Final Review Chapter 15

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What is the difference between Consideration and Initiating Structure?

Consideration is where a leader is sensitive to subordinates, respects their ideas and feelings, and establishes mutual trust where initiating structure is where a leader is task-oriented and directs subordinates' work activities toward goal accomplishment.

What are the different types of followers? (i.e., Effective, Conformist)

Effective follower is a critical, independent thinker who actively participates in the organization. Alienated follower is a person who is an independent, critical thinker but is passive in the organization. Conformist is a follower who participates actively in the organization but does not use critical thinking skills. Passive follower is one who exhibits neither critical independent thinking nor active participation.

Understand the concept of Humility?

Humility means being unpretentious and modest rather than arrogant and prideful.

What is the Leadership Grid? More importantly, know the different types of managers and how much each type is focused a Concern for Production and People (i.e., Team Manager, Country Club Manager). You will definitely see a few multiple choice-type questions

Leadership Grid is a two-dimensional leadership model that measures the leader's concern for people and concern for production to categorize the leader in one of five different leadership styles. Country Club Management: Thoughtful attention to the needs of people for satisfying relationships leads to a comfortable, friendly organization atmosphere and work tempo. Team Management: Work accomplishment is from committed people; interdependence through a common stake in organization purpose leads to relationships of trust and respect. Middle-of-the-Road Management: Adequate organization performance is possible through balancing the necessity to get out work with maintaining morale of people at a satisfactory level. Impoverished Management: Exertion of minimum effort to get required work done is appropriate to sustain organization membership. Authority-Compliance: Efficiency in operations results from arranging conditions of work in such a way that human elements interfere to a minimum degree.

What is Leadership? Know the conceptual definition

Leadership is the ability to influence people toward the attainment of goals.

What are the different types of power and influence used by managers? That is, what is Reward Power, Referent Power, and the like? Multiple choice definitely

Legitimate power is power that stems from a manager's formal position in an organization and the authority granted by that position. Reward power results from the authority to bestow rewards. Coercive power stems from the authority to punish or recommend punishment. Expert power is power that results from a leader's special knowledge or skill in the tasks performed by subordinates. Referent power results from characteristics that command subordinates' identification with, respect and admiration for, and desire to emulate the leader.

What are the four approaches to contemporary leadership? Be able to understand the differences between them (Level 5, Servant, Authentic, and Interactive)

Level 5: builds organizations based on solid values that go far beyond just making money, with an unwavering resolve to do whatever is needed to make the company successful over the long term. Servant: transcends self-interest to serve others, the organization, and society. Authentic: refers to leadership my individuals who know and understand themselves, who espouse and act consistent with higher-order ethical values, and who empower and inspire others with their openness and authenticity. Interactive: is a leadership style characterized by values such as inclusion, collaboration, relationship building, and caring.

What are the differences between a manger and a leader? (Hint: Exhibit 15.4 in text)

Managers focus on the organization: rational, maintains stability, assigns tasks, organizes, analyzes, and position power. Leaders focus on people: visionary, promotes change, defines purpose, nurtures, innovates, and personal power.

What are the attributes of Servant Leadership? I will focus extensively on this, please study

Servant leaders operate on two levels: for the fulfillment of their subordinates' goals and needs and for the realization of the larger purpose or mission of their organization. They give things away--power, ideas, information, recognition, credit for accomplishments, even money.

Who first hypothesized "The Great Man Theory of Leadership" and what are some flaws in this logic? Maybe a short-answer type question....

The Great Man Theory is where researchers looked at a leader who had achieved a level of greatness. The idea was relatively simple: Find out what made these people great, and select future leaders who already exhibited the same traits or could learn to develop them. Generally, early research found only a weak relationship between personal traits and leader success.

Have a basic understanding Fielder's Contingency Theory

The starting point for Fiedler's theory is the extent to which the leader's style is task-oriented or relationship (people)-oriented. Fiedler considered a person's leadership style to be relatively fixed and difficult to change; therefore, the basic idea is to match the leader's style with the situation most favorable for his or her effectiveness. By diagnosing leadership style and the organizational situation, the correct fit can be arranged.

What are Traits? Be able to describe the personality and social characteristics of leaders? (Exhibit 15.5 in text)

Traits are distinguishing personal characteristics, such as intelligence, self-confidence, energy, and independence. Personality Characteristics: self-confidence, honesty and integrity, optimism, desire to lead, and independence Social Characteristics: Sociability, interpersonal skills, cooperativeness, ability to enlist cooperation, and tact, diplomacy

Understand Transformational Leadership. Remember the Discussion Board questions

Transformational leader is distinguished by a special ability to bring about innovation and change by creating an inspiring vision, shaping values, building relationships, and providing meaning for followers.

Identify some gender differences in leadership behaviors

Women leaders typically score higher than men on abilities such as motivating others, building relationships, and developing others--skills that are based on humility and authenticity and are particularly suited to today's organizations.

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