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A nurse has completed morning care and assessments and will now document the findings. When documenting care on a client's chart, the nurse should: A. completely erase or delete all errors. B. include personal opinions and feelings that are related to care C. write a detailed explanation of all reasons for a medical error. D. use only officially approved abbreviations.


A nurse manager is responsible for creating the daily assignment sheet on a busy inpatient unit. What question should the manager ask herself in order to create a safe and efficient work assignment for caregivers? A. How many admissions and discharges do I anticipate today?" B. How will this decision affect the budget of the unit?" C. "What type of leadership style do I need to apply in this situation?" D. What is each team member's educational level and qualifications?"


A nurse manager is responsible for directing the client care on a subacute geriatric medicine unit at the local hospital. What is the final step that the manager should take in the process of directing client care? A. Gather input from clients and their families. B. Determine each staff members' qualifications and job description. C. Organize the delegation process. D. Evaluate the performance of nursing staff.


A nursing student has been assigned to provide care for a client who is from a different culture and who has recently been diagnosed with cancer. After talking with the client and her family, the student is surprised to learn that the client wants her eldest son to make most of the decisions around her care and treatment. How should the student best respond to this situation? A. Document this fact and ensure that a social worker gets involved in the client's care. B. Speak to the son and encourage him to let his mother make decisions independently. C. Teach the client that she has the authority to make her own decisions while she is in the hospital. D. Understand that the members of this culture may have dynamics that differ from his or her own culture.


A group of students have been examining the functions of the state board of nursing and the state nurse practice act. Which best describes a nursing practice act? A. The law that defines the practice of nursing in a state B. A document that describes the process of delegation C. A document that describes the process of a hearing for nurses D. Rules and regulations for nursing education in a state


A licensed practical nurse (LPN) has recently graduated from nursing school, passed the NCLEX-PN, and secured employment at a long-term care facility. At the facility, the nurse will be providing care along with several unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP). Which task may be delegated to UAP by the LPN? A. Only tasks that the UAP is capable to safely perform B. Any task that a nursing assistant is able to perform C. Only tasks that do not involve direct client care D. Any tasks requiring minimal amount of training


A licensed practical nurse provides care on a postsurgical unit of a large, urban hospital. The nurse is aware that nursing documentation about clients is used in the administration of the prospective payment system (PPS) that applies to many clients' care. How would the principles of the PPS relate to client care? A. PPS is used to determine clients' health care costs before they receive care. B. PPS is used to calculate the amount of care that a client may receive before having to pay privately. C. PPS is used to communicate between care providers and relevant government departments. D. PPS is used to accurately and efficiently determine a client's medical diagnosis and care plan.


A licensed practical/vocational nurse (LP/VN) is caring for a resident who has orders providing supervised smoking of cigarettes in the smoking area. The LP/VN rounds and smells smoke. He enters the client's room and finds the resident sitting up in bed and smoking while on a nasal cannula at 2 L/minute of oxygen. He has caught the top blanket of two blankets on fire (a small area of the blanket, 3 × 2 inches). Which priority action should the nurse provide? A. Turn off the oxygen concentrator; grab the cigarette, and put it in the sink next to the bed with running water. B. Remove the blanket and place into sink with running water. C. Call for help and assess and treat client. D. Throw the full water pitcher onto the fire.


A licensed practical/vocational nurse cared for a client who was bedridden at his home. The nurse did not regularly turn the client, or provide care after the client was incontinent of urine and stool. The client developed a stage 3 pressure ulcer on his buttocks. He became very ill and had to be admitted to the hospital with sepsis (the infected pressure ulcer infection spread throughout the bloodstream). The client died. Which best describes what occurred? A. The nurse committed gross negligence as a result of not providing care a prudent nurse would have provided in the same situation. B. The nurse cared for the client in the particular situation the same way a prudent nurse would have. C. The nurse intentionally physically abused the client, resulting in death, which constitutes murder. D. The nurse committed negligence because of not providing the care a prudent nurse would have provided in the same situation.


A licensed practical/vocational nurse was presenting a seminar on ways to prevent malpractice claims to a group of new hires. The nurse asked the new hires to identify the one thing that they had learned and planned on using in practice. Which statement requires further clarification by the nurse leading the seminar? A. "I should document what is supposed to be done according to the institutional standards of care to prevent malpractice suits. B. I need to keep up to date on any institutional changes in policies and procedures. C. "I need to make a true self-assessment of areas I am competent in nursing and provide care based upon my strengths." D. "I should refuse an assignment I do not feel I am adequately trained or prepared to handle."


A manager's daily management tasks is to: A. evaluate the quality of client care. B. write formal evaluations. C. develop policies and procedures. D. accept verbal orders.


A new graduate licensed practical/vocational nurse (LP/VN) begins working in the geriatric resident unit. Which is the first step toward the LP/VN's goal to becoming a first-level manager? A. Practice leadership and management skills while caring for clients B. Complete the geriatric specialty certification C. ask a charge nurse to mentor him as he performs charge nurse duties D. Work with the charge nurse and help make the team assignments for the unit


A nursing student documents the following entries after providing care for the client. Which entry should the student revise? A. Client smells like rotten eggs, is visibility filthy, and is uncooperative with staff trying to bathe him and stated he wants to be left alone, and appears depressed. B. Complaint of stabbing pain in lower back radiating down right leg, rated 5 out of 10 on pain scale, and requests pain medication. C. Lungs are clear to auscultation anteriorally and posteriorly with easy, even, nonlabored respirations; no complaint of pain, discomfort, or shortness of breath. D. Midline abdominal incision, approximately 3 inches in length is open to air with staples well approximated, and no redness, edema, or drainage present.


A nursing student is providing a brief report to a colleague before going on lunch break. According to Dr. Albert Mehrabian, which component of this communication is most significant in determining how well the necessary information is exchanged? A. Nursing student holds nose when describing diarrhea and gags. B. The nursing student used perfect grammar during the report. C. The nursing student has a high-pitched sarcastic voice as she gives report D. "Mr. Smith, Bed 4, admitted with Clostridium difficile colitis, is in contact precautions and is currently in bed, eating lunch. He is stable, and he needs assist × 1 to a bedside commode. He has had frequent bouts of diarrhea, and just started medications to combat this."


A nursing student provided a presentation to his class about nursing legal issues and aspects about sources of law. At the end of the session, the student asked classmates to share what they learned. Which classmate's statement should be clarified by the student providing the presentation? A. "Private law includes contract laws, but torts are considered to be criminal law, which is Public law." B. "Private laws define rights, duties, and other legal relationships between citizens." C. "Offenses against the welfare or safety of the public are criminal matters that exist in Public law." D. "The Good Samaritan Statute can vary from state to state, and it is void if the person accepts payment for services rendered."


A nursing student taught a group of high school students interested in nursing about the various ancient civilizations' (3000 BCE-0) beliefs about what caused diseases. Which statement made by students about the Greece civilization reflects adequate understanding? A. "Diseases are caused by imbalances in the humors of the body." B. "Diseases are caused by uncleanliness." C. "Many diseases are caused by invisible microorganisms." D. "Most diseases are caused by making a god or gods angry."


A nursing student who has recently begun a nursing program is discussing study habits with her classmates. Which statement by the student's classmates suggests effective study habits? A. "I try to schedule my studying ahead of time so that I get everything done. B. "In order to be efficient, I always try to do my studying as fast as I can." C. "I don't take a break until I've finished everything that I have to study." D. "I find it's best to study the easy subjects first and then the hard subjects."


A practical nurse secured a position on a postsurgical unit shortly after graduating and has been in the position for 3 years. What should the nurse do to make sure that her knowledge and skills do not become obsolete? A. Pursue continuing education opportunities B. Reflect conscientiously on the care that she provides each day C. Review her textbooks and handouts from nursing school D. Ask for input from her coworkers


A student nurse has recently completed the first clinical placement of her nursing program and is excited at the interactions she has been able to have with clients. She has confided to a classmate, "For the first time I feel like I'm able to make a real difference in people's lives." This nursing student is expressing which of Maslow's categories of human needs? A. Fulfillment B. Love and belonging C. Safety and security D. Physiologic needs


After several weeks of providing care on a busy medical unit, a nursing student has seen evidence that a systematic approach to problem solving is the best approach to the many decisions that nurses must make. A useful approach to problem solving is to begin by: A. stating the problem in one's own words to ensure that he or she understands it. B. brainstorming potential responses to the problem to maximize options. C. trying to implement the simplest solution to the problem before trying more difficult solutions. D. eliciting input from as many other people as possible.


An eighth grade student is planning her career in nursing and has a goal of being a registered nurse (RN) 4 years after graduation from high school. She is intrigued that her high school offers a practical nursing program at the vocational school because this program will allow her to become a nurse sooner, to gain experience caring for clients, and to earn money within a short period of time. Which is most important for her to consider when planning for her future? A. Will she receive the necessary college prerequisites while attending the nursing program offered at the vocational school? B. Will she be the correct age to sit for the NCLEX-PN? C. Will she gain clinical experiences in both long-term care facilities and hospitals? D. Will she be able to participate in her high school's sports and other campus activities?


The main task of the nurse manager is to make client assignments. Which information about each staff member must the nurse manager prioritize in order to make appropriate assignments? A. Job description B. Absenteeism and tardiness record C. Continuing education record D. Year of graduation from nursing school


The nursing student discovered that his primary learning style is visual and his secondary learning style is tactile/kinesthetic. The nursing student is learning about caring for a client who requires an enteral feeding tube. Which way to enhance his initial learning is best? A. Watching a video on insertion of the enteral feeding tube, and then practicing it using a practice client simulator mannequin B. Making a pictorial guide based upon lecture notes of caring for a client receiving an enteral feeding via the enteral tube C. Watching a nurse insert an enteral feeding tube, and then trying it on another client D. Reading an illustrated textbook on how to care for a client requiring an enteral feeding tube


The nursing student has found the first 2 weeks of the nursing program fascinating but overwhelming. This student is anxious and unable to sleep. What action should the nursing student take to address these feelings? A. Utilize the counseling services available at the college B. Create a study group with some classmates and divide the course work C. Reduce the course load D. Eliminate the family activities and recreational activities


The nursing student is caring for a female client from China who can only speak Cantonese. The best way to communication should be to use: A. a picture board containing pictures of common care needs. B. a written download from the Internet on simple phrases of Chinese. C. simple words and loud speech and pantomime what it is that needs to be conveyed. D. a male hospital employee who speaks Cantonese to discuss sensitive female issues.


The nursing student is finding the demands of the nursing program heavy and nearly overwhelming at times. She is amazed that her classmate seems unbothered by the workload and stressors of the program. How should the nursing student best interpret her classmate's experience with the demands of the program? A. The classmate's mental and physical limitations may be different from the nursing student's. B. The classmate may not be acknowledging the seriousness of providing nursing care. C. The classmate may be in denial about her responsibilities. D. The classmate is likely better than the nursing student at disguising the stressors in her life.


The nursing student received several lectures on caring for a client requiring bedrest. The nursing student practiced essential skills related to caring for a client on bedrest. The nursing student has the first clinical experience. Which example supports the primary purpose of clinical instruction? A. The nursing student wrote in his clinical journal that he used what he learned in class and in the lab while caring for the client he was assigned. B. The nursing student wrote in his clinical journal that he found that the skills he learned in the lab were able to be used in the clinical area. C. The nursing instructor demonstrates how to log roll the client and allows the nursing students to practice this for the first time since the students never learned this skill before. D. The nursing student found that he could not insert the urinary catheter as easily as he had practiced it in the laboratory, and the clinical instructor stated the client may have an obstruction in his urethra, making it difficult to insert the catheter as taught.


While caring for the client, the nurse hears a coworker telling a client to "get out of bed immediately and get dressed or there will be no breakfast today." This statement is an example of: A. abuse. B. slander. C. battery. D. libel.


While in nursing school, the nursing student developed a portfolio. Which item should the student place in second section of the portfolio? A. April 12, 2016. "How to Avoid Nursing Malpractice: Update on State Board of Nursing Rules and Regulations" (Sally Field, RN, JD) (3 Contact Hours). Seminar provided latest changes in nursing law as it relates to LPN/LVN, RN, and advanced practice nurses. The seminar also provided helpful insights on how to prevent a needless malpractice suit by following medication rights, properly identifying clients, and making sure to follow institution policy and procedures and best practices related to electronic charting. B. Geriatric nursing organization involvement. C. State LPN or LVN license. D. Immunization records.


The nursing student has an excellent memory and never had to study while in high school, but wants to succeed in nursing school. She notes that she is most energetic in the mornings before noon and in the late afternoons before 6 pm. She finds her 2 pm anatomy and physiology to be her most difficult class and her 10 am skills lab, her easiest class. Which strategies are acceptable? Select all that apply. A. Practice nursing skills after class to reinforce the content. B. Schedule time to attend the review for the instructor-led anatomy and physiology review. C. Study the material covered in class right after class. D. Take a short rest period and stretch and take a walk after every 45 to 60 minutes of study time. E. Study anatomy and physiology content last. F. Study in the late evening, right before bedtime.

A, B, C, D

In preparation for the process of searching for a new job, a nurse has begun to update his career portfolio. What materials should the nurse include in his career portfolio? Select all that apply. A. A list of his nursing-related activities B. His résumé C. Letters of reference from previous employers D. Commendations from his close friends and family members E. Evidence of continuing education activities

A, B, C, E

A nursing student desires to begin promoting his profession while attending a practical nursing program. Which considerations or opportunities are important when joining a student organization? Select all that apply. A. Compete in health-related local, state, and national competitions. B. Secure and read a copy of the organization's bylaws. C. Develop the school's nursing curriculum. D. Determine if paid positions exist in the student organization. E. Gain a fuller understanding of nursing as a profession. F. Exercise leadership skills by sitting on a committee.

A, B, E, F

A licensed practical/vocational nurse caring for clients should be aware of the different types of laws that influence public life. Which situations exemplify public law (statutory law)? Select all that apply. A. The nurse follows the strict rules and regulations set forth by the nurse's state nurse practice act. B. The nurse signed a legal contract to work at a hospital according to contract law. C. The nurse failed to pay his rent on time and was evicted by the court from his apartment. D. The nurse provides an absentee voter's ballot for a Presidential election for a client age 18 as requested following the U.S. Constitutional 26th Amendment. E. The nurse follows Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines by not caring for clients requiring chemotherapy administration while pregnant.

A, D, E

A licensed practical/vocational nurse is caring for a client in a semiprivate room and overhears an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) arguing with the other client. "You are going to walk in the hall like I said, or I will hit you." The nurse peeks around the curtain, and the UAP smacked the client across his face, which is now bleeding. The nurse needs to include which information in the incident report and in the report to adult protective services? Select all that apply. A. Statement made by the perpetrator (the one who performed the tort). B. Incident is considered to be strict liability. C. Client experienced false imprisonment. D. Complete description of injury victim received. E. Intentional tort was committed by the perpetrator.


A licensed practical/vocational nurse (LP/VN) is caring for clients on a rehabilitation unit. The nursing supervisor announced that a tornado has been spotted nearby and is headed toward the nursing facility, and the clients need to be placed into safety immediately. The staff are instructed, since they are on the first floor of a four-story building, to place anyone able to walk into the bathrooms, which are on the inside of the building without windows. If anyone has to stay in the room, place them as close to the center of the building as possible and cover them with pillows and blankets and pull the wood blinds and curtains. Which actions should the LP/VN provide to achieve protecting her clients in the timeliest fashion? Select all that apply. A. The LP/VN quickly tells clients in rooms 1, 2, and 3 to go to the hall bathroom and stay there because a tornado has been sited. B. Ask nursing assistant (NA) to pull blinds and curtains in rooms of clients who cannot be moved, rooms 4 and 6; place pillows over client's body with face free, and cover with three blankets from head to toe; move bed as close to door as possible with ventilator staying plugged into the essential "red" socket. C. Ask NA to transfer clients in rooms 5A and 5B to their wheelchairs and take them to the hall bathroom. D. The LP/VN quickly checks that all clients have been evacuated or are made as safe as possible and that the NA and UAP and the LP/VN enter the hall bathroom. E. Ask unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) to pull blinds and curtains in rooms of clients who cannot be moved, rooms 4 and 6; place pillows over client's body with face free, and cover with three blankets from head to toe; move bed as close to hall door as possible with ventilator staying plugged into the essential "red" socket. F. Ask UAP to transfer client in room 5A and 5B to their wheelchairs and take them to the hall bathroom.

A,C, D,E

A 72-year-old woman with multiple chronic health conditions has been informed that she will need to have hip replacement surgery. The woman is having difficulty navigating the complexity of the health care system, but wishes to maximize her health outcomes. Who would be most helpful in assisting the woman? A. A client advocate B. A coordinated care manager C. A nurse practitioner D. A family physician


A fellow nursing student in a study group preparing for the NCLEX-PN ® is concerned about the fairness of questions used in the test bank. Which instruction should the study partner provide? Test questions: A. are written by licensed practical or vocational nurses who are trained to review and remove any stereotypical questions or wording that may be misconstrued by various groups before placing them in the test bank. B. go through a strenuous process to ensure high quality, validity, and test reliability before trialing questions for noncredit, and if the questions statistically are sound, the questions are included in the test bank. C. are written by a panel of expert educators and reviewed by practicing licensed practical or vocational nurses and are reviewed by a sensitivity panel and statistical analysis before being placed in the test bank. D. are written by both educators and licensed practicing nurses and are reviewed by the publisher for the computerized adaptive testing as to their reliability and validity before including them in the test bank.


A licensed practical/vocational nurse (LP/VN) enters a client's room, finding the bed in high position, both top-side rails down (which violate facility policy) and the call light within reach. There is a puddle of spilt bath water on the floor by the bed. The nurse recognizes that the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) stepped out of the room during the bath to gather some linen she forgot. Which action is the priority? A. Discuss the situation with the UAP B. Return the bed to low position and place top-side rails up C. Write an incident report D. Wipe up the spilled water


A new graduate licensed practical/vocational nurse is working in a rehabilitation center and is caring for an older adult client who is recovering from a stroke. The health care team consists of the licensed practical/vocational nurse, a clinical nurse specialist in geriatrics, a social worker, a physical therapist, and occupational therapist, a speech pathologist, a psychologist, and a rehabilitation physician. The nurse notes that the client stated she feels a little blue and wanted the drapes pulled and to be left alone. The client refuses to participate in rehab activities today. The client's family shared that they are worried about the costs of the rehab because the Medicare limit has been met. Which action is best? A. Discuss the financial concerns that the family has with the social worker, so the client and family can focus on rehab. B. Discuss all of the findings during the daily rounds with the entire team for a multidisciplinary approach. C. Contact the rehab physician about the recent changes and receive orders to help the client with her problems. D. Discuss the findings with the clinical nurse specialist and the psychologist because the client is exhibiting signs of depression, and intervention is needed right away.


A nurse manager is aware of the importance of safety on the unit and takes measures to protect and promote the safety of clients, families, and employees alike. In order to meet this goal, the manager should: A. aim to provide a private room for as many clients as possible. B. keep medication cart locked when they are not in use. C. ensure that each caregiver has an assigned "buddy." D. allow clients to participate in the planning of their care.


A nurse manager works on a busy rehabilitation unit. The nurse notes that the work schedule is due tomorrow, and there are three pages of time requested off for vacations, scheduling needs for education, and personal days she must consider. She also has to order the supplies and equipment before leaving work today. The facility nursing educator asked the nurse manager to check if all of the staff completed the required safety education; the staff was instructed to drop off the completion form in her door slot. The priority responsibility of the nurse manager should be to: A. develop work schedules for the staff for the subsequent 6 weeks. B. direct client care on a day-to-day basis. C. order supplies and equipment. D. be sure staff have completed required safety education.


A nursing student has announced to a classmate, "Textbooks are so twentieth century. I do all my research on the Internet." How should the classmate best respond to this statement? A. "If you do this, make sure that you personally know the person who produced the information." B. "Remember that anyone can post information online, so the information isn't guaranteed to be accurate." C. "I agree, but I find that the pictures, graphs, and figures in a textbook can be useful supplements." D. "In the long run, you'll save money by investing in a few well-recognized textbooks."


A nursing student has been informed that much of the content of the nursing program will be presented in the form of lectures. This means that the student should: A. determine whether the lecture will be beneficial before deciding to attend. B. make sure to do the assigned readings prior to each class. C. schedule a one-on-one discussion with the instructor after each class. D. record each lecture electronically so that it can be referred to later.


A nursing student has learned that the nursing program will require frequent, lengthy readings. In response, the student has resolved to apply the SQ3R method. This means that the student will begin each reading session by: A. slowly and conscientiously reading the material. B. looking over the reading for main headings, figures, titles, and objectives. C. reading the material aloud. D. writing down questions about the subject matter of an assigned reading.


A nursing student has woken up with a throbbing headache, slight chills, and several bouts of sneezing, but she is scheduled to be at a long-term care facility this morning for a day of clinical experience. What should the student do? She should: A. phone her clinical instructor and ask the instructor to decide whether she should come to clinical. B. call in sick to protect clients or classmates from becoming ill. C. go to the facility, but wear a facemask when providing care for clients. D. go to clinical as scheduled to demonstrate her eagerness to learn.


A nursing student is learning about nursing standards of care. Which standard should the nurse consider when providing care for clients? A. Always admit what parts of a standard of care were omitted and why in charting to provide accountability B. Always follow the institution's standards of care to help decrease risk for a malpractice lawsuit C. Always follow standards of care taught in school to provide responsible client care D. Always follow government-published standards of care to practice safely


A nursing student is scheduled to take the first written exam in the nursing program and is experiencing test anxiety. What strategy should the nursing student implement to maximize the chances of being successful in this exam? A. Take the written exam as quickly as possible in order to avoid "second guessing." B. Scan the entire exam to make some estimates about the time that each section will require. C. Focus on the most difficult questions before answering the easier questions. D. Focus on guessing instinctively rather than focusing on the specifics of a question.


A nursing student was talking to a group of high school students interested in nursing about how Florence Nightingale from the 19th century was called the founder of modern nursing. Which statement made by students about the way nursing was conceptualized and carried out by Florence Nightingale needs further clarification? A. "A nurse must wash her hands before caring for a client to prevent spreading sickness." B. "Nursing was based upon trial and error, and what worked was written in Nightingale's book." C. "Nursing should provide the optimal conditions to help nature to heal the client." D. "Rounds were used to check on the clients to meet their needs for comfort and care."


A nursing student will soon begin a new course with a new instructor. When encountering a new instructor for the first time, the student should: A. compliment the instructor on his or her knowledge and skills. B. try to get to know the instructor as much as possible. C. ask as many questions as possible so that the instructor notices the student. D. remain silent until the instructor reveals his or her expectations.


A nursing student's current clinical placement is in a large, inner-city hospital that serves clients from a wide variety of cultures. How should the student approach the prospect of working closely with members of another culture? A. Arrange to provide care for clients whose cultures are similar to hers B. Try to learn as much as she can know about other cultures C. Try to identify the cultures that have the healthiest approach to life D. Explain her culture to clients and their families whenever possible


A recent nursing graduate has questioned the need to carry malpractice insurance, telling a colleague, "I don't actually need to pay for personal insurance because my hospital has its own malpractice insurance." How should the nurse's colleague respond? A. "That's true, but you should make sure you know how much coverage the hospital carries." B. "You could be sued personally and the hospital's insurance might not cover all your liability." C. "Your personal insurance would replace the insurance that the hospital carries." D. "That's not true because the hospital's insurance only covers criminal cases."


A student nurse had long been in the habit of wearing perfume, but has stopped doing so since she began her nursing program. The student most likely took this action because: A. different cultures have different ideas about the ideal smell of an individual. B. some individuals are allergic to scents and they can trigger an unpleasant or dangerous reaction. C. clients may not share the student's preferences in her choice of perfume. D. uniformity is a professional goal, and each student nurse should dress similar and smell similar.


Continuous quality improvement (CQI) through quality assurance (QA) and quality improvement (QI) programs is part of a continual evaluation process and is required by some accrediting agencies such as the Joint Commission. A nurse who provides care in a hospital setting can expect to contribute to the CQI process in what way? A. Creating the strategy for evaluating the quality of care in the hospital B. Participating actively in the surveys and evaluations that are used to determine quality of care C. Drafting the CQI report that will be submitted to the accrediting agency D. Liaising and communicating between the hospital and the Joint Commission


During her first clinical placement, a nursing student will soon begin providing basic care in a long-term care facility. How should the student best prepare for this experience? A. Teach the residents about the material that the student has learned B. Thoroughly research the health conditions of the residents in the facility C. Tell the residents that they will not receive the same quality of care as provided by the nurses at the facility D. Ask the residents of the facility what care they would like to receive


In which situation would a state's Good Samaritan laws be a relevant consideration? A. A nurse assesses a client and fails to correctly document the assessment findings. B. A person unsuccessfully performs cardiopulmonary resuscitation on a stranger in a mall. C. A person offers a drug to a friend and the friend suffers an adverse drug reaction. D. A nurse performs a nursing intervention that is beyond her scope of practice and the client experiences an injury.


The charge nurse assigns a client requiring peritoneal dialysis (PD) to a new graduate licensed practical/vocational nurse. The new nurse informed the charge nurse that he was not comfortable with providing PD. The charge nurse stated that she would show him how to perform the PD, and then he could perform the task since she delegated the task. The nurse wants to avoid respondeat superior. Which action should the nurse do? A. Provide the PD as the nurse delegates because the charge nurse becomes fully responsible for any task that is delegated. B. Inform the charge nurse that he must abide by the state nurse practice act, which states he must first take classes on peritoneal dialysis, so he must decline. C. Perform the PD with charge nurse present, so the charge nurse charts and takes full responsibility for the care delivered. D. Perform the PD after the nurse teaches him how to perform the procedure to keep from getting in trouble for not obeying his superior.


The client wants to know the latest research about diabetes to guide care. Which resource would be best for the nurse to use to provide the requested information? A. B. Peer-reviewed evidence-based journal C. Textbook published this year


The licensed practical/vocational nurse (LP/VN) is caring for a group of clients and delegates tasks to the nursing assistant (NA). Which action by the NA requires the LP/VN to intervene immediately? A. Take 15 extra minutes on her lunch, making the other NAs' breaks late B. Prepare a client for an enema without first properly identifying the client C. Fail to clock out and is walking out the door to go home D. Gather extra linens and store them in the client's room


The licensed practical/vocational nurse (LP/VN) is working on a medical-surgical unit in a hospital and needed dressing change supplies for his client. The supply bins are empty. The nurse needs to contact the management who order the supplies. Who should the nurse contact about the needed supplies so a rush delivery may occur, or the management contact may obtain supplies from another unit? A. Nursing supervisor B. Charge Nurse C. hospital administrator D. Director of nursing


The nursing student brought in a lunch tray for a client admitted for right knee surgery scheduled tomorrow morning. The client has a long-term history of hypertension and diabetes. The client's medical record contains a long list of allergies to medications, foods, and substances. The client stated, "I can't eat this food because there is no sugar or salt packets or anything to make this food taste good on the tray, take it away!" Which action is best for the nursing student to provide? A. Remove the tray out of the room and document that the client refuses to eat lunch. B. Ask the client what she does at home to sweeten or season her food. C. Tell the clinical instructor that the client refuses to eat her lunch because she wants sugar and salt packets, and her diet prohibits this. D. Provide the client sugar substitute and herbal seasoning packets.


The nursing student has found that the first few months of his nursing program was rewarding but challenging, and he has noticed that he often runs out of energy by Thursday or Friday each week. What can the nursing student do to increase his amount of energy? A. Avoid eating breakfast so that he can eat more later in the day B. Build time into his schedule each day for some exercise C. Try to eat high-calorie foods and eat more frequently during the day D. Reduce his level of physical activity to conserve energy


The nursing student is juggling nursing school, work, and family-related obligations. She reports frequent tension headaches and fatigue related to multiple bouts of insomnia and decreased appetite. She stated she skips meals and does not exercise nor does use relaxation techniques. The nursing student has avoided attending postclinical conferences stating that the instructor has a different view about her clinical performance than she holds. She puts off completing assignments. She assessed her stress index several times in the past weeks and noted no change in her symptoms or score. Which action is the best next step for this nursing student? A. Discuss with her instructor ways to improve her clinical performance B. Self-refer to the school counselor for help C. Stick to her schedule and complete assignments on time D. Assess the stress index to determine if a stress-relieving intervention decreased the score


The nursing student smokes two packs of cigarettes per day. She recognizes that she needs to set the example of promoting health and wellness to her clients. She also recognizes that there are health risks involved with smoking and that she must stop smoking. Using the problem-solving process, which action is the best next step for this student? A. Choose the best method to stop smoking B. Set a realistic, measurable goal for stopping smoking C. Visit the American Lung Society and read the available information D. Get advice from her physician to help stop smoking


The quality assurance (QA) committee determines the standards of care for the hospital. An opening exists on the committee. Which applicant should be accepted based upon the principles of quality assurance? A. A registered nurse (RN) with an Associate's Degree in Nursing, certified in critical care with 3 years' experience in critical care nursing and 4 years' experience in medical-surgical nursing, is currently enrolled in a RN to Master's Science of Nursing (MSN) program. B. A registered nurse with an advanced degree and certification in medical-surgical nursing has 5 years of experience floating to multiple medical-surgical nursing units and 2 years of experience working in a maternity unit, recently passed the Health Care Quality Management certification. C. A new graduate registered nurse from a Bachelor's in Science of Nursing (BSN) program has just completed orientation and an internship for 3 months and is working in the emergency unit caring for clients across the lifespan. D. A licensed practical/vocational nurse with gerontology certification is newly hired to the hospital with 6 years of experience working in a nursing home and is currently enrolled into a BSN program.


When learning how to assess clients' health, a student has found that the most beneficial learning technique was watching an online video in which an experienced nurse demonstrated how to conduct an assessment. Which is this student's most likely learning style? A. Kinesthetic B. Visual C. Auditory D. Tactile


Which licensed practical/vocational nurses (LP/VN) should be most qualified to be promoted to the position of manager of a long-term client care unit? The nurse who: A. has passed the NFLPN IV Therapy National Certification Assessment. B. has 4 years clinical experience in gerontology. C. completed a 3-day seminar in managing a client care unit. D. has earned the respect of his or her coworkers.


The licensed practical/vocational nurse (LP/VN) delegates the insertion of urinary straight catheterization to a nursing assistant (NA) without first assessing the client's situation and failed to read the client's history of previous urinary strictures (a narrowing of the urethra). The NA had never performed the task before on a client, but had practiced on a lab mannequin. The LP/VN did not provide any directions or when to ask the nurse for help. The NA performed the task forcing the urinary catheter and traumatized the client's urethra, resulting in bleeding. The LP/VN promptly cared for the client after the complication occurred. Which of the five delegation rights did the LP/VN fail to consider resulting in an improper assignment? Select all that apply. A. Right supervision/evaluation B. Right circumstances C. Right task D. Right person E. Right direction/communication


A licensed practical/vocational nurse works at a local hospital that provides malpractice coverage for their nurses. The nurse volunteered at a girls' camp for a week. The nurse provided the wrong nursing advice, and a child suffered complications from an injury as a result of the nurse's actions, leading to a malpractice lawsuit. Which statement best describes malpractice insurance coverage in this incident? A. The camp's liability insurance should cover the expenses for the nurse's malpractice claim since the nurse does not have a personal policy for malpractice insurance. B. The nurse's home owner's insurance will cover her under personal liability, so she does not need a separate policy for malpractice since she was providing the nursing care as a volunteer. C. The nurse does not have a separate policy for malpractice and will be liable for any damages because the hospital policy only covers the hospital and the nurse working at the hospital. D. The nurse does not need a separate policy for malpractice insurance because the hospital carries the policy covering the nurse on and off duty as long as she is employed at the hospital.


A long-term care facility has recently admitted several new residents and the increased workload means that nurses must delegate more tasks to unlicensed assistive personnel. When doing so, what should the nurses and their manager prioritize? A. resident preferences B. time efficiency C. resident safety D. cost constraints


A nurse recently committed a drug error in which a client received 10 times the ordered dose of an opioid analgesic. How might the concept of respondeat superior affect the consequences of this event? A. There is partial obligation on the part of the client to refuse unreasonable interventions. B. The nurse's peers have a responsibility to oversee his or her practice. C. The nurse's employer may share some of the liability for this error. D. There is no legal liability unless the client suffers injury as a result of the nurse's actions


A nursing student is aware of the importance of critical thinking, especially in clinical situations. When applying the principles of critical thinking to a situation, the student should begin by asking: A. "What are the consequences of making the wrong decision in this situation?" B. "What did I do the last time I encountered a similar situation?" C. "What are the facts that I know about this situation?" D. "Why do I need to act in this situation?"


A nursing student is caring for an older client with dementia (decline in mental function). The nursing student tries to help the client out of bed to the chair. The client quickly refused to allow the student to touch him. Which action the student should take first? A. Discuss with the physician the attempts to provide care and the behaviors the client is exhibiting B. Discuss the matter with the licensed practical/vocational nurse assigned to his care if this is a change in his behavior C. Leave and care for another client and come back and ask the client for permission to move him from chair to bed D. Inform the nursing instructor that the client is refusing to get out of bed to the chair, and ask for help


A nursing student is feeling discouraged and embarrassed after receiving some pointed criticism from her clinical instructor. How should the student best respond to this criticism? A. Send an e-mail to the instructor and explain the factors that contributed to her poor performance B. Focus on her positive attributes that others have mentioned in the past C. Reflect on the criticism to see how she could be a more effective nurse D. Make an appointment with the instructor and explain how the feedback made her feel


A nursing student is newly assigned to care for a client transferred from the intensive care unit from another hospital who needs pain medication. The student noticed that the client's identification wristband is not present, and there is a client identification band taped to the client's foot of his bed, which looks different from other bands the nursing student has seen in the hospital. Which action should the nurse take next? A. Ask the client to state his first and last name and date of birth and compare the information with the wrist band taped to the bed and, if it matches, administer the medication B. Ask the client if he is John Jones and born November 15, 1970, and if affirmed, place the wristband at the end of the bed on the client's wrist and repair it with tape, and administer the med C. Ask the client's primary care nurse to properly identify the client and place a client identification wristband on the client before administering medication D. Ask the client to state his first and last name and date of birth and, if it matches the computerized chart, skip scanning the band and go ahead and administer the medication


A nursing student's classmate watched the student who performs a head-to-toe assessment of a client and is now pointing out some errors in the student's assessment technique. The student feels that the classmate has made some unfair judgments. How should the student respond? A. Have the clinical instructor mediate between the student and the classmate B. Begin explaining the assumptions and misperceptions that the classmate has made C. Listen carefully and then respond in a clear but respectful manner D. Ask another classmate to come and listen to the conversation


A student has downloaded the NCLEX-PN ® Test Plan from the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) Web site. The best way for the student to prepare for the NCLEX-PN ® is to: A. check off each test plan item mastered while in nursing school and study what is left before writing the exam. B. use the test plan during a review course to ensure that the speaker covered all of its content. C. use the test plan to retain important information through repetition of the application of course content with clinical situations. D. use the test plan to practice questions from each category before writing for the examination.


A student has just begun a nursing program and is committed to success. When creating a schedule for the school term, what should the student do? A. Spread out school work evenly between all 7 days of the week B. Put off family activities until the midterm break. C. Ensure a balance between school activities and personal life. D. Make sure that recreation is prioritized over school work.


One of the nurse manager's staff members is always complaining about his assignment. The manager should: A. let him make out his own assignments. B. use nonverbal behaviors to modify his behavior. C. use assertive communication skills to confront the issue. D. ask his or her supervisor to talk to him about his attitude.


Since being admitted to the hospital with a stroke, a client has received direct and indirect care from dozens of members of the health care team. What member of the team completed the most postsecondary education? A. Dietitian B. Laboratory technologist C. Pathologist D. Electrocardiograph technician


The client is scheduled to have a colonoscopy tomorrow, during which a camera is inserted into the rectum to visualize the lower bowel. The nurse asks the client if he has any questions and he says, "No, the doctor explained the procedure and I signed the consent form. It sounds easy enough—all I have to do is stand in front of a machine for 1 minute and I'm all done." Which is the appropriate response? A. "I doubt if this is how your doctor explained the procedure." B. "You've confused the colonoscopy with something else." C. "This doesn't sound like the procedure for a colonoscopy. Let me ask the team leader to discuss this procedure with you." D. "You should likely not have signed that consent form."


The licensed practical/vocational nurse (LP/VN) is caring for a client who is frequently admitted to the hospital with chronic renal failure. In the past, the client wanted his family and neighbors to visit freely and welcomed the nursing staff to share information about the client's health. The LP/VN is approached by the client's neighbor in the lobby of the hospital asking, "Could you tell me where Mary Smith is and what is going on with her?" Which is the best response to make to the client's neighbor? A. "She is in room 1203, and she is having problems with her dialysis access." B. "Oh, sure I am caring for her; she is in room 1203." C. "Let me check to see what room your neighbor is in and her visitor status." D. "You will need to check with Mary's family; she is not on my unit.


The nursing student discussed the purpose and benefits of magnet accreditation during a presentation to his peers. Which statement made by a peer needs further clarification? A. "A magnet hospital attracts and retains the best talented nurses." B. "The magnet hospital provides quality client care through nursing excellence and using evidence-based practice." C. "Long-term care facilities may achieve magnet accreditation. D. "The American Nurses Credentialing Center awards the hospital with the designation of magnet status."


The nursing student is caring for a client who had a brain attack (stroke) with right-sided paralysis several weeks ago and has difficulties expressing his thoughts when he talks. The nursing student should: A. anticipate what the client wants and ignore what he says. B. ask the client to write down what it is he wants. C. allow time for the client to finish talking before trying to figure out what it is he is trying to express. D. complete the client's sentence when he pauses


The nursing student is caring for a client who left his eyeglasses at home. The client has hearing impairment and identified that he benefits from reading lips. The nursing student should: A. sit on the client's bed facing the client while talking. B. stand in front of a sunny window within several feet to the client while talking with the client. C. stand on the opposite side of the bed from the window several feet from the client while talking with the client. D. sit at the end of the bed in a chair against the wall while talking with the client.


The nursing student is working with a female client who had recent hip surgery. The client was drowsy. The nursing student used critical thinking to determine the action needed to prevent the client from falling. The nursing student should: A. use a gait belt and walk the client to the bathroom. B. transfer the client to a bedside commode. C. provide a fracture bedpan. D. walk the client to the bathroom using a walker.


The nursing student needs financial assistance to pursue his career. Which way to explore resources is best? A. Accept the loaning agency's offer for additional money above the cost of school expenses for a vacation during a school break B. Pay a small fee for each application that a financial adviser completes for Federal and State grants and loans and area scholarships. C. Ask for guidance from a local librarian in searching for different ways to finance the nursing program. D. Call area hospitals and nursing homes inquiring if there is financial aid offered at their institution.


The nursing student prepares for team work by completing the self-assessment "Are you ready to be a team member?" The student scored zero on the areas of finding it difficult to ask others for help, and the student wants to work alone. Which action should the student take next? A. Delegate unwanted tasks to the nursing assistant on the team, so there is more time to teach the client about health prevention and promotion activities B. Observe grand rounds and how the health care teams from various disciplines works together to better understand team work C. Plan before the next clinical areas that team approach would benefit the client instead of trying to do the care alone and ask the team members to help D. Ask the health care team to ask for help so the student can get involved in team work and learn how to go about working in a group


The student has recently begun the nursing program and is committed to getting the highest grades possible. One of the student's strategies for meeting this goal is learning how to take effective notes. What should the student do to make sure the notes are effective? Select all that apply. A. Read the notes as soon as possible after class. B. Aim to write down everything that the instructors say in class. C. Take special note of information that the instructors say is most important. D. Review the notes regularly.


A nursing student is a single mother with three small children. She works a part-time job. Her boss had someone quit and is pressuring her to work an extra shift each week to help out for a short time until he can hire another worker. Her babysitter became ill and is hospitalized. She recognizes the importance of attending the first nursing class, but she is stressed because of the recent life events. What should the student do in this situation? A. Utilize the emergency babysitter, ask another student to tape record the class, and go to work. B. Leave a message on the faculty member's telephone, and e-mail the instructor about the situation and ask her to send materials that the nursing student may need to catch up in the class. C. Bring the children to class, talk to the faculty member during class about the need to work for the next several weeks instead of attending class, and ask the faculty member to provide a means to learn the content. D. Utilize a prearranged emergency babysitter, talk to her boss about her need to attend the first scheduled class, and talk with her instructor about the situation after class.


A nursing student is conscientious in her efforts to cultivate empathy with clients. Which characteristic is associated with empathy? A. Teaching clients and clients how to effectively distract themselves from their issues and problems B. Providing evidence-based solutions to the problems of others C. Experiencing the same emotions that clients and clients experience D. Maintaining emotional distance in order to conserve emotional energy


During the early Middle Ages, the theory and practice of health care and nursing continued to change from earlier eras. Emphasis went from scientific principles for health care to providing personal care and comfort. Which circumstance caused the changes in the health care delivery system? A. The Roman Empire fell to the barbarians who had a different approach of caring for the ill. B. The Catholic Church had the greatest impact on society and became the authority for health care over other groups. C. The last of the deaconesses' order died, so the nuns and monks provided the health care that the people needed. D. The lack of intellectual growth because of constant war left monks and nuns to care for the sick.


How can a nurse best avoid a malpractice claim? A. By having all nursing actions witnessed B. By carefully documenting all nursing actions C. By establishing a good rapport with his or her clients D. By maintaining high personal standards


The Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) allows for the recognition of a nurse's license in another state. Opponents of the NLC most often raise which criticism? A. The standards of nursing practice vary greatly between different states and territories. B. It is difficult for nurses to obtain liability insurance when they are involved in work that spans more than one state. C. Multistate licensure makes it more expensive for nurses to renew their licenses when they expire. D. Multistate licensure can make it more difficult to discover and enforce disciplinary actions against nurses


The best way to prepare for a first-level management position is to: A. attend seminars in management. B. earn certification in a clinical specialty. C. earn a college degree in management. D. develop excellent clinical skills through job experience.


The demands of the nursing program have prompted the nursing student to rearrange most of his regular activities and obligations to ensure that he has sufficient time and energy to complete his school work. Which guideline should the student follow when organizing his schedule? A. Explain to his friends and family that he will be generally unavailable until the end of the semester B. Ask an instructor in the nursing program to draft an ideal schedule for him C. Let himself enjoy a recreational activity only if he is ahead on his school work D. Make sure that he allows some time for socializing and recreation


The managers of a long-term care facility have accused a licensed practical nurse of breach of contract. To strengthen their case, what must the managers of the facility demonstrate? A. Clients or residents experienced a loss of health as a result of the nurse's negligence. B. They took action to correct the nurse's behavior. C. The nurse does not meet the requirements for licensure that are defined in the state's nurse practice act. D. They suffered a financial loss as a result of the nurse's actions.


The nurse manager verbally and in writing requested that the maintenance department repair a broken electrical receptacle three times in the last 2 weeks. It has not been repaired and there has been no explanation from the maintenance manager and she does not return calls. This receptacle was frequently used and not being able to use it causes extra work for the staff. The nurse manager's best course of action at this point should be to: A. schedule an appointment with the maintenance director to discuss the situation. B. tell the staff that he or she is working on getting the receptacle repaired as soon as possible. C. submit another request and explain how important it is to have this repair completed. D. report the maintenance department's unresponsiveness to his or her nursing supervisor.


The nursing student entered in the vocational nursing program at a local community college. She developed a career plan. Which goal is realistic to complete within 5 years of graduation from the nursing program? "Within 5 years, I expect to: A. teach at this college in this program." B. become a nurse practitioner and work at a health clinic." C. obtain my doctorate in nursing and become a hospital administrator." D. obtain an Associate's Degree in nursing, pass the NCLEX-RN, and work in a local long-term facility."


The nursing student is observing the health care team care for clients on a medical-surgical unit. Which action by health care team members is appropriate for the member's scope of practice? A. The RN with an Associate's Degree prescribed medications for a client being discharged. B. The NA provided an intramuscular injection on a client on the unit. C. The LP/VN developed and carried out a research study on the unit. D. The registered nurse (RN) delegates to the nursing assistant (NA) to perform bathing and toileting for a client.


The stresses of providing care for people who are ill have created a need for a nursing student to relax. Which technique should the student choose to manage stress? A. Schedule enough time for watching television and having two or three alcoholic drinks each evening. B. Try to socialize with nursing instructors outside of school and clinical. C. Avoid talking about school or clinical when at home. D. Take time to do physical activity of some kind each day.


Which situation is most likely to be considered a crime? A. A nurse makes an error due to extreme fatigue. B. A nurse inadvertently gives the wrong medication to the wrong client. C. A nurse refuses to delegate tasks to unlicensed assistive personnel. D. A nurse physically restrains a client, resulting in injury.


While approval of institutions that provide health care is mandatory, accreditation is usually voluntary. What health care institution would require mandatory accreditation? A. A physician's office where controlled medications are prescribed B. An assisted living facility that employs licensed vocational nurses C. A long-term care facility with more than 10 residents D. A hospital that receives funding from Medicare


`The nursing student observes that his client has no relief from his pain after receiving the intravenous pain medication administered by the staff Registered Nurse (RN). The RN takes frequent breaks using the restroom and has constricted pupils. The nursing student noted that he saw an empty syringe in the staff restroom. Using the problem-solving process, the next best action to take is to: A. examine alternative reasons for the findings, such as the RN is in bright light constricting her eyes, and the syringe used to administer the medicine to the client had "Morphine" on the label and the one in the trash was a regular unmarked syringe. B. report the observations to his clinical instructor and follow the chain of command to report the issue within the institution according to the institution's policy. C. evaluate the consequences of the action the nurse has taken—client's safety is protected, and the affected chemically dependent nurse may receive the help she needs. D. gather as many facts about the incident as possible: what additional symptoms of narcotic use does the RN exhibit, do other clients she is caring report they are in pain, and are there multiple occasions of wasting narcotics by the RN?


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