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Persuasion works best:

through media-rich communication channels

Which of the following is one of the assumptions of the rational choice paradigm?

Decision makers have well articulated goals

The number of connections you have in a network is called

Degree Centrality

_____refers to any behavior that attempts to alter someone's attitudes or behavior


______ involves actively applying legitimate and coercive power to influence others

Information Control

______ involves explicitly manipulating others' access to critical work issues for the purpose of changing their attitudes and or behavior

Information Control

Which of the following statements is true about communication withing a corporate organization

It is critical in the decision - making process

While handling emotional dissonance, employees pretend that they feel the expected emotion even though they actually experience a different emotion. These employees are engaging in ____

Surface Acting

Which of the following refers to availability of alternatives


Initial offer points, target points , and resistance points represent three elements in :

The bargaining zone model

When people experience procedural injustice, they tend to

engage in counterproductive work behaviors

ABC corp started a performance based reward system that accurately identified employees who performed better than others. This practice improves employee motivation by:

improving P-to-O expectancies

Emotions are defined as:

physiological, behavioral and psychological episodes experienced toward an object, person or event that create a state of readiness

Employees who receive a fixed amount of pay each week and feel under rewarded are most likely to

reduce their work effort

Inflated team efficacy and evaluation apprehension

hinder organizational decision making in teams

Sarine Dolls ............. What could Sarine have done differently in order to avoid this escalation of commitment with her decisions?

All of these would be effective

"fault lines" are more likely to occur when teams:

Are diverse

The accounting department Krystal's boss in the accounting department initially rejected her proposal for a new budgeting process, So, Krystal spoke to and received support from the heads of two departments that would benefit from the proposed budgeting process. She also found support from several co-workers in the accounting department because they believed the new budgeting process would be simpler and fairer. When krystal's boss realized that several key people supported the new budgeting system, he agreed to test it in a pilot project. What form of influence is Krystal mainly using here?

Coalition Formation

The process in which one party perceives that its interest are being opposed or negatively affected by another party is called


ABC Corporation Dora and Keith are managers at ABC corporation. Keith is having problems in his department due to lack of innovation. In response, he consults the corporate procedures manual and speaks with his boss about the right way to solve the problem. Dora is also having a similar problem in her own department but decides to confront it by hosting team luncheons where she can learn new perspectives and discuss new" outside the box" ways to deal with the problem. Keith is an example of a _________ thinker


Which are the task-related characteristics in the Five C's model of effective member behaviors

Coordinating, cooperating and communcating

Prime Inc .The company has come up with a new product development project for which the project manager forms team. The team includes Tim, Paul lilly and jane from accounting, marketing , manufacturing and sales divisions respectively. However, each week, the four meet after work on Thursday to play darts at a local pub Tim works in the accounting division of the company. What type of team is the accounting division

Departmental Team

John slams his finger while closing a cabinet drawer. Mary winces and shakes her hand. This is an example of

Emotional Contagion

Customer Service representatives (CSRs) often conceal their frustration when serving an irritating customer. This behavior from the CSRs is an example of:

Emotional Labor

Which of the following tends to results in increased continuance commitment?

Employee receives high pay, benefits, and other forms of economic exchange in the employment relationship

Alex and George are both employees at a shoe manufacturing plant. They discuss their feelings of dissatisfaction because of a new supervisor who has been a cause of stress at the workplace. Alex says that he had applied for a transfer to another shift in order to deal with the issue. George says that he is going to talk to the department head about the issue and get it resolved. According to the Exit voice loyalit Neglect ELVN model, in which of the followng ways is Alex responding to his dissatisfaction


Which of the following theories of motivation is based on the idea that work effort is directed toward behaviors that people believe will lead to desired outcomes

Expectancy theory

Hogan Company A new employee in the finance department of the Hogan Company prominently displays diplomas and past awards indicating his financial adeptness. What type of power is this employee most likely trying to attain?


Self directed teams:

Have substantial autonomy over the execution of a complete task

Which of these statements represent the feelings dimension of attitudes?

I dont like how my boss treats his employees

Which of the following conditions would necessitate the use of non verbal communication instead of verbal communication

Increased Noise

Which of the following is a positive consequence of workplace conflict?

It makes for better decision making by questioning assumptions

Which of the following is a benefit of job rotation

It minimizes health risks from repetitive strain and heavy lifting

Which of the following is true about calculus based trust?

It offers the lowest potential trust in organizations

Which of the following is true statement about job enrichment?

It results in employees gaining more responsibility for scheduling, coordinating, and planning their own work

When a sender and receiver belonging to the same group want to transmit technical information more efficiently, they should use

Jargon they both understand

Which of the following is a conclusion by organization behavior scholars regarding job satisfaction?

Job satisfaction is positively related to job performance

_____is the result of division of labor in which work is subdivided into separate jobs assigned to different people

Job specialization

Which of the following immediately precedes conflict outcomes in the conflict process?

Manifest conflict

Charlotte International Employees at charlotte international have been frustrated with the mangement or just about everything. The conflict episodes are being viewed by both sides as personal attacks rather than attempts to resolve problems. Both sides have decidided to seek third party dispute resolution. The management prefers a third party intervention that has high process and decision control while employees prefer a high level of process control and not decision control The employees at charlotte international prefer which of the following types of third party intervention


Which of the following generally occurs during the storming stage of team development

Members try to establish norms of appropriate behavior and performance standards

Which of the following unsatisfied needs is the strongest according to Maslow's needs hierarchy theory?

Need for Food

In the context of the communication process model, ________ refers to the psychological, social and structural barriers that distort and obscure the sender's intended message


Which of the following is true at the highest level of employee involvement

Participation involves asking employees for information

Which of the following statements is true about situations involving equity judgments?

People believe that their outcome- input ration should be similar to the outcome-input ration of the comparison other

In the communication process, filtering occurs when

People communicate mainly positive information about themselves by screening out negative information

Galaxy manufacturing Inc. Sofia works for Galaxy manufacturing INc. where her team shares a machine and amterials with another team that works a differnt shift. each team is responsible for ensuring that the machine is in working order and the work area is fully stocked before handing it over to the other team at shift chnage. While working, sofia behins the manufacturing processs, and then passes her work along to her teammate, Amanda to complete the next stop of the process. After this, Amanda passes it along to Nick to complete the process The two teams sharing a work space and machine known as :

Pooled interdependence

Brainstorming requires team members to

Provide as many ideas as possible

NewTel Inc. NewTel is a telephone company with a polocy of filling posistions internally through promotions, rather than hriing from outside. Until recently the company had a stronger enginering focus..................... The conflict at NEWtel APPEARS TO BE

Relationship conflict

Which of the following proposes that job satisfaction has a positive effect on customer service, which flows on to shareholder financial returns?

Service Profit Chain

_______ states that much learning and motivation occurs by observing and modeling others as well as by anticipating the consequences of our behavior

Social Cognitive theory

_______ is a physiological and psychological condition that prepares us to adapt to hostile or noxious environmental conditions


Which or the following is true of strong ties?

Strong ties can be less valuable than having weak ties with people from diverse networks

Which of the following statements is true about the contingencies of employee involvement?

The degree of involvement depends on whether employees will agree on the preferred solution

Which of the following is NOT part of a stage in general adaption syndrome?

The individual returns to normal state

Which of the following happens immediately after the receiver receives the encoded message in the communication process process model?

The receiver decodes the received message

Team Cohesiveness tends to be higher when

The team is sufficiently small

Which of the following are described as virtual teams

They are cross-functional groups of employees that operate across space , time, and organizational boundaries

WHich of the following is true about an orgnizational grapevine?

Typical pattern of a grapevine is a cluster chain, whereby a few people actively transmit rumors to many others

Which of the following is a "hard" influence tactic?

Upward appeal

Which of the following communication channels has the highest media richness

Video Conference

How do mean and women generally differ in their communication styles in organizational settings?

Women are usually more sensitive than men to the listenrt's non verbal cues

Which of the following is a major reason for the various initiatives undertaken by companies to create positive experiences at work

Work conditions can have an emotional influence on employee attitudes and behaviors

XYZ company As a manager of XYZ company, you are assigned to resolve a conflict between two departments of your organization, Department A and Department B. Both parties have equal power. Both parties are under time pressure to resolve the conflict. You also realize that the parties lack trust, openness for problem solving. If instead of equal power, the department A had considerably more power than department B, what would department B's best conflict resolution style be?


Employees with an emotional attachment to, identification with, and involvement in a particular organization are likely to have

a high level of work motivation

The best reinforcement scheduledfor motivating employees is

a variable ratio schedule

The core elements of organizational behavior modification are depicted by the ABC model in which ABC stand for

antecedents, behavior, consequences

Employees can expand the data- carrying capacity of lean media channel if they

are highly proficient with the communication channel

Organizational politics typically involves

attempts to influence others to promote personal objectives

The uncomfortable tension felt when our behavior and attitudes are inconsistent with each other is called

cognitive dissonance

The ability to perceive and express emotion, assimilate emotion in thought, understand and reason with emotion, and regualate emotion in oneself and others is called

emotional intelligence

After working for weeks on a difficult proposal for a client, kevin learns that the client has accepted the proposal and will award the contract to kevin's firm. When kevin hears this from his boss, he yelps Yahoo and automatically thrust his fisted hand in the air. This action is an example of?

emotions directly influencing behavior

People tend to be more creative when they:

have a reasonable level of job security

The _______ model identifies five core job dimensions that produce three psychological states.

job characteristics

Based on the characteristics of constructive conflicts, which of the following would help a manger create constructive conflicts during a debate

keeping the debate focused on the issue

Edgar works in a team with four other accounting professionals withing a company. Edgar doesn't partifuallry agreee with many of his teammates ideas, such as leaving work early and failing to double check some account entries. However he works comfortably with the group because their behavior and decisions are predictable. What foundation of trust does edgar have in this team

knowledge based

Keeping the team size sufficiently small and designing tasks such that each team member's contribution is more noticeable are some of the ways to

minimize social loafing

Jessie has worked in the same office of DEF insurance LLC for 6 years. She has always taken extra care to follow the office norms and to ensure that everyone at work is happy. She tires to be friends with everyone at work and hates getting into arguments with people. With the given information, we can conclude that Jessie most likely has a high:

need for affiliation

To learn about their progress toward goal accomplishment, employees usually prefer

nonsocial feedback sources

The optimal level of difficulty of a goal

occurs when the goal is challenging but not impossible

Which of the following determines whether intentions translate into behavior

past experience, personality and social norms

Conflict is ultimately based on

people's perception

Power is the _______ to change someone's behavior.


The first stage of the creative process is


Fun Incorporated Fun Incorporated, a major gaming software company, is experiencing a conflict between the young Internet-savy employees who design the games and the older, less computer-literate executives who run the company. The company has hired team leaders who could work with the executives and who were also highly computer literate By hiring these team leaders as liaisons between the executives and employees, fun incorporated will

reduce conflict by reducing task interdependence

Active listenrs can improve their responding by

rephrasing the speaker's ideas at apprpriate breaks

Situations with both _______ produce the highest the highest risk of conflict

scarce resources and high task interdependece

Effective feedback:

should always come from a credible source

The "optimal conflict" perspective on organizational conflict is that:

some level of conflict is necessary and produces favorable outcomes

Influence tactics that rely on expert power

tend to build commitment

The benefits of employee involvement increase with

the novelty and complexity of the problem or opportunity

Research suggest that people with high levels of emotional intelligence are better tat all of the following except

working without social interaction

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