Finals (Gun Laws)

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Link between gun and violence

430,000 violent crimes were committed in US in 2000 by offenders armed with a gun 2004- guns involved in the death in nearly 30,000 individuals in US


52% male "wealthholders" owned gun at time of death Recent survey = 46% of US households own a gun

Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1995

Federal crimes for an individual carrying a gun to travel on public sidewalks, streets,/ highways that pass within 1,000 feet of the property line of a k-12 school

What level are gun control legislation made at

Federal, state, and local states pass the majority of gun control laws and strictest control are enacted by municipal govts.

Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1994

Federally mandates a 5 DAY WAITING PERIOD before a licensed importer, manufacturer, or dealer may sell, deliever, or transfer a handgun to an unlicensed individual However, the waiting period applies only in states without an acceptable alternate system of conducting background checks on handgun purchasers

Gun Control Act of 1968

Regulates interstate commerce in firearms by prohibiting interstate firearms transfers expect among licensed manufacturers, dealer, & importers

Majority Gun in US

Rifles and Shotguns

2 distinct subcultures of gun owners?

Thosoe who own for sporting purposes & Those that own for protection purposes

Highest gun ownership?

groups where violence is low

Concern about firearms

gun availability increased violence


gun involved in death of 29,569 americans. through homicide, suicide / accident

where does American Gun Ownership stem from

rural, hunting subcultures

Issue with gun control and gun ownership with 2nd amendment

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Laws that are effective

- gun registries and intensive police patrols directed at illicit gun carrying in high-violence neighborhoods MAY DETER CRIMES Bans on felon guns possession and background check

Types of gun laws legislation

-Bans or restrictions on specific firearms or ammunition -Restrictions on firearms acquisition -Waiting periods for firearm acquisition -Firearm registration and licensing of firearm owners -Concealed weapon and open carry laws -Child access prevention laws -Zero tolerance laws for firearms in schools -Sentencing laws that provide for enhanced penalties in cases involving the illegal use of firearms

problems with assessing gun laws

-not many good (methodologically rigorous) studies that have been done -lack of reliable measure -using inappropriate comparisons -# and variety of firearms & crime prevention laws

National Firearms Act of 1934

1 federal law aims at regulating guns imposed a tax on the manufacture and transfer a certain firearm and the mandatory registration of those firearms

How many firearms

200-250 million firearms in circulation in US Estimate of 4.5 million new firearms sold each year

impacts of gun laws on violence

2003 study by CDC= out of 51 states examined at least 1 out of 8 different type of gun laws, there is insufficient evidence to determine if any law were effective

Carrying firearms in state park

Allowed in 32 states prohibited in 18 states

Gun control legislation purpose

control access to firearms & deter the use to commit violence/ other crimes

Castle Doctrine legislation?

enacted in 25 (southern and western) states 23 states have no restriction carrying a firearm for personal protection in restaurants serving alcohol 18 states have a partial ban 9 states have a complete ban

What does Cook and Ludwig believe will deter gun usage

increased police patrol and gun registration

Gary Kleck and Don Kates Suggest

narrowing targeted guns controls measures like ban on felon gun possession and background checks may be effective

What is Lethality effect? How is it produced

produced by a gun use by an aggressor it is an attack with a gun (gunshot wound) is more likely to result in death than an attack from a knife

Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program

provided $3 billion in funding in 1996

Community Oriented Policing Programs

provided several billions of dollars in funding in 1994

David Farrington and Brandon Welsh review finding

randomized experiments in criminology were relatively rare (found 83 that were conducted in 1982-2004) but.. only 1 in 5 produced significantly desirable results 80% of studies produced null finding

David Huizinga and Kimberly Henry finding

suggest that arrest on average either have no effect on crimes rates/ recidivism / they actually increase both

Victim defensive gun use can have positive effect

victims who used a gun during a crime incident = less likely to be injured/ lose property Studies indicate that offenders refrain from committing crimes if they believe the potential victim has a gun

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