

Match the visual detail with its meaning in the mosaic program at San Vitale.

bowl in hand: Eucharist shield:Justinian's army 3 men: Tensions Halos behind heads: Power from divine authority

The scenes in the frieze of the Column of Trajan show battles and . . . Choose 1 answer:

building projects.

Late Republic sculptors emphasized which of the following features in portrait sculpture? Choose all answers that apply:

c. Age d.Wisdom

Please select the answer that does not relate to the content of medieval Bestiaries.

c. Medieval Bestiaries contain information about sacred places and buildings in the Holy Land.

The mosaics of Justinian and Theodora remind the viewer . . .

c. of the power of rulers who live in distant Constantinople d. to follow Orthodox Christianity

c. participating in public events

c. participating in public events

Which of the following was used to decorate the interior and exterior walls of The Alhambra?

carved stucco, painted tile

Notable features of the carving of the Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus include . . .

carving in high relief, crowding the figures together, a sense of movement

Which of the following two architectural forms best describes the plan of Hagia Sophia? Choose all answers that apply:

central plan, basilica

The space around the altar is called the [] and the space behind the arches and columns is called the [] .

choir ambulatory

....sits in the center of the Last Judgment with the elect on his right and the damned on his left.


The Mausoleum of Galla Placidia was originally attached to a -----that Galla Placidia also built.


Giorgio Vasari saw this artist as the first Florentine artist who began to turn away from the traditional Byzantine style.


The angel's face and hair in this ivory are reminiscent of the . . .

classical style

Andrea Pisano, in his relief for the Campanile in Florence, shows Adam as.

classical, lying in a pose that resembles contrapposto, athletic

The influence of the classical tradition is present in the . . .

cloth and drapery that the figures wear.

The Colosseum and the Pantheon share a structural material for which Roman engineers became famous. What is that material?


The Colosseum was built largely of..... and made extensive use of

concrete and then arches

A pyxis is a cylindrical box used for . . .


Previous madonnas and even those by contemporary Sienese painters show Mary as [], where Giotto shows her as [] .

delicate and slender solid and monumental]

In his ruler portraits, Augustus promoted an image of himself as . . .

descended from the Gods, youthful and athletic, a successful military leader

Grave goods provide the most concrete cultural information about barbarians, who . . . Choose all answers that apply:

did not leave behind written records, were mostly illiterate

Simone Martini is trying to represent both the divinity and humanity of the event, though previous artists focused on [] .


images of heaven and hell caused medieval people to consider their

eternal fate

In this altarpiece, the archangel Michael announces to St. John the Baptist that he will baptize Jesus.


through the inclusion of Old Testament prophets, panel paintings of this time, such as Giotto's Ognissanti Madonna suggest that Christ and Mary initiate a new religion with no ties to past traditions.


The Allegory and Effects of Bad Government shows the figure of Tyranny surrounded by vices. Poor government leads to [] in the city and country.

fear and destruction

The architect of Chartres Cathedral created a new trend in Gothic cathedrals by including all of the following EXCEPT . . .

flat wooden roof

Fibula are commonly found in . . .


Which of the following is not true of the central figure of Christ in the Last Judgment?

he stares out kindly and sympathetically

Enrico Scrovegni commissioned Giotto to paint frescoes in the Arena Chapel because . . . Choose all answers that apply:

he wanted to atone for his and his father's sin of usury, he believed that engaging in good works would ensure his salvation

The setting for the scene we see in this mosaic is . . .

heaven or paradise

The increased use of stained glass created a space inside the church that medieval people would have described as


Mary shows her [] in the extreme grief in her facial expression.


A [] mosque, such as [] has an interior space supported by a forest of columns.

hypostyle the Great Mosque at Kaurouan

Byzantine Emperor Leo III initiated _______, a movement that sought to destroy religious images and remove them from Christian worship.Choose 1 answer:


In the Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus, Roman soldiers are represented as ........., while their enemies are ...........

ideal and nude , caricatured and less deeply carved

Allegories in art are figures that stand in for


Originally the Colossus of Constantine was probably 40 feet high and stood . . .

in a niche in the Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine. in a niche in the Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine.

In the Arena Chapel, Christ is generally shown . . . Choose 1 answer:

in profile

The Arrest of Christ/Kiss of Judas shows . . .

intense drama

Look at the Cross-Carpet page from the Lindisfarne Gospels and identify the typical features of Hiberno-Saxon art.

interlacing, animal hybrids, knots, spirals

Which of the following does not apply to this building?

it follows a traditional basilica design

In many ways the relief sculpture of the procession on either side of the Ara Pacis recalls the frieze on the Parthenon, recalling the golden age of Greece. However, it differs in which respects?

it likely depicts a specific event on a specific date, it likely depicts specific individuals

In many ways the relief sculpture of the procession on either side of the Ara Pacis recalls the frieze on the Parthenon, recalling the golden age of Greece. However, it differs in which respects?

it likely depicts a specific event on a specific date, it likely depicts specific individuals, it likely depicts the Roman re-enactment of the pan-athenaic procession, it likely depicts the initiation ritual for Roman cult of the state

The correct answer is: The Pyxis of al-Mughira is among the best surviving examples of royal [] carving in [].

ivory Islamic Spain

Which of the following is NOT a feature of the Great Mosque of Cordoba?


The Ardabil Carpet is a luxury item because of its high [] , which allows for a more detailed and elaborate pattern.


The special blue color for the Virgin's robe is made from [] , a very expensive pigment that was mined in [] .

lapis lazuli Afganistan

The facade of the Pantheon looks like an oversized Greek temple. All of the following contribute to this visual effect, EXCEPT the . . .

latin inscription

This medallion shows two men collecting eggs from the nests of falcons, which were a symbol of Umayyad . . .


The stained glass in Chartres Cathedral reflected the new Gothic focus on [] and [].

light geometry

Duccio was interested in creating three-dimensional forms through [].

light and shadow

Choose 1 answer:In the Santa Trinita Madonna, Cimabue painted Mary's drapery in a way that emphasized . . .


Duccio's Maesta shows [] in the front row, [] in the second row, [] in the third row, and [] at the top.

local saints from Siena saints angels angels

The almond shape that surrounds Christ is called a


The Column of Trajan was built with . . .

marble blocks that were stacked.

All of the following features are typical of Hiberno-Saxon art EXCEPT . . . Choose 1 answer:


This altarpiece is in a style that is a hybrid of the [] style and the [] style.

medieval Italian Byzantine

So many objects from the Sutton Hoo Ship burial, including the body of the deceased man, have rotted over time. The only things that survived were made of


Santa Sabina preserves its original [] from the fifth century.

monumental wooden doors

The apse of Santa Sabina, like most Early Christian churches in Rome, held a . . .


Which of the following is NOT a feature of The Great Mosque of Isfahan?


Several grand rooms in The Alhambra have vaulted ceilings decorated with


In a basilica church like Santa Sabina, the main central space of the church is called the [] , which is flanked on both sides by the [].

nave, aisles

Charlemagne was the only medieval ruler to control . . . Choose 1 answer:

nearly all of Western Europe

San Vitale is unusual in its design. It is a centrally-planned ------- church instead of the more typical basilica church.


The tendency to humanize spiritual ideals and beliefs, The desire to reform and standardize the Church and society Question 13 Correct 1.00 points out of 1.00 Flag question Question text

on a pilgrimage to Rome.

This mosaic was found in _______

one of the most elaborately decorated mansions in Pompeii.

Indicate if the detail derives from Classical tradition or if it emerged in the Early Christian period.

only early christian: Christ's pose in the central scene of the top register

What strategies did the artist use to create a sense of drama and movement?

overlapped and entangled figures, deep carving creating sharp contrasts of light and dark, an emphasis on geometric order

The objects from the Sutton Hoo ship burial reflect a time of . . . Choose all answers that apply:

political unrest., Christianization.

Otto I created an alliance with the . . .


The smaller painted panels at the bottom of Duccio's Maesta decorate the part of the altarpiece called the . . .


The architect of Chartres Cathedral created a new three-part elevation made up of all of the following parts EXCEPT . . .

radiating chapels

Galla Placidia, daughter of Emperor Theodosius, ruled the Western Empire as


The mihrab serves as a

reminder of the direction of Mecca.

The Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius influenced .......... artists, who revived the ancient tradition of equestrian sculpture and celebrated individual human achievements.


The figures are examples of [] , which is a metalworking technique where the artist hammers out the image on the reverse side.


Duccio uses a [] for crowd scenes, where figures in the back are larger than figures in the front.

reverse perspective

This altarpiece commemorates the life of St. Francis, who was a recent [] in the Catholic Church when this altarpiece was made.


The Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus represents . . .

scenes from the Old and New Testaments and doctrinal ideas of Christianity.

Unlike many works of medieval art, the Allegory and Effects of Good and Bad Government is a [] and not [] work of art.

secular Religious

Ottoman mosques often relied on endowments for their long-term financial maintenance. The Rüstem Pasha Mosque endowment is supported by income from

shops on the street below

Giotto begins to create an illusion of space to contain his carefully modeled representation of Mary.


The Effects of Good Government in the City shows the values and ideals that Siena has for itself, including a strong focus on the three theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity.


The Ottonians saw themselves as the inheritors of . . .

the Carolingian empire.

The citizens of Siena believed that they owed their military victories to the divine patronage of [] , who played the role of intercessor between humankind and God.

the Virgin Mary

Late Republic portraits are supposed to be true to life, but they may exaggerate. . .

the age of the figures

The three parts of the Gothic nave elevation are . . .

the arcade, the triforium, and the clerestory.

The style of the frieze sculptures moves away from.......of earlier Roman art and moves toward .......

the classicism and naturalism] and then [medievalism and abstraction]

Who was the primary audience for the back of Duccio's Maesta?

the clergy

In Gothic architecture, light was a symbol for . . . Choose 1 answer:

the divine

Compare these images. What distinguishes Santa Sabina as an Early Christian church?

the emphasis on light

Art historians interpret the numerous plants and animals to represent .......of the Augustan golden age

the fertility and abundance

What detail of Luke's portrait page in the Lindisfarne Gospels suggests a Classical influence on Hiberno-Saxon art?

the figure's robes and posture

Lorenzetti's painting of The Presentation in the Temple shows all of the following EXCEPT

the figures set in a detailed reconstruction of the Temple of Jerusalem.

St. Apollinaris was...

the first bishop of ravenna

The back of Duccio's Maesta has many more panels that tell the story of [].

the life of Christ

Each of Bishop Bernward's bronze doors was cast using . . . Choose 1 answer:

the lost wax process.

The emerging abstraction that is present in the Colossus of Constantine came to be associated with . . .

the rise of Christianity.

The eagle was a popular barbarian motif during the Middle Ages, which represented . . .

the sun God, St. John

This medallion shows a lion attacking a bull. In Arabic poetry, these lions symbolize . . .

the victorious.

Which architectural element does NOT serve a structural function to support the dome of Hagia Sophia? Choose 1 answer:

the windows at the base

The Lamentation shows Mary holding the dead Christ after the Crucifixion. This scene recalls . . .

two womaen holding cocoon baby - orangy colors

The semicircular space above a Romanesque portal is called a . . .


The Arch of Constantine is ........ in that it celebrates a victory of a Roman, Constantine, over another Roman, Maxentius, at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge.


the lilies in the vase were symbolic of Mary's [] . Gabriel holds [] , a symbol of Christ and of peace. The Holy Spirit appears in the form of a [].

virginity an olive branch dove

Many of the objects in the Sutton Hoo Ship burial are associated with . . ..Choose 1 answer:


St. Francis was the first Catholic saint to receive the stigmata, which

were the marks of the Crucifixion on his hands, feet, and side.

Please match the architectural feature with the appropriate image from the Pantheon.

white embossed squares inside square - coffer circular window - oculus rectangle with color and rocks- revetment leaves on pillar top- corinthian capital

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