Praxis questions "National SLP Examination Review and Study Guide" Exam C

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During an intervention session, a child produces the utterance mommy go run". the child's SLP uses expansion approach to increase the complexity of the child's utterance. Which of the following statements could this SLO use in response to the child? A) mommy's going to run B) mommy's going to run to the house C) Where is mommy going? D) say "mommy is going to run"

A--An expansion (also known as a recast) is a form of experiential instruction in which the SLP provides a corrected version of a child's word or utterance. IN CONTRAST, an expatiation is when the SLP provides a corrected version of the child's word or utterance and goes beyond the chid's original meaning (i.e., B). Questioning occurs when the SLP asks follow-up questions 9C), and imitation occurs when the SLP provides a model and expects the child to replicate (D)

A child is brought into an MD's office for a comprehensive eval, with parental suspicions of ASD. Following the eval, the child is dxed with ASD, with level 1 severity in repetitive bxs. Which of the following BEST describes the bxs exhibited by the child? A) the child demonstrates difficulty switching between tasks B) the child becomes distressed when changing focus or activity C) the child's bx markedly interferes with functioning D) the child's inflexible bx is obvious to others

A--Level 1 severity of restricted, repetitive bxs reflect inflexible bxs that cause interference with fxing, difficulty switching between tasks, and problems with organization and planning. IN CONTRAST, level 2 severity reflects inflexible bxs that are obvious to the casual observer and distressed bx noted when changing focus. Finally, level 3 severity reflects difficulty in coping with change, repetitive bxs markedly interfering with fxing, and significant distress upon changing focus.

The telencephalon is the area of the brain that includes the cerebral hemispheres and receives its blood supply from a variety of different arteries. The artery that supplies most of the medial surfaces of the telencephalon is the ___________. A) anterior cerebral artery B) middle cerebral artery C) posterior cerebral artery D) anterior spinal artery

A--The telencephalon includes the cerebral hemispheres, which receive blood from the anterior, middle, and posterior cerebral arteries. The anterior cerebral artery branches off from the internal carotid artery and feeds the cerebral hemispheres starting in the area of the optic chiasm, which can be found in the medial portions of the hemispheres. IN CONTRAST, the middle cerebral artery supplies blood to a majority of the lateral cerebral hemispheres. The posterior cerebral artery supplies blood ito the posterior cerebral hemispheres, including the occipital lobes. Finally, the anterior spinal artery supplies blood to the anterior spinal cord and posterior cerebellum.

A typically developing 4th grade reads grade-level single words accurately and promptly. Her spelling is appropriate for her grade level. When she reads aloud a passage from her English LA textbook, her reading, while accurate, is extremely slow and halting. When the SLP asks this client questions that assess her understanding of what she has read, she formulates her responses clearly and accurately. The client's text-level reading difficulty suggests problems with ____________. A) reading fluency B) orthographic memory for letter patterns C) rules for orthographic-phonological association D) underlying vocabulary skills

A--This student is demonstrating adequate automaticity, as she is able to accurately and quickly read ind. words. However, because she has difficulty with reading of connected text, she is presenting with problems in reading fluency. Fluent reading reflects appropriate rhythm, intonation and syntactic chunking, all of which would be affected in this student's slow, halting, oral reading.

A child has been dx with a cognitive disability with "expected associated language difficulties." Using this information, what should be targeted in this child's intervention sessions? A) complex sentence structure and increasing relative clauses B) pragmatic communication and increasing vocab C) phonological memory and increasing attention span D) simple sentence structure and increasing sight word recognition

A--children with cog disabilities generally sow delayed morphological development due to their tendency to use less complex sentences and fewer relative clauses. By targeting these language structures through intervention, these children can make improvements in both syntax and morphology. While there are semantic deficits associated with cog. disability, they tend to be deficits in understanding abstract vocab, rather than vocab aquisition.

An SLP in an OP clinic has recently been given a new pt to their caseload. The pt's medical records reveal that the pt is experiencing aphasia with limb apraxia. Which tx scenario would be MOST helpful for this pt? A) work on nonverbal communication using Amerind B) focus on reducing paraphasias and improving word-finding C) focus of tx program is to improve agrammatism D) person being tx has mixed nonfluent aphasia and the tx plan will include a trial of voluntary control of involuntary utterances

A--limb apraxia is likely to affect an individual's ability to perform manual gestures to command. Of the scenarios presented, only working on nonverbal communication requires the production of manual gestures using the tx method Amerind. While limb apraxia might affect performance within the other tx programs, the plans are all focused on the remediation of verbal expression which is less likely to be affected by limb apraxia.

Z's parent speaks to him with exaggerated speech, short utterances and heightened inflections. They are showing _________________. A) motherese B) bootstrapping C) word-learning biases D) frequent exposure to television

A--motherese refers to the universally observed style of adjusting speech patterns in interacting with very young children. IN CONTRAST, bootstrapping refers to use of language to infer the meaning of unknown vocabulary words. Finally, word-learning biases help children determine what referent is being labeled during early word learning

An audiologist has recently completed an audiologic eval on a pt. During the eval, the audiologist utilized instrumentation that allowed determination of the severity of the pt's hearing loss as well as the type of HL the pt is experiencing. Which means of eval did this audiologist utilize in working with this pt. A) pure-tone audiometry B) tympanometry C) acoustic reflex testing D) speech audiometry

A--pure-tone audiometry refers to a form of eval that determines the severity of a HL and provided info to help dx the type of HL (i.e., conductive, sensorineural, or mixed). IN CONTRAST, tympanometry evaluates middle ear integrity, specifically, tympanic membrane mobility and middle ear pressure. Acoustic reflex testing assesses the neural pathways. Finally, speech audiometry cross-checks the validity of pure-tone threshold results and quantifies suprathreshold speech recognition abilities.

A child with speech sound problems has recently been dxed with a speech sound dx, characterized by difficulty producing interdental and alveolar fricatives. Which of the following speech sounds would this child demonstrate difficulty producing? A) /f/ and /h/ B) /th/ and /s/ C) /z/ and /ch/ D) /th/ and /b/


A pt recently admitted to an acute rehab hospital is presenting with hoarse vocal quality following spinal surgery. After an SLP consult, the pt reports he believes his vocal quality has changed since the surgery and that it is beginning to affect his self-perception. Following comprehensive voice assessment, the SLP notes that the pt is presenting with mild vocal fold edema, most likely caused by intubation during surgery. Which of the following approaches is the most appropriate for the SLO to take with this pt? A) introduce a vocal fx exercise regimen B) introduce vocal hygiene principles C) introduce LSVT D) introduce AAC


S is an elderly gent with severe flaccid dysarthria and right hemiparesis caused by a large l hemisphere infarction. Prior to sustaining his stroke, S was declared legally blind, secondary to macular degeneration .S has been experiencing difficulty with verbal expression and has made few gains in tx. His SLP has decided to implement an AAC approach to tx in order to increase S's communicative effectiveness. Which tx approach would be MOST effective? A) augmentative device utilizing line drawings B) augmentative device utilizing auditory screening C) alphabet board supplementation D) augmentative device utilizing eye gaze system


SLP in acute care preparing pt for total larygectomy. After education regarding various forms of alaryngeal communication, the pt decides they would like to utilize form that allows most natural vocal quality that also restores spoken communication as quickly as possible. Which is the BEST option to introduce to the pt? A) electrolarynx with neck placement B) tracheoesophageal speech C) esophageal speech D) intraoral electrolarynx


If pitch contour for a vowel shows a frequency of 150 Hz at the midpoint, the frequency of the fifth harmonic at the same location will be __________. A) 500 Hz B) 750 Hz C) 1000 Hz D) 1250 Hz

B--all harmonics are integer multiples of F0. If F0=150 Hz, then H5 = 5 x 150 Hz or 750 Hz

A child is referred to an SLP in order to receive speech therapy for problems associated with velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI). In the referral notes, the SLP notices that this child demonstrates several common speech characteristics associated with VPI. Which of this child's speech characteristics would be most responsive to speech therapy? A) hypernasality B) compensatory productions C) obligatory errors D) nasal emission

B--compensatory production errors are those that occur as a response to altered anatomy (VPI, abnormal dentition...). This type of error can be improved through participation in ST, specifically utilizing articulatory placement strategies. Hypernasality, nasal emission, and obligatory errors are all problems that require surgical intervention for improvement, as no ST technique will lead to a change in these conditions.

S is an SLP working in a public school. She has been asked to evaluate a child to better understand her current level of linguistic functioning. S decides to use a curriculum-based assessment to evaluate this child's linguistic competency. Which of the following statements BEST describes the design of this type of assessment? A) measures linguistic skill with modifications or support put in place B) measures linguistic skill in order to select targets to improve daily living C) measures the impact of a linguistic disorder on daily living D) measures linguistic skill with no comparison to other students

B--curriculum-based assessment is designed to measure the extent to which a child's communication disorder impacts academic functioning in order to select linguistic targets that improve daily functioning. Progress on these targets should be monitored over the course of instruction. IN CONTRAST, dynamic assessment is designed to assess linguistic skills with modifications or supports. Ecological assessment is designed to measure the extent to which a child' communication disorder impacts daily living. Finally, criterion-referenced assessment is designed to measure specific linguistic skill with no comparison to other students.

B is a young child with a severe cognitive deficit. B's SLP is beginning to formulate a tx plan for intervention and would like to focus on them MOST FX tx targets during intervention. What should be targeted during B's tx sessions? A) complex sentence structures B) recreational vocab C) phonological memory D) joint attention skills

B--most children with cog deficits will learn to use some language, although normalization of lang skills may not be the most appropriate expectation in these cases. Fx language goals are the most appropriate tx target, which may include focusing tx on a limited language repertoire. B is still relatively young, the most fx goal may be initially targeting vocab surrounding her fav recreational activities. Other fx tasks include understanding of diff syntactic structures and understanding useful vocab for the child's activities of daily living.

An elderly man arrives at an audiology clinic with complaints of HL. After complete eval, the audiologist dx the pt with a symmetric mild to moderate sensorineural HL. Which of the following conditions is affecting this pt? A) otosclerosis B) presbycusis C) ototoxicity D) otitis media

B--presbycusis refers to HL associated with aging. As this pt is an elderly man complaining of JL, and the audiologist did not discover another organic cause of this pt's loss, he is likely experiencing presbycusis. IN CONTRAST, otosclerosis refers to stiffening of the ossicles in the middle ear, ototoxicity refers to environmental toxins or pharmaceutical agents causing hearing impairment, and otitis media refers to a middle ear effusion

An SLP at an acute rehab hospital is schedueled to eval a newly admitted pt with a dx of flaccid dysarthria. Follwoing a comprehensive speech eval, the SLP notes that the pt demonstrates sig hypernasality secondary to poor velum mobility and makes recommendations for prosthodontist consult. Which of the following prosthetic devices would be MOST appropriate for use with this pt? A) speech bulb B) palatal lift C) palatal obturator D) palatal expander

B--the palatal lift device is recommended for use with pts who have poor velar mobility, such as the pt in this scenario. The palatal obturator (used to close/occlude an open cleft or fistula) and speech bulb (used to occlude the nasopharynx when the velum is short) would not be an appropriate choice for this pt, due to the nature of their dx.

While performing a MBSS, the SLP discovers that the pt is experiencing premature spillage into the pharyngeal cavity, where the bolus sits for many seconds before being swallowed. Which part of the swallow is this pt having difficulty with? A) hyolaryngeal elevation B) initiation of the swallow C) anterior-posterior movement D) bolus formation

B--the swallow is typically initiated when the bolus head reaches the faucial pillars (in younger adults) or the back of the tongue (in older adults). If the bolus is spilling into the pt's pharyngeal cavity prior to hyolaryngeal elevation and excursion, the pt is experiencing difficulty with initiating swallowing.

34-year-old has been referred to an OOP voice center with a presenting problem of excessively high pitch. After complete eval, the SLP is unable to find any structural or physiological deficits in this pt's voice mech, and the pt is dx with puberphonia. Which of the following are appropriate tx methods to use with this pt? A) vocal fx exercises and resonant voice tx B) circumlaryngeal massage ad hard glottal attacks C) pitch glides D) straw phonation

B--when a pt is experiencing puberphonia, tx is focused on production and maintenance of a habitually lower pitch. Utilization of circumlaryngeal massage and/or hard glottal attacks have been found to be effective in lowering pitch in puberphonic pts. Continued practice with t he newly established lower pitch is critical for these pts, as they may not immediately identify with their voices. While a psychological referral may be necessary for pts who demonstrate puberphonia, vocal fx exercises, resonant voice therapy, pitch glides and semi-occluded vocal tract tasks do not help the presenting problem of excessively high pitch. As such, these intervention methods are contraindicated in this population.

Inspiration during quiet breathing involves contraction of the diaphragm which _____________________. A) increases the volume of the thoracic cavity and causes pressure in the lungs to increase B) increases the volume of the thoracic cavity and causes pressure in the lungs to decrease C) decreases the volume of the thoracic cavity and causes pressure in the lungs to increase D) decreases the volume of the thoracic cavity and causes pressure in the lungs to decrease

B--when the diaphragm contracts, it pulls downward toward the abdominal cavity, increasing the volume of the thoracic cavity, where the lungs are housed. According to Boyle's law, as volume increases, pressure decreases. Ths, if the volume of the thoracic cavity increases, the pressure in the lungs decreases, which is the main drive behind inspiration.

5-yr-old brought by parents for full speech and hearing eval. After completion of eval, SLP notices child produces the words /bo/ for boat, /fish/ for fish, "cu" for "cup", "do" for "dog", and "sun" for "sun" Which of the following best describes this child's speech pattern? A) affrication of medial fricatives B) fronting of initial fricatives C) final consonant deletion of stops D) initial consonant deletion of nasals


A is a paraprofessional who has been working with a young child with ASD. Recently, A has found that the child's language skills have been lagging behind those of his peers. A has contacted the school's SLP in order to procure expert advice on what she can do to aid the child's linguistic development in the classroom. What role has the SLP taken in an endeavor to help A? A) instructor B) interventionist C) consultant D) collaborator


An SLP as a SNF has been asked by a nurse to perform a swallowing eval on an elderly pt with whom they have been working. The SLP knows that there are multiple, typical changes to the swallow as one ages, but which of the following would still be considered an ABNORMAL result from the exam? A) increased duration of the swallow B) reduction in smell/taste C) increased presence of aspiration D) lower salivary flow


An infant is being raised in a home with English-speaking parents, one of whom also speaks German. The parents have decided that they would like to expose their child to both the English and German language while the child grows up. Which of the following BEST describes this scenario? A) successive bilingualism B) simultaneous biculturalism C) simultaneous bilingualism D) generative biculturalism


Following a very successful intervention session, in which Annie produced 95% of targeted utterances correctly, her SLP implements a subsequent motivational event. Which therapy component BEST describes this situation. A) the SLP delivers feedback to Annie regarding her productions B) the SLP models appropriate productions for Annie C) the SLP presents Annie with a sticker for appropriate productions D) the SLP allows Annie to play with a board game before therapy


Pediatricians, preschool teachers and parents often wonder if a child who is showing disfluencies should be evaluated and when. The usual rule of thumb about SLP assessment for stuttering is "the earlier the better". Evaluation should NOT be delayed if the __________________. A) child is totally unaware of disfluencies B) parent reports that someone in the family stuttered C) child is evidencing secondary bxs of stuttering D) child is ready to begin preschool

C--If the child is beginning to exhibit secondary bxs that evidence struggle, then it is a good time for referral. The SLO can help the family and referral source determine the appropriate course of tx, if indicated. While family hx is a risk factor, it is less critical for determining need for referral than are secondary bxs or the child' s educational or social situation.

To check jitter and shimmer in a voice, the SLP should record the speaker ____________. A) in a brief, natural conversation B) reading a short, phonetically balanced passage C) producing a vowel with a sustained pitch D) producing a vowel with a rising and falling pitch contour

C--Jitter and shimmer are cycle-to-cycle variations in frequency and amplitude that reflect the degree of regularity of vocal fold vibration. To examine jitter and shimmer the recording should be a sustained vowel, so that voluntary changes in frequency and amplitude are not misinterpreted as jitter and shimmer

What would the SLP expect to observe if comparing amplitude spectra for a sinusoid and periodic complex sound? A) the sinusoid has evenly spaced lines, while the periodic complex sound has irregularly spaced lines B) the sinusoid has irregularly spaced lines, while the periodic complex sound has evenly spaced lines C) the sinusoid has only one line, while the complex periodic sound has more than one line D) the sinusoid has lines that are all the same amplitude, while the complex periodic sound has lines of different amplitudes

C--a sinusoid contains only one frequency. It therefore has only a single line on a spectrum. A complex sound contains multiple frequencies, and therefore contains more than one line. Since this is a complex periodic sound, the lines are evenly spaced

An SLP is addressing the agrammatism of a person with aphasia 9in the tx plan. A tx goal to address this aspect of the disorder would be __________________. A) working on lexical retrieval of single nouns B) assessing writing abilities to dictation C) working on correct noun-verb agreement D) addressing the motor speech difficulties associated with AOS

C--agrammatism refers to difficulty when producing and comprehending the grammatical aspects of language inherent in word morphology and syntax. Therefore, tx of agrammatism addresses grammatical abilities such as noun-verb agreement and the use of functor words like prepositions, articles and auxiliary verbs

An SLP is completing a study to prove that two differnt tx approaches provide differing amt of progress in persons with aphasia. She would like to utilize a a strict statistical test in order to prove significance between the amounts of progress. Which of the following would be the BEST method for this SLP to utilize in the data analysis? A) one-tailed test B) meta-analysis C) two-tailed test D) Cochran Q test

C--because the SLP has developed a nondirectional hypothesis (i.e., there will be differing amts of progress between the 2 interventions), they may utilize a 2-tailed statistical test. Additionally, the 2-tailed stats are stricter than one-tailed and most researchers utilize these tests to help prove significance.

Which teaching strategies are MOST consistent with a so-called top-down approach to reading instruction. A) teaching of grapheme-phoneme skills B) instruction in decoding and spelling words containing the six syllable types C) teaching children how to use context to infer the pronunciation of words that they cannot decode D) teaching children how to recognize and pronounce high-frequency roots and affixes

C--in top-down instruction, approaches to reading and/or writing emphasize exposure to authentic literature and leveraging of discourse contexts. By having the student engage in reading unfamiliar words through contextual guessing, the student is gaining experience with reading through authentic means. The other answers for this question include portions of a bottom-up instruction progression, which includes phonological awareness, grapheme-phoneme relationships, syllable structure recognition, morphological analysis , and text level decoding fluency

Neurotransmitters are chemicals in the brain that are important in sending neural signals between adjacent neurons. The BEST description of a neurotransmitter release is that it ___________________. A) excites neighboring cells B) excites neighboring cells only if it binds with a receptor and causes a channel opening C) excites or inhibits neighboring cells if it binds with a receptor and causes a channel opening D) inhibits neighboring cells

C--neurotransmitters are chemicals that are released from neurons that help with neural signals transmission. Neurotransmitters can have one of two functions: excitatory or inhibitory. Excitatory neurotransmitters help continue the propagation of the neural signal, whereas inhibitory neurotransmitters slow or cancel that propagation of the neural signal.

C is a typically developing 2-yr-old girl. Which of the following semantic structures would she MOST likely demonstrate? A) declarative sentences and contracted forms B) gestures and phonological process suppression C) relational terms and interrogative terms D) derivational affixes and bound morphemes

C--relational (i.e., on, under, next to) and interrogative terms (how, what) are semantic structures that are typically developed by 24 months of age. Additional terms that are developed include temporal relationships (when, before), physical relations (big, little), and kinship terms (son, parent). Declarative sentences and contracted forms are syntactic structures, gestures are pragmatic constructs, phonological process suppression deals with phonology, and derivational affixes and bound morphemes are morphological structures

An SLP at an acute rehab hospital has just received a pt with flaccid dysarthria on their caseload. After the first session, the SLP decides that the pt may benefit from abdominal trussing. Which of the following rationales for adopting this method for this particular pt would be appropriate for the SLP to use? A) to counter inspiratory weaknesses and assist in creation of inspiratory force for the generation of subglottal pressure during inspiration B) to increase vocal fold tension leading to increased loudness and improved vocal quality C) to counter expiratory weakness an assist in creation of expiratory force for the generation of subglottal pressure during expiration D) to improve functioning of both the direct and indirect upper motor neuron pathways

C--use of abdominal trussing would most likely be sued with pt who has impairments in the respiratory subsystem. This method would be used to counter expiratory weakness and assist in the creation of expiratory force for increased subglottal pressures. Depending upon the needs of the specific pt, abdominal trussing can be used on a short-term or long-term basis.

The frequency of a periodic sound is increased by 100 Hz. What effect would this change in frequency have on the wavelength of the sound? A) there would be no change in the wavelength B) there would be an increase in wavelength C) there would be decrease in wavelength D) there would be dampening of the sound

C--wavelength is the distance traveled by a sound during a single period. This measure has an INVERSE relationship with frequency. This means that higher frequency sounds would have shorter wavelength, whereas lower frequency sounds would have a longer wavelength.

A is an SLP working in an elementary school, with a caseload comprising predominantly children with ASD. How should A structure her tx to maximize gains made by these children? A) provide parenting training once bxs have been established B) provide tx that are lengthy in duration C) provide tx that utilizes a group format D) provide tx that promotes active engagement


SLP has been working with a child who demonstrates difficulty producing /k/ in the initial and final word positions. However, the child does correctly produce the following words: /ki/, /baIk/. The SLP decides to utilize a tx method that capitalizes on these correct productions to aid in faulty productions. Which of these interventions is MOST likely the method chosen by the SLP? A) integral stimulation B) multiple phoneme approach C) sensory-motor approach D) paired-stimuli approach


When producing the voiceless fricative /f/, the muscle that MOST likely contracts is the _____________. A) lateral cricoarytenoid B) transverse interarytenoid C) oblique interarytenoid D) posterior cricoarytenoid


When planning tx for individuals with CAS, an SLP needs to be cognizant of deficits beyond speech sound production. Other frequently occurring deficit areas include _______________. A) fluency, feeding/swallowing and literacy B) hearing, metalinguistic/phonemic awareness and syllable shapes C) language, metalinguistic/phonemic awareness and syllable shapes D) prosody, phonation, and feeding/swallowing

D--children with CAS often have co-occurring deficits in nonspeech motor bxs, motor speech bxs, speech sound/structures (i.e., words and syllable shapes), prosody, language, metalinguistic/phonemic awareness, and literacy. However, these children do not have problems with fluency, hearing, or feeding/swallowing skills.

A child in an elementary school is currently producing one-word utterances and has demonstrated difficulty producing more advanced utterances. The SLP who is working with the child has decided to use expatiations during play activities as a means of increasing utterance length. If the child produces the utterance "kitty,'' which of the following is an appropriate response for this SLP to use? A) what does the kitty like to do? B) that is a kitty C) what is the kitty's name D) that is a soft kitty

D--expatiations are contingent verbal responses that add new but relevant info to a child's utterance and can be sued to indirectly target language facilitation .By adding the info that the kitty is "soft", the SLP is offering new info and vocab to the child. IN CONTRAST, an expansion is the contingent verbal response that increases the length or complexity of the child's utterance. The reposes "that is a kitty" is an example of expansion. The response "what does the kitty like to do?" is an ex of a prompt, which is a comment or question that serves to extend what the child has said. Finally, the response of "what's the itty's name?" utilizes the vertical structure method, where the LSP asks questions in order to construct a syntactically correct sentence

G is an SLP working in early childhood education setting. Recently , he has begun working with a child who has sig. language dx. G has chosen to utilize induction teaching to facilitate the child's learning of language. which of the following statements BEST describes this approach to intervention? A) providing an enriched language-learning environment with no specific targets B) targeting of specific forms and fxs through repetition and modeling C) increasing the rate at which a targeted form or fx is learned D) using a more explicit and systematic set of teaching steps

D--induction teaching refers to use of more explicit and systematic set of teaching steps, beyond modeling. When this form of instruction is utilized, it's not assumed the targeted form would have been learned without intervention, or learned to the same degree. Use of induction teaching also lead to concomitant achievements in academic and/or social contexts. IN CONTRAST, facilitation refers to increasing the rate at which a targeted form or function is learned, focused stimulation refers to the targeting of specific forms and function by the SLP through repetition or modeling, and general stimulation refers to a provision of an enriched language-learning environment with no specific target for learning

Two researchers are analyzing the data collected from a recently completed research study. The researchers have found that their measurements are in good agreement, thus demonstrating adequate interobserver agreement. This finding is a good estimate of measurement _______________________. A) accuracy B) agreement C) precision D) Consistency

D--interobserver agreement is a measurement of how consistent two or more researchers are in making a particular measurement. As the two researchers from this scenario demonstrate good interobserver agreement, it is safe to say that they are being consistent in their measurements.

A parent arrives at a local speech and language clinic with his young son, with complaints of "difficulty speaking". An SLP provides a comprehensive speech eval and determines that to target only the child's reduplication, as she believes the child has not reached an age where he should suppress affrication and epenthesis. Which theory of phonological development best matches this SLP's approach to tx? A) prosodic theory B) generative phonology C) bx theory D) natural phonology

D--natural phonology theory emphasizes that children are born with a set of natural phonological processes that they need to suppress as they age. These processes are suppressed as the child develops. Because this LSPO believes that the child has not developed enough to suppress specific phonological processes, she utilizes principles from the NP theory. IN CONTRAST, generative phonology theory is an expansion of the distinctive feature theory and include suppression of phonological processes. The prosodic theory emphasizes the perception of whole words as early word productions, burt, again, does not emphasize suppression of phonological patterns. Finally bx theory posits that phonological development is contingent upon reinforcement, not suppression of phonological processes.

A person is experiencing ataxia. Which CNS structure is MOST likely impaired? A) midbrain B) pons C) medulla D) cerebellum

D--the cerebellum is the structure blow the cerebral hemispheres that is responsible for coordination of movements. Damage to the cerebellum would result in ataxia, or uncoordinated movement, on the IPSILATERAL side of the body

A child is brought to an SLP by parents who's chief complaint is "being hard to understand". The SLP administers a comprehensive speech eval and reveals the following errors: /bu/ for /blu/, /gin/ for /grin/, and /sar/ for /star/. Which phonological process does this child demonstrate? A) nasal assimilation B) affrication C metathesis D) cluster simplification

D--the child is eliminating consonants from a cluster, which is know as cluster simplification. This occurs in this child's speech sample when he removes the /l/ phoneme from the /bl/ cluster or the /r/ phoneme from the /gr/ cluster. IN CONTRAST, nasal assimilation occurs when produce of a phoneme is more like a nasal phoneme in the target word. Affrication occurs when a fricative constant is replaced with an affricate consonant. Finally, metathesis occurs when there is transposition of phonemes or syllable in a target word.

Which muscle contributes to hyolaryngeal depression? A) stylohyoid B) geniohyoid C) mylohyoid D) sternohyoid

D--the muscles most responsible for laryngeal depressionare the infrahyoids, which include the sternohyoid, sternothyroid, omohyoid, and thyrohyoid.

In a narrowband spectrogram, the SLP can see that harmonic spacing becomes narrower throughout a vowel. When listening to the vowel, the SLP expects to hear that the vowel: A) is a diphthong that shifts from a low vowel to a high vowel B) is a diphthong that shifts from a front vowel to a back vowel C) begins at a lower pitch and ends at a higher pitch D) begins at a higher pitch and ends at a lower pitch

D--the spacing between harmonics in the human voice is equal to F0. If harmonic spacing shifts from wider to narrower, then the harmonics are getting closer together and F0 is getting lower.

M. is a 4-year-old child who is beginning preschool. He stutters on about 8% of words and his language is mildly delayed. His dr advised against early referral for assessment by the SLP because she is concerned that labeling the problem will make it worse. The mother is concerned about M's stuttering problem and calls the school-based SLP for advice. Which of the following points is LEAST likely to be helpful in discussion with M's mother. A) assessment f the child's speech will not make it worse and should be completed if there's concern B) There might be some benefit in providing the parent with some evidence-based materials that clarify the purpose of early assessment C) explain the various goals of early stuttering assessment and tx D) explain that the pediatrician is in error

D--these are all pts that might be helpful in dealing with this common concern. Many individuals in health care and education have been taught that delaying eval is good idea, so as not to label sx as "stuttering". There is no evidence that identification and differential dx of stuttering causes stuttering to worsen or persist

A student reads seven research articles regarding recycling challenges and methods. He summarizes and critiques the articles and then, based on his synthesis, proposes a novel strategy to solve urban recycling efforts. This cluster of bxs is MOST closely associated with which of Chall's reading stages. A) Stage 2: confirmation, fluency, ungluing from print B) Stage 3: reading for learning the new C) Stage 4: multiple viewpoints D) Stage 5: construction and reconstructing

D--this student would fall into Chall's stage 5 as the student synthesized multiple viewpoints in order to generate a novel hypothesis. The hallmark characteristics of Chall's stage 5 include creation of new theories based on analysis, synthesis and evaluation of existing sources of info, which this student has demonstrated. Because the student has generated his own hypothesis regarding the material, the student has advanced past Chall's stage 4

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