fire 007 final review

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Which of the following represents components of the accreditation process?

*All of the above A report is made to the accrediting body, which grants the final accreditation. An on-site visit is conducted by representatives of the accrediting body. A self-study is conducted by the entity seeking accreditation.

When should a PAR be called for by incident command?

*All of the above At specific time intervals At fire control benchmarks When there is a change in strateg

According to the National Institute for Standards and Technology, in what ways do real structure fires differ from training fires that are fueled with Class A materials?

*Both B and C Real structure fires have increased fuel loads. Real structure fires react and release heat differently than training fires.

According to NFPA 13D, the minimum required gallon per minute flow must be sustainable for ___ minutes.


Which Life Safety Initiative puts an emphasis on the awarding of grants based on their intent to improve safety?


According to NFPA 1971, what is the minimum height for structural firefighting boots?

10 inches

Which NFPA standard is titled Standard on Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications?


What is the NFPA Standard for Professional Qualifications for the fire and life safety educator?


According to the 2013 edition of NFPA 1582, a fire fighter must be able to perform with a metabolic equivalent of ____ in order to meet the requirements of a medical physical.


NFPA ____ is the Standard on Recommended Practice in Fire and Emergency Services Organization Risk Management.


Which Life Safety Initiative specifically addresses the emotional health of fire fighters and their families?


Which Life Safety Initiative suggests that public education must receive more resources and be championed as a critical fire and life safety program?


Estimates from around the United States show that most insurance companies give up to a ____ percent discount on rates based upon how much of a home is protected by residential fire sprinklers.


One of the most task-saturated times of an incident is in the first _______ minutes on scene.


Which Life Safety Initiative addresses both fire prevention code enforcement and promotion of residential fire sprinklers?


The creation and utilization of a Safety Committee to evaluate potential risks in a department is endorsed by which National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standard?


Which NFPA standard defines duties and responsibilities of an Incident Safety Officer?


Which NFPA standard is titled Standard on Health-Related Fitness Programs for Fire Fighters?


Which Life Safety Initiative calls for continued improvements to safe design and safety as a primary consideration when purchasing equipment?


According to NFPA 13D, how much water must a single sprinkler head be capable of discharging?

18 gallons per minute

In what year was the first sprinkler code adopted by what is now the National Fire Protection Association?


Which NFPA standard is the Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus?


In what year was the first airbag for a passenger car installed?


According to annual estimates from the NFPA, U.S. Fire Administration, and Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition, only ___ percent of new homes are equipped with sprinklers.


According to the National Fire Protection Association, there were 32 million calls for service in 2012. What percentage of those responses was attributed to actual fires?


According to fire test by the National Institute for Standards and Technology, how quickly can flashover occur after flames are ignited?

45 seconds

NFPA standards are revised once every _____ years.


What percentage of maximum heart rate should a person exercise at with the primary goal of fat loss?


According to statistics, smoke detectors and residential sprinklers increase the chance of surviving a home fire by more than _____ percent.


The NFPA estimates that working smoke detectors in a home raise the chance of surviving a fire to _______ percent.


What are NFPA technical committees?

A consensus body responsible for the development and revision of an NFPA document

Which of the following situations would constitute a Mayday call?

A fire fighter who has incurred serious injury or incapacitation A fire fighter who experiences a failure of the self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) A fire fighter who has become trapped or is missing *All of the above

What does Maslow's hierarchy of needs represent?

A graphical depiction of the order of human needs

Which of the following most accurately defines metabolic equivalent?

A measurement of work, assuming 1 MET is equal to a resting metabolic rate

What energy source is commonly used for short-duration tasks that require a high burst of energy?


Which risk management strategy seeks to accept the full risk to personnel and equipment in an attempt to mitigate it?

Acceptance of the risk

What is one of the most misused terms in fire and emergency medical services?


What condition is considered to be a possible precursor to post-traumatic stress disorder, with symptoms that generally last less than a week?

Acute stress disorder

How can increasing your personal accountability help others?

All of the above

How do community groups learn of a fire department need?

All of the above

What are reasons that fire fighters typically resist change?

All of the above

What are the advantages of utilizing a near-miss reporting system?

All of the above

What criterion is necessary for an incident to be considered a special event by the Federal Emergency Management Agency?

All of the above

What type of advanced safety system might the fire service encounter in future emergency vehicles?

All of the above

What type of data might be collected for fire service-related motor vehicle crashes?

All of the above

What types of violent incident response could benefit from standardized procedures?

All of the above

Which of the following is a rated component of the Insurance Services Office Fire Suppression Rating System?

All of the above

Which of the following is used to create ATP in the body?

All of the above

Which of the following types of technology has the fire service adopted from the military?

All of the above

Why are departmental leaders important to the process of change?

All of the above

What other industries have used crew resource management to improve safety and performance?

Aviation and maritime

Which risk management strategy should be used when there is no life in danger?

Avoidance of the risk

Which level of tiered training is considered an introductory level that identifies basic principles and risks?


What are the three typical levels of tiered training?

Awareness, operations, technician

What is the primary goal of the installation of residential sprinkler systems?

B. To provide life safety

What are reasons that radio transmissions are so often missed or ineffective?

Background noise Multitasking Excitement *All of the above

What type of research is conducted out of curiosity and leads to no immediate product or treatment?


Why do some theories suggest that there is no absolute relation between unsafe acts and death?

Because any unsafe act in itself can result in a death

When it comes to safe equipment and procedures, why must the push for safer designs come from several different directions?

Because each direction can be successful in its own way

Why do many agencies suggest that responders maintain radio silence when responding to bomb threats?

Because electronic equipment such as portable radios can set off an unstable bomb

Why do improved and evolving safety designs for firefighting equipment sometimes stall?

Because once something is perceived to be "safe enough," attention is diverted elsewhere

Why has terrorism added a new dimension of danger to emergency responders?

Because terrorist plots tend to be more elaborately planned

What is one way to improve your accountability to your department?

Become an active member of your department.

When is the best time to catch an unsafe act?

Before it ever happens

Which program takes an Employee Assistance Program one step further by adding resources from NFPA 1500 and the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation?

Behavioral Health Assistance Program

What can affect the outcome of an emergency call the most?

Being prepared for the emergency

Where should a first-arriving emergency vehicle be positioned on the scene of a motor vehicle crash?

Between the scene and approaching traffic

How is reporting to the fire fighter near-miss database achieved?

Both A and B

What are key components of successful near-miss reporting systems?

Both A and C

What are the advantages of voluntary reporting systems over mandatory reporting systems?

Both A and C

What aspect of being a fire fighter can negatively affect blood pressure and the body's ability to digest food efficiently?

Both A and C

Who are the only responders exempt from the federal law requiring high-visibility clothing in the right-of-way of federally funded highways?

Both B and C B. Fire fighters actively involved in firefighting C. Fire fighters actively involved in hazardous materials operations

What would Series 1 procedures for positioning apparatus primarily cover?

Both Proximity dangers and Scene Protection

What is a common theme regarding emergency response to public shootings?

Both lack of sufficient personnel and difficulty securing the scene

What types of nonlethal weapons do law enforcement officers typically use to disperse unruly crowds?

Both rubber bullets and chemical irritants

Which organization can advance the occupations of their members and offer training and continuing education on a national level?

Business associations

How can a fire fighter most effectively encourage other fire fighters to eat right and exercise?

By eating right and exercising in order to set an example

How can the fire service make it easier for homeowners and contractors to retrofit existing homes with sprinklers?

By encouraging the introduction of more building supplies to assist them

How can policies and procedures positively impact the outcome of an incident?

By reducing the number of fireground decisions that must be made by the Incident Commander

What is a good method of evaluating how effective our fire and life safety education programs are?

By tracking success stories

One of the most nationally popular testing procedures for evaluating physical ability is known as the:

Candidate Physical Ability Test.

What is one of the most common forms of repetitive motion injuries outside the fire service?

Carpal tunnel syndrome

What are the two general reasons change occurs in the fire service?

Change is desired and obligatory.

What is an easy way to assess cardiac workload by measuring how hard the blood is pushing on an artery's wall?

Checking the blood pressure

Which of the following is an example of a choking agent?


How does the health status of a fire fighter affect his or her susceptibility to injury?

Chronic diseases contribute to the body's inability to prevent injury and heal itself.

Where might emergency responders encounter illegal drugs being manufactured?

Clandestine labs

Which learning domain involves memorization and knowledge?


According to Bloom's taxonomy, what are the three domains of learning?

Cognitive, psychomotor, and affective

Which of the following is an excellent way to begin the process of change toward a culture of safety?

Communicate safety concerns and near-misses.

The voluntary near-miss reporting system used for the rail industry in the United Kingdom is the:

Confidential Incident Reporting and Analysis System

Predetermining call routes and writing policies regarding safe driving speeds are examples of what type of emergency component?


What is needed to organize and prioritize what research is needed to save lives in the fire service?

Coordinated national research agenda

What three factors contribute to an emergency service organization's decision not to supply all personnel with a new piece of safety equipment?

Cost, availability, need

What should be the first step taken by a department in order to comply with NFPA 1500?

Create a safety committee.

What would be the first step in providing standard policies for all emergency response agencies?

Create a system based on different levels of applicability.

According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, what process helps ensure that both requester and supplier are using the same criteria to certify personnel?


Which management model uses all personnel to identify and stop unsafe acts as they occur?

Crew resource management

What term is used to describe the methods for response when questioned about an unexpected, sensitive topic that has the potential to damage the reputation of a person or organization?

Crisis communication

What type of plan should all departments have in preparation for a potentially detrimental event?

Crisis communications plan

What type of communication should be discouraged in group therapy meetings?

Cross talk

What is one advantage of using recognition-primed decision making?

Decisions can be made quickly.

On the scene of a working structure fire, the incident commander requests that all personnel evacuate the structure and commence fire suppression operations from a safe distance. What type of incident strategy has the incident commander initiated?


What is the first step in risk management?

Define the context of the risk.

According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which of the following is a step for addressing risk management?

Defining the context of the risk Assessing and analyzing the risk Identifying potential risk *All of the above

What part of critical incident stress management should be scheduled immediately or soon after the incident?


What management and leadership concept can help get specific jobs accomplished in a timely manner as well as keep all team members involved?


What two common chemicals were used in the 1995 domestic terrorist attack in Oklahoma City?

Diesel fuel and fertilizer

What can the development of most present-day fire codes and fire safety education presentations be attributed to?

Direct results of a fire related tragedy

What is the best way for a fire fighter to address safety concerns with his or her supervisor?

Discuss the issue in a manner that does not question the supervisor's authority.

What are the "E's of prevention"?

Education, engineering, enforcement

What are the four components in a proactive approach to preventing unsafe acts?

Education, engineering, environment, enforcement

What is the key to the success or failure of crew resource management?

Effective communication

When choosing the most appropriate type of grant to apply for, fire department leaders should consider what aspects?

Eligibility, grant priorities, and sustainability

What type of program might a supervisor recommend to a subordinate who wants assistance with quitting tobacco products?

Employee Assistance Program

What is the key to effective incident scene accountability?

Ensure crews and supervisors continually practice with the system. *Both A and B Ensure every member complies with accountability policies.

What is the first step to improve safety at violent incidents?

Establish exactly what the responders' job description is.

What is the first step in ensuring that any research conducted is accurate?

Establishing the requirements for data collected

Which component of close call reporting allows the reporter to describe the event using his or her own words?

Event description

Who is responsible for safety?


From which website can an individual find and download the Life Safety Resource Kit?

Everyone Goes Home

What National Fire Academy program is designed to provide senior fire officers with a broad perspective on various facets of fire and emergency services administration?

Executive Fire Officer Program

What is the biggest mistake that can be made when trying to improve organizational accountability with no-fault management?

Failure to communicate a potential problem

True or false? Situational awareness is possible when responders are unfamiliar with the event.


True or false? Studies show that stress usually increases mistakes in decision making.


What federal order created the rules for credentialing?

Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 201

NFPA 1500 is the Standard for:

Fire Department Health and Safety

Which Assistance to Fire Fighters Grant program specifically provides funding for the construction of a new fire station or the remodeling of an existing one?

Fire Station Construction Grant

A system of grading used by the fire insurance industry to establish insurance rates is known as the:

Fire Suppression Rating System.

Which organization promotes higher education to enhance the recognition of fire and emergency services as a profession?

Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education

Why do periods of inactivity and nonemergency calls result in low morale of fire fighters?

Fire fighters may feel underutilized.

As of June 2013, which program was responsible for distributing more than $30 million to the fire service?

Fireman's Fund Heritage Program

What type of fire and life safety education would most benefit athletic coaches?

First aid and CPR

What type of system uses digital photos and map data to create three-dimensional maps with different layers?

Geographic information system

What is the term used to describe an individual, organization, or governmental unit receiving a grant?


Who is responsible for introducing a theory linking unsafe acts to fatalities in the workplace?

H. W. Heinrich

A chemical extinguishing agent that is no longer being produced due to its adverse effects on the environment is:


What is a sure way to undermine an investigation?

Have predetermined views and opinions about the investigation.

In 2003, the National Volunteer Fire Council created a program designed to improve the health, fitness, and nutrition of all emergency responders. What is this program called?

Heart-Healthy Fire Fighter Program

Practicing drills that cover the basic operations in which every fire fighter needs to be proficient is one way to prepare fire fighters for which type of events?

High frequency, low risk

When presenting a message about smoke detectors to preschoolers, what should be the main objective of the presentation?

How to recognize the noise made by a smoke detector and what to do if they hear it

What is typically considered to be the weakest link in emergency incident decision making?

Human decision

What is one way that manufacturers could assist fire departments in improving safety?

Identify how they involve safety in their design process

What is the first step in creating a safety culture?

Identify the department's current culture.

What is the first step in creating a safe worksite?

Identify the existing hazards.

What is a good rule of thumb for determining whether or not a fire fighter should be wearing a high-visibility vest?

If you do not have an air pack on, you should be wearing a vest.

According to statistics, what is the most common cause of fatality-related fires?

Improper disposal of smoking materials

After a fire fighter completes initial training, what type of training occurs while on the job?


Which component of close call reporting identifies the contributing and environmental factors involved in the event?

Incident information

Which of the following would most likely fall under Series 2 policies?

Incident safety officers

What is another common term for "near-miss"?

Incident with potential

What are the two types of therapeutic communications most appropriate for emergency responders?

Individual therapy and group therapy

Which Life Safety Initiative states, "National standards for emergency response policies and procedures should be developed and championed"?

Initiative 11

Which Life Safety Initiative calls for the development of national protocols for response to violent incidents?

Initiative 12

Which Life Safety Initiative promotes the importance of utilizing available technology wherever it can produce higher levels of health and safety?

Initiative 8

Which Life Safety Initiative seeks to thoroughly investigate all fire fighter fatalities, injuries, and near-misses?

Initiative 9

What is one way in which the fire service could see a substantial reduction in injuries?

Insist on perfection during training exercises

What is one way a department can enable fire fighters to protect their hearing?

Install wall dispensers for earplugs.

What term is used to imply that the incident command system is utilized in both policy and practice?


Two organizations working toward the goal of standardizing both accreditation and certification are:

International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) and ProBoard.

One of the most pressing components of communication is:


What is the advantage of having a definition section in standard operating procedures?

It ensures consistency in application of the procedure.

What is the first thing to remember about personal accountability?

It is a personal decision.

What is the primary reason that technology is flawed?

It is designed by humans.

What are the responsibilities of an Incident Safety Officer on the scene of an emergency incident?

Judge the risks involved. Collect information about the scene. Analyze the hazards and opportunities. * All of the above

When does demobilization typically occur?

Just before emergency crews are released from the scene

What is the most advanced type of problem solving used by fire fighters?

Knowledge-based problem solving

What is one of the biggest complaints of employees in any profession?

Lack of accountability

What can be considered as one of the greatest problems with the advancement of the fire service?

Lack of available hard data

According to Life Safety Initiative 1 of the Everyone Goes Home Program, what element should be incorporated in adopting a safety culture?

Leadership, management, and supervision

Which component of close call reporting encourages the reporting individual to make suggestions to ensure that similar events do not occur again?

Lessons learned

Which level of the leverage points system uses the event description in an attempt to eliminate the obvious cause of a near-miss?

Level 1

Which level of the leverage points system seeks to provide a safety net so that if an incident occurs, an injury is prevented?

Level 2

What near-miss reporting concept helps to designate different levels of protection, such as protecting against contributing factors and developing an emergency plan?

Leverage points

Target hazards such as grain silos, nuclear plants, and hospitals are an example of what type of event?

Low frequency, high risk

Changes in fire departments often originate with whom?

Lower ranking fire fighters

_______ tend to build on data and successes gained from short-term projects.

Medium-term goals

Which risk management strategy seeks to reduce the likelihood of an event occurring?

Mitigation of the risk

What is the difference between a plot plan and normal worksite drawings?

More strategic planning is involved in the plot plan.

Where is glycogen stored in the body?

Muscles and liver

Which NFPA standard requires participants of a live fire training evolution to do a complete walk-through of the training structure?

NFPA 1403

Which NFPA document is the Standard on Emergency Services Incident Management System?

NFPA 1561

What NFPA standard states that fire fighters need "to be medically and physically fit in order to perform the required tasks"?

NFPA 1583

Which NFPA standard covers the rehabilitation process for members during emergency operations and training?

NFPA 1584

Which NFPA standard covers the organization and deployment of fire suppression operations, emergency medical operations, and special operations to the public by career fire departments?

NFPA 1710

Where can a fire fighter find information on steps to follow and tips to use in an effort to increase the use of a risk-benefit model?

NIOSH Alerts

Publishers of fire training materials use the ________ standards to develop the texts, curricula, and supplemental training aids they produce for the fire service.

National Fire Protection Association

Which organization is responsible for training fire fighters and EMTs to become Child Passenger Safety Technicians?

National Highway Transportation Safety Administration

A declaration of __________ compliance affirms that the organization's membership has been trained to specific levels and the command system's use is institutionalized.

National Incident Management System

Using fire fighter fatality reports from the ________ is a great way to forecast the next fire fighter fatality.

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

Which organization uses scientific research methods to prove or dismiss what fire fighters believe to be true?

National Institute of Standards and Technology

What term is used to describe an event that had the potential for serious consequences but avoided catastrophe?


Changes that will have no impact on the budget of the department would fall under which category of the NFPA 1500 compliance checklist?

No effort

Which type of management is based on the principle that management is responsible for both the successes and the failures of the organization?

No-fault management

According to the NFPA, what type of water pressure is needed to meet the hydraulic needs of residential sprinklers?

Normal pressure of the municipal water system

What type of information is considered factual, comparable, and statistical?


What type of change tends to encourage the most resistance?

Obligatory change

Advancing on a fire in an attempt to extinguish it as quickly as possible is an example of what type of incident strategy?


How does spending nonemergency time practicing a culture of safety affect the operations of a fire fighter on an emergency scene?

Operating safely becomes second nature.

Which level of tiered training is considered to be the level to which all fire fighters and EMTs should be trained?


Incident safety officer training should begin at which level of safety training?

Operations level

What is the primary cause of apparatus and personally owned vehicle crashes according to most National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health reports?

Operator error

According to NFPA 13D, which type of sprinkler head will not discharge until temperatures rise to a minimum of 135°F?

Ordinary temperature-rated head

_____________ involves everyone working together to achieve the vision and mission of the organization.

Organizational accountability

What is the most commonly used term to describe how much oxygen a person can take in and use?

Oxygen uptake

Which type of accountability system uses a Velcro-type fastening system to attach tags containing personal information onto an assignment board?

Passport system

What is a beneficial way to prepare for specific dangers that could be encountered during an incident involving a target hazard?

Perform preplanning activities and walk-throughs of the target hazard.

What is the first step in evaluating concerns versus the cost of purchasing new safety equipment?

Perform research about safety benefits the product might offer

Which of the following is a credentialing system used by some federal employees and contractors that utilizes a smart card containing an electronically embedded chip?

Personal identification verification

What does the acronym PAR stand for?

Personnel accountability report

______ are specific clarifications and extensions of the mission statement that illustrate the beliefs of the organization.


What is the main difference between policies and procedures?

Policies explain why something is done; procedures explain how something is done

Which section of a standard operating procedure or guideline explains the rationale of why it was written?


What is an effective way to address emergency scene safety concerns when an important task has been overlooked?

Politely request to complete the task

What is generally considered the most severe form of acute stress?

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Which stress-related disorder causes an individual to experience flashbacks to a traumatic event, changes in eating and sleeping habits, and bad dreams?

Post-traumatic stress disorder

What are the core components of critical incident stress management?

Preincident, incident response, and postincident

What is a continuing problem in the fire service regarding the use of self-contained breathing apparatus?

Premature removal during overhaul and investigation operations

Which classification of psychological trauma would be experienced by someone who witnesses a traumatic event occur?


What are the two classifications of psychological trauma victims?

Primary and secondary

What type of foundation provides a great resource for grants that will affect a significant number of people?


Which section of a standard operating procedure or guideline should demonstrate the steps necessary to achieve the goal of the policy and expand on the responsibilities?


What are the three specific ways in which partnerships can be utilized to ensure successful projects?

Project management, funding, and personnel

Utilizing global positioning systems (GPS), vehicles of the future may be able to communicate or relay messages back and forth. How will this benefit emergency vehicles?

Provides the ability to warn other drivers of an emergency vehicle approach

What firefighting task is one of the most exertive duties on the fireground and typically takes place later in structural fires, when fatigue has already set in?

Pulling the ceiling

What should the first component of a policy or guideline discuss?


What is the term used to describe the managing agent of a specific utility?


Information collected from surveys or questionnaires is considered to be what type of data?


Which type of data accounts for the feelings and opinions of people?


What type of research uses interviews and opinions as the basis to prove a need?

Qualitative research

Which type of data consists of hard numbers?


What type of research uses a hypothesis supported with hard numbers to prove its validity?

Quantitative research

An advanced military simulator used for combat training is called the:


When should the identification of unsafe acts first be addressed in the career of a fire fighter?

Recruit training

Which blood cells are primarily responsible for carrying oxygen?

Red blood cells

Which type of grant has been used by the medical and technological industries in an effort to find medical cures and solve industry-wide problems?

Research and education

Which section of a standard operating procedure or guideline is intended to explain who is responsible for acting on the policy and what specific action he or she should take?


What is one major difference between responsibility and accountability?

Responsibility is assigned to you by a supervisor.

Which of the following would most likely fall under Series 1 policies?

Risk management

What action should be taken once risks have been identified?

Risks should be analyzed based on their threat to the operation.

From a fire and life safety perspective, what type of information should always be included in press releases from incidents?

Safety information

Which of the following is considered to be a nerve agent?

Sarin gas

Parents and teachers attending a fire and life safety presentation for kindergarteners would be an example of what type of audience?

Secondary audience

What term is used to describe a group of people who, although not a primary target of a fire and life safety education program, are likely to be in attendance?

Secondary audience

What major catastrophic event brought the significance of first responder credentialing to the forefront of emergency service needs?

September 11 attack on the Pentagon

A policy or procedure that could be applicable to virtually any fire and emergency service organization is a __________ policy.

Series 1

Under a National Response Standards system, which level of policy would most benefit fire departments that provide emergency medical care while awaiting an ambulance from a third-party service for transport?

Series 1

Which category of standard procedures would apply to a smaller audience of responders and would act as a template for organizations to develop a proven but applicable procedure?

Series 2

Which type of policy or procedure could serve as a template for adoption by most fire and emergency service organizations?

Series 2

A policy or procedure used for specialized incidents that may be applicable to some fire and emergency service organization is a _________ policy.

Series 3

Specialized standard operating procedures that are unique to a small number of organizations fall under which national response standards category?

Series 3

The risk identification method used by the U.S. Coast Guard is known as the:

Severity, Probability, Exposure Model.

What three terms describe the U.S. Coast Guard's risk management tool for assigning a numeric value to the three components of a risky task?

Severity, probability, exposure

What is one of the first physiological signs of cardiovascular problems?

Shortness of breath

__________ is a term used to describe the recognition of an individual's location, the surrounding atmosphere, the equipment being utilized, and the evolution of an incident.

Situational awareness

Under crew resource management, problem solving can be completed using what three methods?

Skills, rules, and knowledge

The purchase of a fit testing machine would fall under which category of the NFPA 1500 compliance checklist?

Some effort

Which of the following would most likely fall under Series 3 policies?

Specialized operations teams

Which grant is available for fire departments that have the facilities but have been unable to provide the personnel needed to protect their community?

Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response grant

What individual in the incident command system would be assigned the duties of assembling strike teams, documentation supplies, and communication equipment?

Staging area manager

Which of the following standards does NFPA 1582 represent?

Standard on Comprehensive Occupational Medical Program for Fire Departments

What types of departmental documents create templates that include the risk versus benefit in all decisions?

Standard operating procedures

What are the accepted ways to ensure consistency, effectiveness, and professionalism in emergency response organizations?

Standard operating procedures and standard operating guidelines

Once a hypothesis has been identified and recorded, what is the next step in continuing research?

Start collecting data

Which grant program would most likely provide funding for seat belt compliance or teen driving safety programs?

State Farm Insurance Safety Grants

According to the NFPA, what was the main cause of fire fighter line-of-duty deaths in 2009?

Stress or overexertion

What can be considered the last line of defense for a fire fighter

Structural firefighting gear

What is one of the most common ways to calculate your maximum heart rate (MHR)?

Subtract your age from 220.

What is one of the main problems associated with low-frequency, high-risk events?

Such events can escalate out of control.

In the future, it may be possible to appoint an individual who would monitor the location and medical status of interior fire attack crews. What will this individual be called?

Supervisor of tracking employee resources (SOTER)

Which branch of the nervous system is responsible for the "fight or flight" response?


What type of risk management involves choosing operational methods to meet the strategic goals that have been established?


What is the main component of a safety culture?

Taking responsibility for our own safety

What does the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) report as one of the most prevalent vehicles for fire fighter injuries and death?

Tanker (water tender)

Which level of tiered training is the level at which individuals have been highly trained and are proficient in all phases of installation?


What is the most significant threat of violence to emergency responders?


What is the term used to describe the act of bringing fear to a group of people, usually through violence, destruction, injury, or death?


What does Life Safety Initiative 10 call for regarding grant programs in the fire service?

That all fire service grant programs require safe practices by the organization in order to be eligible

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, what must a person first believe in order to achieve self-actualization?

That he or she is safe

The Everyone Goes Home campaign is responsible for developing which of the following fire service programs?

The 16 Life Safety Initiatives

A coalition, a champion, and careful planning are all components of which project management model?

The Champion Model

What is considered to be a benefit of utilizing training simulations?

The ability to train in a safe and controlled environment

Where do many safety designs for emergency apparatus originate?

The automobile industry

When conducting research, what must be done after all data have been received?

The data must be analyzed.

What is one advantage of utilizing a professional counselor versus group therapy?

The discreetness of the session can allow for uninhibited communication

Which of the following are components of a job performance requirement?

The equipment and other materials needed to complete the task *All of the above A specific task to be completed An assessment parameter used to ensure competency and consistency

What do job performance requirements describe?

The performance required to accomplish a specific duty

If you make a mistake on the fire scene, when is the best time to explain the reasons for your actions?

The postincident critique

What aspect of terrorist attacks is especially hazardous to emergency responders?

The presence of secondary devices

If the fire chief's decision to close a company or station results in the department failing to respond to an emergency in a timely manner, who is the fire chief held accountable to?

The public/community

What does Life Safety Initiative 9 seek to improve?

The way we learn from line-of-duty deaths, injuries, and near-misses

What must applicants demonstrate in order to receive the highest consideration for being successful in the Assistance to Fire Fighters Grant program?

Their request will have a direct effect on life safety.

What is a disadvantage of using the Internet to spread information and solicit opinions?

There is a relative lack of accountability

Why do many people feel residential sprinklers should not be mandatory?

They believe mandatory requirements infringe upon their freedom of choice.

When fire fighters remain static regarding training and do not continue to learn new skills or build upon existing skills, what typically occurs?

They forget what they have learned.

What is a disadvantage to the location of preconnected crosslays?

They put pressurized hose lines in close proximity to the pump operator.

According to span of control rules, how many individuals can a supervisor adequately manage?

Three to seven

What is a common way that people try to circumvent personal responsibility?

Through blame

Using the same principles that nuclear plant operators employ, how might emergency responders reduce their risk of being struck by debris while on an incident scene?

Through time, distance, and shielding

Which method of training is proven to be most suitable for special topics?

Tiered training

What is the primary goal of an Employee Assistance Program?

To address and fix problems before they grow out of control

Why should firefighting gear be removed during rehabilitation?

To allow core body temperatures to decrease To allow medical personnel to check vital signs Because the gear may be contaminated with toxic chemicals *All of the above

What is the primary purpose of community or citizen emergency response teams?

To assist the fire department in large-scale emergencies

What is the primary purpose of secondary devices?

To attack emergency responders

Why might some departments suggest using lights but no sirens for emergency responses through or in an area of civil unrest?

To avoid the announcement of their arrival

What is a secondary goal of an Employee Assistance Program?

To be a component of a progressive disciplinary process

What is the primary goal of a fire and life safety education presentation?

To convince the audience to change behaviors in a manner that will make them safer

Why do heart rate and respirations increase dramatically when performing physically strenuous activities?

To deliver more oxygen to working muscles

What are postincident critiques primarily used for?

To discuss tactical effectiveness

What is the purpose of first responder authentication credentials?

To nationally standardize a credentialing system for first responders

What is the purpose of the "single share" rule in group therapy sessions?

To prevent one person from controlling the floor and discussions

What is the primary reason for thorough investigation of all injuries, fatalities, and near-misses?

To reduce the chances of future similar events

What are effective ways to increase fire protection that can occur during the preliminary or planning phases of construction?


What type of system allows an emergency vehicle to change traffic signals to green upon approach?

Traffic preemption system

What assists fire fighters in reinforcing their actions and knowledge of how to handle a given situation?


What is considered to be one of the most unclear "emergency versus nonemergency" decisions made by emergency responders?

Transport of patients to a medical facility

What is an effective way to maintain a safety culture on emergency scenes?

Treat each job with a risk versus benefit analysis.

True or false? Being personally accountable in regard to safety is a primary function of all fire service instructors.


True or false? Complex carbohydrates are considered healthier than simple carbohydrates


True or false? In order to improve personal accountability, it is important to take responsibility for the outcome of emergency calls we respond to.


True or false? It is important for officers and senior members to keep up to date on the newest technology and what it can offer.


True or false? Most fire service injuries and deaths occur in foreseeable situations on emergency scenes and preventable causes during nonemergency scenes.


True or false? One primary goal of advertising is to convince you of a need, whether you have one or not.


True or false? The potential for working with an unsafe act should be identified and planned for whenever possible.


What Occupational Safety and Health Administration rule requires visual, voice, or signal-line communication between employees in IDLH atmospheres with employees outside IDLH atmospheres?

Two-in, two-out rule

Which type of muscle fiber is generally anaerobic and uses ATP for fuel?

Type II (fast twitch

According to the NFPA, what is the primary cause of residential fires?

Unattended cooking

What term is used to describe actions by an individual that are performed in a way that could result in an injury?

Unsafe acts

What is an effective way to drill or train for situations that are difficult or impossible to replicate?

Using simulations

Oxygen uptake is commonly expressed as:

VO2 max.

Using a power saw without wearing safety glasses is an example of which unsafe act category?


What do terrorists typically use with the intent of killing or injuring as many people as possible with one strike?

Weapons of mass destruction

When are budget narratives most useful?

When trying to justify a specific purchase

During an emergency, when does our influence on safety become entirely our responsibility?

When we arrive on scene.

Which of the following are examples of complex carbohydrates?

Whole wheat bread and broccoli

What primarily feeds an emergency responder's physiological response to stress?

a and b

What makes psychological first aid different from critical incident stress management?

a and c

An occurrence with tragic results that could not be predicted or prevented is known as an:


Initiative 2 of the Everyone Goes Home Program is to enhance the personal and organizational ____________ for health and safety throughout the fire service.


Using personal __________ as a stepping stone, constant effort must be put forth until safety is a normal part of daily operations.


A department that is willing to cooperate with any outside investigation shows organizational:


Utilizing a system to track the identification, location, and function of all crews on a fireground is known as incident scene:


A person who is held liable for completing a specific duty is considered to be:


Fire sprinklers are considered to be ______ devices, which can take tangible steps to stop a fire.


A form of fire protection that extinguishes fire is known as:

active fire protection.

What types of injuries are produced when a specific event causes an immediate injury, such as a burn or a laceration?


Every fire service organization should adopt the policy of ______ residential sprinkler systems


According to NFPA 1583, the five components of a fitness evaluation should include flexibility, muscular endurance, body composition:

aerobic capacity, and muscular strength.

The term used to describe metabolism in the presence of adequate oxygen is:


A learning area defined by Benjamin Bloom as involving feelings and values is known as the ________ domain.


A critique, hot wash, or debriefing after an incident or training is referred to as the:

after action review.

According to Alcoholics Anonymous, what are some of the symptoms of alcoholism?

all of the above

In what ways is NFPA 13D much easier to comply with than NFPA 13?

all of the above

What reasons do the building/construction industry cite for its opposition to residential sprinklers?

all of the above

What types of events can trigger a riot?

all of the above

Which of the following is a reason that fire fighters have been willing to expand the prevention message beyond fire safety?

all of the above

Why should fire departments be involved with plan reviews for new buildings in their district?

all of the above

The term used to describe metabolism without the presence of adequate oxygen is:


Which biological agent was distributed via U.S. mail in 2001?


The NFPA creates standards for equipment, _______, and personnel.


A type of research with a finished product or use as a goal is known as:

applied research

When developing a fire and life safety program, it is important to take into consideration the:

audience and atmosphere.

A piece of equipment that sends a signal when a predetermined criterion is met is known as a(n):

automatic distress signal unit.

Although safety can be retrofitted to existing equipment, it is subject to need, cost, and:


What is the main consideration when choosing a chaplain?


The 16 Life Safety Initiatives should be introduced to employees or members at the ___________ level of safety training.


Training at an introductory level that identifies basic principles and risks is considered to be a level of:


The term used to describe a generation of people born between 1946 and 1964 is:

baby boomers.

When assessing grant priorities, the lowest priority is typically assigned to ________ or new programs.

backup/reserve equipment

The three different types of thermal imaging technology are vanadium oxide sensors, amorphous silicon sensors, and ____________ sensors.

barium strontium titanate

Any form of protection in place to reduce the chance of injury if an event occurs is known as a(n)


Using a _________ assumes that an event will occur again and that protective measures must be taken.


What type of chemical agent is mustard gas considered to be?

blister agent

Which industry has historically been one of the biggest forces of resistance to the addition of mandatory residential fire sprinklers?


The direct result of psychological stresses of responding to emergencies is often referred to as:


Organizations used to advance the occupations of their members are known as:

business organizations

If an individual has been tested by an accredited examining body on clearly identified material and found to meet a minimum standard, he or she is considered ________ on the respective subject matter.


The _________ suggests that medical patients need the same care for the best outcome, regardless of geographical location.

chain of survival

A ______________ model is the proper way to address concerns you might have regarding a specific order.

challenge and response

Every project needs to have one _____ who is responsible for overseeing the coalition.


Exposure to sirens, patient lifting, and pulling a ceiling during overhaul can all lead to a(n) _______ injury.


Asthma and emphysema are examples of:

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Research by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health classifies injuries as either:

chronic or acute.

What term is used to describe the acceptance of an event that allows an individual to move on and heal?


The organization of a ______ is a great way to link resources from other groups for an effective program.


A form of psychotherapy that uses scientific methods to help patients "unlearn" the way they react to a specific stimulus is known as:

cognitive behavioral therapy.

A radio that chooses its own frequency based on importance, quality, and availability is a:

cognitive radio.

It is important to write standard operating procedures and guidelines using __________ with a common writing style or format.

common terminology

One of the vital components of response standards is the ability to:


Talking about a near-miss incident can open up lines of ____________ about avoiding it in the future.


Churches, scouts, rotaries, and business associations are all examples of __________ that make up common audiences.

community groups

Years of fighting fires without incurring a serious injury can build up a false sense of confidence, which may result in an attitude of:


A health condition that can be caused by hypertension and leads to the buildup of fluid in the lungs is known as:

congestive heart failure.

A group of professionals working toward a solution that had not been accomplished before is referred to as a:


A valuable component of investigations is to search for and identify the actions and __________ that allowed an event to occur

contributing factors

Tertiary components of an event that may have encouraged an event to occur or worsened the outcome are referred to as:

contributing factors.

A hormone found in human saliva that may be an accurate indicator of emotional stress is:


The primary reason for not complying with any voluntary safety standard is many times directly related to the


A molecule that is stored in the muscles and can readily be converted to ATP is:

creatine phosphate.

Two of the most promising ways to stop unsafe acts are prevention methods and:

crew resource management.

An organized form of crisis intervention used to manage the stresses of critical incidents is referred to as:

critical incident stress management.

An evaluation of an incident after it occurs, specifically examining successes and areas for improvement, is known as a postincident:


The final component of defining a cultural change can be referred to as:

cultural compliance.

The values, customs, and traditions of a group of people or an organization are known as:


A _________ is likely to be scheduled several days, or up to one week, after a traumatic event.


It is important for technology to be used in conjunction with proper:

decision making.

Preset rules of engagement that dictate the next step to take based on specific benchmarks are known as:

decision points.

What piece of equipment on a common fire apparatus might law enforcement request to use for dispersing unruly crowds?

deck gun

The first step in creating a standard is to establish standard ________ for different types of emergencies.


What is the second phase of crisis intervention that occurs soon after a critical event?


Fire fighter exposure to increased ambient temperatures, a lack of ability to lose heat through convection, and physical exertion can quickly lead to:


Which type of sprinkler system is often depicted in television shows and movies as releasing water from every head in the system upon activation?


For large incidents, the first phase of crisis intervention could be:


Even though many people use alcohol to fight depression, it is classified as a:


The resting stage of the heart, also the lower number (denominator) of a blood pressure reading, is known as:


The actual cost of purchases, rentals, or other forms of compensation as components of a grant are referred to as:

direct expenses.

A radiological dispersal device that uses an explosion or other force to distribute radiation over a large area is typically called a:

dirty bomb

Investigations for fire and emergency services injuries are much more likely to result in changes in policy or procedure than:

discipline or lawsuits.

After near-misses are reported, it is vital to ______ the information.


Which type of sprinkler system would be effective in unheated areas such as attics, porches, and garages?

dry system

A legal term used to describe the professional and safe driving attitude of emergency responders as a standard of care is:

due regard.

Emergency scenes and training grounds are ______ environments that can easily cause injury or death.


The first component of Thomas J. McCoy's empowerment model is:


Violent incidents tend to pull the _______ of responders into poor risk-management decisions.


Granting permission to subordinates to exceed their normal authority in an effort to better achieve organizational goals is known as:


Speaking up and calling attention to an unsafe act or practice without asking permission to do so is an example of:


The term "going green" refers to products that are:

environmentally friendly and sustainable.

One of the most obvious ways to improve the outcome of emergency events is to improve:


A device used to record information prior to and during a crash to assist in the investigation is known as the:

event data recorder.

Programs that allow teenagers with an interest in emergency services to learn about firefighting and EMS are called:

explorer or cadet programs.

Analyzing how long or how many times rescuers are exposed to a risk is an example of assessing the ________ factor of risk.


What is the name given to a person assigned to lead a meeting, discussion, or group therapy session?


When holding a group therapy meeting, it is a good idea to have a _______, who will explain the purpose and ground rules of the meeting.


Relying exclusively on technology for our safety can set us up for:


Many line-of-duty deaths occur from _______ while working from elevated heights.


True or false? According to NFPA 13D, an individual must be certified and licensed to install residential fire sprinklers.


True or false? Fire fighters presenting fire and life safety messages should always strive to use humor and fire service jargon in their presentations.


True or false? In recent times, studies have shown that alcohol use and alcohol abuse are the same thing.


True or false? On shooting scenes, it is perfectly acceptable for an EMT to ask the victim if he has a weapon and complete a thorough pat-down of the victim in the form of a hands-on trauma assessment.


True or false? The physical activity associated with responding to emergency calls is all that is needed for a fire fighter to maintain adequate fitness.


A characteristic of no-fault management is that it seeks to expose near-misses and potential problems without _____________________ in many instances.

fear of discipline

Federal grant money for the fire service is dependent on following _______ rules and regulations.


NFPA 13 is designed for high ___ risk, and NFPA 13D is designed for high ____ risk.

fire and life

There is a direct relationship among fires, how the public reacts, and:

fire fighter safety

What is a good way to reduce the risks of fire and injury through code enforcement as well as simultaneously providing the fire department a chance to become familiar with buildings in their district?

fire inspections

A person who assists journalists in obtaining information confidentially is known as a(n):


The point at which a fire spreads very rapidly due to the simultaneous ignition of room contents is known as:


In order to create a safer working environment, the fire service's primary goal should be to

forecast what could happen

Nonprofit organizations established to fund specific needs or assist in certain geographical areas are called:


A series of tests commonly used to monitor the rehabilitation of workers is known as:

functional capacity evaluations.

A term used to describe an individual from the generation of people born between 1965 and 1985 is:

generation Xer.

A form of financial assistance used to promote a specific goal is known as a(n):


An individual, organization, or governmental unit administering and awarding a grant is referred to as the:


The Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition found that a residential sprinkler system reduces the amount of _________ gases emitted by a structural fire by 97.8 percent.


Alcoholics Anonymous is one of the best examples of which type of therapy?

group therapy

The major wave of change experienced by the fire service during the 1980s was:

hazardous materials response.

A psychological reaction to an event in which a person falsely believes he or she has predicted or forecasted the event is known as:

hindsight bias

Since standard operating procedures and standard operating guidelines typically undergo changes over time, it is important to include a ____________ when making changes.

history of revisions

A prediction of why something occurs or may occur based on scientific evidence is known as a:


Crew resource management empowers individuals to _____________ unsafe acts.

identify and prevent

Safety devices attached to immobile roadside structures or construction vehicles designed to disperse energy in the event of a crash are referred to as:

impact attenuators.

Emergency scene management at the strategic level is assessed by the:

incident commander.

A rescue strap, built into structural firefighting gear and used to drag a fire fighter in case of an emergency, is the:

integrated rescue device.

Some of the most promising forms of life safety education come in the form of _______ learning.


A system's ability to allow communications among different agencies is referred to as:


A review of an event in which fact finding provides insight as to the root cause and contributing factors with the intent of preventing future events is called a(n):


The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, used _______ as a high-yield _____ weapon.

jet fuel; explosive

Energy at work (moving or expanding) is known as _____ energy.


All training programs begin with a _______ component.


Many fire departments and emergency medical service agencies allow ______ to be the lead agency for violent incidents.

law enforcement

What term is used to describe an area located a safe distance away from an incident, preferably out of view of the incident, where emergency vehicles park while awaiting orders?

level II

Straying from NFPA standards during training programs can open up opportunities for:


When determining strategy, an incident commander should consider _______ as the first incident priority

life safety

Technology should be viewed as a vital layer of protection, but it does have:


Fatalities that are directly attributed to the duties of a fire fighter are referred to as:

line-of-duty deaths.

Managing a fire and life safety project of any size takes good _______ skills.


When writing standard operating procedures or guidelines that involve recommended practices, it is appropriate to use words such as:

may and should.

Goals should be _______ and _______, and should utilize objectives and a timeline.

measurable; attainable

The _____ is a great source for identifying hot topics, which can provide hints as to what information citizens need.


Matching an experienced and knowledgeable individual with someone who has a strong desire to learn for the purposes of increasing motivation and knowledge is known as:


The cellular process of using oxygen and glucose to create energy is referred to as:


Situational awareness can be affected by task saturation early in emergency operations, which can lead to:


The identification of ________ can be utilized to achieve job satisfaction while increasing safety.


Which of the following is an example of a blister agent?

mustard gas

Fire service leaders have been successful in getting a residential sprinkler law passed at the _________ level.


The final reason voluntary compliance can suffer is that the added level of protection is not viewed as a genuine:


One of the basic requirements of grants is to establish a:


Which NFPA standard covers the installation of sprinkler systems in one- and two-family dwellings and manufactured homes?

nfpa 13D

Which NFPA standard describes the job performance requirements of each position in the command system?


Agents used in weapons of mass destruction are categorized as chemical, biological, radiological:

nuclear, or explosive.

When writing grant narratives, it is important to remember that no procedures or tasks are addressed in the ___________ section.


NIOSH Alerts disclose new observations in regard to:

occupational illnesses, injuries, and deaths.

What month of the year is the official month of fire prevention in the United States?


According to studies in Arizona, 92 percent of fires in sprinklered homes were controlled by how many sprinkler heads?

one or two

An important aspect of overcommunication is maintaining _______________ communications.

open and honest

The _____________ level is the standard by which all fire fighters and EMTs should be trained.


Unlike needs or trends, statistics do not take _______ into account.


It is important to include ______________ training into all aspects of the fire service, including recruit training and promotional exams.

organizational accountability

The sudden inability of the heart and vascular system to meet the demands of the muscles is known as:


A system of cameras used to identify traffic congestion and adjust traffic patterns accordingly is the:

panoramic detection system.

The effectiveness of which piece of fire fighter personal protective equipment (PPE) can be seriously challenged by other sound exposures on the fireground?


A form of fire protection that alerts occupants or a monitoring station of a fire is known as:

passive fire protection.

An audible alarm and strobe lights are examples of:

passive fire protection.

It has been said that an organization is defined by the _________ who make it up.


Exercise training helps to lower blood pressure by reducing

peripheral vascular resistance

The ability of an individual to take responsibility for the present situation and to react to the circumstances without attributing faults to other factors or people is known as:

personal accountability.

A verbal or visual report to incident command or to the accountability officer regarding the status of operation crews is known as a:

personnel accountability report.

In the fire service, long periods of inactivity often lead to:

personnel issues.

What term describes the time when a home sells and will usually require an inspection or upgrade?

point of scale

One of the most important functions to perform when an emergency is over is the:

postincident critique.

Energy at rest is known as ______ energy.


A generic term used to describe the minimum apparel and gear needed to safely perform a specific duty is:


Hybrid sprinkler systems that are basically dry, but use additional technology to charge the system sooner than dry systems are known as:

preaction systems.

If an investigation does not expose root causes with contributing factors, it may not _________ the next event.


Fire investigations should be as much a part of ________ the next fire as they are finding the cause of the last one.


A(n) _____ approach to change foresees risk and takes steps to minimize it.


Utilizing near-miss information to prevent a future injury or death is a great example of being:


Failure of people involved in an incident to report potential events or evidence is known as:

problem filtering.

The ability to look for and identify the root cause and contributing factors of an incident is a skill that makes fire fighters good:

problem solvers

A course of action, sometimes with steps of how it is to be accomplished, is referred to as a:


Sprinkler advocacy consists of trade-offs and public:


Most chaplain organizations forbid chaplains to _________ emergency service members receiving counseling.


An interesting fact about a hypothesis is that it cannot be ______, only supported.


A type of psychological treatment that uses counseling as a means of healing is known as:


An individual designated to be a liaison with the media, usually at emergency incidents, is referred to as the:

public information officer.

What acronym is taught during fire extinguisher classes that provide the student with four vital actions required when discovering a fire?


A group of at least two fire fighters who are uncommitted to other duties and ready to rescue a fire fighter who declares an emergency is known as a:

rapid intervention crew.

In regard to safety issues, change can be either:

reactive or proactive.

Regarding safety issues, society is generally:


The acceptance of prior training or education from one organization or governing body by a different organization or governing body is known as:


Using templates based on mental snapshots of prior experiences to mitigate a given situation is an example of:

recognition-primed decision making.

It is important to train citizens to _______ an emergency when they witness it.


Rather than concentrating on unfavorable events, a successful near-miss program commits all its resources on:


For every piece of equipment that is replaced or improved, the mathematical chance of an injury or death is:


A term used to describe a form of communication that minimizes personal interaction is referred to as:

relative anonymity.

Although emergencies are time-sensitive, it is important for responders to work at a safe pace in order to:

remain cognizant of what is happening around them.

A method of using technology to monitor the vital signs or other physical findings of a patient outside a medical facility is known as:

remote patient monitoring.

Forceful exertion, awkward body positioning, and compression all contribute to the likelihood of a(n) ________ occurring.

repetitive motion injury

Thermal imaging cameras do not ______ good search and rescue techniques; they ______ them.

replace; enhance

What does the R represent in the acronym RACE?


Which types of institutions operate from outside the fire service and contribute greatly to fire fighter safety through proving or disproving common fire service beliefs?


Life Safety Initiative 7 identifies the need for better:


Once data are obtained, the information is of little use until it is:

researched, analyzed, and utilized.

Typically, change in the fire service is confronted with:


Civil disturbances can occur wherever people congregate, and ____ can be a danger to emergency responders.


All fire fighters need to understand ___________ and recognize when an unsafe practice is occurring.

risk management

As incidents grow in size and complexity, ________ must continually be reconsidered.

risk management

Which program was created by the NFPA as an all-hazard fire and life safety education program for children?

risk watch

It is imperative that a ___________ be built into all violent incidents through standard policies and procedures.

risk-benefit analysis

The weighing of facts by determining the advantages and disadvantages of a certain activity is known as:

risk-benefit analysis.

A piece of technology used by bomb squads to traverse rough terrain both inside and outside buildings, which could become available to the fire service, is the:


The primary cause of an event is also known as the:

root cause

Problem solving can be based on skills, knowledge, and:


Other professional industries have proven that a safety culture allows them to do their jobs more:


National response standards could improve _______ based on the type of call, the apparatus, and the personnel responding.


Rules, regulations, standards, and liability all work to ensure that _____ improves until it levels out.


A philosophy that prioritizes safety as a paramount value and relies on it to guide many of an organization's decisions is known as:

safety culture.

Some ads for firefighting equipment tend to display unsafe acts as heroic, which further erodes the fire service's:

safety culture.

A bomb or other hazard that is intended to target victims who are escaping or emergency responders who arrive to an incident is referred to as a:

secondary device

When it comes to safe equipment, procedures, and apparatus, the push for a safer design can and must come from:

several different directions.

When interpreting policies, procedures, or standards, the word _____ is considered to be a very strong word that gives little room for variance.


When writing standard operating procedures or guidelines involving safety, it is best to use strong words such as:

shall and must.

High-priority items that need to be initiated immediately are known as:

short-term goals.

When interpreting policies, procedures, or standards, the word ______ provides more leniency and flexibility in decision making.


What three distinct classifications can an effective narrative section be broken down into?

significance, objectives, procedures

Building an area that reduces the chance for injuries and mishaps from information provided by the plot plan is known as:

site preparation.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency outlines _____ specific steps for addressing risk management.


What do fire fighter injury data show as a significant cause of injuries?

slips and falls

According to the National Fire Academy, the four main causes for change include economic impacts, political impacts:

social impacts, and technological impacts.

Emergency services must consider that community events can be ____ targets for violent events.


Places of assembly, worship, and nonprofessional sporting events are considered to be

soft targets.

A radio that uses software to change frequencies rather than being restricted to the hardware installed is known as a(n):

software-defined radio.

The military is presently developing a new type of communications system called:

software-defined radio.

The number of personnel a supervisor can adequately manage or track is known as:

span of control.

A pulmonary function test that can be used to estimate oxygen uptake is called a(n) ______ test.


What is the first consideration for emergency response to a shooting event?


The care a person would expect to receive in a similar medical crisis in a similar area is known as:

standard of care

In order to accomplish a proactive safety initiative, the fire service must continually evaluate _____________ for emergencies while eliminating nonemergency mistakes.

standard procedures

An organization that creates rules for a specific industry is referred to as a:

standards developing organization.

The utilization of research and ________ can guide fire fighters when deciding what fire and life safety education programs should be instituted.


According to NFPA 1500, behavioral health assistance programs would provide the three immediate needs of emergency responders, which include assessment, basic counseling, and:

stress crisis intervention.

According to USA Today, emergency workers committing ________ are emerging as a "disturbing trend."


Whether a grant is supporting existing programs or starting new ones, almost all seek to ensure that the program is:


The pumping stage of the heart, also the higher number (numerator) of a blood pressure reading, is known as:


Two significant aspects of situational awareness in crew resource management are:

task saturation and mistakes.

A point in time when students are especially likely to receive a message and understand it is known as a:

teachable moment.

What approach to training should be taken at the fire academy level to teach solidarity and empowerment?


The major wave of change experienced by the fire service during the 1990s was:

technical rescue and public education.

The introduction of thermal imagers, laptop computers, and automated external defibrillators are examples of how ______________ are a cause for change.

technological impacts

A revision made to NFPA standards between revision dates is known as a(n)

tentative interim amendment.

Chemicals that can create future birth defects are known as:


A good hypothesis must be ______, and thus supported or disproven.


The five components required for submitting a close call are the reporter information, contact information, the event

the incident information, and lessons learned.

Vanadium oxide and amorphous silicon are forms of technology found in:

thermal imaging cameras

One of the more recent technological crossover applications from the military to the fire service is:

thermal imaging.

The release of heat that occurs as energy is converted from one form to another is known as:


Viscosity refers to the overall ________ of blood and other fluids.


Maintaining a safety culture is evidenced by management's commitment to embrace safety procedures and employees' commitment:

to safe practices even when nobody is watching.

An example of improving personal accountability is ___________ when you see something that does not make sense or is clearly wrong.

to speak up

What term describes an authority having jurisdiction permitting a variance from a certain requirement in return for an option that achieves similar goals?

trade off

Technology is most appropriately used for safety in conjunction with ________ and common sense.


One of the most popular ways of distributing lessons learned is through ________ or lectures.

training seminars

Reducing line-of-duty injuries and deaths during training could be accomplished through the use of:

training simulators.

Utilizing skills learned during training to make decisions in emergency situations is known as:

training-based decision making.

The process of learning a skill by practicing is referred to as


True or false? Many grants are used to encourage grantees to further the cause of the grantor.


True or false? Patients with medical conditions such as head injuries, diabetes, and seizures can be a risk to emergency responders.


True or false? Safety equipment or personal protective equipment is designed to be the last line of defense against injuries.


True or false? Using the word "standard" in standard operating procedures (SOP) and standard operating guideline (SOG) allows some deviation for unusual circumstances.


Fire fighters consistently top the polls in surveys as the most _______ profession.


To truly keep personnel safe, it is important to train for:

unexpected events.

It is important to keep morale high during periods of inactivity in order to prevent personnel from developing:

victim syndrome.

The desire for an individual to be portrayed as a victim, usually for esteem benefits, can be described as:

victim syndrome.

Rehabilitation efforts should include __________ to ensure that fire fighters are not working too close to their:

vital sign checks; maximum heart rate.

The very first step in making residential fire sprinklers commonplace is to convince everyone that they are not only effective, but also:

vital to life safety.

Which types of sprinkler systems are filled with pressurized water to each sprinkler head?

wet system

What term should be reserved for situations that demand complete control of the communications system?

"Emergency traffic"

Which of the following statements represents an example of hindsight bias?

"I knew that was going to happen."

What term is used to signal that a fire fighter is in danger?


Instead of passing blame, an accountable person looks at a problem and asks:

"What can I do about the situation?"

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Nurs. 120 - Ch. 9 Cultural Awareness

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