Finale (Pentateuch)

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Keller summarizes the sinfulness of human beings and the grace of God at work in Abraham and his offspring. He writes, "The family that was to bring the salvation of the LORD into the future was _______ ______ and in need of ________" (156).

deeply flawed, grace

The second narrative arc is about the LORD __________ His people


What are the first four major promises of salvation history? Number 4

exodus 19:5-6

Thomas Chalmers says that the only way to dispossess the heart of an old affection is through the __________________________

expulsive power of a new one

The second quality (in question 85) means________________________________________

faithfulness, trustworthiness, reliability, dependability, and truthfulness.

What are the three most important festivals prescribed in the OT? 2nd

feast of Pentecost

The more lush land forming a lunar-shape around the arid land of the ancient Near East is called the __________ _______

fertile cresent.

In biblical historical narrative, the ____ words a character says are often indicative of character.


The primary genre of Exodus is ___________ ____________ because it is history with the "intention of revealing the nature of God in his acts."

historical narrative

To this day, Israelites (now the Jews) understand the covenant ceremony at Sinai as the _________________________________________ between Yahweh and their nation.

marriage or wedding

What member of families in the ANE were considered preeminent and the best representative of the family? ___ ______ ______ ______

the firstborn son

What are six important biblical themes found in the Song of the Sea? 2nd

the incomparability of Yahweh

In Exodus 19:5-6, Yahweh promises that if Israel obeys Him and keeps His covenant (stays in a relationship with Him), then they shall be His _______________ __________among all peoples... and they shall be to Him a ________________ and a ___________

treasured possession, kingdom of priests, holy nation.

Because Hebrews 7:3 says that Melchizedek "resembl[es] the Son of God" rather than "is" the Son of God, we conclude that Melchizedek was a ______ of Christ.


Some argue that prior to Genesis 9:3, humans were required to be_________


How does the Bible describe faith during Enoch's time?

"At that time people began to call upon the name of the LORD."

26. What (English) word does Genesis 3 use to describe the Serpent?

"Crafty" Cunning

In Genesis 17, the LORD changes Abram's name to Abraham. What do the two names mean?

"Exalted father" and "father of many"

Based on its grammar, what does Yahweh (YHWH) likely mean?

"He is."

In which of the Apostle Paul's letters does he explicitly say that Jesus is "our Passover Lamb?"

1 Corinthians 5:7

Approximately how many Israelites came out of Egypt in the Exodus? What is this number based on?

2,000,000 (two million). This number is calculated based upon the literally taken number of men recorded in Exodus: 603,550.

What are the major dates and events of Old Testament chronology up to the Exile? (Abrahams call)


How many men went with Abraham to go up against the four kings and their armies?


In the Passover, what kind of animal was allowed to be substituted for the firstborn son of a family? ________________________________________________

A 1 year old, male lamb without blemish.

What is a Day of the LORD?

A biblical term and theme used in both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, as in The sun shall be turned into darkness. and the moon into blood. before the great and the terrible day of the Lord come.

The term OT scholars use to refer to the Middle East during OT times?

Ancient Near East ? ANE

In Numbers, what is one manifestation of the presence of Christ?

Angel of the Lord (Balaam) Numbers 22:22

What are the three main theories for understanding the intermarrying of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men?" Third?

Angels copulating with human women (cosmologically mixed races)

Tim Keller suggests that Jacob's idol is something Ernest Becker calls ______________ __________, represented, Keller says, in Rachel.

Apocalyptic romance

What is the name of the most commonly held scholarly theory on the composition of the Pentateuch?

Astruc Theory. Or Documentary Hypothesis

According to Pr. Olson's dissertation, what was the name of the final "god" of Egypt defeated by Yahweh in the exodus? What was this god thought to be in control of?

Baal zephon. The storm God controls the sea

In the Dead Sea Scroll 11QMelchizedek, it is predicted that the Messiah will come to save people from

Belial by Dragging them from the hand of Satan and his demons and forgiving them iniquities.

The Hebrew title for the book of Numbers is _______________________________

Bemibar "In the wilderness."

Besides the Prologue, what are the three "books" which constitute Genesis?

Book of the Ancients Book of the Patriarchs Book of Joseph

What Hebrew leading-word might be said to link human sinfulness and God's response in the Book of the Ancients? (Hint: Humans attempted to make a name for themselves.) ____ __ ___ ________

Book of the Ancients (2:4-11:26) Humans attempted to make a name for themselves. (Tower of Babel, Gen. 11:4 - on slide 243) The Hebrew word is shem, which literally means name (slide 255)

In class, we talked about what the following passage demonstrates about the kind of God the LORD is. What are two qualities which are evident? 12 As the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell on Abram. And behold, dreadful and great darkness fell upon him. 13 Then the Lord said to Abram, "Know for certain that your offspring will be sojourners in a land that is not theirs and will be servants there, and they will be afflicted for four hundred years. 14 But I will bring judgment on the nation that they serve, and afterward they shall come out with great possessions. 15 As for you, you shall go to your fathers in peace; you shall be buried in a good old age. 16 And they shall come back here in the fourth generation, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete."

Faithful and Just, among others (not sure), in control, active ?

T or F. All the Israelites stayed faithful to the LORD while sojourning in Egypt.


What are three threats to the LORD's promises to Abraham which are found and largely resolved in the Joseph narrative (the book of Joseph)?

Famine, Dysfunctional family, idolatry.

What are two possible functions of OT genealogies? First?

Fast-Forward the Storyline (selectively showing certain people's lives - i.e. Noah, Abraham, Isaac, etc. - and skipping over others)

What are the three most important festivals prescribed in the OT? 3rd

Feast of tabernacle

At the very end of Exodus, what does YHWH do?

Fills the tent of meeting. Dwells among His people.

What is a good definition of Torah (one that allows for its several different possible referents)?

Instruction in righteousness.

What are 2 NT verses which teach us that the OT is essentially about Jesus?

Luke 24:44 John 5:39 and Luke 24:27

The concept of "doing justice and righteousness" in the Bible is largely the idea that God wants us to look out for the most _________ _____ __ _____ ___ ________

Marginalized - Needy, or widow and orphans.

For the later dating, who would have likely been the pharaoh? ____________

Rameses II.

What are two simple definitions of the word "atone?"

Ransome. Cover-over. By means of a sacrificial payment

The description of Lamech, in Cain's line, demonstrates ____________

Rapid fall into sin

Amid the list of kinds of sexual immorality in Leviticus 20, the LORD says, "13 If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them." What three NT passages confirm that the prohibition of homosexual behavior is still in effect?

Rom 1:26-27 1Cor 6:9-10 1Tim 1:9-10

Your instructor criticized this theory (question 17), likening it to a ___________ machine, meaning it is unnecessarily complex.

Rube Goldberg

As far as humans are concerned, what appears to be Satan's ultimate goal in the encounter with Eve and Adam? (Stowell's idea)

Sabotage humans intimacy with God

What are the three kinds of "death" which result from breaking the commandment

Spiritual Death, Physical Death, and Ultimate Spiritual Physical Death

In Genesis 24, the two qualities of the LORD emphasized by Abraham's servant are His ________________________________________________

Steadfast love and faithfulness. (hesed and emet.)

In light of biblical teaching, what is the principal problem for the theory of theistic evolution?


What do the Jews call "The 10 Commandments?" ____________________which begin with the Gospel statement, "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery."

The 10 Words

Leviticus 16, the central chapter in the book, deals with _____________________________

The Day of Atonement.

What are the three F's representing the judgments of the Book of the Ancients?

The Fall, The Flood, and The Flop

A central theme in the Joseph narrative is the theme of divine providence. What does this mean?

The Lord is working and ultimately is the one helping Joseph???!

What explanation does Genesis 37-50 repeatedly give us for Joseph's success?

The Lord prospered him. ???!

What are six important biblical themes found in the Song of the Sea? 5th

The Lords universal sovereignty

If we consider Exodus 4-15 like a 13-round prizefight, what is the final round?

The Red Sea Crossing (Ex 14)

What are the two main theological questions of the Pentateuch which are answered especially in Exodus? What are the answers? (who is Yahweh)

The Savior God

What term do the Jews normally use to describe the Pentateuch?

The Torah

The likely reason the exact number is mentioned is to underscore the Bible's theme that ___ ______ _________ __ ___ _____

The battle belongs to the Lord.

What historical event—still in Israel's future at the time of the events recorded in Leviticus—made the OT sacrifices efficacious (powerful and effective)?

The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Throughout the Bible, Sodom and Gomorrah serve as symbols of what two theological realities?

They represent human depravity and a day of the Lord's judgment.

After the LORD blessed Israel through the pagan prophet Balaam, what did some of the men of Israel do?

They took Moabite women as wives

What is Yahweh purpose in the prizefight of Exodus 4-15?

To defeat the gods of Egypt and proving himself as Savior God

What are the three main sections of the OT according to the categories Jesus used?

Torah, Nevi'im, and Ketuvim. (the law, prophets, and writings)

What are three other themes in Leviticus, according to Arnold and Beyer?

Torah, Sacrifice, Holiness.

What are two possible functions of OT genealogies? Second?

Trace the line of the Singular (Ultimate) Seed of the Woman

Genesis 3:21 is perhaps the first T__________ of C_____________ in the OT. (And the LORD God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins and clothed them.)

Type of Christ or type of good friday Token of Grace (slide 197)

What are the three main theories for understanding the intermarrying of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men?" Second?

Tyrannical aristocratic men with common women (sociologically mixed races)

If Israel is Yahweh's "firstborn son," then who are his other children potentially?

Us. The Gentiles.

Christian philosopher William Lane Craig argues that God created the universe on the basis of what three claims (the kalam cosmological argument):

1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause 2. The universe began to exist 3. Therefore, the universe has a cause

What are the three criteria mentioned by A(rnold) & B(eyer) for meeting the standard?

1. written by a spirit led person 2. Connot contradict scripture 3. must impact all generations

What are the major dates and events of Old Testament chronology up to the Exile? (king david)


What are the major dates and events of Old Testament chronology up to the Exile? (king saul)


What is the scientific consensus on the age of the universe? _____________ Of homo sapiens? __________

13.7 Billion or 315,000 years old

What are the major dates and events of Old Testament chronology up to the Exile? (the conquest)


What are the major dates and events of Old Testament chronology up to the Exile? (the exodus)


There are two narrative arcs comprising Exodus. The first one extends from chapter 1 through chapter __:_-__

15:1-18. Part 2 15:19-end

What are two most prominent datings of the exodus? (give century) ___________ and ______________________________________

15th and 13th (1446 BC, 1280 BC.)

Which two of the 10 Commandments does Aaron, the high priest, break in the episode of the golden calf?

1: no other gods/graven image Lies (bear false witness) lies lies all lies

What are the major dates and events of Old Testament chronology up to the Exile? (Destruction of northern kingdom)


Which of the 10 Commandments provides the key for how Jesus interprets all the rest of them?

9 & 10. Do not murder. Do not commit adultery.

What are the major dates and events of Old Testament chronology up to the Exile? (divided kingdom)


What are the major dates and events of Old Testament chronology up to the Exile? (king solomon)


In Genesis 17, the LORD reaffirms His promises to Abram and commands that Abram and his male offspring get circumcised as a mark that they are in a covenant with the LORD. What are four possible reasons why God chose circumcision as the sign? #2

A frequent reminder to every circumcised male of God's promises involving seed and a symbol that they had repudiated "the flesh" in favor of trust in God and his spiritual promises.

The name we give to the following blessing is the:

Aaronic Benediction the LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.' "

In John 8:56, Jesus said that _______________ rejoiced that He would see Jesus's day. "He saw it and was glad."


What are the first four major promises of salvation history? Number 2

Abrahamic Covenant (land, offspring, and blessing - Genesis 12:1-3)

Why do we believe that the Yam Suph (the Hebrew name for the body of water the Israelites crossed) was the Red Sea? _______________________________________

Acts 7:36 Red sea is clear in Greek

What are the two Hebrew words behind the phrase "Lord GOD?"


What is the story of the Bible in a nutshell

After the fall, God comes down to rescue, renew, and reign over his creation in and through the work of Jesus Christ God displays his glory and love for us by sacrificing his son on the cross to save us from our sins.

How did we define "covenant" in class?

An agreement between two or more parties by which the members attach themselves to the others through promises.

In Numbers, what is one type (pattern) of Christ, and what chapter is it in?

Bronze Serpent Numbers 21:4-9

The biblical _______ is the collection of books which meet a certain standard


Genesis 9:6 is one of the clearest biblical passages supporting______________ ___________

Capital punishment

The LXX called the book "Numbers" because of the two times the numbers of the ____________ of Israel's men are mentioned.

Census 1:44 26:51

The rebellion of Korah (a non-Aaronide son of Levi) who was in the line of Levi and Dathan and Abirab (descendants of Reuben) was over why

Challenging the Priesthood. All priests are Levites but not all Levites are priests.

The internal organization of Genesis is according to ______(#) generations (toledoth

Closest I have is "10 Generations" (slide 484); I looked at the Hebrew origins of the word Toledoth, and it simply means "generations" and refers to the cycle of reading the Torah

According to Tim Keller, "God was not saying [to Abraham] you cannot love your son, but that you must not turn a loved one into a _____________ ___" (Keller 7).______________________________________________________

Counterfeit god, Apocalyptic romance may be on the test (Jacobs counterfeit God)

The idea that God created the universe from nothing is called _______ __ _______

Creation Ex Nihilo.

What are the 4 major acts in the Bible's drama? (C,F,R,C)

Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration

What are the three main theories for understanding the intermarrying of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men?" First?

Daughters of Cain's line (seed of the serpent) with the sons of Seth's line (Seed of the Woman)(religiously mixed races)

Which country refused passage to Israel, leading to their subsequent reputation as enemies of Israel? _______


What are two examples of Christ's Presence in Exodus?

Ex 14:19. Glory cloud, Rock in wilderness.

Theologically, what is probably the most important verse in Genesis 18? _________________________________________________

Genesis 18:14, "Is anything too hard for the Lord?..."

According to Tim Mackie of the Bible Project (the ones who make all the cool videos about the Bible), what is the main theme of Leviticus?

God graciously makes a way for people to be in His presence.

The fact that only the LORD (symbolized by the smoking pot and torch) goes through the cut animals signifies that ___________________________________________________________.

God is the only one able to keep and uphold the covenant._

What does God do at the end of Genesis 22 to finally confirm his promises to Abraham?

God specifically tells Abraham that "[He] will multiply [his] offspring as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore." God promises that Abraham's offspring will basically be countless.

What are two good one-word definitions for the word "holy?"

Godly. Unique. Separate (set-apart).

When the LORD says that the priests are putting the LORD's name upon the people, He means that, through the blessing, the people are receiving

Goodness and Power

The idea of ḥesed is pretty synonymous with the concept of____________/_______


Most of our English titles for the Pentateuchal books come from the ___________.

Greek Septuagint

What are two verses in the OT which teach the doctrine of righteousness (justification) by faith? __________ ___________

Habakkuk 2:4, Genesis 15:6

What are the two main theological questions of the Pentateuch which are answered especially in Exodus? What are the answers? (What does it mean to be the people of Yahweh?)

He established Israel as His people by means of his hesed (steadfast love).

What are Satan's tactics for achieving his goal?

He tempts people to doubt: God's word, God's justice, and God's goodness. Satan likes to twist the words of God and bend them into his liking. Furthermore, he plays on peoples' sinful desires. For example, he convinces Eve in the garden to eat from the tree because she wanted to attain "God-like" powers.

What appears to be Joseph's intent in testing his brothers? Who volunteers to take Benjamin's place?

He tests his brothers to see if they have changed. Judah offers to take his brother's place.

Based on Yahweh's explanation of His name in Exodus 6:6-8, what does Yahweh mean? In other words, how does Yahweh want to be known?

He wants to be known as the Savior God.

In Genesis 21:8-21, the LORD especially demonstrates Himself to be the God who _____


Hebrew 11:19 clues us in as to why Abraham was so willing to sacrifice his son, Isaac. What does it say?

Heb 11:19 He considered that God was able even to raise him from the dead, from which, figuratively speaking, he did receive him back. Abraham thought that God would raise Isaac from the dead.

Which NT book teaches us that "it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins?"


What does Jacob's name literally mean?

Heel Grabber

Which of the three promises to Abraham is especially shown to be fulfilled in Exodus 1?

His offspring being as numerous as the stars.

Judged through the lens of 1 Peter 3:20, when God promises that "My Spirit will not abide in/contend with" man forever; "his days shall be 120 years," He means that _____________________________________________________________________________

How long until he floods the earth, also a time for grace and repentance.

In Exodus 3, when Moses asks God what His name is, what does God say?

I AM. (I AM who I AM). YAHWEH.

Paul Schrieber says that arguments for women's ordination based on the "priesthood of all believers" or based on pragmatic reasons—like women's ability to be good pastors—"seem to be ____________?!." Just as the LORD selected a certain group to be priests in the OT, though we (and Korah and his group) don't understand why, so in the NT he selected a certain group (some men) to be pastors, though we don't understand why.


What are two possible explanations for why God uses plural pronouns in Genesis 1:26? (Genesis 1:26: "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.)

It could be a hint of the trinity. Or the royal "we" like the queen. OR/And he could be speaking to a heavenly council

In Genesis 17, the LORD reaffirms His promises to Abram and commands that Abram and his male offspring get circumcised as a mark that they are in a covenant with the LORD. What are four possible reasons why God chose circumcision as the sign? #4

It could have been a protection from evil.

Why does the LORD place His people in Canaan, of all places?

It is a major crossroads and would help spread the knowledge of God

Why is a common explanation for why the Pentateuch is divided into five books?

It was divided into 5 different books because it would've been too large if it was wrapped all in one scroll.

What is the most important Day of the LORD which has occurred thus far?

Jesus' death and resurrection on the cross/Holy Week (Good Friday)

The name Yahweh chose for Himself when He came down to earth is ___________ which means "___ ______."

Jesus, yahweh saves

In which book of the NT does Jesus talk about Himself by alluding to God's name in Exodus?


In the NT, who basically announces that Jesus of Nazareth is the ultimate scapegoat?

John 1:29 John the Baptist Heb 9:22, Luke 23:22,

What are two types of Christ in the Joseph narrative?

Joseph and Judah.

What are the eight books in the second section?

Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, The Twelve

By the end of Genesis, we know that the Seed of the Woman who will crush the Serpent's head will be a descendant of which one of Abraham's great grandsons?

Judah (Gen. 49:10) then David later on.

What are the first four major promises of salvation history? Number 3

LOB Land Offspring Blessing Judah's Blessing (Gen. 49:10)

The land of Israel (Palestine) was in the middle between what two powerful civilizations?

Mesopotamia and Egypt

What are two aspects of "knowing good and evil?" second?

Moral autonomy: deciding what is right without reference to God's revealed will

What are two aspects of "knowing good and evil?" first?

Moral knowledge: loss of innocence/experiencing evil and what it is to commit it

The meaning of the name of Seth's son, Enoch, is _____ __ _____

Mortal or Weak

The covenant Yahweh makes with Israel at Mount Sinai is an extension of the Abrahamic Covenant. What is this covenant called? __________ _________

Mosaic covenant.

What are six important biblical themes found in the Song of the Sea? 1st

Motief of the Divine warrior

Explain N.T. Wright and D.A. Carson's respective conceptions of the "image of God."

N.T. Wright: God has given humans a vocation as priest-kings D. A. Carson: we reflect God, and the way in which we do will get filled in as the Bible unfolds. "The narrative shows us how." - PBO.

The Hebrew name for Exodus is _________________.

Names = Shemot

At least twice in the Jacob narrative, Jacob is confronted with parallel situations which reveal God's perspective on past events. We call this device________ _____________

Narrative Analogy

Which psalm asserts that the Messiah (David's Lord) is a priest in the order of Melchizedek? _____ ___:_

Psalm 110:4 (slide 311)

Which book of the OT gives us a language to complain to the LORD with faith?


According to Hebrews 11:7, what made Noah a righteous man?

Noah's faith made him righteous

The only man in the Bible besides Noah who is described as "walking with God" is

Noah's father Enoch.

In Numbers, what is one prediction of Christ, and what chapter and verse is it in?

Numbers 24:17 A star from Jacob and scepter shall rise out of Israel

Based on the framework of Genesis 12:1-3, Abraham's victory in battle and acquisition of the spoils represents the_________________________________________________

Offspring of the serpent will be cursed and offspring of the woman will be blessed

Based on the framework of Genesis 3:15, Abraham and his men represent the______________________________________________________

Offspring of the serpent will be cursed and offspring of the woman will be blessed

Timothy Ashley outlines the book of Numbers with three headings---______________________________________

Orientation, Disorientation, Reorientation (new orientation).

What are the three most important festivals prescribed in the OT? 1st


What are two examples of the Pattern of Christ (types of Christ) in Exodus?

Passover Lamb. Tabernacle.

The 10 Commandments are ten principles for how to live as the ____________________________

People of God

In Genesis 16, we see the angel of the LORD for the first time in the Bible. Citing the authority of Reed Lessing and the context of , your instructor asserted that the angel of the LORD is .

Preincarnate Jesus

Dr. Reed Lessing taught us three P's for understanding how the OT points to Christ. What are they? _________, ____________, and __________

Presence, Predictions, Patterns.

What was the main sin which led to the "Flop"? ____________


What are the first four major promises of salvation history? Number 1

Proto-evangelion (Gen. 3:15),

In Genesis 16:7-14, the LORD especially demonstrates Himself to be the God who ____


In Genesis 17, the LORD reaffirms His promises to Abram and commands that Abram and his male offspring get circumcised as a mark that they are in a covenant with the LORD. What are four possible reasons why God chose circumcision as the sign? #1

The organ responsible for the procreation of the seed must be consecrated to God (Deut. 30:6; Jer. 4:4, of the heart)

In Genesis 17, the LORD reaffirms His promises to Abram and commands that Abram and his male offspring get circumcised as a mark that they are in a covenant with the LORD. What are four possible reasons why God chose circumcision as the sign? #3

The possibility that this is a symbol of the substitutionary sacrifice of the body to God (used in cultures without child sacrifice)

What are six important biblical themes found in the Song of the Sea? 6th

The specialness of Zion

What are the 2 commandments of Genesis 1-2

Theistic evolution is put to rest when we read the bible canonically and allow scripture to interpret scripture. Evolution relies on death to work. Conflicts with the story of Adam and Eve; "the historicity of their story" -

What does God mean when He tells Moses, "I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty (El Shaddai), but by my name the LORD I did not make myself known to them?"

They didn't know who he was in the fullest sense. (Savior God)

Which of these theories appears to have the most canonical and early church support?

View 3 Angels copulating with human women (cosmologically mixed races)

What particular sin was emphasized before the Flood? (Gen. 6:11, 13)

Violence, Sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire,

What did the "cut" animals in the covenant ceremony symbolize?

What would happen to the person if they broke the covenant.

In which chapter is the literary climax of the Abraham narrative?

When he is asked to sacrifice Isaac (Gen. 22) Binding of Isaac.

What is the importance of the region where Abraham attempted to sacrifice Isaac?

Where the temple was built and the possible area where Christ was killed

The fundamental conflict in Exodus 1-15 is between___________ and __________________________________

Yahweh and the gods of egypt

What are six important biblical themes found in the Song of the Sea? 4th

Yahweh as a storm God

What are six important biblical themes found in the Song of the Sea? 3rd

Yahweh making a name for Himself especially as a savior

Yahweh's self-revelation statement, found in Exodus 34:6-7, "The LORD (Yahweh), the LORD (Yahweh), a God ___________ l [raḥūm] and __________ [ḥanūn], slow to _______, and abounding in _________ _______ [ḥesed] and ___________ [emet], 7 keeping _____________ ________[ḥesed] for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the ______....

merciful, gracious, anger, steadfast love, faithfulness, steadfast love, guilty

In biblical historical narrative, _____________ ___________ details are mentioned when they have an important role in the plot.

physical appearance

The first narrative arc is a drama of __________ __________

redemption (salvation).

When Genesis 22:1 says, "After these things God tested Abraham," it means that God used these events to _______ Abraham's faith.


. How do we know the Serpent is Satan? (Which NT book clarifies this?)

revelation 12:9, where the scripture refers to Satan as a great dragon/serpent who is a deceiver.

In class we talked about how the OT sacrifices were akin to NT _____________ because they served as the vehicle to receive Yahweh's grace. In other words, the torah for the sacrifices were not laws like the Ten Commandments as much as they were spelling out the procedure for receiving Yahweh's grace.


Scientist Stephen C. Meyer says that ___________, done right, points toward God.


When we read the Bible canonically, we let _______ interpret _______

scripture, scripture

Based on the framework of Genesis 3:15, the four kings in Genesis 14 represent the ____ __ _______

seed of serpent.

D.T. Olson says the theme of Numbers is "The death of the old ___________ generation in the wilderness and the birth of a new generation of _____________ on the edge of the Promised Land."

sinful, hope

According to Tremper Longman III and David E. Garland, a barren woman in the ANE was a_____________

social outcast

The first quality (in question 85) means ___________________________________________________________

steadfast love, consistent, ever-faithful, relentless, consistently pursuing, lavish, extravagant, unrestrained, furious love of God.

The Hebrew word ḥesed is usually translated as ___________ ______

steadfast love.

When Moses intercedes for sinful Israel in Numbers 14, he asks the LORD to forgive them according to His

steadfast love.

According to Tim Keller, the LORD's confrontation of Jacob at the ford of the Jabbok changes self-sufficient Jacob into a person who _____________________________________________

strives with God for his blessing.

. In the ANE, the practice of __________ __________ for an infertile wife through her maidservant seemed to be an acceptable social practice.

surrogate motherhood

We know that the census number is 603,550 men because of the passage in Exodus which lists the amount of money collected from each man to provide for the building of the __________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

tabernacle. 1:44-46 tells us census data 603,550 men 38:25-26 tells us tax numbers each gives ½ shekel and they got 301,775 shekels 301,775 is ½ of 603,550

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